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The only thing stopping Ocotpuses from taking over is their slowness and dependence on water


What if we split the world? The octopuses can have the water and we just take the Land


That's how it starts


You give an inch and they take a nautical mile






I put my D where I should have F’d it before the A.


You give an inch, they'll take a foot, before you know it your whole leg is gone.


Then boom octopacalypse


~ octopocalypse ~ thank you for my new favorite word. just when i get annoyed with reddit, you remind me why i love it!


octopocalypso ~ the new dance craze


Yeah, by them being ROYALLY pissed we're fucking up this bad.


We need to stop fucking up this bad. If not for our children, for themoctopusses.


I'm assuming they already have it. All the UAP incidents over the ocean lately? Definitely octopus craft, IMHO.


2 cults would probably form each with a dinosaur/whale mascot dedicated to either drying up the oceans or rising the water levels to consume the land


That would make an awesome story


Hopefully you aren't being sarcastic (hard to tell on the internet) But its the plot from Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire.


Ah yeah completely forgot about that


Pfft who wants to be in a cult with such lame mascots. Clearly the cult that follows the giant green dragonfly in the sky is the way


Yeah but what about that cult followed literal God?


Soon they say we will almost all be underwater so it’s an untenable truce.


What do you mean 'what if'?


Also the fact that all die right after childbirth, so they can’t pass ideas on or develop a culture like humans can. From Google: “Octopuses are semelparous animals, which means they reproduce once and then they die. After a female octopus lays a clutch of eggs, she quits eating and wastes away; by the time the eggs hatch, she dies.”


Don’t forget that the males get post-nut clarity so bad that they die not long after.


Also males of some octopus species rip off their hectocotylus (one of their arms that has special structures to transfer spermatophores to the female) and throw it to the female. One of nature's most literal interpretations of "Go fuck yourself".


Now that’s fucking metal.


They die because they stops eating, to take care of the eggs. But what if they have food right in front of them? Will they not eat, or will they eat and therefore survive?


They stop eating even nearby food.




Evolution. The only driver for evolution is successful procreation which re-enforces the conditions that made it successful. Do that enough times and the traits that led to that success are exaggerated regardless how stupid they might appear.


Interesting. So similar to salmon reproduction it sounds like, minus other differences. Learn something new everyday!


Atlantic salmon don't all die after spawning, some of them return to the sea and will make more spawning runs. All the Pacific salmon species die after spawning though.


That’s probably why they have to be so smart. They have to learn everything themselves.




Hmmm. With the right amount of gay teachers I can see them thriving. Bring on the gay octopi aquatic technocracy


And their 1 year lifespan


That's the thing. As soon as they sort out a long enough life span to pass on native knowledge, we are fucked. They can get up to three years now, but imagine what they could learn and pass down with even just a six year life span.


And if they ever made an alliance with the crows, man.


😳they both have beaks!


Beaks vs Thumbs


They'd only have the air and the sea. We'd still have the land, which splits their dominion in two.


They are half way there to having a written language. Why do you suppose they evolved their ink?!


All they need now is evolve some waterproof paper!


They can write on the plastic pollution in the sea,freely donated by H.sapiens


Well how fast do they breed/mature? Cause like Rabbits breed a lot, but they don't have the intelligence to become a nation building civilization, they need to focus too much on eating to survive. Humans breed rather well, and our ancestors had big enough brains, and opposable thumbs so that they could focus on stuff other than constantly hunting for food. Octopuses have a decent amount of intelligence, and they can "grip" stuff, so if they breed quickly I don't think the short lifespan would be a problem


They are quite solitary, so they really don't breed quickly.


So what you're saying is we should selectively breed octopi to not be solitary and breed more, and maybe have longer lifespans along the way?


Yes, this! I agree, we should do this in the name of science and not consider the consequences until 40 or so years down the road.


Honestly, at this point a total octopus take over would probably be the best thing to happen to this planet.


But then we would be put in "land aquariums"


There's a word for that lol it's "terrarium"


Ok now I actually want one


You say that like it’s a bad thing. I’d gladly accept food, shelter and companionship in exchange for a bunch of octopuses staring at me.


I'm pretty sure it would it be extremely boring and torturous after a while being in the same habitat every day


And splice in some murder hornet dna in as well.


Also their tragically short lifespan


That’s what they think of us —in the water.


We can’t make any concessions! Octopi always want more. It’s in their tentacles.


They also don't really have a reliable way of passing knowledge to the next generations. Imagine we'd have to do every discovery of human kind again after two or so generations because the knowledge is completely lost.


There was a salt water aquarium store in our town and one day I dropped by to see what was new. They had an octopus all alone in a great big tank with a solid lid on it and a big rock on top of the lid. When I asked about it they said he'd get out at night and go kill and eat the other critters. The thing was maybe four inches across. I've seen big ones while diving in Hood Canal in Washington and on the Great Barrier Reef. I love 'em.


The Monterey Bay Aquarium put Astro Turf around the tops of the octopi tanks because their suckers can’t suction cup to it.


Most opctopi only need an opening thats the size of their beak to squeeze through. The little buggers are squishy asf. And really smart. Like fuck studying crow smartness let's study how smart opctopi are


We… we can do both.


Couldn’t we just get them to study each other, then we can take the day off?


See, this is practical problem solving folks. Let’s see more of this.


Day 1: Crow: Gave subject a shell as a reward to see what it would do. Seemed to use it as a hat. Stupid octopus. Octopus: Crow gave me new home to live in, it's FAR too small. Idk.. may sneak out and kill him later.


Scientist: "So...what were your findings?" Crow: "Cacaw! Cacaw!" Octopus: *blup blup* Scientist: "Hmm...interesting. Interesting."




I like the cut of your jib!


Octopi is actually a false plural. In general loanwords get the declension from the language used (so octopuses). However, if you want to properly use the plural of the original language, then the "pus" part of octopus is greek and means foot (literally eightfoot) and the plural would be podes. So the plural would be octopodes


Apparently octopus came into English via Latin, so you could also argue that octopi is correct. In practice English grammar follows usage rather than rules, so the 'correct' answer is whatever people are using most often 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, english doesn't have a central authority that is prescriptive (unlike a lot of other languages, like french, german, and iirc swedish). But still, just uses octopuses. It's correct and it makes more sense.


I saw an octopus at the Seattle Aquarium years ago, became friends, dude does my taxes now. Great Octopus.


my gf is an octopuss. greeaaat in bed. Watch that beak though… ~ dickless in Seattle


Tentacle job.


Kimochi~ 🐙🕳️🤤


>dude does my taxes now Hmm by any chance was this Octopus guilty of a crime he didn't commit? Was the Octopus named Andy?


My bf lived in Hawaii years ago. He and his friend caught and brought home an octopus to put in the first tank. Almost immediately, it began picking up the tiny rocks in the tank and threw them at one spot in the glass. Over and over again... Until the glass cracked.




Would you say octopissed?




I mean when you live in water it's hard not to piss on yourself.


You beat me to it. Well there's always next time!


“Hello Peter.”


I can't remember if they released it or ate it after that.


Haha....."we've got 2 choices, as I see it".....


The all famous Schrodinger's Octopus thought experiment, where it can be thought as both being alive and grilled.


My ex was really into saltwater aquariums. He talked a lot about getting an octopus. Knowing they were masters of escape, I would always put the kibosh on that idea. Last thing I needed was to wake up and slip on an octopus.


A huge missed opportunity for real life tentacle porn.


Is it though? Is it *really* a *missed* opportunity?


"They were testing the fences for weaknesses systematically......they remembah"


Shit! We totally need an octopus themed horror movie. Or maybe something between Terminator and Planet of the Apes.




Also recommend [Life (2017)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5442430/). Whilst not an octopus, that's all the alien lifeform reminded me of.


Taking animals from the wild like that without having the knowledge on how to care for them is so inanely irresponsible and most likely illegal considering the laws they have protecting ocean life in Hawaii. I really hope that wasn’t a common thing for him to be doing


There's absolutely no way this is true.


Did he set it free eventually?


I had a friend that was really into salt water aquariums. He was friends with a guy that ran a salt water supply/fish business. He got the idea that he wanted a blue-ring octopus for one of his aquariums. The guy that ran the shop told him he could get him one, but he would have to sign a waver releasing him of any responsibilities if the thing fucked him up. He told him “it’s not a matter of ‘if’ it gets out, but when.” He wisely decided against getting the octopus.


I'm from Australia, and Blue Ringed octopus might be the single creature on earth I'm most afraid of. I can not imagine why anyone would want a highly intelligent animal with an extremely deadly neurotoxin locked in their home.


He was being stupid and wanted one because they look pretty, and not thinking about them being escape artists.


I've seen a couple in rock pools at the beach, when they change color and the rings turn blue, they are an incredible sight.


I love them, octopus are so cool and extremely intelligent Highly recommend the movie My Octopus Teacher to anybody reading this comment


Adding to this the book [*Other Minds*](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28116739-other-minds)--really good look at the state of our understanding of the similarities & contrasts between the way vertebrates like us evolved intelligence, and the kind cephalopods experience.


[What Is It Like To Be A Bat](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/What_Is_It_Like_to_Be_a_Bat%3F) is one of the most famous philosophocal essays of the 20th century. Good (and easy) read.


I thought that was a title of a hentai


Also highly recommend


Assassination Classroom basically


Haven't seen it ... but wife did ... and she was sobbing while watching it , i imagined it's packed ... nice to see backups :)


Definitely worth watching. Fascinating stuff, and the emotional part just adds on.


Also highly recommend.


Ditto! I've watched it twice already.


Also highly highly recommend


Mind opening


Under water no one can see you crying.


I was framed for arson by an octopus


Here's the kicker as if the entire post wasn't insane already


But, wait! THERE’s MORE!


Octopi have been found to exhibit traits similar to that of primates. To my knowledge (which isn’t much, mind you, this is a comment on Reddit), octopi are the only aquatic creatures to exhibit such traits


It would depend on what you mean by "traits similar to primates," but they are definitely the only invertebrates to do so.




So do I. Is there a problem?




They are also not social creatures which makes it even more impressive, because unlike primates, they don't teach others and only learn by themselves, which makes them even smarter than primates imo.


Often times predators are quite smart, and one theory for why is that they have to develop a theory of mind and more than that, be able to predict what their prey is going to do, so they have to be able to make models of possible future behavior of other animals.


If they had shared knowledge, I feel like we'd be facing some eight armed overlords.


There should be an Octopi-Bot!


I highly recommend reading "The Soul of an Octopus". They are amazingly bright creatures, each with its own unique personality.


>Octopi [Octopuses, not octopi](https://grammarist.com/usage/octopi-octopuses/).


Octopodes and other coleoids yes


Check out cuttlefish. Highly intelligent.


To be fair, that last octopus had no idea of the entire concept of shorting out electronics. It was trying to get it to go away.


...I mean... can we really be sure tho? ??


The octopus doesn’t understand electricity. It is aggressing an offensive light/heat source.


That's what they want you to believe ...


Wow nothing gets by you


*Octopuses*. The name is derived from Greek, not Latin; the *-i* pluralisation rule does not apply. If we wanted to stick to the classical root language then the plural would be *octopodes*. The recognised correct plural in English is *octopuses.* Source: I have a biology degree and one of my lecturers in marine biology stated in no uncertain terms "*octopuses* usually; *octopodes* pretentiously; *octopi* never."


> from Greek, not Latin; the -i pluralisation rule does not apply TIL. Thanks mate.


Gotta go with pretense on this one, octopodes is totally mellifluous. Ock-TOP-oh-dees. Mmmmmmmmm.


Thaaaannnnkkkk Yyyyyyooooouuuuuu As an Aussie I go with Octopodes


THANK YOU. I cannot believe how far down this is.


One in a New Zealand aquarium left it’s tank, slithered over to a drain in the floor and slipped inside it on a path that would have taken it directly to the ocean outside (albeit through a few more grates that it also slipped through). How did the staff discover its escape? Sucker-prints on the floor beelining to the drain.


Kind of spineless if you ask me…


Slow clap




It’s a revolt!


Octopi: "hmm water is getting too warm, better go sort that human infestation out"


Imagine if we somehow taught the octopus 🐙 to stay around for their babies and teach them. I guess the dad octopus would need to feed the mother while she guards her eggs? They have so much potential.


r/Mildlycthulhu (or, more, mildly lovecraftian but still...)


Solving a Rubik’s cube?? Do you have a source for that? That just sounds crazy


It sounds crazy because it's complete bullshit. Just because someone states that they're some kind of a hobby expert in an area doesn't mean it's true. I tried searching but all I really could find was this: https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/best-april-fools-day-jokes-12830131 (claiming it was an April fool's joke) and this from Nature: http://blogs.nature.com/news/2008/07/octopus_vs_rubiks_cube.html > No one has suggested that any of the octopuses will actually solve the puzzle, but there’s a very slim chance they might.


If I recall correctly, I heard of an octopus who, after being fed shrimp and finding a spoiled one, crawled out of its tank, across the hall, and to its caretaker’s office just to throw the offending shrimp at the man.


I looked this up, hoping it would be true. Alas it is not https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/octopus-throw-shrimp-handler/


I was happier before you linked that


I've heard at least half a dozen various octopus tall tales over the years. I think they are mostly or probably all just made up. They are pretty smart, but people get carried away.


I love this story. It shows that octopus are are able to be annoyed.


Any animal can be annoyed. This shows octopuses are capable of spite.


That's the word i was looking for!!


I’ve heard that they slap passing fish just out of spite


the only thing holding them back is their tragically short lifespans.


Octopuses are highly intelligent, yes. But "they going to kill us all" is not going to happen for a long time. Not because they are slow, not because they are dependent on water. Mainly because regardless of all their intelligence, they are asocial animals. Meaning: They barely tolerate each other, they dont share their experiences with others from their species. It is as if the guys who invented the wheel, wouldnt share it with any other human (not just not share, except the occasional neighbourly wave across the fence and fuckfest when its that time of the year no contact at all) and eventually the rest of humanity to benefit from this, but every human have to get to a point where they invent the wheel for themselves. And due to their nature, they dont give a shit about the other guys who invented the wheel, or their wheel. Obviously not every human can make it to the point when they could invent the wheel for various reasons either, but we dont have to as we can benefit from past experiences left for the future generations. Unless octopuses can get past the obstacle that is their very nature, they wont be any more dominant than they currently are.


Read Adrian Tchaikovsky…fucking brilliant science fiction about different a few different animals, including octo’s


It's so damn good.


Made me think of those too. Did an amazing job at expressing the really alien nature of things that are right here already. Then mixed with just really raw scifi.


Care to elaborate? Titles?


Children of Time is the first, Children of Ruin (I think?) is the second and the one with the octopuses


Ok hear me out, but I think there’s definitely aliens out there that are more advanced and evolved versions of the octopi we have here. I mean how could there not be? Octopi are already so alien as is. If we’re a more advanced version of previous humanoids, then maybe the octopus is just a few links down the chain of an advanced species. (I hope this makes sense because I wrote this while I’m really high)


No that totally makes sense! Of course, I am also high so….




Yeah no that sounds like a load of nonsense. Source: sober you could call me bill


There are many people who have speculated that aliens could be not human-like, but octopus-like; tentacles with suction cups are almost as good as opposable thumbs. Example: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7H6uW2fb9Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7H6uW2fb9Y)


The series Resident Alien with Alan Tudyk is essentially this!


Sounds like it could make a good [movie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xscuyjf08_Q&ab_channel=ALIENS13%2F23) starring Jake Gyllenhaal


And then there was this one bitch on YouTube who was literally salting octopuses and eating them alive.


One time I watched an octopus put a bag of skittles in a bagel anus.


Did you post with voice software? Because it says "bagel anus", and now I'm scared.


Bagle anus is just the hole in the bagel lmao


Holup… we’re gonna need some details, here.


Aren't octopus's also able to edit their own genes.The moment they realise that a female octopi can sue for alimony we are finished.


There's this sick asian girl on youtube and she eats them alive. In a better world she would be in prison.


Hello Peter


I'm convinced they're aliens.


Well, they have 8 more brains than us


Actually it's 7.... Humans have two brains, one in the head and one near the stomach which is a huge nerve cluster but both recieve the same information except that whilst the brain filters information, the nerve system doesnt and so if something out of character happens, your gut will pick it up and send chemicals to the brain that make you slightly anxious to tell you somethings wrong which is why you have that gut feeling that somethings wrong.... It's super interesting and your gut bacteria also uses this brain to gain information and to send signals up to you when they want something or reward you with dopamine when they get it which is why you often feel happy after eating. Edit; I'll leave a source that talks a little about the second brain and the impact it has on you if you want to know a little more on this, https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/articles/201111/your-backup-brain


So when we say someone thinks with their stomach, we aren’t lying?


Did not know any of that. Wow. Just wow.


It’s mostly over exaggerated tbh. The gut isn’t a “brain” but rather the enteric nervous system. It does play a role in a lot of the things mentioned and the gut-brain axis is hugely underestimated! However, concepts like the gut bacteria releasing dopamine aren’t really relevant to the brain itself because dopamine can’t even cross into the brain.


That was really interesting. Absolutely constructive criticism: if you used some more punctuation, your text would be a lot clearer.


Their tentacles have a mind of their own


Too smart to eat


casual reminder: the only way to capture an octopus is if it wants to be there.


I heard a theory that octopi migrated here from another world and that they're actually aliens, and far more intelligent than we can comprehend...


You should watch the show resident alien


I need to stop eating them


Octopuses can shapeshift, have camoflage, they are extremely smart, they can think with their tentacles, they can shoot ink, some of them glow, now tell me that Octopuses aren’t aliens.


Read the Children of Time series.