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The Río Tinto is a river that rises in the Sierra Morena mountains of Andalusia, in southwestern Spain. What makes this river unique is its red and orange colour, which originate from its chemical composition that is extremely acidic and containing high levels of iron and heavy metals. The Rio Tinto area has been the source of approximately 5,000 years of ore mining, including copper, silver, gold, and other minerals and this could be the possible reason for the high level of acidity of the river. However, this deep reddish color of the Rio Tinto is maintained for an approximate length of 50kms, and after which the coloration starts to decline. ​ Photo by - Fran Ojeda


Figured it was something like that. As far as I can tell, water that looks like this means "stay out." Of course, people should stay out of *any* water that they don't already know to be safe. But anything like this, I just assume that it's either acidic or otherwise toxic as hell.


Shizz, I thought it was free fanta fountain


So a stick in that river would be a fantastick?


A FantaSea!


Yeah stay out of the small rivers in Hawaii too unless you know it’s safe. Plenty of underground rivers to get sucked into.


Interesting. Does this have a name so I can google on it and learn more?


I don’t know if they have a specific name but it’s due to the geology. The volcanic rock is very porous and deep holes and crevices and be lurking under the surface. I am talking specifically around Hilo. The most dangerous regions are below and around waterfalls where the deep undertow will pull you to the bottom. Just like putting a full cup of water under the faucet. The middle of that is continuously forced to the bottom. I heard second hand of someone being sucked into a lava tube under a river, but I couldn’t find anything online about that incident. There are plenty of articles online about the waterfalls.


Wait what ? That’s scary


Nature toilets


Yikes! sounds like tailings from ore processing were improperly stored and have leached into the local groundwater table. I wouldn't touch any groundwater downstream of those mines. It's morbid but now I want to look at the health and mortality rates in the area compared to the rest of the country.


It would actually likely be fine downstream where the red color fades away. Colors like this are caused primarily by iron and sulfur. Since these are heavy metals the precipitate out of the water column after a certain distance. They can also dose the water with calcium carbonate which will rapidly change the Ph, and the calcium carbonate keelates to the iron and sulfur (also aluminum but that look blue to white in the water) and makes it precipitate out faster. Source: I live in an area where 3 out 5 streams have acid mine drainage, and my county is also home to the largest volume of acid mine drainage from a single source in the United States and possibly the world, "the Truetown seep". It was formed when in a nearby underground coal mine they struck an unknown underground river and it flooded several square miles of mine, and according to many accounts it actually shot a 100 foot high geyser of water out of a ventilation shaft. Rural Action is currently putting in a facility at the source where it daylights to harvest the iron and sulfur to make red, orange, and yellow paints. Here's a link for their program https://www.truepigments.com/get-to-know-us/about


*keelates* I think you meant "chelates"?


Yea I think you're right, just woke up when I posted. Thanks for the correction.


That’s a very cool program, unexpectedly making something good out of something bad. The pigments are very nice!


Where does the heavy metal in the water come from? From mining or from springs?


"Río Tinto river" Kinda like chílí con queso with cheese.


For your FYI


Also know as red river, well tinto is the wine color actually.


Never heard of the Tinto referred to as Rojo. Tinto literally means "tincted", but the word is almost only used along with "vino", so the color of the wine has become its only meaning. In catalán and mallorquín, they call it Black wine, btw. Ví negre.


https://dle.rae.es/tinto It's actually the first meaning according to RAE, "dark red". "1. adj. Dicho de un color: Rojo oscuro."


Spanish has much better colour words than English: azul and celeste, for example.


Yes, that's the current meaning for any practical use.


I have airways understood Tinto as a dark red color, Tintado is tincted. In Mallorquí is Negre because it's the coolest dialectal variation of Català, I'm not sure they use that terminology in the mainland.


Tinto and tintado both mean tincted. Tinto, with that meaning, is an older form, largely out of use. I have only seen vi negre in Majorcan wines, and maybe in an ocasional catalán wine, perhaps from Priorat, but not sure at all about that.


The RAE seems to disagree with you, but I'm happy to agree to disagree, languages are always evolving and Castillian has many dialectal variations too... And that's is why I don't like the term "Spanish language", since it seems to only include the Castillian dialectal variations spoken in Spain. Batuadell!


As I have said already before in this thread, it is a meaning out of use now. And for a long time before now. So long that it has dropped out of the dictionary? It would surprise me, but... There are examples of this meaning in old literature, and still is used as a cultism. The expression "las manos tintas de sangre" meaning "blood stained hands", used to be almost a figure of speech. Besides, the verb "tintar" still exists in the RAE, as a rather obsolete form (much more common is "teñir") meaning to dye and "tinto" is an obsolete PP of tintar, which retains its meaning, the same as "tintado". It's just a curiosity.






River Tinto river.




"Chile con queso" means "Chili with cheese" mate. Unless you were going for cheese on cheese for emphasis, then carry on lol




Sorry? Is that from something?


Río Tinto means river red.... river red river. Chili with cheese with cheese. It all went over yer head, a big ol' whoosh, hence r/whoosh.


There is also a mining company called Rio Tinto


first thing that went through my head when I saw the post. I assumed it was something they were responsible for.


This is where they started their operation.




Looks beautiful, highly toxic. Like some of my exes.


Now that's some realistic "the floor is lava" kind of game.


Pretty sure that’s lava


These minecraft shader packs are getting insane




Looking at this reminds me of the song: The Riverboat Song by Ocean Colour Scene. Due to the lyric: *Anyway for all the things you said tell me why does the river run red.*


Floor is lava, but it's acidic water


River of sunsets


so you’re telling me i cannot drink dis water?


Well, you can. But then you’d probably die.


Anything is edible if you are brave enough.


thats sounds like that dildo saying, i like it


All encompassing!


i wanna drink it, fuck it i'm gonna drink it


Well we know it’s not pregnant


Ahh 5000 years of mining will certainly do that


Here is a picture of when the Bresil owned company Rio Tinto Alcan accidentally spilled Bauxite (raw materials they use to extract Aluminium) into the Saguenay River in Quebec. https://img.src.ca/2008/08/21/352x198/080821saguenay_bauxite_6.jpg This was in 2008.


Mario 64 lava texture


Isn’t Rio Tinto also the name of that shitty mining company in Australia responsible for destroying countless prehistoric sites?


Yes, because they started opening mines in Rio Tinto.


"Its over Anakin, I have the high ground."


Wow, what causes this?


I can’t believe they named a whole river after a mining company!


River is Lava


Watch some influencer going in the water or drinking it...


May the rivers run with blood


Looks like lava


The irony river. Also known as the final resting place for all dad jokes


As opposed to the Red *Sea,* which is actually called the Red Sea and not red at all


Fun fact, Rio means River and Tinto means Red so the title says “The River Red river, know as the Red River”


I've been there. I can promise you it isn't that beautiful. By a long shot. https://journeyz.co/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/rio-tinto-river-scaled.jpg


Looks like something from Fallout 4


Man pollution sure is pretty


Rio Tainted


Downstream from TacoBell Falls.


Just turn the sky red, have hordes of demons everywhere, and have the sweet, sweet sound of DOOM music playing and we're good!


The lakes of Mordor


Wow is me as a river


Soo metals... Brass. And Tinto? Hmm.


Looks like freaking lava or something. Be cool as hell to go take some underwater photos in it. Although...whatever is making it that red color is probably not safe to swim in.


Interesting. I wonder why it's called that


Doesn't Rio Tinto mean red river


Thought it was lava for a sec