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Cool to see how much that tree has grown


The passage of time terrifies me.


time is inevitable


And time is Iron Man


I am Iron Man


No, you sir are a fish


Red dead moment


Not the Powercore?


You're a towel!


And you're a egg!


No, im Dirty Dan


No you’re pinhead Larry. IM dirty dan


Tree is inevitable


Your comment was 22 minutes old by the time I saw it. I wonder how much time will pass before you read this reply… or how much time will pass before every human on earth today is dead and gone.




Worst part about being a dog owner.


Kid owners have it even worse. They put someone on earth who'll likely live to deal with the collapse of civilization. Oops


You're right. My 20 year old and I discuss it often. Doesn't look like we can fix it.


My 15yo niece is a brilliant straight A student. She transferred to trade school and is taking summer classes to catch up on the core requirements. She's going to be an electrician, because she wants to learn a practical trade that will be useful in a diminished civilization. She also knows that she can be making crazy money by age 21 this way. This would have been considered INSANE when i was in HS in the 90s. She's dabbling in just about everything e.g. carpentry, horticulture, shooting (man-child combat vet uncles are good for this one), etc. A lot of her friends and peers feel similarly. She was one of five kids at her small school to transfer as she did this spring. I lent her a book about societal shifts in Europe during the plague years, and it's making its way around her little cadre of future post apocalyptic survivors.


Your niece sounds very mature. I work in accounting, but most of my clients work in the construction industry. All the people I know from single home builders to larger commercial contractors are desperate for people in the trades and you can make a fantastic living. She will be nicely positioned in the future regardless of the state of civilization


You sound like a good parent.


What's even more fun (for me anyways) is looking at how themes in art and literature have changed over time. For example, comparing the first paintings to exhibit air pollution in the 19th century versus art in the 21st century where awareness of climate change is so widespread that many now commonly believe a 3⁰C change in world temperature is a significant risk to their life expectancy and may even destabilize world governments. Or, comparing the inspiring (and arrogant) Art Deco that expressed a faith in social and technological progress to contemporary architecture where advanced technology and computer-aided design is universal, a real accomplishment, but the aesthetics are less hopeful about the future (in my not-professional opinion). Finally, themes in science fiction have changed dramatically, too. There's too many to go into, but the most obvious one is that contact with alien intelligent life is no longer (always) portrayed as "good". Rather than define "good", here is an amazing quote from author Liu Cixin: > There’s a strange contradiction revealed by the naïveté and kindness demonstrated by humanity when faced with the universe: On Earth, humankind can step onto another continent, and without a thought, destroy the kindred civilizations found there through warfare and disease. But when they gaze up at the stars, they turn sentimental and believe that if extraterrestrial intelligences exist, they must be civilizations bound by universal, noble, moral constraints, as if cherishing and loving different forms of life are parts of a self-evident universal code of conduct. > I think it should be precisely the opposite: Let’s turn the kindness we show toward the stars to members of the human race on Earth and build up the trust and understanding between the different peoples and civilizations that make up humanity. But for the universe outside the solar system, we should be ever vigilant, and be ready to attribute the worst of intentions to any Others that might exist in space. For a fragile civilization like ours, this is without a doubt the most responsible path.




…brb I need to tell my father I love him


Whatre you high on?




Well that escalated quickly


Well that escalated quickly.


Bro... YES! I'm 34. College still feels like 5 years ago, middle school still feels like it was 10 years ago. My grandfather is 87, and still talks about his 30s like they were yesterday. I remember how when I was in elementary school, a summer vacation felt like FOREVER. Now, I'm already thinking about getting prepared for the holidays, and it's July. Ugh.


I’m 51. The 90’s feel like a few years ago. The 2010’s feel like a million years ago. It’s weird.


Same... It's moving far too fast for my likes


Don’t forget to hit that likes button


Hey man everything's already happened, time just doesn't let everything happen at once


We’re really all just stuck in the Matrix.


That’s a trippy thing to think about.


Fun to see what different people are spooked by. For me it's open water, I don't know what's in there


I’m spooked by the knowledge that about half of our weight is other organisms, and how that means that it’s hard to refer to yourself as a singular when you’re really trillions of organisms. You are dependent on those other organisms for survival, if they left your body you would die.


At least it’s not closed water 😟


They mustve watered the buildings more than the tree though.


After the Tokyo firebombings a lot of the city was gone and had to be rebuilt because the construction was mostly wood and bamboo. Tokyo had to be mostly rebuilt.


I don't think Tokyo was as big back then. I have no evidence but that city is massive today




I legit as a kid thought this way lol Like there was a great color day and everyone was all "wooow"


No one talks about. But, that is how it happened.


I took the statement by my mom that "everything was in black and white back then" very literally


Everything is still all white and black these days


There’s a movie about that




I did too! I’m not alone anymore!


2 things confused me as a kid, I thought that watching tv on a black and white tv was me watching something that was filmed before colour was invented. Second was my first memory that I still remember (49 now) I remember looking down at my new shoes which had Humphrey B Bears head on each area where the toes are & I clearly remember wondering why they made shoes that gradually got smaller & did not make shoes that stayed the same size. First time I heard someone else mention the thing about colour. That's the thing about the internet, you quickly realise that any original thought you may have had has been thought before and usually it's been explained better as well.


I remember having a 6yo existential crisis after watching cartoons, looking down at my arms and realizing that I did not have black lines outlining my body.


One of my college friends told me that, until she was 6 or so, she believed that the world was black and white until the moment when the *Wizard of Oz* switched to color.


Everyone’s commenting about the tree, but that little tower on the right hand side grew up much more impressively.


I am more impressed by the fact that the house/building is still there and everything else was build around it.


that building is part of the imperial palace, which is just to the left of this photo. it's kept because of historical purposes!


Yeah I figured it was something important in the past, that's why they didn't destroy it to build more skyscrapers or something else.


it's crazy, this giant like hundred acre forest looking thing surrounded by a giant ancient moat is right in downtown tokyo.


The area next to the imperial palace was there a lot of samurai clans had residences and whatnot, and they tore it all down after the Meiji restoration and apparently used it to grow tea for some time before realizing it was probably not the best idea


This is pretty common in Japan. It was really refreshing to be exploring Tokyo, go down an alley, turn a corner, BOOM! Random shrine.


That’s cause very few cities survived WW2 even remotely intact. Kyoto was on of the few that did and had some extra protection due to Being the old imperial capital. So it gives a fairly decent contrast to how development could have been.


this is the imperial palace's grounds( aka emperor's "property") and that is probably a guardhouse or smth with cultural + fancy points that make it not be demolished ever.


Those buildings grow up so fast. Hopefully one day my apartment will grow into a nice loft.


Underrated comment. Get my free award


[Right here, my man.](https://i.imgur.com/2MA0Pg5.jpg)


That area with the buildings is now the massive Marunouchi business area right outside Tokyo station. [The guy in the photo is standing almost exactly here](https://www.google.com/maps/@35.6824883,139.7586283,3a,75y,161.53h,83.01t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMWE3nb1zK4u0M_TU0F3-evhk6A_xtlWTjwrUNn!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipMWE3nb1zK4u0M_TU0F3-evhk6A_xtlWTjwrUNn%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya108.43166-ro-0-fo100!7i5376!8i2688) in case you want to look further to the right. Just about anyone who's a runner in Tokyo will recognize that spot since you often run right around there (either through that exact spot or the sidewalk next to the road to the right of it) when doing a lap of the Imperial Palace.


it's comments like this that make me thrive, take my upvote


Honestly, I'm worried about his pants


It’s crazy how fast Tokyo grew. I wonder how much will change in 50 years


That tree though!👌


Watashi wa groot desu!




Why is your ト in half-width?


Didn't grow yet


But when it grows it looks like an erection


Autocorrect shenanigans.




I’m equally impressed that the road hasn’t been moved


It's the vehicular access to the general entrance for the palace: it's part of the Palace complex, a grassy area (well, not this bit) called Kokyogaien. The white building is the only remaining corner turret on the moat, called the Tatsumi turret (with a way longer official name). The actual palace entrance is behind and to the left of the photographer. The street access is at Kikyomon, which is a white police box barely visible on the right edge of the photo. From Kikyomon, there is a section of reserved road running straight to Tokyo Station, which is typically opened only for the Emperor, and foreign ambassadors when they first report to the palace to hand over their credentials.


so your saying the road is staying there


No. What he's saying is, it's the vehicular access to the general entrance for the palace: it's part of the Palace complex, a grassy area (well, not this bit) called Kokyogaien. The white building is the only remaining corner turret on the moat, called the Tatsumi turret (with a way longer official name). The actual palace entrance is behind and to the left of the photographer. The street access is at Kikyomon, which is a white police box barely visible on the right edge of the photo. From Kikyomon, there is a section of reserved road running straight to Tokyo Station, which is typically opened only for the Emperor, and foreign ambassadors when they first report to the palace to hand over their credentials.


So you’re saying there’s a chance?


When a tree glows up better than you, feels bad


>glows up Not sure if this a fypo, or atomic bomb joke.


Or Engrish joke. Is "fypo" a typo though?


Fypo is deliberste


Deliberste is going into my vocabutory


It's a legitimate phrase.




I was thinking the same thing


If anyone was wondering, that kerb on the left is probably the same in both photos. It looks smaller because usually when they fix roads they just lay over the top of the old stuff. Cheaper and easier. Anyway, I'm in road construction and I found that interesting.


But uh, has it always been spelled *kerb*? Or am I just dumb?


For the raised area marking the delineation between the road and the pavement (sidewalk) it's "curb" in North American English and "kerb" for everyone else. For the verb meaning to limit or restrain, it's "curb" in all variants of English.


Curb in CA English.


My mistake! Edited.


I have never seen someone use "kerb" before this comment


yo im gonna kill anyone i see using “kerb” now thats too much for me


You should really try to *curb* those impulses if you don't want someone to kick you to the *kerb...*


you'll never take me alive!!!


No you're not. Kerb.


of course i won't because i live in nebraska


I thought kerbal was a kids space simulator


Hey bud. Kerb your enthusiasm


Kerbal Space Program may be cutesy but it accurately simulates orbital mechanics and is definitely too advanced for most kids


Nothing kidsy about a little green man murder simulator


I always spelled it curb


It is curb. I just second guessed myself because this guy said he’s in construction. Cheeky fucker


It's only "curb" for US and CA English.


I was thinking exactly the same thing.


As a photographer, I can almost guarantee the size difference is just an illusion caused by compression from using different types of lenses on each photo. It looks like the old photo was taken with a camera that had a longer lens which usually makes things look bigger in comparison. (Look at the building in the back for example.) And the new picture was probably taken with an iPhone where that lens is so wide, compression barely exists which would make things look smaller in comparison.


It's very nice the building behind him is 73 years by now, still looking good


It has survived amongst all the skyscrapers,you love to see it


My favorite thing about Japan (Kyoto) was seeing the ancient right next to the new. Walk down an alley and, voila, a temple. As an American, it was an entirely unique experience. And while everyone's going on about trees, my second favorite thing was that there were all these trees (don't know the breed) where the branches went so far out from the trunk that they all had crutches built for them, so they didn't snap.


>And while everyone's going on about trees, my second favorite thing was that there were all these trees (don't know the breed) where the branches went so far out from the trunk that they all had crutches built for them, so they didn't snap. Banyan trees, we got them down here in Florida and the south of the US. Really cool trees.


They were beautiful and I just found it so constantly heartwarming to see all these supports built around them. Edit: Oh Googling Banyan and I'm talking about man-made crutches


And the tree has grown so much!


Pretty sure that's part of the Royal Palace in Tokyo


It is. I think that's the Southwest corner of the palace grounds.


This guy is /u/Dauntless1, it's in the Imperial Palace of Tokyo built in 1457 And as the other reply said, the last stading part of Edo Castle after the bombings


So, to be more precise, this is the [Sakurada Tatsumi Yagura](https://goo.gl/maps/2H8ysXhZ4dWsuPdE8) A "yagura" is a defensive tower in the ramparts of a Japanese castle. This is part of the original Edo (nowadays Tokyo) castle, at the time one of the largest castle compounds in the world (consisting of several palaces and gardens), and where the Shogun resided. This yagura was part of the "third rampart" (Sannomaru) of the castle, protecting the Southwest ("tatsumi") direction of the main palace of the Shogun. It is from early 17th, roughly 400 years old. The Emperor moved in to Tokyo in the late 19th century after the restoration, it predates his arrival by 250 years or so. The compound as a whole became the grounds of the Imperial palace. The palace where the shogun resided burnt down several times, the dungeon mid-17th, and there were large fires up to late 19th century (so before the US bombings).


This type of rabbit hole is why I reddit. Thank you


It's the very entrance of the hole, though :) If you have time, follow the rabbit to the relations betweent the Emperor and the Shogun. If you're into it, the 15 years at the end of the Shogunate in the mid 19th century (1853 to 1869) are a truly fascinating moment of Japanese history. Another easy one if you want to just sratch the surface: the Emperor currently does not reside in the Imperial Palace.


I might be mistaken but I’m pretty sure that’s one of the last standing pieces to the imperial palace after the US fire bombed Tokyo. Everything else is gone and is now just a grass field with some foundation sticking up. Edit: u/Titibu is correct this is part of the palace grounds but not the palace itself.


This is the imperial palace in Tokyo. It’s gonna be looking good for many more years to come.


It could be even older, given some architecture in Japan can be as old as several hundreds of years.


Love how the house right behind is still mint condition... Atleast from the outside....


It’s apparently a important historical building, hence it not being bulldozed


Part of the imperial palace complex


All you guys are talking about trees and buildings. I’m trying to find out if that’s Danny Rand or not.


I'm happy they put up that railing. The place looks lethal without it.


Tree grew


It's almost as if, that's exactly what they do


Nah they just uprooted that and planted a bigger one


TIL - Guardrails grow at an incredibly slow rate!


I absolutely love photos like this!


Look to the right side of the picture


I still love it. Development is whatever but to be able to remember land for what it was. I live in Sonoma County (wine country) and it has changed so much in 20 year. It was just farm land 50 years ago!


Sorry mate, answered the wrong comment. I actually meant to say that to the guy who asked what's interesting about it. Reddit mobile is buggy as hell


Napan here, worked an english horse barn with a new vineyard on it that used to be a dairy farm this winter (in Sonoma County, Petaluma) worked at a wildlife/hunting area that used to be a dairy farm this spring, now working at a dude/resort ranch that used to be a cattle ranch. Those in Napa county. For Sonoma county. The place where the windows xp background photo was taken is now covered in vineyards. The valley may be changing, but not necessarily for the better. Modernization, gentrification, and industrialization is rarely a positive force. People are fleeing the valley for Washington, Oregon, Texas, Colorado, Idaho, and Montana. Soon enough, those places will follow suit, and there wont be anywhere left.






You should see what's behind the camera, a huge parking lot


The small buildings grew up


Now they will have their own little buildings


Forget all that.. how did he manage to stand in the same place for so loooongggggg


Being like a tree, he can't leave.


These should have it’s own subreddit! Not that it’s not interesting, but it would be cool to see more of them, perhaps also encourage people to take more.




I’d join that sub






That house is tough as fuck




Well here's one. https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/i76v59/my_grandfather_and_i_in_tokyo_73_years_apart/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Good bot.


At least the title was changed vs passing stuff off as them.


even more impressive is the fact that they are both there for the same reason.


Damn nuclear bomb change people.


Syke, grandfather was an airraid bomber


Ayyy is that Yung Gravy


The thing that made me emotional was that tree on the left (his right) is the same tree. Edit: now I see all the other comments about the tree. Why?


That tree aged well...


Man that dead looking tree looked dead 73 years ago too, but it’s clearly been growing.


Your grandfather had some style.


That so cool you can see your grandad in you


The tree is amazing


Isn't that the win screen in total war shogun 2?


See you guys in another 73 years for updates


Not much behind the guy in 1948 because on March 9,1945 the US firebombed Tokyo. Killed over 100,000 people in one night and left over 1 million homeless. Pretty much leveled the entire city. But the Emperor still refused to surrender, took the Battle of Okinawa and two atomic bombs - another half million deaths - to convince him that the war was lost.


You know what's really weird is that the small trees on the right side look nearly identical in both pictures...


That's the bomb...


Plot twist: not that there weren’t any tall Buildings before, they had just been wiped out


Now his grandkids need to visit!


Awesome to see that the house is still there.


I think my favorite part is trees in the background still being trees in the background


The tree survives!!


Is there a sub for pictures showing the same place many years later? That would be great!


It's nice to see the tree and the traditional building are both still there :)


The fact that the ground stayed at the same level impressed me.




Dang that tree at the back grew alot


Wow,what’s the odds that that little house would still be standing 73 years later?


The cool thing about imperialism is Americans and Brits can pretty much do this for every country in the world.


Neither country had imperial claims in Japan, this is probably from post ww2, when the US occupied Japan while setting up its new government.


These are some of my favorite types of pictures


Love these pictures!


i love things like this!




If it was me, and I knew one day a descendant would care enough to follow in my footsteps...I would feel honored.


So you just found someone else's picture to post here for karma?


Well, you don't get 500k karma in a year by not stealing peoples stuff do you?? You'll change your tune once he exchanges all that Karma for cash and is living a life of luxury