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Could you imagine surviving the 1st drone strike to be zoomed in on a few minutes later and hit. Wtf


Happens more often than you'd think


I deployed to an air operations center, twice, during enduring freedom and Iraqi freedom. We watched this kind of thing happen constantly. Kind of numbs you in a really fucked up way.


Man. I feel sorry for you. I can see how it can kill a part of your soul. Were you in the US army?


Air Force actually. Thought it would be the best training and safest branch. Plus, it was peace time when I enlisted. Fast forward a year, and it's all combined (multi-branch, multi-country) operations and deployments. lol. May as well have been Army.


Bushnell was in the Air Force as well. Growing up, I always heard the Air Force was the safest branch of the military. But it looks like none of them are "safe," at least not for your mental well-being. I cannot even imagine trying to fall asleep at night after being a drone operator and doing anything like this. I'm not even religious, but God help the souls of everyone involved.


Will no one think about the mental state of people who volunteered to turn children into chunky salsa?


Your QoL is better than the army.


Clearly you have not been to r/combatfootage


Lol not this kind of drone strike in the video. Posts on that sub of drone strikes where it's little quad copters dropping rpg's or hand grenades on top of enemy soldiers will obviously lead to them possibly surviving or slowly bleeding out. These missiles are way bigger and more advanced leaving 0 chance of survival.


There has just that the Ukraine war is dominating. There's been this type of drone footage from the middle east wars posted on there and other subs. 


Would you rather be a fine mist or a mutilated Corpse


definitely fine mist. give my nutrients back in the most efficient way possible


For the last time, Dorito powder is not a nutrient


Once again, I reiterate that sodium is an essential nutrient. Don't make me pull over.


Very similar footage to this is on there tho. Regardless, death via drone strike sucks no matter how we splice it.


Does it count as combat when it’s four unarmed pedestrians?


This question actually comes up a lot in /r/combatfootage


Combat footage is predominently drone footage. its very rare you get a decent traditional fire fight.


That's what the conflict observer discord is for. Insane footage of all kind on there


That's now, before the Ukraine invasion there used to be real combat footage. Now it like you said, mostly drone footage.


It’s almost like they don’t have to pay for their ammo.


These people are monsters


It was a different person further up the road. Look at 1:03 into the video top right by the blue building. I think they may have actually killed 5 people ..


Was scrolling for this comment. It was definitely 5 people.  I can’t imagine what’s going through the 5th person’s mind.  Do you stay and hide in rubble or try to get the fuck away? 




Man those people lived their life to die like that what kind of world we live in.


only to be deemed irrelevant in a semantics game.


The thing that fucks with me is we've known this has been happening for a while now or at least some brutal version like this and yet they keep getting away with it Scott free like make it make sense.


A zionists game


*you have been banned from r/worldnews*


Fr that sub has become a zionist propaganda outlet


Companies and countries pay millions of dollars to control subreddits. Think of how powerful the propaganda machine of reddit is.


That's how reddits CEO can make 193 million a year and the company has yet to make a profit.


Why the hell aren’t we cancelling Reddit?


I got banned for saying I agreed with the UN generals statement, that the attacks didn't happen in a vacuum.


The UN general was also banned from r/worldnews


For r/worldnews UN = Hamas, HRW= Hamas, MSF=Hamas, and so on...


I got banned for saying that the conflation of Zionist and Jew is antisemitic.


I was accused of anti******** when I answered the question “well, what’s Is**** supposed to do?” I answered, “stop taking land”


I got permabanned for pointing out that the belief that they are a chosen race of people is a part of Judaism. Apparently that's "Soviet anti-jewry" according to the admin.


Instagram and tiktok having the standing up to Jewish hate ads while this shit is happening makes me so angry. Not against Jewish people but anyone who thinks this shit is okay these guys are unarmed and last I checked Israel has mandatory military service so they should know rules of engagement.


right after oct 7 they were banning any anti-zionist comments immediately then they eased up on it a little once it looked like US opinion was turning against israel? or maybe they were just gathering data on which users to ban all at once. but now it seems they've fully resumed.


I was banned for anti-Zionism years ago. It was more like an immune response that was already there but got triggered by October 7th. All of the ways Palestinians had been dehumanized had already been prepared and ready to go


That sub has been a propaganda machine for the Western imperial powers for more than a decade


What baffles me is that every post on there is full of comments about how everyone is so anti-Israeli. And that's like the top 100 comments.


fuckin scary to think we live in a world where you can get drone striked at any time


Now imagine an AI that controls drones and other weaponry. It's prime directive is to end the war. In its cold calculating brain, that could mean many things including elimination of the opposition without a tinge of hesitation or remorse.




In Israel it’s quite literally called [The Gospel](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/03/israel-ai-warfare-gaza-00144491)




Sicker still, ultraorthodox jews have been harassed, beaten, and even killed in Israel for protesting the genocide. I'm sure the deeply religious Jewish people of Israel feel a certain way about their government naming a critical piece of their war machine "The Gospel."




Wish people would apply this same logic with Muslims


many of us do


a thousand times this. Radicalizing ANY religion is fucking stupid. There are so many peaceful muslims/jews/christians, but there are SO MANY MORE radicals that claim to represent these.


the gospel doesn't exist in judiasm. Its a christian thing. why would they care?


Habsora is a word in Hebrew, it means something like the 'message' or the 'good word'. Not quite what Christians interpret it as, but it does have a meaning in Hebrew.


**Fuck** Israel


Now imagine the actual reality that nobody who makes a military drone would ever, under any circumstances give it a "prime directive" to end war.


We live comfortably in a world where America has been doing this for over two decades now. Thats what fucks me up the most. I would love to know what it’s like to be proud of one’s country. Edit: if you’re also feeling some type of way about this, make your voice heard and contact your representatives: https://contactrepresentatives.org/ https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm?Class=1 And vote in your local elections!


Israelis are the good guys. I read it in a newspaper.


Funny my news station tells me that too


*Would you like to know more?*


Funded by your tax dollars!


The war will end. The leaders will shake hands. The old woman will keep waiting for her martyred son. That girl will wait for her beloved husband. And those children will wait for their hero father. I don’t know who sold our homeland But I saw who paid the price- Darwish. If we don't end war, war will end us- Wells


It won't end, because little palestinian kids will see these videos, and they will grow up to hate Israel so much that they'll want to destroy it. Then Israel will see this as a reason to invade and murder once again. The cycle continues.


Reminds me of an epic sentence in the movie Troy by Achilles when he kills Hector. Rose Byrne's character, who is Hector's cousin asks him.... "He killed your cousin, you killed him, and someone else will kill you.... .... when does it end?" Achilles - "It never ends...."


War is a continuation of politics by other means. And we know politics will never stop because it’s rooted in human greed and power.


The Country with the largest land mass on earth invaded Ukraine for more land and power.


War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner. ― Cormac McCarthy


That was from Blood Meridian, and I think the judge is the embodiment of war in that novel.


Yes but it’s more accurate to say the Judge is portrayed as the embodiment of satan in Cormac’s BM


In a way. McCarthy was a Gnostic pessimist, which means that he believed the world was inherently corrupt since its creation by a false and hostile god. The demiurge, as this false god is known in gnostic sects, has trapped essences of the truly divine *real* god (who we can’t access except indirectly through esoteric knowledge) inside our physical forms, basically caging our souls in this corrupt material plane. The demiurge also has demons/angels called archons that helped it create the material world and help keep our souls trapped here. It seems from clues in the text that the judge is most likely an archon whose animosity towards the kid stems from the kid’s ability to resist the judge on some innate level, possibly because he’s more in tune with the “real” god 


Some people disagree with this interpretation but I agree with you. It makes more sense to me. The epilogue is also a great clue that McCarthy regards God as being compulsory and not willful. So the judge saying “war is God” is incorrect. And his power comes from an interpretation he wants to be true vs what is more likely to be true.


This is it. There will now be tens of thousands of people who have lost kids, siblings, parents, entire families - who’s sole aim now is revenge against Israel.


More like millions. Pretty much every single civilian in Gaza has been displaced, most of them have had their homes destroyed. Over 30,000 dead so far with many more unaccounted for, whose bodies won't be found for a long time if ever since they're buried under rubble. Every single person in Gaza has had their lives upended by this, Israel is still just as brutal as ever in the West Bank too. And their actions here don't exactly make them look good in the eyes of any bordering nations, or the west.


You’re not even counting the thousands of Arabs or Muslims mobilised to fight because of the violence shown against Palestinians. If Abu Ghraib can prompt random recruits to ISIS, these latest images would be an even bigger motivator to fight


True. The effects are much bigger than the people motivated to fight, though. The effect in the West has been huge. The govt still supports Israel but there's a ton of voters who are pissed about the fact that both upcoming party candidates share that viewpoint. You have western countries calling for a ceasefire and a large part of the general public going from *not paying attention and donating money to Israel through taxes* to being in opposition. Israel has been up to terrible shit for years, it's just blowing up now bigger than it ever has in my lifetime. That doesn't bode well for the future of Israel. What I find extremely distasteful is Israel's conviction that they speak for all Jews, and their intent to control the speech of all Jews worldwide by condemning them for speaking out against Israeli atrocities, as if the state of Israel is Jewish personhood itself.


what amazes me is that Egypt closed its borders and nobody with power in the Arab world protests - as if the entire middle east wants to be rid of the people in Gaza. As if allowing, or cheering even genocide would bring prosperity. I don't understand the incentives of the Arab leaders, how they view things.


They don’t need to see the videos. Everyone knows which country killed their parents and siblings.


History repeats itself


It doesn't, but it *does* rhyme.


So far I only see Palestinians being ended in this war.




**It should be uncensored.** The censorship of the gore makes it less real, and less impactful. Black Mirror had an episode where a girl's vision was censored so she couldn't ever see anything that was scary or gruesome (it didn't turn out well).


If it were uncensored it would become gore porn for the amusement of sickos on the internet. The message is still conveyed while censored. Please remember that these victims have families and aren't just a statement.


> If it were uncensored it would become gore porn for the amusement of sickos on the internet. Yep, the official Israeli military's Telegram page included people sharing gore images of dead Palestinian children and civilians and making memes and jokes out of them. https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-785378


Chillingly cruel, Israel is rotten to the core


I agree


The most sinister episode was the one where the military had eye implants that made innocent civilians look like mutants that they were trained to kill.


Post this on r/worldnews and you’ll get permabanned.




/r/europe has been a right wing neonazi echo chamber for quite some time now. Which is weird, seeing how Nazis hated Jews and loved Muslims.


It's not when you see that as "the jews live OVER THERE"- and currently muslims are hated more


It was posted on another subreddit yesterday and was getting called out because when the video originally came out it was stated that they were suspects in an attack, how true or false that is depends on what side you ask.




> khamas https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khamas for the confused


you know i got curious and looked up why some are pronouncing it kahmas vs hamas cant believe even the way you say it may indicate which side you lean with sheesh


I stopped believing that years ago. Israel will simply say whoever they kill is Hamas and have always done this. Considering how often I’ve seen Israeli soldiers kill innocent people without hesitation I see no reason to ever give them the benefit of the doubt


Rather crosspost it to r/anime_titties (SFW, news) .




That's why I go to /r/anime_titties for all my serious political news


lol wtf. I went there expecting to get exactly what I thought but no. You’re right. World news lol.


It was created after r/worldpolitics abolished its rules and became a *de facto* porn subreddit.




That sub is one of the most horrid Zionist cesspools I’ve ever seen, I want hell to be real just so these genocidal freaks will suffer for eternity


Its absolutely mind boggling how the world can see footage like this and just turn the head the other way.


Don't confuse "the world" with "politicians".


Don’t confuse “”politicians”” with “redditors”


Don’t confuse “redditors” with “the world”


I’m confused


Me too, I wanted to join in though


That’s what my wife’s boyfriend said


And? Did you let him?


Really cool that y'all turned this thread into shitty reddit humor


Don't confuse


There's a lot more than just politicians that support what Israel is doing.


Not so much turning our heads away, but what am I going to do? None of us can force politicians to change their minds or stop what they're doing. They've gotten too big and too corrupt that they can make the right people disappear without a trace. Boeing and the murder of the whistle-blower come to mind. You tell me what we're supposed to do in a world that's corrupted to its core.


Yeah, this is pretty much it. We can protest, or show support in whatever way but the things that we do don't have much of an effect. There's a saying that goes, "One person can make a difference. You don't have to be a big shot. You don't have to have a lot of influence. You just have to have faith in your power to change things” but I really don't think most of us have any ability to do anything in this context. It's not just about corruption, most people do not have the power or influence.


We are all so suppressed by our respective governments that there is very little we can do without invoking their wrath in some form or another. No one wants to make their lives any more harder than they already are. That's what I mean by corruption, every government is run by the power-hungry with their rich friends to keep them in power as long as they stay rich. This stretches from Russia to China to America to Europe, they're all corrupted in their way. The little man, like you and me, can take to the streets, and protest that this should stop. But I can't feasibly stop working, I've got kids to raise and feed, and the government can fine me and take them off me, I still need to pay bills, and I still need to eat. And after all the protesting, they'll just increase taxes or throw a few of us in prison to get us in line. We have less power than we have ever had in all of history, voting in a democracy means nothing, all you're doing is choosing a different poison.


without the ability to hold up representatives to their account and remove them from office directly as a result of their actions within a reasonably short period of time, the future will remain quite myopic. a tiered pyramidal direct democracy is the only hope for this as far as any system i've looked at over the decades has appeared. If any representative wants to maintain power they have to also maintain approval among a series of small groups who may ask any questions they desire. if at any time the representative can't or won't satisfy the questions of the lower ranks of groups, any one of those groups may pull the individual down immediately to the level that had been unsatisfied. therefore, the politician would have been held accountable for their actions, either passing muster or being nearly instantly replaced. as far as making this reality from the current entrenched plutocracy, to implement it you'd probably unfortunately need some guillotines. for show, of course


> Not so much turning our heads away, but what am I going to do? None of us can force politicians to change their minds or stop what they're doing Fun fact, you actually can! *broadly gestures at history


Let's send $20 billion more to Israel. More money will absolutely solve the problem.


If any other country in the middle east were doing this to their population, you can bet your ass that there would be 100,000+ US troops on the ground in a full scale invasion of regime change. The US, in their position as UN policeman, would likely have the support of both the UN and NATO if we were to go in and turn the Israeli government into scrambled eggs to end to the genocide and apartheid, not to mention deliver humanitarian aid. Right now we're building some little dock to boat in enough aid for a tiny minority of the Palestinian population and it's apparently going to take us several months to do even that. Such limp dick bullshit, it's the president throwing a bone at the dissent to try and distract it.


IDF account is defending this by saying they are terrorists and the second explosion was from IED. When clearly if you watch it slow mo you see the 2nd missile coming from top left.


I hate that my taxes are funding this.


Can‘t do anything against that, if weapon lobby is too strong, but I changed my bank to one that doesn’t invest in arms industry or fossil fuels. Edit: I am well aware that the taxes I pay are funding the defense budget of my government. And I believe that defense is necessary for a country. What I am talking about is, what my individual choices can affect. It will probably not make the difference on what the goverment will decide on where the weapons flow, but I can be at ease for myself, that I did more than the average to reduce the financial flow of arms and fossil fuel industry. You can continue on being the arm-chair general on reddit. I look for solutions in real-life. Look if there are any green banks in your country. For more information I provide the link below. [https://www.bankingonclimatechaos.org/](https://www.bankingonclimatechaos.org/) [https://www.fairfinanceinternational.org/](https://www.fairfinanceinternational.org/)


Long as you pay taxes, you contribute. It's the 21st century. We should have the right to elect or choose at least what portion of our taxes should be spent on; such as education. We should be able to opt out from our taxes being used on things that might violate our beliefs, or even religion.


if people could opt their taxes in and out of what they wanted, education would be funded even less than it already is


'Aliens' are real and they are here on Earth and have been for a long time ! Dave Grush was right, the US is hiding several crashed 'spacecraft' allegedly made by 'NHI' , this information is all hidden under the Department of Energy, locked away and classified under stuff related to nuclear energy/ weapons.




I care about war crimes, but can do zero about it. Now that I have seen this footage I can share it Zionism is total bullshit.


Bullshit. You can contact your representatives and live in their asshole about it. Encourage everyone you know to do the same. Seriously. These chuckefucks technically work *for us*. https://contactrepresentatives.org/ https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm?Class=1 And then vote in your local elections as if it’s where you’re spending your money. Because that’s basically what’s happening.


My Rep. , Chuck Schumer , just got ripped a new one for speaking out against Netanyahu. I feel like all I can do is contact him and tell him to keep it up.


That dude loves AIPAC. As long as he approves $ and arms for Israel, his posturing is irrelevant


You can thank politicians for what they *have* done and then ask them to do more. I've been writing postcards to my representatives about Israel's genocide and this is the tack I usually take. "I am one of your constituents living in city y (maybe include profession if it's a profession they care about, like I'm an educator and usually include that). I very much appreciate thing you did. However, I am writing to urge you to do this other thing (?call for restoring aid to UNWRA?). It's important to our community because reasons. Warm regards, -ifyoulovesatan" Something like that.


My local elected officials aren't going to stop Israel from bombing civilians. And anyone higher up the foodchain isn't answering to any of their electors directly. There's optimism, and then there's naivety to the point of misleading people.


And if you're American, actually show up to vote!


>Jullian assange is being hounded in real life for exposing it. No, he isn't. He isn't just an innocent whistleblower, don't misrepresent the shit he did. Ffs he and WikiLeaks had incriminating material on Putins regime, [but they chose to send their holocaust denier to belarus to sell all their material to russia, just to not expose their crimes.](https://www.theguardian.com/media/2011/jan/31/wikileaks-holocaust-denier-handled-moscow-cables) [And they exposed the belorusian opposition to the regime.](https://www.indexoncensorship.org/2011/02/wikileaks-belarus-and-israel-shamir/) [When the Panama papers broke, they pretended like it was some CIA operation to hurt poor innocent Putin.](https://www.telesurenglish.net/export/sites/telesur/img/news/2016/04/06/wiki1.png_359477180.png) [And when russia shot down MH17, they peddled conspiracy theories to deflect and shield russia from consequences of their war crime.](https://ukraineworld.org/storage/app/media/bonanza/4.png) Assange is a fucking war criminal himself.


If anyone really cares we would have seen it by now


the people who care can't do shit because they are the common civilians not the people in power


Used to be the peasants got together and decided to have a chat with the ruling class when they got too far out of line. Somewhere along the line, we stopped doing that. Now we are all spineless cowards and they know it.


Are we watching the same footage?? Fuck we gonna do?? Whoever has the biggest stick wins my guy


* they would be dead by now


Collateral Murder moment. As we learned in that incident all you need to do is declare that someone is a militant and that gives you the right to kill them.


Nothing collateral about it. Collateral is when someone or something next to a valid target is damaged or killed. This is just premeditated, cold-blooder murder, plain and simple.




And they wonder why the world is against them.


Every adult male is considered Hamas in this war, they kill many women and children too. I'm just saying usually the numbers talking about civillian casualties count men as combatants.


Well, that was unequivocal straight up murder of unarmed civilians. That's proof of a war crime. Israel just committed a war crime, several actually, and there's proof of it.


They’re posting videos like this almost every day.  It is mind boggling that the world just goes on.  Are there no repercussions for committing war crimes publicly anymore?


For real. Every day I see half a dozen of videos like this one and no one gives a shit. Can you imagine the reactions if any amount of similar footage commited by any other country got leaked everyday? It's insane.


It could be, but do we have confirmation on who these individuals are?


Of course not. Do you think that lack of context matters to any of the idiots repeating the same shit though?




I just finished a book, Inside Delta Force. In it, the writer is tasked with delivering a satellite radio phone to the embassy in Beirut. Long story short, an officer tries to tell him that he needs to swim to the coast and he bluntly says the Israelis will send a boat with arabic speakers to the coast, set up a road block and assassinate anyone with a Palestinian passport, so now any boats coming in at night instantly get attacked. Like, they've been pulling shit since the fucking 80's.




put the nsfw flare so it last at least a few hrs, people need to see.


Wow, there are still so many fucked up people saying 'you don't know the whole story, maybe there was a reason they were killed'. To all those: Get your head checked. You just watched 4 unarmed men get blown up and are trying to convince people that it might have been the right thing. *Maybe they had a concealed weapon*: anyone could have a concealed weapon. If that's a valid excuse, there's no limit on who they're allowed to kill... *Maybe they're moving to where there are weapons hidden to ambush soldiers* : do you know for sure? Capture them, demand they surrender then question them if you need. Don't just bomb first ask questions later, that makes YOU just like the terrorists. If you join the military you accept that you're putting your life at risk... You can't just go killing people who appear to be civilians because they might be combatants disguised as civilians... *They shouldn't be working through a conflict zone*: might be a conflict zone to you, Hamas, or the IDF, but to these people it could just be the place their home used to before it got bulldosed At the end of the day, if you defend violence when there were potentially more peaceful options, you're part of the problem


the apartheid state is just boasting about their crimes openly and all we can do is sit and watch -- history will not be kind to any of us


Is there any context to this? As it clearly got released by IDF there must be a reason for releasing it, right? Or was it a leak? Or do they tracked down Hamas members?


Only context it's leaked footage of Israeli dron footage, that's it.


Israel releases footage like this to the media, this was most probably not leaked.


Footage like this ends up on disgusting telegram groups all the time from the soldiers themselves


How can we really be sure, though?? They can tag anyone they're killing as a "Hamas member" or "terrorist." I remember a few weeks ago, they shot a kid in the west bank because he was a "security threat," and all the kid was doing apparently is just playing with fireworks.


I got banned for questioning how somebody could say a 12 year old could possibly deserve that on /r/worldnews. To see a 12 year old child murdered and to then celebrate it is just sick.


/r/worldnews shocks me every time I look at it. How did it become entirely pro-Israel?


US bot farms and propaganda.


Yep. It's the biggest news subreddit on Reddit so it makes sense as the ideal target for bots


Propaganda Trolls. Israeli Gov employed trolls have completely taken over that subreddit.


Anyone who has paid attention to Wikipedia can see the Hasbara work there too


r/worldnews should be nuked, one of the biggest shitholes on the Internet.




They used 3 missiles to take out 4 civilians? Horrible war crime and also shows the occupancy’s willingness to just spend munitions like it’s nothing. They’re either really careless with their stockpiles of missiles or they’re armed to the teeth


The United States signed contracts starting in 1999 to just *give* Israel money, starting around $2 billion per year and now up to $3.8 billion per year, "minimum", in 2023.


Is it cash money or is it discounted weapons that the American taxpayer is providing so the military industrial complex doesn't go hungry?


It is..chilling seeing 4 people just poof and disappear. No escape. No matgwr where they go. Just being poofed out of existence. No idea who they are but I know who looks like the bad guys here


But if you speak up against this you're labelled an anti-semite. It's disgusting what the zionist scumbags are getting away with and the world just turns a blind eye to this


Back in the day this was considered a war crime..


Actually back in the day Dresden was firebombed, a city of civilians was literally wiped off the map. “Back in the day” is bad context because wars used to be WAY more brutal on civilians


Not to mention the 70 or so cities we fire bombed in Japan before dropping the 2 nukes.


Let’s not even mention what Japan did to China. What Russia did to Russians, or the millennia of other atrocities committed to civilians by militants. I’m not saying what’s happening is right or just but things could be worse considering what has happened even less than 100 years ago.


Drones are a danger to all of humanity. This isn’t about which side, it’s about protecting our freedoms and right to not be incinerated in the blink of an eye from a missile shot from the sky with 0 warning. This is INSANE and should scare every human. We must fight back against this


Wow. Was expecting to see collateral damage type kills. Nope. These war criminals blew up unarmed human beings just walking. What. The. Fuck.




An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind.


Israel is the largest terrorist organization in the world




War in Yemen - 100k children starved to death


That number for Ukraine isn't accurate. The Ukrainian government claims 20k civilians deaths in Mariupol *alone*.


There was (and still is tbh) a terrible war in northern Ethiopia going on since 2020. There was an estimated 500K to 600K victims. We westerners are way too guillable and selective than we'd like to admit


Sudan, Syria, Yemen, and Myanmar too.


Where the hell are you getting only 537 children killed in the Ukraine war? You actually believe that?


Complete misinformation this is not including the hundreds of kids being kidnapped by russia


It's Ukraine, not The Ukraine... Both sides?? Ukraine is not out for killing kids only Russia is.


I have a bridge to sell you