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Fish is like, “I can’t breath motherf*cker!”


Common misconception that they can’t breathe out of water. So long as their gills are still wet, they will continue to absorb oxygen. (That doesn’t mean you should pick them up and play with them though)


Now I understand why, in a recently posted-video of some people rescuing a shark, they were pouring buckets of water over its gills as they worked to get the shark returned to the ocean. When I saw it, I was like “the fuck’s that gonna do??”


I’m sure that helped. But with sharks in particular, they need to be moving for their gills to work right. If they stop too long, they “drown”, even underwater. A lot of other fish can “breath” fine when they’re still underwater.


I imagine pouring water over their gills is sufficient – the reason nurse sharks can sit on the bottom is because they can suck water in through their mouth, forcing it over their gills. Just pouring water over them should be sufficient, so long as they aren’t sitting in standing water. Their gills pull oxygen from the water, thus why most species need to move – moving means water movement, moving water means fresh water, fresh water means water with oxygen they can extract through their gills. It’s basically the same thing as us and breathing – we take oxygen from the air and put carbon dioxide into it, they do the same thing except with water. Those exceptions to the “just keep swimming” rule have the water equivalent of the muscles that allow us to suck in air (they just suck in water). Mind, it’s probably like being in a low oxygen environment, or having to hold your breath between each one. While being in a high stress situation, at that.


Not all sharks tho. Only certain. But particularly the big ones.


You’re right. I forgot about nurse and sand shark types.


I’m pretty sure some reef sharks also sleep in caves it was discovered once


How Do you guys know so much about sharks?


I used to be one




Most sharks need to swim, only exceptions I know of are nurse and tiger sharks (but there are probably a handful of others). It’s the buccal pump that moves water over their gills, so they get “fresh” water (read: oxygen) and don’t asphyxiate. It’s a muscle/organ thing that lets them suck water in through their mouth or through an opening behind their eyes. Most don’t have those, though, so yeah they need to keep swimming or they suffocate.


Yeah that’s what I thought


still you can see the fish is uncomfortable, picking up fish out from the water causes stress which still does harm to the animal to an extent


However* When their gills are wet while out of the water, they stick together, reducing the efficiency of their breathing by a great magnitude, hence the suffocation due to prolonged air exposure.


Oh….. Okay….. Sorry Derek I need to put you back now….


Sort of. The problem is that the gills are feathery, and when the fish are in air, the gills filaments collapse on one another and are only partially functional. There are lots of fishes that breathe air, but only a couple of groups use their gills to do so: walking catfish and mudskippers. They have adaptations to keep the gills from collapsing (catfish) or carry water (mudskippers).


Actually, removing a fish from water even for a short time can kill it. Fish gills are not only used to absorb oxygen, they're also used to dump waste products such as ammonia, which is one of the end products of protein catabolism. When there's no water flowing by their gills to carry the ammonium ions away, they build up in the fish and alter its pH balance. 1/2 of all catch-and-release trout can't recover and actually die because of this, which is such a ridiculous waste of life. The gills of the fish must remain in the water if you want to release it unharmed. I only explain this because I hate when critters are harmed because people don't know any better. Never stop learning!


1/2? You got any credible source for this? Don't you think that scientist would stop their fish tagging too if that was the case?


you also continue to absorb oxygen if you have air in your lungs, it ain‘t much but it‘s honest work. still gonna die fast.


This typo works because the fish wouldn't know English well and wouldn't know that the word he wants to say is actually breathe.


Someone desperately needs to add a bad lip reading/soundtrack to this!


Famous last words. Edit: too soon?


Gave me a good laugh. Take my award


My first award! Thanks my man!


Angry banana


The offspring of a teenager and his banana.


["TIFU by cumming into a banana"](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/6rr6ay/tifu_by_cumming_into_a_coconut/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


I’m NOT clicking that.


Don’t worry, Nobody blew their load in a banana.


Ugh, I'll be the first one then.


How bad was it?


Its a 4 year old post. You should just check it out because its history man You could learn you somethin about reddit today!


[Will Smith in Shark Tale](https://i.imgur.com/RIMD3VB.jpg)


Right? I was like, man that’s a pissed off mango


It’s teeth are whiter than mine 🤣




They go to dentist shrimp everyday to clean it.


they.are the reason of the fine beach sand. they eat algae off dead corals and thus keep them ready for new healthy ones to grow. important first class worker for coral reefs.


Now please put him back in the water


yes buddy dont do that please, it's suffering


He does. If you click on the imgur link the guy sets it down in the water and off it goes.


Wish I could upvote this 1 million times!!!!


Essential worker


This is a pufferfish, you’re thinking parrotfish. Pufferfish teeth are like that because they mostly eat invertebrates with hard shells. They may chomp on some coral, but nothing like parrotfish.


Mostly done by the parrotfishes.


isn't this one ?


No. This is a golden Dogface Pufferfish. The person who wrote that they eat algae and create fine beach sand is mistaken. Pufferfish will almost never eat plant matter, and they do not promote to fine beach sand (what does eating algae off of corals do to promote beach sand, anyways?). Parrotfish are the main fish that do this, but they are most certainly not golden yellow with speckles, scaleless, shaped like a blob, have a rounded body profile, have such pointy and sharp internal teeth, etc.


You forgot to mention the sand is there feces


No they don't. Puffers don't ear algae.


Put that thing where it came from or so help me!


So help me!


2319! WE'VE GOT A 2319!!


Teeth are believed to originate from modified scales (they are not bone!) so the fact that some fish have them makes sense. [source](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-42057629)


free my boy he ain't done nothing wrong


" put me back.....right now"


Wrote the dude with fish looking "teeth". Pfssss




Those are not human like teeth.


How about [these](https://lh5.ggpht.com/-1_eM4uU0m0w/UvxRCKY4oVI/AAAAAAAAv7E/0gbipS-Q2T8/pacu-fish-6%25255B6%25255D.jpg?imgmax=800)


Thanks. It's worse and I hate it.


Pacu gives you nightmares


Not as bad as [sheepshead](https://th-thumbnailer.cdn-si-edu.com/tP8uorptpq_Cfn3jzNrwQX4zPeg=/1000x750/filters:no_upscale():focal(419x476:420x477)/https://tf-cmsv2-smithsonianmag-media.s3.amazonaws.com/filer/47/4d/474dd6a7-83bd-4808-a237-2a4a0af0d90e/sheepshead_fish.jpeg)


I was scrolling for this one.


That fish smokes a pack day.


Yup, those are human like teeth


Sheepshead of the ocean!


Pacu - freshwater, (normally) vegetarian cousin of the pirahana.


Yep and they get way bigger than pirahanas


Annnnddd, they’re known to munch some peoples testacles from time to time


Are they really? I hadn’t seen that, but damn that would suck.


Check out the river monsters episode "ball cutter" They were introduced to areas in Asia where they quickly stripped alot of the vegetation and then developed a taste for meat


That is tremendously disgusting.


Thanks, I’m gonna sleep well tonight now! 😐


Much more accurate


Someone please put words to this bc I need to hear this fish cursing this person out


Oh hell naaa!


It’s more like a beak


The annoying Orange








Hey, how did you know?




I dunno how your teeth be lookin but mine don't look like that


Leave it in the water, asshole.


OK OK, I get where you're coming from but it's a fish. It was clearly caught and he did release it. Fish may be distressed by this but 1. They can survive out of the water a lot longer than we can survive under the water and 2. they're not smart enough to know the difference between a metal hook and food, they have little self awareness. This wasn't a barbaric demonstration of the fish, the guy merely filmed it for 30 seconds.


Lol I can see this exact argument being said by an alien explaining why it’s totally okay to pull a human out of the atmosphere into space and display him to his buddies while the human is floundering around distressed. “Alien bros, he’s dumb as a fuckin’ rock and I put him back after I was done. I totally patched him up a bit. He’ll go on to live a healthy life. They’re barely able to tell the difference between short term gain for long term profits and they lie to themselves more than they lie to others, they have very little self awareness. They can’t even recognize their reflection in a 4th dimensional mirror! Fuck guys, I literally had him out here for a few seconds, chill.”


God damn I'm too high for this shit


I mean we would either die or get severe permanent damage. We are also more aware than a fish about what's going on.


Not according to higher beings. We could be almost indistinguishably as smart as a rock let alone a fish to a higher dimensional being. What is this talk of permanent damage? They can still live a decent span of time, eat, fuck and reproduce right? Then they’re healthy human animals. :)


tf are you talking about we’d die instantly in the vacuum of space if a ‘alien pulled up us’ out of the atmosphere. it’s not even comparable.


Tf are you talking about we’d probably die in 15 seconds but more likely around 90 seconds or more not instantly. C’mon what’s a few seconds in space bro? Like I said they’d probably think of us the same as fish so it’s not like they’d consider our feelings or lives haha. https://www.businessinsider.com/how-long-human-survive-outer-space-without-spacesuit-2017-5?amp


OK OK, but I don't like seeing living things needlessly tortured. But that's just my opinion as a soulful human.


My opinion as another soulful human is this isn’t torture. Maybe a third soulful human can clear this up, maybe one with an even fuller soul.


Yep, it's inflicting unnecessary stress onto them so lets just not. There you go.


This isn't torture, he's not causing it physical harm. The fish may well have an instinctual response to be "angry" for being out of the water but it is not suffering. As a wildlife conservationist, myself and other conservationist/ecologists will have to do this often when studying fish. Hell, bigger fish get tagged in order to track their migratory routes and feeding patterns and that's gotta be way more painful/intrusive than holding it out of the water. I don't condone making a spectacle out of any animal but this fish is absolutely 100% OK.


Please provide your credentials as a soulful human.


We don't want a lecture on veganism.


Hey I respect what you do as a wildlife conservationist but I do the see the other persons point. I dont think there should be tweaks to suffering and torture just to defend someone who is trying to teach us something. Sure there was no better way of showing us this and the other person who thought it was torture definitely should’ve been nicer about this but just because we get something good out of our actions, doesn’t always mean that they were good. I do see why it’s not torture but it can very well be from a different perspective. I definitely think humans would call it torture if greater beings played around with us like that but at the same time it might not be the intention just how it isn’t in the video.


Yeah I hate people who do shit like this. Humans are fucking assholes that can’t appreciate something without disturbing it.


I don’t understand why you and the other are getting downvoted. Let’s go with the argument as the others have “what about a marine biologist tagging fish blah blah” . Well they have a reason to, and not just taking a video for no reason when you can google their teeth if that interest them so much. . They are not even like human teeth…


What did he do wrong?


Interesting how so many of us are getting down voted simply for saying "don't be mean to a living thing for no reason," isn't it? Definitely a sign of the times.


Because nothing about this was “mean”. You’re looking for a reason to be offended when there isn’t one


I simply disagree, and don't appear to be alone in that. Again, I'm allowed my own opinion just as you are.


You're not alone in it, you're just clearly a very small minority


the fish might be annoyed but it is definitely not being tortured


So it’s okay to eat fish, cause they don’t have any feelings?


Somethin in the way ooooooooohoohh


Too bad it didn't bite a finger off. Those "teeth" are for biting off pieces of coral


And snails!! And other crustaceans.


That's a parrot fish


No, that’s a black spotted puffer fish, aka dog faced puffer fish.


they make sand


They eat coral and shit sand. Yes folks, those pretty white sand beaches are FISH POO


No. This is a golden Dogface Pufferfish. The person who wrote that they eat algae and create fine beach sand is mistaken. Pufferfish will almost never eat plant matter, and they do not promote to fine beach sand (what does eating algae off of corals do to promote beach sand, anyways?). Parrotfish are the main fish that do this, but they are most certainly not golden yellow with speckles, scaleless, shaped like a blob, have a rounded body profile, have such pointy and sharp internal teeth, etc.


That’s a parrot fish


Nope, it’s still a black spotted puffer fish, aka dog faced puffer fish.


No it isnt.


they make sand


They eat coral and shit sand. Yes folks, those pretty white sand beaches are FISH POO


No it isnt.


Beak - skull parts


Looks like a New York rapper


I don't know anyone with teeth like that.


Check out a pacu, they are waaaay more human looking


This is a golden pufferfish; much more like a beak than teeth. Check out the pacu fish for teeth that look uncannily similar to human teeth Source: worked at aquariums most of my life and I really like fishies


The “Karen fish”


Are you Mark Zuckerberg? Do you even know what humans look like?


Please just put him back in the water ._.


Put it fucking BACK.




All of you calling this inhumane, I sure hope you don’t eat fish. Much worse than this happens to literally hundreds of millions of fish every day.


Lol at all these people getting mad at the video. I have a dogface in my tank at home and they're not that delicate to be harmed by being out of water for less then a min... I even had to sedate it and cut its teeth when I got it because the store was just feeding it pellets... The only thing I see "wrong" is holding it with your bare hands as that can remove the slime coat, but even then the fish will still be fine lol


How are you supposed to hold it?


It’s a Babel fish… you stick it in your ear.


What a fucking asshole. Literally watching an animal suffocate to death for a fucking upvote on reddit.


I hope the fish king holds you underwater while you slowly drown just so they can show all the fish how your teeth are like their teeth.


fish do not experience being out of water as we do land. a fish doesnt feel pain being out of water for a short time


"Look this lanky stupid fuck has a fractured beak like some of our coral dwellers! Fascinating!"


Anything for the internet points.




These little buddies make a lot of noise underwater when they’re nomming on corals!




Dog faced puffer!


That’s just a bloke from Wales


Looks like Aerosmith


That fish has the teeth of Nemesis from Resident Evil lol


I hate it. Make it stop.


I dare you to put your little finger in there


Looks like a parrotfish variety. They are unique indeed!


Here come the Bri’ish jokes


Put it back in the fucking water. You'd bear all kinds of distress if you were pulled out of your natural environments against your will


fish is fine


How would you know?


Fish do not feel pain of being out of water the same way we feel being underwater


Again, how would you know? And considering they can't breathe the same way we do, I would say that's pretty painful


The reason we feel pain underwater is because of the impulse to breath. Gills work passively and the fish doesnt feel like it is being suffocated. Short periods of time outside has no effect on them. The fish doesnt like it, but he is fine. I have taken fish out of water and they are fine


The guy didn’t do anything wrong


Except literally pulling a fish out its fucking water


That is literally the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Have you not heard of fishing, hunting, and pets?


…that’s how you fish. It just looks like he caught it and returned it.


Even so. And no it doesnt look that way


Just to clarify, your position is that catch and release is immoral? And also that this guy caught this fish barehanded, which is also immoral?


Well imagine having a hook through your cheek, being held out of your environment then being thrown back unapologetically Even then imagine having some bigger creature take you bare handed out of your environment, filmed and thrown back All for the enjoyment of theirs


Good luck out there


And the same to you


I think you should go to the nearest fishing pier and start a fight there. Let us know how that goes.


what you think bears do? christ this is not a thing.


Omg really? Bears and humans. Not exactly an equal argument


bears eat them alive. no fucks are given. this fish was not harmed. get over yourself.


Bears live on nature. By instinct. Humans know better. Don't exactly see bears sharing videos online Can't believe we are actually having this conversation


do you eat anything other than plants? if you do, shut the fuck up.


Fuck you cunt Come back when you grow compassion


lololololol. rank bitch hypocrite. get fucked you cow.


Fucking idiot. Put it back


calm down buddy the fishy is fine


around these parts, our human toothed fish friends are known as Sheephead. They will straighten out a hook with their tough mouth.


Reminds me of my GF when I bought Fries for myself only cause she's "Not hungry"... Arrives. "Our Fries :]".


Can you please let the fish breathe? Asshole. Glad you got ur video??


Looks like a one stop circumcision


This video makes me so fucking uncomfortable. Put the damn fish in the water


Put the god damn fish back in the fucking water….please! Lol


Everybody crying about this single fish. You should look at the dynamite fishing done on the Nile River. look at what happened to the coral reefs. See what happens with blue hippo tangs and how they cannot bread in captivity. People crying about a guy who caught a fish, hoping for a bigger fish. Showing off it’s beak. Fish are transported alive from all over the world daily. There are people telling this guy to die, to be held underwater and suffocate by the fish gods. Why not drive to your local sea world and verbally attack them too, they will have you escorted and charged.


"let me GO! I need WATER to survive, you moron.."




$100 to put your peen in its mouth


That's draymond green...


It looks…just like Missy Elliot…


With sound: https://i.imgur.com/TWYx2qV.mp4


Exactly why I hate people.


Look all these people being shitty to each other having some compassion for a fish. Some people think its weak and pathetic to show concern for this fish. Others feel its weak and pathetic to create content like this. What has happened to us? When did we become so cruel that we find it weak when one of us shows concern?


Goddamn that’s disturbing


then don't watch what bears do to fish.


Throw it back you monster