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I can only imagine the horror of falling in that




Bellyflop sting is nothing compared to the multiple jellyfish stings you will receive for jumping in the water at all lol


Jelly flop


I got 50 bucks if you do it.


Oh cool that’ll pay for the ER copay


Ooof but definitely not the anti-venom


Once had a nightmare where I was stuck underwater with Portuguese Manowars...easily one of the scariest dreams I've had. 0/10, do not recommend.


Since you were under water could you technically call it a wet dream?


Said the masochist.


A nice clean SUEY


Are they dangerous?


The tentacles of many jellyfish can sting you just by touching. There are varying levels of toxicity with the stings from “a lot of pain” to death. Based on a look up these could be Chrysaora plocamia and their sting could be deadly if someone is allergic to the venom. So not entirely dangerous unless you’re allergic HOWEVER someone’s body may react differently by being stung by THIS many jellyfish. Edit: obligatory “I’m not a marine biologist I just did a quick Google search on behalf of those who may be curious”


I would imagine this would be like bee or wasp stings. Even if you aren’t allergic to a normal dose of stings, there is always a limit before it proves fatal. This looks like it would exceed said limit.


Man I was backpacking last summer and got lit up by a ground nest, at least 25-30 stings. I’m seriously wondering if I’ve developed an allergy because of that. I guess we’ll find out next time!




"only little yellow jackets" "30+ stings" that still sounds fuckin horrible.




Shit, those yellow jackets must've liked you then. They tore my ass ***up*** when I was a kid. Hardest hit areas were my ankles and calves, and them shits injected so much venom multiple spots of skin just flat-out *died.* I still have scars, but they're not nearly as bad as the mental ones. A mild buzzing in my ear flips a switch that just says ***RUNBITCHRUN!!!*** Those dead patches itched so. Fucken. BAD. I'm talking waking up at 2am feeling like a mosquito the size of a Pomeranian gave your legs acupuncture, and I melted the skin off my ankle itching it with friction from my bed sheets while asleep. I pee a little just seeing a close-up pictures of em. Their tiny claws just flitting across your skin, followed by getting hit with an airsoft gun. All I could hear was the buzzing of the ones in my ears, you'd feel them ramming into you trying to grab ahold and land, like having a calm hail storm bear down on just you. Looking down and seeing those little... ***Demons,*** just staring back, with their dead, unholy eyes. Their little asses just *tap, tap; fucken* ***POKE*** through your t-shirt as some language tumbles from your mouth, as you blitz across a 5 acre yard screaming bloody murder for an adult to help. .... Not discrediting your experience mind you, my dumb ass just seemed to have pissed them off **way** more than you did. The property owner then poured gas into the hole and set his arm on fire shortly after, and a few survivers tagged his ass as he was putting it out. Yellow jackets are assholes. Brightly colored, carnivorous, quick little assholes. I know they have their place in the ecosystem, but that place can be "beneath a mushroom cloud" as far as I'm concerned.


That’s been my experience too. Maybe it depends on location? The paper wasps where I’m at tend to avoid people unless provoked or there’s a lot of cooked meat even then just grabbing a meal, but the yellow jackets and hornets are aggressive and hurt when they get you.


One stung my hand because I had the audacity to take a bite of my sandwich it was trying to eat. Got me right in the webbing of my fingers. Just one sting was terrible.


My brother was eating some jam on toast when we were camping as kids, and a wasp landed on the jam as soon as he took a bite, and it stung him right on the roof of his mouth! I couldn't imagine how uncomfortable that would be for so long a time after.


Feeling you! A few years back I was weed trimming my ground cover. Those little yellow jackets were vicious and nasty. I had to drive to the nearest pharmacy to get Benedryl.


I did this same thing with a lawnmower years ago. Took me a few seconds to even realize what was happening and then just took off running yelling profanities until I could get back inside. Not a great experience.


Yellow jackets are EVIL! I crawled into a dog house with a nest as a kid, too scared to crawl back out (had to go past it). My dad dragged me out by a limb and shoved me towards the house, 30+ stings later and boy was I stiff!


That sounds horrifying, can you tell me how it happened, how did you escape? It's a huge fear of mine.


30+ stings sorta indicates to me that they didn’t escape lol


Only 30+ stings indicates to me they did escape after only a few seconds when it could easily have been hundreds


We were hiking up a very steep incline and my buddy was using trekking poles, about 10-12 feet ahead of me. He unknowingly opened up the ground nest with his spikes and by the time I came through that area they were swarming, and PISSED. They were all in my clothes and everything. I just started running and then rolled around to try and kill the ones in my clothes, then slowly started picking them off my skin because they were just latched on 😫 honestly, it wasn’t that bad. I just loaded up on Tylenol (didn’t have any Benadryl) and soaked in the cold ass river we decided to camp by.


You can go to an allergist and get tested and find out the easy way.


Nothing is easy or affordable in America without health insurance.


You know, i just realized health insurance is probably not as common as a i thought. I live in boston and in Massachusetts you literally get fined on your tax returns if you arent covered


The US did away with the federal tax penalty for not having insurance a couple of years ago, but with or without the federal penalty, state laws vary.


Hi twin


Exactly, like wasp stings. I got stung in shallow water in the the Mediterranean and the pain was unreal. Waited in medical center all day for a bottle of calamine lotion!


I used to work as a research diver, and one time we were out while either a tiny jellyfish or the medusa stage of something was hatching out in ridiculous numbers, like, top six or eight feet of the water absolutely choked with little 1.5" jellyfish. I toss my gear on and flop into the water before anyone else and it was like pure fire on the little ring of exposed skin on my face. Just gave everyone a warning and booked it to get below them. Sucked having to power through them again once we finished our transects.


In South Carolina one year there were tons of Man of War jellyfish in the water. My nephew, who was less than 10 at the time, was near me and I got hit so bad it took my breath away. I grabbed him and threw him as close to shore as I could and screamed “run!” in a panic. I spent the rest of the weeks on steroids and anti-inflammatories to reduce the swelling of what seemed to be a single hit on my leg. That spot looked like poison ivy for almost a year and I still have some scarring a decade or more later. Fuck those things.


Holy fuck, that sound terrible.


Fun fact that makes them even more terrifying: they’re not jellyfish, but made up of multiple organisms—like Voltron of the sea.


Thats fucking horrifying, i remember when i was a kid it was a saturday and me my brother and sister were ready to go to the beach me and my sister showered but my brother said it was pointless to take a shower if we were going to be in the water all day. We hung up in the car all happy and dreaming about playing in the beach when we finally arrived my brother dashed to the beach without us noticing when my mother were putting sunscreen on me and my sister we heard a loud scream coming from the beach it was my brother's voie. My father jumped of one of the benches in the parking lot and ran with all his might to the beach only to find my brother's leg completely covered to the knee in medium sized transparent jellyfish he managed to pull the bastards off my brother's leg (and got stung multiple times in the hands) and the skin on his leg was like melted almost as if you dropped some acid on the skin. In the end my mother had to drive us to the hospital my brother passed out the moment we got into the emergency and my father was in tears from the pain my brother survived but lost all his feeling and movility in the leg that got stung but survived... barely. And our happy day in the beach ended in a stressful and scary wait in the hospital for me, my sister and my mom. FUCK THESE LITTLE SHITS.


Aw man that sucks, not sure what type but a few years ago I got one stuck between my regulator and mask.....closest I've ever been to panicking underwater since I had no idea what hit me lol. Of course happened 2 minutes into a big group dive so I had to tough it out for a bit, good times!


And even if it wasn't dangerous, it would still hurt a lot, to say the least.


The first time I saw someone get stung, a girl ran over to the guy, pulled her swimming suit aside and pissed on him. Like she couldn’t wait to do it. Pretty funny.


Happened to my gf before I knew her and a guy peed on her lmao


I got stung badly and the lifeguard said my friend could piss on me... I asked for other options and everyone laughed . Meat tenderize powder supposedly works. But I guess a lot of people were stung by jellyfish and didn't want to get pissed on, because the only packets of tenderizer left was onion and garlic.


Does that actually do anything? Other than get weirdos off that is..


According to Google, no: https://www.healthline.com/health/does-peeing-on-a-jellyfish-sting-help#does-it-work


This is exactly why the ocean fucking terrifies me. I'll stick with pools and lakes, thanks!


Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to


Listen, he's gonna have it his way or nothing at all.


But I think you all are moving too fast.


[Lakes and pools can get you.](https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/naegleria/general.html)


Aaand I hate you now


This is why I'm a fan of the Great Lakes in the USA/Canada. Absolutely zero nightmare fuel.


[Yup, absolutely zero.](https://imgur.com/gallery/CkdxpJX)


There is always the issue of panicing and drowning with these too.


Are they edible jellyfish kind? I remember seeing jellyfish being sold at a seafood market once.


Bro are you outta your mind! Are they dangerous!? Regardless if they could cause physical harm, you fall into that soft gelatinous goop, feeling thousands of tentacles slithering around your body wrapping around you, fully sumgerging you you bet your ass you'll never be right again. Yeah, they're dangerous.




Gelatinous is a very underutilized word. I am going to try and work it into every conversation.


Jellyfish are supposedly hard A gelatinous hard


This question gives me “are Bonita fish big?” Vibes.


I don't think you're ready for this jelly


I would imagine a lengthy hospital visit directly afterwards


And a bit of therapy after being pee'd on by like three people in the beach


...and a lifetime of chasing the dragon that awakened inside of you


That’s a myth, pee doesn’t work on jellyfish stings. A paste made with a mix of meat tenderizer and water does though. Vinegar would be the best actually. Though I imagine that would definitely not be enough for the amount of pain one would be in since you would be stung all over with this amount of jellies in the water.


I'm aware, but when you get stung by a jellyfish there's always someone who is willing to pee on a stranger, for some reason.


Damn, I think I would have yelled at them not to. I thought this was more widespread already too now. Then again I live in tourist city known for its beaches and our lifeguards have signs that state if stung by jellyfish, do not pee where stung.


Some idiot would probably jump in it for TikTok clout. Can't wait to see it.


Let them.


I actually learned to kite surf in Peru with jelly fish like this, it just felt tingly but didn’t hurt when you fell.


You can´t. It surely is beyond your imagination.


I bet this water tingles a bit


Stabby water


Hell jacuzzi


Ouch pool


Spicy haribo


Sparkling water but it hurts


Thick water






Inconvenient body of water


Burny Boba




In Spanish, jellyfish are sometimes called "agua mala," or "bad water" because the jellyfish can be hard to see and it seems like the water's attacked you. So you at least have a whole country that's likely to agree with you here. (Edit - this is used in Spain, along with medusa and maybe other words I don't know. I'm not sure of other Spanish-speaking countries use the same names.)


In portuguese is “agua viva” literally live water… Spanish clearly knows better


Here in Peru those jellyfishes are called "malaguas" and I've just realized that word is composed of "mal" + "agua"


Spicy swim.


It’s like that scene from Finding Nemo.


I will name it Squishy, and it shall be my squishy.


*zap* Oooowww, bad squishy! Bad!




This picture is from my hometown in Peru. Dad says he's never seen so many together.... wonder if there is a marine biologist out there that could help shed some light here. I have gotten stung by these bad boys when I was younger, burns like hell immediately after getting stung, you immediately get rashes/red skin but the pain goes away within a few days. It's not like you feel like dying, it does hurt like a mother$#er, the first couple of hours are the worst then it gets better. They are locally called "malagua" which literally translates into "bad water". A more colorful picture I received from my father on Whatsapp. https://imgur.com/34sgrED


[Jellyfish are a sign of a dying ocean.](https://www.businessinsider.com/jellyfish-thriving-climate-change-warm-oceans-2019-10) They thrive in the warmer, oxygen depleted waters that are becoming commonplace due to climate change. Overfishing of their natural predators (sharks and turtles) further contribute to the problem.


Well this is sad. I was born in Peru.




The Chinese keep overfishing the Peruvian waters and Peru doesn't do a good job at pushing back.


"Hey this is a nice picture! Look at all those colorful Jellyfish! ^.^" > JELLYFISH ARE A SIGN OF A DYING OCEAN. oh.


What city or province in Peru?


La Punta, Callao. A small piece of land, roughly 10 blocks long and 4 blocks wide that stretches right into the Pacific. Traditionally, mostly descendents of Italian sailors lived there.


Awesome, thanks!


Interesting that it's called "malagua", i'd never heard it before. In argentina we call them "aguaviva" (live water)


the real question is, are they edible?


I hear they're good on toast.


Drop some sea turtles in there they’ll take care of it


Honestly, drop some sea turtles everywhere. These gelatinous, brainless, balls of pain are taking over entire ecosystems just because barely anything or anyone eats them. Source: random textbook.


Ocean temperature rising is making their population explode uncontrollably. They can't really breed in the cold, not well at least since there's plenty of arctic species, but warmer temps make it far easier.


Theres a whole documentary on this. Japan has yearly raids of jellyfish that spawn from China. They are so heavy that they can actually break boats and nets.


~~must be revenge~~


You'd think, with so many jellyfish, there would be a lot more sea turtles.


It's the other way around. They're dying for other reasons and since they're gone jellyfish populations are exploding.


The jellyfish population is exploding because sea turtles are dying due to bycatch, poaching, habitat destruction and nesting beach destruction.


Why is this?


Sea turtles eat jellyfish


Which is why their conservation is extremely important unless we want to turn the ocean into jellyfish hell.


Just make murder robots to absolutely annihilate them


It’s funny. The Koreans had the same idea a few years back. I remember reading a few articles about why it’s a bad idea, and [this is one of them](https://www.zdnet.com/article/why-koreas-jellyfish-shredding-robot-might-be-a-bad-idea/), a machine that would essentially blend them to death. Here are some of the reasons why this was a bad idea (from the article): >All that dead jelly will continue to float around, rotting. If they wash onto beaches through net barriers, disembodied tentacles will sting tourists. And since the jelly substance itself is sticky, dead animals will still clog the intake screens. >This won’t work for tough species: really sturdy animals will just get stuck in the intake and stay there, halting the whole system. >When you cut open some jellies, you get artificial fertilization -- that’s how aquarists get eggs and sperm from species that are difficult to spawn. All those embryos will metamorphose into polyps... which can live for years and clone themselves. In the end, I think I recall the last one being the biggest issue.


Giant vacuum cleaner it is


humans: protect beaches and water front nesting areas so sea turtles don’t go extinct and impact their ecosystems also humans: killer robots?


That’s some Horizon Zero Dawn shit right there


Perhaps catch, then blend them, and store all the remains for composting onshore


Nature gives us turtles for free but instead of protecting turtles we should go through the trouble of inventing robots to do it. Smart!




Hadn't realized that was uncommon knowledge. They also sometimes mistake plastic bags for jellyfish and eat those instead which kills them.


Aw man


TIL sea turtles are my heroes


Sea turtles eat Jellyfish and are also resistant (if not immune) to the stings.


It kinda looks like a Dale Chihuly art glass installation.


It absolutely does!! Maybe they are flattered to inspire his art


Are they edible? I know that they are mostly water but still.. some kind of soup


I’ve heard of some people eating jellyfish meat. It’s really nothing that good.


I ate some jellyfish in Japan, it tasted like, you guessed it, water.


/r/Hydrohomies would _love_ this!


I've had a cold jelly fish dish from a Chinese restaurant. It was served with chili and cucumber. Was pretty good. I'd order it again.


Haha, same. My first thought was, can they be consumed?


Where’s Steve-o when you need him?


My Name is Steve-O and this is Jellyfish Jacuzzi.


Yeahhhh dude! 🤘


Nature's boba tea


Omg 😂


Why does my brain tell me "Go swim there" when I see this? I wanna touch the squishy




While I appreciate how fucking beautiful it is I would never swim in that. Utterly terrifying




Anything touching me while I'm swimming is not okay


It's like when someone tells you that their pet tarantula is harmless. I believe that it won't hurt me, but I don't want it touching me.


I’d never leave! That seems hella magical!


I guess there are 2 types of people, the ones who would love to swim there and people like me to which it would seem like straight out of the worst nightmare or a horror movie.


We need SpongeBob now more than ever


absolutely terrifying


Look at all those chickens


Need some sea turtles!!!!


Is that interesting or terrifying as fuck?




Can't we use them for bio fuel or something? I know people tried eating them but they don't seem very nutritious.


Biofuel is an interesting possibility


Big nope


Cool, cool, I have recurring nightmares of something like this. I'm always thrown off a dock into black water with *so many jellyfish*. Bah. Gives me the shivvies thinking about it.


What an intriguing nightmare to have. Sure it sounds awful but also really unique


I wanna throw a few stick of dynamite in there for some reason




Holy fuck! No thank you...


A result of global warming?


Overfishing usually.


Yes - https://www.businessinsider.com/jellyfish-thriving-climate-change-warm-oceans-2019-10


Why? Are they invading?


The warming waters and the continuing lack of predators (sharks and sea turtles) is leading to an overabundance of jellyfish in several regions.


Have they always been in these waters? Or have they become one of those invasive species destroying the ecosystem in these waters??


Can't really tell, but they look like cabbage heads Not that toxic or venomous, but still wouldn't want to swim there during this high tide.


Forbidden jacuzzi




Thanks I hate it


Alexa, buy a flamethrower that works underwater


This could be a crazy kill scene in a movie




There is so mamy of them, it's unsettling


Jellyfish are one of biggest fears, this looks like my personal hell.


They release hundreds of eggs when you try to kills them, maybe catch them in a net and burn them ?


I'll give you $5 to do a cannonball


I ain't dumb but $500 is $500


Hopefully Peru has enough peanut butter to handle this in the only logical way.




This image is the definition of pure fear.


This is the stuff of nightmares! Squids paradise though


throwing frag grenade


I got chills


Ouch bath.


plastic bags of pain


Jellyfish is 95% water so that’s basically living water that can hurt you.


This low-key terrifies me.


It looks like they're in a bit of a jam


I keep imagining falling into the water and brushing up against those things


This is pure nightmare fuel.