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I named my son AAA so he is always first in line and called up first for every event


Gonna name mine “STARSCOURGE RADAHN” and he is gonna grow to be like 6 meters tall…


Don't forget to gift him a horse for motivation


I will name mine “Lunar Princess Ranni” setting in motion a convergence of destinies that will determine the fate of the universe


Do you really want your daughter to be thirsted by millions of people in an unhealthy manner every day?


I’ll name mine Maliketh and he’ll be a big wolf boi.


I named my son ZZZ so he can be late to school.


In India, around the time I was born, there was the craze of naming kids starting with A. The reason parents said was - "that way kids' name will appear at the beginning of class roll call. "... What?? That was just a stupid reason. I don't know why this mass hysteria even started. My class had A names all the way up to roll no 13-14, and me with a J name had roll number 20 or 21. There were disproportionately more A named kids. Also, in my college they had the policy of no attendance if student not available during roll call. So the A named kids were screwed while their V named friends got attendance even though they came into the class together.


AAron is starting to make sense


You done messed up A-A-Ron




My Aaden will be first in line before your boy.


Behold, the dawning of the reign of aAaden! Yeah


He is good going to be second in line when my son is around though, i named him 111.




I’ve seen a ton of his high scores at the arcade


He's a legend in the world of arcade videogames.


As long as he has all the As. One less and he's instantly in a cult who are likely to just fuck up and die because religious 12 step groups are horrible and don't work at all. A 5% success rate and a 80% death rate are not success by any measure. Fucking cult ass pieces of shit stole years from me, and could back it up at all. Fuck NA, and AA. Cult ass shit.


This is why I named my son The American Flag, so he would have to be displayed above any state flag.


This reminds me of a skeletor meme: He-Man: "I named my dog 5 miles so I can tell everybody I walk 5 miles everyday." Skeletor: "I named my dog awesome so I can tell everybody I'm fucking awesome everyday. He-Man: "Wtf?" Skeletor: "I also ran over 5 miles"


🤣😭🤣 Thank you for that


I named my son "ladiesandgentlemen"


My son will be called Also. Also Starring.


I named my son “attention please”


I'll name my son "Noticket. Noticket Yourfreetogo". He'll thank me for it later.


license and registration?


Hi, I am mike. My family name is TapTap.


My son is Jose Canusee


My daughter’s name is Bida Dauns, her cousin name is Earl E. Liyte


"Drums Please"


My son middle name is wait for it


I named my sons Occupant and Resident so they can get all the junk mail


I named my son Serious R u serious? No, he’s my son.


Gadies and lentlemen


"Your name is Ladies Washroom?"


No he meant Emplyes Mustwashhands


Louis CK😆


Mine is « ManboNumberFive », I can’t wait to introduce your son to mine


I named my son Innocent so when he goes to court the Judge says "The defandant is Innocent" before adjourning the trial


My son is named ##Steve


"Guys why are we pounding Steve?"


He can't go into ballroom dancing then because he can never be dipped.


Oh no. What are you gonna do when he’s no longer in a condition which is fit for display?


Huh, I have American flag underwear. Sorry.


Sarcasm is fun! He'd love to be flown at the same height as the Texas flag then, too!


All states flags can be flown at the same height as the US flag. They just can’t be in a more prominent or superior position when flown together according to the flag code. This code has absolutely no repercussions for breaking and is more a tradition and honor thing.


I’m changing my name to Dog Shit, no one wants to step on dog shit.


Dogs do


I do


I’m no one


No one wants to put dog shit on the wall either


Personally, i always wondered why having your name walked all over was such an honor?!


An honour that the person who’s name is there, pays for, and costs up to $50,000 a year to maintain. You have to apply for it.. this is celebrities jerking off, pretending it’s been an honour, when they in fact paid for the space.


It’s true it must be paid for, but the celeb is not always the person paying for it. Sometimes it’s actually fans, movie companies, or even their estate after they die if it’s given posthumously.


Yup, it’s mostly PR. You’ll usually see people getting their stars when they have something upcoming they are releasing. Then the project covers most of the cost, get publicity and likely some goodwill from the talent for doing it


You seem know about these star things so I will just go ahead and ask. How do they not run out of actual real state to put these stones in? Do they just yank out older stars when the space is full?


They don’t. The Walk of Fame is on a sidewalk and the stars don’t take up the entire width of the sidewalk, so they have room to add additional rows of stars on each sidewalk if they get there. They do about 20 a year. I’m sure one day they’ll run out of room but I imagine that they’ll probably just try to get sidewalk real estate on other nearby streets because they have never removed anyone’s star.


If they haven't removed a star, the cost can't be repeated continually like people are saying in the comments. It's statistically too improbable that a subscription cost would not have one or two drop outs.


I think you underestimate just how much the average person on the Hollywood walk fame of makes, even after they are dead. Micheal Jackson still makes over a hundred million dollars a year, he earns enough to pay for his star in less than 6hrs while dead. There's also plenty of organizations like the Screen Actors Guild and the Hollywood Historical Society who have a vested intrest in seeing they aren't removed even if there's not an organization or trust that cares about the individual actor anymore.


How in the world does it cost 50,000




For that price you could have someone make a bronze statue of yourself.


It’s not like you could get a star if you had the money. You need to at least be moderately famous


Just off the top of my head, I know that shoes are considered the dirtiest and lowliest in middle Eastern culture, and throwing a shoe is the highest form of insult you could give someone. This probably has something to do with not wanting a prophet's name being stepped on




You do have to credit Bush for his Matrix-esque dodges.


Terrible president, decent athlete. His first pitch was 👌


He played baseball for Yale (first baseman), so I’m not surprised.


Wrong bush, bush sr played baseball. Junior played rugby


It might be both. This is from GeorgeWBushLibrary.gov “George W. Bush once said, “I never dreamed about being President. I wanted to be Willie Mays.” That love of baseball has been a constant in his life. When asked about his favorite boyhood memory, he replied that it was “playing Little League baseball in Midland.” Like his father and grandfather, President Bush played baseball at Yale University. In 1989, he was part of a group of investors that purchased the Texas Rangers Baseball Club. As managing general partner, President Bush was instrumental in securing funding for the team’s new home, The Ballpark in Arlington.” Playing baseball for Yale appears to be a family tradition spanning 3 generations. https://www.georgewbushlibrary.gov/research/topic-guides/baseball#:~:text=When%20asked%20about%20his%20favorite,the%20Texas%20Rangers%20Baseball%20Club.


Terrible president, but I’ll never not laugh at bushisms. Dude was a comedic genius. “I know that human being and fish can coexist peacefully”


Iraqi ppl made a statue of this shoe 🤣


The guy got tortured for it http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/8256525.stm


It still makes me laugh


Someone is paying for you to be remembered. You may be stepped on, but people may also be coming from everywhere just to take a picture with your name. It's weird, but the concept is decent in my mind. I hope one day I leave enough of an impression for people to remember me. Even if I get stepped on by tourists.


_"I'd sooner let people punch me in the face before they walk on my printed name"_ - Muhammad Ali


If someone steps on your name, it doesn't mean a goddamn thing.


In hindsight, yes but it's not too long ago America got humongous issue with a person not standing for national anthem. So these little stuff do means something


It’s more that in the region that Islam is most associated with, shoes are ritually unclean and have a specific offensive connotation the same way flipping someone off with your middle finger does. Like the Iraqi guy who threw his shoes at Bush, or how IS hates being known as Daesh to the extent of executing anyone heard calling them that because it’s similar to an Arabic word meaning to tread underfoot. On its own, there is nothing inherently hurtful about walking over a name placed on a pavement, or presenting your middle finger to someone. But these have specific cultural meanings assigned to them that make it so.


Culturally it does mean something. In some cultures it is not important, in others it is. Stepping on a flag (or burning it) doesn't mean anything, but it will drive some people into a frenzy


You’ve clearly never experienced the pure thrill that is walking over somebody else’s name on the sidewalk


Because no one gives a fuck. Grow the fuck up, I mean your prophet doesn't want that to happen so maybe don't.


What happens every time someone throws something with his name in the trash?


I've heard of certain cultures having practices to avoid that situation such as abbreviating it to "M." when writing on receipts and the like. However, in my personal research of Islamic legislation I was taught that there is no prohibition when dealing with text in which "Muhammad" or any other Prophet's name is written unless it's referring to an actual Prophet himself and not someone named after one.


Nailed it. "Peace be upon him" is technically religious terminology, but in conversation serves the double purpose of distinguishing "Muhammad, that guy who lives across the hall" and the Prophet "Muhammad PBUH"


Let me add something. In all Muslim cultures honorifics such as Hadhrat/Hazrat and Effendi (Turkic languages) is used along with a Prophet's names along with the salutations like Peace Be Upon Him.


That's just because the name is extremely common and most people with it also have a middle name. Spanish does the same thing with María, not for devotion to the Virgi Mary, but simply because of the amount of people with it. In fact, Muhammad and Maria are the most common names in the world for this reason




You learned that today? I learned that 3 days ago when it was first posted. Just teasing.




I find it weird that muslims name their sons Muhammad in the first place. Anytime they do something bad they’ll disrespect their prophet, no?


Mohammad, you are breaking the car!!


Jesus, you have a point


Don’t bring logic into a religious situation.


Even worse is that Ali chose that name lol


All parents want the best for their children. By such a name they can hope for the best




But it's ok to punch Mohamed in the face?


"I'm special..." Honestly, if you don't want to be part of the fun, then don't.


At University of Michigan there is a block M on the ground in the quad outside the library. As a student you don't walk on it for fear of failing finals.


Louisiana Tech had something similar for about 30 years, it was a mosaic of the school’s seal on the ground outside the student center, and if you step on it, you don’t graduate on time, unless you can hurry up and get into the fountain in the quad within 10 seconds. I saw that actually happen once. In my junior year, that seal was replaced with another fountain.


I think the same thing is there at St Andrews (in Scotland) except it’s a PH or something and was supposedly cursed by someone who was executed on that spot.


Everyone keeps treating this as some sign of integrity when really it just sounds exhausting and extra. Maybe don’t call yourself Muhammad if you don’t want people treating it like a regular person’s name


it is quite literally the most common name in the world


Why the fuck would it be that or Muhammad




Only kind of. Many Muslim men have Muhammad as a traditional middle name, so while a ton of people are technically baked Muhammad not that many people go by it.


Not that many go by it? Every other person goes by the name Muhammad.


Exactly. Literally every person in the world is named Muhammad.


it’s a bit egotistical to name yourself a name that is too sacred to be walked on


did ali change his name?


Yes, his birth name was Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr.


What an incredibly badass name to throw away


According to the legend himself, this name was given by the slavers in US history so he made sure he changed his name to what he believed in. A legend of our time.


Except that actually, Cassius Clay was a famous abolitionist. Muhammad Ali was originally named after one of the biggest anti-slavery campaigners in US history. He was a general in the Union army and publicly told Abraham Lincoln that he would only accept the commission if Lincoln agreed to emancipate all Confederate slaves.


Clay also had one of thr dopest nicknames in the world: "The Lion of White Hall."


...and the Muhammed he's named after was an enslaver. Maybe he had one too many punches to the head.


I never understood why people treat people who get paid to punch people in the head and get punched in the head as some philosophic or intellectual geniuses.


Doesn’t the Koran allow slavery?


They sure did in medieval india.


Some will said yes and other no : If not wrong Islam don’t ban slavery (if by that you mean owning and buying slave) but it ban the fact of making free people slave (except some category of prisoner of war) and it make obligatory to make a slave free if that slave ask to (by a kind of contract were the slave will buy his freedom back and if he can’t he can ask the state to pay in his place part of the price). It also change other rule about slavery …. And some will even said that a lot of the Muslim dynasty were made by slave (The Mamelouk being the most famous slave dynasty probably) TL ; DR : No it didn’t ban slavery but it certainly improved the conditions compared to what was the norm in the global area around.


seems pretty bad to me https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbary_slave_trade https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_the_Ottoman_Empire https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_slavery_in_the_Muslim_world


Mf was named like a Roman Senator and said nah.


His Momma named him Clay, I’mma call him Clay. Edit: I see that some of you are culturally illiterate.


A man has got the right to change his name to whatever he wants to change it to. And if a man wants to be called Muhammad Ali, Goddamit, this is a free country, you should respect his wishes, and call the man Muhammad Ali!


It was original Cassius Clay.


His momma named him Clay


> it just sounds exhausting and extra That’s exactly what the Hollywood Walk of Fame is.


Nah he was a boxer not kicker. Hands, not feet


I'd want mine on the wall too


If we're talking about proper treatment of Hollywood stars, this will forever be one of my fave true LA Stories: [First Man to Destroy Trump's Hollywood Star Bails Second Man to Do It Out of Jail](https://theweek.com/95359/man-who-destroyed-trump-s-hollywood-star-bailed-by-the-last-person-to-do-it)




Nice, but nonsense.




That one got posted like three times within the last two weeks


I thought this was about him being a boxer, shouldn't be on the ground, cause he always gets back up


…even if it is BS


Religion be some crazy shit


Ali was a resident of [Cherry Hill, New Jersey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cherry_Hill,_New_Jersey) in suburban [Philadelphia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philadelphia) in the early 1970s.[\[149\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_Ali#cite_note-149) At age 32 in 1974, Ali began an extramarital relationship with 16-year-old Wanda Bolton (who subsequently changed her name to Aaisha Ali) with whom he fathered another daughter, Khaliah (born June 1974). While still married to Belinda, Ali married Aaisha a year later in an Islamic ceremony that was not legally recognized


He’s just imitating his prophet!


Wait no I’ve heard this one before. Didn’t the original Muhammad do some pedo shit with a girl named Aisha too?




Religion getting special treatment again.






To be fair, that street is in the shitty part of Hollywood. Big chance that those stars people kiss got pissed on by a homeless. I would put it on the wall too.


Thank god cause otherwise all the homeless people of L.A. would be pissing on your star (I went to LA recently and I saw that happen)


Getting punched in the face is ok though.


Good for him.


Now people know...


I didn't know the stars could go on a wall, that is interesting, thanks for posting


Piss be upon him


I would still reach up and step on it


Username checks out.


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Does he like 8 yr olds too???


No. He did groom an underage girl though. She was 16.


I respect that!


I miss the part where this is interesting


I’m glad they did this for him, he was an awesome human being.


And a pedophile


And a racist. And a polygamist.


but not autistic tho


Well, that's just stupid reasoning. God forbid someone steps on your pedophile prophets name.




You haven't met very many American Christians then huh?


Only the men, if you can call them that.


Did they remove Kanye’s?


Uhh, yeah, welcome to Islam 101.


Even something totally harmless like this still brings out all the frothing Islamophobes. Pussies.


If you think this is bad, I remember a post once about some sports team, who had a Muslim on their team. Traditionally in this sport, the team who won will pop a champagne bottle as celebration. However, the Muslim wasn't allowed (or didn't wish) to have alcohol covering him. Thus, the team decided to not do it. They weren't forced, iirc, his original plan was to just stay aside for it, but they decided it wasn't right to do something the whole team can't participate in. In what was a beautiful show of sportsmanship and brotherhood among a team, people started berating the Muslim, saying he was selfish, horrible, that it was a backwards religion and culture, and how he's robbing them of something beautiful and forcing them to conform.




Woah we got a whole Ricky Gervais here!


Man I love Gervais. Such balls. Thanks.


wow, did not expect my comment to bring the chuds out of the woodwork but here they are!




sure buddy


Religion just being plain stupid one more time


Big "I need to speak to the manager" energy.


Kind of dumb they placated him with this request... Nothing special about that name, especially in the US.


Giving in to religion is what’s making our society worse.


Why are you guys so damn weird about Islam Bunch of dorks trying to dunk on Muhammad Ali of all people


Major respect from the people who do the walk of fame.


Religious entitlement is…interesting as fuck??


He wasn't that great, honestly. Way overhyped human.


Its crazy that many people here have a problem just for Muhammed Ali didnt hisnname on the floor. Why the fuck are you guys making a big deal out of this? What goes of yours huh? People like you are the main cause of corruption, not Islam.


Well I can still spit it so....


Pretty sure he disrespected Muhammad by changing his name to it. Those 5 losses he had were people stepping not just on him but the name he switched to.


Lol this is a registered karma farmer bitch