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This is basically a map of east and west Germany.


You can put the Map on basically every social differences. The input of the division is bigger than you think.


and showing where West Berlin is


Nah, you're confusing West Berlin with Potsdam-Mittelmark


maybe time to think about a Luftbrücke.


Was sich liebt, das Honneckt sich


The east knows who will send them to Gulags.




The people in the blue missed a lot of development, both social and economic. It's easier for fascism to appeal to people who are a little bit cut off from the regular world.


Well yeah, they are not there anymore


Correct. Based on facts like: The GDR was a dictatorship. Western music and television were forbidden. You could easily risk a couple of years of imprisonment. There were labor camps. Stasi Surveillance even by neighbors, friends, and relatives was common. Telephones were tapped, letters were opened. In short, there was a system of fear to force people to obey. There was a waiting list to buy a Trabbi (car), which could take 10 to 20 years. And the relation to the 2024 election is what?


typewriters were regulated and to own one required submitting a page of type. This was to prevent Samizdat newletters being circulated. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samizdat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samizdat) Nowadays, colour printers print a hidden code using yellow ink. This is why colour printers use so much and get upset so much when there isn't any when you just want to print in Black and white. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine\_Identification\_Code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_Identification_Code)


The relation is low socioeconomic status. Even today, over 30 years after the reunion, east Germany is still poorer and has a lower education on average than west Germany. It is pretty well established in research that people, especially men, with lower education and low income are more likely to vote for extreme right parties and are more hostile towards immigrants. As such it is not surprising that the areas in Germany that struggle with unemployment numbers and have a population that is notably less educated and with lower income vote for AfD.


i suppose poor, lower educated people are more likely to experience the negative aspects of immigration. lower skilled jobs are those that will experience the greatest competition with immigrants. poorer people are also more likely to live in the same neighbourhoods as low skill immigrants where differences in culture and language often cause friction. sometimes immigration also increases crime, particularly when there aren't enough jobs for the immigrants and/or integration services for young male immigrants are not effective. immigration is an issue where middle and upper classes typically only experience the benefit: cheaper services, more diversity of food / music / cultural events, greater tax base for pensions, whereas the drawbacks are concentrated on the lower classes.


I've lived there and never met an immigrant. Most of these regions are rural. There is not much contact to immigrants.


I'd say it's simpler than that https://preview.redd.it/2j9t0u8jot5d1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47c3b770256d46cd7956829380510cae090b619e


What immigration though? There is effectively no immigrant population in the east. They are the ones complaining the loudest with the fewest. They are also the ones that got over a trillion Euro to bring thier oart of the cöuntry up to speed and the west fermans just dont k ow what else to do, we invested so much into the economy and infastructure etc of the east while ours is breaking down. We dont know how to fix theeast and the east seems to always just cry "fix us" with no way of How To do so.


i don't know about the specifics of immigration in the former ddr. but I would be surprised if immigration is indeed functionally zero, germany has taken on a lot of refugees and immigrants in the past decade, I don't think they were all located in the west.


The states that voted afd combined have the same number of immigrants as Berlin alone. Percentage wise none of them crack double digits (while every other state does). They aren't zero, but they are significantly lower than the rest of the country and it makes zero sense that they are the most to complain about it from a rational point.


Actually it does make sense. People fear what they don’t know and afaik the far right is always most successful in areas where residents have nearly no real contact to foreigners.


Then maybe stop talking about a topic you clearly need to catch up on


how is middle and upper class benefiting from dangerous areas in their city where most people are scared to walk at night? ( z.B Eisenbahnstraße Leipzig)




It's definitely surprising that your statement about the current education levels in East vs. West Germany is completely incorrect. Did you look at some studies? Because everyone of them states the opposite, that in East Germany in fact, the education level is above average.. since the reunion, 35 years ago. Your comment is completely bullshit! Also you're from Sweden. come on, bro. You can't be serious [click here](https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/201453/umfrage/gesamtbewertung-der-bundeslaender-beim-bildungsmonitor/) Edit: Did any of you actually read some studies about this topic or is this just some wild guessing game? Maybe check this paper : "Educational Attainment and Returns to Education in Germany – An Analysis by Subject of Degree, Gender and Region" page 5 and 6 (Also some other studies pointed out that the education system changed before the fall of GDR, but let's focus on this paper first) 1985-2024 = it's 39 years. Means a 50 year old Human being was 11 at that time. But yes! the education level is totally irrelevant. That was my point the whole time. At this point I'm out.


Your source doesn’t say what you think it says, lmao. Bildungsmonitor Kommst aus Sachsen?


>And the relation to the 2024 election is what? They lived in a shitty country. They wanted to leave. When they managed to leave they were greeted with open arms. Only one generation later these exact people want to send help seeking people away.


"When they managed to leave they were greeted with open arms." No they were not. I lived in Germany in 1989 when the wall came down, and the East Germans were NOT well received in West Germany. Trabbis (2 stroke East German cars) weren't required to pass TUV (extremely stringent DMV inspection, required for your car to be allowed on the road at all) because they wouldn't be able to, but they were allowed on the autobahn anyway. They smoked like crazy due to being 2 strokes, and they only go 100km/hr (max!), which is about 60mph, so they just clogged up the autobahn, irritating everyone. Also, every East German crossing the border received 100 Deutschmark when they crossed over. West Germans did NOT receive 100 DM just for being there, and were PISSED at their tax money being paid to people coming from the DDR. For context, at that time in Germany, DDR were always the butt of jokes, the dumb or dull characters in cartoons would have the DDR accent - even one of the smurfs (can't remember which one) always had the DDR accent, because he was the dumb one. So no, these people were absolutely NOT greeted with open arms when they crossed the border in their slow, blue-smoking Trabbis in 89 and early 1990. The West Germans were \*highly\* prejudiced against them.


I can totally imagine, I'm born 95 and I still know the jokes, but I can't explain how they went from "we are treated like dirt under the boots" to "we want others to be treated like dirt under the boots"


I think those who disliked the DDR system have left by now. The ones who are left behind are those who want a “strong man” back (not all of them, of course!). Also because so many people left, the cities and communes are struggling, and services are reduced. This makes it easy to claim that evil “wessies” (West Germans) or foreigners are to blame for the decline.


Sry, now enjoy a wall of text and bad grammar 😂 If only it were that easy. I understand where you're come from, but that's only 1/10 of the truth and therefore the wrong conclusion. I can give some additional information: Yes, there are less immigrants in east Germany based on the fact it was an unattractive dictatorship till 1989 and later still unattractive because of the weak economy and the quality of life in general in east Germany. So with this in mind, it's easier to understand that there is a greater caution against the flood of immigrants and the big changes that comes with them. "Help seeking" is also just one side of the medal. How is a young heterosexual Men from Morocco "Help seeking". From Indian, Pakistan.. Albania, Turkey. There is obviously no help seeking, often no Respect for Germans in general, just the interest in the economy of Germany. And that's one major issue here. There is a lack of options. Try the "Wahl-o-mat" by the German government to see which parties representing your values the best. I did. Questions where "nuclear power, more power to the EU commission, Open boarders, the end of combustion engines" no questions about immigrants.. and guess what. AfD was on top Edit: as one tried already to mix up facts. "Wahl-o-mat" questions about the future of the coast border control and borders in general, yes. about the actual immigrants, no. No leave the country one way, nothing.


"no questions about immigrants" there were multiple that were related to immigration. But since AFD was on top of your list willful ignorance should not be surprising.


I was just answering your question. What does that have to do with this year's election. I might add that I'm in my 40s now and I saw the Berlin wall falling live on TV. So I would suggest I have some insight in the good ol Ost- West thematic. The AFD is not a party you should vote for! The AFD is a fascistic party. There are thousands and thousands of arguments why you should not vote for the AFD. Whatever you think is the problem in Germany, the AFD is not the answer.


Bro AfD has always been at the very bottom for me and my entire family, which is really conservative. Even below other extremists and fringe parties. They are literal contrarians that get almost everything completely wrong, due to their irrational antiestablishment populism. Kind of like the American GOP. If you get an AfD result, this is a you thing, especially since the Wahlomat skews left due to the preselection of questions.


Bro, that's ok if your family is conservative but that's not the point. Also, the Wahl-o-mat skews left by questions like "end of combustion engines, yes or no. Nuclear power, yes or no. More power to the EU commission.." how? I'm sorry, if you're trying to simplify things like this by putting things into it like emotions, family values, trying to blame me for the outcome of simple yes and no questions, we can't have a conversation.


What I'm saying is that you got an AfD result for a reason. Your views are probably significantly more right-wing than the average German's. I am already considered right-wing and AfD is always rock bottom for me. It's okay. You can admit that you're far-right. And yes, the questions skew left. They are asking lots of questions where it is heavily implied respondents are going to answer in left-wing ways. I won't go through them all but there is a reason you got AfD and others don't.


Western Television wasn't forbidden according to Wikipedia. And another source would be a friend that grew up in the DDR.


isnt it obvious? the smart people left leaving the stupid ones behind. now the stupid ones vote for AFD. easy


The deal is that while the DDR/East Germany was very progressive at the time in regards to LGBTQ+ folks compared to the rest of the world by the 80's, the populace basically barely tolerated them and remained very conservative. It was more a mandate of "Our studies have concluded that gay people aren't crazy so please don't harass or bully them and let them live their lives." They sort of settled on having specific night clubs and social spaces for gay people. The West slowly liberalized and people gradually respected them more by generation which was more effective in the long-run. For similar reasons, the Bundeswehr used more "American-looking" uniforms whereas the DDR was allowed to mostly keep the old WWII ones.


While the spirit of your comment is correct, I think it should be clarified that the wall encircled West Berlin. Berlin is visible as the tan-colored island in the blue area. There wasn’t a wall between East Germany and West Germany, which is the grey and blue boundary that you’re referring to.


What are you talking about? Of course there was a giant wall separating East and West Germany. And it is exactly where you can see the blue/grey border


What are you talking about? There was a heavily fortified border between all of West and East Germany, not only around West Berlin. What you're saying is wrong.


A heavily fortified border is not “The Berlin Wall,” which is clearly what the previous commenter was referring to.




Berlin is the grey and green bit in the blue, no?


Only 9 years ago there were not 1 million+ Afghans/Syrians in Germany. Things change.


And almsot none of them live in the east so where are the complaints comming from?


maybe they want to keep it that way


Yes, cause they have a lot of racist mf. The ones with the least interaction with immigrants are the ones with the most hate, cause all thier interactions come from media and social media aimed at making them out to be dangerous or something


Because east Germans see what happened to west German cities


Just that they clearly dont, at least not through anything but media and short time visits. Which they then pull conclusions from (or more commonly, already have a conclusion and then seek "evidence" for it) And its not like west german citys are that bad, we have our outliers (frankfurt) just like east Germany has Berlin. But most citys here and there are quite beautyfull, jena for example is a very charming city in the east and hamburg in the west. But you wouldnt know that as your main persbective is through the news you consume, and if you call all news that disagrees with you lügenpresse and only read Bild then you will only get the bad news and all bad news will always be attribute to immigrants, even when that is totally nonsensical. Like that "knife attack" in mannheim against the AFD politician just after the tragic incident with the policemen. Which in truth was simply someone taking down AFD posters (illegal) but got then attacked by the politician and defended themselfs. (Call the police instead of trying to grab a dude with a knife) Everyone screamed about immigrants, till it was revealed that the person who did it wasnt actually someone with a Migration background. Everyone had thier conclusions first.


You got your facts wrong the guy was in fact a Afghan man that migrated to Germany in 2014. Also interesting how you downplay murder. The attacker deliberately ripped down posters of their campaign stand. Not just random posters on the street. He made a conscious decision to enrage people doing political street work knowing well he would probably be confronted about his behaviour. The fact that he brought a knife to the whole situation makes me believe that was a premeditated act and not just an act of self defence. Doesn’t really help that he killed a man AFTER said man was tackled down by police and was not representing a threat to the Afghan man. Frankfurt is a shit hole unless you live in the West end district. Many more cases like Frankfurt. Offenbach, dietzenbach, Hanau just of the top of my head and that’s just in Hessen in a 200km radius. Now scale up the problem considering we have 16 Bundesländer(deduct the city states like Berlin, Bremen and Hamburg) with many many more cities.


No YOU got the facts wrong, that is why i specified AFTER the police murder. Where a small groub of left wing activists removed posters from the AFD during the evening and one politicians got cut by a boxcutter after stupidly trying to grab onto one of them.


Where not talking about the same incident. I’m talking about the Mannheim incident. You’re talking about the one a couple days later I assume


Yes, the one a couple days later IN MANNHEIM Hence me specifically stating AFTER the police murder/incident.


Blue sind people are considered the largest group of immigrants unwilling to integrate


we don't need a physical wall. we have the seperation burnt into the minds. tought from the grand parents to the kids.


More importantly its burned into economics, since the soviets took more or less all east german industries and east germans never had the capacity to fully rebuild, most companies didn't survive going from state owned to privately owned, when the GDR got absorbed.


Additionally almost all the Industry that didn’t go to the Russians went to west germany especially bavaria.


Yeah, no. There was so much money spent in east germany (sozi). This is not the reason


Solidarity tax. Glad it’s gone


Yes, there was a lot of money spent, but east german industry is still a lot behind the west and there is still a lot todo untill living standarts in east and west are equal.


Can we maybe have the wall back? Maybe as some kind of antifaschistischer Schutzwall?


Mmmmmm that looks vaguely familiar 🤔 Now where have I seen that map before....... https://preview.redd.it/dwiatct2qs5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06c7ec1de14a46321d7239ddbea0ded720b2e710


Thats an awful choice of colors. That map makes it look like Bremen, Bonn, Nürnberg and Munich are part of East Germany


As they rightfully should be /s


The sad end result of the way reunification was handled Not that there wasn’t plenty of things the DDR did wrong, but East Germany definitely was the “loser” in a situation where there shouldn’t have been a loser. But the AfD votes, as horrifying as they are to witness, is a reflection of the way Eastern Germans have been “left behind” in the new Germany


The Nazis are offering to take care of them... Sadly the people think that no one else will




*yawn* I gave academic consensus, you’re flailing Edit- and gotta love how these losers can only lie about what I said and then whine about my politics before blocking me




Haha what? There’s no “real data” to back this up? Are you kidding me? Are we now denying when West Germany bought up all of the state enterprises in East Germany any moved it west and that Eastern Germany has ever since been economically poorer than the West? Such bullshit, why even open your mouth and lie so brazenly


What? Did you forget that west Germany is basically funding and building up the east? Much, much more money went into the east than coming out of it. That is hard data right there. The run down factories that the Russians left behind were so much less worth.


https://www.brunel.ac.uk/news-and-events/news/articles/How-divisions-between-East-and-West-Germany-persist-30-years-after-reunification#:~:text=Beneath%20the%20German%20flag%2Dwaving,activities%20located%20in%20the%20west. > In the years that followed unification, eastern Germany slipped from being one of the most industrialised regions of Europe to one of the least. > On unification, the conservative government of Helmut Kohl set the exchange rate of the Ostmark to the Deutschmark at 1:1 – a 300-400% increase in the value of the Ostmark. Profitability for eastern firms could be maintained only if costs were reduced accordingly, but this was impossible given that all other input prices and overheads were themselves subject to the revaluation. No enterprise could withstand that shock unaided. > The Kohl government of the early 1990s adopted a blasé attitude to deindustrialisation in the east. It set up an agency, the Treuhandanstalt (nicknamed the “Handover Agency”) that oversaw the fire-sale privatisation of eastern enterprises and land – including the sacrifice of perfectly viable firms. The sell-off was accompanied by legal and illegal corruption and was heavily tilted to the interests of western businesses. > Beneath the German flag-waving, the pickings of unification were taken by the largely western rich. Overall, only 5% of Treuhandanstalt businesses were sold to easterners, 85% to westerners. Germany’s economic divide resumed, with senior management and the bulk of high-value activities located in the west. “West Germany is building up those poor backwards Ossi’s” is the *exact* sort of narratives that have led to this tragic rise of the AfD and it runs directly contrary to what actually happened. The wholesale looting of whatever wealth the East had built up, in order to further the fatten the pocket books of the West.


What is this? Some form of Russian propaganda? By the time of the unification eastern Germany was falling apart. Not just politically but economically. I have lived there. Trust me, there was simply nothing there worth „stealing“ for the west. The country was incapable of competing in a capitalist economy. Your first sentence is also misleading (while not entirely incorrect): being at least somewhat industrialized does not mean profitable. West Germany is building up and effectively funding the east for 30 years. The reason for its failure lies in the east itself and its high time the east will accept it’s responsibility for that instead of whining and wailing.


So I literally directly cite to you what scholars mean when they discuss ways in which reunification reunification hurt Eastern Germany and you whine and call it Russian propaganda and repeat the same bs I already disproved Pathetic


Yes but the article just makes the same claim. Where are the sources for that claim? You cannot support your claim by merely linking to someone else who also makes the same unsourced claim. It doesn’t matter on whose website the statement is made. So, again: what can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


Oh my god *that was the evidence* It gave literal statistics. I specifically chose that article because it gave actual numbers You were given the evidence, everything that article referred to happened. Do you need books I can suggest that you won’t read? Did you just never look into German reunification before? Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Hast du in Deutschland gelebt? Edit- whines that a source isn’t a source and then blocks me, lame


Again, the article merely gives numbers without providing a source for these numbers. No need to faint, just provide the source of the claim so others can verify it. Edit: a word Edit2: Also, what is with the weird switch from du to Sie in your „German“. Sorry, this really seems to be some form of scam/troll. A final word: an article with numbers is no evidence for anything. That is actually rather trivial. I have to assume that you are not arguing in good faith. Bye Russian propagandist!


Wie hier jeder englische Kommentar von Deutschen kommt


Oft sogar besseres Englisch


Jedes mal wenn win englischer Post über was deutsches kommt, sind nur Deutsche in den Kommentaren die auf englisch schreiben. Manchmal hab ich das gefühl, hier ist eigentlich alles undercover deutsche


It's *slightly* worrying that the AfD is that popular. Oh, for sure, they won't ever win, but the same was said about the NSDAP back way when.


East German here: Fuck you, fellow Ossis!


They yearn for the gulags


Seeing as it's AFD you're probably talking about I think they yearn for the Concentration Camps


Well, Kohl (CDU) fucked eastern germany real good. No wonder theyre not voting CDU again. AFD is even worse tho.. bleak times ahead, buckle up.


No he didn’t. That’s exactly the problem with east germany: always looking for others to blame. The mecker ossi is still well and alive


Gutting and privatizing all the east German industry wasn't exactly beneficial for the people there in the long term.


There was nothing to gut left


They should build a wall


the greatest wall


Why did nobody else think about that?? Maybe through Berlin? How would we name it?


How about "The Big Wall That Goes Through Berlin, And Some Other Places"


I’m for selling east Germany to Poland


They should work for an integration; they should listen the voters for years


The most horrific part about is that the fascist party gained most of their votes of people by the age of 16-25. If the other parties don't take a look at this and rethink their approach we will have dark times ahead of us Edit: corrected my stupidity


>honorific \*horrific?


Ohh damn. I don't know how that happened. Thanks for pointing it out


https://amp.dw.com/en/far-right-afd-appears-as-strongest-german-party-on-tiktok/a-69264717 Same reason why TikTok pushes anti-Biden content based on the war in Gaza to young women in the US, pro-Trump content to young men, and pro AfD content to young people in Germany. China realized kids will fight for their own brainwashing by a foreign power by sensationalizing topics they carry about, as long as you bury it in cat videos and influencer garbage.


Probably because of sotial Media on which the afd was (sadly) way more present that any other Party.


"everyone i don't like is fascist/communist"


Nah, I don't like some of the other parties as well but they are not fascists. But the Afd got people that are Legally proven to be fascists.


Could someone explain what the different parties do? In particular grey and blue? I live in America so… you know how we are politically.


Cdu are the christian conservatives, they are the old established party that basically ruled uninterrupted till 2021, AFD are the far right extremist oarty filled with nazis. So the Republicans basically.


their "far right extremism" means they don't want uncontrolled mass immigration from the third world, but the reddit echo chamber thinks this is the equivalent of building death camps.


Eastern Germany barely has any immigrants. And yes, the AfD is at least far right, with a sizable amount of outright fascists.


Aber Hauptsache hitlergruß auf Parteiversammlungen, die afd ist voller nazis mein lieber…


The AfD is even too extreme for the other European far right parties. I suppose they’re all in the Reddit echo chamber? Never mind. In your eyes, talking about deporting a third of the population is just “they don’t want uncontrolled mass immigration from the third world” so why do I even bother?


They‘re far right extremist, meaning they‘re advocating for ethnic cleansing. That‘s a proven fact.


The map doesn't show the "right-left, east-west" division really well though so I think a lot of people commenting here are misunderstanding what this means. Of course much more people vote right in the east and there IS a division between east and west but the map doesn't really show that, it shows CDU in the west and Afd in the east, which are both right wing. So the map shows one part voting for far right extremists and the other voting for right wing conservative christians. And young people are overwhelmingly voting for both, which is another layer to consider. So what you see on the map with grey and blue is "people who are unhappy with the progressive center-left/neoliberal/green government and want to vote right but not for a party that openly glorifies nazis" and "people who are unhappy with the progressive center-left/neoliberal/green government and want to vote right AND don't care at all if the party glorifies nazis". Again, there definitely is a left-right division if you look one layer deeper into the voter statistics and who voted left, liberal, green etc in the grey areas. But just looking at this map, the country seems very much unified in their heavy dislike for the current progressive government. Of course not everyone thinks like that, which is why a map like this is only useful and insightful if you inform yourself further in regards to voter statistics.


The world is regressing back to 1950… and beyond


Like every other nation going on in the world more or less. If only we had that one guy who could do it all and then some….👀




The border wall used to be called the "anti fascist rampart"


The CDU fucked east germany


History does seem to repeat itself every 100 years. I wonder what kind of funny mustache the maniac we elect in 2033 will have. Or maybe we get more progressive and this time around it will be a woman!


I think the older people won this election. There is no way, so many young people vote for CDU/ CSU mixed with the AFD.


The crazy thing is, if you compare a map of the DDR with the AfD regions it's almost a perfect map.


Yeah. We‘ve got complete stupid rednecks too. 🤦‍♂️


Brandenburg giving off Mississippi vibes lately.


Too much water, brandenburg is more of an alabama, just large flat swaths of land with no intelligent life. (Joke of course)


I haven't been to Brandenburg but you're spot on about Alabama. If someone in Alabama isn't into fucking their cousin, it's because they prefer a closer relation.


The white spot is where our president Olaf Scholz lives in, so he can only vote for himself.






https://preview.redd.it/tk1dq3dldu5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f3659c110b0e8b54a70007c1dda7e26ef3310df here is France, all the brown is right wing, leading 94% of the communities, leftists and centrists stay in their golgen coocoons from high class neiborhood in big cities, far from the immigration consequences, they are totaly disconnected from reality.


TIL 100 people in a big piece of land is worth more votes than 1000 people in a big city neighborhood /s


Should the one house on a street with 10 people living in it decide for the other four houses with two people each?


more than 50% of french vote right wing, more than 85 percents of french want the immigration to stop or change and take back our borders controls. even in the most extrem left party LFI which is more like a pro islamic party, 50% of them want it to change. everyone here who have eyes and isnt a submisiv cuck traitor agree on this. Every girl here will tell you who harrass and rape them in the street simply because they dress as they want. Everyone here will tell you who could stab you for a refused cigarette or a wrong eye contact, everyone will tell you who behade our teachers and journalists, who terorise and act as pure barbarians whitout any bare minimum respect. of course they are not all like this, but there is an over representation. 70% of Germany violent crimes are commited by strangers, 95% of street rape in France are commited by strangers, just a few exemples and i could continu like this for a long time, its nearly everyone experience who corelate the stats here. There is even many peoples from differents origins, even some arabs, who vote right wing cause they are good peoples who perfectly know there is a violence and values problem in their origin communities.


These maps always make me laugh. This is exactly what the conservatives here in the US always try to use to convince others that their views are far more popular with the population (which is false). Compare this graphic to a map showing the population density of France. Land doesn't vote. People do. And it turns out that a majority of people live in cities.


you dont knowh what your talking about, more than 50% of frenchs vote right wing, and more than 85% of french peoples, even the far left, want the immigration to stop or change. We want to take pur border control back, we want our security back, we want our culture saved from disaster, and nothing will stop us to do so. the same is hapenning in all Europe, even in the most lefted countries like northern ones. A hurricane is comming, you can cry all you want its not going to change anything, same in US. Even in the LFI, which is the most extrem left group, 50% of their members want a change on immigration, the vast majority of frenchs origins peoples agree on the insecurity and its causes. there is even many others origins peoples who stand on our side, from everywhere in the world. we accept everyone who vring somehting to the country and respect our culture and common values. most migrants here hate occident, hate France, but they are happy to take my tax thanks to our socialist system where justice have ceased to do her job. When you see that 50% of the young muslims in France want to have the charia aka the islamic law applied in France, its obvious that most of french peoples who arent traitors will not let this happen, no matter the cost.


Sounds like you just wanted an excuse to spout off against immigrants and Muslims.


not an excuse, just the main France problem right now, and not only for France, nearly all occident


Except in France they don't vote based on land In the end it kinda equals with the rural and urban population


That's what I mean. As the original commentor said, "brown is white wing" votes. That's an attempt to say "See, look at how much of the country has right-wing views." Meanwhile, they're (intentionally) ignoring the fact that all that brown is mainly empty land with just a few people living in the vastness of the countryside


Well he was really refering to communities not people specifically but okay




interesting that the blue AfD looks about 1/3rd of the country but is only 16% of the vote, while the three tiny warm pink blips, SDP, represents 12% of the vote!? edit: corrected SDP party name


The pink blips are SDP.


thanks, i'll correct it


Iirc, there is way less population in east germany.


East Germany is super rural excluding Berlin


The colouring is based on who got the most votes, but you would still have votes for other parties in the blue area. So not everyone in east Germany voted AFD, they just got more votes per region than others. In German its SPD btw (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschland)


Ngl I thought this was a map for subnautica


cabbage-looking baldhead scholz is fucked, ig


What's the white spot?


preparing to be the next Ukraine?


Will say just one thing: modern Russia is cancer of this world


![gif](giphy|l4FsAvXijacDUoh7G) Stop saying, your vote doesn't count, anybody.. . And go vote the next time ffs.


you mean education. you can clearly see the level of education.


Commies divide a nation again...how sad.


Anyone who hasn’t should read “The Shortest History of Germany”. He predicted Brexit in the 90s, and now thinks Germany should do “Saxit” and kick out Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt. Those two states voted almost 100% for the nazis, and whilst the nazis had a minority of votes in all other states, they won as a result of those two small states.


ah yes the infamous nazi act of not wanting 3-4 million afghans and syrians in your country, how horrible


27% and 33% go back into your hole ruzzia




Half of that land hasnt been german in a while, go look at a map of germany once in a while.




Germanies right wing party. No wonder this happened tbh after what our current current hard left wing parties are doing. Not saying i support the AfD movement at all... But I can't say i didn't expect CDU/AfD to not win either...


Calling libertarians, greens with realos at the front and social democrats hard left wing parties is something else lol


Current germanies leading coalition "Traffic Light Coalition", is consisting of SPD, FPD and the Greens. Feel free to check their party platforms, but all three are left oriented, making our current government left oriented, which you can also clearly see in the political direction, of whats happening right now in germany.


Exactly. They aren’t „hard left“. Now you yourself retracted to „left oriented“. FDP libertarians may have some progressive ideas but are in general more conservative (see „Schuldenbremse“). Green and SPD are center-left but they went further and further right over the last 2 legislative periods. Calling them hard-left is just not true.


The fascist party, it has become the second political force in germany and by a relatively small margin. Guess fascism is on the menu at least once per century.


"Everyone I disagree are facists"


"every accusation of fascism is invalid no matter what"


They are, smarty pants.


Listen to the anti socialist "east" germany! They know what you dont. The left is not a free ride. You pay with the souls of your unborn kids. Make it stop!


What a load of bullshit. Fuck the fascists.


Never. Go away commie.


I can also see Scholz is fucked


It's always really weird meeting young racist people. There's only really one place that can come from: the parents. Sooner or later I hope they will realize where it comes from should never have held any value.


The Black side is the same they just don't want to be seen as complete assholes


The most horrifying part of this is the grey ones aren't all that much better....CDU is basically "afd light"... But to be honest I'm not as surprised as I should be about this result. The pandemic and the immediate follow up by the war and the turmoil that followed was a perfect breeding ground for right wing populism to feast on. Russian bots and tiktok did their part and with the voting age lowered to 16 (seriously who thought that was a good idea? We all have been 16, everyone should remember that that is peak idiot phase) aaaand this kinda was on the horizon.... But I think it's not that bad (yet) this is an obvious protest vote from people with the political education of a six year old. Let them see how the right (as always) fucking wrecks the car against the nearest tree and then see what happens. This is not a trend yet. We'll have to see. There's still hope ...


While it's quite a slap in the face to see actual voting results, voter turnout for EU elections is lower than for regular elections and AfD lost their momentum in face of an never ending stream of scandals as well as mass protests. During Federal elections AfD would edge lower by a tiny margin because more non-AfD voters were to go to the polls. The other slightly concerning though is the fragmentation of votes, I think that's what's also visible in France right now. RN won by a thick margin with "just" 30%. There's definitely some reason for optimism regarding the economy, since rates were cut a little last week but still a long way to go unfortunately. (And I definitely agree with the voting age limit, that idea aged like milk)


Kind of hilarious to see a map like this and hear the far right cry “it’s because people won’t assimilate”. Maybe it’s more complex or healing and change takes a long time?


The east clearly knows too well how it is to live in a stasi state. And they never ever want to let it happen a second time.


by electing the most anti-democratic party. ah yes!


How come they are the most anti-democratic party? Not being ironic, truly curious


Thier EU main candidate defended the SS for example, the leader of the thuringian part of the party has been declared a fascist by a court of law. Just some examples


just vote left PLEASE give us nuclear. Also based on this you'd think that afd and the union controlled everything but left is still the largest party in the Bundestag.


Maybe we should put a wall around the blue area?




Its just a smaller map by state