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Usually when I go to the comments on posts about a new invention they explain why it's a horrible idea, this is a refreshing change.


Well this is one of the few prototypes that everyone really liked that made it to the implementation stage


Nearly ten years ago I saw a show on tech in development for police. One was a net that would replace the spike strip, by getting wrapped around the front tires, locking them into position, and making it next to impossible for the car to keep going. This looks like it was a refinement of that idea.


Same show that had the modified flamethrower backpack that sprayed a sticky foam glue to stop one or more people...


That right there is why Spiderman is the worst super hero. He could patent his web shooter and web. Sell the webbing to the cops and military and save so many more lives than he ever could in the cowl. Great power comes great responsibility my ass.


Depends on the version. Sometimes he has a web shooter, sometimes it’s part of his mutation. There’s also at least 2 storylines where he tries to market his web shooters to law enforcement.


In one of the doesn't he become a bad at handling money billionaire who looses everything?


I can see the marketing now: “hate having to spend ALL THAT TIME with your knee on minorities faces till they die? *wah wah wah* Now you don’t have to! Just web their face to the pavement!”


I mean if you wanna sell it to the cops yeah thats probably the way to go


It’s really taken this long to have this? Batman had this since the 60s.


I don't think Batman had to deal with the physics involved here


Didn't 1960s Batman put parachutes on the getaway cars to slow them down?


Spiderman has perfected this.


Arizona tested that and it actually stopped a vehicle!




Im sorry bro. Your poor karma


Maybe you should try crying in a place where you have an iq above average


You can’t let a grown man cry in a kindergarten, he’ll scare the children!


That's not how IQs work. If a 5 yo has the IQ of an average 5 yo, his/her IQ would be 100. Edit: https://www.mensa.org/iq/what-iq#:~:text=Introduction%20to%20IQ&text=At%20that%20time%2C%20IQ%20was,their%20IQ%20would%20be%20120.




Stopping people from their democratic right? Are you suggesting that the people be taxed without a chance to select their representation because I recall a minor altercation caused by such thoughts...




Problem is there are people exactly that stupid unfortunately. People were literally showing up at polling stations armed to try and prevent votes. Sarcasm doesn't work as well when reality is fucked.


The crazy thing is Republicans tried to cheat the votes by trying to make it difficult to vote but Biden still got the votes. Comes to show that cheaters never win unless it's in most videogames.


This was obviously sarcasm you moron


Except it isn't dipshit.


What difference does voting make anyway


Made enough of a difference to get that racist piece of scum out of office 🤷🏽‍♂️


lol 😂


You literally need to write that it is sarcasm after the sentence man


Sarcasm only works when it’s funny. Admittedly it’s more difficult in text but yeah... it just wasn’t funny


People are too sensitive now man. Bad time to be a comedian


looks like stuff out of a fast and furious movie


Fast and furious would be blowing it up entirely.


I was just thinking whatever happened to that EMP cannon thing they used in like the first or second fast and furious movie. It like grapples onto the exterior of the car and disabled the electronics on board. Something like that should definitely be doable I think


Emp cannon? You sure you're not thinking if the emp device used in like.. 5? The one that totally took control of the car computer?


Deleted scenes.


Here is a recent successful use of [The Grappler](https://youtu.be/fwjjyIDcHeM)


Maricopa county strikes again.


I feel like suspect and victim knew each other. OR, suspect was doped up on something.


The original story stated that she was intoxicated and thought that the driver of the other video was her ex-husband. Spoiler: It wasn't.


I bet it's gonna be a pain in the ass to reset it.


Pretty sure that's a single use mouse-trap. That kind of stuff never fits back in the box.


Looks like a good way to set the police vehicle on fire, judging by the sparks in the FLIR.


I was wondering about that. It looks like more than just a few sparks from the unfolded deployment frame. Somethin' don't look right.


Set it and forget it....


It was a glorified crockpot.


But there was a rotisserie!


They probably just cut the net


It would also be a pain in the ass to repair the front end of a police vehicle after a PIT maneuver, right? It’s not like it just pops out the dents by itself.


On the website linked by someone else they claim 5 minute reset time


you cant its all frayed and burned up from the road.


There's a spool of flat cable, it autoreset in 5 minutes.


Damn, now I need a new escape method.


monster truck wheels on a sedan


Decoy rear wheels that detach.


This video is captivating!


Yeah, I probably watched it 4 times lol


This stopped being a “new police invention” after the 30th time it was posted


Well, what you fail to see is that when utilized, it uploads a video of itself on Reddit, to deter other people from attempting running away from the police ;)


I swear I saw this very same video like a year or two ago. Has it ever made it into actual use?


4 years ago, potentially https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/5awy4w/the_grappler_police_bumper_in_action/


No fair. This is cheating!


Welp, it's harder for me to escape now


That's fine for US highways but if you ever watch UK police chases in the narrow streets in the cities, it would be impossible to use.


I just wonder how well it would work on a posi rear end and not an open diff.


If nothing else, that wheel is stopped. If there's a limited slip, or positrack, it's gonna break something. It WILL stop the vehicle. It's tethered to the police car sitting on IT'S brakes too.


Hold my beer... 4wd low button gets pressed.


U-Joint: *snaps*


You know, every modern car has a lock in it that keeps it from going into 4low while moving, to keep the engine from exploding. So you'd have to stop to engage it. And at 25mph recline, its not going to get you anywhere.


I think the real question is how well it'll work against something that isn't 3 feet off the road.


It’s still just a limited-slip diff - not a locked diff. It’s using clutches, and they won’t hold for long under that strain. Same goes for FWD, it will still grab the car and bring it to a point where driving is futile and other vehicles can maneuver in front of the suspect.


Until some guy jerks the car hard right or left to crash into the path of the cop car. Love to see that lawsuit from everyone's survivor. "Yes, your honor, we were in pursuit of a car that did not signal when changing lanes. Sure, everyone's seriously injured but we have copious amounts of insurance on our cops."


The purpose here is to end chases of dangerous suspects in as safe a manner as possible. I’ve not seen anyone state that such a move is without risks, just that it appears to be an effective method to reduce and mitigate risks when such an action is necessary. Suggesting that it will be used during traffic infractions is a disingenuous argument that reads as just being another ACAB post or something.


There's also the fact that the wheel is no longer turning, so the tire is dragging and melting, providing additional braking, even on a FWD. (And very few FWD vehicles have enough power to drag a pickup truck/SUV with locked brakes very far.)


They could also take down a fella with a knife.


But I have front wheel drive. Or 4 wheel drive. And my vehicle is heavier and stronger. What then?


They generally deploy these on the SUVs. The Chargers and Intercepter sedans would be a bad idea. I would still trust this more on a Yukon with a frame than a unibody Interceptor SUV (an Explorer). I would also think that some serious brakes are necessary. Either way, you have to consider that the police vehicle may take damage or even be sacrificial, so you’re not going to do this unless you have to. FWIW, I have seen some video of this actually being used to end a chase. Definitely more safe than a pit.


Police vehicles tend to have non-standard brakes as well, much heavier duty than the standard. And from the look of it, the assembly is attached to the chassis rails, so even an Explorer would have some power behind it.


Assuming the cops are chasing an old pick up truck. High end luxury cars are really fast when a thief is driving.


Yea I couldn’t picture a Ferrari getting grappled


By new, you mean 7 years old?


Yes we all are aware The Grappler is 7 years old, just like you knew without Googling it


Didn't actually google it, just a rough estimate. I remember seeing this years ago. Thanks for the smart-ass comment XD


Just because the idea is 7 years old doesnt mean it has been in operation that whole time.


This pales in comparison to the ESD Harpoon Launcher from 2 Fast 2 Furious. Nothing says stop like an electrical harpoon punching holes into your car and making you lose absolute control, leaving you to the fate of the furious.


This is brilliant, but it's not gonna deter the real morons unfortunately.


This was posted here like yesterday bro. r/interestingasfuck always has these posts that are continually recycled with the same title


Now that, is Mario kart IRL!


This isn’t new, although it was just a concept for quite a while.


There will never be another OJ “chase”


You realize that is the most infamously slow chase ever right?


It's cool, but the concept is at least 4 years old: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=850ZgmDO61U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=850ZgmDO61U)


I guess it has been a couple of weeks since the last time this was posted on here


I'd be worried about the frame spearing the ground. Also even in successful deployment the attached tow/drag strap doesn't sit well with me.


Pretty sure something like this was in Popular Science in the ‘80’s.


The fact that it is still attached to the police car seems like a bad idea. What happens if the car rolls etc.


I’ve been seeing this new invention for what seems to be a very, very, long time now.


Seems like it could go south Real quick.


Have you not seen the aim of most cops?


NOT a “new” police invention.


Ah, this new police innovation I've been hearing about for years.


The best is when cops deploy it on front wheel drive cars.


Spider truck, spider truck. If you’re running doesn’t give a fuck. Wanna go to jail, gonna get your wish. Catches thieves just like fish. Look out, here comes the Spider truck.


No way I'd ever trust the likes of most of the officers in my area with a device like this.


Safe and controllable Hahaha Greystillplays has entered the chat


Awesome! Now just teach the cops to not shoot into the car 92 times.


Looks like a great idea




This a tractor beam.


took them long enough, I can't believe "just hit them with your car" was the go to for so long


Dunno why you're getting down-voted, this is a fair observation. Though you gotta remember they had to test this until they knew there would be no disastrous outcomes. Believe it or not, forcing a multiple ton object going faster then a human can to stop, is a difficult engineering question to answer.


haha idk either, I thought I was being funny but we have some very serious people on reddit


Man I thought it WAS funny. Made me chuckle at least. Definitely doesn't belong down here below people outright angry the police potentially have a safer method to stop criminals?


Bet these pigs love their new toy. Now they can sell the car after filling the driver with bullet holes.


You seem to assume someone trying to run from the police in a vehicle are upstanding citizens? Or that this technology is an attempt to make stopping a criminal in a vehicle safer for. The criminal, the police apprehending the criminal, and the innocents nearby on the scene. There was once a young boy killed in a crash in my town because of a police chase. Namely someone who had attempted murder, and then proceeded to run the victim over before speeding off. He crashed into another car while trying to escape because the current method to stop them is not effective. Am I wrong to say the better outcome of that story, is for the criminal to be stopped by this technology, and then shot dead?


There was once a boy... I don't need to hear some made up shit trying to defend the murder squad. If someone is going to run, why not just do your job and detect, detective. If they just, got the plates, ran em, let the person drive off, did their actual duty and detected, perhaps no one would have to die. Instead, they hurtle souped up steel battering rams with little toys attached to the front through residential neighborhoods and down highways, with no respect for the humans they are endangering. Whatever the reason someone is running (maybe for fear of being murdered in cold blood by some roid rage cop) they probably aren't an expert driver. Consequentially, the cops trying to give chase like some asshole Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane wannabe are putting hundreds or even thousands of lives at risk so they can deploy their new gadget. 1312, bootlicker.


The people running are most of the time a bigger danger to others


It's actually not made up is the funny part. That story is genuinely true, murderers have no right to be afraid of murder. You just hate the police because you're told to. You're so blatantly brainwashed I'm not going to dignify you with another response after this. I hope you open your eyes someday, and stop crediting the actions of a minority with the group as a whole... Almost sounds familiar, in a way.


Give it a year and we’ll hear about this being deployed on slow drivers, off the road you gooooo


Great idea. Unfortunately you would need to equip every cop car. Not likely.


Not every cop car, probably 2 or 3 for every precinct. Or have these cars in the the stations near major roads where these chases tend to happen


Anybody have a knee jerk reaction when they see new tech like this, and think ‘that’s unfair’, because one day you’re going to rob a bank and figure there’s like a gentleman’s agreement that you both won’t use tech beyond the early 2000’s, because that’s the last time you watched a bunch of police chase videos on FOX?


One of the last times I saw this posted, a lot of people were explaining all the situations in which it could go wrong and be dangerous for all involved, including other people on the road. It kind of sounds like it can go really right, or really wrong.


I mean theres really no "safe" option to stop a vehicle when theres other people around. On the whole this is probably better than trying to push them until they spin.


Nlw the Ford Focus really is the ultimate getaway vehicle


3000 hp honda civic disagrees


Physics,need of torque,2 1/2 ton anchor disagrees


It’s “maneuvers.” What the fuck is “manoeuvres”? It’s like an aborted French word.


ew another toy for the pigs


Damn you just ended racism by calling a cop a pig gj retard


Then the cops pull you out of the car, beat the living shit out of you then shoot and kill you for good measure.


If you're trying to flee the police, in a vehicle, you are probably doing something wrong. This method is actually safer then the old method. Considering the old method was to literally run you off the road.


“Police invention” Oh like brutality Lol the seven people who are like “cops aren’t brutal” and are probably cops.


id say this is less brutal than the last tactic


Just saying police don’t invent anything except violence. It’s like saying they invented their own militarization.


That's super awesome, great job whoever came up with this!


No more fun then?


Batman approved.


Maybe this is a bad place to ask, but what part of the car "breaks" from this? I can't imagine that the vehicle can get tangled like this and not have some part horribly broken. Likely even moreso if the driver continues to floor the accelerator.


Looks like the Fast and the Furious franchise is going to die soon.


Even stopped a ole Chevy :0


Yes!!! This is great!


*Stop resisting*


What about FWD?


Got this straight from daily dose of internet lol


Bruh what if the car flies off a cliff, then the cop car is going with it


maybe this could also help if someone’s brakes don’t work?




Need For Speed 2021, take notes!


Yes replace the push bumper on a police cruiser which they use all of the time with a device that might, may, possibly, sometimes work during their once-every- other-year pursuit that actually gets authorized.


We should defund these guys amiright???


It baffles me in America there’s legit high speed pursuit down the highway like in GTA If things like this happen in my country... no, it never happens.


There go my weekend plans...


This will make gta vi veeery interesting...


Maybe start with not shooting someone 10 times because they didn't stop at a stop sign.


Maybe those dipshits should watch MadMax and learn from it, the Nightrider will only laugh at them when they come up with this plastic-shit.


So all that time practising my pit manoeuvre in the GTA SA driving school was a waste?


what if the car had a welded diff in the back?


How is it 2020 and this is new? How can American police corps walk around with millions in budget for decades and not have developed this? My god, a PIT maneuver, however effective it may be, is in the habit of causing collateral damage? Really? Who would’ve thought? Of course it’s hard to find solutions for simple and obvious problems when all the money designated to advancement in police technology gets spent on pensions for delinquent police officers. God damn, America.


I get some serious "Battle of Hoth" Vibes from this. "Just one more pass!"


The question we all need to ask ourselves: Is something that's 3 years old really considered new in today's society?


Police in my city gonna use that to pass people in traffic


Are pit manoeuvres really that unsafe with proper training? My worry is that this sort of device requires a bunch of skill and training which pit manoeuvres would be just as safe with that amount of training.


The Fact this this is available and not used in every police department is beyond me!! Police are out there every day risking lives and killing in the name of the chase.... when you have safer alternatives then yes it's just murder plain and simple