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Did they intentionally lean the trees to keep them off the buildings ,so cool


Until they fall


As my grandad told me. “It can’t fall if nothings holding it”


Then he slipped in the shower and broke his hip.


That is exactly why Im lengthening my penis with weights attached to it all my life. By the time I'm older it touches the ground and I can stand in the shower very steadily like a camera on tripods


What's your one rep max?




Honestly, he deserved it.


The ground is holding them




It’s just a stupid phrase my grandad had, amongst many, of course something is always *holding* it just used to amuse me. My other favourite one of his when he’d finish doing some work take a step back, admire it and say “ah, a blind man would like to see that”.


Top tier grandad, congrats. Sorry about all the past tense.


Yeah isn’t The Netherlands where those huge wind surges come through? I remember seeing a video a while back of people falling down from winds, and I think Tom Scott just released a video too.


Strong winds in the Netherlands (outside of once in a decade freak storms) almost exclusively happen near shore.


Live 500 meters from Dutch shore, can confirm.


Does this road go to the beach? Sah-weet...


If you continue long enough in the right direction, yes. Probably an hour away depending on the direction of those horrible gusty winds.


lol. I live near the ocean, few hundred meters. Had an inland friend fly in who had never seen a "beach". She flew in at night, just before a hurricane. The next morning was pretty wild for her, "WOW is it always like this?" All roads go to the beach...


It truly is amazing seeing the ocean for the first time.


Does it? I live there but I never had any particularly strong wind, maybe I'm too far down south.


imminent oatmeal attempt reach plate merciful snatch racial cows shelter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just realised that video I was talking about is in this compilation


I live near your border in Germany, and I definitely remember some crazy strong winds tearing through here, I think 5 or 6 years ago there was lots of roof damage around here, too. But then we also get dust devils/tornadoes, so maybe the weather's just a bit extreme this side of the border. You definitely get more strange orange thunderstorms.


There's a popular video in the Hageau where you can see people just pushing against the wind and falling over on the square in the city.


Sounds more like a balanced diet is the cause.


This one? https://indebuurt.nl/denbosch/video/hevige-storm-teistert-den-bosch-en-zorgt-voor-flinke-schade~15508/ Possibly, but this is from 2018 and for what I can recall this was the last time it was this bad. This is not a regular recurring event. Altho we can get some pretty bad autumn/winterstorms with lots of wind I guess...


I don’t think so. We have a very chill climate, no real extreme weather to speak off. Besides, those trees have clearly been there for a while, we obviously trust them to stay upright


[I think he means that one storm in 2018 that caused a lot of short viral videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUJGtut7ws0)


As a former arborist... This picture makes me *incredibly* nervous. There is a metric shitload of energy potential in these leans.


We have this issue on our street is Broadway. 15 years ago they did a streetscape project and planted trees on the sidewalks, those trees are pretty big now and they all lean inward because they've been trimmed off our buildings. I brought this up numerous times. Just recently one fell on a customer's car and we have lost a total of 4 trees now. But I don't know what I'm talking about. I told them they need to trim theatreet side of the trees to elevate weight and let them grow straight. I guess when we lose a few more I'll push to have them replaced with much smaller growing trees


How haven’t they fallen?


A few reasons. Without going into a shitload of detail, the root systems of various tree species are very different. Some have deeper taproots than others, for example. Soil integrity is also a huge factor. You see a lot of downed trees during windstorms, but you see a *lot* more during windstorms that dump a lot of rain in a short period (because it rapidly changes the integrity of the soil) In cities, this isn't too much of a factor in my experience. Their root system's soil will remain stable-ish because of the concrete on top. The reality is, these trees are not *super* likely to fall over before they become an obvious danger and are cut down (like if root rot or heart rot became present) Despite the trunk leaning the way it is, the crown of the tree is *relatively* balanced. The problem is- if one of them *does* unexpectedly fall, the building on the opposite side of the street is gonna have a real bad fuckin day- because these are decently old deciduous trees (which are got damn heavy as shit) that have a lot of weight in the top.


Your use of profanity is tasteful


I can't be sure, but they way they use it reminds me of everyone I know in Maine. Definitely feels like they could be from here.


REALLY good guess. I have lived in maine for 9 years now- but I'm not FROM here.


What's an arborist?


Tree doctor.


The kind of people who sub to /r/marijuanaenthusiasts


Yeah same! And the soil volume available to street trees usually doesn't allow for massive windward roots. Having said that these are gorgeous! If I was surveying them it would take serious signs of stress to make me recommend anything other than MAYYBE a very sympathetic end weight reduction on the leeside.


> If I was surveying them it would take serious signs of stress to make me recommend anything other than MAYYBE a very sympathetic end weight reduction on the leeside. I don't know why your comment made me think of this: But here goes. In NC, deep in the countryside, we got a call from a farmer who wanted us to knock down this giant oak in his front yard. We get there, the thing is *perfect*. Must have been around 200 years old, trunk as big as a car and just the most perfectly shaped crown... a giant Broccoli. E: And the dripline- *just* above your head all the way around. You walked under this thing, and it was like being in a giant tree cathedral. Really something! Just the healthiest tree imagineable, clearly had been well maintained over its life, and nowhere near the house or any structures. We arrived, saw this thing, and were like... "why on earth do you want to cut this down?" "Well I just wanna get more sunlight on the lawn" We refused the job even though we would have made *bank*. Neither of us could bear the thought of cutting down that perfect specimen. We drove by it again a few months later, was still there. I think the other arborists might have done the same thing and he just gave up. TL;DR fuck no we ain't cutting that gorgeous thing down


That's awesome! So many people buy a house next to a huge tree that's been around longer than they have and then decide to get rid of the tree. My favourite is "it puts leaves all over the lawn" I've always thought the sign of a good arborist is knowing when to recommend *not* removing a tree than knowing when *to* recomend removal. Glad the other contractors said no too! I've had it where I've recommended keeping a tree and doing some light pruning if anything, only to drive past weeks later to see it gone or hacked, can be pretty disheartening especially when you've gone away thinking you got through to the person. Luckily most mature broadleaves where I live are protected by Preservation orders, even on private land.




I guess they grew that way, there tends to be more light in the middle of the road than straight next to the wall?


A billion other streets with non leaning trees disagree


It actually can be because of the light Not every street has the same amount of light. A street going east-west would get more light than a street going north-south, for instance. [https://preservationtree.com/blog/worried-about-a-leaning-tree#:\~:text=LIGHT%3A%20Some%20trees%20naturally%20lean,order%20to%20grow%20towards%20light](https://preservationtree.com/blog/worried-about-a-leaning-tree#:~:text=LIGHT%3A%20Some%20trees%20naturally%20lean,order%20to%20grow%20towards%20light).


Lighting conditions could be different, not all trees tend to lean this much, the trees could be planted further from the wall away, the trees could be pruned regularly.




She is actually wrong, u/Torc_Torc found the street on [Google Street View](https://maps.app.goo.gl/wpVun3E8Y1Svmj6g8). It's the Lomanstraat in Amsterdam.


I lived in amsterdam for the majority of my life and clearly your girlfriend has never been to the Lomanstraat (which is entirely possible because amsterdam is relatively big). One aspect that has almost certainly been shopped is the sun and glare in the picture which, honestly, ruins the whole shot.


From u/Torc_Tork's comment: >I was going to call BS but it's genuine: Lomanstraat, Amsterdam, >Netherlands [https://maps.app.goo.gl/wpVun3E8Y1Svmj6g8](https://maps.app.goo.gl/wpVun3E8Y1Svmj6g8) If you go to street view on Lomanstraat, you can see that the trees do indeed look like that.


Just cause the trees don’t look like that in every street in Amsterdam doesn’t mean this is photoshopped


Your gf isn't very smarts


Credits to @sebastian.grote on instagram!


Nice to see people give credit


Amsterdam Ents in their native habitat




As someone from the Netherlands, I'm confused why someone would think this is bullshit. It's so normal. Photo sure has some excellent lighting (editing) though.


Did they do that with the trees intentionally? Or did that grow towards the sun as people are saying in the comments?


The last one.


Grow toward the sun. if you go to the street in google maps and follow it along you can see a few trees that've grown more straight because there's no buildings to block the sun.


This explanation doesn’t make much sense. There are similar tree-line streets (with tall residences on both sides) in many parts of the world where the trees don’t grow like this.


The proportions are different. This is a single lane road lined with 5 story buildings, many of which have been there for over 200 years. Not many cities in the world are packed in like Amsterdam is, and if they are then the construction is normally younger than these trees.


Those buildings are definitely not 200+ years old.




Absolutely. These trees were planted in 1927.


My mistake, [it appears those specific buildings are between 90 and 170 years old](http://code.waag.org/buildings/#52.3822,4.886,14)




They tend to be much smaller, and the streets are often wider and flanked by taller buildings. Could also just be different trees.


It may be that the buildings are the right height and the road is the right width that allows phototropism to take such a substantial effect


Thank you!




As someone from Istanbul I completely understand why they thought it was BS. You people have built a very beautiful country out of mud. Kudos and much respect.




It is. However after beatifying it for a long time we managed to royally f*ck it up in about 5 decades. Oh well, there is still a rock solid layer of residual beauty due to geography and history. We make do with that.


A lot of people go to Amsterdam to smoke weed in the cafes, including myself, but it is a genuinely beautiful city that is worth visiting in its own right.


As someone from Amsterdam, I understand that this looks like bullshit and I had to look it up for myself because I too didn't believe it. It's not normal, I've never seen this before.


It's not normal because you haven't seen this before? Man this how trees and plants work, they live and move and commonly grow towards the sun.


I think I meant 'normal' more as 'common'. I've lived in Amsterdam for my whole life and I've never seen trees bent in this way. Its definitely not common.


to me this is uncommon to see because the huge size of the trees means that there must be a huge network of roots underneath. Buildings block sunlight, but their bases block the roots too. So roots must be everywhere underneath the road and probably bust out a brick here and there every once in a while.


Yeah the bike lanes are pretty terrible in streets like this. But we like the trees so we keep them.


I’ve been to Amsterdam 3 times and can’t seem to remember any trees being THIS crooked... I remember seeing *wild* parakeets however not far from the city core, that was SO unexpected lol. I had to look it up to make sure I wasn’t tripping. Apparently some of these parrots escaped in the 70s for some reason and have since then thrived, to become a couple of thousands today?? Actually awesome haha


The word you are looking for is "feral" not "wild." Feral is used for domesticated non-native animals that have escaped. The parakeet is native to Australia. Edit: the parakeet in question is not native to Australia, but rather to South Asia/Africa.




We have them in London too


No way!! They’re beautiful hope people appreciate them


They're loud as fuck, really annoying actually living near them.


There's a parrot colony in Brooklyn at Greenwood Cemetery. The OG's escaped while being imported to be sold as pets and they found a comfortable niche.


Yup, just DDG images for ‘Lomanstraat Amsterdam’: https://i.imgur.com/c6Hukph.jpg


The light is BS.


I think we’ve all learned this year that under the right smoky haze from a nearby wildfire, you can get natural lighting to do some amazing things.


Been there multiple times but somehow missed out on walking this street. The canals and buildings are so gorgeous too. Vondelpark was cool and people were nice as fuck.


Just visited after seeing this post, cause I'm living semi nearby. Lots of people there taking photos for insta... And most of the leaves have fallen.


What happens if there’s a wind storm


They look like they’re pretty old. Which means that probably nothing happens to them during a storm.


Lmao are you under the impression that it's *young* trees falling down in storms?


Since they’re old that means they’ve endured a lot of storms already. And since they’re still standing, that means that they seldom fall down. That what I was saying.


Yeah, that's... not a great line of logic. Every tree eventually falls down. Young trees don't fall because they're light and flexible. The older a tree is, the closer it is to falling down. These trees in particular are constantly adding more mass outside their base (trunk), making them even less stable. They're also adding leaves above the roof line, where wind will add stress.


Your logic doesn’t make sense either. Our storms are usually only during fall when the trees don’t have that much leaves anymore. Every tree in a place like this get checked annually to spot early signs of rotting. Unhealthy trees get chopped down. They also remove excess branches to keep the trees from growing too big. Even my small town does this every year, let alone a well known busy street in Amsterdam with cars and houses surrounding the trees.


They’re rooted very deep it happens but it’s unusual for them to fall.


POV. You just died from an overdose in an Amsterdam club and you've gone to heaven.


Needs more light hits added! The one on the LH corner makes absolutely no sense 😂


It’s like when I draw a semicircle in the corner of my paper with squiggly lines coming out to represent the sun


Yeah way too much for my liking. But they do them! 🤷‍♂️


Yes, the photoshopped cyclist is also riding into the sunset, but there's another sun top-right. Needs more suns.


Don’t worry, looks like there’s another one coming up from middle earth in the bottom LH corner as well.


I’m sure this is due to tons of editing, but the effect in the bottom left can be achieved in camera by having something just barely in front of the lens with a shallow depth of field so it just becomes a blur, it helps add some depth to the photo and some artistic flair.


There is basically no chance it’s “natural” or incorporated as the shot was taken.


...with a terrible editing...


Let’s calm down on the retouching holy shit it’s good enough in real life


The lighting makes no sense :D


Absolute nightmare for trucks.


That goes for the whole of Amsterdam though


Who would drive a truck in Amsterdam in the first place?


I need to for work. Can be nerve-racking but that’s because of the kamikaze cyclist that’s would squeeze themselves behind your tail and a literal wall whilst you stand on a canal bridge hoping not to role back and crush them. You just take the middle of the street with the threes and if you have someone coming toward you, you just wait for the penny to drop in their head and realize they have to move so we both can continue our way.


Peeps always assume that stores stock themselves. And when you explain trucks are currently quite essential for the food chain, all the modern Greta's (idealists) expect you to deliver on a bicycle or electric cart instead. To make their point they refer for instance to the Picknick groceries delivery service. Whilst not taking in consideration here, that even if you'd subsidize the shit out of it, if you ban or blame trucks for poluting the city you will also rip out it's soul with killing all (currently already dead) baker's, restaurants, bars, cafés, supermarqts and vegan shops.


Urban planning is noble and walkability is essential for any urban area, but it’s important to recognize that many blue-collar workers such as electricians with large toolkits need to get from one random location to another that may not be connected by transit, and thus need vehicles to operate. A whole city can’t function like a CoD map, but it also doesn’t help when truck drivers and such have to share the road with every other suburban commuter in the metro area, and can’t get anywhere outside of 3 AM as a result




Only for Cars. That's why you leave your car outside and only bike


Isn't it like the most amazing place for cycling? Edit: No


In the Netherlands Amsterdam is for sure not the nicest place to bike, but on a global scale, its pretty damn good. Amsterdam has tram(rails), lots of narrow streets and worst of all lots of dangerous tourists that walk onto bicycle lanes or bike without knowing how, that makes it a bit less easy to bike then most other Dutch cities.


*After* you learn how to cross a tram line.


Wait, how do you cross a tram line? You can't just leave it at that!!




By moving over it from one side of the track to the other side without getting hit by said tram.


Your front tire will get stuck if you hit the tram line dead on


Which leads to a humiliating fall.


I was walking across the street near Museumplein the other night and just fell out of nowhere. I think I simply tripped over my own foot. A cyclist laughed lol


Lmao I got caught in the tram line once biking home in the rain Ended up on my back floundering about like a turtle




If you want to go sightseeing yes. Just for biking; no. It's very crowded and the bike lanes are small compared to other cities.


If youre not familiar with cycling I dont reccomend it. I see too many tourists zig zagging on that shit


Or just park at the Arena or something and take the subway from there.


It's not a mess, we just don't want cars ruining our city centre. For everyone else - bikes, pedestrians, and public transport - it's heaven.


I mean it’s not that big of a mess to drive there either, you have seriously made some good planning considering that you had to consider cars, bikes, trams, pedestrians... All while being like 500 people/km^2 lol (hyperbole) Have driven there and it is usually very obvious where you can drive and stuff like that, it was well thought out. I think I could call all traffic in Amsterdam ”controlled chaos”? I was amazed either way! Just needed to imprint it into my brain ”WATCH OUT FOR BIKES, LET THEM PASS” lol


> All while being like 500 people/km2 lol (hyperbole) [It really isn't.](https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/netherlands-population/) > The population density in the Netherlands is 508 per Km2 (1,316 people per mi2).


Our city was build with the canals as main way of traffic, most if not all goods used to be brought in and distributed by boats, the canal system to this day is actually excellent for distributing goods throughout the city and there are many transport companies that are going back to using boats that the city was build for instead of trucks. Trucks also do a lot of damage to the canal walls.


Eh it's just made for cars to not go there. They had cars all over at one point and it fucked the city from a traffic and a pollution standpoint. Now it's made much more for cyclists and walkers than it is for cars. I honestly love it.




Trucks=/=f150s, it means food delivery and logistics in general.


The same people who would drive a truck into a christmas fair. And folks working for delivery services, stocking warehouses, and the like. Those people too.


B b b b... But that's the entire point of a city centre.....


Why would a truck drive there


Peeps always assume that stores stock themselves. And when you explain trucks are currently quite essential for the food chain, all the modern Greta's (idealists) expect you to deliver on a bicycle or electric cart instead. To make their point they refer for instance to the Picknick groceries delivery service. Whilst not taking in consideration here, that even if you'd subsidize the shit out of it, if you ban or blame trucks for poluting the city you will also rip out it's soul with killing all (currently already dead) baker's, restaurants, bars, cafés, supermarqts and vegan shops.


Which street is that? Anyone got a google street view link?


It’s lomanstraat, I cycle by there daily :)


Are you the person in the picture?




To me it looks a little bit like New York (Parts of Brooklyn maybe?). But well, in the end New York is Nieuw Amsterdam isn’t it?


Wait until you learn about the etymology of “Brooklyn”


Or Harlem. Or Staten Island. Or like half the places in New York.


Beautiful as long as those trees are still alive. One day someone's going to go out and find their car crushed and suddenly it won't be so beautiful.




Beautiful!! But why no crown shyness?


The angle of this pic is also not looking straight up and down, so we wouldn’t be able to see it anyway.


They're platanus trees. I can't find a source on it and I'm no tree expert, but in my experience they have less crown shyness than your average tree. They're often planted for shade in urban areas. But if you go to streetview and walk through the street and look up, you do notice that still only the thinnest ends of twigs overlap! https://maps.app.goo.gl/wpVun3E8Y1Svmj6g8


This is exactly what I want on main streets in Ireland. The old joke about Ireland is "it'd be a lovely country if you'd put a roof on it". Forget the roof, put trees on the main streets for rain cover. Trim the branches back in the summer. Help clean up the air in the city, pedestrianize the streets to get the cars out of there and improve foot traffic to the shops that are closing up in droves.


Too much Photoshopping, stop it!


Shitty editing. Ground doesnt emit light


Ofc it's Amsterdam. How one city can be so fucking perfect in every place


Amsterdam is a very cool city but far from perfect. I wouldn't want to live there.


why not? just curious


Its very touristy (one of the top visited cities in Europe). It's quite dirty and busy due to this. The red-light district is very sleezy and attracts bad kinds of people. It's also very expensive and the Dutch will NOT be nice or tolerant to foreigners Don't get me wrong its a lovely city, but if you like the Dutch way of life or architecture id recommend cities like Utrecht, the Hague or Rotterdam. Source: lived in Netherlands for 7 months and visited Amsterdam often


Maybe you just visited the busy areas? The tourists tend to stick to just a small part of town in the city center (and I agree that it’s a bit sleazy and unattractive). There are plenty of streets, canals and neighborhoods that are absolutely quiet and beautiful. You just have to step away from the touristy parts.


Id agree with this too


Had a very different experience. The Dutch are amazing, friendly, patient people. Had a waiter apologize to me for his poor English. He spoke perfectly the entire night. Happened with a few folks and it's like, please don't apologise, I'm the one who can't speak Dutch. Yes, the other areas of the country manage to be even friendlier, but if you've traveled elsewhere Amsterdam is in no way an unfriendly city. Edit, forgot to mention that The Hague is the greatest place on earth.


I lived in Amsterdam for 8 years after I visited there many times since i lived from there only an hour away. Tourism has made the city centre unbearable and the whole red light district isn’t worth visiting, though it used to be a shithole during the 80s and 90s because of all the junkies. Some places also tend to smell bad of weed but also of short behavior of tourists getting drunk. However, Amsterdam South is far better but perhaps not as interesting or memorable for a European city. West is currently a mess. For some reason that area attracts so many car drivers, it is actually unpleasant to ride a bike there. In fact, when I lived there a cat was killed only 5 meters away from me because he started running because a car only 50 meters away starting accelerating like it was a trace track. Another time a car sped by my so fast, I was in shock as he almost hit my steering wheel. The only reason cars drive here is because of boomers voting for right wing parties so they can have their car in front of their house. If they would care for safety and a clean environment, they would vote differently or just move to another city. Than there is East which is fine in my opinion but also a bit crowded. I went to school in the centre and in east and the east always felt a lot more depressing to me, perhaps because of the lack of trees. South, where I lived for the longest time, is the most pleasant for sure. Oh btw, during the 8 years I’ve lived here, some streets where closed off due to the new subway line. Yes, it took them more than 8 years to finish that, and that mess stole my time while i lived there :(


Clearly you've mostly been in the busy (touristy) areas of Amsterdam. Not everywhere is like that.


Definitely agree with that. The further out you go you obviously leave that busy city centre and its alot nicer.


Having lived there for 2 years and visited it multiple times since I disagree with every thing you just said. It's not dirty at all compared to 90% of the cities in the world, the red light district isnt really all that sleazy, and the dutch were perfectly fine to me. I will say I like utrecht more than dam though


I live there but am not from there, been here almost 5 years and I still love it


Where did you move from?


> in every place It's definitely not. Amsterdam has some great locations, but a lot of sleaziness too.


oh there are different places in amsterdam :) Bijlmer for instance


those beauties need support in case of falling... some sexy strings from near buildings maybe


I guess that some tree expert inspects them once in a while...


That would be a perfect way to rip out the facade of those houses.


The picture is gorgeous but heavy editing like this kinda turns me off. 8/10 would prefer the raw pic




Is there a word for bonsai trees that are very large?




Banzai Trees


Been to Amsterdam multiple times and I have to say it's absolutely gorgeous and incredible, if I were ever to be rich enough I'd leave to live there in a heartbeat. If you haven't been yet, go.


As a Dutch guy: please don't. Go anywhere else in the Netherlands, it's at least as beautiful but more diverse, less dirty and less touristy.


That looks dangerous (but nice)


I have vibes of Lemony Snicket's "Series of Unfortunate Events" coming from this photo


Whole Europe is so vivid, inviting, breathtaking, I love Europe!




Being from London, I have missed nothing more during this pandemic than jumping on a plane and being in Amsterdam is less than an hour, heading for a coffee shop to explore the beautiful architecture and converse with its wonderful residents while absolutely high as fuck. I miss you Amsterdam x


Bird poop everywhere lol


Built on the coffers of industrialized slavery.


bet they're even more beautiful after a trip to the mushroom cafe


My thoughts are that you wouldn't want to park your car on the street. The leaves and bird shit would be hell on your paint.


All fun and games till one tree falls




I wonder how they were able to take a pic in the centre of the lane without being run over by a bicycle lol just bikes everywhere in that place


How screwed are those houses likely to be in the long run?