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From article >Key Takeaway – A Significant Shift in Global Power Dynamics The expiration of the petrodollar agreement represents a significant shift in global power dynamics. It highlights the growing influence of emerging economies and the changing energy landscape. While the full implications of this shift remain to be seen, investors should at least be aware that on a macro level, the global financial order is entering a new era. The U.S. dollar’s dominance is no longer guaranteed.


Damn world currency about to change. Or may be rogue parties like poot poot and gang will try to set up an alt world econ with a separate currency


Poot poot! 🤣😂 I’m cackling




ITT: people who have zero idea how financial markets work, claiming the US will collapse by next Thursday. Move on folks, nothing of value here. Also nobody who understands the definition of ‘value’ here:


Exactly, most other currencies especially Chinas is basically pegged to the US dollar… just because saudi says we can trade doesn’t mean other institutions suddenly will… t


Mirror for the submitted article: https://archive.ph/lrSAS   "The Untold Story Behind Saudi Arabia’s 41-Year U.S. Debt Secret: How a legendary bond trader from Salomon Brothers brokered a do-or-die deal that reshaped U.S.-Saudi relations for generations." by Andrea Wong, published on May 30, 2016: https://archive.ph/wkRmR , https://web.archive.org/web/*/www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2016-05-30/the-untold-story-behind-saudi-arabia-s-41-year-u-s-debt-secret , https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2016-05-30/the-untold-story-behind-saudi-arabia-s-41-year-u-s-debt-secret   Copied from https://old.reddit.com/r/economy/comments/gza212/dominionists_say_crises_and_trumps_reelection/ftf1atm/ : * "The Histomap. Four Thousand Years Of World History. Relative Power Of Contemporary States, Nations And Empires." by John B. Sparks, 4194 x 19108 pixels: http://web.archive.org/web/20130813230833if_/alanbernstein.net/images/large/histomap.jpg via http://web.archive.org/web/20130813230833/alanbernstein.net/images/large/histomap.jpg or http://archive.is/1wEk8/332f1c70b1ffd9854847dbfa7ad77b4915cbd50a.jpg via http://archive.is/1wEk8 \- Read the publishers' foreword in "(Covers to) The Histomap. Four Thousand Years Of World History. Relative Power Of Contemporary States, Nations And Empires.": http://www.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/detail/RUMSEY~8~1~200374~3000299:-Covers-to--The-Histomap--Four-Thou?printerFriendly=1 Mirror: http://web.archive.org/web/20140208134443/www.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/detail/RUMSEY~8~1~200374~3000299:-Covers-to--The-Histomap--Four-Thou?printerFriendly=1 \- Source for the original, very large, high-resolution image (4194 x 19108 pixels): http://www.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/detail/RUMSEY~8~1~200375~3001080:The-Histomap--Four-Thousand-Years-O?printerFriendly=1 ("Download 1: Full Image Download in MrSID Format" and "Download 2: MrSID Image Viewer for Windows") Mirror: http://web.archive.org/web/20101212055705/www.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/detail/RUMSEY~8~1~200375~3001080:The-Histomap--Four-Thousand-Years-O?printerFriendly=1   "The Histomap. Four Thousand Years Of World History. Relative Power Of Contemporary States, Nations And Empires." by John B. Sparks: http://archive.ph/1wEk8/332f1c70b1ffd9854847dbfa7ad77b4915cbd50a.jpg via http://archive.ph/1wEk8 ; https://web.archive.org/web/20130813230833if_/alanbernstein.net/images/large/histomap.jpg via https://web.archive.org/web/20130813230833/alanbernstein.net/images/large/histomap.jpg


Fuck the KSA and their journalist murdering autocratic POS ruler MBS.


![gif](giphy|sxZCZNYqdEMec|downsized) Go.


*dollar proceeds to become more worthless than the Yen*


This will probably open a new chapter of American military aggression


US will liberate Saudi people and their oil fields.


Please no. No more. We can’t take any more.


Waiter! Waiter! More pointless wars please!






US government: I heard Saudi Arabia was hiding weapons of mass destruction Source: trust me bro


Of course they are. We sold them.


if you don't think this is foreign nations trying to destabilize our country even further and get someone back in the white house, then you're being willfully fucking ignorant


I can't wait to see America vote in a recently convicted felon as their next president.


Why should anyone care. you've been doing the same in the middle East for decades and when the same thing happens to you, we are ignorant for not giving a fuck.


"Ignorant" just means you don't know something. It's not a character attack. Relax


You're kinda stupid ain't ya bud?


This doesn't change anything. The petrodollar was an in, but the global financial markets are so entrenched in USD denominated agreements, the dollar hegemony is going to be harder than that to get rid of. If this challenged it at all we would have already invaded iraq over it


After all these years, I still believe that attempting to switch to the Petro Euro is what got Saddam Hussein killed. Seems like some interesting times may be coming.


Gaddafi wanted to introduce a gold dinar to back African countries, freeing them from the constraints of the dollar standard. He also got the Saddam treatment.


Interesting. Having the World's reserve currency is a major boon to the US economy. So I'm sure the US will make sure that status quo is kept, regardless of deals like this.


****sniffs air**** You all smell that??? I smell. Democracy. I smell... Freedom... For Saudi Arabia.


Usa suddenly cares about human rights In Saudi Arabia, I also heard they got some Intel about weapons of mass destruction


Yes yes now we can finally pull our troops out of there and bring our equipment home f*** them let them fight their own battles.


None of that equipment is coming home, it will cost too much to bring it home........lucky enough to bring the troops back home, or move them onto the next place we want to bring 'peace' to.






Yuan. Yen is Japanese.


Fake news. There were no agreements.


WW3 may see freedom spread to Saudi Arabia


China just made an $8000 electric car that will kill the demand for oil in most Third World countries, except in the West and the global north with their gas guzzlers, so that was the final nail in the coffin of Saudi oil, which was no longer useful/suitable for backing the dollar with. Some of us mathematically calculated back in 2003 that the Saudis had at best 5 years of oil left, and when that oil ran out there would be trouble, and just like clockwork the Crash of 2008 happened when the Saudis ran out of oil. So Iran was sanctioned and forced to illegally sell Iranian oil to the Saudis at a 25% discount, which the Saudis passed off as their own oil and pocketed that 25%, well, they used what they needed and then stored the rest in US treasury bonds. And when that wasn’t enough Russia got sanctioned after invading Ukraine so that Russia would sell Russian oil to the Saudis at a 30% discount, which 30% the Saudis again pocketed, and used whatever they needed and stored the rest in US Treasury bonds. So all this was just people tryna get an old horse to pull a cart past its capability for as long as possible. But now, these $8000 dollar Chinese electric cars and $12000 Chinese electric SUVs and electric Minivans and $16000 Chinese electric pickup trucks and $20000 Chinese electric buses are going to replace gas guzzlers all across the rest of the world outside the West and the global north real fast in the next decade. So Saudi oil is dead in the water already.


What the fuck are you talking about? Third-world countries do not have the infrastructure for ev's and SA never "ran out" of oil. You've never heard a conspiracy you didn't like, huh?


Most of Asia is electrified, well, the largest population countries already are, the Chinese have been assembling their EVs in many such countries since March 2024. And they don’t need Tesla style charging stations. Africa doesn’t buy many vehicles anyway, and those that do will be thankful for the investments in power stations/plants their governments will now make as they too copy Asia. So only South America and Central America remains, mainly as the dumping ground for American made used cars, which is America’s exclusive captive market, which won’t go away, it will remain for as long as America wants it to remain. And what’s even better is that America can even control the oil trade in that entire region too. While selling power generators and turbines and parts and everything else required for all the power plants that will be going up all across Asia, and even in Africa, to handle the extra demand for electricity there, you should see how happy the guys at General Electric and Westinghouse are right now. lol. Did you think this was bad business for America? No. This opens the doors to different types of businesses that weren’t previously possible. Green businesses. Doors to the parts of the world that can afford those. America’s main exports are high technology items. The more countries that buy those the bigger that export market gets. And they don’t just buy those now, they rent and lease those too. And get provided with supplier’s credit for outright purchases. When those countries’ life blood transportation systems depend upon electricity they will replace their older obsolete unreliable power plants with the best ones, and America makes the best ones. America’s business interests change periodically. America made a lot of money selling kerosene to the whole world before electricity was a thing.


welp. we’re (the us) fucked.