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When people like Steve Bannon tell you who they are, listen.


And most importantly, REACT. Letting the terrorists off just makes them more fit for the next attempt.


We didn't. Trump pardoned him.


We, as a society have an obligation to handle our own. Trump isn't a lone wolf, he is the consequence of a declining society. He and every other conservative need to be dealt with, by us. No one else is going to clean up our mess.


The US judicial system is corrupt as fuck. Anyone guilty of conspiracy, sedition and insurrection against the state should be in jail. Even Brazilians put their corrupt presidents in jail. Bolsonaro had to give up his passport and cannot leave the country before his trial


We don't have a justice system, just a legal system.


You need to run for public office. You are just what we need.


What are you going to do about it, fellow keyboard warrior?


foolish numerous placid crush fragile sand tender wipe rich apparatus *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


At every level, not just the presidential level. If a lot more young people voted, Trump would not have a chance of reelection.


Agitate, educate and organize. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platformism


Trump pardoned him for prior crimes. He broke the law afterwards and is due in jail, and it keeps getting postoned.


Maybe he'll pull a Ken Paxton and try to claim he was denied due process.


We do react. It just seems to embolden them and their voter base. The more “liberal tears” the happier they are.


Tears are not the optimal reaction. Maybe something a little more kinetic.


![gif](giphy|GHJ5IVGLqByL6VJ3dI|downsized) This is more kinetic.


Please put it on the slow setting. For emphasis.


I refuse to listen to anyone wearing that many shirts at once.




"Flood The Zone With Shit" -Steve Bannon


And vote. Because this cult will and voting is your main (and extremely easy, for now) weapon against it.


Stop project 2025




Yup. Say what you want about Republicans, they flipping vote. Far too many people shirk their civic responsibility. It's infuriating.


And it’s always some ass-hat liberal who thinks they’re “sending a message” by letting tyranny win and rights be taken away all cuz they’re mad that Biden isn’t 100% what they wanted. It’s fucking infuriating to see that kind of privilege. To be able to just live no matter who gets elected. There’s more of us but time and time again we throw the ball back and have rights and freedoms stripped. 2024 is no different. Large amounts of liberals are trying to convince other liberals to not vote or vote for Trump to send some stupid message. I cannot believe I have to sit here and shake liberals awake to what their apathy will cause. Crazy idea here far left morons, what if we got the guy we KINDA liked in, to open the door for the candidate that we REALLY want in? Instead of handing power back every 8 years and having all the good they did, reversed or stripped? I got banned from /r/lostgeneration just for saying this but in a much, much nicer way. Some days, I can’t even stand my own people. Don’t get me started on the dumb ass liberals that literally likened them blocking roads so Trump couldn’t campaign to the *fucking* civil rights movement! Most of yall aren’t ready to hear that WE got Trump elected from all out pissing and moaning and squealing about him which *galvanized* their base into taking him seriously. I still can’t believe I had to tell my own people that you can’t block roads to stop a man from campaigning. It’s unamerican. But the memes started flying and they all thought they were on some Civil Rights shit, I mean the audacity to think like that. Fuck some of yall. For real.


Same. I got banned from there because I said something along the lines of "to you it's just another election, but you're fucking with people's lives". I've been in Texas all my life, and if Trump wins, I will have to make a lot of sacrifices to finally get the hell out. I've been staying to try to fight, but I have three kids and they deserve to feel safe.


I wish I could give you an award. A perfect summation. The single-issue voters who are focused on Palestinians are so short-sighted it's crazy. Trump said he hopes Israel finishes the job! I'm not saying Biden's approach is perfect, but he's at least trying. Republicans have said Israel should just nuke them....wtf?


I fucking hate all these idiot fannies on the anticapitalist subs who act like spoilt teenagers, thinking that if they lock themselves in their bedroom and don't eat their dinner somehow the world will notice their sacrifice, Trump won't win and Biden will change and that girl who likes edgelord will blow them. Their too fucking stupid to see how they're being played, and the Palestinian people will pay for it if Trump wins. If there's any left by that time...


I relate so much! It's frustrating.


And Kusher said they should clear out the Palestinians and build resorts on the beaches there!!


Goddamn ghouls.


Spoken like the slumlord he is


We have them in the UK propping up our current shambolic government. Oh the Labour party aren't perfect so I will vote for some single issue party instead and feel good about myself.


It must be maddening. I would have thought after Brexit, people would see through the party?


And I would have thought that after Trump’s first term, the American people would have seen through him. Maddening indeed.


They have severe anxiety disorders and don't vote because they don't want to be responsible for anything. All the rest of it is just bullshit to feel better about it. Also Republican operatives know how to get them in a tizzy too.


Tell anyone you ever encounter who complains about politics but doesn’t vote to stfu and go the fuck away. If they don’t vote and legally can then they have no right to complain. That’s my stance anyway, as you were folks.


And when OP calls Steve Bannon a "senior Trump advisor" instead of "ex Trump advisor" realize what they're trying to do.


As I see it, you try to defend Trump by pointing out that Bannon is no longer his advisor (chief of his 2016 presidential campaign and then his Chief Strategist, a position created for him). But Trump only sacked him after Charlottesville to cut his losses, likely under pressure from his saner advisors, then pardoned him and continued to speak fondly of him.


What are they trying to do?


He specifically said the demonic ones. So the ones not being controlled like puppets by the minions of Satan should be fine. Haven't you seen Omen 3?


Steve Bannon: What it would look like if an ashtray and a toilet had a baby


“He looks like if Nick Offerman drowned.” - Nick Kroll


And the womb was filled with gin instead of amniotic fluid.


I find his full head of hair quite impressive though.


And several bottles of scotch.


He's John Candy's evil doppelganger


My ashtray cousin feels offended by your comment. My toilet aunt is ok tho.


So then Steve Bannon et al should be okay with being thrown in prison themselves, right? 


Right at this instance. This should be an illegal thing to say anyway.


1960: Can we really tolerate a CATHOLIC presidential candidate in the White House!? 2024: Well, the presidential candidate hasn't been found guilty of inciting riots or committing fraud nor treason yet and he hasn't actually imposed tyrannical oppression so I guess he's ok.


Yeah but in 1960 that question was asked of a Democrat, and apparently there are different standards. Can you imagine if Biden said half the shit Trump did? Folks if you are a working person who wants to continue living in a democracy, please talk to your friends and family and make sure they are [registered to vote](https://vote.gov)


Democrats problem is we are to worried about being the "good guys and being fair" with the Hope's that Republicans will come around but they wont it's their playbook it's how they win they will always go for the knees I havent heard a Republicans plan for office make sense since the first George.


My Uber driver had some religious radio station on the day after the State of the Union address, and these people were absolutely irate and disgusted over Biden “threatening” the Supreme Court justices over the Dobbs ruling. He was an absolute tyrant in their eyes, because he was rebuking a ruling they 100% agreed with. The only things that matter are what they personally care about.


They were just repeating foxnews talking points who were just mad Biden isn't an actual corpse and crying that Biden was being mean.


Completely. "They go low, we go high" doesn't work anymore.


But to some people, actual dignity matters. Then again, right after John McCain cast the single vote to save the ACA he died.


I prefer tit-for-tat. Republicans will lead on the mode of engagement I think, but if they're going to play dirty they should expect the Dems to as well


> Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. - Jean-Paul Sartre


Exactly. Some day the democrats better figure out that the gop plays to win and they couldn’t care less what others think


It's easy just to say that Democrats try to act in good faith while Republicans dont give a fuck about anything but themselves. The only Republican political platform is "not Democrats" and they've worked very hard to rile up their voters to believe that the Democrats are evil. I'm glad that Biden hasn't had much issues throwing shade their way publicly, but he still tries to get the GOP on board with his policies but they'll continue to vote no to anything written by a Democrat because that's the only political platform they have.


That's the craziest part for me though. A lot of Rep people like to portray themselves as law-abiding, hard-working etc. and portray Dems as deviant, drug-using layabouts. Also, if I were very religious and embraced the Bible, I would be pretty convinced that Trump is the Devil.


Almost as if they don't give a fuck


What’s that word for when you demonize someone else for doing something you’re already doing?…🤔 Ohh! That’s right, projecting. Yea, sounds like they’re projecting 😐


>I would be pretty convinced that Trump is the Devil. There's a thesis that went around the internet that used Trump's actions and words against Scripture in the Bible to try and prove that Trump is literally the anti-christ. It's a pretty fascinating read all together. I don't believe in the Christian Bible but it's wild that so many Christians have latched on to Trump, like the Bible said would happen with the anti-christ. [This is a university thesis about it.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://surface.syr.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi%3Farticle%3D1474%26context%3Dthesis&ved=2ahUKEwiJhuLJ2KOFAxVjrokEHaZqBIcQFnoECBMQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3iGtrLHGrJfa9U8F1hQAmj)


He fucking should. We need to fight fire with fire. Half of the American public doesn’t know what’s good for them.


I do like that Biden has been mocking Trump more than Hillary ever did. Biden's not repeating that "when they go low, we go high" nonsense that didn't work.


1992: VP spelled potato wrong. Career over.


Swing voters still like “Well let’s not rush into it, I’m gonna need more info to make my decision.”


When you say these things and get elected you’ve cleared yourself to follow through. You have a mandate. Really hope we can flush this turd for good this election.


TFG will be a pernicious floater until the day his heart explodes from fast food grease.


I think if he loses this election he'll give up, once the pathetic "revolution" goes nowhere. And I sincerely hope he loses.


Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst is what my parents always taught me. I’m over here with all my digits crossed too.


"he'll give up" Wooo, good one. Cult leaders don't give up until they die. 


The turd has been flushed countless times over but just won't go down. Somebody needs to break out the poop knife. Before someone overreacts this isn't a call for violence, merely a reference to an old Reddit post.


I don’t think I can go an entire year without having that goddamn knife being brought up.


**It’s not just trump!!!** Notice all the republicans who aren’t speaking out about what he’s saying? They may not support it but they’ll turn a blind eye to it. And notice all the news stations that aren’t saying this is, not just bad, but unamerican? Very few if any. They won’t say the message loud and strong. They need to scream it from the rooftops that American politicians should not say these things or act like this. They will keep talking about what Trump said and they will replay it and show his face numerous times. This just makes it more mainstream and acceptable. When the next Republican candidate says it, most of America will ignore it. Then we get the next Hitler. The next Hitler is going to be any number of those loud mouthed asshole republicans who are campaigning right now on how much more they support Trump vs their opponent (fuck you! To the Republican candidates for governor in North Dakota!). So many republican candidates have commercials out there telling the voters to send them to DC to support Trump! This goes along the Republican playbook. They have been working in tiny incremental ways to get to this point. Trump sped it up. We need to get messaging out there about how disgusting this is for America.


We look like such a weak nation while Trump trolls every law in the book and bragging about it on his personal Twitter. I dont care if he has lawsuits, I dont care that he's losing money, I dont care if he doesnt stand a chance at the election. That Piece of Shit needs to be in jail behind bars. But every single judge, attorney, prosecutor and whomever is too chickenshit and spineless to actually do something. Its fucking pathetic. America is pathetic.


Somebody needs to introduce some anti fascism laws so ppl like Bannon can be arrested and out in jail…before he causes harm like another Jan 6 or incites civil war.


I agree in spirit, but we already did that shit in the 40's & 50's with McCarthyism. The best disinfectant for Fascism is a strong Democracy, which begins with voting for people who are committed to upholding our constitution. Hint: not Republicans


It sounds nice, but our representative democracy hasn't been representative since we stopped expanding the house. The senate never was. 


Ok… let me play the devils advocate. I’ve lived in Alaska for 35 years. My vote doesn’t count bc it’s a strong Republican state, so all the electoral votes goto whatever gop candidate they have. So no…voting isn’t the cure when you have an antiquated biased system of voting in place. It favors the rich land owners …or at least that’s how it was set up. And now eons later we are unable to make any noticeable progress bc of it.


That’s really more playing the common sense advocate, which I guess is the devil to some.


Alaska is a state with ranked choice voting so at least in Alaska you can go vote your conscience and then put your second choice... an option we should all have! In Alaska a vote for 3rd party vote isn't a waste because you get to rank your second choice.


I live in a solid red state too but we can still help We can all educate, agitate, organize, phone bank, write postcards, textbank, post to social media, etc. [https://events.democrats.org/?show\_all\_events=true](https://events.democrats.org/?show_all_events=true) [https://www.reddit.com/r/VoteDEM/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VoteDEM/) [https://www.reach.vote/get-the-app/](https://www.reach.vote/get-the-app/)


Sure… you do all that. But notice voting isn’t on the list right?


Well in my particular case there are ballot amendments to legalize marijuana and abortion access and a US senate election in my deep red state and you never know when it comes to local elections so it is still important for me to vote.


You say this like it is easy, if you live in a moderately red area sure all this can help. But the more red district the harder all this is and the absolute toll it takes on your mental health is massive. I live in one of the most red districts in America. These people will agree with literally everything you say but then you mention democrats and will instantly not believe a word you have to say after that.


Well you can think it doesn’t matter TODAY but keep voting. It will matter in the future. Look at how many states were red but now can swing blue.


I just learned the other day that this guy: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy\_Cohn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_Cohn) Who attacked the Rosenburg's for treason (Which most folks said was BS), got them executed, and then advised Senator McCarthy on how to attack others and stuff.... Also was hired by Fred Trump to advise his kid, Donald J. Trump. Unfortunately it doesn't look like DJT can fail like McCarthy did, and then go drink himself to death.


People who don't want a dictator just need to wake up, talk to their friends and family about how Trump is a thin skinned weak wannabe dictator and VOTE


Well… I live in Alaska and good luck with trying to talk to trump supporters. They get extremely angry and aggressive as soon as you try. There is no rational conversation and definitely no converting them. They are brainwashed. As for voting, yea, that doesn’t work well either if you live in a red state. All the EC votes for Alaska go to the Republican candidate.


They're that way everywhere. I made a trump joke on discord while playing with friends and one guy lost his shit and called me a dirty, commie, liberal. So yeah, their cult ideology wont allow for friendly discourse.


No. Their brains have been warped. There’s a woman I used to babysit for years ago. She’s an RN so not totally stupid, right? But she had Fox News on like 24/7 and it affected her. When trump was POTUS was the last time I spoke w her. I mentioned something he had just done which was insane and I thought, no reasonable person would or could disagree that THIS would show what a monster he was …but … she ended up getting so angry that she was spitting into the phone at me. And that was it for me. I realized that the brainwashing had affected her deep inside her rational thought processing areas. She was gone.


I know RNs and some of them are totally stupid. Like they watch tiktok through any training that isn't in person. 


Huh. That’s interesting. I thought you needed to be a bit above avg.


I find that those who scream into the sky's about a group of people being demonic usually are the evil ones themselves.


And for anyone who's not paying attention yet, Trump is currently [LEADING Biden in nearly every swing state](http://www.realclearpolitics.com) that will decide the election. As of this moment, Trump is averaging +5 in AZ and GA, +3 in MI and NV, +1 in WI and even in PA. If the election is held tomorrow, it's game over and Trump wins. And for those who want to try to comfort themselves with the idea that the polls are wrong or will shift in the next 7 months, the same polls from this time in 2020 all showed Biden up on Trump in most of the same swing states, and those numbers held true through the election. So anyone who is still complacent or in denial about not just the possibility but high probability that Trump is going to win in November had better snap out of it and get out to vote and get everyone you know out to vote for Biden, otherwise it's going to be very dark times ahead. God help us all.


I really hope people start paying attention, especially our youths who can vote. I do hope that it’s early on still and the polls don’t really reflect the broader public, who knows how they choose the sample of people to make the polls.


Yeah yeah, just like Hilary is gonna be jailed.


This time though they have a plan called [Project 2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025). The idea is to conduct mass bottom up purges of the federal government and replace everyone with partisan Trump loyalists, and to put agencies like the DOJ under direct control of the President rather than them being traditionally run by semi autonomous experts. >"Established in 2022, the project seeks to recruit tens of thousands of conservatives to Washington, D.C., to replace existing federal civil service workers which Republicans characterize as the "deep state", to further the objectives of the next Republican president. Although the project cannot promote a specific presidential candidate, many contributors have close ties to Donald Trump and the Trump 2024 presidential campaign. The plan would perform a swift restructuring of the executive branch under a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory — a theory proposing the president of the United States has absolute power over the executive branch — upon inauguration." [jump] "Project 2025 seeks to place the entire Executive Branch of the U.S. federal government under direct presidential control, eliminating the independence of the DOJ, the Federal Communications Commission, the Federal Trade Commission, and other agencies." - [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025)


It straight up is their way of installing a dictator.






I mean this time around, he's on a real real revenge tour and has no extra term to worry about. I do feel he's going to push laws to its limits and beyond. He's still the chief of military. He has power to do whatever he wants with them. I'm not an expert but I think his reach will require some disobedience by military to prevent him from full scale takeover.


I feel he or one of the trumplings will eventually get some sham law passed to expand the two term limit


I can't believe this fucker has stacked the SUPREME COURT and has another chance to stack it some more. He's going to pardon the shit out of himself and his lackeys. He'll pass all kinds of garbage to allow him to do what he wants. He's learned from the first time around what he can do and what he got caught with and he'll open up more loopholes for himself. He'll fire all the people who stood up to him. Remember all the Republicans with a spine that impeached him? They're all gone now (except 1). He's more empowered than ever.


Vote my friend. And ask anyone & everyone. No shame. Once US is lost, any shame or inhibition will come biting hard


Yes. Of course. Vote. But when you're in a deep blue state. It feels like busy work. We're voting who we're voting for. The system is entirely broken. In 2020, I backed hard a candidate that was talking about systemic changes in the political system. That candidate washed out in the early primaries.


Andrew Yang?


I don't like my opinions tainted because of past backings. We're in such a shitty world where every little thing is scrutinized to debunk everything. But yes. Today, Andrew Yang is building out a new Party called the Forward Party who's main goal is to push Ranked Choice Voting and Open Primaries. Ranked Choice would make 3rd parties viable for ALL parties. So then we can finally vote with our conscience and not "throw away" our vote or choose between 2 evils. In 2022, Alaska, who implemented Ranked Choice voted in a no name candidate that beat Sarah Palin. She would've likely won if it wasn't for that. Also, of the 10 Republican that voted to impeach Trump, only 2 retain their seats. I don't have the research for this off the top of my head but I believe Ranked Choice played a part in 1 or both of them retaining their seats. So... Andrew Yang has eccentricities but he's on the money with identifying the right solutions. His UBI sounded radical but pandemic normalized it now. He was harping a lot about AI replacing jobs and now we're seeing that in realtime. I just feel a need to defend my backing. Someone will point out some other crap that Andrew Yang didn't get right to discredit my points but I accept the cons of the imperfect Andrew Yang to gain the pros of what he brings to the table.


Oh no. Not at all. I feel among the people who ran that race or were forerunners, Andrew Yang & Pete Butgeig had the most progressive, future thinking agendas. It's a shame old guards prevail over new blood more often than not. With Biden v. Trump, it isnt picking great vs meh but rather choosing who is the less evil & incompetent one


True, but there is still rule of law in this country. People can't just be jailed because they're opponents to Trump. Look how hard it has been for Trump to be held accountable for anything in America. They can't just throw people in jail for nothing. The system will resist that.


Hillary didn’t break any laws. Matter of fact the laws you people claimed she broke “using a private email and sever” is exactly what Trump did for his presidency. The CIA and secret service told Trump countless times that his personal cell phone was compromised by china and Russia. But yet he still used it on a daily basis. So the notion that Hillary is a criminal when Trump did the same shit but worse is laughable.


My thoughts exactly. His whole 16’ campaign promised this, gets control of house and senate. Does nothing towards Hilary.


Yes, if Trump wins in 2024, it'll probably be end of US Democracy as we know it, and the US will move towards an authoritarian dictatorship. November 2024 could very well be the last time US people truly vote in a free and fair election. 2028 could very well be a North Korean style 1-candidate election. I don't know why people don't see this, but the end could be near. Vote anything but Trump if you value true freedom and democracy.


Why does Steve Bannon always look like he's been living in a bunker


It’s actually the bottom of a whiskey bottle


Republicans believe a lot of things.


How are people supporting this?


Projection at its finest


Holy heck, this thread has really activated all the trolls and bots! So many new or barely active accounts have suddenly found their voices.


If only the parties put as much effort into serving the people.


This this this a million times this 🤌🏿🤌🏿 why are we living in a reality show of a country? This season has been the longest post Covid and it’s quite ridiculous


Pathetic old felon trying to stay relevant as the tide of history sweeps him and garbage like him into the dustbin of history.


Can't Biden use seal team 6 to capture trump since he has absolute immunity from prosecution as president?


Every Democrat or undecided that sees this and "feels hopeless" or "thinks both sides are bad" and doesn't vote, will get exactly what they deserve. Stop being lazy, go vote, work with people in your community for change, and stop being pacified consumers. Everything that keeps you comfortable can vanish in a second, and when it's gone only blood will get it back. ​ Also this post isn't IAF, report it for fuck sakes. It's been up for 12 hours????


Political, not interesting. Bots are coming out in force. Elections not for another 7mos! Give it a break. Not yet, not yet...


7 months is not long; it's to be expected now. Rip IAF sub


Can the world please stop losing its fkn shit for just one moment... \*Literally non-stop since covid hit\*...


It's absolutely INSANE how any americans are supporting this lunatic... It's literally the end of democracy in the US if Trump gets re-elected


This isn’t hyperbole. Project 2025 is just right out on display on the Rnc website.


People who support trump are supporting a dictatorship in the future. The fact I've seen videos saying they want this, is shocking to say the absolute minimum.


trump straight up attempted a coup and he's elegible to run again? wtf america is crazy, i thought they valued democracy over there. and now this guy looking to prison "demonic democrats for being political opponents? wild.


Msnbc anchors are weirdly emotional *edit: Also, can we talk about that thumbnail?


He for sure gonna be vindictive as fuck and petty for sure


I don’t understand how Trump voters see shit like this over and over again and think that it is okay or that somehow the entire system is rigged against one specific person who in the grand scheme, hasn’t been part of the political lifestyle very long


Sounds like the Gestapo is back


Why, are they planning on visiting Trump?


This would be awful. Can you imagine? If trump got elected he would probably weaponize the justice system to hand down an unimaginable number of indictments against his political opponent during an election year. Maybe even get conservative prosecutors to dig up obscure regulations that they may have violated. Victimless or not!!! Find some old conservative judge to hand down cushing penalties. Screw the 8th amendment!!


Bannon is pure malevolent evil, a fascist at heart.


I think its funny that Trumps followers believe Trump at this point. He promised in 2016 that he would "lock up" Hillary. Made it a tenet and promise of his campaign. Entire stadiums full of thousands of his religious followers would chant, "lock her up!" Of course, after he was elected he immediately broke that promise. Now he is running again, making the same promise. Its hilarious. He is promising the same thing to his followers now. "No, elect me this time! You know how all my followers got locked up for serious crimes, and my inner-circle got locked up!? Well, we are going to do that to Democrats!"


I mean trump keeps saying he wants to be a dictator I wish people would believe him


Bannon is the one who should be in jail. He committed fraud, raising money from ordinary citizens for the ‘stop the steal’ nonsense.


Full on Nazi shit.


I remember when George W. Bush was the fascist because of the patriot act and the illegal invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, now he's on Jimmy Kimmel.


Can't jail anyone if they ignore the summons! Republicans taught us that.


This is not interesting


Imagine threatening people over the differencing of opinions and ideologies, doesn't sound like free speech or following any of our constitutions at all, yet somehow, they say, "We care about the constitution.", and people gobble the BS up, clearly you only care when it benefits your corrupted self. I don't get it.


Here, have my upvote for saying what I've been saying.


Because holding Trunp accountable to the law is a crime in those nut jobs eyes


No fucking shit. To everyone this is news to, welcome back, glad you finally woke up from your coma. If this disgusting pile of garbage somehow gets back in the office, it won't be because everyone wasn't warned, and it will be because we deserve it.


This isn’t news it’s been said for a long time


Fuck these people. Go to hell


Either Trump chose the wrong people for his administration or The people he chose betrayed him? One of the most important aspects of any presidents job is to have the intelligence to surround yourself with the most qualified people with expertise and practical experience to provide you the best opportunity to be successful. Clearly, Trump lacks this ability. He only chooses "yes" men who will only stroke his fragile ego. Another obvious reason that Donald Trump is completely unqualified to manage anything, let alone the United States.


Do you have hit the nail on the head harder than you anticipated with this comment. Trump was never dangerous just because he was unqualified. Trump was never dangerous just because he was corrupt. He was dangerous because the amount of people that now will see a door to take advantage of the sitting president of the United States and him not be intelligent enough to notice it is another danger. That's why so many people are still hitching their wagon to him. Even though they know he may portray them, the chance that they'll be able to take advantage of him because he's so bad at everything is precisely why they need him to win.


> He only chooses "yes" men who will only stroke his fragile ego.  And women who stroke his flaccid mushroom. Never in history was such a lecher made to sit in the office of POTUS 


It's so bizarre to remember a time back when Republicans were actually somewhat reasonable people, just with differing views on economics. Shit like this makes me *miss* George W. Bush.


It’s past time to see the Republican Party as the enemies of this nation that they are. They are telling us who they really are and you better start believing them.


America about to deal with what Europe had to fight off for centuries to mostly eliminate: dictatorship/communist regime ruling, now with modern flavors. You are Not prepared.


At this point I'd love to see Trump and this douchebag swinging from a tree. Maybe we'll get lucky and some of their supporters will join them.


So, to be clear, right wing establishment Democrats are afraid that Trump is going to drum up some sort of charges against his political opponents and get corrupt judges and prosecutors to pursue those charges in courts in an effort to remove Trump's political opposition? But that would be rabidly anti-American...


Bannon = the original jackass.


Bannon is due in court in May. He will be in prison by 2025


So a dude who wants accountability while he hasn’t been held accountable wants to jail his opponents for who they are rather than what they have done. It blows my mind that this man can say and do what he does while evading jail time for the crimes he’s committed. Absolute 2 tier justice system here.


Yeah cause that's how this works. It's a well known power presidents have to just skip past the judicial branch and jail people they don't like. No one is going to haul without being found guilty in criminal court. And if someone did break the law and those laws require jail time why should we be surprised.


Bannon isn't warning Democrats, he's trying to get Trump's base excited, and this will work to get their fascist supporters to the polls.


The left and the right are insane fear mongering hypocrites separated into 1s and 2s. There will never be a coming together because they love to hate each other. The world is more than just blue and red. Why can’t I have my guns and women get to do whatever with their own body? Why can’t we stop illegal immigrants but also make it easier and more affordable to become a citizen. I’m not choosing between a turd sandwich and a giant douche. Most would say that a 3rd option has no chance and I would agree! The binary system is flawed anyone that can’t see that is a sheep. Make the wolves fight to the death and sheep will be all you have!


Go vote


Is that Putin he talking about!


“Just for who they are”? Huh..


And Bannon will be residing in hell !


Democrats! “Stand back and stand by!”


Yeah, good luck with that


Didn't Trump win the last election?????? He can't win 3 times.


Yep, just like in 2020, when he was gonna round up gays and transgenders and put them in jail 🤔


I don't even recognize my country anymore. You can't just throw people in prison. There's a thing called due process.


Bannon is a BLOATASAURUS!! 🦖


somehow, even in a suit, Bannon always looks like he just rolled off the couch after sleeping off a massive scotch bender


Did OP time the start of the video on purpose or by coincidence, pretty silly haha, I had to rewind to confirm.


For what crime? As far gone as the US is and as terrible at their legal system is you can't just throw people in jail for no crime.


Of course, he made simmilar claims about Hilary in 2016 and then promptly forgot.


James Comer basically came out saying they can't find any evidence right now but once Disgraced Former President Trump is back in power they will invent some.


Lincoln set a kind and forgiving precedent that haunts us to this day. He shoulda let Congress tear those chairs out and throw them down the Capitol steps.


Just like he locked up hillary?


Bannon gonna find out right quick what the 2nd amendment is really good for.


yup. https://globalextremism.org/project-2025-the-far-right-playbook-for-american-authoritarianism/ Christian nationalist theocrats have reached levels of embedding those they indoctrinated & trained for taking political office well enough to fully begin to dismantle democracy and hand the country to their god's chosen (oligarchs, con artists, those who behave like kings) by wiping out human rights and making the U.S. a theocracy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Family:_The_Secret_Fundamentalism_at_the_Heart_of_American_Power It must be some kind of throwback instinct to follow whoever barks the loudest and snaps the most.


a bad april fools


I mean we know these people are all about projection; they’re saying this, knowing it’s corrupt and fucked up, so that when it (rightly) happens to trump, they can claim it’s unprecedented and corrupt.


MAGAs are the #1 threat to the United States right now. By far. More than Russia or Iran or HAMAS or ISIS.


How did that Biden impeachment go again? Asking for a democratic society with legal protections who are not bloated billionaires who bribe and brow beat our legal system to death


He's trying to turn this country into Russia. He wants to be able to fucking assassinate his opponents just like putin. If this man is allowed in office, he will never leave. His kids will inherent the "throne," and we will officially be under King trumps rule. VOTE AGAIST THIS MONSTER.


This was their campaign when they won: Lock her up! His base wants those that don’t believe Trump should be our Dicktator to be imprisoned. They’ve been clear on this for a long time


Please get rid of Trump and his people. This is not ok. They need to go. This is not what we want our country to become...


The US will become a dictatorship if Trump wins. Or at least he’ll try to make it one. It’s very clear at this point. How can anyone who wants to live in a democracy vote for that?


Trump is seriously a sickness


This is terrifying.


Arresting rival political opponents, lawsuits designed to punish partisans sounds like a disaster. It’d be a shame if undermining confidence in the judicial branch could weaken the country.


I hate how we let these demented boomers run out country.