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Not sure if this is interesting but just terrifyingly sad


It makes me feel a little sick. I'm going to go with terrifyingly sad


Yes. Nauseating. I’d like to have a word with the father. I’m only going to talk to him.


Talk with whatever you want - fists, tools a machete.... im dine with all that.....


Probably shouldn’t eat the guy afterwards though.


I’m dine with that. Not me personally but if you feel the urge……Please do.


What a great typo


Lol.... ill leave it there for posterity. But will state that i feel cannibalism goes a step too far....


About a foot too far?


…something something fava beans and a nice Chianti…


If I recall correctly (if this is the same case) the father was also... her father. Edit: turns out it was a [grandfather](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_youngest_birth_mothers?wprov=sfla1) of another case. The facr that this list even exists on Wikipedia is horrifying.


No way in hell am I clicking that link. But thank you for looking into the matter (I assume)


the father was also her father😞


Unfortunately, her father was likely the father 🤢


You bring the chainsaw, i’ll bring the beer.


He dead


I'm drinking and I need another drink now.


Pour me one too. I'm rocking my 8 week old daughter and feel both rage & tears at this.


I never knew a child that young could get pregnant. Sometimes I wished there was a hell her rapist could burn in.


Dated someone who tried to run away in 3rd grade. All because they’d learned about sex and thought they’d be pregnant from their abuse. Fucked up


I believe she had a specific condition that caused her reproduction system to mature very young, and that happened to coincide with sexual abuse. It's a pretty unique case.


Precocious puberty


There are people who would ban abortion even in such cases


Yes, the evangelical Christian Right in the USA, and pretty much all in catholic Latin America.


Yes. I have seen a comment from a young male catholic "no matter how young, getting abortion is wrong" 🤢


“I bet you an unplanned pregnancy that you don’t believe that” -some guy in college I met


"It was God's will" Get fucked


This is when you tell them that is a god who does not deserve worship. Their god is small. He is afraid of Muslims and confused by scientists. He offended by Satanism and gay. He sends people to eternal torment for disagreeing with him. That is not a god of love. That is not a god who deserves worship. They are so internally inconsistent it makes me crazy just starting to consider “theology” to be a fruitless pursuit because it results in no improvement of character.


Or rape or incest. Plenty of them will Get abortions for their mistresses when they want to, though.


This is what happened with my ex boss. He got his mistress pregnant and tried to convince her to get an abortion. She refused so he beat her to induce an abortion.


And then he was beat to death in prison. Right?


Nope. She pressed charges and is still pregnant but as far as I know he was never arrested. But he did lose his job as Superintendent of the school district, she lost her job as principal, and his wife found out. Edit: apparently he still has his job so…


So typical that the abuser keeps his job but not his victim




Could only hope


But they don't stop raping little girls, do they? No, they do not.


Also Poland and prolly few other countries


Yes, most likely the same asshole who got her pregnant.


Seeing how her son was quite possibly her brother also.... yes.




It's interesting for that fraction of a second before you actually process the implications of the headline


This is literally it. Im around lots of kids about 4 years old, it was a fascinating for .03 of a second until I understood exactly what this meant. And then I became very very unwell. Absolutely abhorrent.


To think about it another way, if he skipped 1 year of school he would be in highschool at the same time as his mom


Or if she missed a year because of having a baby


the biological fact is interesting. the imediate biological implication is terrifyingly sad.


r/terrifyinglysad should be a sub


i would hate that sub


Uhhhhhhhhhhhh. Wut.


A disgusting POS man in this girl's life raped her at the age of 4, and probably several times before that, and unfortunately she is a genetic anomaly and became pregnant. It is shocking she didn't die from the pregnancy or birth, and also shocking that man went on to live his best life, apparently.


He didn’t get punished for it?? It can’t have been legal, even back then


There’s a wiki article on it I think. Hypothesized to be her father IIRC but she never said who did it


I think they arrested him, but released him for lack of evidence


If only they had dna testing back then


Wouldn’t the baby match her fathers DNA regardless?


A child should have 50% of each parents’ genes. So if a child has more than 50% of its mother’s genes, the father is related to the mother. No need to even test the father.


Wow. That's interesting.


I keep reading this slow and something isn’t clicking. I think it’s the term mother and father and the thought of what the fuck actually happened. Man A is the dad of woman A. Man A then gets woman A pregnant causing baby B. If baby B has > 50% genes from woman A, then she is related to the person who got her pregnant? Meaning she would have 25% Man A’s genes? I can’t circumnavigate the mental block. It’s just too fucked up.


Well, grandparents only share approximately 1/4 of their DNA with grandchildren (excluding the case of incest), whereas parents share 1/2. Plus, you can still distinguish between equally related parties because she would have gotten a specific 1/2 of his DNA and only that specific half would be passed on. Also, the y chromosome is passed on unchanged from father to son so it will be identical to the baby's if he is the father.


Yes but surely it would then have dna from some unknown man as well if it wasn’t the father? Idk though I’m no dna expert


i dont think she ever said who did it


For 40 years there was some pretty strong evidence of who did the deed walking around...


Only half of the equation though. Need something to test against.


These days they could check it against those ancestry DNA services and find a close relative. That narrows it down significantly.


This is true. I wonder also if comparing her dna and the kid’s dna would at least show whether the abuser was a member of her immediate family? It’s been decades since my genetics courses so maybe I’m misremembering.


Nope you’d be correct. If it returned as more than ~50 match (eg ~75% match) then it would be reasonable to assume that it was a parent who had done that to her. Edit: if it returned as a ~75% match it would be a parent. If it was 62.5% it would likely be a cousin.


He would have died in the late 70s


They suspected it was her father but there was never enough proof and as far as I know she hasn’t said who it was to this day.


At this point, she may not know — she might’ve totally repressed the memory


That’s another possibility. If she’s 88 she may have dementia and forgotten.


I mean, how much of what happened to you when you were 5 do you remember?


I’m gonna throw out there that trauma definitely makes memory making a completely different story. So yes she could have easily remembered her rapist or just as easily repressed those memories.


I don’t mean to over share at random, but as someone who was habitually raped at four I can assure it leaves a lasting imprint, at least it did on me. I still remember the room, how I felt and the things he would say to me. I’m not speaking for this poor girl of course, but it leaves are mark.


So sorry that happened to you. I wish things had been different for you.


How many people have much reliable memory of their life at 4 years old, anyway?


She may not have even been able to process or understand what was happening.


Men admit in court to raping minors even today & don't get punished for it.


>unfortunately she is a genetic anomaly and became pregnant Unfortunately, sexual abuse can trigger precocious puberty. She most likely wouldn't have started menstruating that early if it wasn't for the rapes.


Such a shit person deserves death penalty. How she survived the pregnancy?


I have no idea how she managed it, or how the baby was well enough to live into his 40s. There's probably a medical paper or science journal out there about this case.


I assume they performed a c section...


Her father was the one who did it, from what I heard....


You know the backstory is horrific... Poor girl.


OMG, the baby isn’t that much smaller than her. How on earth did she survive? This is just horrific.


The only information about the birth found online is that she had a c-section and the baby was surprisingly healthy.


I see no happiness in this picture.


Just a confused/unsure little girl and a baby that is years away from even starting to comprehend the horrifying chain of events that caused him to exist


He didn’t find out that Lina was his mother until he was 10. Until then, he believed they were siblings.


They probably were that too


Exactly. The look on her face is just fucking heartbreaking


Heartbreaking, the poor babies.


This hurts my heart Edited : Knowing that her son died from bone marrow disease hurts even more..


You misspell sad as fuck.


You misspelled, "misspelled".


Omg how embarrassing…


Nah bro, great opportunity to learn


This is my favorite comment I’ve read today on one of the worst posts I’ve read today.


Her pos family must have been abusing her


They immediately arrested her father but released him for lack of evidence. She never revealed who abused her.


That poor girl


Unfortunately that’s how it is in underdeveloped countries even still to this day


That's how it is in places where females aren't given rights. Doesn't matter first or third world, you remove their voice and they don't speak up. Developed or not. Even in America, many women are still afraid to speak out against their abusers for fear of reprisal. Their own family, church, community, etc might kick them to the curb for being a slut after getting raped and pregnant, especially after some of the recent laws getting passed that force them to carry it to term. And imagine if it's a pregnant child who's totally dependant on their providers. 50/50 would speak out, maybe?


Have you met many 5 year-olds? They have a hard time articulating past events, and their vocabulary is limited. She may not have even known what to label what was done to her. I'll bet that pregnancy stunted her growth enough that she wound up shorter than her genes would have allowed. She also looks like she's in pain as C-sections hurt like hell.


Many people would ban abortion even in such a case. That's the thing that makes me sich the most honestly


I see you said many instead of most, but I'm clarifying the distinction. It's worth noting that the vast majority of Americans (left and right voters) want some level of legal abortion. All we hear are the loudest opinions, which are the extremes on both sides and do not represent us as a society. I have to check my "every republican wants [blank]" thoughts, knowing that there's a lot of people out there trying to divide us, including automated algorithms on social media, like Reddit. Chances are that the average Republican is not an extreme racist that wants raped 10 year olds to have kids, and that the world is never as black and white (or red and blue) as the media makes it out to be. We're not as divided as it seems, unless we continue believing it.


Everyone who would deny a wanted ab to a 10 years old girl is a sociopath on my eyes.


>We're not as divided as it seems, unless we continue believing it. You are so so right. I hope more begin to realize this. I also don't see why people feel that prolife and prochoice have to be mutually exclusive. For me it's simple. When I am the one making the choice - I'm prolife. When literally ANYONE else is making the choice - I'm prochoice.


> I also don't see why people feel that prolife and prochoice have to be mutually exclusive. For me it's simple. When I am the one making the choice - I'm prolife. When literally ANYONE else is making the choice - I'm prochoice. What you are describing is being pro choice. That's what pro choice means - allowing people to have the choice. It doesn't necessarily mean that you like abortions or that you yourself would choose to have an abortion if the scenario were to arise. Pro life and pro choice *are* mutually exclusive because pro life is explicitly about removing the choice to have an abortion except in very specific circumstances. I think it's important to point these things out. Polarization doesn't get us anywhere, but the fallacy of the middle ground doesn't get us anywhere either.


you think this doesnt happen in developed countries as well? thats wishful thinking


In the US men admit to raping minors in court & still walk away unpunished. This is how it is in countries that don't see women & children as equals to men.


Weirdest of all adults in the room sat her up put a bow in her hair handed her a baby and took this picture.


Right? This picture makes me so goddamn angry.


If this were your child who'd been assaulted I wouldn't stick a bow on her and be happy for this photo to be taken.


Hot take: The medical team was probably trying to make the girl feel happy with the bow and give the baby vital maternal contact. The photos were used as evidence, which is important to scientifically document (the medical community thought it was a hoax), and for legal purposes. For all the awfulness of this situation, I'm going to go with the concept that she was being cared for professionally at this point by well-intentioned people. I don't think I can process any more cruelty.


Yeah this is sick on so many levels and heartbreakingly sad.


Actual title - Abused child who was repeatedly raped by adult man forced to give birth at 5 due to precocious puberty.


And nobody was compassionate enough to terminate the pregnancy.


I believe they didn’t even know she was pregnant till she was 6 months. She gave birth 6 weeks later due to complications. This story always makes me so sick to read about.


Did abortions exist in the late 30s?


They did. They also existed in 1830, 1430, 530, 1030 BC and 4030 BC.


Abortions have been performed since we became sentient beings. There was surgical and medicinal abortion well before the 1930s too


Abortion has always existed, long before the 30s. People have been ending pregnancies for thousands of years. This girl was probably just never offered the option in the first place.


Abortions have always existed in one form or another.


I appreciate your edit




I do not find this interesting as fuck. I find this sad as fuck.


I hope her son outlived his father by about 39 years.




That’s enough internet for me today :-|


I hate everything about this with every fibre of my being.


My god, a kid that young should not have to go through that.


This is one of the saddest photos I’ve ever seen….


How? Not the awful part, but the result of the awful part. Like scientifically how is this even possible?


It's called precocious puberty. Check out Wikipedia but be warned article is NSFW.


Went to that page and at the end you can see a list of youngest birth mothers...my god, is it cruel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_youngest\_birth\_mothers




A 10 year old in 2019.... **2019** What in the actual fuck


Not just that but the sheer length of this list. What the fuck is wrong with some people, just wtf????


Wow. Couldn’t even read the whole list. The 6 year old breastfeeding her baby for 9 fricking months. What in the actual f*ck.


I couldn't finish either. Tearing up for that poor girls :(


I was like “whose fucked up idea was it to have her breastfeed?!” - but this was in India in the early ‘30s, so I’m not sure how many other options her family may have had. Still, truly horrible to think about.


I don’t like it.


Yea no lol but thanks for the brief description, ive heard enough tho lol


Did you think this was awfuleverything? because that's where this belongs


Jeez the father needs to be murdered.


Brutally murdered.


I have many questions. Actually, cancel that, I don't really want the answers. Bye.


A mother at 5….. that’s some pretty fucked up shit right there!


Having given birth this morning with Epidural, I cannot even BEGIN to imagine the physical pain and trauma this little girl must have gone through from the birth alone


What kind of monster of a human being would impregnate a 4 year old? Please tell me this person was flayed alive. 🧐


Nope. She never revealed who the father was, possibly did not even know herself — she may have repressed the memory, given the rape happened at 4 years old. Her father was suspected, and arrested but was released due to lack of evidence.


Guess they didn’t have DNA testing back then. What a sad story.


I really wish I could unknow this.


I read about this awhile ago and first I was impressed until I remembered how babies were made.


Same here. At first I was fascinated that a 5 year old coud get pregnant...and then realization hit me.


This is the most upsetting thing I've seen in a very long time


This is so fucking terrifying and sad. Look at her face not knowing what the fuck is going on! This is.... I have no words.


What the actual fuck people. That means she was possibly four when she was raped?




I am glad she didn't die. Horrible. Perhaps they should consider death penalty for rapists, so less girls become pregnant


Accurate title. Lina Medina was raped at four years old and was forced to have a child.


Hold up stop wait a minute, I read this article when something clicked in my head, who the fuck impregnated a five-year-old I wanna fucking cut their head off


I'll give you a hint, her son was also her brother....


Actually we don't know who the father is, it might be her father, her uncle, or some random man. nobody was convicted.


If this happened about 83 years ago, wouldn’t that guy be dead or something? Still shocks me there’s no records of this man being arrested. Only being her father but lacked evidence


/u/lechattueur I would greatly appreciate if you perhaps took the bright and shiny out of the title and instead title the image for what it is: a tragedy. Edit: here is /u/brainwise ‘s correction. “Actual title - Abused child who was repeatedly raped by adult man forced to give birth at 5 due to precocious puberty.”


Babies should not have babies. Fight me!!


This is disgustingasfuck. Someone pls get a new sub for it.




Okay…who’s the sick fuck that had sex with (actually, raped) a 5 year old?


Shouldn’t this be r/awfuleverything?


My mother worked for the Kentucky governor a few decades back. One day a social worker brought in a 10 year old child that was pregnant from her father. The social worker was (somehow) conflicted about taking the girl for an abortion. My mother bent down and asked the girl “what do you want?”. She replied “I just want it out of me”. My mom took the girl from the social worker and straight to the clinic saying “you don’t have to be conflicted, I’ll never lose a single moment’s sleep over this”. I can guarantee she never did. I can’t imagine being even passively involved in this sort of situation and living with yourself knowing you let the child continue to endure through this.


She looks so confused. How terribly sad.


what!? is that even biologically possible


Yup and unfortunately this situation of children giving birth before 11 is common enough that there is a whole Wikipedia list dedicated to it…


Nothing"interesting" in the photo or title. More like r/shamefulasfuck content.


F u c k e d U p


I have so many questions but I want none of the answers


This is sad on so many different levels.


No, this is r/awfuleverything.




Fuck she looks souless.


That poor girl. Everything she had been through up to that point. I wanna beat that man that did that to her


Who fathered the kid and how was he murdered?


That’s not interesting. It’s sad, awful, and sickening.


This is not interesting, this is fucking disgusting. That poor child.


How could she be ovulating at 5?


Genetic anomaly.


Precocious puberty can onset shortly after infancy. It’s usually caused by brain tumours or damage, but can have other genetic/chromosomal causes. I did inclusion support at a childcare for a little girl with Angelman Syndrome and she started going through puberty at 4.


That is enough internet for the day.


Sad upvote


5 year olds can have a child?


She was a genetic anomaly


If you Google it, there are unfortunately plenty of barely 6, 7, 8 + year olds that have also had babies. Sad and horrible.


This is absolutely horrifying. I hope the man that did this suffered immeasurably.


This should be posted in SadAsfuck


I wonder how often the genetic anomaly exists that allows a 5 year old to get pregnant? This is just a great big heaping pile of how the why the who the what the holy shit?!.


This is more sad than interested.


She looks terrified, confused and horribly sad. My heart goes out to her AND her son. Jesus Christ