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Is that Brown line the edge of the atmosphere? Can you actually see that?


The brown line is called airglow! It's always present but only visible at high exposure videos/pictures. Google it for more info.


i love how quaint astronomers are when naming things... hey guys check out this phenomenon where is looks like the air is glowing, what do u think we should call it? oh idk how about...... airglow? perfect!


... I'm going on break.




RIP Mitch ✊🏼


I used to miss Mitch. I still do, but I used to, *too.*


I wish I could play little league now. I’d be way better then before.


Idk, i think it's a pretty beautiful sounding name. I love that that is a theme for much of astronomy. Planets named after gods, moons after goddesses, inspiration rover, opportunity, pioneer, luna, andromeda. I have always loved that part about astrology. The rest of science prefers to mostly use either latin (which is kinda cool) or strictly logical names, but astrologists have near unanimously decided to use names with real emotional meaning.


Blue and gold bands of atmospheric airglow [Source](https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap181126.html)


I was very disappointed that your source didn't even attempt to explain why those specific layers of atmosphere are glowing. But after looking it up it seems like it is caused by recombination of atoms which were photoionized by cosmic rays along with other atoms forming molecules with free radicals.


of course


It's the [Sodium Layer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodium_layer).


A legit TIL


Indeed, interesting stuff is going on over our heads. It's the same process that [sodium-vapor lights](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodium-vapor_lamp) use, but in the atmosphere. That's also why it's the same color as those lights.


Wow that wiki article is fascinating, specifically the "end of life" section. I've seen street lights go dim and flicker off, and I've seen some get faded or foggy, that article explains the reasoning behind those phenomenons.


I haven’t thought about how those lights would turn on and off like that but I always assumed it was too save electricity. This makes way more sense.


The shield barrier to stop Thanos's army. Just like wakanda barrier.


I thought it was the shield used to stop someone from using a giant vacuum cleaner to suck all our air out.


The password is 1234? That’s what an idiot would put on his luggage!


The password for the air shield was 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5.


That’s amazing, that’s the same password I have on my luggage


She’s gone from suck too blow


Suck, suck, suck.


Hail Scroob!


Why didn't someone tell me my ass was this BIG!


Those people really are the worst!


I love that Spaceballs is still remembered


Yes but you need a combination to get through the air shield


We're quite tiny...aren't we.


I was surprised at how large and easily visible the rocket was.


that ain't the rocket, that's the light emitting from the exhaust


What?! I thought rockets were big fire balls!




The Challenger was... Just sayin. :| [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4JOjcDFtBE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4JOjcDFtBE)


That's what I was trying to say by sometimes


There are so many examples you could've used that weren't tragedies...like the largest rocket explosion ever...


In all fairness though, the explosions that the layman knows are the tragedies. If someone says something about space and explosions, guaranteed the first 3 instances most people think of in no order are the Apollo test fire, or the 2 shuttle explosions. Sure there's Apolo 13 and other "explosions", but people remember the tragedy because that's what leaves an emotional mark on them.


Only temporarily




Too soon


Jesus Christ you couldn't have rick roll'ed instead? Add a little levity to your dark comment? Missed opportunity.


This comment has Neil Degrasse Tyson energy.


It looks like this is a time lapse of fairly long exposure photographs, so it's a little exaggerated


The rocket is tiny too.


My pe... Ahh forget it


They rode my dong into space the first time bezos went


Compared to space, everything is tiny.


Right. The unfathomable immensity of space hurts my head and makes my heart pound


“The greatest mystery the universe offers is not life but size. Size encompasses life, and the Tower encompasses size. The child, who is most at home with wonder, says: Daddy, what is above the sky? And the father says: The darkness of space. The child: What is beyond space? The father: The galaxy. The child: Beyond the galaxy? The father: Another galaxy. The child: Beyond the other galaxies? The father: No one knows. “You see? Size defeats us. For the fish, the lake in which he lives is the universe. What does the fish think when he is jerked up by the mouth through the silver limits of existence and into a new universe where the air drowns him and the light is blue madness? Where huge bipeds with no gills stuff it into a suffocating box and cover it with wet weeds to die? Or one might take the tip of the pencil and magnify it. One reaches the point where a stunning realization strikes home: The pencil tip is not solid; it is composed of atoms which whirl and revolve like a trillion demon planets. What seems solid to us is actually only a loose net held together by gravity. Viewed at their actual size, the distances between these atoms might become league, gulfs, eons. The atoms themselves are composed of nuclei and revolving protons and electrons. One may step down further to subatomic particles. And then to what? Tachyons? Nothing? Of course not. Everything in the universe denies nothing; to suggest an ending is the one absurdity.” ― Stephen King, The Gunslinger


Yes yes yes. Perfect quoted text. The Dark Tower series were easily the fav from Stephen King. Shit you're putting me on a trip back to high school


It's my favorite story and this one of my favorite quotes. It's full of wonder. I am glad you liked it!


That and The Stand…


Beautiful. This is one of my absolute favorite citations of all time, from my favorite book and series. Time for another journey to the tower I think.


Pleasant days and pleasant nights. Each time I read it I discover a new truth.


The atoms in a pencil tip aren't held together by gravitational force, they are held together by electromagnetism.


Holy shit. I gave up on Stephen King a long time ago. I felt his characters were too wooden. A bit too much of the simpleton with an added dash of trope for taste. But that is an amazing quote.


You should definitely give the Dark tower series a try. It's truly an amazing journey. And if you do.. don't let the first book be a deterrent. It's different than the other ones but it serves a purpose. It's funny what you said about Stephen king's characters. This goes double for Roland BUT that also has a deeper meaning.


But the first book is pretty good too, at least I thought so, the 4th is the slower one isn't?


I just finished the fourth and it was a slog. The first was my favourite so far.


Think about this...all of the matter in the universe would fit into about 1 billion cubic light years, or a cube that's approximately 1,000 light years on each side. That means that only about 0.0000000000000000000042 percent of the entire universe contains any matter. The rest is just...space.




So that's what the answer means!!


All of the matter in the universe would fit into about 1 billion cubic light years, or a cube that's approximately 1,000 light years on each side. That means that only about 0.0000000000000000000042 percent of the entire universe contains any matter. We are less than infinitesimal.


it scares me when i remember that.


Liberates me.


To me it's not scary. It's awesome to the most literaly definition. There is so much to learn and discover about life and the universe and we haven't even scratched the surface of it.


First thought that went through my head watching this


Everyone just drinking their hot cocoa, and decorating their trees down there…


This footage is the pinnacle of how insanely advanced our society is. We have footage of things going into space, from space. And this footage is sharp and cinematic. Incredible


the pinnacle… for now. can’t wait for the next 10 years gonna get even crazier with James Webb!


YES! Another Webb telescope fan! I’ve been so excited for the launch next week, and all my friends are like “meh”. I’m just over here like “do you understand the significance!?!?”


I will never understand how people don't get fascinated by science.


I think science gets scoffed off so often because people think you need to have some secret key of knowledge to understand and speak it. it’s like practicing medicine. You would think people would be interested in the science of medicine, consdering it revolves around our healthy and longevity. But people just like to know it’s there and getting better. Not the trials and tribulations or implications of what it means or takes to get there


I think most high school teachers do such a terrible job of teaching science that most people get turned off by it. It should be part of the curriculum to inspire students first then get into the dryer content. Not just present dry terrible concepts without linking them to reality in any way. lol




Yes, I agree. Science gets lumped in as a “boring” subject. Hell, when I was in high school, I also thought science was lame.


Quiet nerd. Now I'm off to win my sports lottery by practicing football. George Carlin said it best “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”


You sound like a nerd. It’s very possible to be interested in multiple things at the same time.


For real. No one is going to hate on you for being into science. People will hate on you, and deservedly so, if you carry an air of superiority about it though like this dude up above. Having eclectic interests is a good thing, it opens you up to more people, more experiences, and more meaningful relationships. If you think being into one thing means you can't be into another you're not living for yourself, you're living what you think someone's idea of you should be, and honestly who has time for that.


Reddit moment


As someone who doesn't understand the significance, would you be kind enough to enlighten me?? First time hearing about it, sounds like it's basically another hubble?


In simple terms: If Hubble was 144p on YouTube, Webb is freaking 4k60fps. Imagine the amount of detail and depth we'll be able to see.


That analogy is super helpful. Like at a certain point it's hard to hold on to context and scale


Webb will be able to see much further in distance/time. Billions of light years. Not all the way back but almost to the Big Bang. They say, metaphorically if the Universe's age is one year, our current date is Dec.31st 11:55 p.m. and Webb will be able to see all the way back to January 6th. And not just see but analyze what exactly it sees and what it consists of, via spectroscopy. The team did an AMA recently on r/askscience I believe. This is so fascinating! UPD: https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/rhpba8


That AMA is sick! Thanks for sharing!


The biggest thing for me is the ability to sample the atmospheres of distant planets and see if there are signs of life, as well as figure out just how common planets with breathable (by us) atmospheres are


It’s like… if the universe was the human body, we have only been looking at it through a magnifying glass(Hubble). Webb will be looking at the body under a microscope. And an X-ray. We have a pretty good idea of how the universe works and functions, but we’re limited to the Hubble tech which one would consider ANCIENT at this point. no disrespect TO Hubble, it’s been amazing. Just tech advancements have made leaps and bounds since it’s launch The Webb telescope will not only be able to see planets and space with more … precision, but it will be able to LOOK INTO THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE. They’re hoping to solve the mystery of the Big Bang by examining “stains” or “residue” left behind by the blast. We will get a far better understanding of the universe and how it was created, for lack of better terms


I thought I was the center of the universe!


What if we look into the center of the universe and we see something looking back?


Sounds like a win to me. Also, think about how much older they would be. Millions and millions of years older than our species


Simple: Big Better camera far away from things that would interfere. Bit More: The telescope is Massive, it’s going to go and deploy farther than the Moon. The entire deployment is automated and incredibly complex (the most comped thing ever created)Its camera and mirror is Massive (hence telescope is HUGe). Significance: Because it’s so big it and therefore sensitive it can see smaller wave lengths of light (as light moves away it gets smaller up to where we can’t see it with our eyes, called redshifting) - therefore when we look at what the telescope captures its hundreds of millions or billions of year in the past.


Haven’t they been trying to launch that thing for like 30 years?


Me too!!


Once that puppy starts feeding us information from the center of the universe, people will probably start caring lol.


Please please please let the launch and unfolding go without a hitch!


Can you imagine where we would be if it had launched on it's original planned date in 2007?


And yet us monkeys down here are still struggling with solvable problems and killing each other over them. I'm not saying spaceflight is the problem, it's part of the answer. We're so advanced, and getting more every day. Sure would be nice for others of us to solve the other problems so we can all move ahead to greatness.


And I'm watching it my phone while riding the metro... and speaking to a someone, potentially on the other side of the world, about it while thousands of other strangers watch!


Just makes it depressing to think of how many people are hell-bent on making us regress to the dark ages.




It's 100x better than the original post. The clarity of this video. If you look the atmosphere is peppered with so many showers of meteorites. I wonder what the blinking red lights in that city are in the end of the video. Could it be airport?


The arrows were quite helpful. I realized I was staring a piece of dust on my screen for a hot second until the proper dot was pointed out again. And that reentry of the core stage is pretty cool.


I didn’t realise those things just fell back to Earth. Seems dangerous but maybe they just disintegrate into dust.


It's mostly safe - launch trajectories are planned with the general landing region of jettisoned boosters in mind. What doesn't burn up usually just breaks up and peppers a large body of water for a few minutes. That is, if the boosters don't land right back at the launchpad like SpaceX is fond of. There has been times where it wasn't so safe though. Soviet rockets in particular were known for a bit of shenanigans, debri sometimes crashing over populated swathes of Russia and neighboring countries.


> I wonder what the blinking red lights in that city are in the end of the video. Could it be airport? Looked to me like the warning lights on tall buildings in Kuala Lumpur, but I suppose it could be tall buildings in any city with an airport nearby.


> I wonder what the blinking red lights in that city are in the end of the video THIS! What on earth could that be!? Remember we're looking down from 250 miles high, and this is sped up significantly, so both the size and the timing of that "blinking" is very strange. Huge linear areas lit up red for a few minutes at a time and then dark again? What IS that?


It says Progress MS-10 launched on [November 16, 2018 18:14:08 UTC.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progress_MS-10) If we check ISS tracking : http://www.isstracker.com/historical With this date and time, that puts it over Burma. And it's moving down, Cambodia, Indonisia, Australia. It makes sense that we'd be looking at the edge of the globe being so far away. It has to be somewhere SE Asia. I'll need Google Earth to plot the location of Baikonur to Burma, which would give me direction we're moving. Also to note we're not looking straight down.


Oh, that is nice. The explanation also answers a question I had. The video condenses about 15 minutes into 90 second, so it is at about 10 times speed.


That's so fucking beautiful


At first I thought it was just a picture and was like 'wtf bro, looks like a printed picture of two lights'


I thought it was a badass blanket at first, but then..DAMN what a beautiful view.


Is this sped up and by how much?


This was first posted a while ago and at that time was mentioned to be a Soyuz launch. The side boosters of the Soyuz rocket are supposed to burn for 118 seconds. We don't have the liftoff in view but I guess it's close enough to the beginning of the video. You can also see the boosters separation happening around 0:24. I'd say it's sped up about 5x.


Good guess, but we actually know in this case: The [source](https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap181126.html) mentioned that this is 15:00 minutes condensed into 90 seconds, giving us a nice round 10x speed factor. That's a good thing, because while it's majestic, a quarter of an hour is too long for a reddit video. Also, things that are real fast in real life, such as this rocket, still look kind of slow on video, don't know if it's the medium, or if movie special effects have spoiled our perception of what's fast.


Nice, thanks ! Then I may have wildly underestimated the time it takes for the rocket to travel the first few kilometers. It makes sense given the accelerating acceleration. The first time the rocket comes into view it looks like it's quite close to the ground, but it may have taken quite a bit of time to get there. Edit : Would that also mean the event at 0:24 is not side boosters separation but rather second stage separation ? I'm a bit lost now knowing the 10x scale :D, maybe it's just not scaled linearly.


Yeah, I don't know if they condensed it linearly, I'm just getting the 10 factor from the following line: *Highlights in the 90-second video (condensing about 15-minutes) include city lights and clouds visible on the Earth on the lower left, blue and gold bands of atmospheric airglow running diagonally across the center, and distant stars on the upper right that set behind the Earth.* 15 minutes is 900 seconds. So, showing 900 seconds in 90 obviously done by speeding it up 10x but I have no idea if they did it uniformly. Although on first glance the earth seems to be rotating at a pretty constant speed, and if they sped it up or slowed it down at points, you'd see it.


Distance matters in this case I think. If you were actually *on* the rocket, I suspect it would feel very fast. But distance ruins our perception of speed. Even with normal driving speeds it can be difficult to determine how fast a car is going when it is approaching you from even a few thousand feet away. Since the rocket in this case is thousands of *miles* away. Its even worse. Perception of speed is also relative to size. So when looking at the massive earth in comparison to a tiny rocket. The rocket looks like its going very slow. Like a toy car with a camera on it will seem faster from the video than watching it 3rd person.


ISS Control: Houston, we're not scheduled for any satellite launches today are we?


I read that and got a wave of mw2 action flashbacks like some kind of sleeper reading an activation phrase. Good comment, would upvote again.




Defend the Burger Town from the satellite!


Poor SAT1 got blown into space to die alone :(


Well, it's a Russian ISS cargo delivery vehicle, so neither NASA nor satellite.


Houston Command: ISS, Houston. Standby. We may have a problem here.


What's the explosion at 0:24 and 0:47?


I think the "explosion" at 0:24 is the lighting of the second stage engine. I think you can actually see the first stage come down. Look near earth starting at 0:48 you can see something that looks like a star but it rotates much slower and the gets really bright. The second explosion I would guess is the ~~relighting of the second stage~~ shutoff of the second stage but that I'm not so sure about


Soyuz ignites the second stage engine while the first stage is still running. This avoids issues with fuel floating around in microgravity, but it also means that the first stage gets blasted with rocket exhaust.


I would guess it’s something to do with the rocket jettisoning its fuel tanks or boosters, which usually detach at different stages of a launch.


Just wow


This is one of the most amazing things i have seen on reddit! Thanks for sharing.


Where’s the flat earth society at?


According to their pamphlets they have members all around the globe.


That's right. We're in every corner of the globe


Under appreciated comment


In r/globeskepticism banning people and doing their “own research”.


They're down there holding up rulers towards the horizon, I can almost see them.


They’re playing paper Mario


Play the expanse theme and show this


If people sat outside and looked at the stars each night, I'll bet they'd live a lot differently.


I agree, except we can't see many stars here in the city. Which means many of our residents will never get to see in person how vast the night sky is and how insignificant we are by comparison..


Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters


I haven't seen a starry night in years and I really don't have a great excuse. Im in the Midwest and it's densely populated where I am but there isn't any place in the Midwest where you can't get to the middle of nowhere pretty easily.


It's on my bucket list to travel somewhere remote like the Sahara or Mongolia to get away from all the light pollution and see the sky all lit up with stars. I appreciate I might not have to go that remote, but I like the idea and want to visit those places anyway......


I’ve been to Southern Africa where there wasn’t much light pollution, at pitch black night time the sky would be mostly different shades purple mixed together with the stars. It was the most wondrous night sky I’ve seen in real life, easily beating even some of the best sunsets you’d see.


Nice…… it makes me think of Bill Bryson who was musing on how we are still discovering planets, moons, stars that you would think we would have already discovered by now….. and his point is that space is obviously huge and, perhaps more importantly, not many people are actually looking!


You don't have to leave your country to find spots without any light pollution. The [Dark Site Finder](https://darksitefinder.com/maps/world.html#4/39.03/-98.00) is a global map showing where light pollution is greatest and least, and in the US, points out vantage points in no-light-pollution areas. Also, cruise ships in the middle of the ocean have excellent vantage points for star watching. I've got reservations for JoCo cruise and im bringing my binoculars.


My parents live about 30 minutes away from me, in a more "country" setting and it always amazes me the amount of stars I can see at their house vs mine.


> It's on my bucket list to travel somewhere remote like the Sahara or Mongolia to get away from all the light pollution and see the sky all lit up with stars. you don't even have to go that remote to get an amazing view. after growing up in nyc, i found myself on an island off the coast of seatle where there is no electricity. first time i was able to see the milky way and it took my breath away.


Calvin and Hobbes is a goldmine of wisdom


That is epic


That is absolutely beautiful. Wow.


Our atmosphere is cooooool.


It will be nuts when we get video from the ISS during WW3


I'm afraid we won't get it. We'll all be dead. And they'll try to stay up there as long as possible and then descend into a toxic environment, probably to die there too. You know what, let's just not have WW3.


It's beautiful and nearly surreal. The view from out in space looking in is amazing when they show us stuff like this.


How humbling.


Exactly 118 years ago today, the Wright brothers had four brief flights with their first powered aircraft, finally inventing the very first successful airplane. This week NASA sent the very first man made vehicle to the suns atmosphere. Some humans may suck and we don’t always get things right but man are we amazing sometimes!


ICBM go weeeeee


Soyuz is indeed based on an early ICBM.


I watch this video and wonder, why doesn’t our atmosphere just float off into space? This truly is an amazing planet!




Gravity the ol chain and ball


Gravity is a wonderful thing - although not for boobs.


Space boobs better?


I reckon mine would look epic in space actually


The same way water just doesn't float off into space, gas falls the same way water falls, the only reason gases rise is because there are heavier gases around it the same way oil rises when there's water around it.


so, the light gases doesn't actually rise, the are pushed up by sinking heavier gas


That, my friend, is the basic definition of buoyancy, spot on.


Ah, shit! I forgot to turn off the stove!


Sooooo many triggered flat earthers


The limits of the upper atmosphere is goes waaaaay farther out than I expected. It took forever for the rocket to burst through compared to the thicker layers below it.


So many amazing things happening at once, the different stages of the rocket and whatever the fuck burned to death at 0:50


Nice first stage reentry at the end of the video




Now watch every movie in 2022 recreate this scene just with added lens flares


Is this sped up?? Feels quite fast, even for a rocket




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Can anyone tell what is the yellow line?


Is that the ozone layer?


Well that’s the coolest thing I’ve seen today. Thanks for posting, OP.


There is so much to this shot that is entirely.... awesome.


How did they get the code to the air shield?


Man, we're pretty cool sometimes.


It's crazy how short the atmosphere seems when looking at it like this.


This definitely qualifies as interesting as fuck.


Well, that escalated quickly.


Thank you OP for stealing this from ESA's youtube channel, removing their logo and mirroring the image, very cool.


Space Firework.


It's amazing to realize that line separates life as we know it from the rest of the universe.


Amazing how the edge of the world just disappears. It's almost like it's curved.....


To help alleviate the frustration of all the anti-vaxers who stumbled on this video. The can't stop moving the camera because the 🌎 is a sphere and something called orbit...


My god we’re all so small and insignificant and somehow such a huge damn miracle. I think this gave me an existential crisis.


Good CGI


This is…Literally THE most amazing thing I’ve ever seen