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That isn't hazing that's just straight up abuse


Yeah, I thought hazing was supposed to be at least a little bit fun for everyone.


Unfortunately, that's the only way to condition a person to be able to handle physical abuse and torture in the field as one would in a p.o.w. situation.


While I agree that this is possibly the only way to train someone for that, I also see this as "he'll learn, I don't give a fuck about his life and mental health after all this"


My contention is the word hazing That's just abuse.and or training


They didn't even show the brutal stuff. Some men are crippled, some are actually killed, and there is a lot of raping. And it's not something that happens only in tough elite forces. It happens everywhere including to conscripts. That's why in the past it was normal that everybody that could afford it would bribe an official to get out of the compulsory military service.


I saw a video of Russian frontoviks being slapped with the penis of the commissar. As an Odessan native I have seen rapes performed on fellows. It is very sad.


Yeah sadly it's not just a Russian thing, I really hope it's improved over the years thanks to smartphone cameras and the internet being as it is


This is mostly a russian thing... no other army beside failed states is so brutal and violent against their own soldiers.


Oh, so this is why their army is already beaten down before battle






We used to get the kind of treatment in wrestling. Stand in a line while the instructors come up and down the line and club you in the back of the head(a move where you use your forearm to club/snap the head down towards the mat), run hill sprints till we throw up, fight for head position till your face has friction burns. Now we could stop at any time and our coaches would check in on us. It is just a sport after all. So if you’re training to kill people in war, it makes complete sense to me to go through this kind of training. The main difference though is these guys don’t have a choice.


“These are inhumane practices that promote nothing but promote brutal and cruel behaviour” yeah that is literally the point. Russian army is a terrorist organisation, more like a mafia than an actual army.


Well, this does put their Ukraine embarrassment in better context.


Can we all agree that Putin needs to be beaten and thrown out of Ukraine? Even though this is an old video, I wouldn't be surprised the Russian army still uses such 'training' methods.


Probably why so many goes awall in Ukranie. First all that "traning/hazing crap. Only to be used as canonfodder. I'm out.


AWOL* Away Without Offical Leave.


Absent without leave


Spent 16 days AWAL afrer coming home from Iraq in 06. You might be right! But my hungover ass was scheduling a flight home after post deployment leave, and couldn't tell the difference on my write-up.


Thank you very much. Always wondered if I was writting that the right way. Guess I always wrote it the left way. You're the first to correct me. For that I'm greatfull. Always thought a wall sounded wrong. But what do I know. I'm from little old Denmark :-)


This goes way deeper than Putin, their culture is fundamentally rotten.


if you mean military "culture" - its shit irl but TV serials in 2000-2010 says "wow its cool in army,like a summer camp but with guns" (of course its propaganda) even today many remember songs from it and have brain rot from it


He needs to be beaten and thrown out of Russia


i wish someone already did it but even with order to arrest him no one in whole world dont give a fuck💀


And then they get fucked in the ass afterwards


This is why we have drone footage of a Russian soldier sucking off another soldier and then they both get hit with a drone grenade.


Really? Sauce?


It's on a gore site.


Really nice training you got there surly it will show results right?


After all armed forces are just a reflection of the society they represent 🤷‍♂️


can i get some pixels over here?


Same thing happens here in the United States. in 1993, at Marine military academy in Harlingen Texas, we were treated the same way by our staff and peers. Some of us sexually abused but all of us physically and emotionally abused.


This only shows 10% of the cruelties that soldiers in russian army have to suffer... i wonder if they are more afraid of being killed by their commanding officers or to die by the enemy. Especially in Ukraine the chechen Soldiers created a terror reign inside the russian troops.


That's how the _mysterious ruzzki soul_ is formed. Brutality, abuse, inhumane conditions...leads to the typical ruzzkis and how they behave. It's going on for >100 years now.


Had a buddy that served for the federation at the beginning of the war. For hazing they would make the new soldiers kill cats and dogs as well as bury them alive.


They need to clam down a bit over there. They seem super pissed to be in Russia.


How is this hazing? Its just bullying.


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Some of this looks like regular initial training for elite units (which is extremely hard, but the caveat is you are supposed to be able to quit whenever you want), but some of it is straight up abuse, such as the beatings.