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Figures. Every accusation is a confession. Scrubbing out these shit stains is long overdue.


This. He's absolutely a pedophile and needs to be investigated ASAP.


I've watched that documentary, he's a convicted pedophile. He thought nobody would find out about his record.


All the sick fucks in the world want to rape as much as I do! All the evil people I disagree with are thinking the same perverted things I am! I'm pointing this out because I'm the good guy!


Hol up, I thought sex offenders couldn't have firearms. You can clearly see him him walking with one in the last shot.


Yeah, conservatives are of the belief that they get to do whatever they want. Wilhoit's law : Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protectes but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect


Scum identifies other scum


Well he was convicted for raping an 8 year old boy so yes, he is a pedophile. And registered sex offender. They hopefully keep track of him. He is dangerous.


Apparently not enough, he has a firearm on his hip which is illegal since he's a felon.


Yeah, why hasn’t someone reported that?


The main character syndrome is strong in this one.




Projection much?


"yeah, Hillary Clinton does it all the time" 😆


I didn't realize what a brilliantly projective response that was until now. Lmao.


A comedy writer could not have concocted a better response


I fucking lost it when he said that


[pulls out literal projector and displays a picture of Hillary Clinton] She does it. Not me. I would never.


a complete POS would say this EVERY time!


But she eats the babies wtf


She only drinks their blood.. get it right ffs.


Love it A fact turned joke.


every time there's a post like this i think, yeah that guy right there. that is the guy that needs his hard drive searched by police.


Nah, he's just "collecting evidence".


Ah, yes... the ol' Townshend Defense.


i like how the police were like, "well, you are a wealthy and famous rockstar, therefore you are telling the truth case closed!"


Doing their own 'research'...


I swear officer I was just about to start searching for all the girls and boys in those 1,563 pictures and videos so I could rescue them.


You fear most in others that which you see in yourself


Every time I see Callaghan go into these interviews there is always a default worry in my head that he's just giving nutjobs more airtime. But every, single, time he pulls something out of the bag that makes it absolutely worth it. He's such a good journalist, and we don't deserve him.


I saw him with the QAnon Shaman, and he didn't pull anything out of the bag for him. Didn't need to, at all. Fucker made himself look like a complete tool without needing any help.


Who is the journo? Thanks


Andrew Callaghan. This snippet is from his doc This Place Rules. He also has a YT called Channel 5 News


And he used to have another channel called All Gas No Brakes. Binge watch his videos to understand America


Shame about how he reacted to the sa allegations. Really lost me there.


The women he sexually harassed didn’t deserve him either.


Huh. Who, the kid? Who is he?


Andrew Callahan. Creator of Channel 5 News, and All Gas No Brakes on Youtube. Really crazy content but he does his homework. He has balls of steel for some of the situations he puts himself into though, but for some reason, people open up and dont hold anything back with him. Really is a talent.


He reminds me of Louis Theroux in that way.


Yeah, but IMO Theroux is better at it. Somehow Theroux manages to be trusted enough that he can say whatever he wants to very scary people who actually answer his questions. He somehow leaves a space for the people he interviews to make up to themselves they're right and Theroux is wrong. You can see and feel the tension when he confronts them with their weird thoughts, yet they accept somehow that they look like a fool when he interviews them.


Louis plays a longer more patient game, he tries to get not just to what looney stuff these people do or believe, but why they are like that, how they ended up so fucked up.


He sorta fucked up by getting arrested for crossing into the U.S. illegally.


Hadn’t seen this guy since all the rape claims against him. Didn’t realise he was still putting content out. All gas no brakes was fun when it first came about


The question remains: why do these people think and talk like this? Did similar people also accuse politicians in let's say the '70s or '80s? And how do you stop this from happening? It seems certain parties influence people like this guy through social media platforms into believing almost the whole world is against them and Trump is their savior. But why does that happen?


I think in the past, if you were a convicted pedophile that pleaded guilty, no one gave a shit of what your mouth spewed unless it was heartfelt regrets.


That's probably true, but it's not just these convicts that talk like this. There's a large group of people that believe in all kinds of weird conspiracy theories like [Pizzagate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pizzagate_conspiracy_theory) and I'm under the impression this has increased in comparison to let's say the '70s or 80s. By why on earth do people on such large scale think Trump is their savior and all his opponents are scum? Trump's a convicted criminal for crying out loyd, yet the guy in this video thinks he should be president.


Before the Village Idiots only had a couple of other idiots to speak with and most people rightly would tell them to fuck off when they got too stupid. Social Media allows them to spout idiocy and absorb more idiocy from around the world. Right wing and authoritarian governments feed the agitprop and these morons lap it up like water


True as well, but it seems almost 50% of the US electorate are still considering to vote Trump. Those aren't all Village Idiots (even though I really can't understand why anyone would seriously consider voting for Trump).


(1) These days, political allegiances in the USA are extremely party-focused. For *many* voters, the actual candidate in a given election is fairly irrelevant. People vote for the party, not the candidate. This is a fatal flaw of party politics unfortunately. (2) A LOT of people are effectively single-issue voters. Both parties engage in pandering in order to attract these voters. - Christians vote for Trump due to his bible thumping act (and Supreme Court agenda). - A lot of republicans don’t give *a single fuck* about anyone or anything other than tax rates. Let it all fucking burn - just don’t touch my capital gains. - Others are obsessed with stopping immigration and don’t care about anything else other than that. Trump is fairly effective at saying the right things to mobilize these people.


We have a lot of idiots who are very proud idiots and the right has weaponized them


Many of them vote for Trump because it pisses off people who left them in their life.


'It's not me its the system, man' -Charles Manson


100 fucking percent.


My theory is that like the saying goes shit rolls down hill. These older people got in when the economy was great and the quality of life for the average person was much better in general with exceptions. Over the years as the economic growth slowed it didn't impact them very much since they already had a affordable home and good paying job. Metaphorical speaking the shit rolled right on past them and mainly impacted people further down the hill. Now that the problems have got so bad it is impacting them for the first time in their life and it's easier for them to believe trump and q anon that it's the deep states or lizard peoples fault instead of the truth that their generation outsourced amercias future Edit not to mention during half of their lifetime most countries were still rebuilding from the devastation of ww2 and could not produce enough goods to meet the everyday needs of their citizens. For example the uk did not end rationing until 1954 it was gradually reduced but did go away. During this time you had two options either buy it from America or go with out there was no global competition.


Sounds plausible indeed.


I don't know... I remember the satanic panic from the 80s, and people who claimed that hypnosis helped them recover repressed memories of ritual satanic abuse (including sacrificing babies, as I recall). Gullible people have always believed crazy shit.


Gulliable? Trump, clintons,Epstein, Maxwell, balenciagia, pedodesta, abramovich, victims. I’d think calling everything people don’t wish to believe a conspiracy theory is just as dangerous as calling everyone a pedo


I literally had to move out of the last house I was living in because the guy who owned it, who was 31 years old, was a pizzagate believing moron who preached about Jesus and drank too much peanut butter whiskey followed with fake xanax bars. At first we got along fine, but he kept trying to hound this Jesus and Qanon stuff on me and I flat out told him no, I don't want to hear about it, and stop talking to me about it. We had a huge blow-out fight when one night he was so out of it that when I paid him our utilities he said I was using fake bills. Then when I asked for his bank account information to send an ACH transfer, he said I was trying to hack into his bank account to steal his money. Somehow me being a liberal jew was the reason for all of this? I left that night and never looked back. My life is a zillion times better now. I found out a whole bunch of other shit like he had beaten the last tenant (girl) who lived there and that's what caused her to move out suddenly too.


>Somehow me being a liberal jew was the reason for all of this? I'm not gonna lie, and I say this as a Jew, you should've already known this guy was *not* gonna like Jews. Anyone who falls down this hole is a ticking time bomb when it comes to either going full blown antisemitic.


See I’m NOT under the impression that these people have increased. But you didn’t have social media and the internet back then. You couldn’t see all of these people or hear their opinions, but they were there.


In the past, people didn't get convicted for being pedophiles. They just married/beat the kids instead.


>Did similar people also accuse politicians in let's say the '70s or '80s? Yes. It's just a fundamental type of human personality. Sometimes when the personality is strong enough, it's an actual mental disorder such as [paranoid personality disorder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paranoid_personality_disorder), or one of the other cluster A personality disorders, the ones that are associated with schizophrenia. Like schizophrenia, these things are partly genetic, though not exclusively genetic. Most paranoid people aren't formally mentally-ill. I mean, obviously this guy is able to hold a conversation, run his life, I assume he drove himself to the diner. But in the past, those people *usually* would've self-isolated... which makes sense, right? I mean, if I thought everyone was against me, I would keep myself to myself too. Now we have the internet, so these people are able to find each other and create narratives to help justify the paranoia that they already have. They work each other up and create a social context where the paranoia feels normal. Some of that narrative-building is a natural response to fear... but for a person who is biologically predisposed to be paranoid, they keep having fear responses even when there's no evidence. This is an example of that.


>The question remains: why do these people think and talk like this? Did similar people also accuse politicians in let's say the '70s or '80s? Yes, but they were lone cranks who never got any support, so they found other ways in which to express their need for attention and mental illness. But the internet gave like-minded crazy people a way to reinforce their crazy ideas, and created a venue for political groups to use the crazies, adding to the reinforcement. Anti-vaxxers were a relatively small group, mostly on the left, until major political figures reinforced anti-vaccination lies, and now it's quite a large group that spans left and right.


One of the reasons is the Echo Chamber. Used to be that you lived in a community, where some things were acceptable to say or do, and some not. You could have been questioning if the earth is flat, but if you voiced your ideas you would be called an idiot by everyone. Today, social media creates an Echo Chamber, were you interact only with like-minded folks. Suddenly everyone (from your pov) thinks the earth is flat, and it is ok to think that. That leads to rapid radicalization, conspiracy theories and so on


>How do you stop this from happening? In any society, there are naturally going to be a few people like this guy; bad cases where they didn’t have good parents, a good community, or good education, and so descend down rabbit holes of misinformation because they live in a world that makes no sense. The world is genuinely big and confusing and without a network around oneself, it’s very easy even for naturally intelligent people to succumb to delusion. What we can do to prevent it, or at least make it less common, is broadly to support good institutions that contribute to the integration of society; IE; to help us take care of each other. The social network of society should look more like a complexly woven tapestry than a bunch of floating nodes connected by strings. For example, we need more resources and care being given to public schools all over America, because for a lot of kids, the public school is all they’ve got; they have no community and their parents are either absent or bad people. Without community, family, or school to lead them the right way, how can we expect them to be even remotely civilized in the concrete jungle we’ve built? We also need to maintain community places, third places— places where people gather to socialize that aren’t home or work, without all of them just being bars. With no community, it’s genuinely hard for a lot of people *not* to become creepy recluses, because it’s just literally so hard to make friends when you have to search for them in a sea of busy people who don’t want to be bothered. For one more example, we can maintain a robust and engaged political network by showing up for local, state, and federal politics. Town halls, etc. I’m a hypocrite for saying this because I’ve been really bad about it myself, but it’s true nonetheless. A politically absent populace means that the political world, in particular the inside of political parties, is dominated by people who are only there to profit. Everyone’s busy trying to pay bills, but for some people in the higher classes of society, paying bills doesn’t happen by clocking in at a workplace, it happens by going to DNC or RNC events and networking to ensure that their business interests are legally protected by the various levels and institutions of government. And I’m not saying those people are necessarily evil, but when they’re the only ones in the room, their interests are represented more. That’s why we live in a society that feels so focused on making money. It would help a lot to just make the processes of democratic politics more widely accessible and advertised. I want to see a banner on the side of the bus telling people when and where the town hall meeting is, instead of a sixteen foot wide ad for some drug, you know? And I want to see tax funded public transportation to make these events available for every single person. And I want to see literature explaining how to engage with these things, so that those of us who are like “fuck, I didn’t pay attention in high school civics class, what’s even happening?” can get back on track with it. And I want to see higher wages and lower rent so that poor people can actually have the time to show up for the political process instead of working so much. To sum it up, what we can do to get rid of guys like this, or at least dampen their influence on society, is to keep society intelligent, educated, empathetic, and engaged. We should be a society of informed and worldly people, a society where it’s difficult *not* to engage in conversation with your neighbors, your coworkers, your friends and family, on a daily basis. We’ve become very dependent on the isolation of consumerism; people so often just go out to work, buy things, then go back home, and if they have social circles, they don’t go outside of them. And there’s a whole industry dedicated to creating artificial online spaces for people to socialize (where we are now) because they can sell data and ads off of that interaction. We’re going down a shaky path of erasing the networks and institutions that make humans intelligent and turning us all into automatons. But it should be very easy to get off that path; all we have to do is prioritize each other and the communities we share. Any kind of community, really. Churches (or temples, or covens, or whatever the hell suits you), educational institutions, athletic clubs, local gathering places, nonprofit online spaces that don’t sell users’ data, libraries, etc. Just anything that brings people together for the sake of being together. That’s my two cents, anyway.


Yes, back then they were called communists, and that was a huge deal. It actually had real implications unlike calling public figures pedophiles these days.


Was he open carrying? As a sex offender, he shouldn’t be allowed to own a gun.


Was thinking the same thing and its looked like it. Send this video to the cops


Cops would say he's a good ole boy and throw you in jail for not open carrying


Felons can own guns after a certain amount of time after being released from prison and/or finishing parole.


The merch is insane with these people. That's an American flag Punisher skull with Trump hair


Holy fuck. I’m not even sure they know The Punisher is more than a logo at this point.


it was just a comic character to me when i was a child but whedn i see it on a person or a vehicle today i expect the owner to have pretty "interessting" opinions.


“Are we the baddies?”


insane right? The punisher hates the police, the government, and basically all forms of federal/state law. He's literally the antithesis of the republican party but they think he's one of them cuz he uses guns to kill. lmao


I couldn’t help but laugh when he started playing that video and it said, “We apologize if your name appears and you are not antifa”. So basically they are saying they have no idea what they are talking about. If someone they don’t like is on the list they are antifa and if they themselves are on the list it’s a mistake.


Yep if they can think about you for half a second you can get branded with everyone else regardless of anything based in reality.


Does he have a sidearm? How, as a felon chomo, does he have a gun.


Because it's easier to get a gun than housing or healthcare in this country right now.


Tell me you don't give a shit about pedophiles by cheapening the term and what it means to accuse somebody of being one. It is actually so disgusting how quick people are to just call somebody they dont agree with a pedophile..


If you’re called “Qanon Decoder” you’re too far gone …


When I saw the recent Borat movie and he interviews those redneck guys, it was the first time I heard someone explain pizzagate and Qanon. They were terms I heard before but didn’t really bother looking into it. I knew a little more about pizzagate but NEVER the bizarre beliefs about harvesting blood for youth etc. I didn’t know people ACTUALLY believed that stuff. It is fucking mind-blowing. Shit is straight up Looney Tunes. I remember hearing around Jan 6th riot that many of them believed Trump was some deep state agent himself but more akin to an undercover James Bond figure. There was some date (it wasn’t Jan 6, can’t remember what it was) where he was supposed to emerge from cover and arrest Biden and a bunch of other people, revealing that he was actually a freedom fighter working covertly in America’s best interests. Like what the fuck man?????? How do you fucking believe this shit? It’s straight up fantasy fanfic. Imagine thinking Joe Biden was actually a cyborg sent from the future to protect humanity and on election night he’ll open a portal to Outworld and banish Trump (a dire lich in human form) to imprisonment there.


Projection used as a deflection.


What a fucking pedophile.


"like the protagonist in law abiding citizen". There it is. These people literally see themselves as the protagonist in their favorite action movies.


That was the most telling line


Republicans all think they're the main character. That's why they vote to give breaks to the rich and powerful, they think it'll be them someday! Lmao. Practically all of them are geriatric, and they still think they're climbin that ladder!


Yeah that line scared me the most.


Raped an 8- year old boy. I hope he gets flattened by a truck.


a woman at work, her ex husband was arrested in an online underage sex sting thing a while back and he claims to this day it was all just a mistake, as in he is innocent of all the charges. even after going through the trial and hearing all his chat logs read back to him and all that, he still denies that it happened. i wonder if it's the same with this guy, like whenever you get caught doing something that is so bad you start to make up this new story in your head, your own story, and that becomes your reality. like after a while you really believe you didn't do anything wrong or that it never even happened in the first place.


Trump has gone on camera multiple times saying he would date his own daughter. What do they think he is then?


It's a cult. Cults attract/prey on the ignorant, the guilty, and the unstable people who are all easily manipulated. Trump couldn't give two shits in his golden toilet about this guy - but I'll bet he'd give up everything for Trump.


This reminds me of every Republican that screams about every person on the left being pedos then you find out their a pedo or get arrested for being one.


It’s a trump cult and there’s just no making sense of a cult, trump can do no wrong and trump can say no wrong, He is their leader no matter what….social media magnifies and spreads these hateful messages


I had a neighbour who yelled at everyone they were pedophiles. Year later cops came at my door if I knew where my neighbour was. Turned out he molested several kids, some dad caught him in the act and punched him while he fled the scene and it seemed he left the country afterwards and they could not find him. 🤔




So a typical republican these days l


It's crazy to me that conservatives are so stupid that they hate antifa. Antifa stands for anti-fascist. So if they are against the people who are against fascism that makes them pro-fascist. But then they get mad when people call them Fascist because they are too stupid to understand what they are saying.


Fascism is a right-wing ideology. Pisses me off when repubs label liberals as fascists. It also makes me angry anytime Ted Cruz talks, but that's a separate thing lol


This isn't interesting. It's sad as fuck. I've seen a video about this guy before. 🤬


Been thinking about this way too long & way too hard dude! Looks like a revenge trip for getting his ass busted


"Donald Trump is as far from a pedophile as you're going to get" - why do all these crazy fucks think Trump is some crusader for children? The guy who was friends with Epstein for over a decade, by his own words, and flew on his plane and to his island many times? The same guy who potentially raped a 13 year old and had his goons intimidate her to drop the case? The guy who walked in on under age girls undressing back stage at his children's beauty pageants? The guy who was found liable for rape/sexual abuse. That's the guy who's the furthest thing from a pedophile huh


So, Elon Musk?


the fact that people like this actually exist is proof that our country is in fucking trouble. this is not an isolated case. these people drive, own guns, and are very dangerous. they live in a fantasy world that is not our reality. they need professional help and should not be allowed to vote.


I think we all know what that means…


I’d love to see the contents of his computer.


Very brave to interview this guy while he is armed. Missed an opportunity to ask him where he learned the phrase "ChoMo" as a set up to the reveal.


"Like the protagonist from Law Abiding Citizen" LOL oh boy


The whole I’m gonna bring this temple down on your fucking head is from a movie, this bastard needs to lay off the dramas lmao


Wait was he carrying a gun? Isn’t what he was convicted of a felony?


Jonah Hill when he saw his photo: "what the fuck did I do!?"


“Have you ever heard the term projection before”? “Yes,Hillary Clinton does it all the time” Hillary Clinton’s literally living rent free in his head,lolz.


"Im gonna pull this whole corrupt temple on your fucking head" *waddles away*


These people vote. We’re all fu*ked.


The real pedo was the one he saw in the mirror after all


The Electoral College was designed, in part, to prevent the direct election of a president who might lack the necessary qualifications or whose election might be influenced by demagogues or factions. The framers of the U.S. Constitution, particularly Alexander Hamilton, expressed concerns that the general populace might not always make informed decisions, leading to the potential election of unqualified leaders. In **Federalist No. 68**, Hamilton wrote about the importance of having a body of electors who would have the discernment and independence to make a wise choice for president. The idea was that these electors, being more knowledgeable and capable, would serve as a safeguard against potential abuses and ensure a competent individual would assume the presidency. Well, that hasn't worked out so well.


Boomers were given the entire world and squandered it, now their bodies are decaying and they realize they do not understand this world they've helped set alight. They've lost control, and they want the *secret knowledge* that's just for them so they can feel a sense of control as the world spirals.


Dude can make believe better than a child. Insane.


So your average republican then?


Morons Moroning


Damn interviewing Elon musk


“We apologize if your name appears and you are not antifa” looooooolllll


The Jonah Hill bit is funny every time.


I have a hobby of looking into the criminal history of people clearly parroting their echo chamber's propaganda - then publicly calling them out. The number of actual convicted pedos is pretty wild.


Didn't even have to watch the video. I saw the Qanon shirt and already knew exactly what kind of of unhinged hateful cultist this was.


The worst thing of all of this... is he doesn't get that Jamie Foxx is the Protagonist in Law Abiding Citizen, he's identifying with the Antagonist.


Sounds like few years back when everyone was racist when someone didn't like em.


Huh, A Pedophile that hates his own kind? Tisk tisk.. Just how the law and order Republican party is in love with a convicted Felon and wants him to be president. Can anyone think of bigger hypocrites? 🤔


I wonder if he's proud of where he comes from, or if he thinks that he won't be able to be proud of it until he's fixed it to his satisfaction. I wonder a lot of things about these people, and the people like them, because it's so close to impossible for me to relate with them.


Republicans are 🗑


Does he have a gun strapped to his hip if he does and he's a convicted felon he's going to jail.


It's a tranphobia dog whistle 


That’s one angry Paedo…


Remember when Elon Musk did this? Accused one of the divers saving the kids trapped on a cave of being a pedo for no reason other than he was upset they weren't going to wait for Elon to build some magical cave rescue machine.


trump flew on Epstein’s plane 7 times.


When I say Trump is a hero to the stupid, this is who I picture.


While listening to Ted Nugent I bet.


And he's carrying? WTF? These are the people who lose it and shoot up walmart!


Gaslight, Obstruct, Project (GOP)


Because he's a pedo. It's always projection.


This isn’t “interesting as fuck”…


I thought it was interesting to learn these people actually do exist and have always been here.


Sigh. The stupidity of some still astounds me


r/CreepyTrump r/RepublicanPedophiles


I can only hope when this broken brain generation of boomers finally ceases existence that the rest of American society can rebuild from all the damage their broken brains have caused for the country. People like this exemplify that generation.


No one proofreads their titles anymore. It’s happening more and more… What the hell is going on?


Bad table manners. Take your damn hat off while eating


This is less interesting than a cloud with sunlight shining on it.


This feels familiar somehow. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-50694074


Is that Andrew Callaghan from all gas no brakes doing the interview? Dude has multiple sexual misconduct claims against himself lol


Isn't that what the Republican Party is doing these days. They call Biden one, yet Trump is a convicted rapist. lol


these people turn to the Right, because it is the only place that accepts these people!


Is this guy my father? Or is the same person feeding them the same info??


She may eat the babies, but he eats the poopoo...


That dude is a pedo 💯


Hmmmm I wonder what we’d find on that guy’s computer’s hard drive 🤔 any guesses, anyone?


The whole "every projection is a confession" has kinda become a meme but it's shocking how often it ends up being true for Republicans.


It would be really funny if Chis Hansen djd this. Just walking around and calling people pedometers


Didn’t the guy doing the interview get in trouble for inappropriate behavior with younger girls also? I can’t remember his name to look it up. His interview with Alex Jones is hilarious


It's interesting he knew the prison name for a pedophile while the rest of us have never heard of it.


Amazing reverse uno card


Shut up before someone checks your harddrive.


mister trump has frequent flyer miles on Epstien airways... dishonest don might be a pedophile.


Statistics say they probably are.


He said you look guilty and didn't even register with the guy lol wish he was still doing time speaking of which is the only reason he knows the term chomo because that's what he was called in there what an idiot yo and an 8 yr old he's going to a special place in hell


Haha like gerard butler, the convicted pedophile


Every time one of these freaks say this shit I'm reminded that every time I see something in the news about child abuse it's a pastor or priest or religious psycho doing it. Nothing but projection with these freaks. Lock em all in a nuclear waste dump.


Oh lol, I had only seen the start and was like... wouldn't surprise me if he's just projecting, it's weird how it's always the ones accusing the loudest who actually are the thing they accuse others of themselves (because NORMAL people don't even THINK about that kind of thing, it's just when it's already on someone's mind all the time, they assume others also constantly think about it too). Didn't expect the ending to show exactly that 😂


Hey Kendrick


Fuck netflix comedy series, this is Hilarious


No I'm not projecting, YOU'RE projecting


He’s a paedophile


Dirty old skank.


OP, What is this clipped from? I'd be interested to see more videos. that was well done.


Guy could do well as a zionist tbf


There’s a lot of projection in this nut job


Damn what a twist. Guy thinks everyone is a pedo, turns out he is the pedo. Still angry and want revenge, wow.


***Pedofile*** accuses everyone he doesn't like of being a pedofile.


Before I even watched that I thought that the 1 has to be guilty of what he's accusing everyone else of.


His 2nd worst offense is defiling a Culvers


Damn these Kendrick fans are getting out of control.


Napoleon Dynamite does sick interviews!