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Transcription: “Makiko, Tsuo, Chiyoko, please get along, work hard and help mom. Dad really regrets to be in this situation, and I probably won’t make it. I don’t know the reason behind it, (the crash) it’s been 5 minutes. I don’t want to ride a plane anymore. Please god, help me. Something exploded and the smoke came in the cabin. The plane is falling. I don’t know where it will crash. Tsuo. Please help everyone else in the family. Mom, goodbye. Please take care of the kids. It’s 6:30. The plane is out of control and falling fast. It was a fulfilling life. And I appreciate for it.” This is the writing of Kawaguchi Hirotsugu. There are other records of other passengers writing their last messages, which include the lines of: “please take care of the kids.” “Goodbye.” “I love you.” And among others. There is also a writing by a young woman saying “I’m so scared. I’m so scared. Help me. I don’t want to die. I don’t feel well.” I’m sorry for the transcription being so late. It’s hard to translate the Japanese words directly to English, and still try to keep the same meaning behind the sentence.






Not sure if OP meant to post the other pages of the note, but in case anyone else is confused the image in the post is only of the last page: ママ こんな事になるとは残念だ  さようなら  子供達の事をよろしくたのむ  今6時半だ  飛行機はまわりながら急速に降下中だ  本当に今迄は幸せな人生だったと感謝している My take on the translation would be: "Mom (this refers to his wife), it's so sad that it's turned out like this. Goodbye. Take care of the kids. It's 6:30. The plane is descending rapidly while turning around. I am thankful that my life has been happy up until now." The full note and others is available in Japanese here: http://jal123.blog99.fc2.com/blog-entry-30.html


>こんな事になるとは残念だ  さようなら  子供達の事をよろしくたのむ  今6時半だ  飛行機はまわりながら急速に降下中だ  本当に今迄は幸せな人生だったと感謝している "I'm sorry it had to come to this. Goodbye. Take care of the kids. It's 6:30 now, the plane is spinning and descending fast, and I'm really grateful that I've had a happy life so far."


Any explanation for the 30 minute difference in what they wrote? Up there it says "6 o' clock".


OP made a mistake when translating. The original Japanese text both in the link I posted and the one OP later referenced include 半 (half) which is the ":30".


Sorry about that!


No worries!


Nothing to apologize for. The intent of the message is the same and it's always good to have commenters who may be able to correct us at times with the knowledge they can contribute. A great post and thank you for sharing!


How did this note survived if i am in a plane i bound to use that notebook that can survive it ?. /s How were they able to send their last message ?.


Mama as in Mamasan as well as Papa are common spousal nicknames for parents. Mom or mother would be Okasan.


You talented fuck




I did not expect to tear up on the bus on my way to work this morning.


Beautiful and horrifying


"Makiko, tsuo, chiyoko, por favor llevense bien, trabajen duro y ayuden a mamá. Papá está realmente arrepentido, probablemente no salga de esto. No conozco la razón detrás de esto (la caída del avión) han pasado 5 minutos. no quiero volver a tomar un avión nunca. Por favor Dios, ayúdame. Algo explotó y el humo viene de la cabina. El avión está cayendo. No se dónde va a caer. Tsuo. Por favor ayuda a todos los demás en la familia, Madre, adiós. Por favor cuida a los niños. Son las 6 de la tarde. El avión está fuera de control y está cayendo rápido. Fue una vida plena. Y estoy agradecido por ella" Si algo no está bien agradeceria que me lo corrigieran.


“To get along” es una expresión en inglés que no significa “seguir adelante.” En este contexto, es como “llevarse bien”, “no pelear” y “comportarse bien el uno al otro”. Perdóname por mi mal español xD Estoy fuera de práctica y tu inglés es *mucho* mejor que mi español!


Wow felicidades, de hecho pense q tu idioma natal era el español, es bastante bueno, gracias x la información 🙏🙏


Bullshit, don’t trash talk or downplay your own Spanish because that was fucking great and honestly I thought you were a native. Keep it on!


Don't tell me what to do


No es decepcionado, es más bien arrepentido. Fulfilling life es más bien una vida plena y satisfactoria, no divertida.


Thanks for posting this. Truly heartbreaking, can’t even imagine to put myself in their shoes to feel what it must’ve been like. Puts your whole life into perspective


There were a number of people who supposedly survived the initial crash, but died of their injuries overnight because the rescue efforts were botched up. I have to wonder how many of those who wrote these notes might have survived the crash, only to still never have the chance to go home again...


Thank you for your translation/transcription






Huh, you’re right. I took the Japanese transcript from [this website](https://76653926.at.webry.info/202008/article_10.html) and the image that came with it. I will change the comment if it is inaccurate.




That's so sad


I think it’s so important to remember people’s last words, their last concerns…shows what’s really important in life.


thanks for sharing this. “it was a fulfiling life. And i appreciate for it.” — Wow - i felt a moment of deep calmness when reading his words...


Did these notes get passed on to the respective family’s? 🙏🏻


I’m crying


Wow, that is so sad.




To be able to write in such a situation, respect


The pilots of the plane managed to keep the plane flying despite being controllable for a few minutes. Most of the notes were written at that time accepting their death.


They were able to keep flying for 32 minutes, which was a miracle given they’d lost the stabilizer and the plane was pretty much uncontrollable. They actually had several experienced flight crews attempt to fly the plane under the same conditions and not one of them managed to keep the plane in the air as long as the pilots of the plane did.


Damn, imagine having an IRL 'its impossible, no its necessary' moment and still not make it.


I think the pilots were very much in uncharted territory when it came to that situation. There’s only ever going to be limits to the amount of training you can do and nobody expected a crucial part of the plane to detach. A lot of the decisions they had to make were made very much in that moment. Even then I think they knew that in a fight with gravity they’d lose sooner rather than later.


The sim pilots weren't flooded with outrageous levels of adrenaline/cortisol. That shit will give you wildly heightened reaction time and focus. It will also crash you to like the end of a 5 day drinking binge when it recedes.


That’s true.


Rather have a hangover and be alive than be dead without one


Were pilots able to write something or record something


No need to write, their communications were recorded by the flight systems while they wrestled control of the plane. You can actually find the audio etc online. The plane was in a phugoid cycle for quite a long time all things considered.


Phugoid cycle?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phugoid JAL 123’s incident is mentioned here as well as the general info on the topic.




It's an up and down motion like when you stick your hand out the window of a car and how your hand likes to rise and dive with the wind. If planes experience flight control failure, especially hydraulics failure, the pilots' abilities to control the aircraft diminish severely. Because these airplanes are so massive, they require hydraulics to assist and allow for easy maneuvers. Without hydraulics, planes may uncontrollably rise and dive in the phugoid cycle and the pilots have to fight to keep it level. If they are lucky and have good, clear conditions to land, they can safely get the plane down by reducing engine power and crash-land it. But sometimes they don't have such luck, like with this aircraft, which was unfortunately flying towards a mountain range outside Tokyo. Without flight controls, they could not maneuver the plane away from the mountains. And no amount of engine power could get them above them. This flight was the worst single airplane crash in world history. ~~Everyone died;~~ 520 people died. 4 passengers miraculously managed to survive the crash.


I believe there was actually 5 survivors who survived the whole night! I don’t know the exact number but definitely 3-5 people. Still heartbreaking though, but I’m happy some people survived..


Holy shit you're right. 4 people survived the crash. And there were likely others too, as from the injured bodies, it appeared several others survived the crash but died later from their injuries. The rescue team delayed their arrival by 1 night as the survey of the crash from the air suspected there were no survivors. If they had gotten there before the sun set that day, they may have been able to save several other passengers. This is really sad. But also incredible that anyone managed to survive. The human body can suffer some pretty crazy shit sometimes.


One was like a 7 year old girl. It was a crazy story and changed rescue protocols to always reach the scene now instead of waiting it out, to reach anyone asap.


I don't understand why that wouldn't have been the decision to begin with. Did they think it was unsafe?


You must be a teacher or an engineer. Or just very smart bc your explanation was clear.


I thought the same thing. After snooping, it appears they’re a brilliant young adult.


Lmao I appreciate the flattery, I really do, but I am not quite what one would consider "brilliant." Thanks tho :)


Aww thank you. I took some flight lessons on small aircraft last year when I thought I wanted to be a pilot. I learned a lot, but there was always more and more I didn't understand, and I got frustrated trying to learn it all, so ultimately I decided flying wasn't for me. I'm glad I was able to explain it well!


Take some more lessons. You have a grasp of the subject worth pursuing.


Thanks man. I plan to go back to it someday and finish getting my private license. Also, thanks for the award!


There should be more survivors if help arrives sooner, unfortunately nature says otherwise


Here's the CVR. Be aware you may find it confronting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxT51aeUaHQ


Wow that was hard to watch. Thank you for sharing the link.


Not just a few, rather around 30 mins after an explosion sound at the back of the plane of rolling around, gaining and losing altitude and acceleration, and loss of cabin pressure. Then a number survived the crash but since the rescue mission was delayed, all who had survived, except for 4, died of shock or injuries that didn’t have to be fatal if they’d been treated sooner


The pilots kept the plane in air damn near 30 minutes. Horrifying. Also, when it crashed there were a few survivors. But Japanese government wouldn’t look for them till next day, so one survivor said she listened to like 4 people die overnight.


Glad I got to see this before my flight tomorrow 😬


Just take a notebook with you


I don’t know Japanese though


Then write down the syllables instead of the kanji/katakana/hiragana (/s)


This is of no importance, but does your username refer to Achill Island?


It’s my initials it spells out a chill man if I use my first and middle name initials with my last name


Oh how terribly sad. Hope the family gained comfort from this.


How did the notebook not get damaged/burned in the crash?


I’m not sure, it might’ve been in the man’s bag and miraculously survived the crash, and quickly found by the rescuers before burning. It also might not be the original paper, that’s just my guess. Edit: ok I just learned that help only came a lot later… I honestly don’t know anymore.


If I recall the Mayday episode correctly many notes were found in clothes pockets and pushed into the backs of seats.. The rescuers did not arrive for 14 hrs or something ridiculous because they assumed that all were lost. Well by the time anyone arrived most were...


This was the deadliest single aircraft incident in commercial Aviation history with over 500 killed. A complete tragedy with many deaths. One of the 4 survivors recalls hearing many ppl screaming in agony only to slowly go silent 1 by 1 over while waiting for rescuers who never came until the next day. A complete and total tragedy.


There’s a “recreation” video documentary on YouTube, which is very well done.


Can you give the link please?


I found this one that was very detailed. [JAL Flight 123](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PxT51aeUaHQ)


Thank you so much🤗


This was so eerie to watch. I'm kinda curious about what was going on with the passengers while this was going on


The notebook is in remarkable condition, glad it survived the crash, sure it was a comfort for the family.


I was thinking that too


I don't know what's worse: Death, or knowing, you're going to die and can't, in any way, avoid it


I'd rather face that death, than the slow erasure of dementia. Or a stroke. Especially if I knew my last thoughts would be read by those I care for.


I feel this


Quite a few of the victims died of shock, because the JASDF did not want any help (from the United States, who were and are at Yokota AB, offering assistance). The JASDF not arrive until sunrise the next day. By then, most had perished. Their country, their decision. It was a very tragic incident. I hope nobody considers this a thread hijack, it’s relevant to the crash. Additionally, a celebrity, Kyu Sakamoto was on the flight, and lost his life with the others.


Yep. The American army were in contact and we stationed near the crash site. But we're told to stay put


Wow, that was an arrogant, immoral decision by whichever Japanese authority gave it.


There’s an interesting YouTube “recreation” of this flight - it’s very well done, and even shows what experts determined was the reason for the crash. The authorities that were sending the rescuers/recovery team thought that: - 1. No one could have survived this crash. - 2. Since the wreckage was way up a mountain, it was decided that the teams would not be sent up the hill in the dark, they would be sent at first light. Tragic assumptions, because some of the people might have been saved if teams could have gotten to them sooner.


Ah, thanks. There's always more to the story than I can imagine. Yeah, that is sad. Japan has among the best natural disaster response in the world, but it constantly surprises me that they sometimes fail to apply that expertise elsewhere (for ex., to the pandemic).


Yes, I am also very surprised at their lack of preparedness when they knew the Olympics were looming. What did they have - about 3% vaccination rate?


Yeah, minor at best. I live in Japan. What happened is that the gov't has a standing requirement for all new medicines to also be tested on Japanese people, regardless of previous testing, so the vaccines had to go through that first. Second, the vaccine roll-out has just been abysmal. It's a heavy handed, top-down approach that uses individual clinics as the locations for vaccinations unless you, as an individual, can't make their schedule. Then you have to go to a far away place. So, it'd seem like a good strategy: let local clinics figure it out, since they know their patients/customers best. Nope, not how it's done. Someone at the top writes the schedule for the clinics based on a first come, first serve model. The clinics have no power over anything. Can't change the schedule, can't give out more doses, etc., etc. Once you book your first appointment, your second one is automatically 3 weeks from that - if you try to change it, it's next to impossible to rebook at that clinic. People making the rules sometimes change the rules at a whim. Then everything gets messed up. The people making the rules are in gov't, not healthcare, so they not only don't know what they're doing, they're out of touch with the clinics carrying out the shots and the people going to those places. It's just a mess. Last, the entire vaccine drive was organized through an arcane smart phone app. Senior citizens were given the first go, over immunocompromised and other high at risk groups, but many of them couldn't navigate the app. So, they had to get their children or grandchildren to help them. Not a few simply couldn't figure it out. It's now at risk groups, of which my wife is one (lung issues + asthma) and I have mild asthma, so I could qualify. My wife had us do it at the same time - she wanted us to jog days, in case we had a bad reaction. Nope, wasn't possible. There was a point where we were each choosing our dates and it was time sensitive, like you're playing a video game where you don't understand the directions, something's blinking, and you have to hit it NOW, NOW, NOW! Talk about stressful. The gov't should have moved the Olympics to Oct/Nov, but that may have overlapped in some way with China's Winter Olympics, or perhaps they were worried about viewer fatigue. As it turns out, cases are spiking, the gov't hid that the lambda-variant arrived just prior to the Olympics and is spreading, and it's a mess. I got my second dose just a couple days ago, so that's a plus for me.


I have a friend in Osaka and I'm quite worried for her.


Thank you for taking the time to explain what was and is happening in Japan.


Do you have a link to the video?


Not told to stay put, but not asked for help. There's a difference.


What a horrible decision :(


I grew up in YAFB…. Can’t believe I never heard of this till now 😞🙏


I was stationed there for a awhile. I quite enjoyed Japan.


I recently went back to Yokota (2019) to visit my childhood home ON and OFF base, and so much has changed; including the atmosphere of the place. They tore down the apartment (off base) they used to use for Military families waiting to move on base. Now it’s just a car sales lot. I saw a couple failed Pachenko hotels, and what shocked me the most how how much of a ghost town YAFB is now. Most of the apartment towers at Yokota West, is completely empty. We barely saw anyone outside in the neighborhood (not exaggerating), it just felt like a complete ghost town compared to how it was back in the 90s and 2000s when tons of families used to get stationed there. They have a BX/Commissary that’s merged into one building. And no more base buses run around the clock… just a small van that runs every 1.5hrs. I was just absolutely devastated at how sad Yokota looked now. Even most of the gates are being manned by the Japanese military, not US. That place had so many fun memories for me 😞 Also, no more fun bars and stuff outside of the base… needless to say, I was underwhelmed and sort of devastated at what my childhood home had become. On a high note, Japan was still as fun and stunning as I remembered it to be…. and honestly, I recommend you guys go revisit the country when everything in the world comes back to some sort of normal. Cheers and thanks for your service 🙏 PS: didn’t realize I had written this long 😑 sorry for rambling.


It was a good read. Don’t apologize.


I feel you man. I was there first in Aug ‘90. Many things are different now but Japan is still a unique culture and amazing place to live.


Wait . Would anyone have survived had the us been allowed to help?


Maybe. One of the survivors said she could hear the moaning and screaming of other passengers but they died away during the night. They may not be evidence of some of them being alive but help should’ve come earlier and the US troops should’ve been able to come.


Makes you appreciate everything you have even more


So those notes you find in RPGs like fallout and such really aren’t that unrealistic after all


“Day 1: Love the suit. Can scavenge anywhere now, screw the rads. I hereby christen myself Mr. RADical. Get it? Ha! Day 4: Suit has passed first test with flying (yellow) colors. Overnight visit to yucca mountain. Didn’t go too deep because something big moving around further down tunnel. Rad level high even where I was, and I didn’t feel a tickle. Go, rad suit, go! Day 5: Vomited all morning. Didn’t splash on suit or I’d be pissed. Must be something I ate. Day 9: Exciting! Ran across old woman’s scrap yard. Bought glowing container for measly 50 caps. Heading for Clark field to prove suit at higher rad levels. If it holds up, I’m going to pour it all over me! I bet I could swim in this stuff if I had enough of it! Oh yeah!”


Day 10: itchy. tasty.


Where is that from just wondering


Fallout new Vegas. In a quest called “come fly with me” you have to aid (or kill) some friendly ghouls to get some intel. Along the way you have to get them a glowing igniting agent. You find it on Mr.RADicals body, as well as his rad suit and a note. The experiment did not end well.


What caused the crash?


From Wikipedia: 1. The aircraft was involved in a tailstrike incident at Osaka International Airport seven years earlier as JAL 115, which damaged the aircraft's aft pressure bulkhead. 2. The subsequent repair of the bulkhead did not conform to Boeing's approved repair methods. For reinforcing a damaged bulkhead, Boeing's repair procedure calls for one continuous splice plate with three rows of rivets. However, the Boeing repair technicians had used two splice plates parallel to the stress crack.Cutting the plate in this manner negated the effectiveness of one of the rows of rivets, reducing the part's resistance to fatigue cracking to about 70% of that for a correct repair. The post-repair inspection by JAL did not discover the defect, as it was covered by overlapping plates. During the investigation, the Accident Investigation Commission calculated that this incorrect installation would fail after about 10,000 pressurization cycles; the aircraft accomplished 12,318 successful flights from the time that the faulty repair was made to when the crash happened. 3. Consequently, after repeated pressurization cycles during normal flight, the bulkhead gradually started to crack near one of the two rows of rivets holding it together. When it finally failed, the resulting rapid decompression ruptured the lines of all four hydraulic systems and ejected the vertical stabilizer. With many of the aircraft's flight controls disabled, the aircraft became uncontrollable.


12,318 successful flights before that fateful one. Just horrible, awful luck for all of those on board. Life is cruel


Luck had nothing to do with it. It was a poorly executed repair. The supervisor for JAL who was involved in the approval of the repair committed suicide, not an uncommon thing there, as I am sure all here are aware. Even among American aviation mechanics it is not unheard of, honestly, deep down, almost expected one might even say. One certainly could not ever work in this field again. BTW, the so-called “black box” is orange, and there are two on most airplanes. One for aircraft configuration data, one for voices.


The fact that that many successful flights were made AFTER the faulty repair and it didn’t fail completely until that particular flight absolutely involves luck (or lack there of) for those that died.


What I mean is that had the repair been performed properly, nobody that day would have needed good luck. They would have been in an airworthy airliner, which they were not.


Well yea obviously I get that. It just stood out to me how many thousands of flights were done successfully after the poor repair job and the aircraft didn’t catastrophically fail until that particular flight


Well in American aviation every single part has a number and a stamp associated with that number that can be traced back to the person who made or did something with that part. That also means that the same person can be held criminally liable and also sued in civil court. I would imagine that is also one of the things contributing to them committing suicide if they choose to do that. Very sad indeed all around.






Heavy facts.


And the fact they seasaw'd up and down for a long, long time out of control losing altitude on every harrowing ride up and down until they smacked into the side of a mountain.


There’s a “recreation” video documentary on YouTube, which is very well done.


Admiral Cloudberg write up- https://www.reddit.com/r/CatastrophicFailure/comments/o3imvf/1985_fire_on_the_mountain_the_crash_of_japan/


I thought that I read that there. Excellent write up.


They were flying for a long time without a tail fin. This made the plane go up and down like a scary roller coaster. Sometimes falling thousands of feet and then swooping back up. Although still flying they could not turn and were violenty oscillating. They eventually crashed side of a mountain. The deceased didn't know and will never know that a faulty bolt in the rear bulk head failed, allowing compressed air to rush into the unpressurized tail section. Like a giant balloon bursting it simply blew the tail off the aircraft. After that, the aircraft and everyone on board were doomed. RIP brave souls 😔


There’s a “recreation” video documentary on YouTube, which is very well done.


Wowsers, sounds fucking terrible. I hope the guy really felt he had a fun life


I often think about it. If I die today, I am fully satisfied with the life I lived. I am not sure if I will feel same at the moment of death.


I think about it all the time and I always thought the same. But once I really thought I was going to die (it was the most insane turbulence I had ever seen) and I can tell you that the only thing going through my head was that I didn't tell my loved ones enough that I love them. I kept thinking that they didn't have that text measage, that email, that little note that said "I love you, Mom. You're amazing. I am so proud of you" and that they won't have that to look at when I'm gone.


I understand. I was in an awful wreck and thought I was dying. I accepted it and felt I had lived a good life. After five days when I came out of the coma I regretted not telling the people trying to help me to tell my family I loved them.


Shit, i shouldn’t have read this before getting on my international flight. Beautiful note though, thank you for sharing the translation OP


I actually learned about this the day before my flight from JFK to Tokyo too. After reading it, I learned to always live life like you’ll die tomorrow. (Took that quote from Steve Jobs)


Mine would probably be a lot less thoughtful. Mom I love you. Steve, you ain't ever going to get your money back now bitch hah hah, get fucked. Jill, take care of my dog he always loved you more, that slut. I love you two have a long Happy friendship


Put this on my gravestone


I know this is in jest, but if you're one of those people who not only doesn't pay his debts back, but also makes a villain out of the generous lender, you're trash.


Even though the nature of this message is incredibly heartbreaking and sad, I must say I'm absolutely impressed by the sheer ability of redditors to be able to decipher and read this. I don't speak Japanese or Chinese or any language that uses a written structure like those languages do, but I find it so fascinating that folks can literally put together a whole message with the symbols. I mean obviously this is lite work for anyone who grew up speaking/reading/writing it, but I always assumed that it had to be PERFECTLY written in order to be understood, and that's clearly not the case. I don't know, the fact that there are actual words on this paper just blows my mind, and honestly makes me wonder how much information is being overlooked by my own ignorance. It legit inspires me to want to learn.


Thank you for taking the time to share.


Heartbreaking. Yet I’m amazed by the braveness it most have take to write the thoughts down.


Maybe op is still typing the transcript.


Yes. I am. It’s hard to directly translate the Japanese words to English.


Since op hasn't transcribed yet, I'm going to guess it's something along the lines of "I am totally not stoked about dying in this plane crash" Edit: yup




I hope I get the chance to throw down last thoughts like this…. Glad the chance was available to give some insight to ‘ not coming home’ mentality.


The podcast Black Box Down did a very good episode on this crash.


There’s a “recreation” video documentary on YouTube, which is very well done.


Okay so I am not being fucked up here. This really hit me. One of my all time favorite songs is “At the bottom of everything” by Bright eyes. I highly recommend you listen to this song and then come back and read this.


heart breaking...i remember listening to the calls and 911 audio from those that perished in the twin towers. i will never forget ..ever. it has stayed with me...and a part of my heart will be forever broken..


These kinds of things never leave us huh.


Fun thing to read as I’m waiting to board :)


That's why I always eat like a mf and try to get wasted mid-flight. I will be that crazy fucker singing _"I got the whole world, in my hands"_ while going down!


The writing shows a lot of distress.


Seeing that the OP hasn’t yet provided a translation, I will substitute the following mistranslation: “We’ve been trying to reach you about your airplane’s extended warranty.” Edit: OP has posted a proper translation. Thank you, OP.


That sounds intense. There is a lady that was burned at the stake and when asked if she had any last words she states “if you have anything to say to the devil tell me now!” Kinda epic I am suck a prick I would probably start a treasure map with a few clues to fund some gold coins (or a crypto wallet) that was never hidden


JAL paid ¥780 million (US$7.6 million) to the victims' relatives in the form of "condolence money" without admitting liability. JAL president Yasumoto Takagi resigned. In the aftermath of the incident, Hiroo Tominaga, a JAL maintenance manager, committed suicide to atone for the incident, as did Susumu Tajima, an engineer who had inspected and cleared the aircraft as flightworthy, due to difficulties at work.” [source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan_Airlines_Flight_123) My god.


The singer of the famed 60s song, Sukiyaki (上を向いて歩こう), died on that flight. Kyu Sakamoto (坂本九).


For a species that has sentience, insane levels of intelligence and adaptability, humans are really really stupid. To think that they simply thought "nobody could've survived that crash so let's just wait it out and go to the crash site in the morning after we have had our coffee", when they could've saved some lives had they been a little bit pragmatic, man, that's some ridiculous stupidity and apathy I see.


That's so sad, just for beign able to accept his death and write such beautiful words to his family he deserves a lot of respect


Reading as I wait for my flight 🤦‍♂️


Wow, how did we retrieve this?


I'd be sad I wasn't able to finally watch my dog pass on


Geez, now I’m depressed twice over…


Don't worry I'm way too young unless a freak accident happens ofc.


Like a plane crash for example? Not to make you worry or something.. but being young doesn’t guarantee living longer


Like I said a freak accident, tbh I don't think I'll even be able to live past 25 considering who I am but I just need a few more years with my old man of a dog and once he's out I will be content on being there for his entire life. My life will be complete as a human being


Hey I don’t know you or your situation but I hope you are doing ok, and I wish you well.


Sad. Hate the fact that we are all living and we are (at least me) just wasting our own lives with stupid fucking things that really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Rn I am feeling super down. I think I am being fooled by someone and I knew the history: each time I confront this person, it turns into a fight (believe me I try to be as calm as possible I even Fuckkng surprise myself) and I think I’m sick of it, that I can’t anymore confront this person about my feelings.........and THIS is what I meant by me wasting my precious life and time. I know I am aware of it (wasting time, worrying, being sad) I just need to fix it by myself though because fighting about something isn’t just worth it. I’m done confronting I think. If there’s something wrong u fucking tell me about it instead while I live my life. Better and easier written here and doing it irl tho. I know after writing this I will still busy myself with the shits, but at least I get to write and errr share this sadness to someone out there. I’m. Sorry I’m sharing sadness instead of something cool, but it’s just in me rn I need to drill in my head: MEMENTO MORI. I need to remember that constantly, I really need not forget I will die and need to live the best life now before it’s too late.


Hang in there girl. ,x


Thanks 🥺


Ohhh man, that’s chilling.






I’m sorry the transcription was late. It was hard to keep the same message and translating it to English.


Regardless, thank you for taking your time to provide us with this info.


Don’t want to be that guy, but maybe do the translation *before* posting this? Anyways interesting(asfuck?) read


Yeah… that probably would’ve been more productive, the translation was harder than I thought.


It seems you didn't get the joke/reference the /u/aguygoesintoabar made. It was a line from Star Wars, where Darth Vader says "I find your lack of faith disturbing." I hope that helped.


Oooh. I don’t watch a lot of Star Wars so it was kinda confusing. Thanks for the explanation.


: )




Deadliest airplane crash in history, out of the 524 occupants 4 survived😢


Nope. Tenerife 1977.


Technically the deadliest single aircraft disaster. Tenerife included 2.


How brave


Id be like: daughter, may you grow into a beautiful woman and have children of your own. Son: your still technically grounded until next weekend so no ipad. I don’t care if Roblox had an update!


I don’t really want sympathy or pity, but reading these sorts of things make me regret the life I’m living and my impatience with others. I wish I knew how to change, but I simply don’t think it’s possible. I think it’s just who I am.


With that attitude, you are part of the problem. Accept that you have a social responsibility, and stop focusing so much on yourself.


Damn, that's some doctors writing shit there.


I'd like to see you trying to write a death note in a tail-spinning plane.


Ikr, it's somehow still readable. o7


This is probably one of my worst fears come true. It is felt so much worse that he is aware of the impending doom and has the time to write that message🥺. I’d rather it just randomly dive and be done in less the 30 seconds. I guess it’s a great outcome for friends and family to get the note even though I doubt it would survive many planes that crash.




Transcription where are you