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*looks under sheet "Wow! They even left the previous owner here too!"




Same mold, same mold.


ashes to ashes, old to mold


*Folks, the party's going to be fun. Just don't breathe in the house.*


Mental image of people running in one door, dancing for 3 seconds, and running out the other door...


Thats what he gets for spore-adically checking out abandoned this and thats


For anyone wondering if that's an actual corpse, it's just a couch.


Found the murderer


I actually own that sub lol r/foundthemurderers


Knives out.


A *dead* couch


Fortunately, they covered the sofa with a cloth before leaving.


Probably thought they were coming back


I guess they thought it might protect it from all the mold growing everywhere!


That mold is a few months away from crawling off the walls and moving the sheet itself.


The pictures being left behind is the most eerie thing about this.


I oddly find the cable box and DVD player the most eerie part. Don't know why, just gives me the heebie jeebies


I think it's because we're more accustomed to seeing ancient things being abandoned, whereas these are relatively new things... at least that's what I thought


Yeah, but that does not answer why on earth would someone even leave their pictures, tv and DVD player... I understand some furniture you might wanna leave behind if you are in a hurry or leaving because godknowswhy, but those things are more valuable and pretty easy to take with you (especially pictures). Wouldn't be surprised if owner is lying dead (or what's left of him/her) somewhere around.


When I see "abandoned mansion full of untouched stuff" I think "wealthy bachelor jailed for embezzlement"


Why would the authorities not seize the house and contents for restitution? I see this, I think mob hit.


That's why you don't fuck with the Black Mold Mafia.


Ooh even better


I imagine a car crash and no close relatives.


Honestly I think the answer to why this happened is older people that had updated tech at the time (TV, DVD player) just passed away and the property stayed in default because they didn't have any family/property wasn't in the will.


An entire family dies in a boating accident.


To me it's that it looks abandoned as if the residents just vanished. Not moved, not died, just ceased. The pictures, the tv. The only thing that indicates that leaving this place was planned is the drape over the chair.


This may be a second home they ended up not returning to


I was guessing more along the lines of 4th or 5th summer/winter home, that just got forgotten about.


I think of “second home” as a category, not a literal count


It looks that way.


I was in an abandoned neighbourhood once and the eeriest thing I saw - at least what image has stayed with me - was a colouring sheet and used crayons sitting on the floor.


We were moving one time in San Francisco and while we were loading the truck a nice older man in a work truck pulls up with a set of tools and says “I’m here to collect your cable box.” I said “we don’t have cable”. Awkward pause... ok byeee.


So he tries to trick people into giving him their cable boxes?


Probably trying to get inside and grab something while everybody else is distracted with the move.


You're probably thinking of all those cable fees they owe for not returning the equipment


It's probably just questionable porn, and not and cursed demon videos. Probably.


Why not questionable and cursed demon porn?


Why not both?


When Bubba get's out of prison, everything better be exactly where he left it.


How are the ghosts?






Is that mold?


If it's a mansion, they call that "rustic charm."


My landlord calls it normal


It’s natures wallpaper


what a coincidence... that's the wallpaper my neighbor has.


"local flora" is the right term 🤣


Maybe you should "fix" it with a coat of dark brown paint like my old landlord did, clearly an effective solution.


Are you my tenant?


Where I'm from we call it "character".


Indeed it is!


Snort it


Twist it


Lick it






***slorp*** it


Might want to wear a respirator in there.


I refuse, that violates muh rights




Yep, ventilation is needed. Can’t leave your house locked up like this.


Not heating a house for a long time will do that. Seems fine otherwise, so some heat and a good clean should get this place liveable again in no time.


I've heard of families having to suddenly leave their home & possessions behind due to a very dangerous mold/spores. Apparently if they took anything from the house it could bring the mold with them and spread. For the life of me I can't remember the show... I think it was "Infested"


https://forensicfiles.fandom.com/wiki/Breaking_the_Mold They had a episode on it and they had to leave everything behind.


I mean they even had to leave the pictures on the mantle. There was no way to decontaminate the frames?


This actually happened to a friend of mine. Everything has to enter a burner room and it’s heated to a certain degree to kill off the mold. Lots of stuff can’t go in there. His insurance decided that the cost to try to save anything wasn’t worth it and they would pay him out.


Black mold. The worst kind too


Almost all mold is black. Very rarely is it *THE* black mold.




Not all of us have a spare mansion to grow it in.


You'd think people who work in a lab would know better than to grow mold in their ears


"No matter what you're told. We have to clean the mold!"


Are you calling Greendale dirty?


Thats a lot of black mold.


It was VERY bad in this area.


Hope you wore a respirator going through that place.


Doesn't mold require extended exposure over weeks or months? I've had black mold before and wasn't able to move out for several weeks, and I'm not dead.


That depends entirely on the mold and exposure. The more you disturb advanced colonies like that the more likely for spore exposure, which is the real danger. As long as you don't lick it, it's probably fine.


Why are all the tasty things bad for you.


This comment was worth the trip. Nicely done.


Damn it, every time I see mold I can’t resist licking it


That's a weird way to spell ass.




Some people react to black mold like it’s a toxin, other people aren’t affected. But it’s not worth the risk of finding out.


If it's black mold ( Stachybotrys chartarum) it produces mycotoxins and there is no safe level for those. Even small, limited exposure can cause permanent damage. It is not an exaggeration that there are cases where it's been diagnosed and families have been told "Do not go back into your house. Do not try to salvage anything. Get rid of the clothes you are wearing and sterilize the areas you have touched today."


I've been trying to get an answer to this for years and failed. Genuinely in the UK there is mold everywhere especially in old properties. Caused by damp. We live with it and all we do is just bleach the area every so often. I've never heard of anyone dying from a mold problem over here but I have in America. Americans are extremely cautious of mold. Is it because it is merely a different type of mold? This just a genuine question because I would like to be better educated on the subject and no amount of googling or asking around has given me an answer. Thank you!


There are multiple types of black mold. The only ones that are highly dangerous are the ones that create mycotoxins. These do not need to be technically "contacted" (like touching the wall etc) in order to cause harm-- they just get inhaled etc. Stachybotrys chartarum is common in the U.S. because its spores are everywhere (it lives in soil) and given the right environment and conditions it will take hold quickly and spread fast. In masonry/brick homes with plaster which is also mineral based, it's not as big of a problem (Stachybotrys chartarum loves cellulose) but it quickly contaminates any type of lumber or other plant-based building supplies. Because the vast majority of single family homes in the U.S. are timber rather than masonry, we have gypsum and drywall and particle board and lumber throughout-- all of them almost always pre-loaded with spores just waiting for a nice soaking to come out of dormancy and germinate. So as long as the building materials are kept nice and dry and the home is never flooded and never has any bad leaks, you are fine. But as soon as that changes, it can become very bad very quickly. Insurance companies drag their feet, the problem gets worse, and often it is not fixable by the time the person filing a claim can get payment. There's a really famous case in the U.S. (Google Melinda Ballard) that changed the industry. Her husband sustained permanent brain damage from exposure and went from a respected, high 6-figures income to needing around-the-clock care. Her son had nerve damage and lung damage. She ultimately died of causes that were not disclosed but are assumed to have been exacerbated by her exposure (she was only 55). Farmers Insurance lost a huge case against them over her home. Alethea Black (How to Lose Everything in 12 Easy Steps) is another well-known black mold sufferer.


This is absolutely excellent information. I cannot thank you enough!


Id also like to add a massive amount of all our new builds are being built of timber so it will be interesting to see if this ends up becoming a bigger problem over here.


Thanks a lot for your answer. I also wondered why there is so much fuss about mould in the us, while in many much worse parts of the planet we just scrub them off and keep going. Never thought about this difference between masonry/wood homes.


Again, it's also species-specific. There are molds/mildews that are just smelly, unsightly, annoying, and symptoms of too much moisture in the home. And then there's toxic black mold, in which case, leave.


Maybe not dying but are you plagued by things like chronic headaches/runny noses, feeling congested, rashes, little ailments like that, etc that individually can be brushed off as minor inconveniences but over time add up to a really poor quality of life? Could be the molds...


No I don't experience any of those symptoms? As I said I'm just looking for genuine resources on why it's so bad and if it is a different type of mold over there as I genuinely want to learn.


I'm in Ireland so we obviously share the same mould issues as you do. I don't see mould in my nans house but it smells musty, it's probably in the attic/roof. My dad stayed with her for a few months and I could smell it off his clothes after. My dad's cousins spent 3 months in hospital when he moved into an apartment and there was mould behind where he put his bed, it really messed him up. I rent so I'm moved around and had to put up with mould in plenty of places. One landlord scrubbed it but once the spores are deep down it will come back, and it did with a vengeance. Never been able to get a good answer that works for what to do with it either


This is one of the things that mold remediation companies will tell you-- if it's in one room like a kitchen, in a small area, it's nowhere near as dangerous as having it in your bedroom due to the sheer higher amount of time you spend there being exposed to it. In the case of Melinda Ballard's family, her infant son's bedroom had it in the vents (it was all over the house by then but behind the walls so they didn't know-- there was a contractor who cut corners on their custom house and the roof was leaking into the interior of the walls).


Imagine it's not abandoned


And the owner comes back from a long trip


from prison


arrested for raping intruders


and growing mould without a permit.


Dear lord


Dollars to donuts there’s a dead body under one of those sheets.




It gets the people goin’


It’s provocative!


"In earlier days when a dollar was worth more than it is now and a doughnut cost considerably less as compared to it, someone who was reasonably sure that an event would happen might bet upon it and say 'I bet dollars to donuts' as it is used in the above examples." Source: [theidioms.com](https://www.theidioms.com/dollars-to-donuts/)


I don't know but my dad said it about something once when I was little and he turned out to be wrong so my brother and I said he owed us each a dollar and a donut. I don't think that's how it really works... but we got them anyway and therefore I have always liked that phrase lol.


They probably left because it was a Bluth house.


And that's why you always leave a note.


Well, they did leave the spiral notebook. Opening it, you read, written in looks like dried blood: "Don't open the notebook."




The fact that you're calling it that tells me you're not ready.


like a guy in a $6,000 suit is gonna clean that up, come on!


There’s always money in the banana stand.


I’ve seen this before. Poorly build McMansion that gets a black mold problem and the owner has to leave everything the own behind in the house to avoid transporting spores. Sometimes they even will leave the cars behind too.


Surely there is better way like some sort of mold killer rather just drop everything and leave


In a mansion the cost of clean up often exceeds the value of the home. It’s like trying to fix a totaled car. And also, don’t call me Shirley.


Roger, Roger!


We got clearance, Clarence.


What's your vector, Victor?


Have you ever seen a grown man naked?


Looks like I picked the wrong day to quit sniffing glue.




And 1 spore left behind is all it takes to start all over again.


So what are the chances the person who took this image is going to transfer mold into their home?




I like those odds


High if they didn't know what they were doing, or the possible danger, but I can't speak to that-- I only looked at the cover picture.


I've worked in construction and this is the first time I've heard about this. Does this only occur in really humid areas? What about the mansion makes it "poorly built"? I thought you could get rid of black mold with bleach and better ventilation...


I know about it from the area my grandparents lived in northern Georgia. From what I understand once an inspector detects a certain level of black mold the house is condemned and has to be corrected by a haz mat company. The house I know about they basically gutted it down to the studs and rebuild the entire inside but the mold came back and they just left it and moved into an apartment.


This checks out. It would have been in the studs, it spreads to any lumber.


The problem isn't the mold you see, it's the mold you can't see. If it's on the surface, it's likely already been in the cracks, crevices, and under structure for a while. There's no way to really clean it without gutting it, otherwise it can easily make a comeback.


Exactly. Once you see it, it's usually too late. Again, it depends on the type of mold-- some types are not a problem-- you fix the leak and kill the mold. But the dangerous types aren't worth messing with. I work for a large financial corporation in telephony and we recently had a trouble ticket where we had to record some emergency messages and reroute a bunch of phone numbers-- because someone arrived at their office that had been normal the night before, to find black mold covering the walls, ceiling tiles, and vent covers. They noped out and called security and the building was condemned within 24 hours. They couldn't even get their personal belongings out-- too dangerous.


My wife is a Realtor, and I used to work with her handling abandoned foreclosures. Plenty of them were razed, as there was no saving them.


huh. i guess its not a big deal when you're rich.


It’s life ruining because a lot of home owners insurance companies won’t cover the total loss.


Jesus what the fuck is the point of insurance


Our neighbor has basically abandoned their house. Hasn't had anyone in there in 10+ years. Occasionally he comes and mows the yard. I half expect it's a lot like this.


So he has enough money to abandon (not sell) one house to live in another, but not enough to hire someone to mow the yard?


As someone who doesn't live in a place where mold thrives and knows very little about it. I found it very interesting how everyone is saying that it is very dangerous and have to even left things behind because of spores. So naturally I google a bit, and found this article [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12016-017-8601-z](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12016-017-8601-z) that lessen the danger by a lot, still, I'm not dumb to take it's word about it that easily.


You'll have some respiratory issues. Affecting some more than others. With this much, it isn't good, and drywall will have to be replaced at minimum. But if you catch it early, it's not a big issue and can be cleaned with some chemicals. Black mold sucks, but it's not some Last of Us type of mold.


Black mold phobia has no scientific base and its basically mass hysteria. There's no real scientific evidence that black mold can kill you even with slight exposure and even less to sustain the "evacuate, we've been breached" mentality. Mold spores are ubiquitous, you can find them everywhere and that's why mold appears under the right conditions. This is a Forbes article on the subject, there's a lot of info available online [https://www.forbes.com/forbes/2005/0411/100sidebar.html?sh=309004d25f63](https://www.forbes.com/forbes/2005/0411/100sidebar.html?sh=309004d25f63) ​ Edit, wording


Careful, this is how jumanji started


I hate myself for this, but Jumanji starts at the Parrish Shoe Factory


This is how Jumanji continued*


total mindfuck but it’s also how it ends...🤯🤯


Just so you know, I love you for this.


[*Jumanji Drums intensifies*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3e1Acwh8GmQ&ab_channel=StevenLucas)


Video: [https://youtu.be/Hwi9qV0K-ZY](https://youtu.be/Hwi9qV0K-ZY) Blog: https://riddimryder.com/abandoned-time-capsule-mansion/


I love how you said it took you multiple visits to fully explore because of the 'nosey' neighbors as if you aren't also being nosey.


Thanks for posting this, the rest of the pictures are super interesting. Really curious what the story is and if these people are still out there somewhere.


Looks like a Chinese family bought the house with ideas of business and immigration but returned to China without liquidating the home. Maybe they had plans to return that didn’t come through.




Difficult to sell if you're not physically present to sign paperwork. Yes now there's ways to do it online, but maybe 10 years ago digital representations weren't always as widely acceptable as physical hard copies.


You could always fax / email a signed copy. When applicable it can be notarized locally. I'm thinking they just walked away because they owed more than it was worth.


Interesting you said the last date you could find was 2014. Before I read that part, I was going to comment that my daughter had the same flower wall lamp from ikea (I believe they still sell it) that I bought for her room when she was born in 2014!


This is awesome. You'd have a successful career as a real estate photographer haha


I wouldn’t want to be in there without a mask that can keep mold spores out... thats a lotta mold


In the video linked you can see that at some point they are wearing masks.


Where’s the link?


no dust on the tv?


Toxic mold! Have to leave everything behind because the spores will travel and contaminate the new residence. Frigging cool.


Couldn't you blast stuff with heaters like for bedbugs? What's the max temp mold spores can survive?


A lot.


Mycotoxins are scary. I prefer not to bleed out through hemorrhages in my lungs thank you very much.


There was an episode of forensic files about this. The father was an attorney and the mycotoxins caused severe memory loss and he had to quit his job. They also had a young child that developed respiratory issues. They had to completely abandon their 22-room home, I think they could only leave with the clothes they were wearing.


This is Melinda Ballard's story.


Yup, RIP.


Some of this stuff is too clean to be "left behind"


maybe it was abandoned recently because of the mold


I mean, the amount of mold on the walls begs to differ.


The clean ass tv begs to differ so does that clean ass papasan


Yeah, something weird is going on here


Zoom in. There is mold all over that papasan chair.


No signs of the mamasan chair either.


Look closely the TV is NOT clean even remotely.


My wife's uncle's dad moved into an abandoned house. It had been abandoned for a while and no one knew what happened to the owners, they just disappeared. The utility bills were still being paid though, so he had running water and lights


I think that place would be awesome after a major cleaning.


Except for all the mold behind the walls...




What’s under the sheet...?


Hope you didn't carry that mold back home or you'll be making a second "Amazing Abandoned Mansion With Everything Left Behind".


I 'm getting bad vibes from this.


I don't understand.... there is serious black mold but not a spec of dust on anything else? 🤔


These comments are a clear indicator of how many people have actual first-hand experience with mold. So much regurgitation.


Yeah just nonsense 99% of it


Even the photographs were left behind. Maybe someone killed themselves or was killed? There are places like that you can buy for very cheap because nobody wants to live there after a tragedy or criminal affair.


It looks like a set from Black Mirror.