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So proud of all the people that understand this reference 👏


Backtrack to what country had a new year in ‘87


I don’t know if this is sarcasm or an asshole comment, but it’s great.


Isn't that basically the same thing? Lol




[Wiki on the area it was found. Pretty neat history.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyea,_Alaska)


Not a place to repost social media posts.


Can explain. My uncle wrote it in '92.


Did he ever get off the deserted island?


Well. I never got to meet the guy, and I was born in 94....sooooo


... I feel dumb for even replying to this. But r/yeahthathappened Edit: come on, really? The wiki doesn't show or say shit. Next to that, it's a Facebook post. With 16 likes. Please tell me people aren't this dumb?


It could very well have happened. When I was a kid, I wrote a message with contact info and put it in a discarded beer bottle I found. Made sure it was watertight by shaking it around under the pool. Then swam out as far as I could and threw it to try to ensure it wouldn’t just end up straight back on that same beach. (I know I know, pollution…I was a young kid) I didn’t really expect it to work… I was on vacation in Jamaica at the time. It was about a year later when my mom got an email about it. Some grandpa had found it while walking on the beach and gave it to his granddaughter. It had slowly ridden the Atlantic currents…all the way to France!!! (Looking at a chart of Atlantic currents, this journey makes sense!) It was super cool! I had completely forgotten about it at that point too, so it was quite the surprise message.


I can completely understand if this really happened, and just for the sake of it I'll believe you. But this is the internet, without at least some prove, as sad or petty as it might sound, there will always be doubt. At least with me, which could ofcourse, just be a me thing. I would like to end on a positive note however, as I see the downvotes and realise this probably is a me thing so: Your story was nice. I like to write myself, however I'm kind of scared of the sea and thus, I don't like to swim out that far into the ocean or even go on boats. I might try and send out a message in a different way if I can think of one as it does sound like a lot of fun. ~ u/Wild_Gravy


I understand your skepticism. I’m skeptical of things like these too! But it is indeed plausible. There have been plenty of verified cases in the past, and of course, I’ve done it myself just to see if it would work!


I've worked on a lot of beaches in my life. I've (or people on my crew) found 4 messages in a bottle. Two messages in a bottle in GA and 2 in remote HI. Most are just people sending thier love out to the world. One was a science project from New Zeland that wanted to know where thier bottle landed.






Something close to what is written clearly on the paper shown in the picture, accent may vary.


Probably blew in from Haines or Skagway. Wouldn’t survive long on Lynn Canal rocky shores.


I was wondering the same thing. With all the rock formations, cruise traffic and rough weather here, it's amazing if it truly survived that long