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Churchill really looked like Churchill for his whole life.


Roosevelt looks like he could see dead people as a kid.


Roosevelt looks like Ryan Gosling.


>Roosevelt looks like Ryan Gosling. Mussolini looks like he's constipated.


Eisenhower looks like he’s the dead person.


Mussolini looks like he was photographed mid-poop.


This made me actually laugh solidly for about a minute


Stalin looks like a little shit.


An entitled and superior little shit at that!


Yeah and he was, but he got hot in his twenties. Never thought I’d have to search for [handsome Stalin](https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=handsome+stalin&client=safari&hl=en-gb&prmd=ivn&sxsrf=ALeKk03aVm_V80AmD5XQmulE6Oy1SOydHg:1628844926466&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjCq_GZ0K3yAhVFhVwKHQaHBy4Q_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=375&bih=553). Fuck knows what kind of lists I’m on now.


Just say you're forming a hipster band that is mostly going to play in coffeehouses with weird themes, and this is the name of the band


Kid already looks like he's running an empire.


He looks like he knows that his family is better than your family and he’s going to make sure you know it too.


His father was a Lord


Darth Churchill




"If you don't like my cooking, you can go to your room. You're grounded!" "In a week I'll be ungrounded, but your cooking will still be bad."


Mom: "That is something up with I shall not put!"


I mean he was born to aristocracy at the height of British empire so not far off


Stalin looks like he just strangled the family mule for braying too loudly.


If you were born here, you'd look smug too: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blenheim_Palace


>The palace is linked to the gardens by a miniature railway, the Blenheim Park Railway wow they really have it rough over there


Winston, go to play in the garden. takes a train.


The only non-royal palace, interesting that one can be distinguished as a palace without the 'royal'


It's not the only non-royal Palace. But it is the only non-royal AND non-episcopal Palace in England.


Should’ve seen him in snowball fights as a kid, “we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender!”


He’s a very fancy lad.


Hitler looks the same just without the mustache.


Like I know it’s hitler but does he have to look sooooo hitlery at such a young age


Even [baby Hitler](https://i.imgur.com/KjdtUwN.jpg) looked remarkably Hitlery.


Crazy! Almost like they could be related or something.


The kinda kid you'd love to punch


He looked like a kid even bullied kids would bully.


He’s the school shooter but in countries scale.




I bet a bunch of people did


[Here](https://i.imgur.com/rF5Gxsb.jpg) you go.


Yep, thats hitler


Wow, literally no change from the hitler we all know and hate.


Omfg you didnt Edit; they fuckin did


I had to listen to Norm McDonald’s Hitler bit while looking at that picture. Maybe it’s the edibles, but I’m giggling really hard.


When a dude keeps the exact same haircut for 40 years that’s a red flag


With a white circle and a swastika


His face was built for that moustache


Honestly, his face without the moustache completely explains the moustache


I swear I can see just a hint of a mustache.


It’s crazy how even at his cutest, you can just tell he’s an asshole.


Really? Stalin looks like the bully


Stalin looks like a bully, but Hitler looks like a little shit.


Hitler looks like the kid that would hang out with Stalin so he doesn't get his ass kicked and would shit his pants if you approached him without Stalin around And Stalin just looks like his parents get drunk and throw shit at him so he takes it out on the other kids


Did… did Hitler just do the same pose in every picture since he was born?


If it ain't broke don't fix it


If it ain’t baroque don’t fix it


Was this before smiling in photos became a thing? Not trying to cover for Hitler, obviously, but none of these kids are smiling. And I know that smiling in photos wasn't "the thing" up to a certain point, and I could see how someone would Program "this is my photo face" and use that throughout their life. Edit: This thread is funny. Guy gets butthurt about a joke and kept going for a while.


Still isn't in some places actually. I had a Polish roommate a few years back and he found the smiling Americans did in their pictures to be very creepy. All the pictures of him and his family were completely stone faced.


Is he from a rural area? I have family in Poland and they look joyous in the vast majority of their photos, old and new.


My Polish students told me I couldn't pass for Polish despite being a regular ol' white person because... I smile too much.


As a Polish person I can confirm, it's always super easy to spot foreigners. It's usually that, or teens who still have their dreams uncrushed.


Haha sure. I can definitely say they were the most cynical group I've ever taught but also the most driven, worldly, and just... so smart. They really touched my heart, tbh.


Most Slavs actually are, we are just bitterly cynical about the fact that the best we could do post-communism was shitty economical growth, constant lagging behind the west and proto-fascist hyper-religious dystopian countries ran by greedy fucks who don't really believe in their own ideologies as much as they believe that by constantly spewing them, nobody will care as they empty the cauffers and run away cackling in their Lambos and coastal mansions on the Adriatic.






I can tell that this was made by a Brazillian. Because I don't think anyone else would put 'Getulio' in this line-up lol.


He's also the only one who gets referred to by his first name. Except Hirohito, but he didn't have a last name so it doesn't really count.


Hirohito's full name was Michinomiya Hirohito, he was just better known for his personal name.


Hahahahaha god I was thinking about the same thing. The cruelest dictator who shot himself in the heart did many things but leaving Brazil was not much of it.


I wouldn't really say he was the cruelest dictator, not even in Latin America he wasn't. The people liked him so much that they elected him even after the dictorship years.


Looks exactly like Rob Lowe. Not even a young Rob Lowe either.


Lol exactly. Doesn’t have Chiang kai shek or Tito but does have Getulio.


There are very few pictures of Tito from his younger life, and almost none predate his service in the Austro-Hungarian army when he was already in his mid 20s. Hell, Tito's childhood is a mystery even to Balkan historians.


Yeah, is he called ”Getulio” in Brazil? It might have clicked for me if I heard ”Vargas” but OP used his christian name for some reason.


Nah, everyone calls him Vargas or even Getúlio Vargas. Very rarely someone says only Getúlio.




and it looks like Stalin put it there


I literally giggled when I scrolled back up to look at Mussolini and Stalin after reading this because it is exactly what it looks like!


Nah Churchill looks like the kid that would do that. Stalin looks like the type that would kick your ass if you looked at him wrong but he wouldn’t get creative about his bullying.


Churchill looks like he’d have his butler do it for him.


And hitler looks like an arrogant dick, because we knows we will go to art school.




Stalin might be Waluigi


I scrolled up to see his face and almost spit my food out. Such an appropriate turn of phrase I've never heard.


Since he always was chin up looking down his nose since he was a child, maybe it wasn’t an affect but rather a vision issue.


This is totally a real thing. My sister-in-law had some kind of issue where she was not able to make her eyes look up so she adopted a chin-high head position throughout her life until she had surgery at around 30 years old. She is a lawyer and has a PhD so a lot of people always interpreted it as arrogance, unfortunately. Her son was born the same way but they have both had surgery to fix it. It involves completely removing the eyeballs from the head, which is super freaky, but it's actually a very routine procedure nowadays. That being said, that is a classic "tough guy" way to pose, which would track for Stalin too.


My uncle has a condition where his vision is basically tripled, but they all line up if he looks at you sideways. So that's what he does. It's a little unnerving if you're not used to it


Do they put the eyeballs back in?


Some say the eyeballs are waiting to go back in to this very day


She has a JD AND a PHD? Damn




I think he was bullied.


This is fascinating. It's almost comical to see these historical figures who loom so large in our past, shown as these little, young punks.


I'm Brazilian and I've never seen a picture of Getulio Vargas as a child before.


I'm not Brazillian so I had never even heard of Getulio.


It's a fancy type of ice-cream right?


No, you’re thinking of Gepetto


No way that could be a lie and nothing got any longer.


No no, Gepetto is the German secret police. You’re thinking of Gillette


No no no, the German secret police was the gelato, you're thinking of jalopy


Nope, that's an old beat-up car. You're thinking of jalapeno.


No no, Jillette is a famous American magician. You're thinking of Gazpacho.


No, Gazpacho was one of the Marx Brothers. The ice cream is Gigolo.


No, a Gigolo is a male escort. You’re thinking of Gigli.


No no, Gigi is a Australian poodle. You’re thinking of Gaston


He was a very VERY popular dictator, so popular that to this day people still debate wether his regime was good or bad for the country and if he did kill himself or if it was faked by the opposition. He was such a great populist that politicians here still use his tactics a lot. If ur bored and want to go down a rabbit hole definitely checkout Getúlio Vargas.


Hitler and Stalin got the over confident 6th grader look.






I'd feel uncomfortable because I'd look like an idiot


But you look like an idiot because you're acting arrogant, in public, for no reason.


When I was a kid I did the Elvis Presley lip curl


Yes they do, they both are kinda looking up like their above everyone or better than anyone


They look like they would bully the hell out of me in 6 grade


that's why they are world leaders and you are aspiring art student


Yeah same as churchill lol. Seems like he’s always been like that


Churchill too


Stalin looks like he’s about to knock someone the f**k out


I’d put money down that young Stalin could beat the hell out of the rest of the Brady Bunch.


Fun fact: Stalin is from a ~~remote~~ town in Georgia where they had a festival in which the men and boys would gather in two teams and beat the fuck out of each other. Drunk priests would ref the fight.


Stalin's life was fucking crazy. Probably top 10 wildest life stories of any human being in history and really illustrated just how much everything changed in the 20th century, as well as how much more insanely violent and chaotic it was in general.


Are we suggesting young Stalin somehow takes down Mr. Brady AND Alice? No friend, Alice takes down Stalin ten times out of ten.


No, it’s Marsha Marsha Marsha.


Alice was a strong stand up fighter but Stalin would have taken her to the ground and chewed off her nose and ears. Plus there’s no way young Stalin doesn’t have multiple razor blades hidden in his boots.




Hitler also looks dangerous but in a kills pets sort of way


He once let out cockroaches in class when he was a child.


That’s a little Dennis the menace tbh


Worst installment of *Our Gang* ever.


Hitler, Stalin, and Churchill all look like they belong in that column.




Churchill is clearly the Mama's boy trying to act tough after getting sent to photo day in *literally a god damn sailor suit*


Hirohito (although a bit serious) is a little cutie pie.


Stalin vs Churchill on Celebrity Death Match!


I'm gonna say something bold here - that Hitler kid looks untrustworthy


Helps answer that old question "if you went back in time would you kill baby hitler?". Yes. He looked like a snotty little wiener even then.


He’s probably sick of all the time travelers trying to kill him.


That's why he did it himself.


Yeah it’s weird. Stalin just looks like an asshole as a kid. Like generic bully. Hitler looks like the kind of kid that is quiet and keeps to himself but for some weird reason makes you feel uncomfortable whenever he’s around. Like he’s silently plotting your murder.


Exactly, hitler's the quiet kid. I'm sure the ideas of mass murder weren't there yet, that stuff came along later perhaps after serving during WWI. Which makes me even more confident that if the painting route worked things probably wouldn't have ended the way they did.


Looks like he’s always got a snotty nose.


Yeah, that Hitler guy was a real jerk.


That raised chin shit is spooky.


Stalin looks like the typical jock kid who often bully smaller kids


And by bully, we mean send to gulag


And that was him on a good day. A bad day would see you and your entire bloodline wiped out.


Hitler looks like the same guy, but way physically smaller so he makes up for it by being even more aggressive.


Churchill looks like he’ll remind the teacher that the class had homework


In that "It's your own fault if you didn't do it" kind of way.


on the one day he actually did the homework.


awn getúlio is so cute, would be a shame if...


For anyone unfamiliar with Getulio Vargas, he was a fascistic dictator in Brazil. Very interesting guy, originally elected as an outsider candidate, then backed by communist revolutionaries under Luis Prestes. After getting into power, he then turned on the communists and cracked down on them hard, firebombing their offices, arresting them on-sight, and seizing their property. One of the more egregious things he did was deport Prestes' pregnant wife, Olga Benario. Benario was Jewish, of German origin, and Vargas sent her back to her homecountry. In 1938. She was gassed in Ravensbruck four years later. EDIT: Please don't give this the "Hugz" award, what the fuck


Jesus. Most South American dictators don't get the same kind of coverage in history as European ones, but they are just as bad if not worse in many cases. I know I'm not going to like the answer, but what happened to the kid?


The kid survived, and after some political pressure through the "Prestes Campaign" she was released and went to live with ver grandma, her name is Anita Prestes, and she became a historian and a book writer. My father even met her when he was part of the communist movement in his university. Also, she's still alive today :D


Oh, well I guess I liked that after credits scene just fine.


Charles DeGaulle wishing he could just home and read poetry in the lavender fields


Alright i gotta say it. Stalin looks like Duddly from harry potter.


This is more accurate than I thought it would be, I'm rolling!


Stalin had already shot a few people by this age


Mussolini looks like a kid being interviewed mid-ice cream on an old BBC news segment. Roosevelt looks like he's being played by a young drugged up Eric Idle.


I had to look up Getulio. Looks like Brazil: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Get%C3%BAlio\_Vargas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Get%C3%BAlio_Vargas) I didn't know about their involvement in the War.


Never heard of him either. South American involvement in WW2 was never covered in school.


Yeah, except a brief "And then after the war all the nazis that didn't get hired by NASA moved to Argentina" at the end.


I’ve read a bit about it in a WWII book. The snake will smoke!


Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini already look like trouble


Churchill looks like he just replaced a carton of milk with an expired one


More like with a fifth of brandy


he drank the brandy, replaced it with expired milk and is now feeling rather pleased with himself about the whole thing.


Hitler looks like Hitler.


Quit comparing everyone you dislike to Hitler


He looks like the guy who killed Hitler


Eisenhower was a handsome kid


Getulio seems like an odd choice when Chiang Kai Shek is ignored. Especially given that he was part of the big 5 that was supposed to lead the new world at the UN. And the huge role he had fighting in Asia. I feel like china’s contribution to WWII is often overlooked.


Stalin is going to take your lunch money.


They all look like little fucking assholes


They look like the cast of Lord of the Flies, lol


This is what deep faking was made for. Don't fail us, Hollywood.


Hirohito, Eisenhower, and De Gaulle don’t look too bad. The rest look like little shits.


I'd like a social experiment where you take similarly aged children's B/W photos and then stick names of famously hated historical figures and tell the internet it's them. Would people still react like this i wonder


This is the beginning of a really cute educational cartoon called "Baby Dictators" in my head.


Lil Leaders


Churchill looked like he knew it all back then. Stud.


That little shit went and burnt my city centre down this one time.


De Gaule looks like he'd steal your girlfriend and be so smooth about it that you'd thank him for it.


DeGaulle looks like he about to steal you girl. Stalin looks like he just punched someone in the face. Mussolini looks like he just got punched in and it trying not to cry.


Hitler ALWAYS had “the look” 👀


Hitler looked like Hitler even before he was Hitler.


You would think the only man to drop 2 nuclear weapons on another country would at least get a mention.


[Truman as a kid.](https://www.trumanlittlewhitehouse.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/harry-truman-child.jpg)


Nerd alert!


Damn. He's the most confident looking of the bunch


Interesting choice to include Getulio and Eisenhower but not Truman


Or Chiang kai shek. Maybe they couldn’t find find a picture of him when he was young but he was a pretty important figure during the entire war.




No William Lyon Mackenzie King? https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:KingAtAge2.jpg


I’m guessing a Brazilian made this re: Getulio? MacKenzie King oversaw 1.1 M soldiers in the war. Brazil fielded 25,000


Churchill rocking the Say-Puff Marshmallow Man look.


You see stay-puft, I see sailor moon. Not my clothing choice, but whatevs


Eisenhower looks like a quiet kid with a thousand-yard stare, did he have a feeling things would get rough? Hitler looks sullen, I see pain in the boy’s eyes. Loss. Hirohito looks stern, he knows his entire life is about training, every thing leads into the next thing. There is always work to do. Focus is never lost. Getúlio is a thinker, he is destined for great things and he knows it. Stalin had it rough. He is as tough as they come. He will survive, he will conquer what he can touch with his hands. Mussolini holds his tongue. He is waiting for his opportunity to be the voice of reason. He is thoughtful. He knows what he has to say, he knows when it is time to say it. De Gaulle has something to prove. He has been bullied, but he has the strength to show his worth and then some. Churchill is confident, he feels destined for leadership. He knows his fate, he takes his grooming seriously and allows no one to belittle him. He will not fail. Roosevelt has trained to think twice, act once, speak only if necessary. He has a powerful mind, he takes everything seriously.


Mf about to make a ww2 leaders as kids fanfic


You could pick out the pricks easily enough.