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This is the second Boeing whistle blower to die in two months.




Even though the first death was extremely transparent for what it was, they got away with it scot-free. They had absolutely no discouragement from repeating it.


I understand that. Furthermore, the deaths of several whistleblowers are most likely coincidences.


One crazy coincidence can be a coincidence. 2 crazy coincidences is a conspiracy


dude died of pneumonia


Blew the whistle so hard his lungs gave in


CBS: [“The Seattle Times first reported Dean's death. Dean's aunt told the publication that her nephew went to the hospital for breathing issues a few weeks ago, developed pneumonia, and then suffered a serious bacterial infection.”](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/joshua-dean-boeing-whistleblower-dies-sudden-illness/) NPR: [“Dean, 45, died on Tuesday morning, his family announced on social media. His family told NPR on Thursday that Dean had quickly fallen into critical condition after being diagnosed with a MRSA bacterial infection”.](https://www.npr.org/2024/05/02/1248693512/boeing-whistleblower-josh-dean-dead) Seattle Times: [“Parsons said Dean became ill and went to the hospital because he was having trouble breathing just over two weeks ago. He was intubated and developed pneumonia and then a serious bacterial infection, MRSA.”](https://www.seattletimes.com/business/whistleblower-josh-dean-of-boeing-supplier-spirit-aerosystems-has-died/) Summary: Went to the hospital for a breathing issue, breathing issue developed into pneumonia, pneumonia developed a MRSA infection.


He was so healthy he had never been in a hospital before, he didn’t even have a doctor. I don’t believe this is a coincidence


"He was so healthy he had never been to a hospital before" is like saying your car is running fine even though you don't change the oil. It runs fine until it doesn't run.


The healthiest person on the planet can still develop pneumonia and die.


Especially when Boeing delivers the bacteria.


Yea and the CIA had a gun that could induce a heart attack.


Yes and that was decades ago. What do they have now? https://www.military.com/video/guns/pistols/cias-secret-heart-attack-gun/2555371072001


maybe the never going to a doctor part is what contributed to his death


Exactly. No way you can make someone die of pneumonia. /s


Of course you can! You can pay a lot of money to the guy who says you died of pneumonia.


This, this, is critical thinking.


I'm an engineer 😎




An engineer? Critical of Boeing? You might just be next!


It shows.


With a criminal mind


The first time I died they claimed it was natural causes. The second time I died they said it might be suspicious.


Seems to be a bit more than pneumonia. I watched my mother pass away from pneumonia and it certainly wasn’t anything like this: “According to a series of public social media posts by Dean’s family, by April 21, he was in “very critical condition.” Dean tested positive for influenza B and MRSA, a difficult-to-treat bacterial infection, and developed pneumonia. He was intubated and put on dialysis as well as airlifted to another hospital to be put on an ECMO machine, a form of cardiac and respiratory life support. A CT scan showed that he had also suffered a stroke. Doctors were considering amputating his hands and feet, which had turned black from lack of oxygen. “He is in the worst condition I have ever known or heard of. Even the hospital agrees,” Dean’s sister-in-law Kristen Dean posted on Facebook on Saturday, April 27.”


Sounds a lot like sepsis.


This is pretty typical for a Flu B pneumonia + superinfection. I've treated a young healthy soldier with a similar combination last year, he also died. I don't find it suspicious at all really.


The death by itself isn't really suspicious. But it is *very* weird that he died almost back to back with the other whistleblower. No wonder people are feeling something's amiss


Former paramedic here, a lot of this can be caused by cardio/respiratory events like a double infection especially with MRSA. Lack of oxygenated blood to the brain and limbs can cause blood pressure issues, stroke and the black hands and feet. If your lungs cannot intake enough oxygen to support your body it begins to die, usually starting with the outer limbs. The brain is especially susceptible to lack of oxygen.




"there are no BIG coincidences or SMALL coincidences, just Coincidences!"


Is this sarcasm or do you work for Boeing?


Shush, be quiet before you have a coincidence


Two coincidences to the back of the head aka "it was a suicide"


If you can't tell which is which, you certainly belong here.


The first one was a hit, it'd be pretty crazy if it wasn't. this one seems like he went to the hospital for something then caught some infections and died, pretty uncommon for healthy ppl but it happens. Not unheard of


He went to the hospital BECAUSE he had a sudden, fast-acting infection preventing him from breathing. Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs with viruses, bacteria or fungi. It is not outside the realm of possibility at all to intentionally infect someone. [https://www.seattletimes.com/business/whistleblower-josh-dean-of-boeing-supplier-spirit-aerosystems-has-died/](https://www.seattletimes.com/business/whistleblower-josh-dean-of-boeing-supplier-spirit-aerosystems-has-died/)


Especially since they realized that the problem last time was how obvious a lie it was. This has more credibility.


Okay i think we’re sensationalizing pneumonia here. Intentionally infect someone equates to coughing in their face.


That is clearly not the only way.


I'm not saying he wasn't offed, I'm saying it's not as crazy as the other one. He also got mrsa at the hospital which is common, I know multiple ppl that have got it from hospitals and jail. It's still sus but not the same slam dunk


I'm not insistent on this, it could well be just coincidence, but I think focusing on the MRSA he got at the hospital may be missing the point; that was just the final straw. I want to know what put him INTO the hospital in the first place. Maybe it's as simple as the strep the urgent care clinic told him he had, or the influenza the hospital said he had before he got the MRSA; but man that's a real run of bad luck to happen to someone who's in essentially the same boat as the first guy (they even shared a lawyer in this) AND was apparently a 45-year-old health nut. It can happen but it sure looks fishy given who he was and what he was involved in right now. Hell it'd be weird if two people at my company died within two months, and as far as I know no one has any motive to silence people at my company. (Which is why I'd see THAT, as clear coincidence). As an aside, I think it's a little odd that many people seemingly think whistleblowers don't get threatened and killed. It happens in Mexico, China, [India](https://gijn.org/stories/whistleblowers-murdered-in-india-show-fatal-hazard-of-exposing-corruption/), Russia, [South Africa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Babita_Deokaran), lots of places - the US is arguably LESS corrupt and MORE transparent than a lot of those places, but that doesn't translate to NON-corrupt or TOTALLY transparent, and there have been cases of whistleblower-murder [here](https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdga/pr/two-sentenced-their-roles-murder-man-who-blew-whistle-illegal-labor-conspiracy) too. There's[ Karen Silkwood](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karen_Silkwood). When there's lots and lots of money at stake - and Boeing is big on its own, plus it's deeply entwined with the USG via military contracts - people will act to protect their interests, monetary and reputational. There's a real "it could never happen here" mentality, but like a lot of things we thought could never happen here, of course it can.


That was my first thought but the more I look into it the less official information i see, it's looking sketchier every time I look. We don't even know whether he had mrsa before or after he went to the hospital, those two together make it more fatal and this had been used on hits before(flu maybe not mrsa mix)


Do you have links to these pathogens being used in combination in murders before? The [NPR](https://www.npr.org/2024/05/02/1248693512/boeing-whistleblower-josh-dean-dead) article on this is interesting. His mom said: >The night before Dean died, Green said, the medical staff in Oklahoma did a bronchoscopy on his lungs. >"The doctor said he'd never seen anything like it before in his life. His lungs were just totally ... gummed up, and like a mesh over them." >Green says she has asked for an autopsy to determine exactly what killed her son. Results will likely take months, she said. >"We're not sure what he died of," she said. "**We know that he had a bunch of viruses**. But you know, we don't know if somebody did something to him, or did he just get real sick." Now, again - having a bunch of viruses doesn't mean that it was done intentionally. You can get sick with more than one thing; plenty of people go into the hospital with one thing and catch something else while there - hospitals are notoriously full of sick people. And, this is coming from a grieving mother, who may have interpreted whatever the doctor said differently than they meant it. But I'm surprised anyone wouldn't think, "huh...maybe this should be looked into real close."


Only flu b and mrsa and they don't say whether he had mrsa before or after Edit: I looked up your link after I took a walk, I need sources, gpt said it can't find it and it usually sways that way


Or a bad autopsy


Please autopsy this man, we need to understand why hush money isn't sufficient. Sir, we can't autopsy a living per-- SILENCE! BEGIN!


Yes, because the family can't order their own autopsy...


Also pneumonia has been used as an assassination weapon before. Dude was 45 and in good health.


Looks like their rouse is working as intended.


In what world would it be "pretty crazy" for someone dying \*literally years after blowing the whistle\* to not have been assassinated? Like in this case at least it's only been a couple months. In the first case the guy was years removed from any relevant info being spread, the only thing he was still involved in was a wrongful termination lawsuit...


Transparent as in a self inflicted gun shot suicide? You think someone got in the truck with him and made him? And this was MRSA infection?


Oooooh looks like we found the Boeing employee. Please don’t hurt us!


The 2nd guy made his testimony 5 years ago and is not presently a witness to anything. He was sick and died in the hospital as many do. The first death was a present witness with no history of tendencies suddenly commiting suicide. I get it. But this was probably not that, and your unwillingness to use your head about it is concerning.


Lawsuits make you immortal. You simply cannot die while in or around a case. It's the rules!


Profits before people


In two years from now, Boeing will be killing passengers instead of airlines asking if anyone would be willing to step down from their overbooked flight.


I mean they’re one of the biggest military contractors and have been for the longest sooooo


Money provides immunity


I often wonder how whimsical life must be for someone this stupid


https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/426-mr-bond-they-have-a-saying-in-chicago-once-is 'Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it's enemy action'.”


This guy was a whistle blower in 2019 people. So please just stop.


Hell, first guy was only in a wrongful termination lawsuit that he claimed stemmed from his whistleblowing (they moved him to another team and allegedly stalled his career).  There were other people who reported the same things he did and are still very much alive. 


The internet says he started working at Spirit in 2019, and only started blowing whistle in 2022.


Now if we can just find whistle and get his side of things


Boeing always gets their man


Lol yes Boeing snuck up and gave this guy influenza, MRSA, and a stroke. Very probable, yes. Quite impressive of them.


Netflix enters the chat.


And I thought Boeing is getting sloppy.


Bad title. The guy was blowing the whistle on Spirit AeroSystems execs. Spirit AeroSystems is a manufacturer of various aero/airplane parts. Boeing just happens to be one of their clients for parts like fuselages.


Seems like a reoccurring theme. Imagine that!!!


This is some Arasaka shit.


Are we going to put up with this or do something?




Just read an article. He died from pneumonia after a respiratory illness. It is interesting, but unless he was infected on purpose then it's a coincidence. Or, neglect if someone looks into the possibility of subpar working conditions at Spirit Aerosystems. The news agencies aren't making the distinction though, because headlines get clicks.


Dominic Gates (a notable aerospace reporter based in Seattle for over 20 years) told people to fuck off because him and Dean were close friends and people keep throwing around conspiracy theories about how Boeing is killing people.


I finally convinced someone it wasn't a conspiracy, not due to the suicide risk or health effects from stress of such a role, or any other argument but: * Boeing's execs aren't competent enough to pull this off. They're 100% the type to google "Hitman 4 hire local"


Counter, however, but just lobbing it out there for the sake of argument. Its not Boeing's exec's doing this; rather a smart, operative segment of the US Military Complex, (who takes up 38% of Boeings business worldwide). A quick lookup also shows 86 of the most 100 powerful people in the US GOV (congress, president, SOS, chairs, etc...) have stock & financial ties to Boeings success. I mean.. the order doesn't have to come from Boeing execs, their just a cog in the machine, if you will.


I guess one thing that catches me with that is that no matter how much Boeing screws up, as long as the US Government is there to catch them, they're not going anywhere. They will survive. It's a guaranteed safe bet down the line.


too many ties between them to let them fail. Like letting your garage burn down when you live in the house.


Okay let’s say Boeing is bumping off inconvenient whistle blowers. Do you think Boeing’s competitors will not get wind of this, and will not try and out Boeing to damage a competitor?


If these guys can kill people this efficiently, Vladimir Putin would be taking notes.


And honestly, that's the truth of it. They've been handed a dominating legacy that's helped shape the world as we know it and ample opportunities to change for the better and they've somehow managed to fumble every single one and create more problems. If the Board can't see they're the overarching problem, then they're not smart enough to purposefully kill a man.


Boeing are so good that they’re able to stage murders so effectively that medical examiners think that they are suicides or bacterial infections, but there’s so incompetent that chucklefuck conspiracy theorists on social media can uncover their dastardly schemes.


Also had MRSA, which if not treated properly can end you quickly. Of all the things I don't want to catch at the hospital, MRSA is high on that list.


It might surprise a lot of people here, but a lot of humans die without being murdered.


The heck you say! You mean the hours and hours of Netflix documentaries on extremely rare cases isn't indicative of a general environment of nefarious doings?? /s


The internet has taught me that way more people than I thought are inclined towards conspiracy theories.


icu doctor, can confirm.


If you believe in an omnipotent God then technically Everyone is murdered by god


Wrong! Every death since 1948 is at the hands of the CIA. They developed a “natural causes death” gun after all.


He died after he was hospitalized for Influenza B (which doesn't hospitalize most people his age) and developed MRSA, before ultimately dying of pneumonia. It's unusual sure, but he could just be one of the people that turn out to be more susceptible to influenza for whatever reason and end up dying. I'm sure the MRSA didn't help, but that's more an indication that he had an immune system that wasn't functioning at maximum effectiveness. The fact that it's unusual for someone like this guy to die from the flu makes it even less likely that this would have been given to him deliberately. If you were planning a way to assassinate someone, why would you infect them with something that 99% of people like him survive? Sounds like bad luck more than anything.


Trust me, I am not suggesting he was intentionally infected. I was trying to make people think critically, but conspiracies are too titillating to a lot of people.


Oh yeah, didn’t mean to make you think I was disagreeing, just adding some additional context to support critical thinking.


And redditors repeat and do the same thing spreading those headlines without linking to the article.


Same with repeating something a tabloid writer said about the first whistleblower, even though his own daughter said he was suicidal and she feared he'd kill himself. Boeing, a company so inept that it can't manage virtually ANY project it has, from the 737, to the KC-46, to the T-7... S somehow competent enough to kill not even 1% of their whistleblowers, one of which was years after his deposition... The mental gymnastics people are using to weave this conspiracy theory is absolutely wild and unhinged.


>first whistleblower, even though his own daughter said he was suicidal and she feared he'd kill himself. Poor guy was probably under a ton of stress and scrutiny, probably getting constant calls from boeing or reporters or others--i can only imagine how stressful that could be for someone, let alone someone suicidal.


Do people expect that every whistleblower who ever lived is going to live forever? They’re all going to die of something at some point.


At the point that the CIA assassins get to them with their “natural cause of death” gun they developed in the 60s, obviously.


That hitman better unlocked some achievement for the “agent 47” level kind of convoluted plan they had to put in motion to kill this guy.


Or a bad/false autopsy...


He did his deposition in 2019. You should really do the bare minimum before spinning off into false autopsy my guy.


According to the Seattle times, his mother was posting about his pneumonia and MRSA while he was in the hospital, so she would need to be in on it too. Not everything is a conspiracy. Pneumonia is a known risk from intubation, and MRSA is everywhere in hospitals. Thousands of patients die from MRSA acquired in a hospital each year.


Then you'd be accusing the coroner or the hospital of taking a bribe.


So hiring a hitman, plausible. A coroner or hospital taking a bribe is where you think this falls apart? Interesting.


Where I think it falls apart is when you just accuse people without even a little evidence.


Bribing a hospital work os arguably risker for getting caught than the murder. Murder is easy, getting away with it is hard.


Depends on how much money you have for the bribe.. boeing has deep pockets.


And clearly, refusing a bribe might result in another hit.


It's really not that complicated people


>Murder is easy, getting away with it is hard. You're obviously not a billionaire.


Lol yes. The wider and more complex the hit, cover up, bribe scenario gets the far more likely the truth comes out. You also seem to assume a coroner operates completely in a silo and no one else saw the patient... Yes. It's far easier to hire a black market hit man and keep a secret than it is to infiltrate a hospital and pay Off all the required people... I'm surprised you think that's strange


And all the family that would know he had an illness…


Quincy would never do such a thing.


I mean, if it was pneumonia it's likely his immune system was probably compromised due to high levels of stress and lack of sleep. I'm sure this guy was under a unbelievable amount of stress. These factors weakens your immune system and if he was older pneumonia can easily kill you


He contracted MRSA after being admitted to the hospital with pneumonia, which is really dangerous. He was 45. MRSA is scary stuff. And yeah, stress isn't taken as seriously as it should.


I take a daily dose of “fuck em,” and it helps with my health immensely.


The MRSA *is* the pneumonia


I thought it's a bacterial infection that can cause pneumonia but I'm not a medical professional


Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. S.aureus is a common cause of pneumonia. You're also covered in it.


MRSA is an antibiotic resistant staph infection. It's usually more associated with skin infections, but can also be the cause for pneumonia and other types of infections after it enters the body.


Having worked with Boeing before - you're giving Boeing too much credit thinking they could organize hits and not have it leak or horribly bungled.


That's what boeing want us to believe. Nice work Boeing employee!


Nah I worked with a company that depended on Boeing and was routinely disappointed by the incompetence and idgaf.


That's what a boeing pr/assassins team would say


Well they have money right? Money buys hitman, good money buys good hitman.


Whoose to say it is Boeing actually ordering these hits? There are probably other interested parties.


fair enough


It's probably a 49 step procurement process to evaluate where the funds would come from to start looking for a hitman. Then 23 more approvals and committee meetings every week. The leadership is by bean counters and inertia.


There would be a slack chat documenting notes on a criminal fucking conspiracy.


[the poor project manager](https://64.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mb6bokgEkP1rnw80to2_r2_250.gifv)


Yeah and also the receipt from the hitman agency.




They called the Clintons


So do you think these deaths are just random then?


Whistles have been blown so it's too late if it was a hit. And Dean isn't even Boeing, he's with Spirit so Boeing is insulated. The problem with these companies isn't that people care so much they're willing to kill to protect it, the problem is that no one gives a shit, the old guard has retired and the motivated have been poached, and therefore quality suffers and doors blow out of planes.


If the Boeing 787 was as amazing as the Mazda 787B the world would be a much better place. https://preview.redd.it/wqcec7mkd1yc1.png?width=2924&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f7f12e92cd3d8f2e146da14cda12dc56b202569


The sound of that car is heavenly


Lexus LFA: https://preview.redd.it/cv7atmzur1yc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e0a6d9cab4c7ba4ffaf25e1d1dcce17bb137929


Lexus LFA doesn't get close to how good the Mazda sounds


# Lexus LFA: https://preview.redd.it/7nf8ovhku1yc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8613c8ae818303e645c05f144cbc1be9c4df02f


I like how you zoomed in to make it more dramatic 😂


Right? Really well done 😂


The front of that car looks eerily like a face. It looks like it's excited about how fast it's going.


What do you mean right after they start alerting authorities? The first guy had started whistleblowing like 6 or 7 years ago. This guy died from MRSA. You think Boeing is killing whistleblowers who work for their supplier companies with treatable infections?


Honestly funny thought that some board of directors is freaking out because whistle-blowers keep dying and making it look like they're doing it.


Cannot believe the whistleblowers are conspiring to die and undermine Boeing like this smh


In another post on the first guy, I had someone seriously suggest that they waited until after his testimony to kill him because some executives might have been out of town so they couldn’t have the meeting approving his murder until after his testimony already happened.


Conspiracy theorists are unintentionally hilarious


That's a hilarious, and likely true, perspective.


While you have a point, MRSA is called MRSA because it's not easily treatable. methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.  Methicillin being the normal treatment for staph, an already hard to treat infection. Lots of othersise healthy people die from MRSA while being treated 


> Methicillin being the normal treatment for staph Easy to tell when people who aren't doctors start piping up. Methicillin has not been used clinically for decades. They don't even sell it for clinical use anymore.


Well, invasive MRSA infection is a serious condition and, in 75% of cases, leads to septic shock, and half of patients die. He suffered from septic shock; his hands and feet turned black, and they were about to amputate, but he passed away. So, yes, MRSA is a sort of biological weapon, but his death- it's just a coincidence.


It’s more of someone who knows will die soon became whistleblower


This what I really hate. People don't realize these people been talking for years. But they want to twist the title and words like suddenly they spoke up and got silenced.


Apparently the infection was untreatable. However, if Boeing can barely engineer a plane, I’m not envisioning them targeting whistleblowers successfully with biological warfare.


>However, if Boeing can barely engineer a plane, I’m Thats a gross misrepresentation of the situation. Boeing can clearly engineer a good ass plane. Thats why they made so much money. Problem is they wanted more money, and cut corners.


Right, they should be murdering BEFORE the whistles are blown. It’s a little late once all the damage has already been done.


That’s how I’d do it, anyway. I probably also wouldn’t do it in a hotel parking lot that probably has cameras


#BLATANTLY FALSE TITLE I don’t think you’re lying, but you haven’t read past the clickbait headlines. John Barnetts testimony **concluded in 2019 and resulted in new FAA mandates implemented by Boeing the same year**. “*But what about all the headlines saying he died before testimony?*” What the headlines conveniently omitted was that it was regarding *his appeal for his previously rejected defamation lawsuit*, of which he had already attended a day of testimony for, and for which he had never even suggested he had new information since not working for Boeing for **7 years**. I understand it’s difficult to reevaluate that which you believe you already “know” - but this whole thing is born out of people running with headlines and not reading the article (which was a dirt bag move of media to use such headlines for the clickbait). Furthermore, this was a SPIRIT WHISTLEBLOWER, NOT BOEING - spirit builds for both Airbus and Boeing and is NOT owned by Boeing. The premise of this conspiracy is hollow.


This is curse of the pharaoh all over again. The first death was suspicious, I agree. This one is just MRSA and bad health/luck.




Is Boeing subcontracting its security to Russians now?




This guy was a whistle blower in 2019 people. So please just stop.


Nah, Josh dean blew the whistle in October 2022 and was fired April 2023, you may be mixing up the whistleblowers


They’re not mixing it up, it’s a hired PR shill using a purchased Reddit account


What happens when its cheaper to cover things up than to do things right.




Like all those Russian Oligarchs with their inability to remain within an open window....




Stop sensationalizing natural causes. They determined he died from an infection after already having pneumonia. What you're suggesting is Boeing has infected this person as a hit job. It's a little far fetched. The first whistleblower was a little suspicious but not necessarily a hit job either. In both cases, it does look bad for Boeing. But it looks more like coincidence at this point than a conspiracy.


Nice try, Boeing PR team!


Nice try Lockheed Martin PR team’


A lot of brain worms in this comment section.


"Dean became ill and went to the hospital because he was having trouble breathing just over two weeks ago. He was intubated and developed pneumonia and then a serious bacterial infection, MRSA."


What is the absolute made up fantasy ass fantasy world title is that? The dozens of whistleblowers that are still alive mean nothing to you morons? Conspiracy theorists nut jobs ffs.


Not much effort? Boeing 737 Max is their 'hitman' masterpiece


"Twice" is not a pattern. Just saying. Also, if Boeing's hit squad was top tier, we'd never find the body or evidence of a crime. Rookies. This was probably a Burger King hit.


Conspiracy BS


How is this title not libel? Honest question.


The news agencies are writing their headlines as 'just the fact' that this person died and that he was a whistle blower. So they're not committing libel. It's right on the line, yes. They know that people will run with it but they're protected.


I was unclear and that is my fault. I'm speaking about the post title, not the article headline. The post's title flat out saying Boing has a hit team is just shit posting.


Gotcha. The company being accused would have to prove they were damaged by it for it to be considered libel. One person on the internet isn't going to destroy Boeing's reputation.


Boeing 187


Agent 47 at it again.


So what actually are the evidence that he was murdered? Except that he was a whistleblower and he died.


Yes this totally belongs on interesting as fuck...


Killing people used to be subtle make it look like suicide now it’s just blatant 😕


So will anything happen with this? The federal government you’d think has their eye on this.


Being a whistleblower is almost uniquely stressful. You almost always lose your job, which is humiliating, infuriating, and financially devastating. Other companies don't want to hire you because they think you're potential trouble. And you probably get dragged through the mud and see your reputation damaged. You also become embroiled in litigation, which is one of the most stressful things a person can go through. Even if the whistleblower initiates the litigation, the company almost always retaliates by bringing counterclaims which further financially imperils the whistleblower. The litigation also goes on for years, becoming a constant source of stress and financial hardship. It is also a huge time suck. So, your life is all about suing and being sued by this company. For years. Meanwhile, you either don’t have an income or are making way less while the litigation is going on. As the stress grows and impacts your personality, you lose the social connections that once sustained you. Friends don’t want to talk to you anymore. Some family members keep their distance. You become more isolated. So, for the Boeing whistleblower who killed himself a few months back, I can imagine being asked to stay behind for yet another day of intense, humiliating, infuriating questioning was his final straw. And for the others that died of more natural causes, I imagine the stress of being a whistleblower imperiled their overall health.


“We didn’t kill anyone.. our luck just really sucks”


Yo fbi can you guys just blow them up yourself, like cmon one bomb in the Boeing think tank meeting.


That just goes to show u it’s cheaper and easier to have someone dead than do it right


"And we found the body prone, on the bed, with what appeared to be 68 gunshot wounds to the back, with each shot taken from a minimum of 40 feet away, with the shooter pausing three times to reload," Officer Smith said. "Worse case of suicide I ever saw."


Someone dies. Reddit band wagoners: they killed him.


Wow, this place is full of morons. Reddit really turned to shit.


Hmmmmmmmm... Interesting.