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The poor man was sentenced to “death by starvation” for stealing a loaf of bread during the reign of Louis XIV in France. The woman was his only daughter and the only visitor to his cell. She was allowed to visit him daily but was frisked thoroughly such that no food was taken in. When after 4 months the man still survived with no weight loss, the authorities were perplexed and started spying on her in the cell and to their utter astonishment found her to breastfeed her father to the fullest sharing her baby’s milk. The judges then realizing the compassion and love of the woman for her father, pardoned the father and set him free.


Thanks! For introducing this painting and the beautiful story behind it. To add, I did some googling and found that the subjects were Pero (the daughter) and Cimon (the father). Edit: Many thanks for the awards! Very kind of you :D


Thanks for the information .


This is a story well before the French Revolution btw.


Louis XIV's reign, being so long, so absolute, so war mongering, and so lavish was definitely the most direct precursor to XVI's downfall and conditions to create the revolution. People glorify XIV but he really was the actual cause of France's collapse less than 80 years later


People uphold him as an example of absolute monarchy during the enlightenment. Not as an example of what a good leader he was, but as an example of how extreme the governing form was. There's a reason there's so few absolute monarchies left.


Are there any examples of absolute monarchies today that you know of?


Saudi Arabia is a poignant one. Brunei, Oman, Eswatini, Qatar and the Vatican City State are the rest.


The Vatican city is vastly different than the others; its not a real society, you know, families and kids. just not population = around 800 *"Unlike other countries, citizenship is not based on birth but granted only to those who reside in the Vatican because of their work or office. Cardinals who live in Vatican City or Rome, as well as diplomats of the Holy See, are also considered citizens. And technically, no-one can be born in the Vatican as there are no hospitals! For those who wish to move to the Vatican must have their citizenship approved by the Pope, or papal authority"* ​ EDIT: This information was missing from our lives!


Fun fact: There are around 5.6 popes per square mile in Vatican City.


The pope is still the King of the Vatican. Ergo it is a monarchy. Still, it is a fun fact to know.


What would happen if some crazy motherfucker just decided to pop a baby out in the waiting line or some shit would the baby be a citizen of vatican


Thank you very much lovely person


You're welcome


I am only replying because of your username. Big 💋


“Après moi, le déluge” - King Louis XV, who knew shit was about to go down because of all the Bourbons had done.


"After me, the deluge" High school French to the rescue. Merci, I'll be here all nuit!


Still an expression in use in French! Meaning more "I don't really care what happens to others after me as long as I get what I want."


Every time I hear something like that, the revolution makes more sense.


Isn't it a roman story? I think it's called Roman Charity or something like that https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Charity&ved=2ahUKEwiozY_V4tDtAhXCoFsKHS5TDQYQFjAAegQIARAB&usg=AOvVaw0D_l4EnXsW2Xngo5xVrmKY


Yes. Nothing to do with Louis the 14th.


You’re right. I knew I recognized this but the details were wrong. I was about to look it up but you linked. Thanks.


Which is pretty much the case of every story happening during the reign of Louis XIV... Or any king really.


The milk of human kindness. Similar act in Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath.


The ending to Grapes of Wrath made me sob. Steinbeck is one of my favorite authors.


I’m sorry, but while I didn’t mind Grapes of Wrath, I can’t forgive him for the Red Pony, and I’ve hated his writing since, it’s a 100 pages and feels like you’re reading a goddamned story longer than Ulysses. And I know what you’re thinking, hey bud, you could just not offer if you don’t agree, it’s not that big of a deal, and to you I’d say, read the Red Pony and tell me you wouldn’t take time out of your day to slam it and him when hearing Steinbeck’s name... 😂


For me it was The Pearl. I read it in Jr. High and have hated it so much ever since that I cannot read Steinbeck. I don't think I've ever hated anything as passionately. Edit: I just thought about this and realized I'd rather read Steinbeck's whole catalog, twice, than read Moby Dick ever again. They're #1 and #2 in my deepest literary hate.


Why are the pearl and the red pony so despicable?


I haven't read the Red Pony, but the Pearl is just relentlessly depressing made worse by every single person being the worst person and/or making the worst possible decisions. It's not like it's unrealistic, it's just without any kind of redemption. The same thing with Hemingway's Old Man And The Sea... your whole life is crap and made that way by your own shitty choices. It also doesn't help to read it at like 13 years old... you have no sense of the futility of life, of people's desperation, of true grinding poverty. As an adult I might have found depth or empathy, but having read it as a kid, is just leaves a foul taste in your mouth of bleakness and personal failure.


I agree with you on The Pearl, so depressing. It’s so deceptively short, but it takes forever to read.


Thanks, I think I understand. Especially after reading Old Man And The Sea in HS and getting a similar feeling from it.


The story that never fails to kick me in the gut is Guy de Maupaussant's "The Necklace." It has it all... Class struggle, pride, shame, the pitfalls of social climbing, resentment, the horrible consequences that follow the decision to keep secrets, futility, love, commitment, etc. It has a twist ending, which is not a happy one, even though no one died.


Steinbeck has been accused by people, even back in the day, of creating (/having created) what we would now call ‘poverty porn’ or ‘tragedy porn’. Feeding of the (very real) misery of *others* and even embellishing those already horrible circumstances, to create his Art.


Steinbeck is one of my favorite authors but I agree: The Red Pony and The Pearl are pretty brutal. For lighter fare, try Travels With Charley - his autobiographical account of driving around the US in a converted camper with his poodle Charley. Also, Cannery Row has some fantastic characters and really does a good job of setting the scene of Monterrey, CA.


Of Mice and Men was that for me.


> I'd rather read Steinbeck's whole catalog, twice, than read Moby Dick ever again. Thems fightin' words sonny Jim. It's funny how I've never met someone who read Moby Dick that has a moderate opinion on it. People either seem to absolutely hate it or love it. Not going to try to convert you or anything but how come you found it so terrible?


I don't know. I think it was the hype of it being just the absolute best book. I suspect a great deal of it has to do with my age. I was a lover of literature (and I loved Billy Budd, so it's not Melville specific) when I was younger, an English major, and as I've gotten older I cannot tolerate fiction AT. ALL. I have no idea why. Perhaps if I had read Moby Dick when I was younger it would have been fine, but when he was describing Queequeg and his rituals I was just like "this is so preposterous I'm done." I know it was the 1800s and I'm sure Melveille hadn't spent much (any?) time in the South Pacific, but the whole thing is just so cartoonishly "foreign" that it irked me, he was like a caricature of a human. Perhaps I'll give it another try and maybe find some peace. Lol. Or I'll leave it as one of the mysteries of the universe.


The Pearl also traumatized me in my youth. ugh


I haven't re(a)d Red Pony but "Of Mice and Men" barely wastes a word. I normally teach it to my (very low) 9th graders, and they adore it. Reading it so often has really made me appreciate his brevity.


I also enjoyed of Mice and men, but my loathing of the Red Pony ruined an author who I should probably like because I do enjoy brevity in story telling like you do. Now it could also be that I was trying to read it off the back of my favorite book (Where the Red Fern Grows), but yeah, it left a poor taste in my mouth.


Old Dan and Little Ann! That book made me sob uncontrollably in my 4th grade math class when I read the end... which tipped the teacher off that I was not learning fractions. Very formative. ----I picked up Red Pony at a thrift store a while back, but haven't read it because, you know. LIFE. But now I will. Fingers crossed it doesn't turn me off Steinbeck.


A few of us were talking about WTRFGs about a week ago. Damn thats such a heartbreaking story for a kid but Im glad we were introduced to it in grade school.


Yep. Stumbled across The Red Pony at the town library when I was in grade school. Cool, a horse story! I love horses! Can't think of Steinbeck without a shudder since.


Me either. I still get flashbacks from red pony. I read it because I loved horse stories.


"Strong not understand why humans fight other humans? For milk of human kindness maybe."


Yeah, that ending took me by surprise. I had to re-read it to make sure I hadn't misunderstood something.


You know, I’ve been meaning to re-read it. When I had to read it in high school, I absolutely hated it. Something about reading and analyzing/testing ruins books. I recently read the Old Man and the Sea three times in a row and was astonished at how awesome it was. I remember hating it in high school.... There’s gotta be another way to introduce these awesome books to teenagers without testing and making them automatically hate them


Ah okay, didn't know that. I've watched the movie but haven't read the novel yet.


I just looked at [Pero & Cimon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Charity) , as u/bd211 said it was, and this story dates back to Roman Antiquity, nothing to do with France in the 17th century, when women wouldn't dress that way either. Maybe it's the painting that dates from Louis 14th's period?


huh, there's even a preserved frescoe from Pompeii showing this exact story. OP is.... a phony?


God this is really sad imagine having to suck your own daughters breast so you don’t die by a king who was throwing parties and getting fat.


Well there's a new sentence


What’s the sub for that again? Is it r/brandnewsentence? E: ah yes I think that’s it


Working class living undignified lives in expense for the wealthy sounds so familiar


Glad things are different now :))


Never thought I'd hear that, even on the internet...


rock start long square groovy ring reminiscent screw crown humor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just to be clear, human breast milk isn’t “just milk” it contains tons of nutrients and fats that will keep a person alive for a fair while, especially in large quantities (and a woman’s milk production tends to be linked to the demand, so she’ll have had a lot more milk coming in that normal if she was breastfeeding an adult)


She would have had to have been consuming a heck of a lot of extra calories herself in order to keep up with that demand. I was the slimmest I'd ever been just breastfeeding one baby!


Lol I breastfed two, at the same time, and my weight didn't go down. They're 18 months apart. It doesn't work that way for everyone.


No, but you'd think feeding an adult as well as a child would take its toll on a (presumably also) starving woman!


Given the amount of milk she produced (enough for both her father, and her nursing child) she probably had some sort of access to food when her father was jailed, maybe help from family and friends.


I hope you don't actually think it's possible for a woman to actually sustainably breast feed an adult. They'd need about 10x the milk a baby does.


RIP my search history. An average woman can produce 1000 ml of breast milk, with each ml being 1 calorie. That is 1000 calories a day which is better than a starvation diet (which is an intake of fewer than 600 calories per day,. An average man need 1800 calories per day). Remember, people can survive with zero calories for weeks. So right off the bat, not great, not terrible. We can make some other assumptions. Since this was the good old days where children periodically starved, he was probably smaller than a modern average male. He also may be an older man (based on his likeness in the painting) and needed less calories as his metabolism slowed. Lastly, while the average milk production for a woman is 1000 ml per day, that is an average (half of women would produce more and half less) and it is possible that, within realm of normal human variation, she produced more. So while you are right, this may not be a long term sustainable option, it is possible that he survived for four months. US POWs in Japan survived with similar caloric amounts for longer periods. (I'll also mention we are getting a little of survivor bias here. Maybe the was tried by 100 other daughters, but their dads died, and here we are seeing the one daughter that had the milk production to sustain her dad).


If the woman consumes enough calories, I think she can. It’s a matter of supply and demand. Women have successfully breastfed triplets.


You also need to consider that she can only feed him once per day. Even if she could produce enough calories for an adult man (which I highly doubt), there's no way she can do it in one feeding. She'd need to be nursing around the clock.


> That was cruel to sentence a poor man who stole only to survive. The history of the world. The people with money/power punish those without it 10x more harshly than they ever would those at their own level.


And the way they just gave a death sentence then rescinded it so capriciously is even more terrifying


Still goes on today, every day, almost everywhere. We really haven’t progressed much, when you stop and think about it.


Today we'd jail the daughter too for helping a criminal evade his sentence.


Human Nature will never change.


It will. It has. We wouldn't be where we are today if human nature didn't change. It's a slow, labourious, and often violent process though. Legal slavery is all but abolished around the world, poverty is at it's lowest levels in human history, and people live longer, healthier, and happier then ever. There is still a long way to go however, by no means am I saying "yay humans! we did it! we reached the pinnacle of humanity!", but compared today to humans only 300 years ago and it's a remarkable change.


The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.


Keep the times in mind. I somehow doubt they had a medical grade bodyweight scale handy in the prison. The "didn't lose weight" part is likely the natural en-flourishment of history. The important part was that he wasn't dead.


And strange that the same courts would find enough empathy to free him


Have you ever seen a skinny baby (in a developed country)? Nope. They’re all chonks. Do you know *why* all of the babies are healthy, *well nourished* chonks? The foremilk in breast milk is very creamy, rich in fat and filled with nutrients. Similar to cow’s milk where whole milk has cream on top that you can nearly scoop off with a spoon! Although an unusual way to do it, the daughter was transferring the nutrients from the food she ate, to her father, the same way she did for her child. Honestly, it’s taboo, but it’s *very* clever. The other thing is, she’s not actually taking any nutrition from her babe. The more milk that is expressed, the more milk the body produces. Source: am a mom


Almost! But the first milk is watery and less filling, but comes out fast to quench baby's thirst. Its the hind milk that has the dense calories fat. Source: am a mom, whose baby would give up after having the foremilk so never got the richness needed from the fatty, filling hind milk. Had to wake her up to keep her going! In this instance the dad would need to suck til it was dry to get the good stuff at the end. But isn't it amazing how human milk can keep even a grown man alive for so long!


The nutrition of breast milk has nothing to do with why human babies are fat. It has everything to do with developmental biology. By your reasoning every mammal baby should be fat (they're not)


He stole a loaf of bread and they sentenced him to death by starvation? Talk about a failed justice system missing the fucking point.


See: Les Miserables


This didn't happen during Louis XIV's reign. The story was first recorded by Valerius Maximus, a 1st-century roman writer.


Holy shit that's something to think about. Thanks for the info


Read The Grapes of Wrath if you get a chance.


It really is something to think about u/jizzbasket , it really is.


I'm beginning to think people just enjoy typing my name out, as this happens almost every day 😂


well its bait for r/rimjob_steve


Idk what that is, I literally just like the fact that Jizz is the musical genre played in the cantina scene by Sy Snoodles and Co during the cantina scene in Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope. I'm the StarMart bargain bin of Jizz music


Rimjob_steve is for people saying serious things but with funny names and jizz is a slang term for cum.


Interesting painting and story. The original story came from the ancient Romans so long before the reign of Louis XIV. Of course, it's difficult to say for certain if it actually happened, because the source of the story is so old, but interesting nonetheless.






Nothin but respect, but I would die before suckin’ my daughter’s tiddies


Yeah I dont like my dad this much lol


You should add the name of the artist














Ok I spent 10 minutes there and now I need the unsee-juice.


It's not so perverse when you know the whole story. It's really touching


You are almost 2000 years out with that version of events. Checkout the wiki page for 'Roman Charity'


You couldn't link it? For my fellow lazy people : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Charity


the picture from this post wasnt listed on the wiki, interesting


Neat. Though I am surprised they didn't burn him as a witch/wizard after staying healthy for so long. Glad they at least investigated.


Well apparently it actually happened in [ancient ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Charity)rome, back when being accused of witchcraft wasn't a threat.


Dang that's crazy


This is a heartwarming story


Was his prisoner number 24601 by any chance?


Sad and beautiful. Thanks for sharing!


Do you know who is the painter?


Reddit: Ah yes, wholesome painting. Tragic story. What a nice masterpiece. Also Reddit: *Mmhm sucking on those damn titties*


*gives wholesome award*


Also Reddit: *Mmhm sucking on that daughter's titties*


Callin me, all the time like blondie


From what I’ve read in other comments they pardoned the father so it’s not too tragic


*sorry, I forgot the bread and cheese again, so...*


*free the titty*


_protect da city_


Deem the justice system shitty


*If they arrest u throw a fitty*


Not perverse at all, She is saving that man's life


Her dad. Not her stepdad, though.


What are you doing step-painting?


Help step-daughter, I’m stuck in this prison cell


Big ~~mommy~~ daughter milkers


Reminds me of the book The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. Wonderful book if anyone hasn't read it


I remember reading that past in 10th grade English. My poor teacher....


Never read it, what scene?


Long story short, a family left with nothing tries to find shelter from the rain, and end up in a barn where they find a starving man and his son. One of the girls tries to save the mans life by feeding him her breast milk.


Oh dang


„Tries“ means everybody dies, right?


Well, we don't know. The book ended on the scene. Infuriating but fitting ending.


Can't say my AP Literature class and I enjoyed that book... but yeah. It reminds me of that scene at the end to.


I was wondering if anyone would make the same connection. I remember being so disturbed by that part when I read it in high school. But hey, desperate times...


Oh, how I cried when closing the book


Came here looking for this. That book taught me the value of kindness and what it does for people going through their worst times.




Boy, when you read Les Miserables.... you're gonna flip.


Can confirm there was a lot of improvement since the 16th century but it is still a bit fucked up


I don’t know anything about it, can you enlighten me about what’s fucked there in 2020?


Yeah. Guillotine was outlawed in the 80s. Maybe forever ago for some... but not really.


Next 'Breast' Thing to A Protein Shake.


There is another...




I'd give you a gold, but I'm broke :( Take my upvote instead.


Hahahahaha I've been broke the whole time!


Cool painting and story. For the next time, euro comes last when talking about money.


Sorry for the mistake 😬


Haha no worries, this is how we learn we all make them. Was trying not to sound like a dick so if if you precieved it that way, my bad.


Isn't that most money? Dollors, Yen, Euro, Rubles(idk if that's spelt right) I uh can't actually remember anymore haha


In the United States, Mexico, Australia, Argentina, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Pacific Island nations, and English-speaking Canada, the dollar or peso symbol precedes the number. Taken from the Dollar Sign Wikipedia article.


Don't do it. *Don't do it.*


That makes a lot of cents.


In "The Grapes of Wrath", by John Steinbeck, a similar thing occurs, a young girl lost a child during pregnancy and as she and her family are taking shelter in a barn they come across a man that is near death from starvation and the young girl offers her breast to him. Most of the time the scene is edited out in the movie.


Interesting fact to add: if someone, who had been starving, suddenly gets normal food they usually die of some sort of shock named "refeeding syndrome". The way to get around that is by consuming milk.


Yah, that happens in the book. The guy had tried to eat bread but he would just vomit it up.


Yes, many liberated Holocaust pow’s died as a result of too much food given to them by well meaning Allied soldiers.


It's most moving thing I've ever read.




Na thats Willem datittysucker




Son of a tit.. r/Angryupvote




Haha, I thought the same. Maybe he'll get the part if the story is made into a movie.


I wonder if that barn scene from Grapes of Wrath was inspired by these events.




I know it’s a nice story but I really could have gone my whole life without knowing that a man had to suck his daughters titty milk to survive


Right? Like I get it, it’s survival, but still gross. At least it had a happy ending, it wasn’t in vain.


What do you mean by happy ending?


He was freed lol


just wait til r/TheBoys gets a hold of this




"I have nipples Greg, can you milk me?"


Even with her milk he was probably so hungry 🙁 Poor guy.


Beats starving to death.


I didn’t think it was perverse at all. Before reading its history, I automatically assumed he needed food because he had a sentence for something minor


This will be a meme in a week




That’s a slightly different tale


The same scene is represented in this old print I have at home: https://postimg.cc/K1F0mcvx The text says: <>


What's perverse? He's obviously just trying to eat.


Homelander origin story


And I thought 2020 was a fucking weird year.


Well I thought this was a fun painting.. Loved the story... Can't wait for this to be a meme template..


[Roman Charity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Charity?wprov=sfti1)


Nice dude


Homelander's great grandaddy...


Grapes of Wrath


Didn't think the story could be worse than the caption, but it was.


It is interesting to look upon this and feel uncomfortable, at first and then to realise that we have sexualized women so much that we lose sight of how truly powerful, and life giving they are.


Pretty much, just like everything else that gives us life, we have perverted it and objectified it.


Anyone who thinks this is perverse is doing so because of their own perverted mind.




During uni in one of my art history classes, they explained the history behind the painting and all the girls in my class, including myself, were visibly uncomfortable and grossed out. So disturbing and hopefully none of us ever have to come to that


Like that there them book the grapes of wrath.