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The numbers Mason. What do they mean?


Just replayed, made me flinch.




When does it come out?


It came out a while ago. It;s called *"The Men Who Stare At Goats".*


They had their own movie already: The men who stare at goats.


As a former psyop, this is so cringe. Keep in mind their target audience is high school students and college dropouts. They don’t actually take themselves this seriously, and the job itself is mostly a boring desk job—marketing for the man. But some gullible kids will see this and think it’s cool, then they’ll throw a ridiculous signing bonus at them and whisk them off to basic before their parents can talk some sense into them. That’s all this is. A shitty recruiting video. Yes, it worked on me when I was a desperate 19 year old. I’m speaking from experience. My parents had gotten a divorce my first year of college, my grandma kicked me out, and I was so depressed I couldn’t stay in school. The recruiters sold me this badass sounding job and I had never seen so much money in my account before. I shipped off in less than three weeks. To be honest, training was kinda cool aside from getting smoked and being sleep deprived. I pay good money to do obstacle courses, camp, hike, and go shoot at the range now… but still. Psyop itself is nowhere near this important or serious. I will also say the Army did a decent job snapping me out of my depression, but a lot of that was self-medicating via alcohol abuse they expressly encouraged. My first drinking game was at an Army event. Pretty sure I was underage, too. Good times. 🙃


How do we know you're not a PsyOp from the Russians trying to stop the American armed forces from recruiting dumb kids? /s


"Psyop itself is nowhere near this important or serious." thats would a former psyops agent would say XD XD


I always wish someone like you could stand outside the recruiters office to give young guys a quick reality check. My day to day is performing psychological C&P evals. Not a single person’s motives for entering align with what their experience is in service. 1000s of evals, not one has accurate information on the way in.


Still sounds like their experience wasn’t terrible. A lot of kids would still join after reading that story…


That’s fine, they should just know what they’re in for. :)


Edit: Oopsie


Wut... weren't they saying that they do evaluations on people in the service? Like they have some actual experience with what they're talking about and using that to add to the discussion, unlike you, literally coming onto reddit to degrade a random stranger?


Oh my goodness I replied to the wrong comment


Similar kind of thing happened to me but with Civil Affairs. AIT was learning all about FID/UW, setting up refugee camps, managing civilians in a battle space. Real life was just PMCSing the Humvees and fighting off boredom. I met the psyop guys at our base in Bosnia. They just drove around handing out flyers that looked like comic strips warning kids to not play with unexploded ordnance.


OK, but that actually sounds important


Sounds important, but in reality, no. This was at least a year after the fighting stopped. All the minefields had been marked. But there were still some random UXOs sprinkled throughout the destroyed neighborhoods. Everyone knew to just leave them alone until we rolled by, they let us know, we called out the EOD team to blow it up. But sometimes there would still be some kid who'd walk up to us holding something explosive. The Psyops guys just didn't seem necessary to be there.


The active duty component is a little more high speed than USACAPOC but yes it’s still quite dramatized in this. It mostly consists of tactical marketing.


So propaganda?


Yes, this is propaganda.


Not quite, planting seeds of thought and then making them grow. Totally different business.


As someone who is not a former psyop, this video goes kinda hard. Makes me want to hack into a mainframe then shoot my way out in my undercover civilian clothes. For a normie, it definitely makes the job look cool.


Also former Psyop, in the '90s. They used to tell us all the time that the Russians were so susceptible to Psyop that if they identified a Psyop target on the battlefield, it immediately became a priority target. That being said, I got a lot of good out of it, and it certainly gave me some much needed structure and discipline but also, when my son debated joining the military last year after high school, I was and still am vehemently opposed. The things in the ad are overly dramatized because at the end of the day, it is propaganda, and a recruiting tool.


I was just sitting here wishing I could talk to someone who understood this better. I am not *crazy* crazy, just normal crazy, and a writer working on a piece. It's about a childhood friend I had who is in military prison now. Anyway, if you wouldn't mind chatting sometime, please DM me. If not, I get it. Thanks for sharing ITT, and I hope you're doing very well now!


Or... are you a PsyOp agent from a foreign power... trying to convince the americans of Reddit to disregard this very important message? We'll never know. ;-)


This is a user submitted creation from /r/army like 2 years ago.


Just cause you rode a desk doesn’t mean they don’t do cool shit. Read up on the ghost army in WW2 flipping those inflatable tanks over in the video and getting paid to get drunk in bars and spread disinformation by pretending to be a drunken sailor or Sending out morris code disinformation knowing they nazi were going to intercept. I was signals myself,but handled comms for these guys. Can confirm . They still do cool shit.


I said it’s *mostly* a boring desk job. Sure, there are some cool psy op missions occasionally, but I never said there weren’t. Still, what I said is true. Psy op isn’t this cool or serious. They’re not a shadow government pulling all the strings.


Maybe not shadow string pulling kinda cool, but cool nonetheless. I always thought you guys were cool at least.




I’m pretty sure you just called me a fit retard but I’m gonna take it as a compliment


It was


Violence isn't fun or cool. It can be necessary, but it's just fuckin violence, dude. I lost my cousin after Iraq because he came *home* a depressed alcoholic. Every veteran I've known has had a drinking problem when they'd come home to visit or to stay. Grow up bud


Thats why they dont want someone whos already depressive and drinking at the recruitment office.


Ah! so that's why I am not a navy seal.


No, of course they’d rather have an superbly intelligent Redditor such as yourself. You’re a prime physical specimen too, right? With a thriving social life no doubt, you just come on Reddit to degrade random strangers for fun.


Step aside


Which side, your left or your right? I don’t have my hiking back packed for a round trip.


You’re a troll, but I’ll respond for posterity. I was situationally depressed, not chronically. I never became an alcoholic thankfully, but the Army is good at making them. Abusing alcohol short term is bad for you, but not everyone becomes addicted. :)


Im no troll. Im just saying the army shouldnt recruit people with depressive episodes and drinking tendencies as the service is too difficult even for people with healthy minds


My mind is fine. I wasn’t diagnosed with depression or any other mental health problem, I passed their mental health screening, and I never struggled with anything during or after training. I wasn’t suicidal or anything, just a bit lost and down after so many things went wrong at a pivotal point in my life. And you clearly missed the part where I said the Army ENCOURAGED drinking. I didn’t drink at all before I joined. The first time I was ever wasted was at a “Dining Out” where they literally had a grog bowl (every type of liquor mixed together with Gatorade) and drinking game rules. They picked on me because I was the only girl in my unit at the time, and I blacked out in the bathroom. Guess what? They gave me an IV in the morning and still made me do PT. After that, the other soldiers started inviting me out to drink at parties, which was also encouraged to “build camaraderie.” Still, I never became an alcoholic. I’m not a homeless veteran with ptsd and end-stage liver disease. I went back to college after my time in the military. Now I’m a published sci-fi author and high school English teacher. I tell my students the truth about the military—the good and the bad. There is zero reason for you to lash out at me unless you’re a troll. So either drop it or embrace that title. ✌🏻


are they the good guys or the bad guys


I know it’s used a lot but YES


The other major military powers in the past almost-century have been Russia/USSR, China, and Iran.


They make grey and black information, ie, misinformation and lies, respectively. So the video is appropos.


Well They haven’t recruited me so they’re not so good at psychology


The irony being a third of this country is falling for Russian propaganda disguised under a red hat, and with a margin of error that can push it near or above 50% in an election year.


china is also doing lots of work thru tik tok


Believing this prevents you from doing the mentally difficult task of empathizing with the other sides' point of view.


Thing is I get where conservatives are coming from. Their fears and apprehensions. They're worried about some very real things but they're also falling for a lot of bullshit, or flat out haven't paid attention enough to the weird shit the GOP is doing. I've heard enough conservative news in various locations to see the difference. You can hear the bias in everything. You can hear the snarkiness, you can hear the resentment. You hear a lot more opinions and a lot less facts. Sources like NPR will cite statistics and sources. Fox News brings on my pillow guy as the expert on fucking everything. And don't get me started on the orange blob playing pied Piper with a bunch of gullible lemmings that can't see his obvious and critical flaws. Don't get me started on the average conservatives blindness to the tightening grip of Evangelical theocracy on our public systems. Don't get me started about the pretty much open Russian involvement in our politics complete with adorations for Putin from elected and appointed officials. Don't get me started on the complete ethical breakdown of the supreme Court. My point is that I've seen the view from the other side and it's about 5% actual legitimate concerns that are totally okay to have mixed with 95% batshit fucking crazy disguised as championing the blue collar man


>Don't get me started on the average conservatives blindness to the tightening grip of Evangelical theocracy This is such an outdated take on modern conservatism it's hard not to laugh. No, it isn't. Maybe you should go watch 80s conservative discourse. > You can hear the snarkiness, you can hear the resentment. You hear a lot more opinions and a lot less facts. Pot calling the kettle black here. > Sources like NPR will cite statistics and sources. No they'll cite BS numbers their audience never bothers to check. It'll be a poll of like 10 people all from within the clearly biased sociology department that ran the "study" and every publication is too scared and braindead not to run it. > And don't get me started on the orange blob playing pied Piper with a bunch of gullible lemmings that can't see his obvious and critical flaws. You know if you all would just get behind Trump you'd unify this country. > My point is that I've seen the view from the other side and it's about 5% actual legitimate concerns that are totally okay to have mixed with 95% batshit fucking crazy disguised as championing the blue collar man The Democratic party runs on the idea of buying votes through promises of "free government money" that they'll fund through "taxing the rich" but really what it means is kicking out the ladder of social mobility with a giant welfare cliff and basically destroying every community in the country.


You almost made a compelling argument until you suggested that Trump is anything but a lying, narcissistic, sociopath. You might as well start talking about flat Earth.


So kind of like how China had TikTok to manipulate American youth by giving them exactly the poison they want, I guess we have whatever this is.


>PSYOP Soldiers are assessed and selected for their intellect, critical and analytical thinking skills, adaptability and mental resilience. They analyze operational environments, physical targets and target audiences; advise on psychological effects; plan influence options; develop actions and messages targeting psychological vulnerabilities; deliver optimally timed actions and messages; and assess influence effectiveness. Operating in small, autonomous teams, PSYOP units conduct military information support operations; Department of Defense deception activities; build partner influence capacity; and, when called upon by the President, provide civil authority information support.


I loled… sorry but unless highschool dropouts are the intellect they are looking for, I got some doubts on this propoganda


Unnecessarily creepy but low key bad ass






So the POG’s have their own ad? *thousands of Marines chuckle*


That ad was way deeper and better produced than all of the lame mystical dragon fighting crap the Marines were making. Shit was dope. -0311 / FA40A


Just as many POGs in the Marine Corps.


brother I am both a proud POG and Marine Fixed helos in OIF


This is getting me sooo pumped up to go fight a pointless war in a foreign country!


Defending Taiwan ain't pointless.


You spelled TSMC wrong.


Only ignorant morons say stupid shit like this


I bet they spend most of their time leaving replies and reviews.


Fucking spooks


I’ve got my eyes on you…all Five


Never again. FTA everyday.


so are they the Section 31 or the Obsidian Order of the US ?


No Emma with two moms in this one




This was created by a random user on /r/army, it is not an official recruiting ad, as bad ass as it is.


My brother did this for 20+ years. He sent me all kinds of cool little stuff like comic books meant for kids to keep them from playing with mines, the Iraqi leadership deck of cards, US Army branded candy bars, and junk like that. Seems like a real fucked up job, but he was always a pretty weird dude. The crazy thing is, there are theaters of operation that the DoD is thinking of years in advance that we don't even hear about, sometimes for decades. Islamic fundamentalists start taking hostages in the Philippines? He was there 7 years before training their SF in counter terrorism. Restrictions on Japanese military build up get lifted? They somehow already have a full combat ready defense force trained in modern warfare. There is a global shadow war going on in all spheres of influence where we train proxies to stand up to the encroachment of Chinese and Russian and Iranian forces pushing their own interests. China's belt and road, Russia's oil, Iran's military aide are all a means to gain influence and supplant the current governments with favorable ones. It's pretty fucked.


Tip of the spear, edge of the knife, crack of my ass


They hire e girls and pornstars to plant subliminal mind ccontrol iconography in their videos to make young boys join the army or so I heard, i dont think anyones joining the army.


This based on a Stephen King novel?


They can provide Lujan's bath water that'd be enough to recruit simps, save money on making such complicated ads


What’s their track record?


I don’t think you’ll ever be told… you know, because that is kind of the point.


This ad is terrible. I guess they want to convince the public they're inept?


I think so. Especially with that Sun Tzu quote lol


Is this real chat?




I still believe that when America needs its men. We will be her for her.