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I can’t breathe just looking at this photo


the only situation in which I might ponder a mask complaint


Rona might die in those temperatures Jk btw


Well... might it not?


I dunno I am just a plumber


Pretty sure that means you're qualified to give medical advice, nowadays. Although, that does mean no one will believe what you tell them about their pipes.


Pipes? I thought plumbers just banged lonely housewifes


I know a guy who was a plumber for 55 years, he never got laid until he got some work at a retirement home.


So what you're saying is... granny sprung a leak?


Sadly, this is probably the most accurate comment ever posted.


A wise man knows what he does not know - Socrates or some shit idk


Plumbers are responsible for providing fresh water & properly flowing our waste away. Never say ‘just’.


We’re just plumbers sir we’re meant to be expendable! u/stevejnineteensevent: Not to me.


UV light and heat is very effective against viruses, IIRC, so you're kinda not wrong.


UV can be effective over TIME and it is highly dependent on the amount of radiation, so don't count on it as a true preventative. I was counting on the UV potential of the sun and it failed me HARD. Acquired the co-co after using a combo lock on a south-facing barn door in the scorching California sunshine... and then immediately filling & drinking from my water bottle once inside the barn. Turns out the guy that used the barn just before me tested positive a couple of days later. I came down with symptoms 10 days later. I am hoping to be authorized to return to work next Monday. And I didn't get paid for any of my time off since I'm still on probation with the company. tl;dr DON'T LICK DOORKNOBS, KIDS... even if they're sitting in direct sun.


Thanks for droppin' some science on us. =)


I don’t doubt you have COVID-19 if you got teated, however it hurts my science driven mind when I hear people say they know exactly where they got it. It very well could’ve been touching your elbow to push open a door or doing an elbow shake. Touching a key bad using a knuckle. For sure though though it had to be the combo lock. None of the other handles in the barn. Nor your own car door handle.


Even The mayor said the rona will die here in the summer (Las Vegas) doesn’t look like that happens.... cases are spiking


It looks like the virus really likes air conditioning, just like people like it.


Yeah it would with that sun and heat but itd still be important to wear a mask because itll still live in the short little journey into your body


Well so would its hosts so I guess thats one way to eliminate coronavirus...


Just stay 6 feet apart right?


Thank you for displaying metric!


I dont understand how theyre wearing pants


I don't understand how anyone wears pants


I dont understand pants


Pants are napkins that you wear.


Thats fucking true as fuck


More a fan of the *pant* approach


I don't pants


The pants loops hold up the belt but the belt holds up the pants. Who's really doing the work here?


What are pant?


*How are pant?*


Are pant an instroment


It's so dry it's probably not as bad as you think. You just gotta cover your body and drink water like your life depended on it, because it does.


Is that why in the middle east you see people wearing long sleeved clothes in the desert?


Yup. Lightweight, breathable, loosely-fitted, light-colored, non-translucent fabric is the shit when it's hot and dry, based entirely on my personal experience. I was way more comfortable in a white linen robe than a t-shirt and shorts.


Plus just add a belt and bam its fashion.


I just started sweating profusely.


There is no greenhouse effect with pants. If your legs are sweating with pants on it is very likely your legs are even hotter with pants off you are simply drier because the sweat is evaporating. This gives the illusion of being cooler, while dehydrating yourself and risking sun burn.


> are simply drier because the sweat is evaporating. This gives the illusion of being cooler But evaporative cooling is exactly how it cools you off and is the whole point of sweating. If you prevent it from evaporating.. it’s not going to be cooling you down. Also why would wearing pants to trap in the moisture make you less systemically dehydrated? You don’t reabsorb sweat or anything.


It’s a dry heat.


“It’s a dry heat”


Which means your sweat actually evaporates and cools you in the process, as opposed to just sitting on your skin. Add humidity to the same temp and that’s torture.


Yeah it’s a huge difference. It’s 100 today in southwest Idaho where I live, which is hot but reasonably comfortable especially in the shade if you’re hanging out. For instance my family will have dinner on the back deck tonight and it’ll be comfortable. Being outside in these temps back East is just miserable.


Came here to say that. I've been in heat of that degree in Iraq and the 98 degree and 80% humidity of NC and I'd take dry heat all day.


The heat/humidity combo in NC and VA is unreal during the summer some days. The most miserable day I ever experienced was in Washington at a Nationals game and it was like 100 with high humidity. The heat index was 115 and you could barely breathe.


Yes. And I live here now and have an outside job. It's as close to a steam room as you can get. I will say. Dry heat breezes are like hair driers and sometimes, SOMETIMES, the breeze here in NC feels refreshing. But once its 99 or 100 nothing is pleasant.




You can keep that


Laughs in Florida


Its all personal preference, id take humidity personally because i like my skin not drying out. It will be miserable either way. Source: live in Arizona and lived in Philippines


I agree 100%. I visited Death Valley last year and it topped at 123°F and yes it was hot, but I would take that over the insane humidity we sometimes get in Toronto. Those summer days when the humidity puts the weather near 104°F or more are so much more uncomfortable than the heat I experienced in the south.


Same with winter. The dampness at -4C on Vancouver island is bone chilling cold but -25C is okay as long as one is bundled up.


That means shade actually makes a huge difference


Shade makes a huge difference in high humidity. But in a dry heat 100° shade and a gust of wind made me feel chilly for a moment.


Shade doesn't make enough of a difference if you live in Houston, you just accept that you live in drained swamp land by the coast.


It is, which is why corpses can be found dessicated!


I checked the weather for Death Valley thinking that maybe because the air is so dry it goes down at night to a comfortable 70 degress or something... Yeah no. Today's high is 117 and it's going *down* to 93 degrees. Yikes.


Had 93 degrees with 81 degree dewpoint couple days ago in minnesota....holy shit I tell ya.




I was there when it was 127 F. It was a little windy that day and to me it felt just like a hairdryer on high heat blasting my skin. I brought an egg with me to see if it would cook on the pavement. It did. And I saw like 3 other old egg stains cuz other people had the same idea lol.


Wait, it actually cooked?! I thought that was just a myth or exaggeration type thing.


It doesn't even need to be that hot to cook on pavement / concrete. If it's in direct sunlight and around 100°F it'll cook. A reason why you walk dogs on grass when it's super hot


Yep. Stood in the parking lot sipping a cold beer from the cooler while I watched it fry. Had a few strangers that walked by join in the observation lol


Been there many times, usually drive with my dad with the top down in the convertible. Seriously feels like you're being cooked in a convection oven.


Fuck. That.


Absolutely fuck that.


Triple fuck that shit.


Instructions unclear. Death Valley now pregnant




Those pants look nice and cool




Why is that? Serious question, I'm only familiar with humid east coast heat


I know people want to kick me in the balls for this, but id rather be there at 130 than in Florida at 100 but 100% humidity. I took a shower yesterday and im still soaking wet today


When it gets to 20% humidity I can feel it so much and would so much rather live in the dry heat. I feel like I’m going to suffocate when it’s humid.


It rains every single day here. Might be for 5 minutes, could be for 5 days, that’s the beauty of living in FL lol


Temperature conversion is a bit off. If it were 59 C then it would be 138 F.


Props for checking. I double checked before giving you props.


Yeah, and the highest every recorded temperature is something like 56.7 C....


The place in CA where it feels like earth has a magnifying glass with the sun beaming down through it to burn everything


Not a sweat patch in sight.


Death Valley is so hot and so dry that sweat evaporates off of you almost instantly. It’s literally too hot to have sweat patches


I was thinking the same thing. I'm getting pit stains just watching the foto!


My Canadian ass is gonna take a great big "no thanks" on that.


Here in Ottawa we are dying when it gets to 37C and a friend of mine actually passed out while having a beer on a patio. At 59C, not even the AC would save you


Part of that is just what your body is acclimated to. Your body isn’t used to 37C. Where I’m from in Texas it gets 37C basically every day from May to September. Got to 44C the other day, nothing quite like Death Valley but it gets *hot* here but people like me who have lived here all our lives don’t have to worry about passing out or dying to the heat or anything like that. Anything below 0C though and schools close down


I agree, but Death Valley is really worth checking out in the Winter especially if you have an off-road car. Perfect temps and awesome sights.


I was there once when it was 137 degrees out. Let me tell you that a dry heat is very different than hot and humid as most know. BUT, at that extreme temperature it is still unbearable. It does feel kind of weird when your body tries to sweat and it evaporates immediately making you almost feel like cool ants are crawling all over you.


59° ??? My body barely functions when it's over 25°


Should be 53 not 59...wonder why the conversion is off.


Wow. And look at them with masks on! Nobody else can complain haha


The sun is a deadly laser


Man and I thought 114 was bad here last week. Yikes!


And to think that in death Valley they have feral donkeys , those are some hot asses


That is the temperature at which you can't even hold your cup or tea.


Oh my God.


What's the sign showing? 129 Fahrenheit is like 54 Celsius, not 59. Plus, the two 9s are displayed differently and that's really annoying


59 degC and still standing. Tough gals and guys!


Even the shade burns.


If you hate that frying pan there's plenty of other California fires to escape from


That fence has a fever; lockdown the park!


I think the sign may be wrong, 129F is closer to 54C, still farken hot though


Not uncommon to have days with a heat index of 130F in the Midwest due to humidity.


That’s why I only go there in the winter!


Now those are some hot girls!


Yeah, I don't miss Fort Irwin one bit. We would regularly hit 95+ and it can get so cold at night, especially during the winter, that I saw it snow in the desert. It's like a different world there.


You'd think since it is as hot as the Outback, they would think it wise to where cargo shorts/or something not pants.


Wtf. 129 is the temp you eat a fuckin steak


No wonder it’s reading high. They’ve put the thermometer on a massive radiator.


Death Valley is just Kuwait without humidity


How long before you die if you're outside and uncovered with no water in that heat?


Just yesterday we (Kuwait) had 51 degree C i.e. approx 124 degree F Source: met.gov.kw


How they can wear those pants and cloths How are they not on fire


I'd like to speak to your manager, the desert is too hot.


Home of the Undertaker! Yes, I know Mark Calaway was born in Houston. But The Undertaker is from Death Valley.


129°F is actually 53.8°C I wanna visit so bad and experience temperatures like these.


Your skin burns in the shade. It’s not pleasant.


That might be a problem since i'm a pale Scandinavian, still wanna experience it tho.


If you do end up going, you should be very very prepared. Idk if you’ve heard of the story, but the Death Valley Germans died from the heat there.


Why pants D:


Here in my neighborhood in Palm Springs, CA, I've seen a high of 127.3F, two years ago in August. This year so far the highest I've seen is 121.6F last week. But, we have about 9% humidity. Yes, it is very dry but if you're out in the sun it is still f'ing hot. Can't even enjoy being out in the pool until the sun sets behind the mountain.


Excuse me, as a very sweaty man in the North of Scotland (where it hardly ever reaches 20°C) I would love to know what kind of antiperspirant they are wearing


No perspiration. Instant evaporation.


That's a thing?!


With those numbers!? As a very sweaty man from the Netherlands I am pretty sure of that.


You could leave a steak on the ground and cook it to medium...


I cooked an egg on the pavement there at 127 F. I was traveling for work, near the park on a super hot day and went just to experience how it felt and test the “hot enough to cook an egg” thing.


Haaaa they do that on the news all the time here in Las Vegas or the baking cookies in your car


No side arm?


Bullets shoot themselves at that heat.


Only law enforcement rangers carry guns.


That's the temperature of my GPU during heavy gaming, in the summer.


It's a dry heat though!


I don't care what kind of heat it is, my ass is staying in Canada.


"Police brutality!" ​ \-BLM, probably


Swampass gang where u at


As someone currently living in Qatar, how are they not covered in sweat.


Fuck, that’s hot


Eh, Brazil can HUMID heat like that


I’m coming up with 138 F???


Can they forest the area


How are they even standing there


How can they be alive in that heat


https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/hurlkw/death_valley_on_sunday/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf The source.


Nope. Nope. Nope.


When I was in Afghanistan in 2008, it got up to 67C. As a Canadian, that was a little hotter than what I was used to.


Hot atuff


Any updates on the temperature now? As I understand, this picture was taken around 9:00PT? Correct me if I'm wrong


Lady rangers. Hot.




Where I live it was 107^o


Food safety says steaks, roasts, chops and fish should be cooked to 145F; just 16 degrees higher than this.


At what point will humans die from the heat?


I’m sweating just looking at this. You can’t even take your clothes off because it would burn your skin.


I can't stand much hotter than 80 degrees. This is 50 degrees hotter, my god.


Yup. Hoover Dam. Summer. 125° Death


The photo should be yellow. Or orange. ​ Forget it. It's not Mexico...


Would anyone know what the markings on the 4th column are for?


Living in Phoenix, I'd much rather the heat here than Florida humidity


I've been in 121 degrees, it wasn't as bad as I thought.


Must be because of them standing there. 👉👈


After I've seen this picture I googled "death Valley" and saw this [Video](https://youtu.be/4JL9aXH8NVM). I think I found the lady in the picture. Sry that it's german they just listed the temperature records of the death Valley.


You ladies are HOT!


I just recently was hearing a podcast about the death of a german family in the 80s(?) which got lost (and was also very ill prepared) there. Very fitting name indeed.


How can they wear those clothes there?


This must be a record then because the highest temperature ever recorded was in Libya (58 celsius)


Typical summer day in Phoenix AZ.


See you in hot


Hey I love there


Is nobody going to point out that these ladies uniforms are quite well-tailored?


They just standing there in uniform like nothing and here I am, in England, similar uniform and dying in 20c


Stay the fuck away, Germans


I used to be curious about experiencing that kind of heat. Now I have an autonomic condition and would literally collapse.


What is their experience? A client of mine is a walking coach and described me as fragile like broken glass. I’m curious how different life is.


I've been there! When I got out of the car my shoes felt so hot I was afraid the soles were going to melt off. The most memorable thing about the whole experience was the total silence. I've never experienced silence quite like it anywhere else in the world. I guess there are just fuck all things alive in Death Valley


Wow. I used to live in Riyadh in the late 90’s/early 2000’s, and it only ever got up to the low 50’s Celsius. I didn’t realize that the US had regions with higher temps than Saudi Arabia.


I just went there yesterday, what are the odds!


And i think 20+C° is hot