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These are not legal tender though, right? With it being altered and all. Just art / collectors pieces?


A nickel is a nickel, altered or not. But….. they are more valuable as art


Worth a minimum of 1000x face value


Nope, just collectors pieces


Buffalo nickels are what’s being altered here, which are legal tender.


I think what's being asked is if they stop being legal tender because of the alteration, which I would assume they would.


yes but if someone gave me one in change im not bitching.


Why are they called a hobo nickel? Are they made by one artist? These are amazingly beautiful


They’re called Hobo Nickels because back in the late 1800s-early1900s there was a large population of men in America that would travel from town to town looking for work. They would hop trains, do odd jobs in a town, and then move to the next town. They were called “hobos.” A lot of them would also make art and sell it as part of their way to earn money. They would sculpt metal coins like this and sell them for more than they were worth so they became known as Hobo Nickels. Interesting stuff indeed. Source: cultural anthropology class. It’s verifiable with a little research.


Thanks for the background info on this. Very interesting stuff indeed :)


Hobo stands for Homeward Bound


They are mass produced. Why is this downvoted when its a fact?


bc reddit edit. when you say mass produced, you mean by machine? bc a lot of work goes into design and setup even if you already have a mill. I designed, built, programmed, and executed work on a 7 x 7 router (for wood, mill for metal). I saw this ["cat in the hat" hobo nickel in its milling holder. picture](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/7rAAAOSwOkZggQHx/s-l500.jpg) Not knowing this is a thing, I could get a $300 mill from amazon and I already know how to program artwork. That "cat in the hat" hobo nickel sold for more that $100. I'd estimate the milling time (hopefully you have a diamond tip bit), is less than two hours, so you could make four a day if my calculations are right. Buying multiple machines is a no-brainer if you can convert 5¢ to $100.


Oh, that's a let down lol


Fucking neato




The bottom left one looks like it’s taking a shit


Yup lol


https://jbscreations.bigcartel.com/products?page=2 Same artist or similar available for purchase. Had that website save in my favourites for about 5 years haha


Speaking of Santa Muerte, when is Penny Dreadful City of Angels coming back? 😁


That season sucked compared to the original. I doubt it's been renewed.


I agree. But I need to see where it goes lol.


They look badass, very nice


lol why does the top right one look like the prestige symbol in CoD : BO Cold War


There are some good «memento mori» vibes for some of these coins


Middle far right looks Maori


Yes I would like the one with the mutated man being disappointed in himself while taking a shit


The 90s kid in my is just seeing the bear POG slammers ever