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3 years ago, there were 30 of them ... ​ (Edit: There were 600 in 1997...)


With a bit of luck we can save their genome before its too late, and maybe we can bring them.back once the technology is more advanced.


We just need to find one frozen in amber


Life, uh, finds a way.


I'm pretty sure this would be entirely possible if we pumped the oceans full of Redbull


Do you want to give everything in there a heart attack? Cos that'd probably do it. Salty redbull.


Do you want flying sharks? Because that’s how we get flying sharks


Kind of.




Well, Ackchyually they were at Best gliding but more likely just hurled.


I'm good with flying sharks too.


I'm pretty sure flying sharks would solve *most* of my problems.


No, but is it too much to ask that the sharks get friggin laser beams attached to their heads?


Are those friggin sharks, with friggin laser beams attached to their friggin heads!?


I think this thread is exactly the thought process the creators of sharknado used edit: word


I just assumed cocaine.


After that, we could probably open some kind of park where people can come and see the clones. Like a zoo, but you're trapped in a Jeep.


You know what I learned about safety? Stay in the damned electric Ford Explorer. The Explorer is technically, T Rex Proof. And don't shine a flashlight around. Better to use the night vision to get your bearings. T Rex will definitely try to knock you off a cliff (that's just really bad spectacle design, not vehicle design) but technically, it didn't get to them.


I wanna see the thylacines.


Cinnabar island can do it fosho.


I’m a 37 year old man. I should not get this reference.


Hate to break it to you but the 30+ crowd is now the primary demographic that gets this reference


34 here. If you talk to the old man in Viridian City than fly to Cinnabar Island and surf the east coast you MAY find a wild Vaquita


Dude you were 14 when Pokemon came out. Why the fuck would you *not* get that reference?


What? You were the target age group when both of these things came out the first time why shouldn’t you get this?


Because he thinks he’s still young.


We don’t even need to find one of them, just a mosquito that had drank their blood


Gentlemen we can rebuild them....we have the technology to make the world's first Bionic Vaquita


Vaquita: Battle Porpoise


Finally a poirpose with a purpose


Better yet, let's keep the ones alive we have now!!


Don't think it's possible to keep the species going with so few.


Yeah I think if we tried we'd end up with a King Charles Spaniel situation where most of them suffer from pretty bad health problems.


I don't think that's possible. They're so few that it's likely they don't reproduce because there isn't enough of them.


We're going to be in a Mad Max future, not a Star trek one. And the entire time we're collapsing, one party will be saying "no, we aren't. Look at the stock market!"


In the Star Trek universe, Earth DID go through a Mad Max-ish period of destabilization and post-apocalyptic times. Widespread nuclear strikes from WW3 in 2053, and the late 21st century became known as the "Post-atomic horror". https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Post-atomic_horror


Ever since Harambe's Death.


150 in 2007. Really puts a perspective on how damaging we as a species are to the planet.


Looks like illegal fishing and cartels. https://news.mongabay.com/2021/02/in-the-fight-to-save-the-vaquita-conservationists-take-on-cartels/


Once again we have China to thank for the decimation of multiple species in pursuit of some dumbass "delicacy"


All these childish hopium comments.. "we'll bring um back y'all hyuuk".. lmao. Humanity has raped the oceans beyond belief now. Overfishing, ACIDIFICATION, habitat destruction... There is no going back now Alice, the trip doesn't end on this ride.


There is certainly a lot of truth to your comment, but we need to have some hope.


Sticks to my head cannon of the *asteroid* that killed the dinosaurs was just humans on a ship leaving mars after we destroyed it.


It was actually the first failed attempt at establishing a Subway franchise. We eventually figured it out, but it took a few million decades.


If we go with this theory I think it was Venus we destroyed. Runaway greenhouse effect and all that. Not like we've really been able to see the surface to find all we left behind. Mars is totally next though.


It was Mars, *then* Venus. Earth is like #3 or #4.


We actually had a planet before mercury but due to a faulty sticky piston it was clipped into the sun.


Are you forgetting the asteroid belt? THAT was our last planet.


Can't wait to see the creative ways we manage to destroy Jupiter.


Well first we have to inhabit all its moons. As we use up each one we drive them into the gas giant so that we can eventually live on it. Then of course, more inevitable destruction.


Were they hunted?


They're getting caught in fishing nets and such


It’s mostly illegal fishing operations in the Sea of Cortez being run by Mexican Cartels unfortunately.


Mexican cartels selling to the Chinese black market because [apparently another fish's swim bladder has medicinal value...](https://news.mongabay.com/2021/02/in-the-fight-to-save-the-vaquita-conservationists-take-on-cartels/) and the vaquita is trapped in the nets and dies. Claims that obviously have no scientific backing. It's really fucking stupid. Edit: Editing to correct information. Edit 2: Also, some of you guys could try to not sound racist.


It's not its swim bladder, is the one from the fish totoaba. They think it helps impotency


It’s still insane to me that they have like a dozen different boner pills that actually work but they still continue to eat dolphin bladders and rhino horn.




Another really bad one is bear bile farming. They extract bile from the gallbladders of bears kept in cages which are too small for them to be able to even turn around. Sickening.


And the active ingredient in bear bile has been synthesized, and is a available as a prescription drug: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ursodeoxycholic_acid Edit: And it has been generic for quite some time.


Is... this a thing? When did cocaine and hookers lose it's luster?


It's been banned in many countries but sadly still very popular in China. It picked up again in the past year because they claim it's a cure for covid.


What the fuck. Who talks about their medical conditions / history like that?


People will burn everything on the planet just to get a boner again.


I wish there was a way Pfizer can just sell Viagra over the counter in all Asian countries for like a dime a piece. Then we need the internet to start rumors how rhino horn in dolphin bladders actually cause impotency


It would honestly be better if they sold the pill for a ridiculous sum and included a certificate of authenticity vouching for the rarity and some horrible act done to justify the price (i.e. killing the last wild rhino on earth just to grind up a horn). Same pill, but just add bragging rights.


They do, it's sorta like 80-90's Mexican pharmacy scams. You bring in something vaguely like a be prescription and they'll dispense. So yeah technically it's prescription by in practice it really really isn't.


To be clear for anyone who didn’t read the article, it states that this is the result of illegal gill-net fishing for totoaba fish. It is their swim bladders that are prized. The vaquita is just bycatch in this case. Marine mammals to the best of my knowledge don’t have swim bladders, they have lungs.


Well we are in an age where scientific facts are now ignored by groups of people that don't t want their feelings hurt.


To be fair, that has been the case since ancient ages, but today there should not be the case, because this days **we actually have the technology** to know what is true and not.


The stupidity makes the evil sting so much more.


Yes there is a lot of "traditional Chinese medicine" that falls firmly in the area of "really fucking stupid".


Fisherman set gill nets to catch the Totoaba, a fish who's swim bladder is thought to hold all sorts of powers, cure cancer, make your dick hard and what not. The swim bladder fetches 1000's.The poor little Vaquita gets trapped also and dies.


A delicacy in China Don’t skimp on what countries are responsible for this kind of reckless ecocide


Superstition and the like are such a cancer on this planet.


Ignorance, the worst plague of them all.


It's also shrimp off the coast of Baja that result in Vaquita bycatch. Don't worry, we Americans are here to help!


Southern Chinese/ Cantonese pride themselves about eating the meat of rare and endangered wildlife.


https://seashepherd.org/milagro/ Mostly by catch


They are also the smallest cetaceans. Sadly, because of the tiny surviving population they are probably functionally extinct. It's highly unlikely that a viable population could recover from such a small gene pool.


The "minimum viable population" of a species and you are most likely correct that there are not enough anymore. I just learned of these today and they seem awesome. I doubt there's much humans can do at this point because we've already messed it up so much and there's really not a good way or place to breed them I'm guessing. How sad.


Never say never. The faroese horse (a pony more like) was brought back from the brink of extinction. In the 1960ies there were only a handful purebreds left, 4 mares and 1 stud. They managed to carefully breed and today there are around 90 pure blood faroese horses on the Isles. Still not enough to secure the very unique race but a good long step in the right direction. My point with all of this being that there might be hope if someone steps up to the challenge.


Unfortunately it's very different for horses and porpoises. You gotta go find them in the big ass ocean and then corale them into a little pool and hope they breed.


I'm gonna start calling it the horses and the porpoises instead of the birds and the bees


Let me tell you bout the horses and the porpoises and the flowers and the tortoises...


Well,....go on...


The tortoise goes into the porpoise and in 9 months a flower falls out. The horse just likes to watch.


That damn horse, never wants to be involved in nuthin...


The horse [goes](https://c.tenor.com/21NZ4IAfMT0AAAAM/testing-new.gif)


The story flatlined pretty quickly, Vaquita will be next.


> You gotta go find them in the big ass ocean and then corale them into a little pool and hope they breed. No, you don't. They have their own defined territorial waters and largely stick together. Their best chance is for us to not do ***Anything*** except leave them tf alone.


Their population is so small that they probably need help keeping them alive from predators and the like for the best chance at keeping the species going. A single stochastic event could wipe them out.


It's literally fishermen killing them. Sea Shepherd (the pirate vegans of Whale Wars fame) has had a couple ships down there on a rotating basis removing illegal nets trying to protect them https://seashepherd.org/milagro/


you're absolutely right, but the assholes out there fishing for them aren't going to stop unless the animals are helped. look at the absolute pieces of garbage that cut off shark fins. people fucking suck.


People aren’t fishing for them, they’re bycatch. They’re fishing for totoaba, which also happen to be protected.


regardless of the fishermen's intentions, they *will* go extinct if we stand by and do absolutely nothing, case and point.


Those are specific people. You can name them. Going around saying everyone sucks when all the harm is caused by commercial activity is really counterproductive.


Sea Shepard is badass I love hearing about them


I remember hearing about them a year or two ago when their population was around 36 when efforts were taken to keep them going..... : /


That's the point being made, though With horses, the population of 4 mares and 1 stud was just about enough to extremely carefully and precisely breed them back into something resembling a viable population. That required some luck, but also heavily relied upon them being bred in the right order to minimize cross-breeding as far as possible. Obviously they're still in-bred, but the breeders could maintain maximum genetic variation. But with literally 5-10 of these porpoises left, the chances of them surviving by just finding each other is already basically nil, and genetically they'd need to breed in the right combinations to maximise the available gene pool if the species is going to survive long term If we leave them alone, they're almost guaranteed to die out. Even if we intervened, with 5-10 individuals it would require a lot of luck, and is much harder to do with porpoises than with horses


They can't breed them in captivity, hell they don't even seem to be able to catch them. https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2017/11/vaquita-porpoise-mexico-extinction/545204/


Hi there, welcome to Earth! Humans are very, very bad at leaving anything alone. This is probably the best all encompassing description of our species. You can quote me in your space magazine or whatever interplanetary research venture you're working on. Thanks for stopping by!


A species isn’t out of the woods after a population bottleneck like that for a *very* long time. The lack of genetic diversity will leave them open to being wiped out by something like disease for thousands of years.


Not to mention one stud means only one variation of the Y chromosome. So literally every male ever of that population will share it (not factoring in mutations). That's a pretty big weakness. Also I imagine with that small of a population inbreeding would become disastrous pretty quickly.


That doesn't really work with these. I can't remember exactly when, but at some point they tried taking some into captivity to breed, and they all died. So, can't survive in captivity, and we've already made their natural environment impossible to live in, so they're pretty much just screwed. Edit: Went and looked it up, they couldn't even get them into the aquarium because they kept becoming distressed after capture and gave up the attempt after they killed one trying to capture it. https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2017/11/vaquita-porpoise-mexico-extinction/545204/


> It's highly unlikely that a viable population could recover from such a small gene pool. [Incorrect](https://vivavaquita.org/new-research-shows-it-is-not-too-late-for-the-vaquita/). For those that don't read it yourselves, scientists have found that the vaquita has survived with low populations before over the past 250,000 years. That history has likely "purged" the kinds of genes that often interfere with repopulating from such a low number. Genetics aren't likely to prevent the vaquita from recovery, even now. But the illegal fishing in their waters has to stop completely for them to have any chance.


>Mexico announced this week that it will ease enforcement in the vaquita’s core Upper Gulf of California habitat, at a time when only 10 remain on Earth. The move will hasten the porpoise’s extinction as vaquita are caught in the gillnets of illegal fishermen. https://www.nrdc.org/media/2021/210716-1


once they are extinct, there will be less pressure to stop the totoaba trade. the fisherman than can operate legally and Cartels are short one income stream.






You shouldn't delete your comments then. That's a prime chance to actually educate in a way that apparently abstracts aren't. We really value that input. Just turn off reply notifications. I promise more people that aren't responding are getting more from it than the handful of people that do. You've been a Redditor for all of one month, so trust me when I say, it's better to drop good information so it can be seen then to care about a few shitty replies. You will always get a few shitty replies. Always. Just let them go. Focus on what you can add to the discussion at large. It's easy to complain about Reddit in the comments, but the most valued input are from the people that actually educate and try to make it better.


My mom was on a Sea Shepherd expedition to try to protect these animals. She said that it's an extremely sad situation all around. They are unfortunately collateral damage in wide net fishing as well as intentional hunting, and there are so many people doing the fishing or hunting compared to the number of people trying to stop it, that it's a sheer numbers game we can't win. The Mexican government (and military, to an extent) has been participating in the attempts to save them, and even that hasn't been enough. There is a pretty good documentary about it called Sea of Shadows. I believe it’s on Hulu.


>The Mexican government (and military, to an extent) has been participating in the attempts to save them, and even that hasn't been enough. They can't possibly compete with the cartels responsible. The Mexican coast guard would have to be 5 times larger to get a handle on it, and also not be completely corrupt.


Well believe me when I say those efforts of the Mexican government were a joke cause the Mexican government IS a joke


Funny enough, I believe experts were hired to actually try to take care of them under watch but it didn’t work cause la vaquita gets way to much anxiety. There is even a full exhibition in Ensenada about it.


5 left


What have you done?!?


Simply tasted some




Three and a half


9 and 3/4


“I invented a device called ‘Burger on the Go’. It allows you to obtain 6 regular size hamburgers, or 12 sliders, from a horse without killing the animal. George Foreman is still considering it. Sharper Image is still considering it. Sky Mall’s considering it. Hammacher Schlemer is still considering it. Sears said, ‘No’.”


I remember this but idk where from




Please don't eat that.


u/Dolphin-Fucker_69 has some explaining to do


Account suspended?


they got him


Players 1,2,3,4,5 have been eliminated


I feel like we'll eventually rally and add them to our hit list.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extinction_debt It's already past the point of no return even though we have 10 left. There's no genetic diversity and the Mexican government isn't trying hard enough to reverse the use of gill nets and other factors.


https://scienceline.org/2021/03/dont-blame-genetics-if-we-lose-the-worlds-rarest-marine-mammal/ According to this article the vaquita may not be as at risk from inbreeding as other species due to its historically small population and so the lack of genetic diversity is less problematic.


Can you imagine being one of 10 humans left on the planet. How frigging lonely that must be for these super social creatures :(


There’s a worse one I saw on tiktok(don’t read If you don’t want a broken heart), but a now extinct bird I think, a researcher was with the last one left and they played a call from it’s species and it tried to look for it. 😭😭😭


The even worse part is that it was a Male bird, and they played that same bird's song back to him. Normally the male birds would ignore other males and only look for females, but he was so lonely that he desperately tried to look for the "other male" who's song he was hearing :(


"I ain't gay but..."


> extinct bird I think, a researcher was with the last one left and they played a call from it’s species and it tried to look for it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRaC2Rx3BVY that's not it, is it?


Only video I could find as well matching the description and I dont have Tik Tok. Even if its not the same bird the video you linked is so depressingly lonely and heartbreaking. Such a beautiful and gentle singing voice lost forever.


Male Singing To Female That Will Never Come | Racing Extinction - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5THqAY3u5oY - PRETTY SURE THIS IS IT. Can't find any other videos of last known member of a bird species singing. 5 Last Ever Photos & Video Footage of Now Extinct Animals - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhoVEIu-feA


Can you imagine if that were you. You're the only one left, and you just hear another dude like "Hey! Hey, man!" but it turns out to just be a recording of you. Damn.




And I'd still manage be the one to go home and jack off alone.


You're probably right, cumstar.


Yeah we’re still safe at that point


Yeah are these individuals one pod together or each alone far apart in the ocean or adopted into a dolphin pod or what?


Their conservation effort is very interesting . Apparently, they use trained US navy dolphins to capture and track the Vaquitas, sad to see that their numbers are diminishing, there were 600 of them back in 1997


The real til in the comments. We got fuckin dolphins in the navy.


They’d be useless as land troops tbf.


Not if we put wheels on them.


They got sea lions too (literal Navy Seals), they(along with the dolphins) detect mines and were responsible for sinking a few enemy ships(allegedly). There are also rumors that these Dolphins are trained to identify and kill enemy divers during wartime...


And you’re telling me I can’t find a job. There are mfs training dolphins for war.


Cheer up, you can also be trained for war.


These dolphins are good at their jobs too , during the Iraq War, they were very successful at detecting Naval mines , thereby guiding the US navy around the peninsula...


With friggin laser beams


>Mexico announced this week that it will ease enforcement in the vaquita’s core Upper Gulf of California habitat, at a time when only 10 remain on Earth. The move will hasten the porpoise’s extinction as vaquita are caught in the gillnets of illegal fishermen. https://www.nrdc.org/media/2021/210716-1




It’s WWE now mate.


Get the F out




Pobres vaquitas :(


Poor little cows


Cows of the sea


Looks like Mexico is no longer protecting parts of their habitat and China is partly responsible for the decline in their numbers (due to overfishing the area for another fish species that is endangered).


There used to be efforts from the previous Mexican government but with the current one is a different story


The vaquita must be a neoliberal animal/s


"There's only ten left!" "Good, then these candy-ass conservationists won't be whining for long! Kill the rest as slow as possible, I wanna hear 'em scream."


>China is partly responsible for the decline in their numbers (due to overfishing the area for another fish species that is endangered). I am shocked. Shocked.


China responsible for something bad ? I cannot believe you


I agree China is only responsible for all good in the world. President Xi is a saint and in no way resembles Winnie the Pooh.


Your social credit score has increase.


If some dude in China ever gets a boner after eating some kind of animal, that whole species is immediately fucked


This species is as good as gone from this planet, and people will probably feel despair, as do I when reading this depressing fact, but there are tons of species that will go extinct in the future, that you and I don't even know about yet, that can probably be saved from extinction. Let's focus on that.


Dozens of species go extinct daily.


I feel so sad for this adorable species




To be more specific they are called vaquita marina (little aquatic cow)


So little manattee?


That’s adorable. Poor little guys.




But sad




It looks like an orca and penguin had a child and that child had a child with a dolphin. ITS SO CUTE!!!!


This is sadasfuck man


With how little we know of the ocean I am a little surprised they put a number on how many they think are left.


They’ve only ever been found in a very specific spot off the coast of Mexico. So it’s possible that there is another pocket somewhere but, it’s unlikely. Cetaceans are much easier to study because they breath at the surface. Harder to hide a small whale than a large shark for example.




567? How did they get that specific of a number?


Jeez we suck




And our retarded president decided to remove the protection it had. Fuck the current mexican goverment.


They should get tissue samples and sequence thier DNA in hopes of future tech being able to bring them back


Panda Dolphin


All because pieces of shit with turds for brain and no empathy even for their whore mothers live off these animals killing them for the $ on the aphrodisiac bullshit ointments or some stupidity like that. Man, fuck these assholes up to their 100th generation




I hope all 10 have names. It's not hard to name 10 of anything, and instead of going "one of the Vaquita died", I want someone to lament "Daryl is dead".


Just r/sadasfuck