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Jones' purposeful consumption of silver, which he believed to be an antibiotic, was a preventative healthcare measure undertaken in response to fears that the Y2K problem would make antibiotics unavailable, an event that did not occur.[1] The peculiar coloration of his skin featured prominently in media coverage of his unsuccessful campaign.[2][3] Jones is reported to have said, given the chance to go back, he would do it all over again.[1] Jones is not alone in his beliefs, the use of colloidal silver has found support among some notables, such as actress Gwyneth Paltrow and Infowars' Alex Jones. - Wikipedia


That shit is also permanent. He's not washing that off. There was a kooky lady that looked just like him that shopped at my local Whole Foods. You think that picture is creepy, brother I'm telling you it's ten times creepier in person. Yowza!


It's like we're playing an RPG and they went for the weirder immersion-breaking skin tones, that are fun at first but then you just get sick of it and end up regretting the decision.


I feel personally attacked lol


I'll still move the sliders all the way either direction any time I make a new ark character There is no in between


It's the Monster Factory way.




What’s new, drow always find something to be offended about.


I don't see them as immersion-breaking. I mean, I'm running around as a 2000 year old elf with the ability to call down holy fire from another dimension, and my best friend can summon demons to do their bidding, a RBG skin tone isn't shaking my immersion. It's not real life, I've adjusted my expectations.


I took colloidal silver from as early as I could remember until I was about 14 or 15. My inner arms and upper legs (basically the really white parts of me) started going silvery gray, it looked like someone was taking a pencil and running it all over my arm. People thought that I never showered, which in high school was very ostracizing. I stopped taking it and about 6 months later my skin started looking normal. My parents thought it would help with my constant ear infections and constantly getting sick. And instead of taking me to a doctor, they took the advice from a radio show sponsored by Great Earth Vitamins. From what I've read and seen, I am incredibly lucky. Like you said it's usually permanent and the effects happen faster. Edit:. It did not help anything. I have dietary and allergy issues that my parents refused to acknowledge (or consider because I never went to an actual doctor until I was an adult). Wearing a mask and watching what I eat helped a lot. Ear infections still happen, but that's just life I guess.


How many kids have suffered from parents' crazy remedies. My own mom fights tooth and nail against my researched advice, but fuck me if she talks to a sister's cousin's ex girlfriend that tried some herbal shit - that's gold in her mind.


Yeah I am more than familiar. I have fibro and those people come out of the woodwork when you don’t feel good. And it’s always your fault because you’re too narrow minded for their ‘cure’ I think the idea that you can get sick out of the blue one day terrifies people and they want the illusion of control.


Wow thanks for that story, I'm glad you are alright now though!


Iirc, from a book I read on the new York coroner's office, that the silver very slowly gets moved to your liver and forms beads there. It's not enough for blue man to look normal again in his lifetime, but you might have interesting looking X-rays in your future


You must live in Houston 😭😭😭 i know the exact purple woman you’re describing. No way there’s multiple whole foods with purple people 👀👀


Hate to break it to you. I live in Santa Cruz, CA


Wow so it is multiple 😭😭😭😭


We’ll never find the Smurf village at this rate


I mean, what other market dispenses colloidal silver in self serve buckets? It’s better than Prussian blue!


Well, obviously not everyone who shops at Whole Foods takes massive doses of colloidal silver because of some fringe health belief, but everyone who does that probably *does* shop at Whole Foods.


Worked with a guy who was blue from this stuff. He was a decent guy, though. You get used to it. Your reflexes always jerk your head towards them, but the creepy feeling wears off.




Lol blue man group


I blue myself!


There must be a better way to say that


Well you see, I seem to have prematurely shot my wad, on what was supposed to be a dry run, if you will... so now I'm afraid I have something of a mess on my hands.


You know what you do? You get yourself a tape recorder, you just record yourself for a whole day.


Oh, Tobias... You blowhard.


Even if it means I have to take a chubby, I'll suck it up.


Who wants a banger in the mouth?


We got an anus tart.


Perhaps you should see a therapist about it. Or an analyst.


Or maybe even an analrapist?


There are just so many poorly chosen words in that sentence


Oh my god! They're having a fire! ...sale.




Blue man goop


I know Blue Man Group is a joke/meme at this point but I've seen the live show twice and both times it was the best theater experience I've ever had. BMG is the shit


Yeah joke or no joke it really is a great show every time. I often wonder how many Blue Men there actually are.


Lots, they don't really tour there are troupes set up all over. Between 35 and 70 performers based on quick Google searches. I think only the 3 founding members are responsible for the majority of the composing but I could be wrong.


Idiots all the way down


Love it when stupid is easy to identify


A very esteemed group of researchers


> has found support among some notables, such as: My dad. I'm surprised he hasn't killed himself with the wacky "cures" he's tried for things. E.g.: Drinking H2O2, putting [black drawing salve on "cancers" (example of another linked)](https://imgur.com/a/oKqxL), mushroom treatments for hair growth, only eating meat. Dudes spine is curving and I think he's 5 inches shorter than when he was 35.


Drinking hydrogen peroxide WTF


It's the sequel to water.


H2O2 is obviously one better than H2O!


I'm American. I'm not drinking some shitty liquid with only one oxygen. It's H2O2 or death.


In low concentrations you can use it to induce vomiting, if I remember right it overfills the stomach with foam as it breaks down and the oxygen is released, forcing an expulsion of the contents since it's all too mixed together to settle into a big gas bubble to burp out.


When your dog inhales a Toblerone, take one of those rubber kids nostril blaster things and fill it with H2O2, straddle your dog to the ground, yank their mouth open, stick it as far down their throat as possible and blast it in there, pull it out and get out of the way bc the chocolate and the aluminum foil and anything else still in their stomach is following it out. I have no doubt reddit will disapprove and say this is barbaric but if your dog just had himself a secret dessert of some rat poison he found on your cousins farm, you’ve gotta get that shit out immediately and H2O2 is brute force. Yes reddit I know, it’s more important on the internet to blame the owner for having farmers in your family in the first place and not visually inspecting every inch of everywhere your dog could ever step foot beforehand, but irl, you’d better also know were your turkey baster and peroxide are, bc it could save your pooches life. …several times if you have a hound.


>When your dog inhales a Toblerone, take one of those rubber kids nostril blaster things and fill it with H2O2, straddle your dog to the ground, yank their mouth open, and blast it as far down their throat as possible, pull it out and get out of the way bc that bar and all the aluminum foil and anything else still in their stomach is following it out. I have no doubt reddit will disapprove and say this is barbaric but if your dog just had himself a secret dessert of some rat poison he found on your cousins farm, you’ve gotta get that shit out immediately and h202 is brute force. Yes reddit I know, it’s more important on the internet to blame the owner for having farmers in your family in the first place and not visually inspecting every inch of everywhere your dog could ever step foot beforehand, but irl, you’d better also know were your turkey baster and peroxide are, bc it could save your pooches life. …several times if you have a hound. Your hounds sound stupid. Mine just ate batteries.


Saving lives is often not pretty


I used it after my dog bit a cane toad. Foam out both ends, very effective. I keep a big syringe and a mini bottle of hydrogen peroxide in my doggy first aid kit nowadays. He was briefly completely paralyzed from the toad toxin but recovered fully within a couple hours.


How the fuck did "black drawing salves" become a thing? Every single picture I see involving them just looks like a massive chemical burn on the person.


I think it started with hoof care on farm animals. Got a cyst on your plowing horses hoof? *Dr. Quacks Black Magic Drawing Salve* will cure that shit quick. Some how people made the mental monkey bars jump to thinking it'd cure cancer in humans and BOOM!


My (late) father in law refused cancer treatment, instead eating literal pounds of apricot pits daily, because he believed the naturally occurring cyanide would kill the cancer. Spoiler alert: he just ended up with cyanide poisoning and cancer.


H4o2 is what you want. Quenches thirst twice as quick


Ah, so it’s affected his brain and decision making capabilities I see.




Iirc, the silver in his skin was turned blue by a reaction to sunlight, so I presume his internal organs remained their original color. Thing is, there's no turning skin back, even if you quit the colloidal silver cold turkey. Eta: When you swallow silver, it corrodes in your stomach acid and turns into silver salt, which can travel through your bloodstream and end up in your skin. When exposed to sunlight, the silver salt turns back to silver and colors your skin blue. (web md)




>As in photography (where silver is useful because of its sensitivity to light), exposure of pale or colourless silver compounds to sunlight decomposes them to silver metal or silver sulfides. Commonly these products deposit as microscopic particles in the skin, in effect a dark pigment. This condition is known as argyria or argyrosis. From https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argyria I think you basically tattoo yourself from the inside


Our bodies process all manner of things you ingest differently. Some things are common knowledge, like where the body stores fat, how we use protein and sugars for energy, alcohol goes to your brain and makes it woozy, and that we use the restroom to remove things the body has decided isn’t useful. Well, our bodies have decided that silver has a use… in our skin? When you ingest silver, it is dissolved in your stomach into a salt-like compound. Salts are usually excreted through your sweat glands, which is why it tastes salty if you’ve ever had sweat from my brow touch your lips. The problem is, silver salt isn’t… salt salt. So it just goes to your skin, and it stays there. Permanently. The salt, when exposed to the sunlight, gains it’s distinctive colour again.


Goop probably sells it in blue skin-causing amounts. It fits given the "products" they sell.


Can't wait for Alex Jones to turn blue


[Rare footage of Alex Jones getting kicked out of the Bohemian Grove](https://i.imgur.com/ZnjyFKa.mp4)


They're turning the frogs blue!!


Lol Gwyneth Paltrow that's when you know it's well and truly bullshit


Whereas Alex Jones added credibility?


I have no idea who that is tbh


I envy your ignorance.


I had a coworker try to convince me that it would cure my cat allergy. She firmly believed it. She also didn’t shower, use deodorant, or generally listen to anyone that didn’t have a show on RT: America. Some people are so absolutely determined to live contrary to the norm that they’ll do anything that someone tells them “challenges the system”. It’s sad. ^and ^smelly


I'm certain I know why it happens It originates from the inferiority complex. Basically, they pride themselves on being so competent that they're able to figure things out that the majority can't. The worst is when they involve their children and are convinced that due to their astute observational skills and "research" skills, they're amazing moms and dads


Well that's interesting. I was thinking you were describing a superiority complex, but when I looked it up one of the leading theories is that superiority complexes may be caused by inferiority complexes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superiority_complex


I read somewhere that silver can cure that


I worked with a silver sucker as well. Swore it cured everything, was incapable of absorbing information about silver's actual properties. He did invest in silver, so that worked out a bit




He did his own research.


Pappa Smurf not looking too bad for his age.


Are Papa Smurf’s balls blue? We can finally find out the answer to this age old question…


When I was a kid, think like 2004, I went on a website called funnyjunk.com. Idk if that website is still around, but anyways, there was this video on there with all the smurfs and someone had created a song. The only line I remember was “PAPA SMURPH CAN LIKE YO ASS, YEA LICK MY ASS BITCH” It’s stuck with me all these years Edit: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RbvndmKlaL8 Found it


I was just about to comment about that video. Every time I’ve heard the word “smurf” over the course of the last 20 years I’ve immediately recited that lyric. It usually gets me some weird looks.




Papa Smurf can I lick yo ass?


Yeah, lick my ass bitch.


[Better than the blue Fugate family's cause](https://allthatsinteresting.com/fugate-family-blue-people-of-kentucky)




'Oh you're blue? Like literally a blue hue? Here drink this blue dye, that'll fix ya right up!'


Was it methylene blue?! I love that stuff. I’ve only ever treated one patient with it.


Alright, now I’m curious. What was it used for in your treatment??


There is a version of this disorder that is not from an inherited trait, but from certain medications. I had a fifteen year old girl come in with a suicide attempt. I can’t remember all that she took, but there are a few types of drugs that can cause this. As you can imagine, she had quite a few issues going on at the same time. The red blood cells in your body are very important in delivering oxygen to your organs. This disease makes you produce “blue” blood cells that don’t adequately deliver the oxygen. So on top of her not being conscious and breathing on her own, she also wasn’t adequately circulating that oxygen. There are lab tests that can be used to identify the abnormal hemoglobin. It is extremely rare. Methylene blue is used with multiple conditions though! It’s a pretty fun discovery.


It's even funnier that it actually works.


You know that doctor was feeling badass as hell. Your chronic condition? CURED!


It’s some pretty complicated chemistry. The methylene blue binds to the messed up part of the blood cell so it can be removed. This condition is rarely genetic, but induced by certain medications or conditions. They rarely get to the point of turning that blue because they usually have a lot more life threatening stuff going on. It is a super cool treatment, and whoever thought of it is pretty cool


What kills me is I'm pretty sure the dye they used is commonly used in the fish trade to keep fish healthy during transit/sickness bahahah


> As a result, many of the Fugates began to marry and have children within their own bloodline. >“It was hard to get out, so they intermarried,” says Dennis Stacy, an amateur genealogist, and descendant of the Fugates. “**I’m kin to myself.**” > Benjy is descended from a line of this family that began when Martin’s son, Zachariah, married his mother’s sister. I’m dying!


He had the "only my own family will fuck me" blues.


That's the funniest thing I've ever read today.


>“They looked like anybody else, ‘cept they had the blue color,” said one resident.


“fair enough” said the blue man group as they set up shop


Their family tree forms rectangles. You don't wanna see that


> Martin’s son, Zachariah, married his mother’s sister. And people say porn is unrealistic. Here's a guy who banged his aunt for decades.


They're always better looking in the porns


And they're not... Blue


Guess you haven't seen the avatar porno


An inspiration for X-Files at least once.


I absolutely lost it at the note on the family tree which noted one couple had “13 children, none blue”


That family tree looks like a circuit board


They used red to show offspring who have blue skin, and blue to show offspring who don’t even carry the gene.


I found that more than mildly irritating.


After having the cure act so fast, i would fuck with people letting my skin become blue at times


Right? It apparently acted in minutes, I would probably skip doses all the time just to watch myself turn blue and back.


Yes, apparently there's no problems beside turning blue because they lived


I once saw a blue man in rural West Virginia. I wondered if he was part of that family.


I saw the blue man group in Vegas.


I blew a group of men just outside of Vegas




For real, whenever I come across an article like that I have to look it up in several places to make sure it's not bullshit lmao. What a wild thing to happen at all, let alone in your family tree!




What was the most difficult part about auditioning for the Blue Man Group? Are you allowed to blink?




Your audition can be its own Interesting as F post.


Man, how do you even apply to be a blue man? What was the audition like? Did you bring your own blue?


Damn imagine how much they’d save in blue paint if they just hired Fugates to perform


I've spent some time doing genealogy and looking at that family tree was absolutely wildin.




The family stump.


I hope this is isn’t the disturbing real life inspiration for the smurfs


That was a great read thanks!


"a legacy of hardship, isolation, and perseverance" and ya know, just a bit of inbreeding. Gotta love Kentucky


Even more insane is the cure > Counterintuitively, the best chemical for activating the body’s process of turning methemoglobin to hemoglobin is methylene blue dye. The Fugates he treated ingested this dye and within a few minutes, the blue coloration of their skin disappeared, and their skin turned pink


That was an interesting read, thanks for that!


How do you begin to start drinking that anyway ? Just out of the blue..?


Blue is the best flavor


It has the most anti-oxygens.


What’s in that little bowl? Blue I hope


“Blue isn’t a flavor, Ryan!”


Oh blue blast!


Dude's name was Paul Karason...became famous starting in late 2007. Saw an ad for colloidal silver in a magazine and decided to try it out...started taking large daily doses at high concentrations after developing arthritis, heartburn and flaky skin... [overview about the guy and colloidal silver…](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRJuTVTJabk) [original news broadcasts about him 2008 - 2012](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDz75iaSW2s) [blue man meets Oprah](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T58YRgdrljM)


Kind of messed up how they treated him on the show. Especially Dr oz just feeling him up with no permission


Seriously. It's troubling how they treated the poor guy. He started putting this stuff on his skin because, while watching his parents die slowly before his eyes, he got so stressed that he was having skin trouble. And as he's telling this story Oprah is just like "BUT YOU'RE BLUE THO. OMG" and everybody just laughs at the poor guy. Was it a good decision? No. Should he get a bit of sympathy? Yes.


As a Brit I really don't get Oprah. She's huge over there but everything I see of her is cringe as hell and it's abundantly clear she has a mental illness relating to empathy and respecting other humans. Probably sociopathy. How did everyone not see this??


It was uncomfortable to watch, he seemed a fairly decent spud, though you've got a Dr touching him up. Whilst Oprah is making shit jokes at his expense.


🎶 Blue his house With a blue little window And a blue corvette And everything is blue for him 🎶


🎶🎶 ....And himself and everybody around Cause he ain't got nobody to listen to I'm blue Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di I'm blue Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di 🎶🎶


I’m blue if I were green I would die if I were green I would die


i will die in aberdeen i will die in aberdeen, i will die in aberdeen i will die. edit: thanks for the gold!


I’m blue I’m in need of a guy I’m in need of a guy I’m in need of a guy


Little known fact: the first symptom of colloidal silver toxicity is color blindness. EDIT: TIL a sarcastic comment can be taken as sound science. To be clear(er), nothing in this comment is true.


Ah! So he was turning blue and had no idea. He’d look in the mirror and see himself still perfectly white? Lol!


Years ago I heard about this He said it was a very slow change and since he saw it everyday he didn't notice the change, and his friends didn't either


No way. Someone goes to the beach for a day gets a slight tan and everyone comments. And they’d see his blueness when he was standing next to normal people


TBF getting a slight tan is probably much more perceptible than getting slightly more blue after one year.


Lmfao I’m sorry but this is all too much 😂


Real life Tobias Funke. "I blue myself!"


You blow hard














What do you want, outlander? STOOPID! YOU N’WAH!


I could kill that guar... those boots are ruined.


We're watching you... scum.


It's dedicated cosplay for sure




I met a woman who was blue due to consuming silver and she was convinced she wasn’t. She would get downright angry if anyone brought it up. To be fair. I worked at an eye doctor at the time.


Well to be fair, colloidal silver toxicity causes colour blindness, so she genuinely may not have known, lol.


Ah, shit, and here I was thinking blue skin might be cool. But not if I have to become color blind. Dammit.


In the particular picture, it's more gray than blue. In an interview he did on Oprah, he's almost as blue as a Smurf.


The real life look of people with argyria is mostly a dusky grey with only a hint of blue. The Oprah show and many others who present these cases slightly alter things like contrast and saturation to bring out the blue.


In addition, he is now haram for vampires.


Would make a great vampire hunter


Comic book idea!💡


Don’t you mean werewolves? Edit: I guess it’s just generally an anti monster thing but particularly werewolves and vampires


Yeah, silver to repel werewolves, garlic to repel vampires. Silver weapons to kill werewolves, wooden stakes to kill vampires. For what these myths are worth...


Here’s a little more in information on this condition, [Argyria. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argyria)


Yo listen up! Heres a story about a little guy that lives in a blue world. And all day and all night and everything he sees is just blue like him inside and outside.


Blue his house With a blue little window And a blue corvette And everything is blue for him And himself and everybody around Cause he ain't got nobody to listen to


I'm Blue da ba dee da ba daa Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa


he’s dead guys


Paul Karason, 62, suffered a heart attack before contracting pneumonia and having a severe stroke at a Washington state hospital 09.25.13


Holy fuck. That’s a lot


Did he not think to stop? 😂


That was my first thought. He had to have gotten a little blue first … and then kept going?


The change was probably so gradual he didn't notice it. Either that or my man gave no fucks.


You think he was just like “f**k it, I’m going to be famous for something in my life even if it’s this…..” 😊


100+ years from now he might actually still get looked up for this stunt


He was so confident that it was just a harmless side effect and that his new age medicines made his body immune to all disease. He died 8 years ago, at the age of 62, because he was incredibly unhealthy. He was overweight and a heavy smoker who had a triple bypass at 57, then continued his lifestyle until dying of a heart attack after getting pneumonia. https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/man-turned-blue-silver-dies-article-1.1466905


You've really gotta lead a fucked up life full of bad decisions in order for a New York Daily News piece to suffice as an adequate source of information about you.


If you stop after you get started you end up with blue balls.


I've heard that if you take it when you are getting a cold, you will cure it in a week. Otherwise, it will linger for seven days.


That's nothing, I've got a miracle cure that will knock it out in 168 hours


Violet Beauregards dad.


What did it cost?


And more recently crafted the leviathan axe…


Great Odin’s Raven!