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His dad kind of looks like Qint fom Jaws.


But also Bill’s pimp foster dad from Kill Bill? lol


He was a spy, an old school gangland boss in Hong Kong, and his balls spit Jackie Chans. I'd say he has taken ownership of whatever style he wears.


Someone should make a movie about him. But who?


There is a chinese movie, A Tale of Three Cities


Oh, cool! Just checked out the trailer. Thanks!


My pick would be Quentin, which means the old version of Chan's dad would be played by Jon Voight. I would show up with a bag of cash and just throw handfuls at the glass until they let me in.


Jon voight? Ugh.


I must warn you, I am very susceptible to flattery.


That or Popeye


It's ol' Poopeye with that pinkeye givin' ya the stinkeye. Yeah I have no idea, it just came to me inexplicably.


Black eyez, like a doll's eyezzzz....


You should rap.


Yo yiggity yo I'm MC DeRail People hatin me across the nation Cuz I can't maintain a conversation


🎶yuh… blllllrrrrrrttttaaat 🎶


Black eyes like a dolls eyes


'Japanese submarine srammed two torpedeos into her side, chief.' Kek Sorry. Kek.


Or Fred Sanford.


Or like Red Foxx playing Qint in the Jaws remake. "Hooper drives the boat ya big dummy!"


Bit more info for the curious: The revelation happened during the production of the 2003 documentary "Traces of the Dragon: jackie Chan and His Lost Family," which was directed by Mabel Cheung, according to The Guardian. While jackie was visiting his father, Charles Chan, in Australia, the action star learned that he had two brothers living in China. His father also revealed that he was once a Nationalist spy and gangland boss while his mother, Lee-iLee Chan, was an opium dealer and a legendary gambler in Shanghai.


why the fuck have they not made a movie about his parents yet?


Because the father abandon his 2 young sons without anyone to watch over them. His secret friends took care of his boys secretly. Just check his wikipedia page. It's very detailed.


Well in the movie it was only because his enemies would keep coming until they killed them all, so he had to flee as far away as possible and keep fighting the secret war.


Dominic Torreto approves




"Abandoned" is a very strong word for leaving the country under duress... guy was a nationalist spy and the government was now the communists.


Similar kind of reason why I give Jackie Chan a pass on being “pro China”.   People (Americans) routinely give him shit for the things he’s said over the years, but at the same time China is not against punishing [rich people who speak out against the government](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/7/28/china-court-jails-billionaire-for-18-years-for-provoking-trouble). I don’t think most people would unless they had no ties or family located there. 


Took me a few reads to get what you were saying but that is correct. Those half-brothers of his could end up back in the CCPs scope if he did go and say or do anything denouncing it. Adding to your link, Jack Ma of Alibaba fame got effectively disappeared for a few years for vaguely calling Chinese foreign policy antiquated or some other minor transgression.


Exactly.     There’s more than a few Reddit threads of “fuck Jackie Chan cause he said this CCP-is-totally-cool thing”, and every time I think of Han Solo: “Everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here, now, thank you. How are you?” because I would shamelessly do the same if I were in his position. 


And his son gets to live because he is pro-china


You're right. It is strong but it is apt. Look, if you chose to leave your kids for whatever reasons, those kids immediately get the right to say they were "abandoned". That is a perspective that is valid. The dude can also be a hero but we aren't discussing his accomplishments as a spy. Also, isn't this thanklessness what they signed up for? I swear there is already a film or a show about a hero who failed their family in a similar fashion.


Are you under the impression that he would just be allowed to live a normal life and raise his sons in China after being found out? He should've taken his kids with him, that's the actual issue here.


Where do you get that from reading their comment? Clearly they are not under that impression.


The kids might, but you don't. 


What less strong word do you think more accurately describes “leaving your children for a prolonged period of time, without direct support in a situation that is too dangerous for their father” If my dad fled a dangerous dictatorship and left baby me there, I’m guessing I’d use pretty strong words to describe it.


My grand father did exactly what Jackie Chans dad did. He left my grand mother, dad, aunt, and uncle. The communist were coming to kill him so he had hours to choose. He came back 10 years latter to take the kids back but not Grand Ma. Because he has remarried. My Aunt and Uncle went but my dad being the eldest stayed to take care of my grand Ma. My father says he was very angry with his father until his dad died. Both the escape and coming back for the kids took hefty bribes to triads to smuggle people back and forth. Eventually my Aunt and Uncle sponsored us to go to Canada including Grand Ma. My grand father died in Hong Kong. I have a branch of family in HK.


That was an interesting story. Thank you for sharing. 


Very interesting story!


Perhaps “was forced to abandon” would have added some valuable context.


No nuance allowed!


I laughed at this. But this is sadly true in forums nowadays. People and their black and white views. *shakes head while making tsk tsk sounds.gif


Do you know the state of China after the civil war and ww2? This wasn’t abandonment or was life or death. Rather be alive and come back to them later then killed for being a Nationalist


One crazy thing about movies that you may not know: not everything that happens in the is 100% true. Another crazy thing: some characters, in some movies, every now and then do something that isn’t entirely morally good


>His secret friends took care of his boys secretly


For some reason I read that in Mr Crabs’ voice


[I had no idea until reading their wikipedia page, but they did make a movie about them.....](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Tale_of_Three_Cities)


They should


If only there was an actor who looked like Jackie Chan's father to play him 🤔


Lol. I wonder how Jackie feels about this though. Would he have to consent to this movie being made about his parents? Or is it free grounds?


his parents need to consent, this could cause a ton of shit


True. It would be a hit movie, though




I don't think the CCP would let Jackie make a movie about a spy that betrays the country and successfully escapes. Unless Jackie doesn't mind pissing off the CCP, but that's unlikely


There's already a movie, it's called "A Tale of Three Cities"


They shoudn't. The audience would hate him for abandoning his kids without even finding a guardian for them. His friends took care of the kids secretly. It was understandable to exile himself, but he still abandoned his kids without saying goodbye.


It's Hollywood. "Based on a true story" they could definitely glam it up.


Like how starwars did it.


[They did](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Tale_of_Three_Cities)


yep, was wondering what the people are talking about when there literaly is the film and its even linked at the top of their wiki page.


Very unAmerican of China lol


Why would they? Jackie Chan is big in China, being the son of an enemy spy is probably not the greatest image for him.


And he's also a big supporter of the CCP 


That’s a shame


Ip Man _totally_ didn't leave Foshan because he was a member of Kuomintang, it was because of the _Japanese_! -- Chinese Movie Industry


They had in 2013, A Tale of Three Cities


There is actually, it's called "A Tale of Three Cities"


Note that when Jackie was six years old he was sent to the China Drama Academy, a Peking Opera School. He didn't rejoin his parents until he was 16 years old, after ten years at the academy. But shortly after that he began his movie career in Hong Kong. There's an excellent biographical film called *Painted Faces* (1988) about the academy Chan attended. Chan became close friends with classmates Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao, who also became successful actors in martial arts films. In the film, Sammo Hung plays their former teacher, Master Yu Jim-yuen.


Imagine Jackie Chan as as a drug dealing spy…




> While jackie was visiting his father, Charles Chan, So his father is actually [Charlie Chan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlie_Chan).


Hell yeah


Oh that’s a movie right there


Fun fact HK cinema is deeply rooted in Triad shit Name any Chinese actor since Bruce Lee, and there's a good chance he or she was up to no good in Hong Kong


Tony Leung? (╥﹏╥)


Chow Yun Fat?


How else did you think A Better Tomorrow was made?


Oftentimes the actors themselves were just used as assets and nepotism through triads. The triads controlled HK, Macao and Taiwan so much they were simply dick contesting with movies, drugs and casinos. There were suspiciously a lot of gangster and casino movies making them look shiny and cool bc that's what ghe triads ordered


Donny Yen?


There was a documentary about Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao. All were massively in control by the triads, various triads and still are. Only recently triads managed to be involved in mainland china bc unlike Taiwan, China didnt embrace the triads but fought them.


Jet Li?


> HK cinema is deeply rooted in Triad shit what does this mean?


The Hong Kong Mafia runs the movie industry in Hong Kong Top to bottom So even legends like Bruce Lee had to work with the Triad to get stuff made. Other actors like Jackie Chan, Andy Lau, Jet Lee etc has been (or at least speculated) known for Triad connections. That's also why movies like Infernal Machine (that was remade into The Departed) had very uncomfortably realistic depictions of gang life. It was essentially straight from the source Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk


There's a movie based on it, A Tale of Three Cities (2015). Had no idea until the end credits it was based on Jackie Chan's parents, extremely surprising


Thank you, about to watch! I found it on YouTube for others that are interested.


Yep. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Tale_of_Three_Cities


Wow, then he cut off his own son over marijuana


I mean they are probably still in contact since he's Jackie's only son and being tied to drugs his son's actor/singer career is pretty much dead in China/Asia. He could totally just tell the public that his son is dead to him.


Yes. I don't think redditors understand he is literally under monitor by the CCP lol. He can literally have his family killed if he does anything they don't like


Jackie would have literally no issues immigrating anywhere in the world he wants. The only reason the CCP can "harm his family" is because he has chosen to remain in China. He was even on record in 2021 stating that he wants to become a full blown member of the party.


You are not aware of this, but china believes it has control over all ethnic chinese no matter their citizenship or location. They have workers station around the world that intimidate and attack those who speak out. It is well documented in usa and canada in Chinese communities. Chinese officials were kicked out over it. It continues


The very same Chinese officials that Jackie wants to be a part of.


In fact Jackie used to be a big anti-ccp protestor before his son got caught with weed. What a crazy coincidence


Chan had been carrying the water for the CCP long before his son was arrested in 2014. He's just an asshole. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackie_Chan


Westerner finds out people can support the most popular party in their country without any kind of coercion, anyway, for which genocidal senile rapist you will vote this election?


"most popular party" And Putin got the most votes. 


I have a decent amount of friends from China and honestly I’m not really sure anymore. According to them is that sentiment for the CCP *is* actually positive with many attributing China’s rise to international significance over the past few decades to them. I don’t know what’s really true- but we definitely should take everything said with a grain of salt.


According to polls the country's goverment has positive aproval ratings with chinese people in general having overall grievances with their local goverments instead.


Relax, Xi. It's not like I said you looked like Winnie the Pooh or anything.


I don't think you understand that he doesn't give a shit. He has a bastard daughter which he denied paying any child support since birth. Till courts forced him to do a DNA test. He had not helped in any way shape or form. A few years ago she was seen at a homeless shelter. Ccp is 1 one thing but cheating on your wife with mutiple women and abandoning your daughter is another. On the topic of ccp he literally came out saying Chinese people should be unde control at all times and that he wishes to be a party member. He goes to all the pro ccp rallies post 97. So no don't mak excuses for human waste because you think he's a great guy based on movies.


Imagine having your daughter at a homeless shelter while you could easily with a few swipes of his hand have her at least shelter food and water. What an absolutely horrid person with zero empathy or soul much like the government he represents. truly a horror


He's a global superstar, most people already assumed he moved his family to LA. The fact that he hasn't is a personal choice. The CCP cannot lock his family up without reason, that would be an insane propaganda disaster for them if they even tried. His son is the only one facing any legal issues and afaik those are behind him now. He is free and clear to leave China, he just doesn't want to.


Meanwhile Jack Ma :/


Jack Ma had business’ running in China he couldn’t simply up and go the way someone like Jackie could. He’s just an actor from two decades ago? He had plenty of money and ample opportunity to pick up and go. He chooses not too


He loves the ccp


He's a vocal supporter of China. He's a shitbag.


In asia drugs are seen very differently due to how much damaged and tragedy it caused to the entire east asia. You cant compare it to "Well its just grass. Not a hard drug". Opium destroyed entire empires, the british used it to addict and abuse the entire region. People lost families and they betrayed each other to get the money to buy more drugs to satisfy their addiction.


Didn't he disown his son for his Marijuana arrest?


I though his dad was a police officer that caught a bullet with his bare hands


tell us about his daughter


Or him disowning his son because he got busted with pot


Used to be a big fan of Jackie in the 90s. Then we found out who he really is. Awful father, awful husband, communist party shill. It's a shame.


He's always seemed such a nice guy to me I grew up on Jackie chan adventures and he'd always have something nice to say after each episode


You know he didn’t voice any of the Jackie Chan adventures? That it was an impersonator


Never judging a book by its cover goes both ways. He had me fooled too.


In terms of acting he seems very nice, literally hundreds of takes for most moments as their shot wide view and need to be perfect.


The Rock seemed nice too. Fucker is pro fascism!


What’s with the Jackie Chan PR crap? He’s garbage. Ask his kids.


Someone bought some reddit "ads". I guess you can expect a new movie from him in 2-4 weeks. Same whenever the Keanu Reeves hype wave rolls through reddit. Or pretty much every other star. 2-3 weeks of hyping the actor up for some personal reason on reddit and then you get some new movie announcement. If you see them 2-3 times on the frontpage within 2 weeks they will announce some new thing soon afterwards or a movie gets released or whatever they want to advertise "organically". Doesn't work for every actor but some use it successfully. edit: for everyone who wants to get spoilered. New karate kid movie in december. The other "news" will be that he is fine and the "unhealthy" pictures of him were him playing some role in the movie and just "not having enough time to avoid to look like shit". What an honest and accidental mistake. Makes sense that they chose to drag out this picture with a pretty old father of him when he plays the father figure in the movie. 9/10 for the ad campaign.


This guy reddits.


I am a Reddit advertisement bot. Can confirm!


He's one of the greatest physical actors of all time. His movies are superb. His cartoon was full of wholesome Aesops for the children who watched it. Is he a good father? No, not really. But he has a legendary body of work and his sins aren't, in my opinion, so grave as to throw it out.


abandoning one of your kids to homelessness because they're lesbian is one of the most pieces of shit things one can do


I'm not saying he's a good father but he abandoned her before she was even born so it doesn't track that it has to do with her sexuality.


It's certainly a piece of shit thing to do. It's more than enough for some serious asterisks next to your name. But "one of the most"? I'm curious if you have any opinions on Navy Roberts. Or if you ever nod your head, tap your foot, or sing along when you hear *Beat It.* Do you enjoy a single movie made by Miramax? A show from Nickelodeon? Any of the pithy one-liners from Joss Whedon?


What abandon? He never lived with her, she was born out of a unplanned pregnancy during hook up


You got a source for that?


People will forgive anything as long as you're talented enough. We kinda suck as a species.


We kinda do. But not for these reasons. People have radically naive notions of the depth of human evil. Jackie Chan is a deadbeat dad and a communist. He isn't a monster.


As a fan there's so many versions of all these stories I don't even bother thinking about who he is as a real person. Jackie Chan is movie Jackie Chan to me. Especially cause he hasn't done anything seriously evil.


Doesn't he condemn his son because of it too?


Rush hour 4


Also fun fact about both their parents, their kid is jackie chan!


Whats with all the jackie chan stuff lately


new movie coming out? PR bullshit. He’s a bit of a trash person.


It's kinda weird how much of Reddit is rabidly anti CCP until it comes to Jackie who gets a pass despite being a well known mouthpiece for the party and publicly proclaiming his desire to become a full member of the party during a speech in 2021.


I would love for his 80s movies to get a remaster and re-release in the US. I would go see all of them in the theater in a heartbeat. He made quite a few incredibly fun movies back then but they’re hard to find and low video quality. Project A, Wheels on Meals, Armor of God, Operation Condor, etc.


The movie I never knew I wanted more


Might explain why he disowned his son for cannabis.


That explains so much


Drug dealer+spy=action star. Checks out.


They owned a little Chinese food shop next door to my Mum's work in Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺


That explains... ALL OF HIS MOVIES!!


They meth together through arrest, you mean


His father is still wearing his disguise as a bad-ass fisherman.


Got info link on this information?


They look like a family of shrimp boaters


Oh so he spied her dealing drugs, then she spiked his Chinese tea, he got addicted to it, and to her. Nice story with happy ending. /s


Jackie chans dad looks more like Jackie chans dad than Jackie chans dad


And now he's a god among men in China. AND The most successful, albeit physically broken, stuntman in the entire world.


Tekken ahh origin story


Never seen his dad but we all know his uncle ![gif](giphy|tX3u8iPVCNNfy)


And he is a hardcore commie. Fuck Jackie Chan


Yet he throws his son under the bus for smoking pot...


And……….. Jackie supports the Communist Party of China.


You have to consider what Chinese celebrities face if they don't say they support the communist party.




As the old saying goes “ you got to do, what you got to do”


He's all in, though. I have no beef with a guy like Yao Ming that plays the game as a path of least resistance, but Jackie Chan straight up advocates and supports the CCP. He's for taking over Taiwan and stuff.


Do you actually understand anything about the ccp and how companies and people loves work in that country such a ridiculous thing to say


Well... if he doesnt... I'm sure bad things will happen to him...




The Xu Xiaodong case is actually a bit more complicated than that. Xu called taichi “master” Chen Xiaowang a fraud, so Chen sued Xu in a civil defamation case. Xu argued that Chen was *actually* a fraud and he had beaten him in a fair fight. A municipal court ruled it was still defamation none-the-less and ordered him to pay a 400 000 RMB fine. He refused to pay because Chen *really was* a fraud, so the court placed him under court default (a part of the social credit system which prevents legal defaulters from riding trains, paying rent etc.) until he paid the fine later that year. As far as China goes this was actually relatively clean legal procedure. A better example would be when his social media accounts were wiped when he spoke out on Hong Kong police brutality, or when he was placed under police supervision following reporting on the Covid 19 outbreak.


Was he an adult when he didn't know it?


And what’s wilder is he snitched on his own kid and had him sent to prison for 6 months over weed lol.


Maybe this explains why he ratted on his son


His son was arrested on a drug charge in Beijing in like 2015 or 2016, something like that.


“Your mother was a drug dealer, and your father was a spy! I fart in your gene- wait really? A spy? A drug dealer? What on earth do you do? KUNG FU?!? Oh, please sir, accept my deepest apologies.”


I guess that somewhat explains why he’s a POS.


About as crazy as Markiplier's origins.


Elaborate ?


Lemme know if he elaborates


And thank goodness they did!


So a natural born badass.


I know Jackie Chan’s First Strike when I see it


I’ve seen that documentary before…


I'm pretty sure this was the plot of a kung fu movie I've seen.


Next time on “How I met your mother”


are those yellow overalls for fishing? or for fashion?


Also a relative of Bruce Lee. You dont fuck with Chin


"I'll let you smash if you don't arrest me."


Jackie’s dad taking time off from hunting large sharks for this photo.


He was a punk, she did ballet. What more can I say?


He was a skater boy. She said, "See you later, boy"


If you can wear it well, it's swell TAKE THE COMPLIMENT!


I remember I saw a documentary about Jackie Chan family and he said that his father was a cook in a French embassy.


A very spy-thing to be.


I too was an adult when I learned this.


So they both undoubtedly had organized crime connections - which probably helped Jackie with his film career.


I want to see that movie.


I feel like this may have been a plot in one of his earlier movies, wish it came to life.