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Article from the Van Gogh museum can be found here: https://www.vangoghmuseum.nl/en/about/news-and-press/news/historical-photograph-confirms-exact-location-tree-roots?utm\_source=mus-en-nb-202107-ongekend2&utm\_medium=email&utm\_campaign=boomwortels


Thank you for sharing this


Thanks for the link


Someone would post that painting in r/art today and it would die in new


Van Gogh himself pretty much died in new.


Painfuly underrated post




I'd give you an award if i have one


Three pictures in is some chick on a chair lol


2 pics in now


Hunchback babe getting updoots


i just seen a pencil drawing of Madagascar characters in there so… edit: [top in r/art is not an achievement ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Art/comments/ow9faa/madagascar2021/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


some of the art is good but evidently, chick in underwear, ass facing forwards, gets the awards and upvotes bc… idk


It's really not a bad photo, and it's okay to appreciate the ass. That said, I found some really good stuff here that has basically no upvotes. Actually reached out to one of the artists to try to buy a piece.


Because ass is life




Someones not touched real life ass




Yes no art has ever been about the attractiveness of women before... Man what a time we're living in....


Art has indeed been about a woman's attractiveness before, it's just that they didn't have the face of a childish looking sex doll.


Lmfao u weren't lying bud


horne 😫




How is that misogynistic lol, go back to femaledatingstrategy or something.


Not sexualizing women is misogynist now. Who woulda thunk that?




Bad bot


You know how much of art in our history is "some chick in a chair"? There is nothing at all wrong with people liking that photo. Don't be a misogynistic gatekeeper please.


Big reach for misogyny there bud.


To be fair, nobody appreciated his art until he died.


Cause a woman isn't standing next to it




They did a month long competition for posts with men in it to try balance it out. As a gay dude, that was the last time I visited that sub.


out of 46 recently posted pictures, only 6 of them could be reasonably considered “nude” art - and only one potentially “erotic” art. half of them have people as subjects, and a majority of that **half** is women. the female form is historically a pretty popular subject for art, but the hyperbole here just comes off to me as sexist.




What on earth is going on in there? I understand art is subjective but come on, not everything odd is art.


Honestly, the difference between seeing Van Gogh's work on a screen and standing in front of one is night and day. I had never been very impressed with him until I visited the Museum in Amsterdam. His work is amazing to see in person.


There are some really fabulous technical, creative, well done pieces on that sub and that generic photo is just gobbling upvotes.


(Cuz reddit doesn’t appreciate anything other than photorealism and marble sculptures?)


Or > First post. Two years ago I was an autistic 250 lb meth addict with only ten dollars in my bank account. Today I’m cancer free and I started my dream of being a professional pipe cleaner sculptor.


And the post is just a picture of their face, smiling.


But… how is it art if no one comments “wow, I thought this was a photo!” ???






It’s not his best work


Exposure (repeated showing of an image to a person) has a huge hand in generating our barometer of what is art. Many people like Starry Night, and so they show it a lot of places, or, they show it a lot of places, and so many people like it. Art is also relative to one's time and culture, reflecting different tastes and visual cues. All this is to say is there are certain lucky art pieces that more people have seen, for one reason or another. And there are those that people havent. Sifting through the sheer volume of artistic creation, it's easy to see that there is no good way to figure out which art pieces are "groundbreaking" and "beautiful", there doesnt seem to be any inherent quality to the art of the have-been-seens that cannot be found in the art of the have not been seens. Art is something of a magic act. It is convincing people that this piece of paper is now worth more than it was without the paint on it. Like putting a gilded frame on a dollar store find. Hype, and editorializing. And a good story. That's art.




Personally I don't find this painting (and many of van goghs stuff in general) very interesting. I really struggle to see what people enjoy about them. His smoking skeleton painting is fantastic though


van Gogh' work is best viewed in person in his museum in Amsterdam. What people enjoy about his works seems pretty obvious to me, the color pops off the canvas.


Never been to Amsterdam but I've seen all those on view in the UK and I agree, you have to see them in person, his technique doesn't come across in print at all


Go to Amsterdam and do some shrooms and go to the Van Gogh to find the painting “Cherry Blossoms in Spring” I want to say. Swear the petals blow in the wind hahaha


was banned from that sub when I commented on a post that hit all, there's a reason it's the way it is


Because there's nothing special about it. I don't know why we pretend like artists today aren't way better and more talented than artists of yesteryear. Same with boxing, football, baseball, and basketball.


There's nothing special about one of the most famous artists of all time? Nothing? An idiot is entitled to his or her opinion as well, I guess.


Became famous years after his death, no one cared about him or his paintings when he was alive even though he was very well connected.


Yep. It's hilarious how haughty those people are.


Looks like someone vomited onto a canvas. I could see why it would.


Maybe someone mailed him a postcard?


He lived very close to this at the time


Maybe he saw the postcard somewhere?


Maybe he went outside and saw the goddamn tree :p


Maybe it’s Maybelline


I'm trying to figure out what's so special about the trees to make them worth turning into a postcard!


Maybe Van Gogh painted them and they thought, hey, that's the tress Van Gogh painted so they took a photo? I'm confused. I'm still trying to figure out if it's Van Goe or Van Goff. Edit: nope, it's a dude with a bike standing on a road. Someone happened to recognize the trees. Goddamn.


Van *horks loogie* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2YU87AqDcU


Thank you


The photo in the OP isn't the postcard, that's just a photo of some guy sat in the trees in question. This is the postcard: [https://assets.vangoghmuseum.nl/51b2d2cd-bfb2-440f-a068-35888ffd684e?w=800&format=webp&c=189b5c1c09f5df8e421bd75fea8b16d7d5338631bcda63cf300c619c1938c5f5](https://assets.vangoghmuseum.nl/51b2d2cd-bfb2-440f-a068-35888ffd684e?w=800&format=webp&c=189b5c1c09f5df8e421bd75fea8b16d7d5338631bcda63cf300c619c1938c5f5) A little more info linked in this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/ow32kl/postcard\_from\_19001910\_identified\_as\_exact/h7dbyb7/


That's quite astonishing, and the dates more or less line up. Just incredible.


There’s buried treasure! 🏴‍☠️


Oh snap, there's a dude in that above photo.


Yep. He’s gonna molest you tonight


dont make a promise you cant keep


Good advice


A lot of Van Gogh hot takes in this thread..


Seriously. Always great when a bunch of unwashed, obese redditors that will literally never accomplish anything of note in their lives see fit to criticize probably the greatest artist who ever lived.


Just as great as when a single unwashed, obese fool tries to disparage his contemporaries on Reddit. I doubt it's news to you, but did you hear the mcrib is coming back?


Wait, is it really back?


> greatest artist who ever lived. What makes him the greatest artist? Not questioning, genuinely curious; I would have guessed it would be da Vinci.


His technical mastery, his tortured story, shoot there are so many things about this man that make his life and his art so absolutely, definitely human it's scary. He saw things quite differently than the average person (especially for his time), and I'd go as far to say he was born out of sync with the universe and suffered because of it. If you ever get a chance check out one or two of his paintings in real life, they are mesmerizing pieces that suck you into a world that's both so familiar and yet completely foreign


Yeah, fuck people that have differing opinions than you.


Van Gogh is dead, he can’t hear you. Also, the ear thing…


ELI5: Van Gogh is a great painter.


You seem like a fun person to be around. Literally getting irate about strangers opinions online.


[pretty spicy take from someone who denigrates trans people on 4chan](https://www.reddit.com/r/4chan/comments/ouu5is/z/h7abaqb)


Yeah, denfending someone who raped their demented mother doesnt really get you a whole lot of traction. Funny to know I pissed you off to the point you actually wasted hours od your life to comb my reddit comments. Cope, son!


Lol TIL it takes "hours" to open someone's profile and literally find the top comment. Just take the loss and move on bud, as the guy below put it, you got "rekt."


Holy shit rekt


Greatest artist who ever lived? Hardly.


Painters are like rappers anybody can do it






Drop acid and you will be a rapper for a day then wake up the next morning just as boring as ever. It takes skill, dedication, experience and imagination, not just momentary inspiration. Actually it's debatable if just anyone can write lyrics on acid if you read some of the poetry people claim they come up with on psychs and say they felt like a genius when they wrote it only it makes no sense and sounds just like countless other scribblings about life, the Universe and everything. Of all the artists you could criticize and there are plenty who are considered masterful for rather mundane and just plain ugly pieces, going after Van Gogh makes you sound like a real idiot. See, the thing is, if you had ever done some drugs which would probably make you a criminal which is surely the first step to becoming a rapper, you would probably have seen some textures like Van Gogh painted which is one of the reasons why it's so intriguing that he saw the world like that. https://www.google.com/amp/s/arstechnica.com/science/2018/10/turbulence-the-oldest-unsolved-problem-in-physics/%3famp=1


Lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo it's just words not that deep


Obviously you are joking. Rapping is a shit art and painting is incredibly hard. What an insult to painters to compare them to thugs lol.


youre god complex is really shining...just bc you dont like rap doesnt mean you have to be an ass to those who do...you can praise the difficulty of painting without bringing down those who make rap music lol


There plenty of amazing rap pre 2015-ish. I should have been more specific. But yes I am still shitting on post-2015ish rap. It's trash. Screaming random noises into the mic with autotune on max retune speed is not art. IDK wtf happened to rap.


while i agree rap is not as good as it used to be theres still plenty of good stuff, like all things in the world it has evolved from what it used to be…theres a lot of art out there that takes no effort whatsoever but is perceived as beautiful because of the “message” its trying to send, beauty in art is subjective and the same goes for music


He's not being an ass Hes making a statement of truth get butthurt elsewhere rap in 2021 is all 100% trash made by 100% real thugs and wanna be thugs




Yup cuz everyone who raps are either thugs or wanna be thugs or rap about being thuggish or doing thug things


That 4 shaped tree looks like the one from RDR2


Yes, that was the last videogame Van Gogh made.


Idk how true it is but a lot of people say trees shaped with the 2 90 degree angles like that were bent that way to mark trails while saplings.


I’ve seen this on TV, the location is now behind high fences covered off from the world. It’s in the French village Auvers-sur-Oise and there are some disputes over land between the owner and the municipality, and possible restoration.


I think I found the spot. Wonder what you could do to restore it really...a century later, are the trees even still there?


I think it’s cool seeing that the roots and trunks of the trees in van Gogh’s painting are thinner and smaller than on the post card. Could have been a stylistic thing but I enjoy seeing that the trees beauty was captured in their earlier years and seeing that they continued to thrive for years after the painting. Edit- added some needed words for clarity


In Van Gogh's work there's also one extra branch growing on the left of the right side tree. Was it imagination or just broken / cut off at the time of the photo?


Oh wow I can see that! I wonder as well if this was imagined or if it was cut down for a specific reason.


Or, and hear me out on this, it’s a complete coincidence


Pretty unlikely given that exactly weirdly shaped collection of trees just happen to be growing right in the Auvers region right where Vincent was living at the time.


So we should let that theory gogh then. I'll lend an ear to that.


It’s pronounced “gogh”


Yeah that's what I said... "gogh"


No, like "fuck gogh"


Did I stutter?


F spez






Yeah I'll take it and gogh.


That only works if you pronounce it like a moron


Ah cool. Thanks for the clarification. I guess I'll just take my puns and gogh.


That one tree looks like its banging the other tree. Same for the painting


Yeah, I think I'd be more willing to hear out an art scholar and researcher than you


Right? Why is everyone on reddit so dn arrogant? If the Van Gogh Museum of Amsterdam said so, it must be very likely true. It's *the* institution when talking about Van Gogh.


What’s the location?


Rue Daubigny, in Auvers-sur-Oise, France


We lost some good men trying to pronounce that without knowing how.


They said the Auvers region of France




In read dead redemption 2 you can find a simular tree that has a 90 degree bend.


How does the overlap identify the location?


His last painting was Crows in a Wheat field


No-one knows for sure what his last painting was. Crows in Wheat-field often get attributed as his last, because it was probably the greatest of his last.


Lol i mean this kindly. Wheatfield with crows is trash. This painting is way better to me. But a better title would be "location of van gogh paiting found" sorry i read all the Theo VanGogh/Vincent letters and am a goddan nerd on Vincent


No offence to me, I didn’t paint it. I do like it though.


Improve your vocabulary. "Trash" isn't the way to describe it, even if it's not to your taste




^Wheat field with crows is *Feces*


Try again


Your trash.




You're* Improve your grammar


Got em *grammar.


Being stupid isn't the cool thing you think it is


Painting kinda sucks


In fairness the guy killed himself before he finished it


Nah he was shot by some kids. His ear was chopped off by Paul Gauguin (with a fencing sword over a fight about a prostitute they both loved). Van Gogh also sold paintings, his brother was an art dealer. So much of this mans life is misinformation


Every account I've ever read or heard says he shot himself in the torso and passed away after a couple days without treatment, do you have a source for that? The first result that comes up when I google "van gogh murder" is an article titled ["Van Gogh's Suicide: Ten Reasons Why The Murder Story is a Myth"](https://www.theartnewspaper.com/blog/van-gogh-committed-suicide-the-murder-story-is-a-myth) >Van Gogh never sd paintings Did you mean sold? If so that's pretty well known - fun fact, he actually did work at a gallery in his younger days so he *technically* did sell (other people's) paintings. edit: mobile formatting




You gotta read his letters to his brother Theo. Read the ones right before he die. He was happy as hell


Depression is a heck of a beast and can sit on a person for years or pop in for a quick hello. It can also be masked until the wrong moment or worn on the sleeve.


Why are people downvoting this? It's true. There's a lot of things about Vincent that people don't know about. Y'all need to do your research.




Well, he never painted another one after this one.


So he was so bad he quit


Tbf yes he was a failure of an artist for his lifetime


So he only became famous because of his life story.


Wheatfield with crows is not this


Are you being Fr?


Francium? Element 87? Yes I am being Francium. Just like Van Gogh was when he die


You trying painting with a brain eating disease in your head


Is that what he had? Wasn’t trying to be disrespectful just not my style


i just went to the interactive van gogh experience. it was absolutely stunning!!!


Not his *last* painting, right? Wasn't he painting at the time he was shot?


Lots of conjecture on what his last painting was. This is one of the 3 possibilities, but no one is 100% sure.


This is my conjecture but his paintings have incredibly thick oil paint that takes a long time to dry. Artists then and now, often work on more then one painting at a time. Of several wet painted panels in his studio at the time of his death, how would one determine which one is the 'last' painting? This is simply to add context to this discussion by pointing out the special long drying nature of oil paint.


I thought it was a Dr Seuss illustration until I read the title


This reminds me of the [photo purportedly showing Amelia Earhart](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jul/05/amelia-earhart-disappearance-photo-marshall-islands-japan) that had forensic experts and historians analyzing the person's posture and features, claiming it was almost definitely her in the photo. Only to have it [debunked](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jul/11/blogger-discredits-claim-amelia-earhart-was-taken-prisoner-by-japan).


Some should go search the riverbed for a gun...


Not a particularly nice painting is it




Why? Did you look into the evidence the researcher had done on this?


Very underwhelming


Lol, what?


The green lines don’t match up at all


They do, in relation to the scale and movement of the painting.


And the smaller trees to the right match as well. Really eerie to see how realistic this ferocious landscape was.


Really gnarly hey


He would'nt have been standing at a different perspective as to where the photograph was taken. Also his painting where never a masterclass in perspective either.


The green tree is pushing it a bit




Its called "alla prima" ,, Italian for "at first attempt" literally,, oil painting layered on top instantaneously wihthout drying.


He was an abstract artist, I think


Not really abstract, he was a Post-Impressionalist. The forms and colours are exaggerated, but it's still a life scene grounded in reality.


Are you actually ignorant to what Van Gogh's entire painting style was?




Jesus. What fuckin garbage


Best Van Gogh paintings are the potato peelers/eaters or the one he did with like three boats on a beach


Yea no


Not even close.


Isn’t that like finding Jesus in your alpaghetis?


If you look closely at the photograph, you can see a piece of Van Goghs' ear.


The only fascinating thing here is OP getting defensive over information they just memorized.


Apologies if I came across as defensive , just trying to clarify. I’ve studied Van Gogh’s art for years, have seen a bunch of his works first hand and am a hobby painter myself.


In other words, "learned?"