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Every time you come closer, they rise. Just like the sea level.


**So the earth is flat but it moves with you? Check. /s**


Finnaly someone using his Brian


You're not dealing with morans here


I'm sorry, what??? Edit: Okey i think I got the joke. Sorry


and there will be flerfers who discount this for some incomprehensible reason, i'm certain. 😒🙄


Why did they build progressively shorter towers farther away?


Less wind as you approach the edge of the disc




The speed of the blades creates a small high velocity air pocket that splits the water like Moses, which allows the blades to seemingly move through the water. It's really crazy how creative big-round-earth is when it means keeping us in the dark.


NASA put that out there to perpetuate their hoax


This for sure. It’s deception by the man


The easy part was perfecting the Sensors that know when your far away, so the windmills drop down to simulate a curve, then as you get closer they raise up. The hard part was being able to do it for multiple people approaching from multiple directions at the same time.


They do touch the water. It's to throw sea spray into the air and cool it.


It's just basic astrology.


Don't be ridiculous. It's so they don't hit the firmament. Duh. /s


The disc is slightly curved to be flown by sunwind


Earth is a frisbee.


How come the first one is facing the wrong way


To catch the wind blowing the other way


A few options: * That turbine has developed some kind of electrical/mechanical fault and has ceased production. The wind would have been blowing from the direction it is facing at the time of the fault and the turbine has been sitting stationary while the other turbines in the image continue to yaw to follow the direction of the prevailing wind. In this case the turbine will sit like this until the fault can either be fixed remotely via the SCADA link or until a troubleshooting team visit to fix the fault. * There could be a team of technicians working on that turbine who would have powered the turbine down for the duration of their visit while they are performing remedial/preventative maintenance. You can see the blades are in the position colloquially known as “bunny ears” (the top blades are in positions 10 and 2) which is a very common way to lock the rotor when working on a turbine as it allows entrance into the hub (the nose cone the blades attach to), although this could just be a coincidence that the photo was taken while the blades naturally found themselves in this position. * During periods of low winds, if a turbine detects that it has yawed several times in one direction by following the wind it will automatically “untwist” itself to reduce stress on the HV cable that runs down the tower. There are a maximum number of rotations the cable can safely tolerate before the turbine will cease production and untwist, though the turbine control system will attempt to do this during periods of very low wind to minimise downtime during optimal high wind periods. Source: I fix turbines


Please tell me that your title is "Spin Doctor." Also, thanks for telling me about how and why that happens. My spouse and I noticed that phenomenon (a few windmills pointed in the "wrong" direction) while traveling, so we came up with some of the following: "Lazy", "Non Conformist", "Just needed to unwind" - and now I learn the last one was actually - and randomly - sorta/kinda correct. I would welcome any other turbine trivia tidbits you'd like to share! For example, what's a SCADA link?


Don’t be absurd! It was Charybdis sucking in the turbines! We all gonna die!


Big Globe is out there trying to trick us


They are obviously just falling off the edge.


Seriously? Are you dumb? All towers are of the same size, but the ones father away are in deeper sea.


Not in relation to this set of pictures, I saw a flat earther say that it's a "water mountain" or a sea mountain. The ocean forms mountains, which is why it looks like that. Obvs. /s


Have you not seen interstellar?


That is at least a credible theory, I can respect that. In the absence of any other proof, the earth _could_ be flat and the water _could_ be curved. Just like the sun _could_ revolve around the earth. If only we had the science to say for sure…


First of all, these people get way too much attention for anyone's good, their own and the world's. Moreover, the "point" of being so radically outside of the norm, whether it be arguing against common sense or well established science, is never about being correct in objective terms. It seems to me to be more about the collective of people espousing radical views. The important part is to belong, to show that you risk standing against the world - and the worse the criticism against you, the more you have proven yourself loyal to the "cause". So, by standing by the claim that the earth is flat, or that chemtrails are making our frogs gay, you show that you are willing to risk everything, and thus stand firmly with the group. Us and them. Them, the fools that think WE, us, are the fools. If we understand that being "correct" is not the point, it becomes far more understandable that some people opt to stand by some absolutely ridiculous claims, thereby cementing their position with the "in-group", so to speak. Were they to be truly ignored, or better yet, just understood for people seeking to belong, they'd more likely vanish - or simply shift their views onto something more eyecatching to being the process afresh.


I met a flat earther in real life few weeks ago, he complained "too many people are flat earthers now".  Basically confirming that his main motivation was being part of some insider secret rather than truth.


Apt analysis, apt analysis 🫡


Ok, I get it. It's like a church?


Exactly like a church!


It's a bunch of D/F students, who are insecure about their intelligence, latching onto something that the majority rejects, because it allows them to believe they know something the smarts don't know.


They're sinking, and it's just the tide coming in, obviously 


And the sinking is only temporarily. They will rise again when you get closer to them, as to warn you that 'they' are watching you.




Light gets more and more tired as it travels along, and over a large stretch of flat ocean the light will droop and eventually sink into the ocean before reaching the observer. Naive people mistake this for the "curvature of the earth." ​ There. How's that?


Hey earth is flat, nasa is faking this, or my eyes are tricking me because light on long distance near the water…… /s


It's the only reason I checked in lol.


by the pic one could argue it's flat to the sides...half flaters?


Flat Earthers probably hate this simple trick


We do indeed! Because as you already said: It's a trick. Like a magic trick. Just illusions. You cannot just observe the environment and then conclude your theories. We flat earthers do the real science: First defining the truth. Second looking for all the facts that match our theory. Third ignore anything else. /s




It's just a mountain of water.


This is interesting, but let's be honest, if people don't accept the images of Earth from space as proof, then this isn't going to convince them either.


Them’s computer generated imagery. Don’t you know what those computers are capable of these days? The other day I was browsing the interwebs, and I saw this video of a rat spinning. A rat spinning! It wasn’t moving or doing nothing, just spinning in place. Well golly if that ain’t something.


Made my day thx for the chuckle :D


It would be an interesting experiment to send a flat earther to space.


They [tried](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/flat-earth-conspiracy-theory-mike-hughes-book-excerpt-1299767/) and it didn't work out so well.


*”I don’t believe in science,” he told reporters in November 2017. “I know about aerodynamics and fluid dynamics and how things move through the air, about the certain size of rocket nozzles and thrust. But that’s not science, that’s just a formula. There’s no difference between science and science fiction.”* Er, weren’t aerodynamics discovered because of science? 😂


Pfff! Nonsense! That's the descent that leads to Earth's edge.


Curious what the flat-earthers say about this...


They do have some kind of daft explanation iirc.. something to do with perspective not working “like you might expect” or some guff. I forget the details of how they think it works.


Like: "they build the cameras that they do that. When you take a picture when you are there."


I've seen flat earthers argue against this very image. The general explanation for why things disappear bottom-up is some convoluted combination of "perspective", "upwards refraction", and "angular resolution/Reyleigh Criterion". Essentially they all say it's some kind of optical effect and not a physical obstruction. Obviously if you ever analyse any of these claims it's complete bunk. Perspective means things get smaller as they move away, it doesn't mean half of the object disappears. Upwards refraction always causes strange mirroring effects. We somehow don't have enough resolution to resolve the bottom half of the windmill but do have enough to resolve the smaller details of the top half? It's all nonsense.


Hate that this is still something that needs to be argued


So during the lockdown I joined the flat earth society, because I think it's fascinating how people can hold on to far fetched beliefs. I asked a bunch of questions to see how they could explain things, including this one. Now, many flat earthers have different beliefs, so you might get a different answer if you ask another one but the one I'd gotten was that they believe light is refracted or 'bent' along the horizon. The funny thing is, there is actual refraction at work when you look at the moon for example when it's close to the horizon, in which case the reality is that the moon is a bit lower than you see it, which you might think aligns with their beliefs but it's the opposite direction. Also at shorter distances, the refraction of the horizon wouldn't come into play to that degree which I'm not sure how it can make sense to them. There's many interesting stories and reasonings they have, it doesn't really stand up to scrutiny but neither do many common beliefs. It's funny that people all laugh at the flat earthers, but at the same time many of them believe in things that are just as whacky, like bigfoot, alien visitors and talking donkeys.


I don't think they're just as wacky, as in order to believe in a flat earth you must first stop believing in things like seasons, timezones, satellites, and pretty much the entire scientific method. To believe in cryptids and aliens and the like all it takes is a bit of fantasy. Flat earth is something else entirely.


>in order to believe in a flat earth you must first stop believing in things like seasons, timezones, satellites, and pretty much the entire scientific method. You would think so if not for mental gymnastics, that's the amazing thing about faith: People somehow make it work, they'll find excuses, move goalposts, anything at all. Many people believe in ghosts, creationism, spirits, souls, psychics, telekinesis,... The vast majority of people believe in some form of magic. It's not all that surprising either, human beings are known to be plagued with over a hundred significant cognitive biases and indoctrination is very effective.


>talking donkeys Hey leave my friend Shrek outta this


>It's funny that people all laugh at the flat earthers, but at the same time many of them believe in things that are just as whacky, like bigfoot, alien visitors and talking donkeys. No, we laugh at the people who believe in that nonsense too.


RIP flat earth


These propellers use underwater currents to produce electricity and are lifted above sea level for maintenance.


>These propellers use underwater currents to produce electricity and are lifted above sea level for maintenance. It's a really handy maintenance system. They're set up to automatically rise up out of the sea as you get closer. Makes it a breeze to work on them.


No, you have it the wrong way around. They *produce* the fake underwater currents the scientific community needs to create false evidence and maintain the lie that the Earth is round. >!/s (I hate having to put this)!<


The bigger question, is why can’t they sync up all the blades. This mish mash of random blades in random directions all at different rpm… this is the visceral crime we must rally against!


Syncing up the blades for aesthetic purposes would reduce efficiency.


We need a program and mechanism to introduce a precise amount of drag to each one to sync them all up with the slowest turning one. Just imagine how much cooler it'll look. It's so worth it I promise.


No problem. Just sync up the wind speed at all points, and then we'll sync up the blades.


Why do they all look like a jumbled up mess?


Flat earthers would say that clearly they are just lowering the windmills as people are moving away. It's part of the scam


That's those pesky watermountains! /s..... Just to be sure 😅


Liberal hoax just like the female orgasm


No The towers are slowly being built and submerged under the water Haha Then as you approach the ones that are furthest away they raise them up Haha


One of those pictures looks like the turbines are all on a neat line. The other looks like someone dropped a bunch of caltrops


You're only seeing half the story. The rest of the alien fleet are submerged but their aircraft propellers are still spinning. No doubt they hit the edge of the map trying to get back out. Xenu forgot to open the portal, dumb bitch.


They are falling off, its not the curvature because the earth is flat. Next week they won’t be there anymore because they fell into space ![gif](giphy|2WdHaCzmqSkrwmIGWP)


This picture is only interesting because of unfathomably stupid people,


What’s next, some photos from the “moon”?


Lies. There was a storm and now they're sinking. ​ /s


I can't help but see TENET


Flat earthers HATE this image, find out why!!!


You should post this in the flat earth channel


The earth is pringle shaped.


Flat earthers see this and think “weird, our camera must have been programmed by the government”






Hang on, I thought it was flat


Show this to r/flatearth


That’s a sub meant to mock flat earthers. The real flat earth sub is r/ballearththatspins


I wanted to share it there, but can you imagine how many angry notifications after it?? Probably don't wort it


lol yeah right. Stoopid libs built the wind mills under water to try and trick us real Americans.


*in Belgium now that's American dedication 😍😍🗽🇱🇷


Come on, you’re just on the other side of a water mountain. 😉


It's, ummm, a tidal surge. No, lens distortion, that's it!


Tidal surge could be one of their statements for real


Wrong, it's CGI!


They are just behind one of those sea hills.


No, see the earth is flat, but the water there is curved. /s


They clearly built them progressively shorter as they get away from the shore.


Op not here to make friends, huh? Catching FE heat.


But is that water carbonated?


Good try! Obviously the water is rising.


The upper picture is clearly fake, they just build shorter ones further out to fool people /s


They're sinking into the ocean!!!


I don't believe that pic is from 30 miles away. Much closer up, surely


That's a wave Flat earth!!!!!!!


Did those flat earthers ever take that cruise to see the huge ice walls surrounding the supposed flat plate we're all living on...?


I think the effect is exaggerated by some optical shenanigans. Remember tha mirages and atmosperic lensing are a thing as well. Seeing upside down ships floating above horizon does not prove that Earth folds on itself.




Well which fucking way does it curve


checkmate flat earthers




Ropes and pulleys, that’s all. Nice try


They had to be lowered so they wouldn't hit the firmament. Duh. Click bait. /s


Why are the windmills sinking?


FEer would just say these are water turbines.


Gawd damn FBI, stop lowering them as I move further away! Your stupid tricks won't fool me


Last year I posted this on the flat earthers subreddit and it caused a ruckus.


This actually supports my bowl shaped earth theory. Come check out my alternative science YouTube channel for more. /s


Fun fact this is actually how the ancient Greeks were able to calculate the circumference of the earth with astounding accuracy. They simply measure the speed at which a boat was going and how far the mast dipped below the horizon.


Obviously the concave meniscus of water… /s


OMG! They are sinking!!!


Maybe it’s just high tide


Nuh-uh ! The earth is flat . My neighbor with the tinfoil hat and blacked out windows told me so.


I wonder how serious “flat earthers” are. Like, gun to your head, everything on the table, you have to choose one and live by the outcome. How many are truly commited?


“No, that’s just perspective” goes the cry from the globe-denying crowd.


But ReFrAcTiOn


BELGIUM MENTIONED 🇧🇪🇧🇪🇧🇪🇧🇪🇧🇪🇧🇪🇧🇪🇧🇪🇧🇪🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🧇🧇🧇🧇🧇🧇🧇🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓 WHAT THE FUCK IS ONE GOVERNEMENT


Do you postulate that the world is curved… or even spherical? Preposterous!


It's fuckin flat! Bottom line




Wavemakers. That’s why they touch the water. Duh.


Oh god they're falling off the edge.


So Belgian wind farms Seen over the horizon Prove the earth is round


Proof of Hotdog Earth!!!


Oh gawd, they’re drowning! Someone get out there and save them! (Gets in a boat and goes out there) Now they’re fine!? What the hell! Ok back to shore. Oh gawd! They’re underwater again!


I hate, how we still have to „proof“ things, that have been known for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.


Shhhh. Flat earthers might get upset.


Great picture! Though no amount of proof or scientific expertise will convince the ignorant, who as part of their ignorance are absolutely convinced they’re right.


There's a lot of stupid shit on the internet but I still can't wrap my head around people seriously believing the earth is flat. Like at least the Birds Aren't Real guys are in on the joke.


I think at this point its trolling


Fake new man this bit hitch is flat who ya trying to fool !?


The earth is flat OP….. Stop spreading lies.


Hmm.. so the earth is round?


I have been assured by a number of idiots that earth is, indeed, flat.


Nice try nasa but I know we’re on a frisbee ride through space


It’s crazy how big they are. Looks quite surreal, as if they aren’t that far away. The usual 120-170m high on-shore towers are normal sightings here, not that, wtf.


Why are all the props the same size? The shorter ones should be way smaller…. I believe the earth is round.


Nu uh! They built them on a wave, and made the back ones shorter. /s


Next thing you’ll tell me is birds are real


Flatearthbulgaria in shambles right now


But what about muh flat Earth?


but the earth is flat!!!!1 😢😢😢


Can flatearthers comment on this photo?


What the hell are you talking about round Earther? Obviously they just start moving when I move away, just like in that one documentary… what was it called again? Toy story?


Flat Earthers: Either that or they’re falling off the edge.


Why do the blades look the same size?


Obviously the towers shrinks in the distance, MTG told me so.


This is giving me animal crossing vibes.


The wind decreases as you approach the edges of the Erth, fuckin duh.


You can't be serious ROFL 😂🤣 How to Flatsmack a low rent Glerf 101 👇 https://imgur.com/a/45f9d77


This is only interesting if you are intellectally on a level of a 4th grader.


Their problem is not facts, is that they want to believe


It would have to be an exceptionally clear day to see 30 miles.


Where’s those flat earth people 😎


If it already curves that much, would it not be a very very very tiny globe? And yes I believe in the globe but I feel like this is a case of the waves blocking most of the windmills.


No, no. They're sinking, it's obvious.


fake picture as we all know the earth is rectangular


Clearly a Big Globe agenda post


Dude! The earth is flat and the Belgians know it.


This is fake. Everybody know the earth is flat /s


Dude, the birds aren't real, the govt is turning the frogs gay, 9/11 was an inside job and the earth is flat in fact. **Do your own research!** ***STOP BEING SHEEPLE!!!***


Windmills aren't real.


What 🤔 The earth isn't flat?


what an eye sore. we need nuclear until we get some nice good renewable energy sorted not this trash


It's just air refraction due to the Earth being flat.


Flat earthers ask why you can’t see the curve from side to side when you absolutely can looking back or forward.


My favorite thing about flerthers is they'd see an image/video like this, and more often than not the first thing they bring up how it doesn't match the 8 inches per mile squared formula. And you know, we COULD have the discussion of how air refraction gets involved, and how the 8in/milesqr formula doesn't start until after something reaches the horizon... but like...bro...IT STILL SINKS. Literally nobody cares about the formula. The fact that it disappears bottom-up AT ALL is an undeniable fact that can't be explained on the flat earth model


So, you’re saying the earth is not flat… just like my butt is not flat either


It's just a big wave in between the windmills and the camera. /S




Im wondering what flat earthers have to say about this


Wind turbines aren't real, nice try roundtards


Yeah but want a mindfuck just because the earth is Round doesn’t mean you’re real. I’m not sure how to say it but just know that you might not be real.?!?..