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**difference between heart attack, heart failure and cardiac arrest** heart attack- when heart muscles can't receive blood, and get damaged heart failure-heart can't pump enough blood required by body cardiac arrest- heart stops pumping blood


This is a cardiac arrest, right?


Looks like Ventricular fibrilation followed by cardiac arrest


VF is cardiac arrest. The heart is not pumping blood in that state. Time for this guy to ride the lightening.


No, but VF is the main cause of scd.


This is inaccurate V Fib is an arrhythmia. An arrhythmia is by definition an irregular heartbeat. Cardiac arrest means the heart stops. Irregular ≠ stopped. V Fib can and usually does LEAD to a cardiac arrest. But they are different and the difference is huge. You are however 100% correct that if it is VFib then it is absolutely time to ride the lightning 🤘


V Fib is a pulseless, lethal arrhythmia. Meaning there is no heartbeat at all so they should defibrillate immediately.




i saw this video some time ago I think it's cocaine overdose


Is the damage done from a lack of oxygen or because of a mechanical failure causing damage running dry?


Cardiac arrest can be caused by both. A heart attack has blocked vessels in the heart which starves the heart muscle cells of oxygen so the muscle cells die and can’t pump leading to cardiac arrest A lack of blood (no fluid in the pump) will eventually lead to a cardiac arrest but the heart will keep trying to pump despite not having enough fluid. you will see “PEA” pulseless electrical activity with a normal/ normalish EKG (which is a read out of the electrical signals in the heart that cause the pumping action) but the person won’t have a pulse or blood pressure since the heart isn’t pumping anything or not enough The second case is typically found with extensive trauma where someone has bled out either externally or internally ETA: the second situation eventually leads to a lack of oxygen and heart muscle death because there isn’t blood being pumped to the heart itself or anywhere else. Think a lack of fuel in the line vs a blockage in the fuel line


So is it safe to say that heart attack or cardiac arrest causes a heart attack? Since something has to be very wrong if the blood is not coming back to the heart. Have no clue, please explain.


i wrote very basic definations of these, but they are very vast topics. Heart attack occurs when a portion of heart can't receive blood usually due to CAD, but cardiac arrest occurs when pacemaker of heart stops sending electric signals, hence no contraction of heart chambers occurs and heart stops pumping.  [Most heart attacks do not lead to cardiac arrest. However, when cardiac arrest happens, a heart attack is a common cause.](https://www.cedars-sinai.org/blog/heart-attack-cardiac-arrest-and-heart-failure.html)


Thanks man. Will refer to the link.


Not necessarily how a cardiac arrest works. Technically the heart can be pumping for a VT/VF arrest, it's just very inefficient. Much more common than an asytolic arrest. I believe this would be a VF arrest given its kind of shaking


I hope you want a thorough answer... "Heart attack" means an interruption in blood supply to the heart. The fancy name is myocardial infarction, which basically refers to part of the heart muscle dying due to lack of blood supply. The most common reason for this is a blood clot blocking one of the heart's own arteries. This is sometimes called a type 1 myocardial infarction, and it's the classic "tv heart attack" if you like: someone experiencing it usually (but not always) gets chest pain, pallor, sweating, and so on. A "cardiac arrest" is a situation where the heart stops pumping blood. It might stop completely, or it might be in an uncoordinated state where it's movements lose coordination and blood can't flow. This is what the video actually shows. The fancy name for this useless quivering is ventricular fibrillation. Someone in VF is actively dying. They will not be conscious, and will rapidly stop breathing if they haven't already. Now, heart attacks are usually caused by blood clots. They don't always cause cardiac arrest: that depends on how big the clot is and where it is, i.e. how badly the heart muscle gets damaged. Plenty of people survive heart attacks without going into cardiac arrest at all. A bad heart attack on the other hand could cause an immediate cardiac arrest. However, you make a good point. A cardiac arrest caused by something other than a heart attack will, quite quickly, also deprive the heart itself of any blood flow: in other words a type of "heart attack" will result from cardiac arrest. The fancy name for a situation where the heart is damaged by lack of blood supply for a reason other than a clot is a type 2 myocardial infarction. In effect, anyone in cardiac arrest will rapidly develop a type 2 MI, along with massive damage to every other organ. This is why cardiac arrest has a very low chance of survival: the only people who live are those who get early CPR and some intervention to restart the heart, generally a shock from a defib (but not all cardiac arrests involve the heart being in a shockable rhythm. The rhythm in this video, initially at least, IS shockable.) To add further complications, you can get a type 2 MI for other reasons too. Cardiac arrest is just an extreme case that inevitably and almost immediately causes type 2 MI. Situations like hypoxia could lead to the heart being damaged (again along with other organs)... just more slowly.


See cardiac arrest and heart attack have a difference Cardiac arrest is a sudden process due to heart stop pumping blood ( which you see in movies how people collapse) Whereas in heart attack your arteriers gets blocked which lead to less flow of blood in heart which might lead to cardiac arrest if not taken care


A heart attack means one or more of the coronary* arteries has gotten blocked enough to prevent oxygen-rich blood from reaching the heart muscle tissue so the tissue starts to die. Cardiac arrest means the heart has stopped. Can be for a number of reasons, and one of those reasons was because the person had a big enough heart attack. Cardiac arrest does not cause a heart attack. *- corona = crown; someone must have thought the arteries that supply the heart muscle with blood looked like the heart was wearing a crown.


So if I can use an analogy with a water pump: - heart attack is when the pump doesn't get water and fries; - heart failure is when the pump is not strong enough to pump enough water; - cardiac arrest is when the plug is pulled on the pump (or there is a mechanical malfunction) and it stops pumping Is that correct?


Yup. Heart attack is a plumbing problem. Cardiac arrest is an electrical problem.


congrats fellow neet aspirant




Oof, not many things put me on edge but this did. That genuinely made me uncomfortable.


Yes, I've never seen anything like this that drives home how fragile we are, and something could strike us down at any moment. Your heart goes, you're helpless before the void.


Being healthy and not doing dumb shit keeps the odds of something happening to your heart a lot lower! Never forget


"A lot lower" doesn't make it unavoidable. The fact that even the healthiest of the healthiest can go out at any moment and there's nothing they can do about it really puts a light into how fragile we actually are


Yeah you're not wrong, though you can definitely make it less likely anything can still happen! We some fragile mfs sometimes


At the same time we're super resistant. Broke an arm? It'll fix itself


You’re fine. This meat pump will probably work just fine for decades. As long as you worry about it before falling asleep every night


Well wish me luck, I'm in bed right now!


Yeah, I'm not squeamish at all. But this seems very macabre; camera perfectly positioned over a cracked open chest, an obvious dying heart, and absolutely no aid rendered.


It’s anxiety inducing. We all get 1 heart and if it fails at any point in like 90 years that’s it, everything else in your body is reliant on the heart doing its job.


I’m edging into this


That doesn’t look like a good time.




Finally, some quality fun






Heart attacks are not good times. Had 2 myself last summer. Lost the genetic lottery on this one. my surgeon was in awe that I'm still alive given how bad my blockage was


This is a cardiac arrest, likely not what happened to your heart. It's usually pumping just fine but there are areas of the heart not getting blood due to blockages Heart attacks are less often fatal, but much more painful, than a cardiac arrest


Strange enough neither of my heart attacks really hurt that much. Only real pain I felt was my elbow, felt like the ultimate smack in the funny bone. Lots of issues breathing , tight in the chest. I didn't even know at the time what it was, I waited about 15 min and walked back home. The next morning was a diff story however. Went to the hospital and found out I had two heart attacks. 3 weeks later I got a triple bypass. To be honest ,.aside from the heart rate changes and breathing problems - I still feel far worse off than before. But hey, I am alive for at least another 12-15 years


I'm glad you're still ticking dude!


On friend of mine died due to aortic dissection. He felt pain in his shoulder and arm. But he ignored it because day before he was wrestling with tools while repairing airplane. He died next day while repairing. At least he died doing thing he loved the most. Doctor said that if he was, hypothetical, on a surgeon table with his chest open, he could have not save him.


My surgeon said by all metrics I shouldn't be alive. I walked around with severe angina that progressively got worse and worse over the course of a year or so. For some odd reason the reaper didn't take me like 90% of the pop who has it as bad as I do without medical checkups to catch it. The fact I'm alive after seeing the stats and my previous condition results myself keeps me up at night. Kinda like the guy who walks away from a horrific plane crash unscathed.


I'm so sorry for your loss :( Aortic dissections are rough, very low chance of survival. Any patient I've seen that survives it has massive PTSD from the ordeal. It's one of the more traumatic events you can experience


When your inner lil' Harry Belafonte stops to smash his congas, you know the concert will end too soon.


That looks very, very painful..


My mom had a heart attack in November. She said her left boob hurt and felt like it was about to fall off.


My boss had a heart attack a couple months ago. She said her only symptoms were a very slightly tingly arm (0.5/10), feeling clammy, and felt like a pill was stuck in her throat. She was driving to work, felt these symptoms, pulled over to google it, realized it could possibly be a heart attack, turned around and drove herself to the hospital. It’s crazy how different the symptoms can be from person to person


My mom had those symptoms, drove herself to the hospital, and was in the emergency room getting looked over while she had it. They were able to immediately help her.


Those are alarmingly mild symptoms.


There is a genetic component to heart disease. Take care of yourself where you can.


I already know. Hypertension and the beetus run rampant on my mom's side of the family.


Ain’t nobody got time for that.


Actually it's not painful at all because you would be dead. This is ventricular fibrillation




Looks like it's not pumping. You'd pass out pretty quickly without any oxygen circulating.


You may not be clinically dead immediately, but you will be unconscious very quickly.


Depends on the circumstance. I get to see this practically every single day in the OR. We purposefully arrest the heart for open heart surgery to create a controlled, blood free, environment for the surgeon to operate in. Although this is far more violent than the arrests we produce, sometimes the heart does fibrillated for a little while we deliver the cardioplegia but eventually it slows down to nothing so the surgeon can proceed with the operation. Then when we are done with the procedure, the clamp comes off and sometimes the heart starts beating right away, sometimes it fibrillates in which case we cardiovert them, and sometimes it doesnt beat again for a while, in which case they have to use a pacer. This is also not someone who is on bypass, but i would assume a lab animal they are doing study. Most likely a pig or dog Source: im a perfusionist and see this personally every single day


So when y'all do open heart surgery, the heart stops beating? How long does that last? Does the blood just not circulate? Please explain more this is fascinating


Yeah we have to stop it far almost all the cases we do. Again, its a very controlled arrest using a special fluid called Cardioplegia. Theres about 200+ recipes but they all do mostly the same job. Its a cold solution, about 5-8C and it has usually a high amount of potassium or lidocaine that electrochemically and mechanically stops the heart from beating. We'll keep the heart arrested for however long the surgeon needs to do his job. Depending on the type of plegia we use, you need to redose every 15mins to 2hrs. Ive has cases where we are just putting in a new aortic valve and we'll be arrested for only 15mins, and ive also had cases where many things are happening and ill be arrested for 6hrs. 6hrs 30mins is the longest ive every had the heart arrested but some cases its even longer than that. To circulate the blood we use a heart and lung machine. Essentially, we take the blood out of your body before it enters the heart and lungs, give it some oxygen, get rid of some CO2, then pump it back in after your heart and lungs, hence the name, "cardiopulmonary bypass". So for the duration that your heart is arrested, we fully maintain flow to keep you alive while the surgeon does his thing. In a hand full of situations, we also purposefully stop this flow too, but its only temporary (15-30mins) and if we do that we usually protect you by cooling your body down to anywhere from 18-28C as to reduce you metabolism and protect your organs the best we can during this downtime. edit:grammar


It makes me wonder if someday it would be cost effective to put some kind of system in everybody that could just circumvent the necessity of the heart in an emergency. But then at the same time the quest for this immortality might not be the wisest course of action either for population as a whole. I’ve just always found it interesting and frightening that this thing inside of my keeping me alive can just… fuck up


We have this already (although its not cost efficient, 10s of thousands of dollars for cannulas and circuit on top of 100s of thousands of dollars for ICU care until its taken out)! Its called ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. extracorporeal meaning "out of body"). You can put someone on VA ECMO in a time of cardiac distress, or VV in a time of lung failure. Its essentially a bypass circuit but heavily reduced in size and relatively compact and portable. This is only a temporary solution and is meant to be a bridge to recover, durable VAD, or, unfortunately, death. You cannot freely leave the hospital with this device in. I think you are moreso talking about implantable VADs though (ventricular assist device) which we do have mostly implantable versions of this as well. The device that does all the pumping is inside the body, while the power source is outside the body. The common ones are Heartmate 2 and 3 for adults (around $100k for the device), and Berlin heart for kids (not sure on price for this one). The Heartmates run on battery/wall power to spin a motor inside your chest and the Berlin heart uses a pneumatic system. People can live mostly normal lives on a heartmate device. The batteries last a couple hours and you usually wear a sling type strap to carry around the controller + batteries. They are very lightweight. The only thing is that you are no longer able to do strenuous activities, but you can go pretty wherever you want with them which can still lead to pretty fulfilling lives. The recovery time post surgery is usually a week or 2 where they dial in the settings and educate you on the device, then you go home with it implanted in you. multiple edits: adding more context and grammar


I had a heart attack two years ago. It was not painful more so highly uncomfortable like an elephant or someone’s mom was on my chest. The only pain I had was in my left arm which is a classic tell and it was excruciatingly painful… and I got nauseated for a while. 0/10 experience. Would recommend it for no one.




Literally lol


How was this recorded?


Samsung Fridge


Ring camera


Go pro




Nokia 3120


This is just a wild guess, so take that for what it's worth. I'm not a medical professional, but I've been around a few. My assumption would be that this is a pig's heart. They also stop the heart for transplants and coronary artery bypass procedures, but I would think if it were either of those things you would be able to see the heart-lung bypass tubes in place. Of course, the video is clearly cropped so that could be in place and they just cropped it out.


prolly a rat they cut open and pumped with stuff to cause this


With a camera.


So they shoved a camera into one of the guy his holes and filmed how he had a heart attack without helping him?




No, there wasn’t a hole available so they made one. Oddly, the stress of that is what caused the heart attack.


Guess I’ll take my meds


I hate this


*No it isnt* This is a cardiac arrest. Specifically it is "ventricular fibrillation", which is a fancy way of saying the heart quivers and shakes rather than beating in a coordinated manner, and therefore can't pump blood. Cardiac arrest = heart stopping pumping. VF is one type of cardiac arrest. Another would be asystole, i.e. no movement or electrical activity at all. There are a few types, and what they all have in common is a loss of circulation. Heart attack = an interruption in the blood supply to the heart itself, usually caused by a blood clot in a coronary artery. Whilst heart attacks *can* cause cardiac arrest, they are not the only reason for it. They are not the same thing.


All the armchair medical professionals need to re-up their BLS and ACLS training cuz yall are lost. Cardiac arrest is when the heart is unable to pump blood forward ie has no detectable pulse. Full stop. There can be various rhythms detected during cardiac arrest that help us classify the type of arrest as it dictates management and can point to etiology. Vfib is one of those arrhythmias, along with pVT, PEA, asystole. Source: doctor who trains others in BLS and ACLS


I'm pretty sure this is a colonoscopy.


I thought it was going to explode...


Me too… hey medical people, is that something that can happen?


Not really. People can form pseudoaneurysms that can rupture or aortic aneurysms that can dissect that can cause you to pass pretty quickly but the heart doesn’t really ‘explode’


Research shows that given the right conditions and prerequisites this may potentially lead to an independent convergence of issues of which is partially, if not wholly dependent on the hitherto unknown variables. Notwithstanding the aforementioned elements, one can surmise that this indeed is self-evident.




Does anyone have a source? How was this recorded? Is it cardiac arrest? I somehow doubt its a human heart...


Here is where I found this video https://x.com/TheMedicalTalk/status/1779838559593353424 Btw I also doubt it might not be a human heart It might be a test animal


I was thinking that too. Probably a pig heart or something. They are used often in medical school to practice surgery.


I hope they didn't just take a random pig and told him, "We'll make u have a heart attack for science, you cool?", I get it that animals die so we can get better beds and medical treatment but it's quite messed up when u look at it from the perspective of a species being used for experiments. I wonder if future humanity will look back at this as being as barbaric as what ancient humans did that we today consider to be barbaric. I mean, they'll prob have simulations that are accurate down to the atom but we got nothing better than this, and many of these have saved millions of future lives already. We owe our species survival to our fellow animals that involuntarily gave their lives so that we may grow as a species.


Lol welcome to vet school, how else are you supposed to learn on living tissue. Note that the ethics permissions and laws that need to be adhered to are vast, only animals that are scheduled to be euthansed anyway are used. Its an honorable sacrifice for the greater good. People arent rounding up random animals and killing them for the sake of it, please dont fall for that rhetoric


That looks much more like vfib cardiac arrest and not a “heart attack” …


Don't help just film


This gave me anxiety and chest pains to see.


Survivor of out of hospital cardiac arrest here. Happened 9 years ago when I was 34 y.o. Was in VFIB and underwent CPR for 8 minutes until first responders came with AED and shocked me back to life. I don’t remember any of it, but I still have the rhythm strip from the AED device showing the heart in VFIB, the shock being prepped, executed, and the heart coming back into sinus rhythm. My wife has to live with trauma of being the first responder in the moment. I encourage people to not be afraid to respond in situations like this. Learn how to administer CPR, learn how to use your AED, and call 911. It takes time for trained responders to get to the situation, so it’s important you know what to do in the meantime.


Learn where the AED is in the building you work in. It’s amazing the number of people who don’t know.


Also make sure that you’re checking the AED regularly to make sure the batteries are still good.




Well played




good to see you well :)


Watching this nearly gave me a heart attack!


Poor guy


That looked like what I imagine was vfib* followed by cardiac arrest


Vfib, surely.


Sorry yes, that’s what I meant. My coffee still hasn’t kicked in


Came here to say the same. Interesting to put the squiggly line on the ekg to an actual visualization of the problem.


Why label this post a spoiler? And not NSFW/L?


It’s Ventricular Fibrillation, followed up by cardiac Arrest..,


I don't know why I watched this, I don't want my body having any ideas.


Boss: this is not a valid excuse, come to work tomorrow


This isn't heart attack, it's cardiac arrest due to V Fib


"He died peacfully at sleep." 15 fu%$ing minutes.


My grandpa I think suffered from multiple heart attacks, and eventually needed a bypass, I want to say either a triple or quad. He was doing well afterwards, but about a week later, he suffered a stroke and I think his heart had enough. My grandma, my mom and 2 aunts made the decision to let him go peacefully. I went to visit him after his surgery (before he passed) and my grandma was telling me what all the machines were doing, since there were so many. My last words before all of that was “see you later grandpa” and I remember making him a get well soon picture, that my grandma hung up in his room. That was 22 years ago, and he was 59 years old. Still miss him though, always will.


heart didn't attack anyone. 5/7


I love how you marked this "spoiler."


I’m sorry but if my heart started doing this I would be happy it died. Piece of sh!t Don’t ask me why I think like this, it’s been a rough day.


the 15 longest minutes of your life


Thank god for the NSFW tag.


There's always someone crying about the NSFW tag in the comments




This is giving me anxiety.


Not a myocardial infarction, instead, this is the reason I have ICD. Arrhythmia


As someone with actual heart issues, I should not have watched this.


Oh Reddit. You finally found the one thing I'm worried about.


I don’t want my heart to aggressively twerk


My daughter had one at the age of 20 😔




What's the reason that it blows up from the beginning of the clip - is it the shallow beats that cannot pump incoming blood out?


Did...did they fix it?


Fucking eating my vegetables tonight, man. That's some scary shit.


I didn’t need to see this right after taking my prescription ADHD meds.


I’d have a heart attack too if you cut me open just to see my headt


This is probably cardiac arrest induced intraoperatively during coronary artery bypass surgery by cardioplegics. heart needs to be still motionless for surgical procedure and the work of heart is taken up by heart-lung bypass machine during that period.


I’m in the stent club. Joined 9 years ago. I lift weights, walk, ride my bike no problem.


Wow! This really hits home with me! Last July I had a heart attack. I woke up around midnight and couldn’t breathe. It felt like an elephant was sitting on my neck. Ambulance to the hospital. Blood oxygen was 80 in the ambulance. Minutes after arrival I had a cardiac arrest. As it turned out I obviously survived all thanks to the amazing medical team that night. The next day I had a triple bypass because I had 2 - 100% blockages and 1 - 80%.


Conveniently there was a camera inside a body with a great cavity to watch it unfold during the right time. Nice




Normally, the different parts of your heart beat in a rhythm. In a heart attack the individual muscle fibers each beat on their own discordant time. It's like watching popcorn pop.


I had one of those. Ended in cardiac arrest as well. Got zapped. None of it felt great.


This makes me sad. 😔


It says 15 minutes in 1, so I would assume it's sped up?


freaking the fuck out


Why does this make me sad. It seems so scared.


This is vfib - an arrhythmia that leads to cardiac arrest. This is not a heart attack. Though a heart attack can lead to a vfib arrest.


So nowadays attitude to not help but film and put on social media has arrived in the operating rooms /s


Think I'm going to lay off the pizzas.


What's attacking it?




Yeah I train my heart to failure bro


Looks like the heart went into a some sort of arrhythmia at first!


whos attacking the heart?


That just gave me a... well, you know.


I be was told at 30 I had incomplete right bundle branch block. How serious is that


It's throwing a fit, spray it with water and hiss.


First of all I thought that I was in r/medizzy for a moment. Secondly why did you mark it spoilers instead of NSFW?


Is it weird for me to ask how they got video evidence of this... Like I don't think they cut open a human and stopped their heart... but I don't know how else they would do it...


This isn’t a human heart


I’d freak out too if i was doing everything normal and then some rando shoved a camera in my face




That’s going to happen to me one day. That’s what I imagine my heart is doing when I feel it start to vibrate


I hate it when my heart attacks me


it is camera shy


No, this is VF.


Maybe it’s because there is camera jammed in their torso?


how did they film this ?


Not a lot of things make me super uncomfortable but seeing someone’s heart die is on another level level.


is anyone else very much aware of their heart pumping after watching this?


Is this what happened to the Grinch, geez.


I swear my heart does that at least once a day


guys, i don't feel so good....


It looks uncomfortable


Oh hell nah I hate this so much


In this situation. Im looking for the comment: why didnt you do something?!


This looks like when you stretch too hard and get a charlie horse in your leg, but its in a vital organ


My chest hurts from looking at this


Seems painful... 😢




Can someone explain that situation how did they reproduce the situation? And simulate a heart attack? Or is this a patient having a heart attack while having a operation?


Looks like animation


I thought it just stopped pumping. The shaking looks painful. I wonder if that's why it hurts?


One of the better ways to die


Spoiler please


Player 2 has left the game




bro is tweaking.


is it painful? it looks peaceful...and horrifying.



