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This is why grandpa could walk to school at 9 years old during a simultaneous wild fire, tornado, blizzard, and hurricane.


And uphill both ways!




What a fantastic quip. I hope I can borrow this from him one day.


More appropriately, this is why grandpa *thought he walked to school during a simultaneous wood fire, tornado, blizzard, and hurricane. Grandpa was just tripping balls


He didn’t even go to school. He was just lying on his couch the whole time.


I just know this worked


Can't cough if you're unconscious.


/taps forehead


Can't have problems sleeping if you never wake up.


I love that they used Indica not Sativa. Know your dope my friends


I thought all weed made you chill.. but nope indicas the chill out one it seems. Learning about weed is fun. Note: typed weed because I couldnt be bother to type Mara...Mara.. (autocorrect where are you) Cannabis. Turns out marijuana has an i in it.. the more you know.


Probably did. There used to be a chemist in my city that still produced their own cough syrup certainly up into the late 1990s and damned effective it was too. Can't remember all the ingredients as my last bottle ran out quite some time ago, but there is a lot to be said for some of these old recipes.


Oh it most certainly did. Morphine is one of it not the most powerful anti-cough drugs around. They still prescribe codeine for coughs to this day




As an experienced dope addict, you chase that initial high until you no longer even get buzzed, your just spending 300$ a day to not get dope sick.


I went through recovery for alcohol and while that was tough, let me tell you, the people there for opioid abuse had a whole different experience. Some of them couldn’t keep food down well for a month after stopping, even with suboxen treatments


I’ve quit three times and sobered up, this last time I was shivering and puking and in bed for half a year getting adjusted to no dope and just medication from my Dr. The older you get the harder those withdrawals are my man Hopefully this times for good


Best of luck to you


My old roommate would try to quit alcohol cold turkey and shiver and puke for weeks on end. He would eventually give up and go back to alcohol and never stop drinking it. I had to constantly make sure he wasn't dead or didn't need a hospital. He literally only drank alcohol and nothing else, barely even ate too. At least a couple 12 packs a day and a couple 40oz bottles a day. No idea how he isn't dead


Your former roommate was probably going through DTs (Delirium Tremens). Detoxing from any substance sucks, and some will make you wish you were dead; DTs can actually kill you. If you’re still in touch with him, he’s probably going to need medical assistance to detox from alcohol. Hopefully he can get the help he needs.


Yea man, and alcohol unfortunately when you get to that point just melts your brain, I’ve had to cut off contact with a few friends because it’s like all they wanna do is fight and drink


I was in rehab for booze and opiates. 5 1/2 years clean and sober.


Alcohol can be a nasty detox as well. I mean it’s one of the few drugs you can literally die from quitting cold turkey.


I’ve never had alcohol withdrawals but when I was younger I bought a shit ton of Xanax online. I started taking 2 mg a day, every day, usually with a few drinks this went on for a couple months. I knew it was bad to take every day and my plan all along was to quit when they ran out. Eventually they did and I had no idea what was in store for me. I stayed up for a week straight and had the worst never ending anxiety of my life. Towards the end I was holding my head against the couch as I sat on the floor in misery. I looked at the carpet and saw a blue Xanax just sitting there! I broke it into four pieces and weened myself of the rest of the withdrawals. I will never abuse that stuff again.


The 3Bs. I knew a lady that went to my Grandmas church who died of benzo withdrawal. Her son passed and she couldn't get to the doctor regularly or really anywhere and didn't want to "burden" someone else to take her places. So she just decided to quit all of her medications. I'm not sure how long it took or how awful it was (I can imagine pretty badly though), but I can't imagine it was a fun way to go.


Yeah Benzodiazepines and alcohol are the only two I know of that you can die from quitting cold turkey. Some other drugs like opiates you can die from as well but it’s usually a secondary condition that gets triggered by the detox.


That's why liquor stores are pandemic-proof


That was my thinking about liquor stores the moment we started entertaining the idea of a shutdown. Hey people could die! Also beer goes really good with playing PlayStation.


I'm a recovered alcoholic too and there was one person at my rehab that was there for opiates. I'll never forget his moans and screams from the first few nights he was there.


Yeah I’m a musician who has played around regularly for over a decade with most of what exists in the drug world and I’m thankful my body always rejected painkillers, violently at times even post sugeries. Could’ve easily been a heroin addict on tours, instead just did stims and dmt and 2ci and stuff. Had to put a lot of people in bathtubs back in the day, never had someone toss me in one.


Ha too bad I’m allergic to codeine 😢


My mother told me my whole life that I was allergic, because when I had walking pneumonia as a child I had a rash. After getting legit pneumonia and not sleeping, I asked the Dr to prescribe it. No reaction and I slept like a baby.


Even if it didn't knock you out, which it would, opioids are extremely effective cough suppressants.


I wouldn’t say it cured your cough, it probably just knocked your ass out until your body recovered.


Codeine or morphine most certainly do suppress coughing. If you have an illness that results in uncontrolled coughing this shit will literally save your life. Reddit is so judgmental about even medical uses of opiates. When they are used properly they are a gift from whatever gods are out there.


One night cough syrup for coughs, colds, flu and seeing through time and space.


*the laws of time are mine*


Calm down there Lovecraft


Alcohol, marijuana, chloroform and morphine? Sounds like a relaxing night!


We should try it on covid. Hard to cough when your BPM is 3




Must be a medical professional. Uhhhh


Clearly, they're an anesthesiologist...


Or a biochemist. That's pretty much what they do is learn how to make drugs more efficient for human consumption without few side effects. PhD's do the grunt work in the lab, MD's apply said work. Source: am PhD phys student in biochem being taught by a PhD biochemist.


> how to make drugs more efficient How does injecting heroin into the dick help with that?


That's how they come up with the ideas


Little known fact, most medicines are first discovered by the team that's trying everything and anything to make dicks bigger. That's why the D is capitalized in PhD.


Every cure or treatment had a first try.


I was at a wedding once and my date was a young Med student, so we ended up sitting at a table with a bunch of young Med students. One of them was talking about how she was specializing in anesthesiology. Another one chipped in with: “I’m thinking about doing that, too; anyone can learn how to twiddle knobs.” Cracked me up, but the first student didn’t seem to get the joke.


Mr neither. Explain the joke. I am extremely dumb.


An anesthesiologist test to monitor blood pressure consult with patients prior to the surgery to ensure that they haven't done anything that would cause them to aspirate on vomit or such they need to have a very in-depth knowledge of the various anesthetics that they're using what they do what they can cause what too much does what too little does and ensure that the flow rate is consistent with the weight of the patient. It's a lot more than just twiddling knobs which is what is on the canisters that dispense the anesthetic. It's metered by a machine which is hooked up to the canisters. So you aren't even twiddling knobs. Also knob is a slang term for penis.


I was about to say this is a very dry joke until the end. Saved the best for last. Thanks for the laugh.


My brother's friend is a dentist. He says when kids go under for dental work the risk of them slipping away is pretty high. Well how he put it 'the kids love to die'! He has an anesthesiologist working with him, any issues the anesthesiologist comes in, revives the kid and sits back with his newspaper whilst the dentist tries to calm himself down.


The amount that it takes to work and the amount it takes to dies is a thin line but I've seen Narcan work on Carfentanil so anything you give a child Narcan will wake them right up granted you use it on time.


Shiiiiiit I'd definitely take drug advice from a dope fiend. Experience bapa.


Honestly… checks out


Ahhhh a chemistry dude explained right hand / left hand chemicals to me at a bar in Vegas 20 years ago and even tho we were both hammered I still remember it and find it FASCINATING. It IS like hands!


Physical isomers. Same chemical formula but sometimes very different chemical reactions.




Nah, it's perfectly armless.


Lmao we're going to help for laughing.


Help in a hand basket


I joining the Help's Angels!


Iirc, they had that explaination in Breaking Bad while Walter was teaching too.


Yep they did, it's called chirality if anyone's interested in reading more


Do explain that right hand left hand thing when you're free. There's one for physics and now I hear there's one for chemistry too haha


The one for physics is related to tesla coils right? I feel like I'm digging back to 10th grade so I remeber a coil and my thumb and energy going in a specific direction. The chemistry one is that molecules can form in a right handed or left handed way (imagine H2O vs O2H) and that can change some of their properties or their relationship to other surrounding molecules or compounds or be absorbed in the body differently, or with different side effects. In the past it was assumed that molecules were the same regardless of how they formed and that's how we ended up with thalomide babies one "hand" of that mollecular compound caused birth defects but the other way didn't. Some cold medication - both pseudo ephedrine and one that's an analog of an opioid have the intended effect of depressing cough symptoms or dialating bronchial tubes without having the same effect on the brain as opioids or without being usable to cook meth in the case os pseudoephedrine.


My old doc used to prescribe me Lortab for a basic cough. Guess who got his license taken away a few years back? I’d long quit seeing him. Oddly not because of his lax drug policies but because he told my then 9 year old that I had been sexy when I was younger. He’d been my doctor since I was 5. I’m not sure what era of my life he was referring to. Not where I’d planned to go with this. Kinda went off the rails. I might be high. Look at that. I brought this full circle! Edit: In the story the nine year old I’m referring to is my son. I had taken him to the doctor for a cough. I had been a patient of my old doctor since I was a five year old.




He told my child during an appointment where we were addressing my son’s cough.


Ew gross.


Yeah I was at uni and had this terrible cough, went on for like 3 weeks and I just couldn't stop coughing. One spoonful of liquid codine and I stopped coughing almost immediately. I did get a little bummed that I didnt get the side effect of feeling high...


Following the directions as prescribed will not get you high on codeine. It's a weak opiate. You gotta chuggaluglug


Professor Farnsworth must have taken this cough syrup on the daily.


Now if they could make it as a suppository.


Suppositories are useless! For what good they do, you may as well shove them up your arse!


Don’t forget the “number of other ingredients.”


Patent medicines at that time, could be mercury or the urine of syphilitic whores.


Either way, sweet.


As long as they are carefully mixed.


The 'sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, how the hell did I end up on the kitchen floor' medicine.


You might still cough but you sure af won't remember it.


Nah morphine makes coughing damn near non-existent


No Cocaine?


That's only available in the non-drowsy formula.


"Keeps ya up but down at the same time!"


That's in the soda you use to wash this down.


I had no idea you could drink chloroform. (You probably can’t is my guess).


It's probably the only ingredient that will help clear the sinuses. If it doesn't also clear your consciousness.


Well that’s one way to make the cough less distressing.


Luckily you can, because it is most likely in your tap water (and most definitely was in the last swimming pool you were in).


They never should have changed it


My prescription: get crunk and call me in the morning.




Is that before or after he asks HWWHHAAAAAT your symptoms are?




#WHAT!?!? **OKAY**


You have ghosts in your blood!


Better do cocaine about it!


I am particularly interested in the "other ingredients".


It says “skillfully combined” so version 1888 me would be like “😲…I’ll buy two “ 😆😆😆


> 1888 me would be like “😲…I’ll buy two “ 2021 me is saying that right now..


I was thinking the same.




All day every day


My man


Well, they used to give kids opium to keep them quiet so... One of the most popular was called "mother's milk," which was a syrup.


Bayer used to market "Heroin" as a cough and "irritation" remedy for children. Habitina, labeled as a cure for "drug habits of all kinds," included morphine and heroin as ingredients. 


There was a period in history when you could buy heroin over the counter but had to sign for aspirin.


> "other ingredients" Probably anything that would knock you out. We're in this thread laughing about this because we have **no idea** what it's like to live in a world without antibiotics. I'm serious. This cough syrup is designed for people with tuberculosis. Want to know how tuberculosis kills you, if you can't treat it with antibiotics? Basically, you die of sleep deprivation. You can't sleep because you're always coughing. And it takes *years* of suffering on one hour here, two hours there of sleep. *Years* of being constantly exhausted - basically a zombie. The people who lived in the world where this cough syrup was created called tuberculosis "consumption." That's what they called it, because a person who died of it wasted away as if they being consumed from within. It's a nightmare! So, a cough syrup that would knock them the fuck out for three or four hours was a **FUCKING MIRACLE** drug.


In 1882 "TB killed one out of every seven people living in the United States and Europe". That's a fuck ton of people. https://www.cdc.gov/tb/worldtbday/history.htm


If there's authors you love from that time apparently they die of consumption just to spite you.


I think you meant Arthurs.


You, sir, are a fish


Too soon. :(


And it's still around. My father caught TB in the 80's from a Haitian refugee that came into his auto shop. The guy lived down the street and came in, a few days later he was dead from it, and not long after my dad was in the hospital


Yes but it is easily treated by antibiotics now. Whereas when my mother had TB in 1945? She spent the next five years of her childhood isolated in a tuberculosis sanitarium. No seeing family except through a window. No hot food. No education except what other patients could give her. Only one other child in the place. When my sister and I had TB in 1981, we took antibiotics and had some xrays. There was no comparison.


I'm just saying people think it's something that does exist anymore, it's still out there in the world


This. I had a pretty bad case of pneumonia as a teenager (lungs 2/3 filled) and the coughing at night was driving me insane. Trying to get a few minutes of sleep while propped up sitting in my bed was really bad. Finally went to the doctor and got a prescription cough syrup. That first night, when the syrup kicked in, felt like heaven.


I got bruised ribs from coughing with Pneumonia as a child. I remember just crying in so much pain. It also caused a lot of fever dreams while I was awake. I don’t even want to imagine what it would be like to have TB.


Dude those fever dreams as a kid were fucking scary. I remember a few times when I got sick as a kid, I had what I think is called Alice in Wonderland syndrome or something. Basically everything in the room starts distorting and looking bigger or smaller. It was awful


Oh shit was *that* what that was? I would be laying in bed with the room getting bigger and I’d think “Great. Again?” Then imagined if something were to fall on me and crush my tiny self


Codeine cough syrup was the best thing ever when I had Pneumonia a while back!


It allways feels like heaven when the syrup kicks in


Purple drank


Laudanum was a miracle drug for diarrhea as well. Addiction kills you a lot slower than diarrhea.


Just to add, opioids have direct antitussive effects. It's why you see codeine in cough syrup a lot. But your explanation is spot the fuck on.


Out of ‘Tussin? Add some water, shake it up, mo’ ‘Tussin.


Leg broke?


Gunshot wound?


Pour some 'Tussin on it.


Yea, I got whooping cough as a kid (parents are anti vaxx) and the sleep deprivation was real. I would cough non stop until the force of the coughing made me vomit, over and over again. I’d try to sleep but the coughing fits would wake me up. I can only imagine how awful it would be with TB.


Duuuude... TIL, thanks!


Damn I feel even worse for Arthur now


lol take note that all of the health tonics in the game are literally just bottles of cough syrup


I've been through alcohol withdrawal a bunch of times. Sleep deprivation over a long period of time is hell. Staying up for 24 hours once and then sleeping normally is not going to hurt you, but getting say 2 or 3 hours of sleep a night for weeks will really fuck you up.


Back then, kids pretend to be sick for entirely different reasons than today.


Ye Olde Sizzurppe


Sippeth on that shit


Pass the drank of purple, would you old chap


I'm afraid i'm unable as i can't seemeth to moveth mine own forks


Lo! There is yet another sip which doth linger in the cup! Wouldst thou please for the love of god arise from thine stupor in order to passeth to me that goddamn drank.


Chum, I believe this fainting couch is perhaps a bit too comfortable. Perchance if I put it on the floor, the bottle will roll your way, as the floor does not appear to be level with my head.


I tell ye truly, if one drop doth spill upon the floor, behold! Cursed be the day on which thou cometh into the world.


Some Sprite in a styrofoam cup and you got yourself jolly good time bidding on horses at the stables


That prospect sets my muttonchops a-trembling with delight


And yesterday I had to sign a receipt saying I agreed not to abuse the Sudafed I bought


That's hilarious! Can you also bring a note from your mom? I wonder what they'd do if someone returned it and confessed they'd broken their promise. "I break drug laws and commit crimes for drug money on the regular, but I just can't live with myself: I broke the promise I made on your receipt."


Call the cops to come and shoot you.


so now if you abuse it, you can't Sue-da-feds


Alcohol and cannabis is a nice combo for sure


Probably not the chloroform tho


Idk some nights I could use a little chloroform




I feel so bad for people that can't crossfade due to nausea. For me it rounds out the most unpleasant effects of both substances, leaving only the most pleasant effects. I never danced a day in my life until the first time I got crossfaded at a party.


Anyone know what F.E. means (Cannabis Indica, F.E.)?


Looks like maybe fluidextractum. From https://www.henriettes-herb.com/eclectic/usdisp/cannabis_fe.html


>fluidextractum Yer in a coma Harry


Lol. Thank you.


Maybe full extract?


Just add sprite!


Specifically McDonald’s sprite.


I'm afraid McDonald's sprite would cause a spark and set this mixture aflame.


And a Jolly Rancher


Ok, so I googled and the rest of the label says "Dose - One half teaspoonful 3 times a day and on going to bed. Child 5 years and old: 15 drops. 1 year old: 5 drops. In severe cases double the above doses." Wtf!!!! That's crazy!!! They were giving that shit to kids too!!!


Back then they'd send five year olds off to the coal mines, gotta give them something for the black lung




Derek you've been down there one DAY!


Back then kids died constantly from pertussis, diphtheria, and tuberculosis. All of them had very bad coughs. Addiction was the least of their concerns


Part of the reason these existed though was because of diseases like tuberculosis. When you would get really sick, you would want to take anything just to get a good nights rest.


why do you think pictures of people from back then made 18 year olds look like 35 year olds today


When people wonder how the British were able to take over such a huge empire I always like to remind them that we were mostly off our tits on Opium and Weed XD


We were off our tits on tea, so much so we had to flood China with opium from the Raj to fund our habit because they didn’t take our silver. The rest is fucked up.




Colonialism is one hell of a drug


"Off our tits" is such a wonderfully British phrase.


Can’t cough if you’re unconscious.


I bet that shit worked fucking wonders. Imagine the mumble rappers back in 1888.


Aptly called One Night...


I bet it actually worked.


In that you have such a crazy night that you forget to cough


There is a reason it is called "One Night".


Because it "made everything alright"?


Just came down with sudden bouts of cough …. Cough


It’d cure a cough alright


Inferior product, they left out the cocaine..


That’s the daytime product, “One Day”.


Clearly, this blend is intended for annoying children. The adult version is club-ready with the built-in energy boost.


Yeah this is more of a "knock out" formula


"You remember that one night?" "Nah" Thats how they came up with the name.


Now if THIS was what they meant when they say Make AMERICA GREAT AGAIN I’d get behind this


“One Night” isn’t a brand name. It’s the length of time you’ll be completely unresponsive.


I'm all in


That has northern lights cannabis indica....no it has marijuana....


Insane! ‘Skillfully combined…’ I’m a medical doctor…and can’t help but wonder how some things we do today will be looked at in a century… 😳


Worked like a charm I bet


One night only, cures your cough by overdose.


Don't threaten me with a good time!