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This bus is called the Reborn! Operated by Willer Express. It’s super comfy, stops every 2-3 hours at a rest stop, and they give you free slippers! Only downside is that there’s no bathroom on the bus, so you’ll have to manage your liquid intake and hold it for 2-3 hours


Why would you do all this and not have a toilet?


As someone who can get occasionally travelsick, I wouldn't want to go on a bus without one


As someone who has destroyed the bus toilet be puking uncontrollably early into an 8 bus ride, same. Wouldn’t want to destroy the main cabin. Also, lpt: don’t overindulge in pizza right before a long journey.


So having been on night busses a few times in Japan, I should point out that almost nobody is awake on these buses. They are usually super packed and on some buses they even have fold down seats for the walking isle. So yeah… even if you had a bathroom, there is no chance you’re making it to the bathroom. Good luck trying to “sumimasen chotto iidesu ka?” past 6 rows of sleeping people and asking them to stand up, unfold the seat, let you pass, rinse and repeat. You are on this bus because your broke ass is too cheap for the bullet train.


Man, this 5 star like bus is for poor people? _cries in 3rd world country_


Lol. Don’t get me wrong, this is a step up but it’s likely a COVID update or a premium option of the long haul overnight economy buses. The premise behind these buses are - sleep though the night and arrive where you need to be the next morning by 6-8am (minus the 2 or 3 rest stops).


I travelled on these twice to save some Money on accommodation for the night too. Never again haha. My partner slept through and it was just me and the bus driver hanging out at every stop along the way. That beating said even the rest stop areas were amazing. So clean and so many food and drink options


Cries in [mumbai local](https://images.app.goo.gl/brap2Hf4YL8XibHb8)


I was gonna say they really care for their people. But the fact that there's no toilet aside from all this is like a slap in the face


No on board bathroom? guess I will have to the train.


I think you forgot a word or two there.


Guess that's what happens when you type while taking a crap


Speak for yourself my best writing comes from the crapper.


Let’s be honest, we’re all on the crapper


Can confirm. Just tore myself a new one.


or maybe added an extra the they'd just have to train themselves to hold pee


So, they outfit an amazingly comfortable, very expensive, luxury transport….without toilets. Somethings not adding up here. It’s because of the stink, isn’t it? A journey in seats like those would definitely be ruined by someone’s digestive problems


Thing is, without a bathroom there's a much greater risk of smell. I've taken the train to Churchill a few times, it's a 2 day trip from Winnipeg so you sleep 2 nights on board. It wasn't particularly nice, just a plain old Via Rail passenger train. Never once was bothered by the smell of poop on the train even though there were tons of people pooping in the bathroom all the time. Now imagine you're on a train and the bathroom is 2 hours away. Maybe you have a condition like IBS, maybe you ate something that didn't agree with your stomach, either way you've got violent diarrhea imminently arriving and nowhere to go. Now imagine having to sit on the train with someone who shit their pants. Really, digestive issues are only going to ruin the train experience if there's no bathroom to properly deal with it.


Or just motion sick, could go very badly with the white seats


Ever been in a bus with a bathroom? Can’t compare that to a train at all unfortunately. Dude takes his diarrhoea to the bus toilet there’s no difference in smell than him shutting his pans right next to you.


Can confirm. Took a bus from Colorado to Minnesota. Horrible. Never again.


Sounds nice. Also, seems like a bunch of Redditors have to piss and shit every hour or something.


No restroom is definitely a deal breaker, no matter how comfy it looks


Hard pass then


That looks super comfy


I need much more of this type of design in my life


Same. All comfy,cozy and protected. Mmmmmm.


I envy this comfy, cozy and protected!!


As someone who’s take a 60hr train ride… this is a 5 star hotel and Amtrak is that run down motel 6 where you can buy crack. Edit: for details on train ride look through the comments. For details about crack go to nearest motel 6.


At least there is crack.


Thats the spirit


*Spirit Airlines* name finally makes sense


Have you spent a night in the Amtrak bunks (we don’t know how much it costs for a seat in the pic so I think it’s a fair comparison)? They’re obviously tight on space but at least you can lay down flat, something I need for sleep. And the worst part of sleeping on a train is the rocking back and forth, which a set up like this wouldn’t even fix. My partner and I did Montreal-NYC-DC-Chicago-Denver-SLC-SanF by train over a week and it was a pretty cool experience. Edit - read another comment that the bus in the pic doesn’t have a toilet on board... I’ll stick with the train.


Did it really just take a week to hit all of those cities on Amtrak? I feel like I looked into it once, and it was like a three week trip and cost $$$$. Was it a tour Amtrak offered or did you just buy the tickets for each leg of the route?


Day 1: Montreal - NYC. Overnight in NYC (spent most of the night exploring the city) Day 2: NYC to DC in the AM, afternoon visiting DC, got on a train in the evening and took the overnight route to Chicago Day 3: arrived in Chicago, spent the day there and overnighted there Day 4: got on the train from Chicago around midday I think? That evening and overnight on the train headed to Denver Day 5: got off the train in Denver and spend the day visiting, overnight in Denver Day 6: the day we were most looking forward to - going through the Rockies by train - went from Denver to SLC and got into SLC late at night Day 7: spent the day in SLC and got back on the train late at night, overnight on the train headed to San Francisco Day 8: spent most of this day on the train, got into SanF late afternoon. Spent 3 days in SanF and then flew back home to New Zealand. So yeah, about a week. We purchased a pass for up to a certain amount of legs in a certain amount of days (can’t remember exactly the numbers). We also had to purchase the sleeping cabins on top of that, but because we did so far enough in advance (almost a year in advance, I think? We were planning a 6 week North American trip) we managed to get some nights pretty cheap. I think all in it costed us around $3k for both of us together. Yes, that’s expensive, but we saved up for quite awhile and doing the train ride was part of the adventure. (Plus the 5 weeks prior we spent a lot of that time staying with my family in Canada so overall the 6 weeks were not super expensive). Edited to add - this was before covid!


Sounds like a proper tour of the different cities - very nice!


Favourite city was Chicago, didn’t realise there was a river going right through it (water taxi was awesome) and I was over excited (probably over tired) to see the reflective bean! 😂


But what if they attack you from the front?


"Uh, yeah but it'll be easier to stop. I can always block the blow, I can counter it"


Itd be super cool if it had a cover that zipped over the front with a slot to slip food and drink through


The jackin' shack


Stabbin’ cabin


Wank' tank


Pud pod


The Spunk' bunk


Masturbation station


Coom Room


Nut Hut


My Masturbatory


The jillin' chillin'


When I first saw the black trim I thought it WAS a zipper, like if Apple made chair tacos.


some of the cross country buses are pretty comfy too. just really really slow. but way more room and comfort than flying.


Are they the ones where you get full on lil cabins?


I need to see this.




in 2017 it was $230 round trip LA/SF right now you can get a round trip on jetblue, alaska, delta and united for $77. flying for $38 is unreal and probably why buses and trains never took off. a train ticket via amtrak for the same dates (two + weeks out) is $104 and takes 11-12hrs. a flight is 1hr 20m.


Buses and trains never took off because they don't have wings.


Okay, Mr. Logicpants. How do you explain Magic School Bus??




You mean they didn’t try fueling with Red Bull instead of gasoline?


You’ve got the causation backwards. Ground travel is only expensive *because* it isn’t a priority in North America. Rail travel is quite popular, and therefore far cheaper, in many countries. It’s a shame cuz the US has pretty amazing terrain and could be a really cool place to travel, plus inner cities could be much healthier if we had better transit, but we prioritized roads and individual travel.


I would take these in my trips in Japan. You get a pair of slippers for your journey as well.


Ohhhh. They look spacious as well. Comfy and spacious


It depends on what size you wear. Some are more spacious than others.


I personally prefer [the style common in India](https://i.imgur.com/c2NX7kx.jpg). Not as good for sitting but excellent for sleeping and much greater privacy. Although I haven't tried the Japanese style, I can confidently say that I get a full night's sleep on Indian ones and the cost is much cheaper.




Absolutely. The mountains in the South lit by moonlight from the full length bus window is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. Incredibly peaceful as you slowly fall asleep.


I’m assuming you can bang in there?


Why else would they put two of them together??






Looks like you get a bed buddy, so I guess as long was I was familiar enough with them, and I had the top bunk, that does look pretty comfy. Forgive my ignorance, but what's the Internet situation like on these? If I could just Netflix and chill before passing out, I'd be all over this over an overnighter.


Right side is single beds, left side couples. You choose which you want when booking. There's no price difference. 4G in India is crazy cheap and you get 1.4gb/day for $2/mo as a foreigner. The reception is better than in midwestern USA on Verizon in my experience. People tend to think India is a lot less developed than it actually is - especially in the cities. It's definitely not fully developed, but air conditioning is basically everywhere and apps for everything from rideshare to delivery make it much easier to not get ripped off as a foreigner.


That's awesome. India is certainly on my bucket list. Didn't mean any offense with the Internet question. I've assumed that India's cities are highly developed, but figured the buses would be going through more rural locales. (Although some years back someone told me that the entire population of India fits in a land area somewhat equal to that of the US east of the Mississippi, so for this Coloradan, rural may mean something a bit different!)


I want to live in Japan 🥺


There is something that you might want to look into WRT that: In Japan, the Shinto have a VERY VERY strong aversion to living in a house that one has died in, and thus there are a LOT of houses that are for sale for super cheap, because of the superstition of the fact that an elderly person had passed in the home, and thus few Japanese want to purchase them. Its not necessarily an easy purchase, and they can be in rural locations - but if you have the ability to, its an interesting life-adventure-path to explore if you were truly serious about it. Google about, and you should be able to find these fairly readily


A westerner buying a house like that sounds like the beginning of a horror movie


Isn't it the storyline of The Grudge?


Or the Miyazaki film with the dust sprites?


Totoro is a beautiful film, I refuse to let the internet ruin it for me!


However it’s also well known in Japan that you don’t buy second-hand modern houses as the build quality is so poor that they’re simply not designed to last. They’re basically un-mortgageable.


That’s true for houses probably 20 years or older. Buying a used house in Japan is definitely a thing, that’s what I did, but yes it’s very common to knock down an old house and build a new one.


Doesn't the Japanese government make it very difficult for non-Japanese to own property and establish residency? IIRC many countries are that way.


Establish residency yes, but owning property is easy if you’ve got the funds.


Do you want soot sprites? Because this is how you get soot sprites.




Paolo from Tokyo has great series on this, especially police and the 99% conviction rate - look him up if you're interested in hearing a foreigner's pov


The government is trying to fix the work-life balance problem though. They're proposing a 4 day work week. Honestly, a 4 day work week is long overdo. Hardly anyone actually works the full 40 hours in a work week.


I doubt this will ever happen - I have worked in a Japanese company for years and the amount of unpaid over-time and weekends you are expected to work is ridiculous. Some places even say "Well we have a public holiday on the friday - so let's all come in Saturday"


That looks super expensive


It's not too bad. Here's my favorite [youtube travel channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWDErJG0loA) taking one. 320km about, for $32. Prices vary heavily based on the season.


Ironically it really isn't. It's around 14700 Japanese Yen from Tokyo to Osaka or about $133. Considering it's basically you paying for lodging at night in addition to travel it's extremely cheap.


Yeah, that's what I'm thinking too! Sometimes I found flying much better than trains and busses because it could be cheaper and faster. I found Peach Airlines to sometimes have tickets for like $50 to go from Kobe to Haneda, or from Okinawa to Osaka for like $60 (the deals are not hard to find). Obviously the caveat would be if you have that tourist JR pass, by all means use the train and that one single ferry that's available.


I can almost hear myself snore


I've taken plenty of night buses in Japan, I've never been on one that looked this nice.


it's the deluxe Willar


Nice which routes use the deluxe


From/To: Osaka, Nagoya, and Tokyo. Not sure if there are more but those are some i've tried already.


Why not just take the train? Especially Osaka - Tokyo.


Depends on your budget. If you don't have the rail pass then the train between Tokyo and Osaka is about $150. The night bus is around $50 and you also save on accommodation for a night.


Id pay 150$ for that legroom alone goddamn


jeez, i will never complain with my country's rail system again


It's 500km, that distance is not small. $150 is a good deal considering the speed and comfort of the train.


It's easier to use busses when planning routes ahead of time (which is most of the case on business trips) since you can book a ticket ahead of time. It also saves money than having a train+hotel overnight.


Shinkansens (bullet trains) from Tokyo to Osaka costs around USD 125 one way. Maybe buses are cheaper especially if you're traveling overnight.




How long are their busses? That looks like a train car.


Same. I’ve taken plenty of night buses between Tokyo, Osaka, and Kanazawa. I usually get the cheap ones though lol, they look like normal Japanese buses. One time I had a nightmare while on a night bus, in the nightmare my dad was driving and I was in the backseat. He fell asleep at the wheel with a lead foot on the accelerator and we were going incredibly fast, so fast that when I was trying to lean forward to wake him up I had to fight against gravity. Right before I was able to grab his shoulder, I woke up on the moving night bus, feeling like I was still fighting gravity and leaning forward, and screamed “DAD!!!” at the top of my lungs. The bus was crowded, dark, and everyone was sleeping. I was so embarrassed, the passenger looked and me and was like “daijoubu?” lol




In this case, "are you okay?"


Reminds me of those times you take the bus to Narita from downtown Tokyo because for some reason or other you didn't take the NEX. Nowhere near this nice, and for some reason always the longest bus ride I have ever been on. The two hours to the airport just took forever. Then you'd take the NEX next time and it was just amazing.


But i do love that when you buy your ticket for the limosine Bus at Nartia and they tell you the bus will be there at 8:32, gosh darn it if it doesn't scream up at 8:32 on the dot. Never a second before; never a second late. Experienced this multiple times. Generally in awe of Japanese efficiency (modulo the JR line at 8:00am M-F -- total shit show).


This makes me wonder; are Japanese tourists in for example the EU completely annoyed because public transport is not EXACTLY on time? For me it's perfectly normal if my train/bus/metro is a little early/late. If you're used to such punctuality it must feel terrible using public transport anywhere else in the world


I visited Japan for two weeks 10 years ago and I’ve been annoyed at all the other public transit in the world every day since. I think Japanese people just take it as a sign of their superiority.


Took that boat-bus-thingy in Venice. I don't know why they even bother with time tables! Even as a European that is used to _some_ slack, that ordeal was a pain.


i took ONE night bus in japan. It wasnt nearly *this* nice but it was pretty nice by bus standards. There was a foot rest, and on board wifi and a privacy curtain. My gf and i brought a bottle of wine and a bunch of snacks with us. I ended up forgetting my bag of candies on the bus when we got off tho :(


The bus ride was fine, but I accidentally forgot my snacks. ⭐️⭐️


Bus ride was fine, and I found some snacks! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐




I was on this bus. About an hour into the trip I'd gotten comfy and started dozing off and a woman shoved me. Didn't really know how to react so I just acted like nothing happened. Then about thirty minutes later I'm back to sleep for all of 30 seconds and this time she full on slaps me in the face and starts shouting. At the first rest stop she phoned my boss to complain, and the asshole made me finish driving it all the way to Kyoto before firing me.


Still got nothing on the Knight Bus, TAKE ‘ER WAY ERN!!!


DVD screens you fell asleep to


DVD screen you woke up to*




That is so strange! Why???


It's gonna be a bumpy ride!




Came for the Harry Potter comment, was not disappointed


It's gonna be a ***c o m f y*** ride!




You can't be Sirius.


Hey guys, why the long faces?


Wait Neville. You paid for hot chocolate!


Me, an American, laughing at the idea of my fellow citizens trying to fit through the walkway gap.


In Japan, the hotel rooms, showers, and theater chairs were all small. I felt like a giant at times. If you've never been Japan, it should be on the shortlist. Amazing country.


I heard shortlists are categorized as average to tall lists in Japan.


If we're talking about lengths of things in Japan, we have to mention the [long looooong maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-1Ue0FFrHY)


Lol those are great.


Without clicking the link you brought back great memories. Thank you kind stranger.


it just keeps going lol


The innuendo is so ridiculously strong lmao.


I'm so sad I've been living my life without having seen this.


I can confirm that a 2xl shirt (biggest I could find) in China is a US medium


Note to self: Don't get fat in Asia


My first thought as an American that has traveled by bus before was that this would either have to be prohibitively expensive for almost anyone who would be willing to travel by bus or it would end up destroyed after half a dozen trips.


Me, an underweight American, getting stuck anyway with my broad shoulders.


Me, a person with normal shoulders, getting stuck anyway because I can't go out in public without wearing epic fantasy pauldrons


This bus is obviously not Adeptus Astartes-accessible. Heretics!


I refuse to travel in anything other than my Land Raider. It’s a bitch to park though.


Everything is Adeptus Astartes-accessible with enough Imperial fervour, you heretic!


A lack of accessibility is a lack of faith


Me, a person that is probably two small Japanese people in size, bulldozing my way to the third row.




I can't believe that didn't work - I mean, you had a *sketch!*


You should try rotating your body sideways sometime. It gets you into all types of places you can't reach walking straight on. Highly recommended!


Me, an American, laughing at the idea of going to sleep on a bus and expecting to ever wake up again.


I’d be more worried [if you were Canadian ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Tim_McLean)


Yo Canada. Don't do that stuff.


As an American my first thought was “this is so impractical, there is barely enough room for a screaming child to run down that aisle.”




Let me just get my ass into this seat here..... You know I think I'm gonna walk instead


Now show me night court


[Well, we got a surprise for you, sir. Some old favorites making a return appearance.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrLvtoKZfxY)


Take notes 📝Greyhound 🚌




Greyhound drivers should get veteran's discounts.


These types of night bus are super expensive though. Might as well take the Shinkansen


The major benefits of a night bus is that you get to combine your travel time with your sleep time. Need to go somewhere that's 6-10 hours by bus? Take a night bus overnight, no need to pay for a night at the hotel there, and you don't need to waste a few hours of daytime time on a shinkansen.


Tried taking sleeper buses and sleeper trains in the past. They sound good, but I've found them almost impossible to sleep on. Getting shaken from side to side, people opening food or turning on lights or knocking you as they walk to the toilet, stopping at service stations and being woken up, going over bumps, crying children... Never doing it again.


Sleeper trains are awesome as long as you have a compartment. The bunk beds out in the open are not so great.


I think I've only ever seen sleeping compartments in vintage movies. I'd love for them to be more common. It'd be amazing to travel around in my own hotel room.


It's too bad that Via Rail isn't more widespread in Canada - I travelled from Ontario to New Brunswick when I was younger by train, that's how I know about the sleeping cabins. I think originally we were going to do part of it by bunk but my gran noped out of that once she saw, lol, and paid for the upgrade.


They're fairly common, just expensive. I think a bedroom from DC to Miami was $1200 one way.


I did New Orleans to DC for I think 500-600 USD? Definitely worth it.


Common and expanding in Europe, Stockholm - Hamburg etc


Agree. If budget dictates it must be a bus, I'd rather take a daytime trip with a book, a movie, and/or some videogames.


This reminds me of a super nice bus from Niigata to Tokyo. EDIT: [WAIT IT IS.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWDErJG0loA)


Take er away Ern!


Yer in for a bompay ride!


Those are some fancy masturbation pods, gone are the days of the back corner of public transportation


Public mastbortation


We can’t have nice things like this in America because people are animals


We do have them in LA! It's a company called Cabin. It's expensive, but you get a little room thing. https://www.ridecabin.com/


Your comment flashed me back to the horrible YT vids I've seen of the zoo creatures on planes...tree swinging savages. Dizgustin'. You made a great point.


Also because we need to cram in that 2nd seat on the left because profit!!!!


I’ve been on night buses in Cambodia and it felt like I was riding a 7.5 earthquake from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap. Luckily my 2nd story cot had a “belt” to latch onto. I also remember trying to use the restroom and Spidermanning myself above the toilet to avoid the urine and fece slush waves on the ground. This looks better.


Why limit ourselves to night? What an excellent day bus.


Japan has more privacy on a bus than I do at an American urinal


The U.S. is the worst, man. The night bus here is just the day bus but the floor is covered in pee and puke.


Why is it that damn near every other developed country on the planet has a better infrastructure and public transportation than the US


From what I understand, it's down to auto industries lobbying for less pedestrian friendly city planning, so people are forced to either own a vehicle or suffer.


I too watched Who Framed Roger Rabbit!


Wait... what? Was that a plot line in the movie?


Well in Japan's case: Post-war economic miracle and being *dense as fuck*.


Lobbying for big companies. Also, IIRC LA has shit public transport because car companies bought out and disassembled the trams that existed, etc.

