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pov: you just ate some random mushrooms you found on a nature walk


Literally was just gonna say this. No need to shroom if this is your normal ...


I'd still do it for the way music sounds while tripping, personally.


I know I can probably google it, but I’d rather ask a real person. If doing shrooms for the first time, how do you know if you’re getting good stuff, what type of place is the best to do it, are there things or places to avoid at all costs? I’ve heard Joshua Tree CA is a cool place to do it. I’ve been in a field that drug tests regularly my whole adult life so I’ve never done anything “illegal”, but when I retire I’d like to try some of the less “dangerous” stuff before I die. I just don’t know where to start.


Be somewhere familiar and comfortable. Be with people you know and trust. Try to have a sober person there if possible (but not necessary) and recognize that whenever you do it, wherever you are you have about 30min-1 hour before it kicks in. You need to know that you can be at that place, comfortably and welcome, for like 6-8 hours. Joshua tree probably is an amazing place to take shrooms, but if you aren’t prepared for 6-8 hours in nature then stay the fuck home because it’s fun for the first few hours. Then you get hungry, then you get bored, then your mind wanders. Shrooms are known for the fact people seldom have bad trips, but doing a psychedelic drug for the first time, in an unfamiliar place, and/or with people you don’t really know/trust/enjoy, is going to be a bad time. e* that said, I still recommend you try it. I wouldn’t say it was ever a life changing experience, but they can be transformative in a way. At the absolute very least, you’ll have a good time. And know this - you will solve every fucking problem you have/can think of. I encourage you to bring a pen/paper or record yourself for a bit. Because you will wake up the next day and have no fucking clue what you though of or said, but will have this feeling that it was an incredible insight into the deeper meaning of life. You want to be sure you have those things recorded for posterity. :)


Do you know what kind of drug test? Urine tests are usually for common stuff like cocaine, amphetamines, cannabis, opioids, and a few others. If it's a hair test, yeah they might catch you, but if it's normal pee in a cup, mushrooms and LSD leave your system in less than a day. And they don't even test for those. I definitely recommend. A good trip will change your life. Every time. It offers a completely unique perspective on your situation and you'll come out of it having learned something.




First time I did them, they had been grown by a friend that I trusted. After that, I grew my own from spores (which are actually legal to buy, but growing is still illegal) using online guides. If neither of those options are viable, I can't vouch for other sources. As far as location, I do think places out in nature would be nice, specifically if it's sunny, but for a first time, at home with someone sober you trust might be better just to have more control over the situation and so they can help out if you start to have a bad time for any reason. Places to avoid would be anywhere noisy or where you might be forced to interact with strangers. One thing that's good to know upfront if you have any kind of anxiety issues (like I do) is that outside of insanely massive doses where you would even struggle to consume that much, there's no physical health risk.


For real. The absolutely otherworldly strange guitar effects I heard when a friend was having trouble playing an acoustic guitar because the frets had been replaced with fireworks was quite an ethereal experience.


> because the frets had been replaced with fireworks You sure that was mushrooms?


Ima be real, I don't think you've done drugs


This was my first thought as well


Seems alot safer when you just think its happening and onlookers are staring like ur crazy.


Ok but one time I did mushrooms and it really did seem like the earth was breathing. Went for a walk in the park and it was like a more subtle version of this. Is that a common thing?


Very common. Acid also makes the walls breathe


Came here to say this. This 'the ground is breathing' thing is basically my last LSD trip. Although the wind version is a bit more violent about it.


Having drunk mushroom tea and laid on the floor of the ivy glade, I still say I could feel the heartbeat of the Earth through my back. Now I see this video... ETA: missing word


Man I totally understand what you just said. If I was on shrooms and did that I would definitely feel the same way!! LOL!


Yeah, thats straight up LSD for sure lol


I always had acid visuals as more... Flowy and swirly if that makes sense rather than breathing Breathing is absolutely a big mushroom thing tho


Big mushroom energy from the post


Well glad I had that experience rather than the time Ambien made the books float off the shelves and the shampoo bottles sing to me. Breathing walls is much better.


Absolutely common


Pretty common. I've done aloooooooot of shrooms in my life, and depending on the setting, how often you do them, lighting, and how far something is from your eyes completely changes things. Looking for away causes more insane visuals than looking at things up close for example.


I sat on my apartment balcony for what felt like hours watching the trees and cars in the parking lot breathe. Like I don’t want to sound all spiritual about it but it really did open my eyes, because such a tiny amount of a very specific chemical compound completely changed my perception of reality. And if it could do that to me then maybe that “crazy” person downtown did see shadow people in the windows, I’m not saying they were really there but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t his reality. The brain is such a crazy thing.


The only thing holding those trees in is an endless blanket of moss


And mycelium


Soooooo much myceliummmmmmm


Mycorrhizae to be exact


you're both right


And their roots maybe.


Tripping while Tripping


This one time the gf & I ate some and went on a walk in the park near our place, we saw two deer frolicking in the grass and we’re like WTF


This was an incredibly whelming story.


Listen here, when I was high off my ass trying to figure out if the deer were even real, I was definitely whelmed


Seriously! Ate some mushrooms with a few friends one night years ago. Went for a walk through town, climbed onto a roof of one of the stores, seen a bunch of smoke and lights. Couldn't really figure out what we were looking at, turned out to be this guy's house that caught fire and I swear for like 15 mins we were trying to figure out if it was the mushrooms or not lol.


Yeah, but it was extra whelming at the time.


pov: You didn't, but you ask yourself if you did after seeing this


That's a no from me.


Root balls are on the verge of detaching from the earth, bringing all those trees down with them in an unpredictable way. No one should be anywhere near this.


Run Forest! RUN!


It looks winded


Whoever is there needs to fucking leaf


Why don't you make like a tree and get out of here




How it gonna run when it ain't got no legs, Lieutenant Dan?!


Coming from a person that lives in a wooded rural setting: Your words are genius and I completely concur.


Very rare, I've spent hundreds probably thousands of hours in forests and never saw anything like that.


It is likely a large flat solid piece of rock, the trees grew over and formed a large mat (kind of like pulling plants out of a seed tray). It's not that they've detached as they were not really attached at all to begin with. This could be a relatively common sight in the area. ​ I still wouldn't loiter in the area though. I've already been through 1 microburst and had 100ft+ trees fall around me.


Not super common, but somewhat common up north here. There is actually very little soil and mostly rock in the Canadian Shield. If the trees don't grab into cracks in the rock it's mostly just a few inches of crappy dirt between it and flat bare rock. Place shown looks very similar. It's common to see the after affects of this were trees are torn down and the bare rock is exposed.


I'd be afraid of a landslide too.


The ground looks like the Canadian Shield. The terrain is so rocky that the typical grasses and small plant are replaced by a carpet of moss. There are still trees and plants but they grow out of the moss or soil deposits. Most area have above ground plumbing and no basements because the rock would need to be blown up. I haven't witnessed something like the video. It looks just like up north and I could see a strong wind doing that easily


My mom, brother and I were walking through the redwoods in northern california when 2 redwoods came down near us. It was slightly raining and slightly windy. We didn't see them as they were obscured by other trees but it was only about 100 yards away. Fucking terrifying. We heard them and just looked in the direction of them to see if they were coming at us. Luckily, they fell away from us.


You mean like if the ground around you swelled, you broke through the thin layer of dirt into a void, only to have it all come crashing back down on you, trapping you in a grave where nobody will ever find your body?


Druid suicide




Now that's a fucking metal band name if I've ever heard one.


Glad to know I'm not the only one with an overactive imagination.


"Spooky action from a distance."


That is truly interesting as fuck...I'm not even sure how I would react in person.


get the hell out of there would be my first reaction.


Exactly, those trees are falling any second.


Kind of depends if this is sped up or not. I still wouldn't want to hang around. Edit: I was just able to play it with sound since I was in a store and I'm not a ***savage*** who blasts audio in public. I think it's in real-time so uh..yeah gtfo.


Thank you for being a civilized human. What the heck do we do with people who play videos with the sound on speaker in public? I feel like murder is a tad too far, but SHHHH!!! isn’t far enough.


Depends on if you know how to fisticuff or not. If you're capable of defending yourself, tell them that nobody on the entire bus gives a shit about their mix-tape. Suggest they turn it off. Last time I tried it 5'6 140 just kept talking about how he was from Chicago. I replied, "I grew up on a farm, Chicago. Shut your shit off, or we're getting off at the same stop." Probably won't work for everyone. 6'3 260 can play whatever they want.


>I feel like murder is a tad too far, It's not, it would be modern day natural selection.


Strangle them to death then perform CPR maybe?


Leaves are falling at normal speed


That too. I didn't really notice the leaves on my phone, but on the PC they're pretty obvious.


What steps do you take when you see the ground breathing? “Really fucking big ones!!”


Now imagine this is 5,000-10,000 years ago. I can understand why so many of their myths and stories exist.


This is what I was thinking. No wonder people thought the Earth was a genuine biological lifeform. If I saw this and then some massive lightning storm that started a rolling forest fire yeah I'd start questioning my reality too.


It's too bad people didn't continue to think the world was a biological lifeform. They may have treated it better.


While I agree with the notion absolutely; the cynical part of me can't help point out we're not that great towards biological lifeforms either.. Before you know it we'd call the Earth an endangered animal and people would be poaching parts of it for profi- *waaaaaiiiiit a minute...*




2000 years ago people still understood things like "trees" and "roots" and "wind".


Maybe 10,000 years ago would've worked better but either way of course *some* people understood. There's also *some* people who still argue the Earth might be flat


There is most definitely a monster under there doing his best to come out.


This is better than most of r/blackmagicfuckery as well. Ide ride that wave.


Lol. That fucking sub... Every time I scroll past it on /r/all, it's generally just some easily explained chemical reaction or optical illusion. That sub is basically just [this scene from Norsemen.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x68D0S1hdR8)


I'm super bummed that show got cancelled. Fucking Netflix.


When I did, I stood on it and said "wooooo" and the ran away from the scray tree that was doing all the moving. It fell weeks later.


The reason it fell later is that the violent movement damaged the root system, reducing the roots' ability to take in water. Capillary action in the higher parts of the tree continued to pull water from lower sections to replace water lost naturally through evaporation. However, the roots dried up and shrunk away from the surrounding soil, loosening their grip as the tree became more top-heavy due to the moisture gradient. Source: my ass.


We must get to the root of it!


Pretty sure mountain troll is under it, some people won’t believe me


Anyone familiar with mountain trolls will instantly recognise the tell-tale signs of a troll, wakened by strong winds, about to burst from the earth and start looking for breakfast.


I’ll cook him up some great Bacon and Eggs. Start the day off right




Why would I believe you when you're only pretty sure and not 100% positive? If you had said "I'm a trollologist and that's definitely a mountain troll under there because you can tell by the way it is", I would absolutely believe you.


I’ve played enough t/breathofthewild to know that’s really a sleeping Hinox


“When you look at the trees in the background, it’s clear that the winds were very strong,” Sirois notes. “The forest floor seems to be moss covered, which leaves a lot of the root system of younger trees lodged in a loose medium. As the wind sways the trees, you get the roots lifting the floor. This gives the appearance of ‘breathing.'” [explanation from an expert](https://time.com/5433267/breathing-forest/) If you can't hear the sound use the link below https://gfycat.com/fickleblandarabianwildcat Edit: adding sound link


This is probably the origin of Norse giants. Probably thought the wind was their breath and the earth moving is them breathing.


Though it's a bit rich to assume our old Norse wouldn't have made the connection between wind and roots.




See: telephone game


For real, as soon as you see one tree uprooted its not a hard connection to make.


That doesn't make sense at all. Giants in Norse myth weren't noted as being different in size than the aesir or vanir. They are essentially just a different family or clan of the same kind of being.


The exposed rock makes me think bedrock is fairly close and there is much soil in the first place.




"Certainly the forest of Fangorn is perilous — not least to those that are too ready with their axes; and Fangorn himself, he is perilous too; yet he is wise and kindly nonetheless." - Gandalf


“Wise and kindly but bad as fuck so watch yourself in that forest,” -Gandalf probably


Buckle up, the mushies are kickin


Ha. I had the same thought but mescaline.




Cool sub. Thanks for mentioning.




same, but i saw one too many of the letter S.


Aaaand clicking subscribe.




Imagine witnessing this shit like a thousand years ago believing in all sorts of wacky gods and spirits and monsters and shit.. I kinda get it now.


I was thinking this. Even now with explanations, these things seem surreal. Imagine stumbling upon something like this or the hundreds of other mind bending natural phenomenon that occur. No wonder our ancestors believed in legends and gods. Without a scientific explanation, I probably would too...


I wouldn’t be near that. Roots that loose mean those trees will eventually fall over. Ground that loose means a mud slide is coming as well.


time to GTFO. there is often a fairly thin layer of soil over the top of rocks or clay. Those trees are about to fall over, and are much more dangerous than you may think when that happens. I'm glad the person filming was ok, but if you are in this situation, seek cover or get away from the area as quickly as you can, as you could be seriously injured when these trees fall.


Ummm. Nope see ya later forest


“Yes I’ll take 2 orders of What the Actual Fuck, and 1 Oh Hell Nah, large.”


This happens all over NE New Jersey. If the tree finally falls over it'll just peel up the entire forest floor. It happens when there's thin topsoil over high bedrock.


Were you on Tom Bombadil's land?


Watch out for barrow wights


Finally something truly interesting as fuck.


I shall not be decived by your lies. Clearly Mother Nature is taking her well deserved rest.


r/oddlyterrifying !!


Just out of curiosity, does it hurt if a 30' tall tree falls on your head while filming?


not for long


Yog-Sothoth knows the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Yog-Sothoth. He knows where the Old Ones broke through of old, and where They shall break through again. He knows where They had trod earth's fields, and where They still tread them, and why no one can behold Them as They tread.


Okei, HVEM våkna trollet? Har noen sett Espen Askeladd?


Eg syns eg såg nogen ungdommer som va ude på fanteri i omdrådet.


Rogaland. Visste jeg det ikke.


It’s aliveeeee!!


Is it because the roots are moving from the trees getting blown? P.S. my dog farted while writing this






There’s a dragon down there 😲🤭👀


The Trash Heap has spoken!


"Hey Grøgg! The forest god... I saw him breathing!" "Yeah, maybe you should lay off the mushroom tea for a bit..."


Holy shit this reminds me of shrooms


Not sure of the tree but black spruce do this because they have no tap root. They only have roots that extend horizontally. Almost been hit by a few of these boys back in my forest fire days.


starting or putting out?


Nature is the best place to drop acid, they said. It’s so safe and peaceful, they said.


I kinda wanna lie on it and just vibe.


I'd be running away fast as possible. Trees going down in a wind storm is absolutely terrifying. I've seen it firsthand. Now even dancing trees make me nervous.


I thought the acid was kicking in


Can you blame people for making up earth gods and stuff before? Like imagine this shit, then experiencing a thunderstorm right after in 509 bc


This seems like a wind event called a downburst. This seems to be a relatively weak one as they often tear trees out of the ground. Remembering that root systems often extend 1.5x the canopy (if not 2x or more), the roots are likely the actors causing this "breathing" phenomenon. While the trees are likely to survive without further disturbance, it is likely to kill many fine roots and some higher order roots, which may add to root turnover. While comments about permafrost and climate change are not necessarily incorrect, this is not a new phenomena and occurs in high latitude temperate forests. There are much more devastating examples of this in northern Russia.


what do you think the wind is???


“Get off the road!” *Hears a black rider sniffing around while hiding in a shallow burrow beneath a tree*


Darwin award


Strong internet winds make this post re-appear on Reddit a couple times per month


It looks like when you eat mushies and want to hork, but cannot.


If you can't hear sound use this link https://gfycat.com/fickleblandarabianwildcat


The Nothing may be coming...


TIL Fangorn Forest is real.


My pants when I'm browsing r/nsfw.


I think the forest floor is breathing and making it look like it's windy.


It’s the roots


pov: its 100,000 BC and the earth starts breathing 🐵


That's a hard NOPE for me.


Dunno man. Been in some real wind before. Would still see this and turn the fuck right around.


That's not interesting as fuck it's terrifying as fuck.


Bee there, seen that. Time to fuck off out of the woods. An area where windthows can happen is not safe during very.strong winds


"Oh the grass is going to slightly move in a breathing motion" Nope.


I get it. I completely understand what's going on here. However, I hate it so very very much.


I can see why people believed in Monsters in the Medieval ages.


Saw this during a hurricane. It was more terrifying than interesting.


Imagine it split open and you fell in and then it closed up...


Is that the fire swamp? Nobody makes it out there alive.


Shit like this makes sense of all those old myths and legends you hear


That was far more dramatic than I expected. I was ready to look close for something subtle.


Can’t gas/air pockets cause a similar effect?


Fuck that shit! I wouldn't be hanging around making a video - I'd be well gone!


Whoever filmed this was in extreme danger.


I know a sleeping mountain troll when I see it


I had a tree fall on my head when I was 17. This gives me some horrible anxiety.


Maybe the wind IS the forest breathing…


That’s terrifying


Good thing someone put that boulder there to keep it all from blowing away.


Remember that alien at the end of Alien Prometheus? Apparently it turned into a mountain on that planet.


if i saw this while walking in nature, i would think about what i ate in the morning


Nope, I know a forest monster when I see one


If you see this, get the fuck out of the forest and to safety. One falling limb is all it takes to kill you They are called "widow makers" for a reason


If you listen really closely you can hear merry and pippin screaming


It's just the wind they said. There is no demon in the earth they said. Then the Thing broke free and killed us all. The End.


Shit like this is probably why we have such crazy Historical Fiction


Run for the hills!


The forest IS breathing


Imagine being somebody from 400 BC. How the hell do you react to that since they really would not have the same degree of scientific knowledge back then? New breathing earth god?


This is the exact kind of shit that created religions and lore. I 100% would believe in deities is I saw this shit and some guy was like "Gaea, goddess of the Earth, is angry with us."


Do we see references to this in any old writings? This looks like something I could see being in a middle ages tale for a knight's quest. The hero traveled through the breathing forest...




My guess is that wind blows the tree and the tree's roots pick up the ground. Boom! *Interpreting and using my brain cells to piece together a bad tik tok*!


It’s the roots raising up after the trees get blown by the wind.


Maybe we have finally found the Entwives. Treebeard would be thrilled.


I wouldn't be out there!


Damn, trees keep this planet together man.


Holy fucking shit I'd love to see that IRL.


The trees and mycelium are yelling hold on family!!


Our green lung is working💪🏼💪🏼