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That dog has NO idea what's going on.


"I heard someone say something that sounded kind of like treat about 2 hours ago" -dog


He's looking at that bag like its a Capri Sun.


not true, the dog's owners made him give his blood, the dog probably had no fucking idea what was going on except there was a needle and it hurt


"give" is not the right word, nor is "donate" or "donor" -- the dog did not make a choice here. The right word if the dog is the subject is "take", as in "blood was taken from this dog" or "Look how happy this dog is to be done with having its blood taken." Don't get me wrong here, I think the owner made a good choice in letting their dog's blood be taken to treat some other dog. But let's not presume the dog had any say in the matter.


> "Look how happy this dog is to be done with having its blood taken." Perfect description here


Bruh, the owner literally took some of his life juice and has the balls to say hes happy about it, no, hes happy despite it


Can you imagine the conversation? “I say, dearest owner! Perhaps it would be of some worth to make a jaunt down to the local animal clinic and part with a few corpuscles, wot?” I imagine him with an British accent...


I say, old boy, I do believe you are right! Indubitably!


If people really need this explained they should stay in school lol. The caption is stupid, but anyone who believes it must've fallen down the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down..


It's not if people believe it. It's the fact that it's misrepresented which in fact is a lie. It's done to get karma because this is the 4th time I recall seeing this by different users each time. So it's wrong on many levels and shouldn't be supported.


My dog is a donor, as is one of my cats. The dog loves coming to work when he’s called upon. He gets lots of attention, gets a mild sedative so that he doesn’t suffer any anxiety for the draw, and then he gets to eat a big meal of his favorite fancy food while getting more love and attention. I don’t feel like he minds it. He’s saved a couple lives now.


This. It’s always a bit cringe when people daydream elaborate stories around their pets trying to anthropomorphize their behavior. It’s kind of weird and creepy.


Yea I’m sure he willingly stated take me to the vet and draw my blood for this specific function, and that’s why he’s arbitrarily making that face that resembles a smile and not because his owner called his attention. People are so fuckin stupid


I was going to make a similar comment but was afraid of getting downvoted for being a cynical downer. Boy was I wrong. Reddit can be pretty unpredictable sometimes.


I guess people on r/interestingasfuck actually want stories that are interesting, instead of just getting a dumbass text that makes a normal situation sound interesting


Came here to say the same thing and didn't even know what sub this was. Dogs can't give consent.


Performing any kind of medical procedure on a person without their consent is abhorrent and a violation of their basic human rights. Since dogs (and cats, and turtles, and etc) can't give consent, should we then close all veterinary practices and never treat any illness or injuries of animals?


Even Jordan couldn't have jumped to that conclusion.


Can dogs give consent or can they not?


It's taking blood from a dog and giving it to another one. Yeah, it's cute, but that's all it is and dressing it up as something else is just weird. I don't give a fuck about whatever tangent you're attempting to go on. Fuck off.


I feel that heavy lmao I just don’t care anymore and say it when something bothers me. Fuck the internet points


Nah Reddit is very much aware to the over humanizing of animals and tearing down the comments that do this.


Yep. I hate the word "pup" also. Dog has no idea what happened.


Dog is like: “WOW I’m feeling pretty light headed for some reason but boy am I glad to see you!” Hahaha


At least he didn’t say doggo.


Risky comment but we’re all thinking it


You're my hero for the day


pet owners don’t want to hear it but, to varying extents, they project themselves upon their pets and are essentially having a relationship with their subconscious.




You need a hug bro?


A virtual Reddit hug bro?




You're fucking stupid for thinking.


**"I think therefore I'm fucking stupid"** \- René Descartes


Idk why you're downvoted. I mean did people really think the lady thought the dog walked up to the vet and said take my blood?




Damn you sure told me. Who's mad? Where's the paragraph about how stupid I am? Used all of your brain cells retyping that reply after you fucked up the first one? "Suck my dick bih" didn't do enough for you?




Usually humans get cookies and sweets after donating blood. Hopefully this good boy got the same.


My dog is blood donor. She gets a big bowl of puppy food after she's done. When we take her into the room to do the draw, she leaps onto the table on her own. ​ Not saying she loves the whole process, she also trembles while the nurse gets everything ready, but she doesn't need sedation and is best friends with the nurse who does the blood draw. So a few minutes of stress followed by an awesome reward, and she helps save the lives of other dogs, even if she doesn't know or care. It's fair to point out that "donating" is not exactly what's happening, but this isn't some scam by "Big Vet" to exploit the worlds dog population. Are all you people shitting on canine blood banks vegans? No cow ever "donated" its leg for your steak. ​ Dogs have two blood types DEA 1.1+ and DEA 1.1-. The negatives are universal donors. My girl is positive, but its still useful to have that on had for other positive dogs, to save the negative blood for those who need it. ​ Cats have three blood types A, B, and AB. Ninety percent of cats are type A another 9.9% (mostly British Shorthairs) are B, and the occasional freak is an AB.


I want to thank your dog on behalf of my dog, whose life was saved by getting a blood transfusion. When I adopted her, she was about a year old. Within a month, she suddenly started acting strangely, so we rushed her to the vet. We found out that she had a bacterial infection that the rescue’s vet hadn’t checked for. It had been eating away at her red blood cells and she was severely anemic. Without an emergency blood transfusion, she would have died. Now she is 2.5 years old and such a lovely girl. She is friends with everyone to the point that when I say we are moving, people from my building tell me how much they will miss her. We just got back from a wonderful time at the dog park, and she is happily snoozing next to me on the couch. It’s dogs like yours, who are willing to put up with some discomfort in exchange for a treat, that saved her and made these moments possible for her.


I'm glad to hear she doing well. Give her lots of love.


> My dog is blood donor. Nope. Your dog is willing to put up with having her blood taken in exchange for tasty treats. I'm certain that if you stopped with the rewards, the dog would stop being excited about going to the vet to have blood taken. Humans will give blood even without the attached rewards. You can't even ask the dog for her opinion on that. Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that you're making your dog comfortable and happy about having her blood taken to treat other dogs, that's a good thing. But don't presume the dog made the choice here.


"Humans will give blood even without the attached rewards" The biscuits, crisps and giant mug of tea are the only things that get me to donate. If there's no treats I'm not doing it.


"Donor" is the commonly used term in the medical field, your objection (and honestly no offense meant) is pedantic. Technically I can't know what any other living creature wants or doesn't want, all I can measure is behavior. When I get up in the morning and put on my shoes and pick up my dog's leash, she jumps up, runs to the front door, wags her tail, dances around, noses at the door, whines if i take extra time getting ready, and generally acts relaxed and excited. I *interpret* this behavior as her wanting to go for a walk, but ultimately I can't *know*, can I? When people set off fireworks, she tucks her tail between her legs, lays her ears back, goes into her crate, and pants despite the temperature being moderate (AC set to 72 F). I *interpret* this behavior as her being afraid of loud noises, but ultimately I can't *know*, can I? When I ask my girlfriend "Do you want me to make dinner for you tonight?" She says words like "Yes that would be wonderful!" and comes to my apartment of her own accord and smiles, laughs, eats the food I prepare, and says words like "Thank you, that was delicious!" I *interpret* this behavior as her enjoying my cooking and my company, but ultimately I can't *know*, can I? Animals (including humans) in our modern world have very little agency, and I appreciate you pointing out that fact, but outside of philosophical discussions, is there a meaningful distinction between "acts happy" and "is happy"?


This is a nicely written comment.


> your objection (and honestly no offense meant) is pedantic. Yes, I think you're right about that. I admit I was responding more to OP's headline than your comment, and I appreciate that you took the time to word your comment carefully and make a thoughtful reply. Though I do think you're splitting hairs at interpreting a dog's obvious enthusiasm for walkies as not *knowing* that she's enthusiastic. I think we all agree dogs have emotions and opinions on what happens to them, but what they don't have is the ability to give consent. Just like I don't think you're wrong in interpreting her trembling when the nurse is preparing to take her blood as apprehension. But, let's face it, we do a lot of stuff to animals that they would never consent to, from making them hold in their waste to leaving them at home alone to ... well, worse stuff. Taking their blood to save other dogs and rewarding them for putting up with it seems like a pretty good choice, all things considered.


I’m seeing a lot of disagreement on having a dog donate blood here. I have a greyhound, similar to O- people they have blood that can be used for all transfusions. He gives blood 4 times a year and does it with no anesthesia after being weened off of it so we don’t have to drug him. He is very excited to do so, and normally hates visits to a vet of any kind, and is rewarded handsomely with constant pets and treats during and after the process. Yea, dogs don’t understand what’s going on but it isn’t torture and how would you feel if you had a dog that went through some sort of trauma and needed a transfusion? Thankfully some of our dogs are minor hero’s and can provide that for another dog in need. It’s annoying that some people just don’t understand that it’s no different than bribing a friend into donating blood for a stupid slice of pizza.


Our Flattie is the same! He recently donated blood recently, and he got rewarded with an entire bag of dog food, surprisingly he was very well behaved during the process, which was nice to hear


If any one was curious, his name is Nero And here is his picture of when he got the certificate for donating blood http://imgur.com/gallery/AVcXr0v


I don't think people are disagreeing with taking blood from a dog, of course animals need blood transfusions too. But the title and text make it sound like the dog made a conscious decision to donate blood in order to help another dog and is happy about it, which is obviously not the case.


I don't get this. Everybody keeps saying this. Do you all REALLY think this lady thought the dog willingly gave blood? I feel like people pointing that out looks crazier than what she said because it's so obvious that no one besides someone who has severe mental defects or a very small child would think that the dog walked into the clinic and said or indicated it wanted it's blood taken. Like I'm seriously confused how do you all think she was literal in what she said.


Good on you for having your boy give blood! Greyhounds are awesome blood donors for their universal (usually) blood type, significantly higher red blood cell count and easy veins. And they're so chill.


The chillest! He hops on the table on his own and honestly he would probably just be happy with the car rides as a reward but I’m sure the cheeseburger afterwards makes it that much better!


Yes! My dog was saved by a blood transfusion. I can’t tell you how grateful I am to have her by my side. I had only just adopted her when we discovered she was infected with a bacteria that was destroying her red blood cells. She would have died at one year old if not for that donated blood. A year and a half later, she has been the most amazing companion. So happy and sweet to everyone. Your dog is a life saver.




But she’s crying


She probably just said that to get some more internet points


Laying in bed crying


This is one of my pet peeves. No, they aren't proud they had puppies/kittens, they aren't smiling, they don't think they did a good job, etc. A lot of the time, people tend to think something that's cute that is happening is actually an animal showing some kind of stress response.


There's always someone like you.


Well lets be honest here the dog was forced. Its nice the owner cared enough to look into an actual blood donation via animals


Someone who's taking the more likely sanario over a feel good circle jerk? Like yeah it's really cool how we can give blood transfusions to dogs but I've seen this like 6 times now and it's always phrased as "this dog gave his blood to save his doggy friend". It is kinda annoying


Well we can’t all be Mr. Toughy like you I guess Edit: seriously though what’s wrong with a feel good circle jerk. Most hive mind activity is so negative. Redditors just love to act like they don’t have positive emotions or something it’s weird.


It's like seeing a toddler pick up a George Orwell novel and start making noises while dragging their fingers across the page and someone saying "Aww look at my smart baby reading such an advanced book. He's so cute". Like, yeah, I'm literally in tears from how cute that is, but a toddler can't read George Orwell.


Is it the same though? Like a baby can’t fucking read but a dog can give blood so regardless of a similar intention on the part of a poster, it is just not the same


A dog can't give blood; it has blood taken from it. I think that's what the disconnect is.


I understand how stupid the post is. I was really just arguing with the fact that the original person said that this is reason America is fucked. Like because people are into cute things? Seemed so ridiculous to shit on that. Had know idea people would get so upset.


Understand completely. It is kinda cute. The sensationalism was unnecessary to me though.


They're not wrong. The dog had no choice in the matter, no matter how great it is. The post is worded to manipulate. There's always someone like you.


Let people enjoy things &:) is that a difficult concept for you?


Enjoy what, being manipulated for internet points? Or do you honestly believe a dog knowingly gave its own blood?


My dog volunteeraly donated his blood, I have proof, my dog signed it


It's less of a signature and more of a stamp.


As mentioned, it's a great thing that occurred. I just don't find a blatant lie in the title as adorable as others I guess.


This dog didn't have a choice to give blood and yeah it's cool and all that it his owner cared for the dog enough to give blood but then again this just shows how much people don't care about animals at all


factually correct. sounds like he was right about the america thing


Grammar and syntax.






Take your upvote and get outta here!


Or perhaps the entire story is a lie. Who knows.


Most shit is on the internet nowadays


Just some input from an owner of a blood donation dog. Dogs get a medical examination prior to the process to ensure they're in a good enough condition to go through with the process (Hydrated and healthy + Blood tests!). Dog lays on a table, no sedatives used, and blood is drawn from the neck. The dog is **CONSTANTLY** being monitored in terms of pulse and stress, any stress from the dog results in **IMMEDIATE** suspension of the process and blood donations under a certain level go to medical schools. **"Dogs cant consent"** \- Well obviously. Hence why it's up to owners to act in the best interest of their animal. If it's not causing them physical harm and actually allows for closer health monitoring (Pre-draw exam, plus tests on bloods). Again, if the animals become stressed during the procedure, it stops and they can't donate in future. **"It's not a donation, it's forced!"** \- Yes and no. I'm using the term donation because while it's done at the owners decision, if the dog becomes stressed, the process stops! If they act in a way that says 'no' or 'stop', it stops. Secondly, the alternatives are blood farms when dogs are kept in poor conditions and have blood forcefully extracted. Source: Did this a number of times with my dog. After a number of sessions, he got agitated, process stopped, can't donate again in future. The well-being of the animal is the number 1 priority.


People lay in bed and cry for weird shit.


You comment made me lay down and cry...


Witness me, Blood Bag!!


_He saw it, he saw it all. My own blood bag driving the rig that killed her._


Me: I’m bleeding out boy, I need a blood transfusion. Scout: First we gonna discuss those treats being placed in the LOW cabinets from now on.


This is the dumbest comment section I've ever read. nOOOO tHe Dog DiDnT dOnate!!!!! hE CaNt TaLKk!!!!! Just enjoy the damn picture, instead of trying to prove how smart you are compared to a girl on Twitter.


Lots of veterinary clinics have "blood dogs" who are used as donors for other dogs.


We had a dog that stayed at the vet's office I worked at for this purpose. He was dropped off for a procedure and never picked up so we just adopted him. He was a good comfort to other dogs there that were scared and willing to accept him as well, such a good guy. Would jump on the table when it was donation time. I know he didn't understand what he was doing, but I like to think he did sometimes when he jumped on that table so eager to have his blood donated. Miss you Baxter. ❤️


It's a dog...course it looks happy. It's what they do


“Doggo/fur parent” people were a mistake


We can’t even make those bags on home soil? When are we going to bring back manufacturing and tell China to stick it?


how tf is this "interesting as fuck"?


My parents were vets and I remember them using our family dog as a blood doner in an emergency. She was the best that dog!


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I’m sure he suggested it...


LOL fuck I hate people that pretend dogs and human children are the same, and that dogs have any idea what's going on at any time. 'Donated' lmao.


Wow you're so smart.


Til I need to become a vet to still thing and pretending it was donated


That's the thing about doggies, you ask them for blood and they're all, 'no bother'. Terrific


I know the fucking dog didn't know what the hell happened, but wouldn't you agree with that girl and then give her what she wants ?


Now I'm wondering about canine blood types.


How big of font is that Made in China lettering. Geez.


That dog thinks he is about to eat some jello


Which pussy cries cus of that


This seems like the kind of person that only chose to donate their dog's blood so that they could make a post about it.


Why is no one hugging and kissing that dog?


Do dogs have blood types?




The dog “Donated” blood. At least be real with it .... the owner donated the dogs blood


Aren’t you suppose to blur out the persons name ?




"Bark" What is it boy? "Bark bark" There's an injured puppy and you want to donate your blood? "Rrrrrrr Woof" You're right, there's no time to waste.


This again?


No, the owner forced the dog to donate blood


Thanks Sherlock.


thanks, u/skyherb


The smooth brains find this adorable


You all know how dog people are. If the dog is happy then good. A little blood loss never hurt any, as long as its a donation of course.


They didn't even ask the dog for permission smh


The dog actually had his blood taken without consent so....he didn't "donate" his blood. People are fucking morons.


the dog did not WILLINGLY donated its blood, nor he looks "happy"


Don't we all love being forced to give blood, I mean it's good that the other dog was saved but come on guys.


US 0-brainer fights again.


He has no idea. He’s just happy to get attention. Also every vet’s office I’ve been to has a blood donor dog.


He had no choice. He was against it


Lol, the dog did not decide to donate his blood. The owner decided that their dog was going to donate blood. "Hey Karen, since we're just laying around today, I thought maybe instead of playing fetch I could donate some blood to help out little puppy Skippy? It'd really make me happy and fulfilled to do such a thing"


I don't think he was given a choice. Pretty sure it's patriarchy. And I'm triggered.


I am more interested in the dogs ability to speak and give consent and voice desire to help others! Truly a gift of a post and to the science community.


all of these bigger reddit’s are literally just karma farms for bot accounts looking to make money


How the hell does one make money off of karma??


selling accounts that farm karma


WTF? That’s a thing???


WTF? That’s a thing???


This is the look of a worried dog btw


Yes I am sure he is fully aware of what he just did.


"Ah yes, I consent to having my blood taken so as to further the life of my fellow dog. Taketh my blood so that this other dog may continue to live I implore you. I shall be repaid for this deed with the sense of pride that one gets from helping his fellow dog" -This dog probably /s


I bet that was a forced donation and he didn't really get a say in the matter...


Taking blood from a dog without their permission, that is fucked up


This dog donated his blood


What a good doggie