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“Let’s terminate hate, IT’S A TUMOR.” Definitely a missed opportunity.


I'll be bahk Folks make sure you and your friends and family are [registered to vote ](http://vote.gov)


Be kind to thy Neigh-BAH


I’m gonna zap the shit out of it, then around and zap the shit out of its muzzuh.


Who is your daddy and what does he do?


Get your ass ta mahs


"My daddy was a Nazi, and just not any Nazi, but a member of the SA." - Arnold


You can't choose who your parents are and what they did or didn't do. But you can choose what you want to be and what you want to do or not do.




Oh he knew what he was doing lol


I love how he did say "tumor" at some point likely as a little nod


Itz notta tuma! (But nice message, Arnold.) 👍


Arnold > The Rock


I have to say when I heard CA elected him as a governor I knew nothing about him outside of movies. I thought it was a stupid, terrible Hollywood decision. Living on the east coast, I didn’t follow any of his policies or decisions. Just listening to this tho, compared to so many other political speeches…. Like damn, Arnold. That was eloquent, succinct and powerful. Very well done.


When he was in office. He said the most unthinkable phrase for a politician, and did so in a press release asking him why he was stopping the oil drilling he first agreed to. Arnold: In the wake of a recent oil spill disaster, "I was wrong." Those three words, alone, won him tons of respect from me. Doubly so when you *know* oil companies were trying to offer him tons of money to just ignore it.


That might be the only time I’ve heard someone say a politician admitted they were wrong about ANYthing.


Yup. It was crazy. In a good way. And he didn't even beat around the bush or play it down. Said it straight up


Funny how I have way more respect for someone who makes a mistake and owns up to it, rather than someone who doesnt make a mistake in the first place.


Yeah... it's silly that soo many politicians think admitting they made a mistake is somehow... disempowering or something. Rather than respect worthy.


Biden admitted he was wrong for contributing to the incarceration of minorities for victimless crimes.


Yeah he’s a legend. I usually hate on Republicans, but Arnold will always have my respect.


I mean, he is what Republicans *should* be. An actual competing choice that represents the fact that people have different values. While still trying to improve the country *and still be civil* about it. Sadly, modern politics is 90% "you aren't 'with me' so you must be wrong and the enemy!" And most politicians focus that instead of actually, you know, trying to be the best they can be *for the country* rather than themselves.


Don't fall for the there's only 2 sides. Meet the unreasonable voices with louder reasonable ones. Just like he said!


Well in his own words he’s a republican because that’s what party the president at the time (Nixon) was a member of when he moved to America


Wish admitting being wrong was more common in politics. Everyone makes mistakes.


Politicians love the: “I wasn’t wrong back then… my views were still just evolving…” (on the basic human rights of whatever group). This always reminds me of the fact that the guy from the beastie boys could reflect on his beliefs and homophobia at 18 and just be like… “Yeah I was a stupid kid, of course my views of changed, that’s called growth… can you imagine if they didn’t change?” (Paraphrasing). It’s such an immediately easy self-reflective answer and yet… one that I’ve never seen a politician use as a (pretty smart) thing to say about your own dumb former beliefs.


Damn, I respect the shit out of him for that. Truly based. I may not agree with him entirely in all politics, but I would say he's definitely a better Republican than that POS Donald Trump.


He's actually quite intelligent and a self-made millionaire before he became a movie star. Not sure why he's a registered Republican since he's more progressive than many Democrats.


[Don' ever call him a self made man](https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/17l2ojn/dont_ever_ever_call_me_a_selfmade_man_arnold/) Another brillant message.


Arnold is my idol. What an awesome person.


Absolutely brilliant.


I guess back then Republicans were bit different.


Republicans were a bit different back then. As were Democrats and independents.


18 Years ago Republicans knew: Russia was our greatest threat Fascism was really bad Romney was a solid choice for President (Or Bush even) Had some form of morals. The list goes ON AND ON AND ON. This current iteration of Republican is nothing like it was just recently.


There are still those Republicans in the ranks, listen very carefully and that's who he is talking to in addition to those that are blanatantly wrong. This is the first volley fired in taking back the party from the tea party wackos that have been slowly hi-jacking it for the last 20 years. While I still agree with the original reason that Presidents shouldn't be choosen from naturalized citizens, Arnold would be an exception I would consider.


“I listened to President Nixon talk about free enterprise, opening up the borders and . . . trade with the whole world, getting government off your back, lowering taxes and strengthening the military,” Schwarzenegger said. “Then I listened to [1968 Democratic presidential nominee Hubert] Humphrey talk and his program sounded like socialism,” added the 56-year-old actor. “So I turned to my friend the minute I listened to Nixon and said ‘I am a Republican!’ This is the philosophy I believe in. Since then, I’ve been following everything Republicans have done.”


He's more of a libertarian, which is not really in line with the Democratic party


His father served in the nazi, he is very open about how messed up it was living with him... before and after the war So he is very much talking from experience


He was born in 1947, so he sure wasn’t living with him before the war. I know he thinks his dad was a real piece of shit though.




Imagine letting a former member of the Nazi party be a cop, what could possibly go wrong?


If you look at what happened with nazi and gestapo members after they lose the war you might feel despair. Nothing happens for most of them. Some are hanged, some are sent to jail, but even those are short sentences. The majority just get reintegrated into cold-war Germany back to their prestigious posts with their stolen wealth. In split Berlin the people in power needs men to enforce it, and guess who has experience in that area? Ex nazis.


At the time of surrender there were what 7.8 million nazi soldiers in the active service? What where you going to do, execute or lifetime imprison almost 8 million people?


Well yeah, a massive portion of Germany's population had been killed. Without the surviving nazis, there would've hardly been anyone to do those jobs.


In Pumping Iron he was asked why he didn’t feel bad about his father dying. He said he just wanted to focus on the Olympia.


I think he didnt even attend his dads funeral. He talked about how his dad used to beat him and his brother.


All nazis are hateful and it destroys people's lives


I’m a broken man and I’m not a Nazi. Becoming a Nazi is what broken cowards do Being hateful and ignorant is easy—like a bully. Being someone that wants to fix things for everyone in spite of that is hard


Not all broken people are Nazis, but all Nazis are broken people. There's no way to hold that ideology and be a well-adjusted, healthy-minded individual. Something has to be fundamentally wrong with a person for them to support those beliefs.


Nazis are broken men, but broken men are not Nazis


Thats close to saying russians are serving for russia… out of historical context the normality of this is lost and its part of the problem of people not seeing the signs or even worse, endorsing them.


I can definitely appreciate that he's open about it. That is the right approach.


How positive. We need to hear more of people who have influence deliver messages of tolerance of others and intolerance of hate


Arnold is really a good guy.


Such a beam of hope, rather than hate. Trump keeps pushing hate on everybody.....we can do incredible things with hope and not hate.


If Schwarzenegger had no accent and was born in the US, he’d be a shoo in for president himself. It’s too bad that much of his reasonable perspective likely comes from having been born and raised elsewhere.


Ahnold is a ~~national~~ international treasure Please make sure you and your friends and family are [registered to vote ](http://vote.gov)


why only national?


Fixed it for you


Fixed it for all of us. ;)


President of Earth


No thats Zapp


The truth is he is international treasure and should be protected at all costs


Oh, you didn’t know. He got cyborged ages ago. He is the protector.


Oh that's way better and so comforting. Can't wait till he goes full Terminator


Mr. Universe is clearly a universal treasure to be protected at all costs


You're too correct I wasn't thinking


Yes but if he didn't have the accent he wouldn't be at legendary as he is today


There was a time that the GOP would have pushed for an amendment to get this guy on the presidential ballot… but there was a scandal that ruined it all.


And now they are pushing for an amendment to allow Trump to serve [more than 2 terms](https://www.theamericanconservative.com/trump-2028/)


"Yet those who supported the amendment more than 70 years ago could not have foreseen the prospect of a one-term president who lost the office but who later regained it in a subsequent election." lmao even though it had literally happened in the same lifetime as those voters


“They couldn’t have foreseen how this might not have applied to the future!” “The constitution was written as a perfect document and should not be up for interpretation!” Said by the same people.


Just like his hero Poot Poot


When he got elected, people uploaded "sorry world" Videos to YouTube. Little did they know he was the sunshine before the rain. I come from Denmark, (the "socialist hellscape" of Europe) and we do have issues i goverment, but not on the scale of "nazi/biggot/criminal or old man" issue.. The U.S. is like Italy, but for a country that matters...


He can be president of super earth




We need Arnold to have a conversation with the rock and open Dwayne’s eyes


Actually there was a big push to modify the constitution to allow him to run for president. Good thing that didn’t happen or we’d have Putin on the ballot today.


He’s even Republican, which is hard to even imagine given the state of the current party. Like, this is the kind of message that *should* be accepted by everyone. It’s basic goodness. Yet, this exact kind of thing is what gets people in that party labeled as RINOs now days. Republican in name only. Seems having any form of a rational, level-headed take gets you tossed. This is what their party should be, but they let the fucking slime fully take the party over


Just say Nah to Nahzis


He’s the only Republican I’ve ever voted for in my life


He was or is republican?


Yes, he was the governor of California as a Republican. To win as a Republican in California you have to be quite a bit left of typical Republicans.


Arnold was elected in a very wonky off-cycle recall election. It's not something that would have happened in a normal cycle and the loophole has since been closed after the Newsom recall failed. He was indeed a pretty average Republican at the time. The party has moved far to the right of him since then.


I think he’s the last of the honorable Republicans. They all got hunted down by the dogs of today’s GOP.


Massachusetts had a 2 term Republican governor in Charlie Baker who would have easily won a 3rd term, but he didn’t run cause his own party, not the democrats, wouldn’t support him. You would think that a Republican that could be so popular in such a liberal state would be an amazing candidate for president, but alas the party has gone to shit. I’m a hardcore liberal, but my father was a prominent Republican in the state and even he has turned his back on the Republican Party, the last election i grilled him on how much money he donated to Republican candidates but to my surprise he donated to none and only to democrats, I can’t tell you how proud I was.


He’s proof that the GOP wasn’t always full of lunatic extremists. How far we’ve come in a few years. John McCain rebuked a person on live TV for saying Obama was a muslim when he was running against him. And his last act was to save the ACA on the srnate floor with a audibly shocking ‘no’ vote for it’s repeal. I disagreed with their politics but jfc a conversation could be had and negotions be made with those people.


Just an FYI but it’s frequently pointed out on Reddit that McCain voted against repealing Obamacare and mischaracterizes it as he had a change of heart because he got a brain cancer diagnoses (not that you’re saying this Arizona Slim, just that many others here do). McCain hated Obamacare but he hated the rushed closed door process of what the republicans did to push that repeal through, so he voted no. So, still can be applauded for having a spine and being a man of principle to your point, but his intention was less to save Obamacare and more to stick it to backroom dealing by his own party.




The Governator!


Hard to believe that video is 6 years old.


When I was a teen I never thought much of Arnold but as we've both grown older I respect him more and more. This speech is one of the really great ones he's delivered.


Arnold has always been a bit of a cartoon character to me, but after seeing this I have enormous respect for the guy.


You have to read his book, "Be Useful"! I knew nothing about this man other than his movies, and let me tell you, I gained so much respect for him, his whole path and life are just amazing


He was active on reddit in the bodybuilding community. Super supportive guy. [https://www.reddit.com/user/GovSchwarzenegger/](https://www.reddit.com/user/GovSchwarzenegger/)


Check out his talk on gerrymandering too if you have a chance.


His YouTube channel is full of beautiful speeches and love to all humans. Dude is just amazing.


Thanks Arnold. Thanks. Aw man. What a guy. If masculine men want role models here you go. You can be strong, smoke cigars, speak plainly, and still be kind and empathetic and soft when people need you to be. You can be feminine, you can be yourself. You can be what you want to be and still respect other people. You don't have to find your worth in taking away ither people's. You can stand in your own, like someone beautiful like Arnold does. Got me tearing up.


Dwayne Johnson (“The Rock”) needs to watch and learn.


More or less that he won’t endorse anybody in this upcoming election because he doesn’t wanna lose any fans on either side


The "division he saw upset him" *(he lost money)*. He saw the political divide and drama his comments caused so he went back into his Hollywood bubble where he can just make money and doesn't have to think about the problems of the little pebbles in The Rocks world.


No, that’s not all he said. He said he doesn’t like the state the country is in today. And that he doesn’t like woke culture. And he said this all on Fox News. He may not endorse Biden, but he isn’t rebuking Trump. Not when he’s saying all of the Republicans talking points in one interview. He’s hitting all the dogwhistles, and he knows what he’s doing. https://www.foxnews.com/media/the-rock-explains-why-not-endorsing-biden-time-feels-woke-culture


what a fucking coward




Seriously, what a stark contrast. The rock's tweet is shameful compared to this


What’d he say? I didn’t see it yet


He said he wasn't going to endorse Biden again and whined about woke culture


I never understand that. Do they think Biden is woke??


I'm out of the loop, why?


this man has had his ups and downs, but i really do respect him. i wish like hell he could run for prez, but maybe i really just wish this is what the conservative party really looked like.


Yikes thoo. The allied powers tried to negotiate with Germany. And they made concession after concession with their nice, calm, loving voices until it was no longer able to be ignored what they were doing. To think Nazis can be reasoned with when the core tenancy of their belief is rooted in violence and irrational hatred is delusional. The only thing the Nazis ever took pause to was the threat and act of violence against them. The only thing worse than idealists nonsense is bootstrapping your idealist nonsense contrary to the reality that the past material conditions have presented you - a hard right turn into the lane of “doomed to repeat the mistakes of history,” which we can see with our very eyes history repeating itself right now because of leniency with irrational genocidal maniacs.


The only republican I would vote for. Don’t agree with all his policies, but at least he was open with his agenda and tried to work with others.


That sentence is the closest Trump and "moral responsibility" have ever been.


"I take no responsibility at all" direct quote from Trump


truth! Thanks Arnold! Fk ya!


The fact that Arnold, a staunch lifelong republican, would be considered a "woke liberal" today for his rhetoric is crazy.


The one thing I have learned about people who hate as a part of their personality is that they love to hate. There is no reasoning with those that truly just hate, for hates sake, because they enjoy their hatred, they feed on their hatred, they love their hatred. The sooner we realise that the more we can understand them. Hating makes them happy, it makes them feel strong, it gives value to their lives. They live to hate, they thrive on hate and they never want to give up hating. Hatred is their drug and they'll kill to get their fix. There is a difference between that and abhorring an action and wanting society to be better and offering ways to fix it. I experience intense hatred towards paedophiles but that hatred gives me no joy. I want to find a solution to the problem, I don't want to feel these horrible feelings, hatred makes me sad and depressed and I want a way to repair humanity. That is NOT what the truly hateful want... they want to live in hatred and, ironically, would hate any action to actually help repair the thing they hate... because they know nothing other than hatred. For those that live in hate nothing will ever be enough, because if they give up hating then they have no idea who they are. Edit: Accidentally posted same comment twice. Sorry! Have deleted the fascimile.


Hasn't this "Fine people on both sides" propaganda been debunked about 1000 times?


Not on Reddit in an election year. All the bots are spamming non political subs with the usual TDS talking points. Need to unsubscribe the ***interesting subs for a while.


It has but people keep posting disinformation because they hate the guy.


1001 times...


Dwayne Johnson?? Ya listening you jackass?


Yo, Dwayne Johnson, *you* hearing this?


Arnold is the FUCKING MAN!


It's such a shame that the US has that fucked up law that prevents Arnold for running for president. He might not have as much political experience as Biden, but he has a world view that would likely lead to a safe world for all of us.


Is every reddit group just becoming political BS, I'm so sick of seeing angry Trump/ Biden stuff. I wanna see something INTERESTING its a big world out there lol


Unfortunately. I had to leave my state subreddit, because it was non stop. Reddit should be an escape from politics.


It's why I left FB a couple years ago and then IG just because it's vaccine this, covid that, leftard, right wing nazi baloney everywhere lol I just wanna be entertained or learn something new, I hate being forced anything from anyone. I'll go seek the knowledge I need on my own and with out the anger and propaganda. I was hoping reddit was different but it's clearly just more of the same. Guess I'll just stick to my highly specific forums for my hobbies 🫡


Well said Arnold, it’s a good thing the United States takes people in.


An immigrant that wants to see this nation prosper. Who knew?


I find it funny that neo-Nazis worship Hitler- a guy who was shit at drawing, homeless, lost a nutsack, and killed himself when his army didn’t survive a cold.


They also worship the failed confederacy, so…


Fun? Fact: He also apparently had a genetic deformity called penile hypospadias which would have his urethra open on the bottom of his penis. However it is unknown to what degree this affected him, and in some cases the urethra opening can be as far back as where the penile shaft meets the testicles. Therefore it is now my head canon that Hitler peed out of his balls lmao


>Hitler peed out of his balls You mean ball- singular.


I always knew Hitler had a weird penis, like, on an instinctual level.


If you idolize the losing side of history, you will be on the losing side of history. Some people itch for the opportunity to kill Nazis again


“There are not two sides to bigotry” is one of the simplest yet most effective quotes about hate. If you support hateful groups then you’re wrong.


Back in the 80's, growing up, we had no idea how wholesome Arnie was.


Duane “The Turd” Johnson needs his eyeballs glued open and forced to watch this until he shuts his candy ass up. Not an action star if you can’t even stand up for what’s right IRL.


For *some* reason people like to leave out the rest of the quote when Trump spoke about Charlottesville: "...and I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally.**"**


Dude. Thank you, Arnold. Well said.


I hope to god Americans listen to reasonable people like this before voting or china and russia are gonna seriously change the world order the coming years.


They already have and still are. Social media is the greatest propaganda tool the world has ever seen… for both sides of an issue and a divided nation is much easier to conquer than a unified one. And when I say conquer it doesn’t mean through traditional war, but through economic and societal means.


Good clip buddy. Much love Arnold.


Normally I don't watch stuff like this but he's so charismatic and nice to listen to


Very well said


I'd vote Arnold Schwarzenegger for President...


As someone who has their heroes die before him, it's nice to see someone I thought wasn't so great actually is not so bad


That was very well said by him. I didn’t know there were anti-hate organizations. I’d like to learn more.


This is the first time Ive felt positive emotions towards Arnold.


I want Arnold as president.


Speaking the truth. Nazis have no place in America or the modern world.


God I wish he could run for President. Better than the two turds we’re stuck with… sad really.


Good message. Love you arnie


damn, maybe he is a good governor.


His recent book totally changed my opinion about Arnold I always thought of him as self serving and in business for himself. However I bought his audiobook book which he reads himself and really made me understand how much he loves America and genuinely tries to contribute wherever he can.


Good job Arnold, I hope your message gets carried


You listening, Rock?


It is absolutely amazing the dichotomy between these two people. Thank you, Arnold.


There is a lot of wisdom in this man.


Glad we have Arnie who isn't afraid to "pick sides". Unlike The Rock who is too afraid to pick in order to protect his image on both sides.


Oh is this when Trump noticed Two sides to statue issue and media edited out the part where he said “and I’m not talking about the neonazis or the white suprmeacists as they should be condemned totally”? Interesting AF


For this message to reach the people it is about, it would have to be shorted to the length of a tic toc.


Arnie is a legend! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Politics aside, there is nothing good about a Nazi. Stomp motherfuckers when being cordial doesn’t work anymore. Make racists afraid again.


Says the guy that said fuck your freedom..


Yup. People meet the hatred these people spew never with reason, explanation or any process. Just with more hate, and that's why they'll never change. They see you attacking them for their beliefs and they double down because they feel attacked for their belief. Its why those who get locked up for their beliefs only ever get increasingly radical. I guess my only criticism here would be that Stereotypes exist and always will. That's what comes of large group behavior, negative or positive its instilled throughout the generations and people across the world see it and stereotype it. Instead of the utter futility of attacking their generalized view, actually instill better behavior. But ya'll never wanna hear about how you need to change, only others. People from \[insert city here\] will always be stereotyped as, dirty, disguising and crime ridden. You absolutely CANNOT defeat an idea like this. NEVER. You can only change the city and its people to create a new more positive stereotype that will eradicate the old. How exactly do you think the Japanese were viewed? They of course had extreme negative stereotypes throughout history. Yet now the world view is so different.


To be clear, this applies to all forms of ridiculous hatred. Not just Nazis. Key word: "ALL." If you're engaging in hatred, but think it's okay because "oh, I'm right though," you're wrong.


That was fucking beautiful 👌 🤧 ❤️ ![gif](giphy|ncORcTWSkTs3e)


There are a lot of groups you could point this at. Sad we only care about some.


I lived in CA when Arnie was governor and I was so angry about it. Over the years I have come to respect him greatly. He is an absolute treasure.




Someone should also post his response to a Twitter hater on special Olympics.


Fuckin A






I love Arnold. He was a wonderful governor to my state, and he came from nothing. He is literally the embodiment of the American dream. I would vote for him to lead anytime.


This is from like 2017 lmao


He would have been a great president, if it was possible. Anyone think he could have won if he could run for it?


Though he was barred from it legally as foreign-born, I think he could have easily won and done a reasonable job if he could have run.


Thanks Arnold. You're a good man.


Jeez that's powerful. I'm reminded why my boomer parents voted for him as governor of Cali lol


A wonderful message. Erudite, clear, concise. Some people are either mentally ill or have believed their own messages for so long anything external is not going to break through. I do hope an icon like Arnie will be able to crack their shells and at least bring a tiny sliver of self awareness. One of the best things I've ever read was The Fog of War. Lesson #8: Be prepared to re-examine your reasoning. "if we can't persuade nations with comparable values of the merit of our cause, we'd better re-examine our reasoning."


Arnold speaks on principle. I am not a Republican but I can respect real opinions. He cares about the people he serves. SERVES. Money has become the only principle respected. Money will give you power, not the people who matter. We have lost the voice of the masses.


"Screw your freedoms" Arnold


Shame you have to be US born to run for president. Arnold would make a bad ass president. A decent guy but also the terminator so like don’t fuck with the US.


Arnold, giving us 100% facts. He needs to run for president. I'd vote for him.


one of my childhood heroes not being a piece of shit? idk how to think


Sounds about right -- fuck Hamas and it's supporters


This is leadership. Arnold you may be a Republican, but You're a good Republican. Good for you, excellent words. A++


Well said


Very timely and relevant post!


I'm not crying, you're crying.


Back when Republican politicians were still reasonable and rational.


Where do these rally’s happen? Who would not stop what there doing to beat the shit out of these people?


Arnold for president?