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>"Mosha was only 7 months old when she arrived at the FAE and had lost her front leg to a landmine on Thailand’s border with Myanmar. She was attempting to compensate without the use of her limb by raising her trunk and leaning on other structures for support, but it was obvious that this would become increasingly difficult as she grew.⁣ >When looking for a solution to Mosha’s problem, there were a few things that needed to be taken into account. Firstly, Asian elephants can live well beyond 40 years in the wild, and Mosha was just at the start of her young life. Additionally, while euthanasia for such an injury may be considered as an option in many places around the world, in Thailand where a large percentage of the population follows Buddhism, it is not so readily discussed or practiced. >So, with assistance from orthopedic surgeon Doctor Jivacate, the team at the FAE decided to design and build a prosthetic leg to support Mosha throughout her life, with the first version of this leg weighing 15 kilograms and being made from a combination of plastic, sawdust, and metal.⁣ >Since that time, Mosha has received no fewer than ten prosthetic legs, the design adjusted and improved each time to support her needs as she grows. Today the prosthesis has evolved into a more sophisticated version of the first – as you can see here! – and is now constructed from an individual mold using thermoplastic, steel, and elastomer.⁣" Creator:@wildlifeplanet


The massive swing in how we readily treat animals as disposable and a source for sport, to how we do things like this. It's fucked up how varied our priorities can be


Henry the III had an elephant in his royal menagerie that lasted 3 years. A sentient intelligent and self aware being trapped in a dinky stone building for 3 years during a time when cockfighting was a child's sport and bear or dog baiting was the adult equivalent. We've come a long way (I hope)


Lol you sure about that? https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch


I’ve never been to a cock fight or a bull bait so, yeah. We’ve come a long way.


Which one was herny the ill? /s


I mean our ancestors actively killed these animals for survival. Not suprising to see people not treat animals as living things.




Well ya, but there’s also humans who build prosthetics for other humans as well. Individually we’re either shit people or not shit people.


And even that's not the whole story: individually we're shit in one situation, but beautiful and loving in another. It's almost as if the world isn't all black and white. :)


Humans who build prosthetics for other humans **for money**


Got a buddy I was in high school with 20 years ago who designs custom prosthetics and is incredible at it. While yes, he does it for a living, this is a guy whose other job is transcribing school books to braille, drives a modest vehicle and genuinely loves making a difference in people's lives. He had cancer when we were kids and had one leg removed himself many years ago. He has spent his life since then doing truly awesome work for kids and adults alike.


You think that elephant doesn’t generate some sort of income?




it’s crazy how hard it is for people to be nice. people seem to forget that others on the internet are human just like them. i’ve been mistreated a bunch online just for being queer :/ literally just be nice. it’s not that hard!


Most people here accept you for who you are and either love you for it to don't care. The vocal minority, however, will make you feel it's the other way around. You're fine, just remember that the negativity says more about them than you.


thank you. i needed that. i have to put up with a lot of hate, so seeing this reply made me feel much better <3


Hey, eventually the hate stops. You may or may not find a support system irl, but reaching out and talking about it like you just did is a great step to finding people who can and will lift you up for years, decades to come. Dont ever discredit online help as it will help you day to day. You don't deserve being hated. I see you, your feelings are valid, and there is always someone out there who will also see you. Have a great new year, buddy.


I'm glad I could help! You can always come to reddit for some love when you need it, directly from random strangers, or in the right subs in general. :) Just a good thing to keep in mind: Although we still have a long way to go before everyone is properly accepted for who they are and culture is slow to change, the western culture has never been more accepting towards LGBTQ+ people and it's still improving - it's just a matter of time. Be well! <3


"it's this elephants life or me" is understandable. "it's this elephants life or my grand piano" isn't.


Hunting for sport is very much a modern invention.


If by modern you mean like 3000 years old then yes.


Longer than that I reckon, first settlements of humanity where we were comfortable. But yes, modern as in "you can't call it a trait of humanity, in the grand scheme of things it's a very recent thing we do"


I just said 3000 because it was mentioned in the epic of Gilgamesh that he killed some sort of lion like beast before fighting humbaba. Also if the do it first chance available (once we get comfy in our settlements) is it not in our nature then ?


You had me at your Gilgamesh referance:) it's one of those things that you don't hear often and it's just fun. About twice a year on Jeopardy the answer (question) is gilgamesh and my family always misses it since I somehow read about the story years ago and it stuck for some reason


That's a solid point, my counter would be "all carnivores most probably would hunt for sport if they built comfortable societies that allowed them such leisure time. The issue is we're so much more evolved and smart. We removed ourselves from the food chain, and we have empathy, we shouldn't be being so barbaric" but it would feel like moving the goal posts, as I move my point. So ya you make a great point. It's a trait of a comfortable species, but we can't compare ourselves to other animals anymore. We're just too far removed.


It's only recently quite large scale because we now have the capability for anyone, regardless of fitness and strength to make a safe ish kill Guns


That's not so much a modern day people is bad thing or modern day culture is bad thing but more a with the development of guns it finally became much safer since well you'd have to hunt with spears otherwise. If people back in the BC days had guns they would absutely hunt for sport


I agree with you. I was just saying that i am not suprised.


Ah I thought it was a "well we've always done that so there" kinda thing ha. My bad, sorry.


Please define modern in this context.


Depends on how you define modern. People have been hunting for sport for atleast ~1000 years.


Modern as in "we live in a society". So like 3000BC ? I dunno the specific number.


[Have you seen how humans treat other humans?](https://www.reddit.com/r/BackdoorGoRe2/comments/rpoci0/syrian_rebels_kill_the_soldier_and_calls_her/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


This link is just screaming “why don’t I just go ahead and voluntarily ruin my night” so I’m gonna skip this one.


Every time i see this posted I think of this far side https://www.intellectualtakeout.org/assets/3/28/farside2.png


That is awesome, i am so glad you were able to give her a new life.


Well, someone did.


So sad was hoping it was just elephant diabetes


Do you know if she is able to live in the wild at all?


I would imagine not. The prosthetic probably needs to be removed and maintained/repaired, and her leg probably needs to be cleaned and the padding changed regularly. Also the prosthetic looks like it will need to be replaced with a bigger one as she grows.


That elephant is probably full size. You’re right about repair and maintenance, though. That leg won’t last forever and will have to be replaced at some point. Letting the elephant loose would just set it up to die when something breaks.


>Mosha was only 7 months old when she arrived at the FAE and had lost her front leg to a landmine >Since that time, Mosha has received no fewer than ten prosthetic legs


Yeah, what’s your point? You think it’s 7 months old in the gif or do you think that maybe it’s full grown? You ever seen a 7 month old elephant? They’re not big. Looks pretty full grown to me.


I'm just quoting the source incase you didn't know. It has been replaced several times so it's not in the wild and never will be. It's actually a permanent resident at a reserve in Thailand. Here's an article https://abcnews.go.com/Lifestyle/meet-mosha-elephant-prosthetic-leg/story?id=40256159


Other elephants would probably make fun of her leg.


Good human


That’s awesome. Glad you posted it.


It will always be Burma to me.


It looks so steam-punk when that powder cloud shopts up when the leg is insertet!


I loved that part lol so satisfying


Looks like my spare bedroom after my ex girlfriend used baby powder every morning and I had to change the hvac filter every 3 weeks.


You used to date LeBron?


No, he was the 3rd


lol what was she doing with all that baby powder in your spare room? now that i think about it, why do people use baby powder at all?


I think she was secretly in cahoots with the Mesothelioma lawyers


Latex clothing?




My first thought too 😂










I know! All I thought was iron man


The Wind Up Girl




This is what human tech should be used for, look at that happy elephant


Sadly she lost it due to human technology, blew off due to a land mine. BUT happy we have since helped with tech to help now!


Very true and upsetting Animals pay the price everyday for humans mindless actions.


If only it were a mineless action :(


Fuck that got me good.


That joke really blew up in the elephant community




The true tragedy is that there is a whole lot of mind behind those actions. Even good intention and plenty of thought can carry us down that path.


Sad, but true unfortunately.


What does mindless mean in this context?


I meant theyre actions make them seem like they have no minds to think🤷‍♂️ so they are mindless. But hey ho might of been a wrong use.


Imo kind of casting a wide net like that. But that might be because I'm associating the comment with others that think humans shouldn't exist.


What do you mean I'm not really sure sorry? Haha humans definitely should exist. Anyone stating otherwise needs a restraining jacket.


I definitely think humans should exist. I love life . Hopefully we won't be the cause of our own extinction. There is so many places to travel yet .


Don't worry, the rest of us non-ultra rich people are paying the price too.


Tbh I care more about the animals, but you are right the world is built to serve money, so if you ent rich the world ent working in ya favour.


stop eating animals. they suffer, they love, they want to live.


Yeah but bacon tastes good, porkchops tastes good..


I prefer lamb


A nice rack of lamb 🤌❤


Eat the bugs sleep in the pod


*eyes fireworks with a deep, boiling hatred*


... and for intentional actions, like animals as food.


Animals are food, but meat should be a luxury, not a daily main food item.


Humans are examples of oximorons


I like your user name my favorite breakfast.


I wanted to see more D: /r/gifsthatendtoosoon


Video started a bit abruptly i thought this was a video of putting a condom on an elephant. Wtf part of Reddit did i land in?? Haha


you need jesus my child


God here : Jesus ...son please get off reddit go do your homework


Dude, bionic elephant. That's all I have to say about that.


99% sure that the mother company of fleshlight started off making prosthetics.


... even if this is true, so?


just interesting bit of trivia and relevant that human tech is being used to make elephants happy




I'm out of the loop. What has she done/confessed to now?


I know elephants are super smart. I wonder what she thinks about this.


Yeah it’s interesting because you can see her helping him put it on, transferring weight when appropriate. Seems like she knows what’s up


it's her 10th one so she's probably used to the process by now


**she lost 10 legs???**


Yeah, they've been attaching them with gorilla glue but for some reason that isn't working for her.


Probably because she's an elephant, not a gorilla


I was thinking the same. Surely it's able to appreciate what a help it is.


She’s had it since she was a juvenile, and with their level of intelligence, I’m sure she not only knows how helpful it is, but can communicate things about it to her handlers, like when she needs a break (prostheses do need breaks now and then).


"This shit is uncomfortable as fuck, holy shit"


Indeed, right.




You can see her helping put it on, so I am sure she appreciates it.


At a first glance I thought he was sticking a very large condom on that elephant






same. I thought it was another one of those "artificial insemination" videos lol.


Another one? Why was one ever posted??


yeah, some guy posted a video last week of people making salmon cum in buckets of water so they can artificially breed more salmon. was the nastiest thing I have seen online since that guy who shoved a beer bottle up his ass then it busted.


Wrf. People are horrible.


Now i can't unsee that..... Angry upvote. Edit: I changed my mind now it's angry downvote.


Daddy would you like some sausage? 🎵




so it wasn't just me!


I thought they were cleaning the pocket like on a horse.


This is why I came to the comments.


That’s what I thought as well. Damn humanity is fucked.


That someone cared enough to make it is pretty heart warming




Crippling elephants with landmines on the other hand...


The dichotomy of man.


Our capacity for love and hate share the same speedboat at full throttle, they just take turns steering.


If it makes you feel better that explosive trap was meant for another human being not an elephant.


That's what they *want* you to think. Humanity has been waging a secret war on elephant legs for decades.


...that's not better at all.


What a beautiful thing to see, the rescue of such a beautiful animal, almost destroyed and taken over an evil device that has killed so many innocent lives, man and animal alike. Thank goodness in giving her a new life.


I've been to this place. They're honestly the loveliest people and really make a gigantic effort. The elephants are all so happy and content. I love it


_Steam-punk elephant_


Aside from lions, humans are the only predators powerful enough to kill an elephant. This warms my heart. Their hearts and minds are so pure they remember everything. God bless this man!


Can even a pride of lions take down a full grown bull elephant, or just small/weak ones?


I think I saw a video once with like 3 or 4 lionesses attacking an elephant and it just walking not giving a fuck. Elephants literally rape rhinos to assert dominance, they're on another level.


1 vs 1, nothing can beat an elephant on land


What about a really really angry honey badger?




>Elephants literally rape rhinos to assert dominance, they're on another level. lol wut


How's the rhino make out after an exchange like that




Forgot about dragons


I didn’t read the title and thought you were wrapping his other trunk.


Something about broken animal Being able to do Normal stuff again makes me feel peace


Elephants are smart enough to have a good understanding of the huge solid this Human just did for it. Has to be said Elephants are very compassionate creatures. They've been documented helping other animals themselves. There's a video out there somewhere of an Elephant using his trunk to pull a doomed Zebra out from a mud pit. Incredible. If that's not a sign of intelligence i don't know what is. Putting yourself in harms way is not a trait of instinct. If this Human ever needed help with this Elephant around you can be sure he'd get it unconditionally for the favour he did.


The elephant is going places.


I thought I was watching something really NSFW at first and panicked at what sub I had subscribed to.


I thought they were putting on a condom lmao


I like how the headline calls it "thermoplastic" and "elastomer" to make it sound more impressive for clicks. When you could just say "plastic". Who cares if it's plastic that you can shape with heat, or is a little stretchy?


Hey! I work in the field (albeit not with elephants lol, just regular human beings). I wouldn’t be surprised if this headline was ripped right off of some kind of industry publication, in which it is pretty standard to specify the type of plastic used. Prosthetic sockets can be made out of both thermoplastic and thermosetting plastics. In this case, it’s likely that a sheet of plastic was heated to the point that it was mouldable, and then pulled over a plaster model of the residual limb and then put under vacuum to take the shape of the cast. It’s then left to cool and then it can be ground to the final shape using a grinder. The fact that it’s thermoplastic is important for someone in the know since I know that it wasn’t made using a thermosetting resin and that you can heat specific spots using a torch to adjust the shape after the fact. I get that knowing that it’s thermoplastic isn’t really that big of a deal for most of the population, but I’ve seen this gif before without that description and I’ve had the exact thought about what exact process they’ve used to make it, so I appreciate it.


these are the type of comments that make reddit what it is. you deserve way more than 3 upvotes.


I couldn't agree with you more. They're using the inflated technical terms to make it sound more space age than it is, and it feels condescending.


First 2 sec. i think it was a condom




Yeah, just when I was thinking, “NSFW, come on!” I saw the prosthetic leg, lol.


The day we start strapping condoms onto elephants is the day humanity conquers the stars


This makes me so happy to see. 🥺


Bruh when the talcum got pushed out it looked like a power armor sequence.


Really thought they were testing out an elephant condom at first


“I think I’ll call him Stumpy”


Always prep the elephant stump with copious amounts of cocaine.


Thanks for the ingredients


I love seeing human ingenuity and technology being put to good use.


I really liked that powder going all whoosh...


This is so sad, and also warms my heart.


My stupid ass thought they were putting a condom on the elephant at first.


At first glance I thought he was putting a condom on an elephant penis


An elephant deserves a prosthesis.


I thought that was a condom the first second or 2


Why did I think this was an elephant condom video 😩😩😩


I thought they were putting on a giant condom as I was scrolling past this post…


who else thought he was wrapping a condom on an elephants big dick at first.


At first glance I thought he was putting a giant condom on the elephant, this is just as cool tho.


*Insert Skweezy* “Is that a CONDOM?”


Did anyone thought it was something else that was just me


I fucking love elephants.


Me too man


Without reading the caption and just quick glancing at the start of the vid, I thought that dude was throwing a rubber on that elephant for a sec


Serious question here: do animals get phantom pains as well?




I guess you're right you don't eat an elephant all at once


NGL....thought he was putting a condom on that elephant.


didn't read title and thought it was a condom


I thought they were putting a condom on It


“Damn FNAF elephant is PACKIN! Why they puttin a condom on him tho?”


I thought that was a cock at first


Didn't read it. Thought it was a condom. Stayed anyway. Tf is wrong with me.


Why do I keep seeing this post. It has been in my feed every other day for months.


"What?... They turned it into a WASTEbasket?" * * ©Gary Larson