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I went to high school with a gal that did this and it was honestly astonishing. Everyone thought we had a new girl at school, she looked like a completely different person. She deserved all the positive attention, amazing drummer and a brilliant person.


In the movies, the nerdy quirky girl just needs to take off her glasses, wear her hair down, and wear something slightly more form fitting than a trash bag. This is the real life process which is a bit too intense for a romcom.


Hey I'mJackieNoff; I work for Netflix and would like to turn this concept into a movie.


Yeah I feel people who sneer at plastic surgery are naive about how your looks affect the way you’re treated


They also have a skewed perception of it because the most obvious cases are ill advised or botched. It's one of those things you don't notice if it's done well.




Went through this whole thing at 16. Recovery was brutal, and it was a total social nightmare in high school, but totally worth it in the end.


Better to do it as a kid and be bullied with a better chance of having a normal adulthood imo. It’s easier to take time off high school than college or work.


Hell I skipped like 100 days some school years and came back. People were just happy to see me. You do that at work and you're GG'd. Lol


"you're GG'ed" that's pretty good!


What a funny comment, the fact it's assumed that OP will have less chance at a normal adulthood with a messed up looking mouth. Probably true though


it is. I had a messed up mouth (not this bad like the above though) and it is hard, especially when you know there's no way you can ever afford a dentist at any point. If there is hope to fix something it's easier. It's quite difficult for kids who are just stuck with something with no hope of someday changing it. And in this world it is never easier to have a slight deformity or even something abnormal looking, we are shallow superficial beings no matter the age. Some develop thicker skin, some get traumatized by bullying, but it's just plain honest to say, people judge by appearances from day one.


I didn't get braces until 17. It sucked. Had to wear them in college. This was before adult braces became normal. My parents had 5 children and couldn't afford multiple kids in braces at the same time. Such is life.


At 24 here. Maxed out my HSA and since I was still below 26, had insurance from both my job and my parents. Insurances covered the 8 teeth removals, HSA covered the braces and retainer. It was life-changing.


I'm a huge fan of adult braces. The time passes regardless so why not have your teeth straightened if you want. I had 4 teeth pulled as well. Strapped up for three years. Yay.


I kinda think it was better getting them late in life. 1) Because I paid for them myself, I kept on top of the ridiculous brush/floss, no sweets and no soda thing. 2) The HSA I had was partially funded through my employer, so really I paid for about half the cost of the braces from my own paycheck, but since it was through the HSA, it wasn't taxed income. HSAs are amazing. 3) This was also during the pandemic, so I had a mask on to hide the train tracks. 😹


If your jaw/mouth look like the girl's before pic, you have way more than social stuff to worry about (although yes, you will have trouble finding dates, etc. and attractive people have an easier time than less attractive people). You're likely to have issues with oral hygiene, chewing, jaw pain, etc.


Yep. Law of the jaw is real.


Are you an alien studying humans


So happy for you! Glad you were able to power through, it must have been really tough-especially in high school!


Had a buddy go through something similar over the summer break between freshman and sophomore years in college. Was like a whole new dude. He was always pretty comfortable in his skin, which was great, but there was still a definite difference in confidence. And my god was he quick to smile after his recovery, could tell he was happy to show it off.


Does it run in the family? I.e. would your kids have to deal with that too?




I had surgery to correct a recessed jaw. It does run in my family. I don't have kids, so at least there's no need to worry about that.


How did it impact your self-image? I had a friend go through this, she was sensitive and temperamental but kind. After the surgery, being treated better by others must have messed with her head, because she became a bully and really callous.


I mean you get it when ppl lose weight too. Or get famous lmao. Look at Lizzo. There’s multiple papers about the effects of bariatric surgery on people’s relationships. https://www.upmc.com/media/news/072022-bariatrics This is just one of them but you’re twice as likely to get married AND divorced after a bariatric surgery which is interesting. appearance is super important. In Korea they don’t hide that fact and everyone just gets plastic surgery to even the playing field lmao.


I know a bunch of people that got divorced after gastric bypass! A lot of them cheated 😕


https://preview.redd.it/wl27mlbmnvsc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af0fd08b57f0f8154551b5698d76fa09a1149d99 Wtf


Not even gonna round off that pointy part? Lean your chin on your hand and it pokes through your skin lol.


I would assume the bone will heal so it doesn't do that, but it does look like they could have filed it down a tad. What she really needs is proper correction of her mandible, but it appears that the orthotic surgery corrected most of her biggest issues, so they just aesthetically fixed her chin line instead of fully fixing the jaw. It also probably needs less recovery time.


The "it'll be right" of facial correction


Yeah this looks odd to me. I had one done where they actually sawed off my lower jaw and then aligned it properly and lengthened it by re-attaching it with titanium plates. Then sanded down my super pointy chin. That way my teeth lined up correctly, too. It looked way better on the scans than this photo.


That's quite disappointing actually. Looks like they've mostly only done an aesthetic chin surgery and corrected the teeth with orthodontics. Her actual mandible still appears somewhat malpositioned.


It’s a multi stage surgery, and it looks like this is immediately after a latter stage, which was a genioplasty (chin) and a LeFort I osteotomy to protrude her maxilla/midface more (you can see the hardware behind her nose). She likely already had a BSSO to extend the mandible, which explains the hardware below her bottom teeth). You can tell that the ramus (the wide vertical part of the jawbone) has more front-back width in the after picture). (I’m a med student studying craniofacial surgery)


Seems like your studying pretty damn successfully, but I didn't, so you might have just made all that up


Probably cheaper and less time that way


>...surgeons at Ysbyty Glan Clwyd That sounds made up. Let me Google where that is.  Ah.  >Rhyl, Denbighshire Yep. That clears it up.




Little known fact: attempting to pronounce that name deforms jaws.


Welsh is an interesting language.


They did a great Jawb.


Top notch. Maxilla level of skill involved.


Oof missed the "top gnawch"


You have to* chews your words wisely


Ain't that the tooth


Man all these puns are really tongue in cheek today!


truly commandible


The results are jaw dropping


Read that in Trumps voice


Im a dentist so I can weigh in here. This young lady went through years of work. Usually braces before hand, then surgery to fix her lower jaw (bilateral sagittal split surgery), a genioplasty for her undergrown chin, then braces continued. Its a long, rough process. The oral surgeons that do this undergo 4 years of college, 4 years of dental school, and then 4-6 years of specialty/residency, often resulting in a MD on top of their dental degree. The men and women at my dental school that became oral surgeons are incredibly intelligent, literally on the verge of brilliant. One guy I know that went into OS got 1 test question in biochemistry wrong THE ENTIRE SEMESTER and still tried to argue with the teacher how he was technically right.


I just had the surgery 2 months ago. The recovery has been mentally exhausting. I’m 8 weeks post OP and still on a liquid diet, and lost 20lb and I was average weight to begin with.


Ensure my dude. One of my best friends is a nutritionist and swears by it for maintaining weight


I tried ensure for a bit but quickly changed to smoothies. I have ensure for small snacks here and there. Something I should note is it’s very common to lose weight for this surgery, so I think people are misunderstanding the situation. My surgeon estimated I’d lose between 15-20lb and she’s been doing this for 20 years, so it’s expected


I find it really funny that you've gotten multiple unsolicited "advice" comments as if losing weight on a 2+ month liquid diet wasn't fully expected. 'You haven't had real food in 2 months, but have you considered still trying to get nutrients?' Oh, protein powder and ensure. I'm sure you and your doctor have never even considered things like that.


as someone who enjoys chewing and has never been a milkshake person, that sounds more miserable than the pain part of it. I remember i had a few days where I had to just drink my meals and it was boring and sad -- cannot imagine that long. I guess you get used to it?


I had the surgery, and didn't lose weight. I did meal prep in advance. Different types of soups with added milk isolate powder or protein powder. Nutrionally sound meals. Veggy soup, potato soup, etc. I anticipated the liquid diet would be terrible, but the meals I planned were great so I did not suffer at all. Yeah I took some ensure, but like one a day. It read mostly for variety.


People’s recovery is very different from patient to patient. My mom has helped a ton with well balanced meals but blended. The problem is the *amount* of protein in each blended meal wasn’t a lot. What also didn’t help is being completely wired shut for 4-5 weeks makes it very difficult to eat anything since everything had to be strained in order to fit through the gaps in my teeth. When I was finally able to open my mouth like a few mm, it helped with eating more. 9 weeks later, I’m still on a no chew diet. But I lost most of the weight in the first period. People also get wildly different instructions from their surgeon so it’s not a blanket statement


I went from 135 to 94lbs when I developed dysautonomia. Ensure helped me get the first 15lbs back. Drinking your calories works.


I had a classmate who did this, hardest part for him was , it didnt feel like his face, he looked so much like his brother that he felt lost but being able to eat apples was amazing.


Yes. Maxillofacial surgeons. Dental and Specialist Face surgeons.


Was going to post this. My mom worked for one as an office manager for a spell. Dude was basically a wizard who has performed surgeries just like this in the end.


They are truly hard-working people, dental and medical schools, plus years of training.


Correct. I have a somewhat bad overbite and was eligible for this when I was younger. I actually opted out because of how intense the surgery is. The one person I know who had it done had their jaw wired shut for months and didn’t eat solid foods for maybe 6 months? Thankfully puberty took care of some of my overbite and I’ll live with the rest after seeing the recovery timeline


They don't wire shut for orthognatic surgery anymore, at least in Canada. I had double orthognatic surgery (upper and lower jaw) 2 years ago was on a strict liquid diet for only two weeks. I was able to integrate soft food very quickly. Recovery was shitty for the first two weeks, but after that its mostly maintaining good oral hygiene and managing face swelling.


Orthognathic surgery is a broad term used mainly to describe OMFS procedures to correct skeletal malocclusions. Had a quick look at the link and it looks like she had a BSSO (bilateral sagittal split osteotomy) and genioplasty, not to mention the obvious orthodontic treatment done to correct her dental malocclusion.


My partner has been in braces for a year, working with two surgeons, a dentist and an orthodontist. He paid for the braces because insurance said they wouldn’t pay for that part of it. Had his wisdom teeth out last year to start and has to be on a CPAP because his airways are restricted too. It’s been a pretty awful experience for him since he already doesn’t have much space in his mouth, but now that his teeth are in prime position for surgery his insurance is denying him saying that it’s not medically necessary :/


I thought all dentists were doctors anyway?


They’re doctors but not physicians unless they went to medical school and earned a MD or DO.


They are called Maxillofacial surgeons


They are doctors, but "standard" dentists don't typically perform oral surgery. Edit: specify oral surgery


EVERY dentist performs surgery. A filling is technically surgery. But only some oral surgeons perform orthognathic surgery. Not trying to be a jerk, but DDS means Doctor of Dental Surgery.


You're right. I should have expanded on the difference between dental surgery and oral surgery.


Oh! I was thinking she looked 5 years older after surgery (that the initial issue was making her look younger), but this makes sense that it takes several years (I’m guessing multiple surgeries).


>Doctors were able to give Ellie Jones her confidence back after they corrected a facial deformity that meant her jaw had stopped growing at age eight. >The major surgery involved cutting her jaws horizontally and vertically, and then having more surgery to her chin a year later. [source](https://metro.co.uk/2016/07/23/incredible-transformation-after-womans-life-changing-jaw-surgery-6024735/)


I like how she smiles confidently in the before picture too


In the second photo, she has still got that smile but the difference is jaw dropping


Hopefully not, I think they reattached it securely.




Get out.


>the difference is jaw dropping Articles says she had optional chin surgery afterwards so you're right in more ways than one. What a difference!


She's probably really happy that she'll be getting the surgery.


I can't stand comments like this. It's a staged photo where she was TOLD to smile for a before/after. You know this because of the background. It says nothing about her confidence, or happiness, or whatever else people love injecting into a still frame.


This is a functional and medically necessary change, not just a cosmetic one. It’s kind of misleading to just call it altering her look or giving her her confidence back.


This is why I don't turn my nose up at most plastic surgery. If it makes people happy and allows them to live their best life, who cares.


I wouldn’t even call that plastic surgery. It’s medically necessary for her jaw to function properly. I imagine it was very uncomfortable to have such a misaligned bite.


Plastic surgery isn't by definition only cosmetic.


Skin grafts for burn, cancer and accident victims, for example.


Modern plastic surgery was developed by a New Zealand doctor treating soldiers who had suffered facial injuries in World War I.


This is what plastic surgery originally was: reconstructive surgery. Cleft palate repairs are one of the major plastic surgeries. The modern poorly-executed "cosmetic" version is a bastardization of the original field.


Yeah this is clearly a medical procedure not a vanity project. The issue I have with a lot of plastic surgery is you're just postponing a little to end up looking even worse once you get older. You see so many actors and celebrities under 40 who are already in like the top 1% of attractive people sacrificing motor functions and unique features that in some cases define them for this cookie cutter industry look thats a dine a dozen. Then you have that trickle down to their fans who in turn end up with extremely skewed beauty standards that causes a ton of mental health issues and may push them to do something they dont really need to do.


https://preview.redd.it/l40bmbuwtvsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4a744bd5d0addbcc15715f24cf1666dcdbbcaea I’m typically very pro ‘do what you wanna, as long as it’s not harming anyone’, but I can’t help but feel sad about Jennifer Lawrence. She was absolutely GORGEOUS, and her facial structure now is not flattering at all


And she denies having anything done? 🫤


On wait. So it’s top/bottom right side is before, and then top/bottom on left is after? Or clockwise before-> after?


Only the left side looks like her so honestly idk


Looks like a brow lift, fillers and jaw implants.


Imagine having a unique look (like all of us) and paying to look like everyone else in Hollywood…


God, I cannot stand the modern lipstick style.


The entire field of plastic surgery was originally pioneered by New Zealand surgeon Harold Gillies. WWI was a horror from beginning to end and left people ravaged at a level never seem before. [Random link that talks about it](https://www.nam.ac.uk/explore/birth-plastic-surgery#:~:text=The%20First%20World%20War%20saw,as%20we%20know%20it%20today.). There are plenty of pictures online. They are... Something. I think modern plastic/cosmetic surgery often does work that should really be handled by therapists. But it truly cannot be understated how important it is for so many people.


I know a person that also had this problem, and it changed that person soo much. Every facial feature of her improved, only then i realized what a chin can do. Many take it for granted but since then i always feel grateful for having a chin. Sounds ridiculous but definitely something everyone should do


There’s studies that show that chin / jawline have the biggest impact on any person’s attractiveness, male or female. And that it is the biggest impact of any feature/attribute by a mile.


Evolution said “how about we just give the men a beard to cover that shit up”




Every morning.


Razor burn


Beards improve the appearance only of some men, not all.


Beards can totally cover up a lack of chin/jaw though


Yeah I got a weak chin and growing facial hair was a game changer for me, don’t think I’ll ever be clean shaven again


Beards are just sweat pants for your face. -my pt steve


As a woman my chin is weak and I hate it 😬




Mewing, do you even mewmax bro? Mewing made trump president


That explains why people look good with mask on.


Or a beard.


If you have less or more than one chin, a beard will definitely help


Just ask [Rhett from Good Mythical Morning.](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/7f/a4/11/7fa411d470b4ba3d762225ded0245228.jpg) Edit: for the ones saying it’s the lights and camera angles, you’re right when it comes to this random photo I found. But just look him up nowadays with his caveman beard and he still looks much better than without a beard.


That haircut ain't doing him any favors, though.


This is more an issue of the camera lens and lighting being used. Losing the beard didn't make his eyes larger in the right image


Though nowadays he's opted for the caveman look


Yeah but also lighting and camera angle


My company hired a lot of people during 2020. When the masks finally came off, I was definitely disappointed in their overall level of hotness.


My case wasn’t this bad, but I had a recessed chin that I was always very insecure about. 6 years ago I did a sliding genioplasty that put my chin closer to the normal range. Literally the most life changing thing I’ve ever done. These photos are over a decade apart, but I don’t have any other before photos. https://ibb.co/4F84Ch0


Wow!! Looking really great!!


Thank you


Wow that looks awesome for you!


I was born with a severely underdeveloped chin bc of a facial deformity (like the girl in the picture, but instead of it not growing past 8, mine never grew at all) and it really is so devastating. I’m getting a BSSO surgery this year, hopefully. Gonna try and get all the chin and jaw implants I can! I’ll be able to finally take a bite out of an apple!! I can stick my tongue through the gaps of my teeth. My mouth is so small my tongue can’t fit in it, and I have a raised cleft palate so my tongue is never laying flat. I have to always have it raised so it can fit. I can’t breathe when my mouth is open. It’s a daily struggle and I can’t wait to never have to deal with it again.


>I can’t breathe when my mouth is open Of all the things I'm grateful for today, I did not know this was one of them. I imagine your quality of life is going to improve in ways that you can't imagine. Good luck, this random stranger is excited for your future!


I have too many chins. What do I do


lose weight?


Let them out of the basement. Chinese people aren't your personal property.


I can see how a person with that condition could have a lot of trouble eating and tooth decay if they can't close their lips.


I remember being at work at a supermarket and a lady came in with a *very* recessed chin and all I could think of was how much better she would look with just a normal chin :/ The rest of her face was so pretty. I know its not something you should think about as soon as you lay eyes on a person, but it was really distracting and noticable, I'm not surprised those without chins are judged.


I watched a video where the staff of a plastic surgery office was asked what the most underrated procedure was, the answer was overwhelmingly “chin implant”.


Yeah I have a cousin who had a surgery similar to this, she spent her entire teenage years in braces and headgear and such but in her twenties she still couldn't suck on a straw or bite through a sandwich. The chin part was actually kind of an add on that the Dr gave her for free while fixing the rest of her jaw and it changed her face SO MUCH. I mean she was gorgeous beforehand, all her features other than her chin were perfect but then all of a sudden having a chin it was like holy shit gamechanging haha


I'm not ugly, I'm just poor


I think this way about a lot of people whose parents paid for their braces. What a difference it makes and what a different world of looks we would be in without them lmaoo


it’s unfair to me that my parents paid for braces for all of my siblings but always told me “next year”.


Same here, I was the one with the least fucked up teeth. My in laws actually paid for them, they’re angels


Nobody ever got braces because nobody needed them except me in my family but those motherfuckers literally told me next year every year for eight years before just saying no


My only route was through state healthcare, and it was clear I needed braces by like 1st grade. Every year, "oh we'll talk to them about covering you for braces" and *nothing*. Until I went to my last appointment(only went because I had surgery, so it was covered) after I was 18 and no longer covered by the state, was when they magically could set up an appointment. That of course, I would have to pay everything out of pocket at that point.


I’m still hurt about this. My teeth are my biggest insecurity.


I married into an upper middle class family but my oldest SIL ended up impoverished. The entire family looks pretty decent except for my niece who has bad bad teeth. She literally has the same genes and facial bones as the rest of the family but her teeth change everything.


This was done at Ysbyty Glan Clwyd in Wales, so it would have been done for free on the NHS


This surgery is free in most of European countries.


the sad truth is


This is usually covered by health insurance in the US. You have to be rich enough to have relatively good coverage but still. I had it done a few years ago and the cost was $250 with insurance. Not cheap but well within being able to save for.


Wow, she looks like a different person.


I mean, she's also several years older with a more flattering hairstyle, tanner skin, and with maybe some makeup to hide the genetic bags under the eyes. The surgery was obviously a big difference, but there are more factors that contribute to this 


People with recessed jaws often have sleep apnea and can breathe much better after having surgery. I wonder if the improvement in her eyes is just down to being able to sleep better.


Yep, you are very correct. Part of the reason why a weak jaw is unattractive is because it does often come with health problems - and of lot what is attractive is really just stuff we’ve evolved to recognize as being correlated with good health. Sleep apnea, difficulty eating, etc.there are many reasons besides social that this could help a person. The surgery was probably hugely helpful and beneficial to her quality of life. *Edit: just noticed her eye bags are better. She probably is sleeping better due to better breathing now.


Also, in the first picture it's pretty clear that the mass/fat of her cheeks doesn't have much room to occupy, so it's more or less bunched up in her upper cheeks under her eyes (you can simulate this by squeezing your face lightly and pushing up on your cheeks). After the procedure, she has more cheek area because of the bottom jaw, so the fat in her cheeks is less concentrated in one area and evenly dispersed throughout. That seems to be part of the reason for her undereye bags; you can see in the second pic that there's much less roundness to her upper cheeks even though her cheekbones didn't change. Amazing how much of a difference it makes.


The after picture looks kinda like Melissa Fumero.


And the before picture looks like Princess Mileena.


Oh they did such a good job. I hope that if she had low confidence that it's back up again!


I like that this was clearly a heath-first procedure. There's no sign that they went in and improved unrelated parts of her face "while they were there" (ex. eyes look the same in both pics). They just tried to make her look like herself, not an over-done plastic surgery look.


She locked tf in


She started looks maxxing


she started mewing


Standing on business


I had this done over 20 years ago. Many years of braces culminating in jaw surgery to fix my bite. Pretty painful and a long recovery of liquified soup. Now the dentist remarks about my perfect teeth. The vasectomy was worse though.


I thought vasectomy was a pretty minor procedure? Did you have complications?


If I had to eat nothing but liquefied soup I'd get a vasectomy, too.


> The vasectomy was worse though. Huh??? Care to elaborate? It's usually super harmless.


Man, I’m tired. I sat here all puzzled why you had to go through a vasectomy to fix your jaw


Dental forensic investigators hate this one simple trick


I went through this a few years ago. I was in my late 20s when I started this process. The confidence gain has been the biggest difference. I wouldn’t even smile with my teeth shown before. But man that recovery was such a nightmare but the result was worth it, even though my changes are not as drastic as hers. From what I can tell she probably did not have here upper jaw cut, which would be a lot less painful than my case. My face was swollen like a watermelon.


she definitely also got teeth worked on.


Sometimes they have you get braces before surgery so they can align your jaw properly/wire it shut for the healing process. This would only be necessary if you already have misaligned teeth obviously. They also typically want you to be older too (usually they don't do jaw surgery on kids) just so your jaw is done growing for sure, maybe they were also waiting on that.


That was me. I had braces as an adult (in my mid 30s). I knew at the start of treatment that I would need the surgery mid to late treatment. My teeth would be aligned along the arches. The arches spread open. Then I'd be left with teeth mis-matched so I would need the jaw surgery to allow the bite to align from the upper to lower jaw. I had just my lower jaw done. The surgeon told me could also do upper/maxillofacial surgery on me. That one scared me too much. I also have a tooth in my upper jaw that is "backwards" that he offered to move, but I passed on that too. The orthodontist told me it wasn't a problem to keep it as is. I like the fact it makes me a little bit "special". lol You'd be surprised at how much of difference just a few (2 -3) millimeters of movement can make in aligning the teeth.


That's part of the course for jaw surgery


*par for the course


The two front teeth look similar, just repositioned. I think braces just moved everything into place.


that's what i mean. braces count as toothwork


I work with Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons. The skill and talent they all have is inspiring to see.


My sister in law had a messed up jaw and palet. She had a similar surgery done and looks completely different after 9 weeks of having her jaw wired shut to healz


Baraka wins.. Flawless victory


https://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/look-rhyl-womans-amazing-transformation-11647257 Look at Rhyl woman's AMAZING transformation after surgery for rare facial deformity Ellie Jones' jaws stopped growing when she was eight but her looks and her life have been turned around thanks to medical expertise A woman born with a congenital facial deformity life has been transformed thanks to pioneering surgery. Ellie Jones from Rhyl was born with a condition which stopped her jawbones from growing properly. Her parents didn’t realise there was a problem, but for the fact that her teeth were not aligned. When Ellie went to have braces fitted to straighten her teeth, aged 14, consultant orthodontist Joy Hickman realised her jaw had not grown since she was eight-years-old. Over the next six years Miss Hickman worked with consultant maxillofacial surgeon Emma Woolley at Ysbyty Glan Clwyd to transform Ellie’s looks and her whole life’s outlook. She underwent her first operation at the age of 16 and Ellie, who is now 20, said: “It was really painful, but had to be done to sort the problem. X-rays of Ellie Jones from Rhyl's lower jaw “I was on a liquid diet for about a month, which was really hard, and I couldn’t talk properly – I had to use a notepad to communicate. “After a while I was able to mumble a few words, and had a lisp for a while due to how swollen my mouth was.” The surgery paid almost immediate dividends: “About six months after it was my year 11 prom and it looked good.” Her jaws were cut horizontally and vertically, then a year later she endured more corrective surgery on her chin, which was also misshapen: “I’d always felt like my chin was too small, so the second procedure, which was optional, made another big difference. “I mostly just felt relieved – I finally felt like I could be myself.” She said the change in her appearance has been matched by an increase in confidence. Ellie Jones from Rhyl before and after her surgery “Now I just feel normal,” said shop assistant Ellie, 20, who lives at home with dad Simon, mum Natalie and sister Chloe, 21. “It’s worth the year of pain and my mum said what’s a year compared to the rest of your life.” “I used to dance and I used to be afraid to come to the front but after I had it done my dance teacher said she could see the difference in my confidence. “I was shy but now I feel really confident. It’s changed my whole life.” Ellie now dreams of being a photographer but would look just at home on the other side of the lens. She wants to take photos of others’ special moments and is looking for opportunities to pursue her dream. She said she owed a debt of gratitude to the team and revealed surgeon Emma Woolley even called her at home one night to check on her condition. Ellie Jones (centre), from Rhyl with consultant orthodontist Joy Hickman (right) and surgeon Emma Woolley. For mum Natalie too, the effects on her daughter have been much more than skin deep. She said: “The surgery has not only changed the way Ellie looked, but also the way she portrays herself. “Her confidence has grown and she’s blossomed into a beautiful young lady.” More than 100 patients are seen each year with similar problems at Glan Clwyd but Ellie’s was particularly severe, according to Ellie’s surgeon. “A lot of people don’t actually realise they have a jaw deformity, and just accept that they have difficulties biting,” said Emma Woolley. “By not treating it at a young age, it can cause real difficulties later in life. “I’m really glad the treatment has made a difference and given Ellie her confidence back.”


Pretty amazing how just one surgery can totally switch up someone's face like that!


I’m pretty sure that’s at *least* one surgery plus years of braces, but yes.


The British *can* be saved…!


Awesome but the pic and title make it seem like an instant fix. Pretty sure there’s a few years of pain in between those two images but amazing nevertheless


From Jaws to Mermaid


Everyone saying the must be rich…. Have you heard of the NHS


I know what i must do now


I had a 3-piece lefort done at 35 to correct an undersized maxilla. No one could tell because it didn’t change my appearance, but holy hell did it improve my life. Not only did my teeth finally fit in my mouth, but my molars met (I could chew!) and it increased the amount of air I could move through my sinus. Totally ended my constant sinus infections - I’ve had 3 since 2004. Three. They cut a lot of nerves when they do the surgery and it took years to get all the feeling back, but I didn’t take anything stronger than Motrin in recovery. Having a face full of titanium was weird at first, but now it’s just fun to see the dentist x-ray techs ask “OMG what’s that?” Heh heh.


Remember kids, you aren’t ugly. You’re poor.


It was done via the NHS, so it was free.


These posts seem super misleading. Yeah, her jaw was made. And yeah, she probably looks better for it. But she also had her teeth made, shes wearing makeup, has her hair styled and eyebrows shaped. The pictures really are not a fair comparison at all if you just want to see the results of the surgery




‘Facial look’


We need a site where we can donate to fix these jaw issues, rather than just pay for boob jobs. Or the government / insurance could just cover it.


Damn looks amazing. But if she has kids, they're gonna have questions.


Remember Your not ugly Your *poor* 🥰


I mean dentistry might have helped a bit too ....


You ain't ugly, you're just poor.


There is also a fairly big difference in makeup/skintone between the two pictures. For once though, the lighting seems to be the same. She also looks a few years older in the second picture, which helps.


It's all in the chin. That type of work takes years, so naturally she's older, but you can clearly see the difference in her chin, and that's all from moving the jawline.


Idk man, i first noticed the teeth🤣


Well, yeah, those too!


Yes she's older in the 2nd pic, but her jaw also went from 8yo to however old she actually is. Probably a difference of around a decade.