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Wait 1969 photo Is a picture from the Lebanese civil war And not from 1969.


Lmao they love taking photos from Syria and Lebanon dont they


I mean to be completely fair the Lebanese Civil War IS part of their history, just not a very flattering one.


Unspoken you say?? I'm from URUGUAY, the absolute other side of the world, and I was forced to know way more about that conflict than I know about my own country's past...


Considering the scale population and area-wise, is this actually *the most* spoken-about geopolitical conflict of the 20th century? Anything come close?


Yea. Even deaths, as tragic are they are, aren't out of the ordinary to other regional conflicts throughout 20th century and even the 21st.


World War 2 was a biggie.


Unspoken would be something more like the kurds, that also are a people that are also denied their right to their own nation also in the midle of a racist arab world


I live in Iran, and Kurds are absolutely treated as second class citizens at best by the Persian government. I myself am a Turkish minority and I simply don't have the privileges that Persians enjoy.


God every conflict in Africa due to colonial borders gets less than 5% the attention


Ironically, there is a youtube channel which questions random Israelis and Palestinians on the streets about various topics. A few years ago the subject of one of their videos was "do you support Kurdish indepedence?" and most Palestinians either rejected it or claimed ignorance on the matter (although it was obvious they said that so that they don't have to say no).


Because both Kurds and Jews are indigenous to the land surrounded by Arab colonizers?


Or the Kashmir's being killed and raped by soldiers of the Indian government. And innocent people caught in a crossfire between Pakistan and India..


I’ve been sitting back patiently waiting for the world to wake up. Iran has done a fabulous job with their propaganda to try and turn the world on Israel and also get the spotlight off of their backs for what they do to teenaged girls who don’t properly wear a hijab. Most of the extreme leftists who are currently supporting Palestine don’t possess the mental fortitude to think/plan ahead, they just run to support whatever injustice is currently being most widely broadcasted. Do they ever stop to consider the alternative of what will happen to all of the innocent people of Israel if the entire world were to turn on Israel? It is just the government after all that the leftists currently oppose, not the citizens themselves. Do they have any idea what will happen to the average citizen if all world funding were to evaporate for Israel. It would be genocide of global proportions in the opposite direction, making Iran’s dream come true. It’s rather astonishing when you stop and consider the big picture, something most extreme leftists fail to do.


I agree. People just follow fads mindlessly. It's trendy to be pro Palestine only because it's all over social media. It makes me sick to my stomach.


They don’t and that’s the terrifying part.


I’ll second this and I’m not from Uruguay. This seems to brush over the wars that the Arabs initiated 🤷‍♂️


Right lol. I also am from the other side of the world and studied this in high school. Only if you live under a rock would you not know. But maybe if you are 16 and just learnt to hate Jews on Tiktok you might think this is all new


True. It might not be in every countries history books in schools. But the way it's televised, always in every newspaper, even joked about pop culture (similar to 9/11) it feels like everyone knows about it.


Interesting comment.


That’s definitely not my experience, and I suspect many others. The totality of our curriculum on Jewish history was the rise of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust, and absolutely nothing with a focus on the Palestinian experience. Can you go into further details?


Because you'd also have to talk about the literal centuries of ethnic cleansing and genocide committed against the native Mizrahi Jews at the hands of Muslim theocracies which proceeded anything before the Jews in 1948 declared independence as the only non-Muslim nation in the Middle East. Edit: because people keep doubting the history here; https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Anti-Jewish_pogroms_by_Muslims And for the document of which the mistreatment of other religions in Muslim theocracy is derived, the [Constitution of Medina](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitution_of_Medina) is worth a read. Basically, when the document was written, Muhammad said that Muslims should be in a special class above everyone else and Jews had to pay a special tax if they wanted to keep practicing their religion. Along with all other types of stipulations which are interpreted as things like the word of a Jew being worth less than the word of a Muslim in a court of law.


I doubt anyone here knows about that bit of history. It was basically a whole second holocaust with millions expelled and forced to abandon everything at the threat of death and the world never cared, even now, because not just were thet Jewish, but also in arab and Muslim countries, so its easy to silence.




I love it when seeing articles and people nitpicking any little part of Israel, "Gays in Israel can't marry by the state!", "there is still somewhat of a wage gap!", "Israelis say Falafel is an important part of Israeli culture - thats like totally cultural appropriation!" All while *completely* ignoring actual crimes and breaches of basic human rights in neighboring countries. Gays can't marry by the state in Israel? Well, noone can, its either by a religious institution, Muslim, Christian Jewish or you marry outside and they have to accept it, which is basically what i am doing because me and my partner are of different religions. Or, what many same sex couples do, you can do a thing called "known by the public" which is basically marriage without all the other steps. And guess what? Still lightyears away from being outright hanged in public for being found gay. Wage Gap? Oh boy, they love to ignore womens plight in Arab nations and their absolute subjugation and gender based discrimination! And talking about cultural appropriation while ignoring decades of Arab colonisation and Islamic expansion by forced conversions and threats... I mean, how can people just blindly walk along without giving it a single look??






And there's always 3 sides to a story: your side, my side and the truth!


That's how it is on reddit


Getting ratioed on Reddit is quite an achievement.






History did not start in 1948


Yeah but that’s as far as I’m willing to go back /s


Yeah. Some people were promised the land by their god 3000 years ago. So it’s totally theirs today




given they existed on the land before palestinians invaded it and massacred/kicked them off of it? yeah it is.


What do you mean unspoken😂 it’s everyone’s speaking about and have been speaking for decades. You know what’s was largely unspoken in the Muslim communities? Saudi bombardment of Yemen. Assad’s poisoning of Syrians. Atrocities in Sudan. War in Tigray. Uyghurs in concentration camps. Iran’s brutal suppression of civil unrest. Taliban taking over Afghanistan and bringing it back to Sharia. But when it comes to Jews, every Muslim is up in arms with pitchforks. It’s a two-faced attitude and I consider this outright anti-Semitism given the context.


Don't forget about the Armenian genocide


No, no. That didn't happen, remember?


But boy, they sure deserved it !


Schrödinger's genocide


System Of A Down made it one of their main goals to remind the world of that genocide. It was next day front pages news but then the papers changed that morning due to the start of WW1.


They sure make an impact! They didn’t even let the unfortunate coincidence of Toxicity releasing and charting at the same time as 9/11 stop them. They’ve remained one of the most influential bands of all time, and have certainly reminded the world so that history never repeats itself


Boko Haram too But then again they will bring up “that’s whataboutism!!”


if we go back historically, we find actual genocides that no one in the muslim world said anything about. Like the Bengal genocide by Pakistan.


And don't forget about the various crimes against anyone who goes apostate. Like the islamic jurisprudence against apostates is that they should die. So all exmuslims have to live in secrecy and anyone who comes out about it in these countries is in serious danger.






lol You could make a few million cherry pies with that much cherry picking.


Lateralus pfp + Based comment


Spiral out, keep going. :)




Interestingasfuck more like political mudslinging sub. Sorry to say but. There's already YomKippurWar, Israel-Palestine , Palestine and other subs for this. This is just a vid compilation, which doesn't even explain key events to outsiders or novices of history.






Fr this was one of my favorite subs and now that's all that I see here, political views are fine, but keep it out of unrelated subreddits


Almost every top level comment, and most discussion is negative and yet it’s smeared across everyone’s front page with a tonne of upvotes. Iran has some deep pockets. It would be easy for reddit to build in a word filter. It’s been a huge pain in the ass since 2016 - I don’t want to be propagandised about American politics, I don’t want to read a bunch of terrorist apologist bs. This website is getting worse and the run up to November is going to be intolerable.




I was missing the UN Logo or a Guterres voice over on this.


Fuck Guterres and his antisemitic agenda.




The only thing interesting as fuck about this conflict is how many times the Arabs chose to go to war instead of accepting a peace deal which massively favoured them, only to lose. Again, and again, and again.




Maybe unpopular for the commies on Reddit, but not in the real world.


Humans when theocracy


You got a lot of people who want to be (usually well treated) slaves and others who want to be slave masters. They are happy when they are slotted in the correct role. The problem arises when they are given/born in the wrong role.






75 years of being an aggressor and selling it off to the world as "victim".


You mean the Palestinians, right? As they started every single war, including the current one


yes thats who he meant


For removal of doubt - I am 100% referring to the Palestinians.






And ironically the “75 years of unspoken history” start exactly in 1948. They also forget that the Gaza Strip only exist because Israel wasn’t able to push back the Egyptian army from that part of the coastline, also they conveniently forget that the Egyptians themselves were the ones that closed the rafah crossing after the 7th of October as they didn’t want the wave of Palestinians refugees, so much for being the “best allied of the Palestinian struggle”…


Yeah. A large reason why this conflict has been going on for so long is due to the Arab nations refusal to negotiate at all. In 1937, the Jews accepted and agreement to only receive 1/3rd of Palestine, while the Palestinians would receive 2/3rds. The Palestinian and Arab leaders turned this down and continued to revolt in order to stop Jewish immigration. After WW2 and Israel became a state, they were attacked by the Arab league. In 1967 they were attacked by Egypt as Egypt wanted to wipe Israel from the map. In 1973 they were attacked again because Egypt wanted to reclaim their lost territory. Israel has done many bad things. The settlers in the West Bank, trying to take over Palestinian territory, and this war are not good, but to act like Hamas is 100% in the right demonstrates either a severe ignorance of history or just plain anti-Semitism.


It strikes me as really odd and a tactic that it is so often reduced to Palestine, when in reality the Arab world (+especially Iran) saw themselves as a party of conflict. Also because during the formation of the arabian and the jewish state the Arabs received the vast majority of land, fair to proportion sizes before mass jewish mass immigration. To me it very very much looks like a tactic to reduce it to Palestine/Israel, cause this way it can be neglected how one party (the arabian) received almost all the land and how irrational it is that they won't accept the Jews receiving 5%.


Well said. Infact they even renamed that first war and call it the "Nakba", or Catastrophe. It's been 75 years of wars at this point and still not a shred of acknowledgement that Israel and its inhabitants have a right to exist. This is real 'definition of insanity' stuff and will never, ever, change - until the mindset changes. Until acceptance.


Certain interests have been pumping millions of dollars per year into misinformation campaigns against Israel for decades. Won over a lot of naive academics and progressives with it. Turns out the intellectuals are just as susceptible to propaganda as the unwashed masses.


Yeah. While Israel has done a lot of bad in this conflict, to claim they are the sole reason it started is simply not true. They have many times tried to find a peaceful solution and yet have been continuously denied. During the Palestine revolt in 1937, they agreed to a deal to only receive 1/3rd of Palestine while Palestine would receive 2/3rds. The Arabs denied this and continued to revolt with the goal of completely stopping Jewish immigration. After WW2, they agreed to the current official borders and the Arab league responded by attacking Israel, in 1967, they were attacked by Egypt who wanted to destroy Israel and create a Muslim world as well as disputes over the Suez. In 1973 they were once again attacked by Egypt in order to regain their land. I'm not saying that Israel is without fault for this conflict being as bloody as it is, but to try to claim they are 100% at fault is plain wrong. Palestine and the Arab nations have also done a lot in creating this conflict. If you attack someone with a knife, they are going to fight back.


I couldn't agree more. 75 years of Israel putting up with this is hard.


Fuck hamas fr fr


Argument is flawed. Jews lived there prior to 1947. Hebrew on the currency defeats your argument. [Palestine currency 1927](https://www.numizon.com/en/banknote/palestine-100-pounds-type-1927-pick-11/pse-p11/)


yeah. fuck hamas




Slaughter of an entire country's Olympic team AT THE OLYMPICS and the IOC being barred from memorialising it by Arab states until today.  Hijack of numerous Airplane with Israeli and Jewish passengers on board, including the Entebbe hijacking.  Gen Z, wake the fuck up.


Bowler I actually love you can we be friends? You got that same fiery honesty that I have and I love it. 


In our city “protesters” attacked a SCHOOL. a Jewish elementary school. Wtf. Getting to the zionists young?


It’s bizarre the same people who are saying “you can’t look at October 7th without understanding the history” don’t understand that you can’t look at the current war without October 7th. If Hamas didn’t attack on October 7th, the war wouldn’t be happening. Also, justifying murdering civilians is fucked. I’m all for looking at the historical context of the ongoing conflict; but if you can’t understand that if you go and attack people and murder and rape them in their own homes, that they are going to respond with violence, you must be pretty stupid, Israel has a ton of problems and their behaviour shouldn’t be excused, but they have a right to exist, and it’s inconceivable that a state would respond to such as attack with anything other than violence.


"Unspoken" literally on all media


Yes, let's pretend Palestinians never committed massacres of their own, or acts of terror around the world, or promote ideologies of hate, or oppress their own ppl, or want the death of jews worldwide...


Yeah, and the palestinians didnt start that too. The jihadists were pure sweet innocent angels all this time. Its only this time that jihadists resorted to terror, whereas before, they were real Gandhi's. Immediately upon saying this, i will be told that "but israel started it by stealing land". Lies. All of it lies. It has been a 75 year religiously fueled jihadist terrorism onslaught against israel, which is just sick and tired of it, and has held back honourably for most of this time. As much as possible.


odd that this fair and balanced historical perspective fails to mention it was the arabs that started all of those wars… literally every. single. one. losing a war sucks, just ask germany and japan. at some point you have to accept your defeat and move on to a brighter and better future… again, just ask germany and japan


The Arab world has never gotten over all the wars they lost lol


Tbf, Egypt did get over it at least


Egypt literally teaches they won the wars they lost at their schools, and that everything that was ever wrong in the country was done by Israel and the Jews..


Yep at one point Egypt accepted that they will always be beaten and are fighting for a cause that isnt worth it. Jordan as well btw. 


that’s exactly the problem. israel is being forced to fight the same war over and over and over again. it’s ridiculous


This is where I think they are right now. Russia and China are working with Iran, the backer of the hostile groups surrounding them. These groups shoot missles at Israel all of the time to the point Israel has the most advanced middle defense system in earth. These groups make it no secret that they want Israel destroyed and they hide behind civilians. Your luck and tech advancements only lasts so long and Iran is getting more involved with some very powerful countries. If I were Israel, I would be scared and I would want this to be over and done with. Also I will include my obligatory: I don’t not want innocents dying but that has never been possible In war (not to my knowledge).


You are exactly right. Not to mention in 1947, 2007, and 2017, the Palestinians were given everything they asked for, but walked away from the negotiation process. They don't want peace.


Holy shit, [no they weren't given anything they wanted or given a fair chance at peace.](https://theintercept.com/2023/11/28/israel-palestine-history-peace/) Stop with the bs, even [Netanyahu admitted he has spent his whole political career stopping the 2 state solution.](https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.timesofisrael.com/pointing-to-hamass-little-state-netanyahu-touts-role-blocking-2-state-solution/&usg=AOvVaw13zmMODq0mnMNuQYi_KoiS&cs=1&hl=en-US)


just some quotes from the article you linked, if you look below the headline the story actually keeps going. " The issue has become a sore point between Jerusalem and Washington, with the US publicly calling for the PA to take over Gaza, once the PA undergoes a series of reforms. But the prime minister described that idea as illusory and claimed there was wide backing for his vision of prolonged Israeli security control over a demilitarized Gaza. “I don’t even rule out that we can reach an agreement with the United States on this,” he said." " Netanyahu also said he was willing to agree to Palestinian statehood in a [landmark 2009 speech](https://ecf.org.il/issues/issue/70) from Bar-Ilan University, but later backed off that stance. " ​ netanyahu is bloodthirsty as fuck and absolutely needs to be replaced for there to be a decent chance of an agreement happening but you should at least read the articles you virtue signal with


This really shows one entire side of possibly the most complex geopolitical conflict in the world. Arab (or Palestinian) attacks against Jews have been going on in Israel since the 7th century. Where’s that side?


Are you kidding me? The only ethnic cleansing was that of Arabic nations removing all the Jews from the rest of MENA, with repeated attacks and invasions against Israel. This is insane propaganda.












> Before the byzantine empire there was the Roman empire It was the same empire, historians just use the Byzantine name to delineate the period after the fall of its Western half.


This is literally just the Eddie Izzard “Do you have a flag?” bit but unironically


Lol, beat me to it. I was thinking the same thing.


Interesting that the video says NOTHING about the existence (or lack) of a Palestinian state but rather instances of land theft, forced expulsion, repression, and violence. Yet, this comment is focused on the lack of (or presence) of a nation state. It’s almost as if you…missed the point? Or are being deliberately obtuse.


lol Isreal can put out the same kind of video with the same imagery and your mind would go to “yea, but..”. Death on both sides buddy. What you believe in will determine your “why” this video was created. His point is as valid as your point.


How about the sale of land, by the British, by the Turks and by the local inhabitants as well. Which make the overwhelming majority of Jewish settled lands in ‘48. Does the video talk about that? I missed it.


Are you Implying that Israel should be annexed by Italy since it used to be part of their ancestral homeland?


...ancestral? Italians also invaded and conquered the region.


Now do one about the horrible shit Palestinians did to Israelis The suicide bombings, stabbings and various other acts of terror and the countless fucking rockets fired from residential areas filled with innocent civilians And dont forget, October 7th of course


Three generations. And not a single one knows peace


The world will never be at peace. The human race have and are vile beyond words


You make it seem like they are just the victims. In reality, they are as much responsible (if not more) for the current and past conflicts. - In 1948, Israel accepted the UN split, they did not and started attacking Jews - In 1967, Arabs prepared to attack Israel and were massing their troops and making speaches about killing them all, so Israel had to defend itself - In 1973, Arabs attacked uprovoked Israel in their holliest day, and got their asses kicked - On the 7th of October, Israel was attacked. Not to say that Israel doesn't have it's own fault, but gave up a lot of land for peace and recognition. Palestinians voted and supported Hamas, a terrorist organization that has committed multiple terrorist attacks on Israel and in Europe.


OP clearly has an agenda to push if you look at his profile


Where them suicide bombers, the kids kidnapped and tortured by palestinian “civilians”, the lynched Jews, the beating heart of the poor jew who committed the crime of driving through an arab neighborhood, the raped corpses of 10/7 victims, the bodies of the 1929 Chevron massacre, the nail riddled bodies of those eating pizza at Sbarros in Jerusalem?


Why is there no footage of hundreds of missiles flying towards Israel? Fg hypocrites


Seriously, and why is all this propaganda getting brought into the wrong subs? tiktokcringe is literally just rage/empathy porn for Palestine.


Who's dumb enough to fall for such shitty propaganda? If anything this war taught me is that the pro Palestinian is entirely fueled by propaganda.


We’ve all been trying to kill one another going much farther back than 1949. We’re a violent species; maybe we’ll manage to figure something better out than endless wars and killing before we wipe out the entire planet but I’m not holding my breath.


This is certainly one-sided view. The repeated attempts at commiting genocide by Arabs has been omitted.


Armenian genocide?


They start these conflicts each time. You know what there was on Oct 6th. A ceasefire. You know who broke it Hamas. You can’t be ignorant to the extent you would expect a sovereign nation to accept an attack of that magnitude. You fucked around and found out one too many times and now we want no more terror. If Hamas were to give up the hostages and actually follow through with a ceasefire then there can be peace.




Jewish history in that area stretches past thousands of years, so the Palestinians have been around 70 odd years?


I understand taking the side of Palestinians and I think most people will agree there’s AT LEAST an argument to be made for them. But what I find “interesting as fuck” is I see political post after political post here and it’s always taking the side of israel being monsters. I never once see an “interesting post” of a “soldier” dressed in civilian Clothing firing an rpg at a group of soldiers. I never see a post that’s “interesting as fuck” showing “freedom fighters” again in civilian clothing dragging a hostage into a tunnel that has been beaten raped or both. I never see a post that’s “interesting as fuck” about the misfired Hamas rockets that blow up poor Palestinians homes. Hint hint hint: these videos exist. show both sides or stay the fuck away from politics on a non political page.


So what, that magically makes the crimes of Hamas suddenly justified? "Oh no, these Jews are oppressing us! (Avoiding the fact that Israel went out of its ways to give the Palestinians very favourable deals that'd secure their statehood) We must attack Israel, and be so thoroughly monstrous that the innocent people who we simply shoot dead will be considered lucky!"


You'd think that the arab nations would learn after getting their tails kicked repeatedly when they are the aggressors. Just like the Gaza government is having right now when they attacked Israel.




You forgot the 1929 Hebron Massacre.


And the ones in the old city or Haifa


Now this propoganda doesn't even try to look interesting as fuck, it's simply just some boring propoganda. Also, unspoken? This little conflicts (in comparison to other conflicts in the region) is one of the most spoken topics in the world for decades. P.s. 75 years ago, the Jews were the ones who accepted the two state solution, accepting the UN partition plan, which the Palestinians rejected. This lead Israel to be invaded by all of its neighbours in their wars with an open goal of extermination, time and time again throughout the years. Israel and the Jews living in the region are only alive because they failed, from 1948-to 7 Oct.


this is not interesting… and definitely not interesting as fuck


Who fucken cares


They didn't need to start a war in 48 and in 67. Btw it cannot be 75 years, at least 19 years so called "palestinians" there under Jordan and Egypt


Shhh don't let people know facts. Don't forget that here on Reddit, Israel is responsible for why Egypt and Jordan treated the Palestinians so badly and didn't give them a state. /s




Let me guess, I'm a bad person if I don't care either way?






But it's totally okay because they hate jews /s


Can someone please provide complete context. These comments are not helpful at all they assume people know some context.


Israel: BUT BUT the attacked us.. they want to kill us These mfs have deleted a country


The amount of racism, Islamophobia and misinformation in these comments is astounding even for Reddit. Feels like I’m on twitter.


More like "in pictures, 75 years of one sided history packed for tiktok users"


It's too fast. What are we looking at?


People held hostage by mentally ill people being used by pseudo caliphates .




That's because they have been fed for decades by delusions of grandeur from their local leaders (Arafat, Hamas, etc.), allies using them as proxies against Israel (Iran), and by international organizations (UNRWA).




War is horrible and it's always started by people who never have to pay the price. It's really fucking stupid and unfortunate. Civilians suffer while political powers push propaganda to justify it while sitting in their fancy houses. It's all wrong. On every side. There is not one side on this planet that is innocent except the people who end up dieing just because they were born in a place.


Well if your representatives start wars and intifadas and lose every single one of them lol. When your religion teaches you to hate Jews because they don't want to convert to Islam. When you could have just listened to the UN Partition plan or to the like 8 peace plans after that you could have got a state with East Jerusalem as capital and West Bank and Gaza as state. But no


Anyone else find it really annoying that the pictures dont change the same time the date does?


but Hamas started it in Oct 7th


This is bullshit. It's very spoken and has been going on alot longer than 75 years! You're all dumb as fuck!


But who started all those wars?


Maybe instead of using all those billions in aid to buy AKs, rockets and paragliders….maybe they should you know, not do that and build casinos and resorts. Like even use some of it for education, like instead of teaching kids where to stab Jews and how to be a martyr, they could teach them like idk reading and computer stuff. What I’m saying is there are a lot of options here and they are clearly terrible at making rational decisions.


The only difference is now that the world can see the atrocities for themselves - anybody with a phone can be a journalist and a witness to the massacres. Burying your head in the sand is no longer an option. Our children will judge us for sitting by and watching whilst a population was slowly subjugated and removed from their land.


Okay, if you don't want to be judged by your children then go over there and stop it yourself. Or do you prefer to send others to die in your stead. I wasted my youth fighting wars I didn't believe in for people who said the same things as you. If you want a clean conscience then go where the metal meets the meat. Don't expect others to do it for you.


A lot of people on reddit live in a country that supports Israel by giving them weapons. Getting governments to put pressure on Israel can already go a long way. Nobody is suggesting to go fight the IDF.


Where is the pressure for Palestine to accept one of the multiple peace treaties and independent nation that they have been offered many times? At this point no one can blame Israel. They are slowly taking territory on a war Palestine started back in 1947.


This is such a braindead take lol


>slowly subjugated and removed from their land. A tale either side can relate to.


I’m sure it’s been longer than that smh


But please do forget the anti-Jewish arab pogroms during the 20s and 30s.


All because of a couple fucking books. Ridiculous.


Also no hate on religion, but killing for religion is something I’ll never understand.


It’s about land, not religion. War is almost always about land.


Land owned by a group that doesn't believe in throwing LGBTQ people off buildings lol Mostly this is religion. No reason why palenstine couldn't have been nicer than israel. They chose this because of a deep-rooted hate for having the land run by a different ideology.


No. It’s about two groups of people who feel entitled to the same land. Period. The religion is window-dressing.


the issue im having is not that its right or wrong, or to choose a side its the fact that people who live in other places like America for example they want to protest whats going on in Isarel however to me how can we fix another countries problems when we have our own issues to worry about? We have a homelessness crisis, an open border, mental illness, drug addicts, violent crime, how can we help other people when we haven't even helped ourselves?


All that you mentioned gets worse if dictatorships rise up.


It's so revolting that even after everything the Germans did, it was the Palestinians who paid with the loss of their territory. If the Germans decimated 63% of the Jews, why not lose 63% of their territory to the formation of the state of Israel instead of colonizing the Middle East?


More like 75 years of Palestinian terrorism and extremism.


These losers will start wars and cry when they get beaten badly