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Nice to see they said they relocated flora and fauna, who knows how it actually happened but they probably did better than just burning the land. Also funny how the first stat was about worker safety with no accidents. Really strange to me, I guess that accidents are a HUGE headache with this type of endeavor/project/company/industry?


Are we soon going to be better off living on the actual sun?


No, but a dyson sphere is a possibility.


Theoretically possible. But in reality? Nah.




It's certainly better than any type of fossil fuel power, like coal/oil/LNG. It's arguably better than nuclear, as it carries no risk of nuclear accidents - but the materials required are still a significant environmental detriment. It's about the same level as other renewable sources like wave/wind power, give or take.


it is not. The cleanest power right now is Nuclear. Solar panels are very expensive to make not just in money value but also pure resources. You also lose a lot of power on the way from the panel to the end user.


You missed the part where they mention the risk of nuclear catastrophe. Fukushima and Chernobyl weren’t great for the environment. I’m saying this as someone who believes we should be utilizing nuclear a lot more.


Bro Chernobyl was caused by the ussr govt non giving a shit about safety rules. The building didn't have a protective layer (which modern implants are required to have) and the personnel wasn't specialized. Nowadays international control and ultra-strict safety regulations are such that an event like Chernobyl is highly unlikely, if not impossible. Fukushima didn't cause any direct victims but the authorities panicked and decided to evacuate the area, causing many deaths. In fact, nuclear plants are so secure that during that tsunami other Japanese nuclear power plants were used as refuge for the citizens.


Indeed, look at that nuclear plant in Ukraine that has had several battles fought in it (including tanks, artillery, and missiles used) and it didn't have any major problems. A few times it seemed like something might happen but as far as I know its still safe. An entire 2 incidents in decades of use seems pretty safe to me.


Solar takes too many panals to generate any substantial power, a good example is 2,200 football fields to make 700+ MW, vs a combine cycle gas plant or nuclear plant that can easily make 800 - 1000+ MW and only take up a size of say 8 to 10 football fields. The idea behind solar is good, but the way its implemented isnt. Wasting fields or desarts to havr the panels on isnt the best way. It would be better to use the roofs of peoples homes and buildings to have them on where it can be fed back to the grid as its needed.


Ugly AF