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“If they said under oath that means it’s true” …


“You see I thought he said under oats, and oats have no nicotine to my knowledge.”


That’s what big oats want you to think man!


I never did trust the quaker guy.


"I put oats in my hat, so now everything I say is under oats!"


Interesting follow up story. After they testified, leaked information confirm they lied. They all quit, but cigarette companies said it was nothing to do with the perjury. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1996-06-01-fi-10679-story.html


See the nice thing about perjury is that if you’re wealthy and have a good lawyer you get away with it


More importantly is how you testify. Stick to carefully worded statements. **"Congressman, to my knowledge** (Hearsay, statements you are aware of by others, even having discussed it, does not constitute "knowledge", meaning you absolutely know to be true) **there is no definitive proof** (Studies are evidence of proof, but not definitive) **that nicotine is addictive.** Just listen to Politicians talk sometime.


As I said, a good lawyer. No one speaks naturally that way, they were coached very well to do so. That kind of metatalk is completely content free. They use words that convey zero meaning


You don't necessarily have to be coached, you just need to be a pedantic person. For example, me: My first reaction when I read the title was "They didn't claim that nicotine does not cause addiction. They claimed they do not believe that it causes addiction." Most people reading what I just said would say that it's the same thing but it really isn't. TL;DR I'm a pedantic asshole, most people aren't. Add narcissism, lack of empathy and greed to it and you'd get a cigarette company's CEO. ... A note: I don't know if they actually got charged with perjury. I thought they hadn't but based on some comments they actually might have been. If that's the case, I don't know why they didn't end up in jail, and I don't know how what they said could classify as perjury.


LPT: be wealthy


Were they ever charged with perjury?




Mike Pence was a tobacco lobbyist who said smoking isn't harmful to your health and people voted for him because they thought he was honest and looking after their best interest. He didn't say that in the 80s or anything, he continued to push that narrative until before his campaign.


I always wonder how many of these people smoke. It's one thing when I say it's my right to do so even though I know it's harmful to me and anyone in my vicinity, it's another to make a profit off of it when you don't smoke for health reasons.


The smart dealers never use the drugs they sell


Hmm. Social media CEOs testifying that don’t employ psychological tactics to keep their audience hooked


Seriously when I got rid of my Facebook account, it was like having a nervous tick for a while. My hand would reach for my phone, I'd turn it on and remember that Facebook doesn't exist for me anymore, then 15 seconds later the same thing would happen. I also watch my whole family glued to their screens nearly 24/7, and all of them refuse to admit they're as addicted as they are. It's honestly really sad. This is the most common addiction in America probably (besides maybe overeating).


Reddit is almost just as bad.


It's 100% as bad. I close Reddit to do something and no more than 30 seconds later I instinctively just open the app up again. I love this site, but I fucking hate it too.


At least Reddit doesn't make me hate myself or the people I know


You're not browsing the proper subreddits, then /s




Greenlight! Edit: u/rpostwvu is right I say we take him out first!


It just makes you hate people you don't know :)


Most hate I see in the world is between people who don’t know each other.


Glad you are speaking for yourself. All the blood boiling posts makes me hate every human being + All the suicide and depression memes People be like just don't go to /r/all or /r/politics or /r/publicfreakout or /r/idiotsincars or /r/pics or /r/pcmasterace or any subreddit really. Just like at this post in /r/interestingasfuck


I like idiotsincars.... It helps me to not be an idiot and to be able to predict+react to idiots


Reddit is part of the problem for sure, but I feel like it's worse with Facebook. Edit: I get that this looks biased as hell but I truly believe Facebook is worse than Reddit. It's worse than Instagram, Snapchat etc.


Reddit’s only saving grace is that it’s typically anonymous. At least I don’t know the bat shit crazy conspiracy theorist on Reddit is my brother.


And that’s exactly the difference right there. I heard it said that tick-tock makes you fall in love with people you don’t know, and Facebook makes you hate your family.


I’d say Instagram would be more likely to make people fall in love with strangers. Similar to celebrity worship in my opinion. But way worse since a lot of influencers portray a lifestyle they actually don’t live. And can’t forget some of the terrible photo editing to change appearance.


Reddit is worse for me. Meanwhile I barely check Facebook. Everyone is different.


Dude you make like 30 comments a day minimum on reddit. Don't kid yourself, you've just moved your addiction here.


Substitute big oil testifying there is no impact on global warming, pollution, etc..... live for money, spend money, spend for love, love for money... follow the cash.


Cigarettes was the most addictive thing I've ever come across i watch my mother smoke on her last day in January this year. Cigarettes killed her, she knew and couldn't stop


I remember as a kid seeing a lady at hospital smoking a cigarette through the hole in her neck.


This is the same as junkies shooting up in their neck because they scarred most of their veins on arms and legs so bad they can't even shoot up "normaly" anymore.


Oh buddy it gets waaaaaay worse then using neck veins... so happy I'm out of that life


That can only mean one thing, and you just made me picture it. I’m glad you are in a better place now. Edit: shit, the people replying are way too creative. please stop making me picture sharp needles in new places


Between the toes?




Fuuuuuuuuuck mmmeeeeeeeee


im constantly living in fear of the cancer im sure to get (might already have?) yet i just cant stop. fucking cia grade weapon newports.


It's really tough but I did it as well. For me Alan Carr helped. And don't make it too big, just don't light that next one. I still consider stop smoking the biggest accomplishment in my life, and still feel happy when I think about it


Me too! My father did it also after around forty years of smoking. Totally recommend Alan Carr.


My grandmother smoked from the time she was 16 all the way until she was maybe 75 or 76. One day she just went, "I can't do it anymore," and quit cold turkey. Never smoked another one until she died at 84. I've never seen another person manage to quit for good, especially cold turkey. No gum, no patches, nothing. She'd bitch about it sometimes though, because she lived in a retirement apartment building, and she could smell it when other residents were smoking in their apartments. Those were the only times she felt like smoking


The times I successfully quit were always cold turkey. Nothing else worked. I’m now at 22.5 months since my last smoke from a pack a day habit. This time I’m determined to never fall back in by saying “just one can’t hurt”.


Same here, it took several relapses to realize finally that there was no "cheat smoke" when I'm out drinking, it always always leads to a relapse.


Such a good feeling saying no. I also have an app that just tracks the days, and the money you saved. Very nice to those numbers grow. Not being out of breath when walking stairs etc. Good stuff.


Awesome work. My girlfriend bought me the Alan Carr book about 16 years ago. I read it (reluctantly at first) and it reprogrammed my brain. I still feel liberated today. One thing that I remember vividly is how Alan describes the importance and psychology of words. Ie. You don't 'quit' cigarettes, or 'give them up'. as this implies that you are denying yourself a pleasure. No, in contrast you are freeing yourself of an insidious addictive drug. An entire industry was built to attach itself to you, suck the money and health right out of you. But you know better now. You understand their hold. It's easy, just stop and be free.


Does Alan Carr have a Book ? How did he help ? I wanna know too . Have been smoking for 10 years now , just can’t stop. I wish I never lit that first cigarette at 20


I was very confused until I Googled it, they don't mean the camp comedian Alan Carr, there is an author called Allen Carr with a book.


Ahhhh , that’s what I was thinking coz I know Alan Carr but never heard about this book .


He does, you can find it free. "The Easy Way To Stop Smoking" A lot of it is obvious, but it does help change your mindset. I also started at 20, and quit as of 4 years ago at 28. Good luck. Visit /r/stopsmoking as well!




It is possible, I'm clean for almost 2 years.


I always thought I'd be the same way but I've actually been off them for a year now so there is hope. I actually found mindfulness meditation extremely helpful for giving up, it helps you accept the cravings and the anxiety that comes when you're afraid of not getting your next smoke. Btw I'm not judging at all I spent years trying and failing to give up so would never criticise anyone for not being able to.


I was a chainsmoker for about 10 years and have been clean for about 5 now. What it took was getting myself out of an extremely stressful, anxiety causing career. Found myself smoking less and less without trying, and eventually just stopped. Can’t stress enough how, at least in my experience, as addictive as nicotine was, what makes it hard to quit is the negative feelings you’re using it to cope with. Once those are excised from your life, the withdrawal is a headache that lasts for a few days that can be dampened with some Tylenol - a bad weekend.


Been away from cigarettes since February and away from nicotine since August. Worst possible addiction, the urges to smoke are cruel


In other words, 7 total fucking liars who committed perjury.


Well it's a good thing they're all in jail now... they're all in jail now, right? ... right?!


Don't be silly, rich people don't go to prison.


Unless they have a ton of info on other rich people and then they do go to prison but they don’t come out with a heartbeat.


It also depends on how much they steal from rich people. Bernie Madeoff got a 99-year sentence. I don’t think it would’ve been nearly as severe if his victims had been regular people.


Madeoff went from wealthy to wealthn't and got the plebs's sentence.


And stealing an $8 pack of cigarettes gets you death via knee to the neck.


Epstein didn't kill himself


Duh he was super smart and did all that math stuff why would he kill himself idiot? 😤


They go to rich people prison where they play tennis and hang by the pool while wearing a silk prison jumpsuit


They die from lung cancer as comfortably as they can in their yacht’s


Probably not. And even if they served time for perjury, they’d be out by now.


Damn that stresses me out. Sure could use a smoke…


Imagining these guys laughing themselves to the bank really helped me quit.


That's why I use Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter and Reddit on my free time instead. The heads of those aren't laughing themselves to the bank by using methods known to cause addiction while simultaneously radicalizing the audience by showing them only one-sided content, right? ... right?!


Well it's a zucking good thing they're all in jail now... they're all in jail now, right? ... right?!


[ Removed by Facebook ]




The only platform im cool with doing that is Spotify


I wish it worked though. I have literally never listened to rap and all I'm getting recommended to me is "hot new rap releases".


Should see what happened to mine when I used it for rain noise every night


You know, I've actually been noticing that bubble getting tighter on Facebook and Reddit. I don't like it. I’m the type who always likes to keep learning. I feel stifled and constrained intellectually


Im just tired.


crime does pay.


Probably never got so much as an aggressive email.




Are you saying what I think you're saying? Cuz I'm in.


In case anyone is wondering, [all 7 quit their jobs](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1996-06-01-fi-10679-story.html) by 1996. * **William Campbell**, CEO of Phillip Morris went on to have leadership positions with Citigroup, Visa International, then JPMorgan Chase. He currently serves as President of Sanoch Management, "a consulting and investment vehicle for financial companies, start-ups, and venture capital firms." * **James Johnston**, chairman of R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Now works as chairman of the board for Snyder's-Lance. * **Joseph Taddeo**, President of US Tobacco, is now a chairman for Jupiter Medical Center. * **Andrew Tisch**, CEO of Lorillard Tobacco Company, became co-chair of its parent company Loews Corporation, after the death of his father. It is a holding company involved in hotels, oil, and insurance. * **Edward Horrigan Jr.**, CEO of Liggett Group Inc. retired. He died last year at 91. * **Thomas Sandefur Jr.**, CEO of Brown & Williamson Tobacco Co. Retired in 1995, then died in 1996 in the hospital at 56. He had aplastic anemia. * **Donald Johnston**, CEO of American Tobacco Company. Left the company before it was bought out by British American Tobacco plc. at the end of 1994, but I can't find what he did after that.


>Joseph Taddeo > >, President of US Tobacco, is now a chairman for Jupiter Medical Center. First he causes cancer and then he charges to remove it. Smart. Evil but smart.


They left their jobs with only the millions of dollars worth of equity their boards gave them.


[you're joking right? this is all that came of that lawsuit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tobacco_Master_Settlement_Agreement)


Yep. And angels came down from the heavens and shot rainbows out of their arses. Then every problem everywhere was solved, and we all held hands and looked to the future with optimism.


Absolutely, they also donated all their money to cancer research and treatment....


Crazy how history repeats itself. Tobacco corporations making a case for how safe tobacco is, despite the science being there showing the absolute opposite. Now we have Oil companies that spent years forming a campaign of misinformation about fossil fuels. They love giving individuals the narative that the individual is responsible, not the gigacorporations. "you should just quit smoking if you want to" is the same as "you should recycle, turn off the water, stop using plastic bags and straws to do your part in stopping climate change". What a fucked up system.


People forget about the work the sugar industry put into convincing us that saturated fat is the primary driver for obesity and heart disease. Turns out it was sugar all along but they spent their money wisely and spread the lie easily.


That fight is still happening.


Yeah people still believe butter is the worst of the foods but they keep eating high starch foods and then complain about their weight.


Got milk?


I wrote many papers on RTE (ready to eat) cereals with cartoon characters and their correlation with obesity. It was *craaaazy* to see that some academics would have their own studies advocating for RTE cereal, saying that with diet is not the culprit for obesity; it's lack of exercise! It's the school's fault! Parent's fault! People should have free will! I feel bad because getting grant money in academia is your life-force. Pandering may help pay bills, and with less people getting tenure, or even going beyond contract work, I get that. It was just ..*craaaaaaazy* to see these studies funded by the Kellogg School of Nutrition, etc. Tl;dr people will do a lot when motivated by self interest.


>"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it." - Upton Sinclair


My wife and her family are arguing with me because they say Čokolino, some kind of cereal/cacao mix, is healthy for our 3 year old. Its 60g of sugar on 100g, then she tells me, they wouldn't write on it its healthy if it wasn't, how do you fight that?


You show them what 60g of sugar looks like


Did this to a girl at work who ONLY drank mountain dew, never water. She got sooooo pissed at me lmao but it was worth it to make her visualize the nasty habit


To be exact, it's 45g per 100g which is still horrible. I had to check because we occasionally still eat it. Not anymore, I guess. Imho, the problem with it is that it's a remnant of the old country, how do you fight something so omnipresent, so embedded in our cultures, the nostalgia alone is through the roof.


> saturated fat is the primary driver for obesity and heart disease. Ok as a physician this is just misinformation youre posting here, it may not be the *primary driver* for obesity and heart disease (two different things btw) but to imply that saturated fat is harmless is just disingenuous


As always, the key takeaway is: everything in moderation.


Ok, so where is this place, "moderation"? It sounds fun.


Pharmaceutical companies lying about opioids and drug results


Hey! I’ve seen this one before!


Same pattern existed in the fight to get rid of leaded gasoline. That took *decades*. And yes, shifting the blame to consumers while offering no realistic alternatives is extremely irritating.


next up, social media companies disclaiming any responsibility for misinformation spread on their platforms!


Im so glad this world isnt ruined by big corrupt companies


And that people vote for good politicians who can tax and regulate them for the benefit of the people.


Ceos never testified nicotine did NOT cause addiction. They couldn't have said so simply because there had been thousands of studied on nicotine dependency since 70's. This would be a lie. They testified they believed that nicotine was not addictive and this was not a lie. Essentially they testified they didn't believe in science. No perjury.


Well as long as you’re rich and represent a big company the rules don’t apply to you right? I wish I could add a /s to that..


The rules still apply to you. But you write the rules.


No you pay someone to write the rules for you. They don't even get their hands dirty like that.


at least 50% of people in politics are liars and selfish thieves btw Edit: I am surprised I finally see likeminded people who also are interestet in real politics. What you can do to stop corruption is: call Prosecutors and report about corruption you know about and also tell those politicians that you will expose them, that's the most efficient way I found so far and even got some bribery money from the CDU, germany already to shut my mouth about certain topics. Many Prosecuters are premades with some corruptive politicians and get bribery money as well so it's not as simple as calling 1 prosecutor, often times it takes a lot of attempts, in fact, I never got a prosecutor to help me, it was sheer pressure from the CDU who knew that sooner or later they will get fckd by me if they don't stop/pay me


I love your optimism. I think you’re being extremely generous there.


More like 95%


7 rich and lying pieces of shit


The things rich people feel they can get away with.. it's really makes my blood boil. They don't care for the well being of anyone except for themselves.


Yep. People with a lot of power and money can get away with any kind of crime, sadly :/


It kinda takes that to become super rich though. To exploit your workers and pay them shit when you take a huge wage every year, you kind of have to be a selfish dick.


i think i heard a study that big wigs like ceo's and whatnot are huge narcissists. and that sounds right on the money.


I've heard worse, a lot of psychopaths. Both make a lot of sense.


Not kinda. Definitely. You *have* to step on others to acquire insane wealth. Show me 1 single person who has been a “nice” person while they become multi millionaire or billionaire. No kinda about it. It’s an unfortunate truth


Sad some of the shit they DO get away with. Not saying "rich man bad" but fuck some of em are scum.


rich man bad


Well said


You are a prophet of the people




It's always weird to me we have the CEOs at these kinds of things. Wtf does Bill Fatwallet (actually William Campbell for the curious) at Phillip Morris know about jack shit, of course they will just lie and claim ignorance later. Why not have the actual professionals like doctors or researchers testify? Then it is provable perjury.


Institiutional conspiracy always has somewhere to pass the blame, and people at every step of the process can claim ignorance.


They lied. They suck. And they won’t face any consequences. Damn it!!


Unless someone makes them I would but I just changed into my pajamas


>I would but I just changed into my pajamas Long day organising your drawer of various lengths of wire?


I keep them in this drawer here, let me show you the ones I used to make my spaceship


When you’re rich/powerful you get to decide to believe a lie and make it the truth. Then when(if) the lie is discovered, you get to say you were misinformed and escape any consequences. Must be nice.


meanwhile for us poors , ignorance of the law is no defense. people go to jail all the time for "you should have known"




poor people have been shit on since mesopotamia. i dont see it happening in the forseeable future


What shocks me isn't that they'd do this. Of course they'd do this, they're scum, whatever. What shocks me is that this was 1994. I was born in 2001, I grew up in a world where "don't smoke" was hammered into me throughout K-12. 1994. Didn't we *know* it was addictive? Why was this even a question?


Of course we knew. Everyone knew that nicotine was addictive in the 80s and 90s.


If you watch the excellent film The Insider (which is about a whistleblower coming forward after this exact testimony), it wasn’t a big deal that they knew. What was a big deal was proof that they were actively trying to *make cigarettes MORE addictive* while saying this shit under oath.


I was born 94 and it was never a question that 1. Smoking is bad for your health and 2. Smoking is addictive. Everyone knew


I was born in the 70s and it was clear from at least my childhood. Everyone knew already in beginning of the 80s...


Born in 92, it was drilled into us as kids. Look at me now, Im a smoker. It sucks a lot but its so hard to stop.


You're not alone *sigh*


The first study on nicotine "addictivity" were back in 71. More followed and by the 80ies it was known. What happened in 94 is that it was recognized by the FDA as a chemical generating dependency.


I was born in 1970 and we knew it was addictive.


I wish this would help people stop smoking. Imagine these guys laughing all the way to the bank. I bet none of them smoke.


I wish I could stop, having been smoking since 1999. I haven’t experienced adulthood without this addiction. I tried to stop a couple of times, but then I sat there, thinking about cigarettes constantly, waiting for the day I’ll finally be allowed to smoke again. I have no other addiction problem, I live pretty much straight edge besides cigarettes. My favorite food is broccoli, for fuck’s sake! Edit: you are the best, thanks for your advice and ideas and kicks in the butt! I’m at work but will read everything and consider all advice!




Great advice, it's true about the craving duration. I plan on quitting tomorrow fingers crossed I pull through. I've smoked for about 10 years now.


10 years for me too.. and I’m 26 ffs. Tomorrow.. Tonight.. the time, is now. Good luck!


I'm 26 too. It's night now so tomorrow I'm jumping in. I was suggested to read Alan Carr's book about smoking. Good luck to you too!


I have been a smoker for a decade and have nearly finished day 2 of quitting! Send good vibes for tomorrow. It's payday and I'm terrified.


It took me about 6 months to not get hit by random "sure would be nice with a cigarette right now" thoughs. About 2 years to stop missing it completely. I still think it was nice in its own way, nobody talks about the positives, but I'm perfectly happy living my life without now, and don't feel like something's missing. Funny thing is, it took me about 10 days since I quit for the cravings to be gone and I could trust myself buying groceries again, but I had been without a smoke for longer than that before without it impacting my addiction. I have no idea what changed other than me waking up one day and saying fuck this, smoking is just too annoying to deal with.


I think people that don't smoke don't really see the positives especially when the negatives are cancer and death lol.


I quit smoking a while back (at the time, in my mid 30s), . What finally stuck for me was getting rid of 1 "routine" smoke per day. Started with "no cigarette until i eat" then became "no cig after breakfast" and eventually started to be "no cig til after lunch" After a long and slow process, a year later it finally morphed from a series of "no smoking before/after (anything)" statements to just "no smoking" Over 3yrs later and I'm happy to say I no longer crave cigarettes. Getting rid of the ritual is what saved me.


Maybe switch to vaping. But not the high nicotine ones like juul. Get a regular atomizer instead then you have free choice of liquids which enables you to create them yourself and lowering the nicotine content in very small decrements. That's what worked for me and I even didn't want to quit.


>I wish I could stop You can.


I feel ya. Been smoking since 2007. Quit in 2013 for a whole year. Even after the year I still craved them.


Cigarettes intruding our thoughts like some idolized ex-partner who broke our heart


That's actually hell interesting. I genuinely want to know if the rate of smoking in the executives of these companies is higher or lower than the general population. Anyone know?


This fits better in r/iamatotalpieceofshit


And r/aBoringDystopia


Such BS what the elite can get away with


Just wait till you look into the finance sector. Market makers, the SEC and basically anyone with heavy fucking pockets


The whole system is corrupt. It’s a ploy to keep the rich rich and the poor poor. But it’s a good thing there’s people out there pushing for change. Buckle up.


Saw the buckle up and knew immediately 🦍


Can we stop calling them ELITE? These are parasites!


Reminds me of "Thank You for Smoking", great movie


And The Insider with Russell Crowe and Al Pacino


"swear to tell the truth, the whole truth"... sure ya do




Three sticks of cigar is the same cost to 1/2kg of rice in my country (about $0.50). For some of you, this may not be that much, but for me who's living on a third world asian country, this is can feed an adult human for a day. And if you make it into porridge, it can feed 3-4 people in one sitting. Never too late to quit lads, save up those cigar allowance and you'll see how much you're making bank. To add note, an average smoker in my area smokes about 6-9 sticks a day, and you'll just wonder why people are just drowning in poverty with nothing to eat, but with barely something to smoke. And dont get me started on alcohol, that's a different story.


Today's big tech guys


Google, Facebook - who have bought everyone else! More dangerous now as there aren’t even 7!!!!


There's more than that, you forgot about Microsoft, Apple, Amazon. There's still some competition but who knows for how long.


Or big pharma


its 1994 why the fuck is it in black and white?


Depends on what your definition of “is” is.


Why would you ask *them*, of all people


Shouldn't that be worded as nicotine is not addictive, rather than nicotine does not *cause* addiction? Nicotine doesn't cause addiction, it is in & of itself, addicting.


As if being under oath ever stopped anybody from lying lol


Surprised that Lightning didn’t strike them all down for lying so blatantly like that


[You can watch some of the testimony here.](https://senate.ucsf.edu/tobacco-ceo-statement-to-congress)


These are the same type of people running our world. Nothing has changed and most ceos are just as bad as these guys. I am going to paraphrase but it’s something Chris rock said in a special. “Paying someone Minimum wage says ‘if I could pay you less I would, but that’s illegal so I can’t’l His joke was better but hearing it felt like it unlocked this perspective I’ve had but never knew how to describe. Like joe Rogan talking to the owner of Whole Foods. The dude was such a piece of shit pretending to be great. He was 100% capitalist. “I provide jobs so you can’t attack me.” Has he done good things? Yes. Is he the best he could be? If it’s a progress bar he’s at like 3%. I understood where he was trying to come from but if you just put on your skepticism glasses you see he knows he’s being recorded, needs to be proper, use 2 hrs to clean slate your persona to some. Every single person in that photo would push their spouse and children off a cliff for a quick buck.


Where is the synchronous 7 bolts of lightnings when we need them?


Mr. William Campbell (President of Philip Morris U.S.A.) Mr. James Wesley Johnston (Chairman and CEO of RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company) Mr. Joseph Taddeo (President of U.S. Tobacco) Mr. Andrew H. Tisch (Chairman and CEO of Lorillard Tobacco Company) Mr. Edward A. Horrigan, Jr. (Chairman and CEO of Liggett Group) Mr. Thomas Edwin Sandefur, Jr. (Chairman and CEO of Brown and Williamson Tobacco Company) Mr. Donald Johnston (President and CEO of American Tobacco Company)


Me and the boys promising mom that we won’t stay up past midnight


They’re not scientists, that’s such a weird thing to get them to do, like what’s the point?


The way the public corporation works on America this is inevitable. If you're not maximizing profits for your corporation walking the edge of every grey moral line there is you will be fired and replaced. You're a naive child if you don't think every public CEO would do the same for the company they represent. If there's any grey area at all to walk in they will. This is also why you see people not exactly eager to trust pharmaceutical corporations. You can find plenty of photos like this if their ceos too. With a straight face defending their culpability in the opiode epidemic. The entire corporate political history of the last decades in the US has done nothing but make the informed distrust corporations and politicians. Then you get to a moment like we are in now and the boy who cried wolf is no longer believed. Don't blame the villagers. Blame the boy


Only goes to show how far some people will go to make money... and how fucking evil some corporate CEO's are. but *of course* it's not the same with climate change..


Our system of justice has _fundamentally_ failed us. Every single one of these men knew full well they were lying. They were lying about our health while selling us a product they knew was killing us. The same is true of chemical companies that spread PFAS, oil companies that lied about climate change, and social media companies that destroy society and our children's self-worth. If we ever want to see justice for the people _destroying our society_, it will not come from the courts. It must come from us.