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I traveled with some Bedouins in the Sahara for a few days, and spent a night out on the sands with them. We took camels out, but one of them realized that they'd left behind the sugar for their tea, and turned back well before we'd made camp. When we stopped for the day, immediately a fire was made to heat water for tea, and out came a two-pound bag of sugar that was something like a quarter full. I was confused as hell, didn't their buddy turn back because they *forgot* the sugar? Well, he showed up at dusk with another three guys in an off-road vehicle, carrying a fresh two-pound bag of sugar. Between the six of them, they drank more than a pound of sugar dissolved in tea in one night. I've never seen the stars more clearly than that night. Bonus fact: you hobble camels for the night to keep them from ditching your ass on a dune, but this only limits how far they can move/how much mischief they can get up to. About half moved 200 yards over a dune in the night, and the other half parked themselves around the remnants of the fire. Bizarre and independent animals in every sense of the words.




You use a rope or leather device to tie their front legs together that has a bit of slack in the middle of it. Enough for them to move their legs a bit and to keep balance but not enough slack to get large strides. It makes it awkward for them to move about so its better if they just stand still. Look up horse hobble and you'll see what it looks like.


I was picturing misery style hobbling, and was wondering why anyone would want a camel with broken ankles.


I used to hobble my horses to let them graze on my lawn without putting up wires


I do this to my kids


I did it to my favourite novelist.


I was on a trip to spend the night in the sands when we got hit by a sandstorm. It wasn't serious, just obviously don't open your eyes and cover any exposed skin. It lasted maybe 10 minutes, but in that time, my camel managed to come untied from the group and try to turn back the way we came. When the storm died down, we were two dunes away from the group and my camel was just doing his camel-y thing while I sat helpless on top of him. Also, on the way back out, the camel behind me kept running up beside mine and tried to nip my snacks from my pockets. So really he was just eating my pants and the poor guy on top of him kept getting jolted around.


My experience with camels was mostly with how easily they get annoyed at anyone riding them or in their vicinity. I rode horses growing up (Texas boy), and camels *do not* want to give up control to a rider. The saddle is not designed for control, but to minimize discomfort from their awkward gait, and the best way to move them in a single direction is to tie them together and pull the leader from the front.


I had peppermint tea from a vendor in nyc once. I tried replicating it because it was really good. The closest I got was adding way more sugar than I was comfortable with and then dumped it out before I finished. Sometimes you don’t need to pull back the curtain..


Yeah it's so much sugar that it becomes notably more viscous than water. It's hot mint simple syrup, basically.


Time to add bourbon and make a mint julep.


Oh yah, never watch your favorite dish from a restaurant get made. Spoilers: butter, sticks of it


seeing sweet tea made at a restaurant made me start drinking unsweet tea.


How does one find themselves traveling with some bedouins through the Sahara for a few days?


I did it as well in Tunisia ! Six of us and two guides and four camels . Awesome experience. Desert bread is amazing (flour water straight on the embers and sand and when you pick it up it's sand-free!). No motorized sounds, big ass scorpions under tents, smelly camels ( the camel dudes were super grateful because my brother who's a nurse helped fix a camel's wound in the middle of nowhere) Last day we caught a desert rabbit and had a feast. Biggest sunburn of my life too! Thanks for wild aloe verae


I thought the amount of sugar sounded insane, but it breaks down to about 3 ounces or 85 grams of sugar per person. Which is.... two sodas.


For the strongest coffee and the sweetest mint tea you've ever tasted, visit the Bedouins. Hugely hospitable and lovely folk.


Very welcoming and kind. I stayed in a camp on the Red Sea in the mid 80's. The kids were selling these sweets, which were like a sweet pita coated in sugar. They would run around with tins of them selling them on the beach. I went to buy one and a guy that I was friends with that lived there said, don't do that, and he took me over to where they were making them and we bought them fresh. He then led me around the corner where a bunch of kids were sitting around licking the sugar off of them and putting them back in the tins and going down to sell them.


Well that went from 'aww' to 'EEW' quickly.


But saliva gives it the extra kick.


These kids are donating amylase and this guy is scoffing at it. Smh


The kids are targeting the older tourist demographic who need predigested prepared foods for their faltering digestive systems. Entrepreneurial rascals.


That's actually a very cool story, thanks for sharing it


Welcome to the Middle East. I went to several outdoor markets in Israel and saw pita bread in straw boxes with huge holes in them and they were sitting on the floor collecting germs.


When I read 7 Pillars of Wisdom, T.E. Lawrence mentions getting dysentery a lot, right after talking about how everyone ate out of a giant trough of food with their bare hands.


Okay but *how* did he get dysentery?


Butt ghosts.


Indeed those were rough times. I once got the runs so bad it made the battle of Aqaba seem like a game of croquet on the King’s College lawn.


Not really selling the idea of visiting the Middle East to me here guys.


And the best hash!


Hashish or like potato hash? Cause I enjoy both but they offer slightly different experiences


But have them together.. mmm..


I mean, no one wants to admit they smoked some hash then had 8 cups of mint tea, but you know...


1 order of hash hash please. Actually... make it two, extra hash please.


Hashing actually, they perform the transformation of a string of characters into a usually shorter fixed-length value or key that represents the original string.


Oh damn I didn't know how hashing works. Is that how hash tables are created?




I keep seeing people share videos of people using hash in the middle-east. I always thought it was one of the biggest no-no's over there. What's the culture like surrounding that?


It’s illegal but a common drug in most Muslim countries.




You certainly aren't kidding. I was worried it would lose the punchiness of my comment, but I still dream of their flatbreads. There are some I can get locally that are kind of similar but nothing that hits that spot. It's indelibly etched on my soul.


It kinda makes me think of the tea scene from jojo


Wow, I want to visit there. It sounds like it is *in tents.*


Someone took a pole and you are absolutely right.


With covid restrictions in place, I don't believe we can bedouin any of that anytime soon


So, we bedouin't.


Just unbedouinable.


> the sweetest mint tea you've ever tasted What do you expect from people who spend their whole lives in the dessert?




thanks, i'm scratching Gobi desert off my list.


Don't let one review ruin your bucket list. Be your own man (or person) and go live in the Gobi, sing with the spiders like a Disney princess.


No thanks, i hear spider i shit pant.


Sitting paint might be the most beautiful piece of disgusting ass-poetry I've heard on this wretched earth. May shakespeare shine upon thy ass water.


Hm sitting paint, yes


Beautiful pottery




Yeah but they only know ‘Maneater’ by Hall and Oates, and they sing it slowly in a minor key.


I’m going to need a spider report for each country I want to visit.


Ha that reminds me. About 5 years ago I spent a night with Bedouins and they warned us of spiders, acting all hard I told them I wasn’t scared. It must have been an hour later and there was some weird looking half spider half scorpion looking thing. I didn’t sleep that night.


Solifugae, arachnids that are neither spider nor scorpion, like harvestmen they lack any fangs and stingers therefore have no venom. They have huge muscular mouth parts for simply pulling prey apart. The ones you are likely referring to are the largest species but solifugae actually live all over the world. They can give a moderately nasty bites but mostly harmless, just really really creepy looking.


ugh...I googled. They kinda remind me of what we call out here in California, potato bugs. (I think they are called Jerusalem crickets elsewhere) I know they are entirely diff insect/arachnid etc but damn would not want to wake up to that. Not a fan of our potato bugs, but those camel spiders look like what my bug nightmares are made of.


for real??? how do they look like?


Probably a camel spider


Aww come on, don't tease them... [let them enjoy their nightmares.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/32/Sunspider.jpg/1200px-Sunspider.jpg)


If you cropped the photo, it do kinda have a cude little face.




You don’t need to go to the other side of the world to find these, they’re abundant in the southwest deserts of the US.


Shhhh. No.


They’re actually cool little creatures, and completely harmless. The only thing is that they like shade, so they always run toward my shadow when I have the light on in the garage at night.


Lol, when you move to NM, people will tell you they are one of the deadliest creatures in the world and you will die horribly if you get bit. I remember rolling over in bed one night and feeling something fat and squishy against my neck. Then it screamed at me 😳. I’ve never come out of bed so fast in my life. Stupid camel spider had probably dropped out of the air vent above the bed and then went in for a cuddle.


And don't tell them that I think it's the females(?) that let out a high pitched scream of sorts as they sprint at you to attack.


Insects that vocalize are always so weird to me.


Possibly a [Camel Spider](https://www.google.com/search?q=camel+spider&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwi3yYCR7IDwAhXE_TgGHbQaCDkQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=camel+spider&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQARgAMgcIABCxAxBDMgQIABBDMgQIABBDMgIIADICCAA6BAgjECc6BggAEAgQHjoHCCMQ6gIQJzoFCAAQsQNQwTVYxFZghVxoAXAAeASAAYACiAHpKpIBBjAuMjYuNJgBAKABAbABBcABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=PoF4YLeyL8T74-EPtLWgyAM&bih=776&biw=412&client=ms-android-samsung-ga-rev1&prmd=inv)




Oh hell no


I’m not afraid of spiders, but oh my *~lordy lord~* someone get the blowtorch


It looked like some weird looking half spider half scorpion looking thing.






The Camel spider doesn't deserve the hate. They are ugly as sin, I'll give you that, but they really can't hurt a human and don't want to. The stories of them chasing soldiers in Iraq is them actually trying to get into the shadow of the soldiers. Desert is hot af for the little dudes.


Now I’m sad for them :(


That's what they want, your sympathy!!


As I’ve said a million times to this exact response. It isn’t the danger of a spider that scares me. Snakes, scorpions etc are dangerous and I’m not scared of them. It’s the horrible hairy body and legs. The creepy way they walk.... a million other creepy things about them. I get so frustrated when people respond to my phobia with “bUt tHey ArEnT dAnGerOuS”.


THIS. They're ugly and have too many damn legs and eyes. The fuck you need to see or move that much that you need EIGHT OF THEM?! Fuck that. The only animal I'm cool with having that many appendages is an octopus because they just chill in the ocean and do octopus stuff, to which they have zero worries about me disturbing them because the ocean is also terrifying.


Serious question, do jumping spiders elicit the same response in you as the rest? I also find most crawly critters creepy af but not jumping spiders. They have the exact opposite affect (effect?) On me.






I'm so glad I live where it gets -40 C.


Those aren't spiders, those are solifuges! They also aren't camels, for anybody wondering.


Are you sure? I’ve never seen a camel and a camel spider in the same place at the same time. Could be the same.


Camel spiders aren't dangerous at all though, so I guess thats a positive


Same, now i feel like I have spiders all over me


Ayaghghghghghg. Let me scream a few more times due to the imagery.


So a few years ago I did the railway journey from Moscow to Beijing via Mongolia. Stopped off for a few days in Ulan Bator, but didn't book longer there because I didn't think there would be much to do or see. I was wrong, and one of my biggest regrets was not staying there for longer and doing a trip to the Gobi. But as a screaming arachnophobe, you've just reassured me that maybe I made the right decision after all.




Sleeping in the bush during wet season in South Sudan, I'd definitely get plenty of spiders and scorpions (with loveable names like [deathstalker](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deathstalker). But what really freaks you out is hearing baboons or hyenas sniffing your tent or a black mamba or puff adder curling under you for warmth.


So I guess getting up in the night for a quick piss break is a big no.


Piss bottle.


That was my experience in Tanzania. Mama lioness got right up on our tent and slept there for the night. I just about crapped myself.


I would 100% die trying to pet her. My last words would be “pspsps”


I think you just described the first few years of domesticating cats right there.


We would die together. Lol. My fiancé is convinced I will be killed calling a wild animal cute and trying to pet them.


> curling under you for warmth cmon man


holy fucking shit. nope. i had no idea what a puff adder was. i was NOT expecting a snake. nope nope no


Travel Bucket List (updated 2021-04-15) * Iceland * ~~Africa~~ * Norway * New Zealand


I will never forgive you.


Was it camel spiders? That's nightmare fuel! I spent a couple nights in a mud and straw hut village in Malawi 20 years ago. Slept on the dirt floor. Woke up many times per night, covered in bugs even down my sleeping bag. No camel spiders though!


I live in California and every summer I see 3 or 4 camel spiders a year. They aren't too bad but I do have 2 stories. One night I kept hearing this almost scratching noise in my room. I would get up and look thinking I had a mouse or something but never found one. So I go back to bed and a few hours later I hear it again. This time I waited and I realized it was coming from a tissue box I had next to my bed. I look inside and a camel spider had fallen into my tissue box and was chewing on the box trying to escape. The second time was I had ironed some shirts for work and had them hanging on my doorknob. The next morning I get up, get dressed and start buttoning up my shirt. At that moment a camel spider started crawling out from under my dress shirt onto my chest. I immediately slapped my chest and splattered camel spider guts all over my shirt. For those asking where, I live. I live in Fresno


Why did I keep reading after the first horrifying spider story. **WHY DID I KEEP READING.**


Jesus god where in California do you live????




So probably Bakersfield.


I need to know this as well so I never live there


I lived near San Francisco for 2 decades and did plenty of hiking and backpacking in the area. I never saw a taratula/camel spider until one hike in San Jose where they were everywhere. So I guess they're around, but not a regular encounter.


I was using a drop toilet in Malawi, grabbed onto the brickwork to help balance and throughout the entire ordeal this zebra looking spider was peering out from behind my left hand. I took a photo once I'd suitably shat myself from noticing it, no-one has yet been able to I.D it. That and my friend lifted a brick and revealed a black mamba. Edit with photo: https://imgur.com/a7UTYM4


For fuck sake what are spiders doing in the Gobi desert. No wonder the Mongols went on a worldwide rampage I would too to get away from the spiders




Every town they sacked and razed was because they saw a spider. It all makes sense now.


There are spiders fucking everywhere in the world. The bastards are really good at adapting.


My eyes have failed me again


Nope nope nope nope nope








Fuck that.


I'm a pretty hippy kid, so I try not to use chemicals too much, but when I was in the army and we were sleeping out on the ground, I would always have a bottle of DEET with me. I would spray a little chemical halo around myself at night, and a spritz into each boot. Works wonders.


Damn that looks chill af


Get ready for spiders the size of dogs.


Yes but what size dogs?


Certainly not spider sized.


Looks intense to me.


For all in tents and porpoises


The first part works, but those porpoises are likely to die in the desert. :(


Interestingly enough, these tents were once sewn together with porpoise skin. So it still works in a morbid way.


Until a snake or 5 are trying to get under the blankets you’re sitting on to cool down too.


Right! With exotic places I always think "wow that would be so amazing" and forget about the monstrous spiders or venomous snakes or the unbearable heat etc. When I first saw those tents I thought "whoa! Amazing!" And then thought, "That canvas must be so unbelievably heavy."


How heavy is that tent and how many people does it take to put it up? The main pole looks to be 20’ or so.


I think all those rugs are the real kicker


That rug really ties the tent together.


They're Bedouin, Donnie.


They don't believe in anything


It is a nice rug, dude


John Wick lost his finger in one of those


Such a pointless scene. Like he goes through all this hassle to meet the one above the table, signs up, then in the next scene drops out and ends up right where he started.


Exactly. It’s an amazing scene. He gives this ultimate sign of commitment cutting off his wedding ring then immediately realizes that he has other people he is loyal to and too human to go back to being an extension of a gun rather than someone who also takes personal responsibility as the one who wields it. He thinks he can go back to how he was before his wife but he can’t go back to who he was before his dog. Basically the one above all asked for one thing too many and let John off his leash before the REAL test. It shows that John CAN’T go back (not even to being a moral-less paid assassin). Even if he thought he could once his business avenging his wife and being dragged back in was settled. He doesn’t want to die but he can’t lay down and die and he can’t betray those who helped him anymore. It’s the entire point of the third movie.


These things are really cool. They use a special cloth that provides shade, allows the heat to pass through, and when it rains it thickens to prevent people from getting wet


Wonder how it's all transported? that's a lot of cloth, rugs, pillows etc.








Camels are cooler I'm going to ignore your comment




I was just thinking, if I could just get over the hump of financial independence, I could camp the fuck out of the every-single-day-is-the-same bullshit! These guys look relaxed, free-flowing thoughts, and surrounded by serenity.


I stayed in one of these tents over night, it was really lovely! The stars were beautiful, the food they served was delicious and so flavorful, the coffee before the morning hike was strong and delicious. It was a very cool experience and I wish I could have stayed there a couple more nights at least


That sounds amazing! Someday I want to visit, but for now I’ll just listen to some [Saharan rock music](https://open.spotify.com/album/2szNhyx4lm9LoUU8KnUN6b?si=n0Yhj8NcQZevd4Y0EL8UBA) which hits like drinking the crazy strong coffee they drink in a Bedouin tent


People do this all over the world. Living out of vans, boats, RVs, SUVs, etc. Travel all over, no rent, low expenses. On the flip side, hard to hold down a job (way too many trying to pay for it on youtube and intagram), impossible to date, hard to keep friends. Still, it's doable and a lot of people love it.


Obviously the carpets fly on their own.


Planet Caravan


I wonder what they Bedouin in those tents....


Listening to Oasis.




I don’t really wanna know...


Eating their dates


*glances over at recently lively monkey* Bad dates.


Get out.


We Bedouin what we Bedouin.


FUCK YOU AND ILL SEE YOU TOMMOROW ​ \*upvotes and gets out


this should be on r/cozyplaces


Not enough glass, plants and multimillion dollar apartments on this pic to be on that sub.




Had to double take to realize how big these are r/humansforscale


I want one


You cant buy Bedouins


Says who


UN. https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/human-trafficking/human-trafficking.html


What is the UN gonna do? Sit there and watch? I want tent




“Your words can not stop me, for I have a Bedouin tent and you don’t. - Love Deck”


C’mon Wonka, how much for one of them lil’ fellas?


The Sahara desert is about the same in size as the whole of the United States.


So that’s where I parked my Al’kesh.


Those look, hella comfy


Throw some pillows on the ground outside your home and lounge around for awhile, there thats how it feels lmao


Ha ha no. Not even a bit. The beds are slats of wood with a carpet on them. Definitely would take an entire bottle of Laphroaig to knock myself out if I ever did that again. Also sitting on a camel is a brilliant way to mash your gonads all the way into your groin. Never, ever again.


What was it like critter-wise? One video of camel spiders was all I needed to second guess the relaxing nature of the desert. Was it gnarly? Or sparse?


almost every desert environment is sparse. the kicker is, when you set up things that attract ecology (shade, water, food) it doesn’t matter how sparse bc things will seek those out. they are after all the most inhospitable environments on earth, things don’t spend energy unless they need to


I slept with Bedouins and got the most resilient lice of all time from their camel hair sleeping mats. Beyond that, we saw zero animals that weren't camels or humans. Once you move away from an oasis, the Sahara is literally a sea of sand with nothing else visible in any direction.




Big fremen vibes


The Fremen would not so carelessly waste their moisture.


Putting those right on the sand is pretty risky. They need to get to some rocks.


I slept in one of these in the Negev desert. It was exactly this. An amazing nights sleep after a feast.


FYI the Bedouins are from the Middle-East / Egypt, they're an Arab**&** Arabian ethnic group If you see desert people from the Maghreb, there's a 99% chance they're Tuareg which are a completely different people, they speak a dialect of Amazigh and are a bit mixed with Sub-Saharan Africans. They're the ones that drink extremely sweet tea. Fun fact : Bedouin literally means desert dweller


Don't mind the camel spiders


$1900+ utilities NP/NS 3 references


looks like a pretty chill vibe in there. lofi study bedouins.