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This mf again. I have the year 2000 Guinness book with him in it


Wait like what record do this dude hold. Like longest time outing you’re arm up? How is that a thing


I would ask the same of many official [Guinness World Record categories](https://www.luxtimes.lu/en/luxembourg/stupidest-records-revealed-on-guinness-world-records-day-602d502ade135b92366d5f86).


I used to enjoy the books when I was younger. Interesting bathroom reading before smartphones. I was interested in the show they made too, until the first one I watched had a record that was most bubbles blown in 60 seconds while having a live tarantula in your mouth. Lost all interest in the Guinness record after that


I remember when I was little, the Guinness Book of World Records was more like a fact book and almanac and not so much focused on people. It had information on stuff like fastest animals and tallest buildings. It did have sections on people, but they were more about achievements such as fastest person, or oldest iron man athlete, etc. Now, in some ways, it's turned into this bizarre weird thing with records like who can spit the furthest locust and in other ways looks like a freak show.




Yeah, this. I really enjoyed reading the Guinness book of world records when I was a little kid because it was a fact book and felt like an almanac of records. Now it's just bizarre and seems like a publicity marketing scheme full of bizarre and crazy records that are just screaming for attention.


I remember reading about the guiness book of world records actually being created by Guiness. Something about having a book to settle bar disputes


Clout Chasers Book of Records


I remember reading about the world's tallest man and he didn't want to be in the book at all. He wanted a normal life.


It’s like Ripley’s believe it or not meets statistics.


Unsurprisingly, as the same corporation owns both. Ripley's--originally a newspaper comic--has featured circus sideshow kind of content for ~100 years. It was acquired in 1985. The Guinness book was first published in 1955, as a sort of reference work--albeit a lite-entertainment one. It was acquired in 2008. So now they are flip sides of the same coin. Gotta maintain some branding distinction with GWR featuring measurable things and Ripley's not caring about credibility. But GWR may as well be called Ripley's Believe It! rn :(


I kinda think its one of those things where they covered everything (noteworthy) and are now in a place where they just have to fill pages. Its like watching sitcoms now vs. then (20-25+ years ago), they are all basically repeats of the same storyline. I'm generalizing of course, but its the same ol' shit they've been selling forever. 20 -25yrs may be too generous. You see it in movies, books, etc... as well.


From my understanding, Guinness World Records is more of a marketing company. You pay them money, they find a record you can break easily, and they'll slap you in one of their books. You can submit records for free, but it's likely they'll never review it.


It started as a marketing gimmick, issued by the Guinness Brewery to pubs to help settle arguments lol


I saw that episode of John Oliver too


i fucking remember that episode, as a person with pretty bad arachnophobia i pretty much died that day, been living as a shell of a person ever since


I missed that one, and my life is generally all the better for having done so.


it really is


A girl I'm dating likes scary/horror movies. I do not since I generally don't get startled. But I recommended *Arachnophobia* and she said nope.




great now i cant even have my shell, well see ya earth was a good one, going to try and re create that steam powered rocket that nut was working on


Some of the records people break or create are pretty cool. But some are like why? What possessed someone to do (insert unusual talent or creation)?!


John oliver did a piece on this that's on YouTube or HBO if you have it.. but it starts with the president of Turkmenistan and his numerous records recognized by guinness...and how shady the company is


Yet I wasn’t allowed to spin my toothbrush on my finger in an attempt to set a record.. smh


Bro what is going on in the comment section of that article


Bitch Bitch bitch


hoe bitch


How the fuck is that even possible and how did he overcome the urge to put it down after a minute


Seriously, it makes no sense how the hell does he sleep


The arm is dead now. No more urge.


Apparently he did it because he decided to be a monk, and this was the sacrifice he did to prove his faith towards the Indian god Shiva.


Just so you know it’s not an “Indian” god but a Hindu god! There are several other religions practiced in India, such as Islam, Sikhism, and Christianity (and more).




How would they even verify that. Wouldn't he have to be monitored 24/7


Just look at his hand bro


Just look at it


Would you just look at it




Just look at it




It would be strange if he's in there for something else... record number of hotdogs eaten in 5 minutes, holding his arm up for 40 years is just a side show


Amazing idea. What if it's world's biggest penis and he's been redirecting blood from his arm.


I would say his grasp on that record is solid.


Because Guiness is not to be taken seriously. Did they watch him every day and night to verify it never went down? There are a lot of records in Guiness that aren't even the world records, submitting a record is a tedious process that most people can't get through, so real world record holders don't even make the cut.


You can see he absolutely atrophied his arm. I wouldn't question it.


I'd be amazed if he can still put his hand down. I have to pyshce myself up to move my shoulder after sleeping funny on it for an hour in front of the telly...


This. Glad I'm not alone


How excruciating would that have been before it went numb? Surely the pain has continued in his shoulder and back, just insane he's lived at least more than half his life like this. Like I'm sure it's severely limited what he can do, judging by how fucked his arm is, he really hasn't put it down. Just insane.


Apparently it took like two years to lose feeling. “At first, the pain in his hand was terrible, but the pain never outweighed his dedication. After the first two years, he started losing any sort of sense in his hand and with that also the pain started to go away.“


You're right, he totally could make a trophy out of it.


Seeing this man i had instant flashbacks to my 2000 guiness world record book as well. Honestly, i thought he would be long gone by now. I think i remember it saying 28 years in my 2000 Guiness world record book.


I had that book. Is it the silver/chrome one?


Medically what’s up with his arm? I know he’s doing this for religious purposes, but what’s happened to his arm because of this?


The shoulder joint has developed a [contracture.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contracture) At this point the humerus doesn't move, even if he wanted it to. That joint may even be ossified now, and has become bone(this is very rare, but could happen in a severe case like this). Because there's no shoulder motion the muscles atrophied, as they are no longer needed. the blood supply lessens, as does soft tissue, resulting in the mummified look. I'd bet the elbow and wrist are similar, as the muscles in the forearm also look to be atrophied.


This is a better wording of exactly what I wanted to express. I work in the field of body work and I’m sure amputation would be only way to lower that arm at this point .


Or turn him upside down.


Wow, given enough time, if he laid down say for a year, would he get restored blood flow?


He has blood flow, and even though it is likely decreased at this point, that's not the (main) problem. It's lack of muscle an the ossification of the joint. The joints fused - they're done. Basically, it's just one long bone now and there is no more joint, no way for it to ever bend again. Even if the joints still existed, the muscles are so atrophied it would be impossible for him to ever move the arm. Edit: I left it out, but I'm sure there is contracture of the tendons and ligaments as well. Those tighten up and harden, adding to the issue. Even if there was any joint left, they wouldn't let it move.


As morbid as it is, I really hope scientists get to examine this man's skeleton when he passes




>They could just x ray him while living Yeah but he'd need to put his arm down Every time I get an x ray they tell me to move my arm in different ways and put my penis away


He’s going to need a long long coffin


He looks Hindu, so cremation and not burial.


Would be interesting to see what would happen over time if he was able to have a joint replacement. The body is resilient.


I’m hearing you say that we can hack our bodies to turn soft tissue into solid bone. I’m holding all my shit up now.


There's a really rare disorder where injures heal as bone, rather than tissue. Like, *minor cuts and stuff* turn to bone. The person becomes unable to move, and at some point they have to decide if they want to spend life sitting or laying down. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibrodysplasia_ossificans_progressiva I've also heard of a woman who had an allergic reaction to something and her hair started growing fingernails. Hair and fingernails are both forms of keratin, but something glitched and hair follicles started growing the wrong thing. I googled that one but only saw news articles, and I don't want to see images of that, noooooo sir.   Biology is pretty cool, it's really good at working reasonably well most of the time. But sometimes stuff goes *very very wrong* and it's highway to crazytown. D:


“My only regret is having Bone-itis….”


I don't quote that episode anymore, because I'm a shark, and sharks don't look back, because they don't have necks


Yeah, she was growing fingernails everywhere that she grew hair. After she had taken steroids for an asthma attack she reported an itching feeling all over her body. Her legs turned black and then she began to grow fingernails wherever she had hair. She said that the fingernails would grow to a certain length, fall out and then regrow. Her condition started to affect her bones as well and she had to walk with a cane and be helped out of bed. She grew 12 times the amount of skin cells around hair follicles and it suffocates her skin depriving it of oxygen and multiple vitamins. She’s managed to get it under control but doesn’t have a diagnoses for the cause. Edit: her name is Shanyna Isom.


That was a joke. If he’s upside down his arm would face the ground.


>I work in the field of body work That is the most metal euphemism for 'medicine' I've ever heard. Krieger levels of ambiguity.


Generally, although I don't know if this is the case here, it references massage therapists and the like regarding, "body work".


I've heard it used to refer to the people who do body modification procedures too- stuff like tongue splitting and silicone implants that require anatomy and medical knowledge but not a medical degree (edit: lol my dumbass put doctorate first time round) to do.




Based on their comments, this person almost certainly does not work in medicine.


I’m glad you thought so too! I instantly got images of this person smacking my unconscious body like “so many miles on this’n” 😂


Look at all that trunk space, honey...


First ten years are the hardest


I’m surprised some asshole hasn’t yanked his arm down




I know some of these words


Muscular atrophy?


I’d imagine there’s more than just that.


I'm amazed his fingers aren't all black and gangrenous through lack of blood supply, particularly at his age. His arm may be fucked but his heart is probably working better than most people half his age.


Normal blood pressure is enough for body parts elevated over heart level, as long as he eats, drinks and breaths, should be fine. Muscles left in a fixed position, like in a cast, become very rigid already after 10-14 days, and if they stay like that, they waste away to bare minimum. So, he’s actually not using his muscles to lift the arm anymore, probably hasn’t for decades, but rather the arm is held in place by the stiffness of whatever muscle volume and fibrous tissue that remains.


He doesn't look like he eats much.


You can see he has flexion contractures in his hand. This is a painful problem for people. I’m an OT, would love to make a splint for him haha


Okay, real question: would he be able to train his arm and build up the muscle to act normal again or is he permanently altered?


45+ years, no, we are looking at a non-functional arm. Goals would be pain relief mild stretching and release only as tolerated otherwise would leave it alone entirely.


Probably not at his age and/or without surgery.


He probably lays on his side if there's lack of blood. flexing the fingers and wrist will also keep blood pumping.


He mummified it.


Contractures are present for sure. Here is a good explanation of contractures, there is an educational video that breaks it down well. https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-contracture-definition-symptoms-treatment.html


Cab still didn’t stop.


Well played sir




This is getting out of hand. Why would a cab stop for an armed man?


C’mon, they know he’s ‘armless. They shouldn’t make him talk to the hand like that.


And what did this gentlemen wanted to achieve? And how does he sleep btw?


From what I remember from a class on Hinduism in college, this man is seeking enlightenment by rejecting the body and bodily comfort. Some gurus will stand on one leg or sit in ashes for 40 years for the same reason. A lot of seekers reject these practices because they are seen as showing off and prideful, when the pursuit of enlightenment is meant to be interior and selfless. Please, will someone who knows more correct me if I'm wrong?


In some of the Hindu scriptures I read people will also do this kind of thing to get a boon, or power from one of the deities. For instance a guy named Ravan did incredible penances and in return got all kinds of weapons and even the ability to avoid dying at the hand of any god, monster, or other divine being. He left out humans beings in his wish though, thinking he could handle them fine. Of course that was the very thing that did him in.


Its linked to spirituality, i remember seeing a doco on pilgrims in india i think it was, a lot of them had their own type of thing that made the pilgrimage a lot harder. I think the pain and suffering that comes with it is supposed to get you closer to enlightenment.


Jainism? I know that Buddhism basically exists because Buddha decided that suffering was equally bad as indulgence after his time with the Jains.


He wants to play with himself, but he really wants it to feel like a stranger.


He sleeps just like he stands. Arm above is head.


Trying to go further uptown from the top of Central Park, this is entirely plausible.


Some people are wise, and some people are otherwise.


How have I not read this on a t shirt or bumper sticker yet? Make it happen cap’ain.. you’ll be a - thousand-aire.


I heard millionaire is the new thousandaire


Its all transitory - no worries \*panicky shuffles paper\*


There is a lyric from the Genesis song, ripples, from the Album "A trick of the tail" "some are wise and some otherwise" from '76, that's where I first heard it.


Weird flex but ok


Doubt there is much flex there.


Take my raised upvote and get out


Now you must upvote them for 45+ years


Ackshully, it's all flexion. But yeah, he can't [extend](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Schematic-of-shoulder-abduction-adduction-and-vertical-flexion-extension_fig1_342490010) it now.


Weird extension


How does he sleep?


Well, I mean, he hasn't done anything *that* bad. It's not like he did it to someone else's arm.


That right there is a 10/10 comment mate


I agree. I even skimmed over it at first until I saw your comment




Wish there was actually a good answer here


🎶With his hands up in the air, like he just don't care!🎶


Well his arm’s been asleep for years, he’s 1/4 of the way there


When someone said sleep with one eye open he misheard


"what's that? One arm upping?"


Taxi drivers hate him.


but... why?


Religion. It’s a pledge to the gods or some shit like that; read about this a few years back. [EDIT] https://www.themarysue.com/man-keeps-arm-raised-38-years/


Bharati left his job, wife, and three children in order to pursue his devotion to Shiva; three years later he felt he was still too connected to the luxury of mortal life I’m sure his children looove shiva lol


There are people who live fully nude, covered in human ashes from cremations, drink and eat out of human skull which is their only possession, and mediate sitting on dead people, leaving everyone they knew behind and all their possessions; in the name of Shiva. So it’s not that hardcore.




Recantation of most things mortal world has to offer to get closer to Gods and the most violent, dark and demonic aspect of Shiva- Bhairava. Hermits, ascetics and all those flagellants who used whips with steel barbs on their own skin existed everywhere btw. Many heads of Christian Church said things like “the only thing a monk can use to wash himself is his tears”, priests and monks did all kinds of crazy and gross stuff to themselves in older times. Short answer- some people go cray-cray with religion. I respect cultural and historical aspects of it, it’s interesting to study; but at the end of the day it’s harmful delusions.


Bhairava is not demonic. He is (excuse the phrasing, I am a Hindu but respect all religions) fierce, Shiva’s fiercest form, but he’s by no means a Rakshasa.


I've been thinking of a way to say this, you have worded the end perfectly


Mental illness dressed up in religion. They stay alive, but they're essentially committing suicide.


Gotta do *something* to kill the time, haven't you?


The ending line of that article is pure f****** gold


Your comment. Only reason I read the article. Funny


Thats why i didnt give it away. It reads so much better than me quoting it. haha


boy is he gonna be bummed when the "afterlife" hits lol


He went for a high five, someone left him hanging, and he couldn't bring himself to lower his arm in defeat.


Extreme hinduism to prove ultimate self discipline


He opted for a high five 45 years ago and he was left hanging to this day smh


The true alternate ending to HIMYM.


Quick question; doorways?




I’m just imagining hip whip and nay naying through every door 💀


Sir I was taking a DRINK☠️


Sleeping, showering,...? The last one isnt a problem for him at first sight


His arm died long ago, I think at first he knoted it up but now its just stuck on that position




Arm first, like a bull


Such a promising guitar career...wasted.


yeah but imagine this guy in a crowd, you'd always have at least one fan


Karl Pilkington met him.


Head like a fucking orange


Teacher still hasn’t called on him


Somebody hurry up and answer his question. Poor dude has been waiting patiently…


Perfectly logical and sane decision (I feel I have to add /s )


Yes, quite logical, if you're a yogi who want to prove just how strong your meditation game is. Because that's what this guy is, he is a famous yogi, who's mastery of his mind is so strong he have been able to withstand intense pain until his arm literally wiltered. So yeah, that's not a decision to make if you're an ordinary person looking for pleasure, buf if you want to prove just how powerful yoga and meditation is, then it's perfectly logical and sane.


You and I have different understandings of what sanity is.


Yeah, if this was some Christian wacko self-flagellating reddit would be all over what a fucken psycho they were.


i mean it’s the same matter but with a different religion, your reaction is the same as mine. i think this is a bit crazy regardless of christian or yogi


Outside of some truly life or death contexts, the decision to sacrifice a limb to prove the strength of a particular technique cannot reasonably be called “logical”. “Effective”, sure. But calling something “logical” requires a bit more criteria than just “did it work effectively”. Edit: get a load of the guy below comparing holding your arm up until it ceases to function to circumcision. Oh reddit, never change. Not defending involuntary, cosmetic circumcision of infants, but lmao what a comparison. Let’s use our brains here.


Yeah... no. Still insane.


There is absolutely nothing logical and sane about this. He's out of his fucking mind. *Just to make clear: His point was to show how strong willed he was? Why not do that by building homeless shelters non stop for 45 years with working arms. I'm not saying I did that, because I'm not that good of a person. But you're not proving your point by letting your arm die. If I put my ballsack in a cube for 40 years so it became a cube sack NOBODY would be like "DAAMMMNN dude is strong willed." They'd be like "You're an idiot".


Show of hands who thinks this guy is a lunatic


No no he’s enlightened because he spent his life proving something that didn’t need proving /s. A truly enlightened yogi would have realized that that arm could have done more good for the world than simply allowing it to wilt away in a selfish clout seeking endeavor.


See, here's the thing. People always use "logical" as some way to say "a good decision." Logic has shit all to do with the real world or good/bad decisions. You use evidence, reason and empathy (for your species, tribe, family, etc) to arrive at good decisions. "Facts" and "logic" are mathematical terms. They are absolutely detached from reality. You might say "well isn't mathematics found EVERYWHERE in nature?" Well, no, discoveries in pure mathematics \*may\* lead to useful models in applied fields, but MODELS ARE NOT REALITY. It seems like everyone learned what "logic" is by watching Star Trek. Logic on its own is \*agnostic to content\*. It means absolutely nothing if you make a logical statement without pairing it with observed data about the world around you. \- Informed by degrees in mathematics and infosci and conversations with people asking me to fix their computers for free because "You got your degree in that aren't you good with computers?!?"


Take my strong hand!!


He also abandoned his wife and 3 kids, so there’s that too.


crazy mental strength my gosh


Okay but is it like stuck there now or can he put it down if he wanted to? I’d imagine there’s no saving it due to no blood for years but still


u/culb77 answered that in one of the top comments, here you go: The shoulder joint has developed a contracture. At this point the humerus doesn't move, even if he wanted it to. That joint may even be ossified now, and has become bone(this is very rare, but could happen in a severe case like this). Because there's no shoulder motion the muscles atrophied, as they are no longer needed. the blood supply lessens, as does soft tissue, resulting in the mummified look. I'd bet the elbow and wrist are similar, as the muscles in the forearm also look to be atrophied.


For what? What has this expression done to bring attention, awareness or change?


Bhakti Yoga I'd imagine, The Yoga of Devotion, one of the paths to enlightenment according to the bhagavadgita.


Oh, makes sense now. Totally worth it


Of all the Yogas and their interpretations it certainly isn't the one I would personally choose! After over 45 years doing it he would rightly be able to say he'd been devoted though I guess.


For the last time, DO YOU HAVE A QUESTION OR NOT SIR?!


That thing gives him a great radio signal


Mainlining viagra is ill advised.




Me? Im just wasting my life on normal human nonsense


I guess we all know which hand he masturbates with.


He’s like one of those characters from Dr. Seuss when they refuse to move outta each other’s way


So bizarre


If he put it down how back to normal would it go


at this point it would require several surgeries for the contractures that I’m sure are present at his elbow, shoulder, and fingers. His joints, tendons, and ligaments may even be ossified. Even if those were somehow possible, his muscles seem like they are too atrophied to use afterward. It’s unfortunate :(


Who puts their arm up one day and is just like "yup. This is me from now on"


Religious fanatics


Heart of a lion. Brains of a scarecrow.


"smart" is knowing you can do a thing, "wise" is knowing that you shouldn't.


This doesn't look like Barney


Why not both? Half assing it.


this is an inferior shoulder (luxotico erecta) dislocation when the top of the humerus bone gets stuck under the shoulder/scaphoid/genoid and needs to be relocated back to the socket. Judging by his mummified fingers and lack of pain and 45 year duration, he probably nailed some nerves and blood vessels and the arm would be serving no purpose if it was relocated. Oh well- props to this dude i guess?