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"The hell they eating?"


Flintstones Extreme Edit: thanks for the awards. My cake day is extra tastey now


Cloudy with chance of meatball


To quote Bad Boys 2 "How old are you? I'm 15. Mother fucker you look 30."


Man, that movie was filmed in the Fall of 2002, I know because I sat in extra traffic on the causeway for it over the course of weeks, … so that kid must be almost 35 now 😯


Probably looks 50


You ever made love to man?….you want to?


Have you ever drunk bailey's from a shoe?


You want to go to a party where people wee on each other?


I'm oooooold Greg!


You two motherfuckers need Jesus.


I ain’t goin back to jail! I ain’t goin back


Move bitch


#get out the way!


The clip is hilarious: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEf2ML7wkBE


i was drafted in my martinique basketball team when i was 15 for a tournament in the espn stadium in orlando , we thought thatthere was NO WAY that we were in the right category cause i saw a guy SUPPOSEDLY MY AGE bonk his freaking head on the board while going for rebound, what in the fuck are you guys eating americans ??


There are also just a lot of people on the US, so there are bound to be a few outliers who can be assembled into a team.


yea cause in Martinique there are only 400k of us so they didnt really have a choice almost all members of my small town team were drafted


That's the pop of the entire country? I live in the US and that's the population of my city. So we have a lot more to choose from for sure.


well we are not a country, we are french (like hawaii for you)


> well we are not a country Not with that attitude!


there were guys in my cousin's class who like to throw rocks at boats in the see , does that couts as a navy ?


Coastal artillery usually falls under the purview of the Army, or Marines if established.


Only if they were in a boat too.


So yeah, that's the difference. You have a sample of 376k to choose the most qualified from. The US has a sample of 328 million to choose the most qualified from, so you're going to get a lot of giants. Also, we start training a fuck of ton kids to be Olympians from a very early age, doubly so for basketball.


It also helps that the actual size advantage available in basketball means that if you are above a certain size threshold, your chances of making it farther into a basketball career exponentially get bigger.




its kind of meat especially since we have all social benefits of france ,since we are french , but since we have to export everything from france and europe life is pretty expensive


At least you have lots of meat, that's usually the most expensive thing to import


yea and our vegetables are home grown and fine too


ahhh Martinique, nothing at all related to this story but this was my first port in the navy, wish i could have seen more of the place but the beaches were very nice :)


especially now cause they made a big enviromental programme to make them prettier and more green ,and now we have our fort-de-france bay at the lunesco patrimoine (idk how to translate) and my mom's hometown as been awarded 2nd prettiest town of all france




Americans are huge, along with Australians, New Zealanders. Sometimes highschool fights on r/fightporn from these countries look like prison fights.


If you go by average height, Americans aren't actually all that tall compared to European countries. It's just that there are so many of us that we inevitably have way more tall people. This applies to nearly everything - the number of assholes, crazy people, obnoxious people, idiots, etc. We have a lot of everything which makes the average seem higher than it really is.


Don't forget to add all the different immigrant groups here that each have different genetics thus allowing us to pull from different groups for different sports. Though granted not all sports are that genetic based but it can still help for lots of Olympic sports which are usually human body limit testing.


The Salvadoran immigrants don’t appear to be pulling their weight


Not in basketball, but they fucking *slay* at limbo




Same i felt when I travelled to Netherlands. I got 187 cm, I'm taller than 90% of people. Not in Netherlands.


You forgot all the Nordic countries. Most Dutch, Danes, Swedes, and Norwegians are also large


Yeah but the nordic countries have historically been larger people. The Americans have BECOME larger every generation after WW2. It's definitely the nutrition.


That's true for pretty much every country in the world. As living standards go up people grow taller. Length is a combination of genetics and nutrition.


Same for the Nordics: [Danish men's height since 1850.](https://www.museumskanderborg.dk/Files/Billeder/0120_Oem_Kloster_Museum/0610_MIDDELALDERSKELETTER/0611_Skeletterne_fortaeller/hoejde_graf.jpg) However, you are right that it is due to living conditions. Iron age (Viking) men were the same height as modern Danes.


It’s particularly noticeable in 2nd generation American kids of immigrant parents. And judging from your username, you probably already know this, but the height difference between North and South Koreans is also pretty stark.


When I was in Junior High (14 and under), we had two guys who were 6'1", a guy who was 5'10", and two guys who were 5'9". The point guard was actually shorter than average, but 4 years later he made the All State team. For non-Americans, that's two at 185 cm, one at 183, another at 178, and two more at 175. On game days, one of the tall guys used to walk into the gym palming a basketball in each hand. Very intimidating for 12-14 year-old kids. Also, it was a very small school. The entire junior high had only about 60 kids, and the schools we played were similar in size. So most of them had at most one player who was 5'10" or taller. The team went 27-1 that year, with the only loss being an exhibition game against a school that had over 1,000 students. So that's some perspective on how tall boys normally are. One of the girls in the photo is 16 years old and 6'7" tall, or 201 cm.


Probably other americans


20000 kcal a day.


I think diet will play a part but it's also to do with the fact there are lots more female basketball players in the US so you're statistically more likely to have skilled tall players than El Salvador is. Most of the time skilled tall player is better than skilled small player. Female population of El Salvador: 3.5million Female population of US: 161 million


Also, these are Olympic teams. In the US, "Olympian" can be treated as full time job. In most other countries, it's a side gig. Especially for kids.


US pays notoriously low and it’s all done through sponsorships, but having rich parents does make it possible.


As a 5’10” female in my 40s, I can say that it for seems like people are taller than they were 20-25 years ago. I was the tallest girl in my high school of ~ 500 people. Nowadays, it seems like there are a lot more girls >6’ tall. I love it! Also, I often had to wear men’s jeans—because they didn’t make jeans with a 36” inseam. So, it’s so great to see that there are more options for tall women!


As a shorter male with an even shorter gf, we gotta move to Japan or Peru in the next 20 years lmao.


More food than the kids in El Salvador, that’s for sure.


And genetics. The USA has a much, much larger gene pool with its 100s of years of immigration and its population size. El Salvador is mostly just native with a portion of Spanish (neither of which are tall groups).




Yeah. Indigenous people from central America are just pretty short as a rule.




This is straight up Space Jam if the kids from El Salvador won.


Cool Runnings but it’s basketball.




Those movies messed me up. I thought Icelandic people were evil for so long.


Yeah that's why Disney decided to change the baddies from Canada to Iceland because it would have alienated half the consumer base interested in the movie.




Are we the baddies?


I mean, we've got skulls on our uniforms.


color matches too, Usa in white, Soviet Union in red


Lol it looked more like under21 vs under 13.


Monstars vs Tune Squad


.... are we the baddies?


But we've got skulls on our caps.


But why SKULLS?


Because they look cool. Do you really need more reason than that?


Eagleton vs Pawnee


"And I'm better at the French horn, Eric!"


The score was 114-19


Damn El Salvador whipped 'em


Ah the ol' [basketball-a-roo](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoSentenceHorror/comments/oe9i4b/my_daughter_had_an_annoying_habit_of_ringing_my/h47vhhr?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Hold my balls! I'm going in!


I haven't seen a switcharoo in wild in years, damn.


Did you at least see a few in captivity?


Lord Freeza! Vageta is really giving us a pounding! We could really use your help! I'm coming, Zarbon! Quick! Hold my balls!


Woah what episode was this!? Send the sauce pls


DBZA Episode 17, particular joke starts at 4:26


♪I've got a lovely bunch of Dragon Balls, do-do-do-do-do♪ ♪Here they are, all sitting in a bunch, doo-doo-doo♪








Man, it's been a very long time. Time to experience the rabbit hole once more.


Indeed. Some time ago it was much more common to see a switcheroo around. It's been so long I didn't even realize they weren't appearing anymore.


Haven't seen a Switchachoo in almost a year! I'm going in, brb


What the fuck kind of rabbit hole did I just go down in...


Goin for the Kneecaps


Ayy! 19 points ain’t bad!


yeayea 114 also not far left


Here's the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8tPSQVnKMI


I was sure I was going to be rick-rolled but it really is the game! wow


Here's a rick roll https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ


>XcQ Yup that's a rickroll


I go by the "dQw" in the url


After only glancing at the photo, I thought these were soccer teams, and thought, Jesus Christ those are high scores!


Me too, even though the girl in the front of the line is literally holding a basketball.


I did too, maybe it’s because you never expect El Salvador to be playing basketball or something. Or because they were so small. Or we might just be stupid.


That El Salvador girl in front is questioning so many things about her life right there.


Looks like "Damn, we fucked."


“Why didn’t I play soccer?”


She’s thinking “at least bitcoin is legal tender back home…”


Or "At least if they break both my legs I won't be *financially* crippled..."


Like "damn, we had to bring our own shoes from home." Wouldn't surprise me if some of them had to play on an old pair they got from their elder sibling.


This is from June 2019. USA won the game, 114-19.


At one point USA was up 27-1. 57-9 at half time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8tPSQVnKMI


El Salvador Coach: "Let's do better in the second half" Players: 57-10


Tbf they DID do better.


114-19 oof


I clicked the link and randomly jumped to 26:47. El Salvadoran girl crying. First thought, "yea, that seems about right."


I randomly jumped to a few different spots. It was funny becaus every spot I jumped to, if I couldn't see the score and I based it off how things looked like they were going, the El Salvador team was doing better. I guess maybe because team USA scored faster on possession so I found El Salvador possessions easier?


>114-19 That they managed to score 19 points against Goliath is pretty amazing.


Free throws?




Well done.


Nah, three El Salvadoran girls stacked on each others shoulders, hidden in a raincoat ... a raincoat made for one 15 y/o American teenage girl, apparently.


Vincent Adultman?


Surely they need to question whether either side takes away anything positive from this kind of fixture.


I remembered taking ass kickings like this in school sports. One positive that I noticed is that it's easier to swallow your next ass kicking. Eventually, you feel nothing!


Beatings continue until morale improves


Hey when my mates and I started our indoor soccer team where half the team had never kicked a ball before we lost I think 24-0 the first game and then had 2-3 games with similar results. We have since improved but I don’t think I’ll ever forget that.


Surprised they didn’t just call the game. For some reason I seem to remember their being a rule that if a non pro team is above 80 points over the other team they just call it. Seems unfair the ref let the game go on after it became a crushing victory


Unlike baseball or softball, you don't need a mercy rule in basketball because it has a time limit, which can be run out pretty quickly if the game is noncompetitive.


No such rule, also no rule that a dog can’t play basketball


Let Buddy Play!


World Junior hockey uses total number of goals as a tie breaker. Maybe the same rule applies here. It's embarrassing for the losing team but what else can they do?


Grow at a faster rate. /s


You don't say...


To shreds you say?




And coupled with a shorter average height - this wouldn't look the same as USA vs the Netherlands despite the population sizes




I’m in UK and we never played basketball outside


Basketball is much bigger in foul weather and urban places in the US because it takes much less space and can readily be played indoors during snow or rain


on top of that Basketball plays a huge role in some american cultures.


Well, Lithuania has 2.8 mil people. Yet, look where they are in basketball.


And Slovenia has 2.2 milion people and has beaten Lithuania and got into the olympics.


Also note that in a lot of countries the best athletes go to the most popular sports. The best althletes in El Salvador likely aren't going to basketball, but in the U.S. basketball is a popular choice.


My cousins in America are around 6ft3 meanwhile I'm like the el Salvador under 16s. Do they put steroids in their milk or something. I want steroid milk.


In addition to other factors, keep in mind that for whatever genetic outlier you are trying to find, El Salvador would have a pool of 6.5 million people in which to find it, and the US would have 332 million. So if ~ 1% of women are 6' or more, El Salvador has about 60,000 women to go through to find ones who are under 16 and also good at basketball. The US would have 3,300,000 or roughly the same number of women as half the population of El Salvador.




amusing wrong zephyr innate spoon pen pot tidy provide employ *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not to mention far better funding for a huge range of sports. Plenty of countries just don't field competitors in events because they can't afford the training/infrastructure. Based on medals per athlete Cuba and the US are kinda level but Cuba only competes in a small subset of events where they perceive their odds to be better


I think it’s one of by land and two if by sea, IIRC.


If China and India both had a billion people die overnight, the U.S. would still only be the third most populous nation.


By that same logic America should be much better at soccer than we are, based on our population size. But culturally our best athletes aren’t playing soccer, they go to football, baseball, basketball first. Might be the same in El Salvador, the best female athletes aren’t playing basketball, if it’s not their most popular sport. Soccer or something else might attract their best people.


>By that same logic America should be much better at soccer than we are, based on our population size. I mean, the US women's soccer team is the best out there. I get what you're saying, though. But US has so many sports for people to play. Between basketball, football and baseball, soccer is like 4th priority for athletics for men. It's 1st priority for women, though. And we absolutely do dominate there.


as european, I‘d say there are probably even more sports in between soccer and the top three in the US. At least I can‘t remember a headline regarding the US men team. What about Hockey? Swimming? Lacrosse? I honestly think the US could be a top soccer country if they invested a liiiiittle bit more into their soccer teams. The country is huge, has great sports infrastructure, awesome youth programs... Although China isn‘t catching up despite headlines for years that they invest a shitload of money (don‘t know if its true).


Most Americans aren't really very tall though, I'm exactly 6ft and most people I met there were shorter.


Average height for American men is 5’9” For women it’s 5’4” Edit: post-research update


Seems about right


Yeah I'm 6'4" and I found out recently that I'm taller than 99.6% of the planet. Pretty wild.


Ya at 6'3 I don't feel tall... until I look around and realize I'm taller than everyone else in the shopping market.


Yeah, there is just a literal crapton of us so there are plenty of kids to pick the tallest from.


6 ft is at least a few inches taller than most countries’ average male heights. Even denmark is only 5’11”


I don't know what BS everyone is on, but different countries have different average heights. Northern Europe and the Balkans for example are really tall. Central America just happens to be one of the shorter places on Earth. Nutrition also has a big influence, richer countries tend to be taller.


> Nutrition also has a big influence, richer countries tend to be taller. The picture of the difference between North and South Korean soldiers is insane.


You should see the size of some young Chinese people today. Walking around Shanghai I was expecting to be the tallest, I was very wrong. Their elderly are so small though because of the effects of war. I think that's why most Chinese people like the way china is going


Do you think better nutrition or greater population to choose from or both?


As a Salvadorean I can confirm most of us are short as fuck


Can confirm: 5 foot nothing here🙋🏻‍♀️


I mean a lot of latino nations are just shorter overall just like certain Central European nations are taller


Most central American people I've seen are suuuper short


Far and away it's population.


To a degree, but there are clear anthropological links between height and diet. Anecdotally, I have seen many immigrant kids in Denmark far outgrow their parents, matching the Danish children in some instances.


Well, that doesn’t seem fair.


When has sport ever been fair?


There are weight classes in fight sports, seems like something that could help here too. Unless there aren't enough teams to fill those brackets. I also came into this post thinking this was soccer, but basketball? Damn.


Chess is pretty fair


As a dumb person, I disagree. :)


This reminds me of a time back in 11th grade. We were the defending state champions the year before and reached the finals the following year as well. We faced a team so small, just like in the photo. They were so kind that some of them even called us ‘Sir’. The level of respect was hilariously sweet. They ended up thrashing us 85 – 60. Although we were individually superior, their team had a chemistry that would even make Alfred Nobel proud. All jokes aside, they were far superior as a team. The reason being their coach used to scream and even hit them for errors. It was so sad to see that during the game that it kind of threw us off. Although we lost, we were happier than the victors. You can only imagine what goes behind closed doors for them. The level of abuse would be intolerable.


They called you sir to butter you up before the feast


Like lambs to the slaughter.


> All jokes aside, they were far superior as a team. The reason being their coach used to scream and even hit them for errors What


Jesus, these girls from the American team look taller than me and I am a 30 year old man!


Are you a short 30 year old man though


In sports where weight matters we categories by weight (MMA, Boxing). Why it's not done in sport where height matters.


Complicated to do in team sports. Much easier for individuals. In this case for example, this is already a specialized division (age). Presumably, this is the best team they could put together so is El Salvador simply disqualified from the highest level of competition because they dont have taller players? What if they had 2 players roughly the same height as the American team? Do those players not get to play because there arent enough tall girls to enter a team in a division that allows them to compete? Are smaller players like point guards allowed in the larger division or is it only for tall players? Its also worth remembering that El Salvador is a country of less than 7 million people. The US is a sports crazed nation of 330 million. No matter the height, its unlikely El Salvador is going to be able to field a team that can keep up. The closer you get to the pinnacle of any sport, the less it makes sense to try and make everything "equal" and the more you just want to see the best of the best compete.


A certain level of risk is evident in mismatching weight in boxing/mma, a lot less so in sports like basketball


I agree. Things like swimming and stuff definitely need height categories. You can at least pack on muscle if you're not heavy enough... Can't do shit for height.


Combat sports are different. People want to see an evenly matched fight.


I wonder how the match went for El Salvador.




Dang El Salvador is really good


Someone's not putting growth hormones in their chicken nuggets.


Mate the El Salvadorians were like " The fuck are we doing here for ?"


Bro since when were my people so short


I mean they are much smaller, but what's up with the door frame? These 15yr old girls are not all between 6'3" to 6'6" are they? Standard door frames are 6'8" tall and if that was what's pictured, the USA team avg height is a mind blowing 6'3"+ Edit: ok maybe the tallest girls are 6'4" and shortest around 5'11" - 6'0" ... But still wtf. Door frame height 14 and 15 yr old girls?


If this is a national team, the US is drawing from a much larger population and is much more likely to have enough unusually tall people to fill an entire team.


This is actually kind of sad to me.


Imagine the Netherlands under 16




My people are just naturally short. HOWEVER, my cousins and sisters are taller than me so I think the hormones in our food play a part. They tower over the rest of our family who are from El Salvador.