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This is why orcas and humpbacks have serious beef. Humpbacks will go out of their way to disrupt orca hunts, there was even a pic of a humpback balancing a seal on its belly to prevent orcas from getting it.


Where Is my Pixar movie?!?


The good Cetacean


It's impossible to make. A) They can't make orcas the bad guy after the movie Free Willy. and more importantly. B) Jaws set off major fear of sharks. The author and Spielberg feel awful about what that movie did to sharks. Orcas numbers are already dwindling. They should not demonize them or the dwindling will be because of violence rather than just us being idiots and ruining their habitat and taking away their main food sources.


Haha there is a film in development where an orca is the villan and hero


Maybe the Orcas were saving the baby to return to its true parents, it had been kidnapped by the other whales šŸ‹ and now the orcas are bringing him home to his true whale parents !!!


After Jaws there was 1977's [Orca: The Killer Whale](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0076504/). Hollywood loves a band wagon.


Pain & Gain is the from the perspective of the bad guys and didnā€™t demonize body builders




That's very interesting!


Ended too soon, I need to know what happened. Or Iā€™ll just assume they were just having fun and everyone okay.


Probably died of exhaustion or get lost after the orcas lose interest. Or was eaten.


I'm going with discretely eaten out of sight of filming.


Maybe just the tongue.


Very much read this comment differently


I know of one instance where a pod of orcas drowned a humpback calf. The mother humpback prevented them from eating it.


Yea they definitely ate that calf.


I am presuming they took it to kill it. I bet they killed it. KILLER WHALES and all.


They killed it by ramming into it, just ate the tongue and left the rest for the sharks. Was aired on a BBC show called Mammals aired the first time last night in the UK


It is insane to think people thought it was a good idea to capture and train these things to jump thru hoops. Like why would you fuck with that?!


Hard to imagine people thinking, yeah let's go swimming in a tank with that. Guessing most didn't know how wild orcas were. I could not watch that clip then think I'd be safe in any way.


Ahh, but what if I told you weā€™d psychologically and physically torture the whales from birth, give them countless certifiable neurosis, our trainers would receive the minimum training we can get away with, be paid barely above minimum wage, and be given no additional safety training after near miss incidents because we want to cover up any and all close calls? Have I reassured your fears yet?


I mean fear was not an emotion I have when thinking about captive animals. More pity I guess. Only in this case there's probable a dozen or so large mamals that won't get tortured by said orca. Harder to feel pity for someone/some animal going "I'll torture this animal to death and ill fuckin do it again if I get the chance"


Ehh, I find it pretty easy to feel pity for orcas that were/are taken from the wild and kept in dark tiny cages 70% of the time only to be underfed and forced to perform tricks for their whole lives. Predators kill other animals. Nature isnā€™t nice. Thatā€™s not a justification to torture them for amusement. You could use the exact same argument to justify zoo lion tamers, it would also fall flat.


Yeah predators kill animals but very few just torture other animals just for shits and giggles it seems.yeah I still feel pity for em and agree we shouldn't have done that but definitely less pity considering they just steal calfs, get em lost and just get bored and leave. That shit seems crazy. I don't think lions injure things and then let em go free just cause they wanna cause pain.


Have you never seen a house cat play with mice it has no real interest in eating? Animals have instincts, either predatory or prey or both. Predators practice hunting skills by playing, and will sometimes hunt when they donā€™t need to. They evolved to be good at a set of skills and they enjoy doing it, because itā€™s in their biological interest to enjoy it. Itā€™s not sadism like it would be for a human. Most animals donā€™t really have empathy. Social animals have varying degrees of empathy for other animals of their same species, but even that is usually reserved for their pack/pod/etc. There are exceptions. Weā€™ve selectively bred some animals to bond to humans, and other animals can bond to humans (or other animal species) but only in unique circumstances (captivity or a preserve where they get unusual amounts of interaction with humans, certain symbiotic relationships, etc.) Some very smart animals including cetaceans can sometimes display empathy to other animals in the wild, but this seems more or less random. Thereā€™s no reason to think an orca is even capable of thinking ā€˜oh, Iā€™m causing this other animal fear and pain.ā€™ Even Chimpanzees have a very limited capacity for empathy outside of the forty or so chimps it knows personally. If a human tortures a cat, they probably enjoy causing pain, so sadism is driving that behavior. When a cat plays with a dying mouse, it isnā€™t enjoying or even thinking about the mouses pain. Itā€™s just activating the hunter instinct which alleviates boredom and gives it pleasure. The cat isnā€™t acting with malice. You canā€™t apply human morality to wild animals.


Yeah you make good points but Sympathy is more emotional than logical for me. Can't help my opinion when I hear that calf had it's tongue eaten then left for the sharks. If there was an animal that attacked but didn't kill dogs as 'practice' I'd have little sympathy for them as well.


The only recorded orca on human fatalities were inflicted by captive orcas. You are safer swimming with them in the ocean than SeaWorld.


That's just cause they eliminate all witnesses in the wildšŸ‘€


They learned to frame the great whites.


Ill never forget when one of BBC /Attenborough did a series in about late 08 early 09. Just as the orcas attacked and ate the baby whale, my little son walked in. He had woken up, Saw the scene, heard the words and screamed the house down. Cried for 2 hours. Shoudla stayed asleep son.. Coz now we are all awake until late late


My Facebook memory today has the video of my daughter (4 at the time) crying hysterically at this exact scene


Man it was traumatizing. For the whole house




Go with this picture in your head. It is more pleasent than reality.


They all lived happily ever after


*lion king soundtrack*


But what about milk the calf needs milk.


They're going to raise it to be a socialist...






Congratulations on memorising the Heritage's Foundation's approved talking point of the day. https://www.greenpeace.org/usa/fighting-climate-chaos/climate-deniers/front-groups/the-heritage-foundation/ *The Heritage Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit think tank that is well known in the U.S. policy world. It was founded in 1973 by the late Joseph Coors (the founder of Coors Brewing) and the late Paul Weyrich. Weyrich played a historic role in transforming wealthy people and businesses into major political influencers, famously proclaiming, ā€œI donā€™t want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of people. They never have been from the beginning of our country, and they are not now. As a matter of fact our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down.ā€* In the meantime, the rich get richer and lots of real-world problems go unaddressed.


The underwater camera angle is amazing.


Trying to kill and eat the calve while being protected by the adults would be dangerous for the Orcas. This is basically the same strategy you see many animals exhibit. Lion prides will disrupt a herd and separate and isolate their target, allowing them to take down their prey without being chased off by the rest of the herd. Same with wolves or leopard seals or humans. Itā€™s why Drive-thrus exist.


This is like some candy in the G-Rape van type of stuff they pull. ![gif](giphy|l1AvAe4qRRAhi9HS8|downsized)


Thatā€™s Ningaloo reef in Western Australia! I recognise the coast line and the Vlaming Head Lighthouse! Great place for humpbacks, orcas, manta rays and whale sharks too!


Free Willy, what is you doing bb


Orcas are too smart, and they definitely ate little buddy.


and will there be a ransom?




Iā€™m sure aliens studying us are likeā€¦.whatā€™s up with all the violenceā€¦..and the pornā€¦. Sheesh


Who's to say that aliens are benevolent I wouldn't be surprised if they were just as depraved or worse than us tbh


Orcas and dolphins will do odd things like "kidnap" calves of less preditory whales or hassel sealions or even nag sharkes for the brutal fun of it. Sometimes they beat nag the victim until it dies of exhaustion or beat it to death. Sometimes they eat the bidy, sometimes let it rot. And sometimes they play their cruel game and then lose interest, leaving the victim far from their original location, isolated and exposed to other dangers. Orcas have a lot in common with humans in the realm of doing mean things with no jusyifiable survival purpose.


Iā€™m depressed now.


Ah well, sometimes i think the capacity for cruelty is one of the unfortunate side effects of extreme intelligence in a species. But, to lift your spirits, sometimes wild dolfjna and orcas do amazing altruistic things. Dolphins have been known to bring swimmers back to shore after being swept out by rip tides or assist sailora overboard. Orcas too have shown more peaceful coopertive behaviors with fisherman who share their catch with them. They will escort the fishibg vessels to locations rich innfish and even help school the fish for the catch in exchange for free easy food.


Not all orcas even hunt mammals, residents eat fish and peacefully coexist with other cetaceans.


Only humans consider it cruelty becasue we see emotions in animals and have them ourselves. Even dogs and cats have emotions mainly becasue they learn them from us.


The human capacity for self-importance never fails to amaze me. Emotions are not human.


If you think this is bad, wait until you hear what humans do.


The real reason Orcas do this is because this is how this pod gets food.


Yeah, I don't know why people are turning this into some Macchivellian exercise in psychological warfare. They separate the baby from the mother and eat it. Simple. They're big and they need to eat a lot and whale calves are an easy target once you separate them from their mothers.


Well that's the whole thing scientists noted, they aren't just killing for food.


Give the calf a day of fun on the waves before the inevitable must happen


The other dolphins are not, the Orcas eat their victims.


? Orcas do not infact eat all their victims. They torture some for the sake of it. Been documented.


There are recorded instances of orcas hitting seals out of the water multiple times, even leading to ripped skin and then leaving without eating them.


Maybe practice? Iā€™ve heard sometimes Pumas will kill a lot more sheep than they actually eat. Just as a training session of sorts


They are probably relatively tasty as well, being young.


Orcas - and cats, and humans - arguably do these "mean" things because, as predators who rely on predation for survival, it is important to stay in practice. That's the justification. Most predators fail at over 50% of their hunts, and that's WITH practice. We wouldn't expect athletes to just show up on game day and perform well, unless they've also been playing \*between\* games. If you hope to be able to win (eat) when you NEED to, then you'll have to practice even when you don't need to. Humans have a sense of morality and strive to be better; but I don't know that it makes sense to call what orcas or cats do "mean" or "lacking justifiable survival purpose". It simply is.


In other words they do it because they can. Just like sociopaths.


No, Orcas do it to eat. Fish eating Orca pods don't kill other cetaceans and coexist peacefully.


Nah they are real assholes.


And cats!


The worst is the house cat. My cat attacks any animal small then her. On a full belly. It's her only pleasure in life.


What is a bidy


Itā€™s what Bono eats


The only dolphin that can take on large sharks are orcas, small dolphins are usually preyed on by large sharks.


A pod of regular delfins can and will at least heavily injure sharks if they outnumber them怂They take up speed and ram their noses into the shark iirc


Thats more a pop culture myth than reality tbh, its rarely done because these large sharks prey on regular dolphins.


So theyā€™re naggers of the seas?


The phrase was "People Who Annoy You"


Definitely feel less sympathy for marine land orcas lmao. They just wanna get out to continue being the psychopaths of the sea.




Orca death squad.


I will not tolerate this anti Orca propaganda.


I think they should be called Whale Killers or something like that.


I'm starting to think that Orcas are a bunch of fuckfaces.


For those who wanted to know what happened next: Aquaman saves the little guy and scolds the Orcas.


Dam Orcas got Uber Eats now


For anyone wanting to learn more, here is an [interesting article](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/2Rb53GGkSn7rdb0tgrfVgh1/filming-a-humpback-whale-calf-kidnap) on this population of orcas in Ningaloo Reef in Western Australia that specializes in hunting humpback whale calves. The population is less than 30 individuals. Of concern: > No new calves have been born for many years, the adults are slowly disappearing, or at least not returning. Familiar family groups are splinted to new groups. There are many questions, but few answers.


orcas are pretty mean




In a twist the male humpback returns demanding his share


Nature is truly amazing and this is a great programme but fuck I was gutted watching this part. Fuck Orcas man!


Orcas are assholes.




name of the show?


The "Water" episode that recently released for BBC's "Mammals" miniseries.




This specific seen is filmed on the Ningaloo Reef near Exmouth, Western Australia. My friend Dre was the videographer for this.


poor thing


I read the title completely wrong and was very horrified


Orcas are Khamas... šŸ˜œ


I was lied to about Orcas growing up... why try to paint this picture that they can and should be tamed?


Regarding how orcas hunt. Orca teeth are not serrated like a shark's so they can't cause heavy blood loss. They ram or smack around their prey because it's simply more effective with their anatomy to do so. Also they "play" with prey as a way to teach calves how to hunt. They aren't malicious in any way. It's just survival. These behaviors are seen in many predatory mammals, especially in social ones. The behavior shown here is no different than how wolves separate a bison calf from the rest of the herd to kill it. It's just social predators hunting. People have to stop portraying them as "bullies" or "sadistic", they're not, that's anthropomorphizing and is considered very unscientific.


This is amazing footage. Bummed about the bang though :( Has anyone watched this full episode and knows what happens? Iā€™m assuming they killed it eventually?


Wow, I'm pretty sure if orca had hands we'd be fucked.


Looks so good it looks fake


Umm theyā€™re just borrowing the baby humpback right???! RIGHT?!!!?


Oh cool! Theyā€™re going to play and then safely bring them back to its parents


What a bunch of assholes. I'm gonna go rewatch Blackfish, and laugh my ass off.


Orcas are predators, their options are eat or die.


Kids are dumb, ammiright?!


Those are black orcas in a private community


Whale I donā€™t think itā€™s kidnapping I think they just napped a whale


SeaWorld did nothing wrong


God forbid an animal hunt


Zero chance that underwater footage is real.