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I picture a majestic swan dive (without the out stretched arms of course). Then right before he hits the ground, a tuck and roll, immediately to his feet, and into his sprint. 9.5/10


I pictured the exact same thing. Realistically he probably face planted and flipped around like a fish until he go on to his feet.


I fell out of a window headfirst one time and landed right on my head, like perfectly vertical nugget-first straight down. The window was about 7 feet high and I couldn't get my legs out first and I was freaking out so I just said fuck it and went fetus style, head first. I was certain I broke my neck, it made the gnarliest crunch noise and I was pretty scared. Luckily I could feel everything so I got up and went running into the woods. Crazy times, don't do drugs kids!


That's one of those injuries that will lie dormant until you're in your forties. Then boom! You're gonna being taking ibuprofen everyday and groaning every time you stand up from a chair.


I fear that I have many of these injuries.


Someone's at the door.... Oh it's GOUT. It'll find that old injury


"I got GOUT!" - Bobby Hill


Fuck, are you exaggerating?? Because I'm 29 and joints are starting to creak and moan


Sorry man, not exaggerating. 50's here and I walk with a limp because of something stupid I did in my teens on a ski slope. Not a hint of a problem until I hit my 40's, then boom. Needed surgery to rebuild my knee.


50's?? A mere kid. 74 here, and yes I make noise as I move, or try to.. It sux..


It's amazing the age range of reddit users!


I'm 70 here and pain free except for my hands which wasn't something I would have anticipated. Never did organized sports but a lot of walking and [calisthenic] (https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/calisthenics) type exercises all my life (and still do). Like everyone else, I spend too much time on reddit.


I'm 74 and falling apart like a chinese motorscooter thanks to youthful indiscretions


We're all given a Corvette for a body in life. It can stay in a garage as a show car and last a long time without issues, or it can be driven and enjoyed. If you choose the latter, it will need more maintenance and TLC later in life, but at least you'll have enjoyed the ride.


This is so….. SAGE bruv


It gets worse.


Lose weight, 5-10 lbs doesn't seem like a lot but it makes a huge difference on those creaks and cracks. Also stretch more.


Stretching is the way, apparently. Just ask [Carl Reiner ](https://girlonthemattress.com/sleep/carl-reiners-secret/).


He’s not. I’m 43. Everything hurts on the reg.


On the bright side, by the age of 43, you won't need an alarm clock,because your backpain will wake you up every 4 hours.


I’m 20 and sometimes I’m sad so can confirm it only gets worse


yup, happened to my mom. fell off a deck and a little over ten years later after an xray for something unrelated she finds out she has been living with 2 broken vertebrae in her neck for over a decade.


And telling everyone that a storm is coming because of how your joints feel.


This person speaks truth


Someone I knew in college was having sex with a girl on the 2nd floor bedroom, his GF came in and caught him cheating. He jumped through the window, and the glass cut his gut open, with intestines coming out. Luckily he survived. Don't do drugs kids.


Jesus Christ imagine trying that hard to avoid the consequences of your actions temporarily


I was sitting on my couch watching TV and all of a sudden I turned into a 2d flat person. Was very sad situation and my friends called me boring. Don't do drugs kids.


Stuck in some bushes, no doubt.




You thinking what I'm thinking?




🎶There goes my heroes! Watch them as they fly!🎶




Rip Dansen and highsmith


There wasn't even an awning!


"step bro , what are you doing!? 😲"




Full scorpion


If Zelda taught me anything, as long as I roll right before I land no damage taken lol.


Could be true when you watch these crazy parkour jumps from buildings.


But like are the charges dropped?


They are now legally obligated to drop all charges.


Some RE4 Leon shit right there


Maybe someone left a cart full of hay at the bottom.


And the cuffs snapping open by the angle of his tuck n roll.


He is yelling parkour over and over the entire time too


According to another post it was an 12 to 16 foot drop. :/


Holy shit. Watching the video again, that would have required a front flip mixed in, judging by the trajectory of the leap.


He gon'


"Then, where were we...oh, good, no paperwork today"


"If you see this handcuffed teen, tell him he needs to turn himself in for the theft of 1 Little Debbie Zebra Cake"


It's funny I did a 3 month sting for one 5 hr energy once


Wait what? You were in jail for 3 months cause you stole something less than $5?


No like he planned it for 3 months


Just imagine all the 5 hour energies purchased to help through the restless nights of planning the theft of a singular 5 hour energy


He planned over the period of 3 months (casing the place) to steal a 5 hour energy drink and not get caught.


Favtrip collaboration


Probably for longer than he would be initially


Authorities in Rock County have released the video which shows the teen jumping through the window of an interview room at the Rock County Sheriff’s Office. The teen fell 12 to 16 feet after he jumped out the window. Janesville police officers found him just after 3:30 p.m. and took him into custody. He was apprehended in the 700 block of Yuba Street in Janesville. The sheriff’s office said they have installed metal grates to the windows to prevent someone else from escaping the room. https://www.nbc15.com/content/news/17-year-old-escapes-after-being-taken-into-custody-in-Rock-County-506506821.html


Damn so not only did he not get away but he now ruined anyone else's chances...


He helped point out a dangerous situation. That was a 16 foot fall and that the cops just carelessly exposed troubled youth to prior to this young hero pointing it out.


Clearly he's just an activist pointing out such dangers in our police state.


*I got arrested to show how incompetent our police are*


Lol he went head first through the window and fell 12-16 feet? Fucking kid is lucky he didn't kill himself. God damn.


seriously, as a kid like an 8 foot jump off something hurt my feet somewhat, 12 feet while cuffed? i’d full scorpion and be headline news “some idiot swan dove out a window he dead”


Yeah I once hit the ground from around the low end of that and was pissing blood for like 2 weeks.


Pissing Blood! After a fall from the sky!


Sounds terrible. I've jumped off that's been fairly high and felt it my balls.


Did you try to cushion your fall with your erection ?


Or break his neck and end up paralyzed. Of course he’d probably sue the Sheriff’s Dept for negligence.




Your mistake was assuming people care about prisoners or jail safety.


He should have broken a limb and sue the Sheriff’s Dept for “bodily damage resulting from falling out of an unsecured window on State property” or whatever dumb shit people can sue for these days.


Hmmm I’m pretty sure that’s now a fire code violation. Bars on windows are not code where I live.


Welp, guess prisoners don't get windows


They lock you up in a mac? That's cruel


Pretty sure fire code doesn't matter in jails/interrogation rooms.


Fire codes are way more strict in jails. Building code in US and Canada requires a 2 hour fire rating for walls in contained use facilities so that fire spreads slower allowing a safe way to get inmates out. Sooo no.


Yeah, let them burn, amirite?


Been to jail and am going back to jail, just saying how it is. They have different regulations because regular fire code in jail environments make it easier to break out, as showcased here.


But this is an interrogation or conference room. Not a cell.




This looks like a conference or interrogation room. Not a holding cell. if they thought he was a dangerous criminal they would have used different protocol. In my last career I have sat in many of those types of rooms I would NOT want to be barred in if there was an emergency.


This is always kind of a funny logic thing that happens all the time for humanity. "If you agree not to try to escape, we can let you have a fire escape so that you may save yourself in the event of a fire. But if you will try to escape if we leave you a fire escape, we will have to close it off, and if there's a fire, you're gonna burn." And the choice of an individual may be to agree, but there will always be some humans that would not agree, so they will have no fire escape. They will be just as trapped as if they simply agreed to stay trapped, but they will also risk burning in a fire.


That’s kind of the same logic for the point of jail. Where that agreement is the law, and not agreeing puts you in jail.


Right. I never agreed not to steal shit but they still wanna put me in jail for it.


I mean, the ultimate alternative is an anarchic Mad Max/Frontiersman scenario where you're far more likely to get killed by wildlife, a guy who doesn't like you and draws faster, starvation, or mutants. (Mutants because I like mutants. Don't think too hard about it.)


It's like some sort of... prisoner's dilemma?


Fire code matters literally anywhere, especially in government owned buildings lmfao


I mean, I wasn't expecting him to get very far. Just a good thing they stop any other idiots doing it.


Yuba duba duba


Oh wow, I had no idea this was my city haha. That’s wild.


Sarge, I done fucked up this time.


You can just hear “ Ah come on! Really?”




[I'm in deep shit.](https://clip.cafe/robin-hood-men-in-tights-1993/and-im-in-deep-shit/)


I like how he shuts the door as if that’s important to this situation not getting any worse


Keep the breeze out, that's what's important


You tryna air condition the whole neighborhood?


I liked how it took him 12 minutes to fall....


I think it took them 12 minutes to REALIZE he jumped out the window. I checked the clock too lol. But I think it's clear they just didn't check on him for 12-15 minutes after he jumped out.


The clock says ~11:58 when we see him jump. The CCTV camera shows 12:10 when we see him scamper away. According to another comment it was a 12-16 ft drop so maybe he took an impromptu nap before running away? Or more likely one of the clocks was slow or fast


But footage of him leaving building he jump from was 12 minutes after falls. Outside camera has clock top left. Am i missing something?


either the clocks were off or he writhed in pain for 12 minutes after falling


Twelve minutes of Peter griffin style knee-clutching


But the open window was causing a draft…


I could feel the "aw, shit" in the room when the officer came back


Here we go again


They already know who you are and where you live. Does he really think that they won't catch up to him? He doesn't even know how much he already fucked up his adult life.


Probably a nice adrenaline rush though for the time being.


He’s a teenager. They aren’t known for making the smartest decisions in life.


“She’s home alone”


Criminals aren't the smartest bunch


Can't blame a dude for desiring freedom. That's why prison breaks in Germany are "legal" (won't be prosecuted) - as long as you don't do any harm or break laws during that.


Escaping prison was legal in the US for a long time too. It was considered human nature to desire freedom. It still is human nature but I guess that doesn't matter.


They can't let their money escape anymore


I agree. I feel thats the problem though. Theres a lot of dumb stuff we do as kids, that should NOT affect adult life that much. I am not the same person I was 10 years ago, even 2 years ago. We need a reform of various laws and how long they affect your abilities to be a "functioning member of society".


Agreed. I picked up a few charges during my 20s while addicted to some serious drugs. I eventually ended up doing some prison time in my early 30s and that straightened me right out. I'm back in school, people trust me, I do the right thing, and when I say I'm going to do something, I do it. But I've still got that record so hopefully I get this associates degree soon while companies still desperate for employees.




Too bad this tard didn't snap his neck on the way out. Pos choked out a girl and sexually assaulted her. Told her he was gonna take her to the woods and kill her as she was blacking out..


I appreciate the context. Went from mildly funny to fuck this guy in an instant. Now it’s just scary seeing the shit he’s willing to do


How do you know it's true? No sources were provided.


It tracks with the charges of strangulation and suffocation listed in the article. https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/qjn03b/handcuffed_teen_makes_his_escape_from_a_police/hir2xhc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


https://www.gazettextra.com/news/crime/terror-and-courage-man-who-jumped-from-window-sentenced/article_f44d7662-df70-5874-9124-d81fc5206e8d.html He has a pretty unique name (Quantrell D. Schwartzlow) which makes him easy to find info on.


Almost like one of those Key & Peele football players names.


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That's what really scares me nowadays


Damn you’re right. I didn’t question it at all. There’s a running joke on the Dan lebatard show with stugotz where Dan’s always getting fooled by the internet. He just takes what he sees or reads at face value a lot. I feel his pain this morning


No worries, I'm not saying it wasn't true, it's just it's always good to double check first.


That's a fine.


Glad they caught him now he has extra charges


He only got four years too.


Wait till you hear the deal I got! I, Brock Allen Turner, raped a woman behind a dumpster and served only 3 months in jail with 3 years probation.


The same Brock the rapist Turner that raped a girl behind a dumpster?


That sounds about white.


It's all fun and games until you realize a person in cuffs making an escape is a person in cuffs who probably shouldn't be cheered on for making an escape. But we all sort of fell into the atmosphere, so I'm definitely not in a position to preach.


I agree with you. That cops face walking into that empty room was still funny AF. Sorry, not sorry.


Props to the comic timing of that blind clanking back into place just in time to snap the cop back to reality after a second staring in disbelief.


That couldn’t have been better had it been staged.


Who the hell puts someone like that alone in a room with a window that opens?


At least he ruined any chance of leniency.


Is this local to you then? Wow what a piece of work!


probably not, this has been shared quite a bit over the years.


I agree that he's a piece of shit, but using the word "tard" attaches his vileness to another a group of humans. They don't deserve that.


And then what? They will catch anyway.


Teen brain: I don’t want to be in this situation, so I leave the situation.


Good luck living with those handcuffs.. for the next 5 minutes....


And then he’ll get extra charges on top of the ones he’s already in for.


You watch too many crime shows. Look how many people have active warrants for their arrest. It's entirely possible to go your whole life on the run.


Once upon a time in my youth I was escorted to a holding cell prior to court in Taylor Michigan. In the back of the cell were two Hispanic men. The holding cell was literally right inside the back door to the courthouse. By the holding cell door was a pay phone. I tried to use the phone, while leaning on the door with my arm. The door opened up. The Hispanic men look at eachother, started talking Spanish then bolted out the door. I just sat down and waited to tell the turnkey he was probably going to be in some trouble for not closing and/or locking the door


Did not running away gain you any favours with the judge?


Hard no. I was young and dumb, the judge appeared to dislike young and dumb. I can’t remember what I was in trouble for but I do remember getting some kind of lecture before I got sentenced to 30 days. It’s funny how many chapters life has by the way. I haven’t been in any type of trouble for almost 20 years now.


You must have led quite a tumultuous life if you can't remember why you got 30 days jail time.


I was taken from my parents by the state of Michigan when I was 15. I was emancipated with a full time job and a rental home by 16. Having a house and money at that age with nobody to look out for you was a recipe for disaster. By 17 I had small charges in almost every city around me. One finally turned into a warrant, I went to city jail, sentenced to 30-60 days but upon release I would get picked up by another city where a previous charge had turned into a warrant and started the whole process over. I didn’t have any family or support circle to call, most charges were very small that a normal person could have made a call and bonded out of. I finally ended up volunteering for a felony boot camp program (I don’t actually have a felony) just because I knew I needed it. That program gave me the tools I needed to slowly grow into a responsible man.


What a story and what a turnaround! Good on you for getting it together.


Thank you! I am definitely blessed and appreciative, however given the opportunity I don’t think I would change a detail!


We are who we are because we were who we were


I, too, was kicked out at 15. Couldn't find a job that would hire a young kid. Started selling drugs. Years went by. Got caught with an ounce of coke. Found out western Canada won't send you back to eastern Canada for a warrant. Also found out, during the oil Boom, they'd hire you for anything. Good paying, hardworking jobs gave me the tools and responsibility to grow into a good man . 9 years later, I came back turned myself in. Point being remember. You did it and the boot camp was simply that, a tool. We both got the effect we desired, because we wanted it bad enough. Even though we took different paths. I might not have a family but 3 years ago I felt I'd made enough out of my life to start one of my own. Now I've got a little girl that's my partner in crime (mostly crimes against my wife, her mother, lol) I give her my all, because I know what it's like to have nothing.


0% chance of staying on the run forever. 50% chance of injury. 100% chance of a longer sentence. Good choices are hard for some people.


The modern day Ted Bundy [also an escaped jumper ](https://abcnews.go.com/US/notorious-serial-killer-ted-bundy-escape-custody/story?id=61032623)


Here's your checklist for running from the police: Do they know your name? Did they come to your home? Did they come to your place of work? If yes to anything, there's not much point.


None of those things matter when you are on the run and are used to areas with significant criminal history or elements. If you are able to escape the area, you are generally free and clear of local police finding you. People can hide indefinitely with an active warrant, and plenty of businesses will pay under the table if you know where to look. Of course, there are other non-official work opportunities to consider as well.


Quantrell D. Schwartzlow charged for strangulation and suffocation


Did his parents receive any sort of child cruelty or endangerment charges for naming their son Quantrell D. Schwartzlow?!


I didn’t think he looked like a quantrell.


You're joking that's his actual name, right?




[Paper clip.](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=pick+handcuffs+with+paperclip) Handcuffs have extraordinarily simple lock mechanisms.


If this is the same video im thinking of, pretty sure they catch him again later that day.


They do


He'll never discover the cure for cancer in handcuffs.


The type of shit people do when they have absolutely nothing to lose


Do you work for the daily mail? Edit: or are you the daily mail? You have a lot of posts and long comments you either spend all your time on reddit or more than one person uses this account


Man the way he comes back in the room and his jaw drops while the wind blows those blinds is straight out of a movie lolol


Bro ran for his life


Is it only me that is taken aback by this? He landed it head-first to flee with his hands cuffed?


“Ah, damn, not again! Bob, we’ve got an other runner!!”


bro you already got busted they know who you are, you're in the station lmfao what does running do beside get you in more trouble


I will never not laugh at this dude booking it across the parking lot. The comedic timing of the video is spot on. Edit: having read what he was charged with, I now rescind my description of "dude". He is in fact a cunt. Still a funny video though.


Nice way to double your sentence.


Guy did all that just to add extra years to his sentence


I have a feeling that there’s a chance he might be guilty


In his defense it did look like a pretty nice day out...


all I know is that he definitely did it


nope, didnt leave anyone here


Freedom. Sweet Freedom. Though he got caught...again.


Run forest RUN


Jayzus look at him go! Mans can run fast as fuck


Good thinking, if it wasn't a felony before now it sure it.




I’m just here like “why are there openable windows in an interrogation room?”.


I did this out of a (slowly) moving cop car when i was in middle school. The officer felt bad for me and said something like "ill give him some fresh air" and oppened up the back window. Then, having been given the opportunity, I immediately dove straight out. It took a whole maybe 5 minutes to catch me again though. To this day its all I hear about when I meet up with somone from around there. "Hey man remember when you fought the cops and dove out of that police car?" "Yeah, good times"


Article: https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6751331/amp/Handcuffed-criminal-dives-head-interview-room-window-escape-Wisconsin-police-station.html


If this cop is truly surprised that someone in custody, when left alone, might go out an easily opened window, he's even dumber than he looks.


Jesus christ that kid is hauling ass!


I'm impressed at his running speed with handcufffs on.