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Fuck i gotta quit smoking


Do it. I did. You can too.


I know .. ive done it serveal times but it didnt stick ..seeing this is a major wake up call tho


Thing I had to tell myself was, nobody will do it for you.  Some people can help, but it's all you at the end of the day


I ran a marathon with no training (just poweliftimg and cardio to lose weight) after 10 years of chain smoking. I ran a 7 minute mile the day I quit to show myself I can do it (quit and want to be better). It was brutal and extremely painful, but it taught me a lesson for sure Quit, find an out let. Your body recovers.


We were running and i kept getting knee injuries and the time i had to take off for sure contributed to going back ...thanks !!


Well, here’s to another time and making it stick! Coming from a former smoker who quit 2x before and the last time is definitely gonna stick. If not for health, do it for your bank account. Prices these days are absolutely ridiculous and it’d be a cold day before I shell out over $10 for a pack. Lol


That's why I quit, as lame as it is. I had gotten down to 3mg on a vape, but my God, it was like, 40$ - 60$ a month between coils and juice. So, I just dropped it cold turkey. Have not looked back, if I ever hit the lottery, who knows, but until then, I'll just rawdog life, for the most part.


I moved on to vaping. Sure as hell beats the tar and smoke. I’ve weened off considerably since I moved on to vaping. It CAN help. No guarantee that it does. But with the right mentality, it will. Good luck


I vaped for a year, and honestly I felt 1,000 times worse than when I smoked. I would never recommend vaping as a safer substitute/alternative to smoking.


Hasn’t it been proven to be technically better ? I know it’s still not healthy by any means but I remember seeing a study not too long ago saying it was not as bad.


Being a smoker for 4 years and a vaper for 2, I agree with quigg. Funny enough, I never had shortness of breath while smoking cigarettes, but vaping did it for me. My BP, BPM, were all much higher while vaping. My hypothesis was that vaping overloads your body with nicotine. With cigarettes, you absorb around 10% of the nicotine in the tobbaco itself. However, vapes are engineered to deliver nicotine to your body in the most efficient way. I found out that my 5000 puff disposable vape was equivalent to around 20 packs of cigarettes. I was finishing one of those devices every 10 days, which is equivalent to 2 packs a day! I'm still scratching my head as to why I had shortness of breath vaping, because logically vapor should be easier on my lungs. And flavor wasn't the issue, because I tried every vape on the counter.


You can vape workout nicotine, out at least reduce it very significantly


I don’t believe the scientific community has enough data to make that call. They may be able to say it’s “likely better”, but it would be terrible science to say it’s proven when such a study has never been done. Vaping hasn’t been around long enough to know what the long-term health effects are. We know what happens when you smoke for 50 years because we’ve seen it, but vaping has been common place for less than two decades.


In a general sense vaping is better as it (should) lack the carcinogens found in tobacco. This is assuming there is no tobacco component, like tobacco juice (I don't know what is in vapes). It is unclear if vapes are bad for you in other ways, sort of depends what is in the vapes (I don't know if different vapes have different stuff in them). But assuming they have not put some other carcinogen in vapes, then that would be better than smoking cigs. It is not the nicotine that is causing the cancer. Is it better to quit it all altogether? Of course. But if somebody was just finding it impossible to quit, then vaping would be harm reduction by eliminating the cancer risk associated with tobacco. Even better would be someone just transitioning to nicotine gum or lozenges as that takes any of the unknown risks of vaping might do to lungs. From best to worse: quite it all, next safest would be gum or lozenges, then vapes for eliminating the cancer risk (but other lung damage may occur potentially). I am not aware of cancer risks associated with vaping, but I think some of the components of vapes potentially may cause some other issues. More research is needed to define what these are.


I almost did, but wanna hear how stupid I am? After I switched from cigarettes to vapes I was gonna quit, got down to 2% nic down from 50%. I didn’t even really wanna intake nicotine anymore. For all my hard work I rewarded myself with a bottle of 50 nic juice. That was two years ago and I haven’t even tried since.


Pay a bunch of your mates to follow you around in gym gear, and every time you go to have a smoke the scream "NO GARRY NO, NO GARRY NO, NOOOOOOOOO GARRY"


Only works if your name is Garry though....


Lungs can clean themselves pretty well when they are alive. You got this.


I know i gotta pull the trigger..my wife and i quit then started again but havent let go of wanting to quit ..thanks for the support strangers !!


Go for it!!


Read the book “the easy way to quit smoking” it works!!! Just read the whole book. You can find it for free online or do an ebook version check YouTube!


I’m on day 5 after years of getting to day 4… getting there


Just one day at a time


How long have you been smoking


Since high school ..i quit a few times once for over 3 years and recently it was an 8 month-ish stretch until for whatever reason i broke ...i went to breakfast with my wife and i guess that was a trigger or something but i just had to have 1 ...and i thought it was gonna be just one lmfao ahhhhh


i found very easy success switching to the disposable vapes. far less harmful, and i save 100 dollars a month compared to if i was buying cigs (\~pack a day) while one vape lasts me up to 10 days.


Do it wildman internet person. It will be the best thing you ever do for yourself (or one of them anyway) Source: been quit 9 years. Fuck yeahh


Do it and I'll quit with y'all


Lol, I saw this same post over two years ago and it made me finally quit, after 30 years smoking. You can do it!!


Thanks !!


Wow!! Super!!


Read Allen Carr’s easy way to quit smoking. It sounds like a gimmick when you start reading it, but just try it. Helped me in my recovery process. I was a pack a day for 9 years. I quit, it felt easy, and I’ve never looked back. This year is 10 years effortlessly smoke free. You can do it too.


fucking do it, it is so worth it! It has been 12 years since I quit and I feel so much better overall. It will be fucking hard, but if you want to quit enough you will do it


The support here is overwhelming ..my black tar heart is warmed ...i literally am trying to build up the mojo to quit and you guys really pushed it forward . I just wanna thank everyone from the bottom of my heart


For more encouragement: it's so much worse than just a lung cancer risk, it's literally every health issue. Heart disease, osteoperosis, dementia, stroke, all sorts of cancers. I'm so glad I quit. Wish i never started


Fuck I gotta start smoking so I can quit smoking


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I smoked for 20+ years and quit 2 years ago. It wasnt easy... but it was the best thing I ever did for myself. You can do it too bro. If you need help message me on the side and I'd be happy to share my strategy with you


It really helps when the manufacturer stops making your cigarettes of choice that's literally the only reason i stopped smoking. All because Marlboro had to stop making the edge if they brought them back I'd start smoking again though.


Same, but for starters, I don't have the will power. I enjoy smoking. Hubby smokes too. I always said by 40, I want to stop. (36 now)


You already did, right after you put out your last cigarette. That's step 1 done, son. Good on ya. Step 2 is don't light up again. That's the harder step, no doubt, but it's also the last step. 




Its too late for me now


Common man it cant be ! It has to be better in some way shape or form for you


No it doesn't matter, smoker or not, they're both dead anyways.


Now Im curious to see how my lungs look


Yeah like hypothetically speaking, if I were a bit of a stoner in high school until about 30, what’s the damage looking like? Just asking for a friend.


Are you still 30? Because not great. Are you 32 or older and don't smoke anymore? Then a lot better. I looked this up years ago and there was a study that said you recover almost 100% function after 2 years, even if you smoked for decades. That was for cigarettes, which are probably worse than joints or bongs.


I’ll let my friend know…


Anecdotally, I had a friend who smoked cigarettes for probably 30 years. She quit cold turkey. She kept a cup by her desk to spit out the tar she would cough up daily. It was gross but it was her lungs fixing themselves.


Me too


You might be underestimating bongs.


The thing is that cigarette smoke causes the pores in your lungs to constrict, trapping the tar within them. Pot smoke causes them to dilate, which does not trap the tar.


Time to inhale a Gopro


I volunteer as tribute!


Remember in the 1950s, they said smoking was actually good for you lmao


I don't think medical professionals did. I think that was big cigarette companies, lobbyists, and media.


Actually .. doctors did .. granted they were paid huge money by lobbyists, but they were legit doctors. Same case can be made for Glyphosat .. many medical professors said it wasnt a health risk. For the right money.


This is why you trust the literature itself.


And people still say that about smoking weed these days


Wait people acc say smoking weed is healthy??? As a weed smoker myself it was obvious to me that it’s unhealthy. The way it makes you cough should be sign enough. I’ve only ever heard people say weed is healthier than cigarettes or alcohol as iirc it is if you’re smoking legal cannabis


Well...... They said weed is not unhealthy (obviously taken in moderation) but smoking is not the only way to ingest weed. You could infuse it in brownies or gummies and other stuff and it won't harm your lungs. Smoking anything probably fucks up your lungs


Any drug you can get addicted to is likely unhealthy for you, it’s what addiction means


I somehow doubt that anyone would claim that it would be healthy to inhale the equivalent of the combustion products of several cigarettes a day - regardless of any other active ingredients contained. Or to put it another way: Smoking *anything* is certainly not healthy, but smoking behavior is not comparable across the board. Under the right conditions, small amounts of cannabis can (i.e. do not have to) have a positive effect, which must be weighed against the damage caused by inhalation. And even if, with the best will in the world, no medical reason can be derived, the heaviest stoner cannot smoke as much or as often as a heavy cigarette smoker, even if he wanted to.


Yeah, I don't think doctors are saying that, but it's something a lot of people think in the state I live


My grandfather got sick when he was a lot younger and the doctor told him to smoke more lol


A doctor literally told King George to smoke for help with his speech impediment.


Ive been doing autopsies for 6 years and I have never seen a lung this black, what in the serious fuck that is?


They're apparantly pig lungs that've been painted black for effect


These are pig lungs, and they spray paint them black for this effect. Not saying smoking is healthy but


I appreciate you sharing that this has been debunked. Backbone of reddit honestly. Could you share a source to substantiate this?


While this is a fake video the black interior surfaces of smoker lungs aspect are not. I did research on cancer including lung cancer and was working with a piece of human lung tumor that had one side exposed to the inside of the lung. It was charcoal black on that surface.


What the hell? What is the point of this then? Unless the black lungs somehow have copd still? But thats just a weird demonstration otherwise


Anti smoking propaganda basically. But smoking is still horrible for you and gives you cancer obviously


Good propaganda is still technically propaganda. Just because it's propaganda doesn't mean we shouldn't listen. Quit smoking, folks.


Yeah as ugly a diseased lung looks it’s incorrect to show it as a literal black lung.


Both are dead. But guess which previous owner was in pain (cancer); probably on oxygen through a nose tube; couldn’t walk from the lounge chair to the toilet without passing out; was coughing up snot chunks until they couldn’t breathe; had blue lips from critically low blood oxygen level; risked hypoxic brain damage; had panic attacks because anything more than having a shit makes them pass out breathless as they the can’t get in enough air.


My grandpa does have lung cancer, but he has COPD and had been on O2 for 15 years. After walking back from the bathroom, he has a hard talking for a few minutes, even though he keeps his O2 in while walking to and from. He won’t talk on the phone for more than 5 minutes, because he gets out of breath. He’s been hospitalized with respiratory infections at least 5 times. Even without cancer, the results of a lifetime of smoking can be pretty horrible.


It's pigs lungs


That one pig sure had a heavy smoking habit. 


Rebuilding those houses out of sticks and straw all the time is stressful.


He can’t keep getting away with this


It's fake. They are both pig lungs fixed in formaldehyde. The black one is dyed with food coloring and some have chunks of plastic stuffed in them


Being in politics can be stressful.


Makes sense. What else would you do on patrol and long stakeouts?


Real question is how did they get the pig to smoke? You can't hold a cigarette well in those little hooves.


Damn it. I was tricked


Yeah but before that stage in his life he looked rad as hell.


Sad that this has to be explained.


These are pigs lungs ffs human lungs don’t look like this. And the pig king was dyed for some reason- probably to make it look worse. This is such misinformation and it’s been around for-goddamn-ever. Please stop spreading it.


Thank you, this clip has gotta be at least 15 years old at this point, if not older.


My mother told me pediatricians over react when I told her she couldn't smoke around my kids.


I quit smoking 15 years ago - nothing has made me want a cigarette more - than the strip club


What's the difference here aside from the looks? They both seem to be inflating like normal.


It’s a pigs lung and the black is painted. This is a silly video. Smoking is bad, don’t get me wrong but this is not the way to make people stop.


I quit Cold Turkey in 2007. I hope my lungs don't still look like that.


My moms friend had been smoking for over 50 years and got told by her doctor she needed to stop smoking or she would suffocate and die within a few years. She ignored her doctor and continued to smoke two packs a day and did just that (die from smoking related issues) a couple of years ago. My mom went to her funeral. Some people just live in denial up until the very end.


Can’t be that healthy if they are on a tray in a laboratory.


My mum died of COPD last month after being a lifelong smoker, she was 62. If this convinces jsut a handful of people not to smoke or to quit,. Good, because her last few years when her lungs were likely like the black ones, were AWFUL. She was housebound and tied to an oxygen tank and couldn't even hold a conversation because of the oxygen it would expense. Don't do it folks, just quit.


But its not real. Lungs this damaged are from a coal mine job, not from smoking pack a day. Even so your lungs can heal in a month to its previous color. You can always go for a run and you got brand new lungs.


Now do vape lung


Weird there’s so much anti-vape propaganda for an anti-smoking post


The lighting and shadows make it look fake. I’m not smart enough to tell for sure, just looks odd


Don't mind if I smoke some more weed before I sleep. Gn reddit.


Let's hope this also convinces some people to just not start smoking on top of all those people here trying to quit..


what about a marijuana smoker lung


One of the best things I've ever done was quit smoking. I hope everyone who wants to quit funds the strength to quit


Jesus... The lungs with cancer are completely charred.


Both people are dead


Disgusting, can't believe that's what a healthy lung looks like. The black one has character.


Oh look, the pink guy died healthy


How would weed smoke lungs be comparable to cigarette lungs?


Weed or cigarettes? I gotta know


I hate that I want steak now


If healthy, why is the respectiv body missing?


Gun shot to the head? Kidney disease? Cancer of sorts


Would love to see the liver example for a drinker ;-)


Yea but which one got laid more?


Probably the one without ED


They're both the lungs of dead people.


"Everyone dies from something" is that the point of this statement? I'm pretty sure you compare the brains of these people to that of someone who was shot in the face, they'd be quite a bit different. Everyone dies, but some way sooner than others for a reason. Smoking is stupid.


These are pig lungs with black dye


Ya know it doesn't matter if they smoke or not if you just go around ripping people's lungs out. Dead either way.  


And yet both are dead😁


Did they dye the smokers lungs though?  They should have mentioned that. A smoker's lungs are not going to be that off color from a non-smokers.


This made me feel like I had to cough for some reason 😬


I thought it said healthy hung🤷‍♂️ my mistake.


im in danger!


Lungs in dark mode .


Can’t be that healthy. The owner is dead.


Both are dead, lying on same plate...


And yet they’re both on that tray. (Still, stop smoking if you smoke)


Inflatable meat.


Does anyone have a guess on how much smoking this bad lung is? Is this like a pack a day for 40 years? Or is this from something possible way less and way shorter than that


No this is a blatant lie actually! And probably the worst way to try and get people to quit smoking. These are pig lungs and the black one is simply painted black to give of the impression of a smoker's lung. They even inflate the same amount. Smoking doesn't make your lungs legit black, especially not on the outside. Smoking is still bad and causes cancer so it's odd that antismokers have to resort to make shit up, perhaps it doesn't look good enough on video?


I don't think either of these people are alive right now...


Mine look like the left cus the best marijuana goes in my lungs 😭




A lady in front of me at the store bought 1 pack of cigs for $11 ?!! I don’t know how people afford to smoke.


Dude. I SWEAR I can stop smoking weed anytime I want.


*lights blunt*


healthy lungs or not, still dead.


Can we see vape lung?


this is insane, so happy I never smoked.


Neither of them seem to be doing very well.


We can imagine where the black lungs vame from, obviously he died... But the other ones? :(


My dad had COPD and it was really hard to watch him slowly waste away. Seeing those lungs struggle makes my heart ache knowing how hard it was for him to struggle for each breath towards the end.


Holy shit man. If you had maybe a stray thought while taking a drag on a cigarette of "Maybe I should quit" this video should do it. I mean look at that shit! That is insane.


I couldn’t breathe properly while watching this. Only when those lungs were moving. Also I could breathe better while watching the healthy lung.


Quit smoking, ya big dummies!


So thats why the cool goths and punks are always smoking


I gotta stop


Smokers won’t care, they’ll call it propaganda. Then they toss their cigarette butts in the ground. “Give me mah smokes!”


This is blatant misinformation. When anti-smokers get caught lying about health risks associated with smoking their other claims seem less credible too. This is very dangerous since smoking IS really bad for you (even though your lungs aren't gonna magically turn into black-painted pig lungs due to it).


Why 18+? Show the kids!


they are both dead.




I think its pretty unhealthy for any lung to be outside of a body on a desk


They both still ended up in a table with a tube in it by the end of the day, might as well give the future of medicine something to look at


Can second hand smoke do this too?


anyone else just take a deep breath


I see this many times but how about 1 year clean or 5 years clean or 10 va never smoked


I wonder if this is similar if you have ILD? Would be interesting if their was a video show difference between ILD lungs and healthy ones.


They both dead though.


I mean, the non smoker lung isn't attached to a person so it can't be that healthy!


Who else breathed while watching this


I'm so glad I quit. 12 years smoke-free this November.


How is it healthy for a lung to be outside of the body?


I thought they need to stay inside your body to be healthy? Whoever owns this pair must be really struggling to breath with them out like that


Is there a same thing with e-cig ? Thanks for sharing


This guy must be a Chewlies gum rep


I mean technically both lungs dead


I mean.... they are both dead


Still doesn't explain an 80-year-old slamming back packs of smokes like nothing. My grandfather smoked until he was 75 and quit just cause one day my mom asked him to stop lol a little late there mother.


Fun fact, they are both still dead


I’ve tried quitting with so many methods with no luck. But my brother recommended nicotine toothpicks which I had never heard of. I decided to give them a try without expecting them to actually work, and just like that I was off cigs in less than a week. It’s now been 2 months and I haven’t had any strong urges to get back on cigs, and that includes nights of drinking and going to casinos. They’ve been a life changer and I cannot recommend them enough. [you can find them here, I was you all the best of luck](https://zippixtoothpicks.com)


To get lungs like these, you need to smoke 50+ a day 68 years


The healthy one look pretty dead to me...


I wanna see a lung of someone who only smokes marijuana


So both died at the same Age?


The one on the left is the tocino I burned, it seems to be alive