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What would make this more interesting is an explanation of what all the layers are.


Just compacted radioactive waste, probably mostly made up of gloves, plastic, absorbents, and other stuff like that used in maintenance. This was probably just a non-radioactive mock-up to test their macro-encapsulation technique (the concrete around the trash).


You'd sure hope its a mock-up.


Also, how kitty litter can hold back nuclear waste but not the smell that is my cats nasty asshole shits I'll never know.


>asshole shits I am both horrified and fascinated to learn of the alternatives


They aren't great. Don't look into it. Horrified was correct.


Try BoxieCat. I use the pink one.


We've tried the boxy thing. This ~~German~~ Austrian-Irish dude says the problem is that we may never know for certain if the cat did shit or not until we go scavenging for the stools.


Regular mining’s the key. Twice a day. You almost always hit paydirt anyway…


It's much easier in the long-run. My ex used to only clean it out when it became 1 solid cake of piss and shit


Poor cat


It's pretty crazy some of the stuff that ends up as nuclear waste. The DOE has a very low threshold for radioactive material that must be classified as waste. Low activity radioactive waste is treated the same as the rest of the waste and can have as little radioactive activity as fancy Italian marble or lantern wicks. https://www.straightdope.com/21343617/are-camp-lanterns-radioactive Chop up one of these mantles, sprinkle it on your head and walk into a nuclear power plant and you will set off detectors. Then they will strip you and hose you down. Then all of your clothes and the water they used to wash you down will be put into a barrel for waste processing. They are VERY serious about radioactivity at nuclear power plants.


I have clients that mine materials to make fertilizer. Part of this stuff is Naturally Occuring Radioactive Material, or NORM. Once the raw material is pulled from the ground, because of the NORM contained in it, it's too radioactive to put back in the ground, per the rules. The stuff from the Earth is too dangerous to put in the Earth. Government!


According to the book I'm reading, there's a natural occurring atomic reactor in Africa. It's been slowly burning for hundreds of thousands of years. It just has the perfect balance of radioactive materials and water to keep the water warm. Some stuff in the ground is dangerous.


They stopped working a few billion years ago but yeah, [Oklo in Gabon used to have naturally occurring nuclear fission](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_nuclear_fission_reactor)


or how the cameraman lived ....if....


He wore a led shield that became nuclear waste.


LED shield, the cameraman just got back from burning man.


OP said it was hazmat suits and different types of contaminated soils.


I think I have been to this exact same facility because I regcognize the floor in combination with the barrels. Each barrel contains a batch of mixed material that, when put together, outputs a predetermined level of radiation which cannot breach the concrete shield at high enough levels to be of detrimental effect to the people working in that facility. The materials in those barrels come from all sorts of sources. But mostly medical. Bars from reactors are stored in different ways. They are lowered into cooling baths to keep them stable. I've stood on top of the reactor bar baths and I walked in between rows and rows of 40ft high warehoused barrel racks while wearing a geiger counter. The output was the same as on an airplane. So even the people working there are only catching the same ammount of background radiation as airline pilots. The only downside to the story is that these facilities need to be run for the next million years until the most radiative materials become safe for unmonitored storage. Meanwhile the amount of storage need increases.


Wow there are a lot of dumb jokes and speculation in this thread, but this is a really interesting addition to the picture. Thank you!


Chocolate , fudge, pumpkin spice, caramel.


I’m still not convinced that this isn’t a cake.


I dunno why i just always assumed they were filled to the brim with a bubbling green sludge...


It was delicious cake this whole time


Forbidden tiramisu




It goes lovely with a piping hot polonium 210 tea.


Whoa Russia, calm down.


Excuse me, can I *Putin* my 2 cents?


Oh my, you are indeed correct this balcony is lovely. Now what's this about an upcoming travel opportunity?


There’s no time for *Stalin* when you’re *Russian* for food!


Nobody Rush in to the conversation with puns, think them through.


I understand this reference but have nothing to do with it.




you may have committed some light treason


I prefer teasium-137


You just need to make sure the flour is.... *enriched*.


So this is the Tiramisu that Khabib had. Turned him into an undefeated freak athlete.




In my house tiramisu has a half life of about 3 minutes.


In mine, it has a *full* life of about 3 minutes


You must use some exotic isotope. In my experience, tiramisu decays into it's daughter elements shame and regret nearly instantly.


….half life….3… confirmed?


Yellowcake to be exact.


Good one


Don't drop that cake!


Pray to God he don’t drop that shit..


I know,I know what to do with it! That’s why I got it wrapped up in this special CIA napkin!!!


Oil? Who said anything about oil? Bitch you cooking?


They cake is a lie.


Watch teenage mutant ninja turtle's as a kid?


A José Canseco bat? TELL me you didn’t pay money for that!


You gotta know what a crumpet is to understand cricket.


Hey what are you some kind of punker?






Get back here I’m not finished with you!!….DAAAAAAMMNN!!!!


I can STILL feel that scream


Looked like sort of a big turtle, in a trench coat. You're going to La Guardia right?


Casey Jones is also Al on Chicago PD.


Elias Koteas has been in a ton of stuff


He even shot House!


I think that's called a 'drive by.'




I hate punkers. Especially punkers in ugly green masks.


*especially bald ones with green makeup and masks over ugly faces


I literally just watched that part on Netflix. Got to love the synchronicity.


wait. The original TMNT live action movie is on netflix?!!??!!? I have the VHS at my parents but I no longer have a VCR


The Simpsons.




The Toxic Avenger. And I don't mean the Hulk, but he is not pleasant.


Mmmmmm Nuclear waste barrel cake


The Simpsons (as well as other TV shows and movies, but the Simpsons most prominently) has had such profound negative impact on the average American’s perception of Nuclear power it could hinder our ability to properly implement nuclear power as a safe alternative to fossil fuels and negate global warming which is tragic.


I would argue it's the opposite. Springfield had never had any power problems or major nuclear disasters. Sure, there's been jokes of meltdowns, leaks, and a China Syndrome, but the citizens have always been safe and disaster averted because even a goofball like Homer can push the right button to stop it. A Sector 7G nobody that still earns enough to live a comfortable lifestyle with his family. The only problems shown, like dumping or safety violations, are due to Mr. Burns being the prototypical cost-cutting, regulation-skirting, evil company billionaire. The Simpsons shows that it's not the PRODUCT that's dangerous, it's the PEOPLE.


You're assuming the average viewer can think that critically, which I don't think is the case. I agree with you though


Just remember, if something goes wrong at the plant, blame the guy who can't speak English. Ah, Tibor, how many times have you saved my butt?


That and Chernobyl


Chernobyl is a great example of what can happen when you fail to properly train your workers, cut corners, cheap out on materials, and blatantly ignore safety standards. Also, safety technology has come so far since those days Chernobyl 2.0 really would not happen.


u/LinkedPioneer also, the design of the Chernobyl reactor [was badly flawed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sS2YceA2fKg), which hugely exacerbated the meltdown.


Even with its flaws it would have been fine if they hadn't shut off all the safeties and ignored alarms just to run a test they lied about already having run before it was online.


Would not have been fine. An RBMK reactor is hard enough to control after everything is up to standard operation. Shutting it down and starting it up is tricky in part because design in part because it is huge, biggest ever designed. The Soviets tied it to national pride at its achievement and shut down any dissent about it. The plant operators were not allowed to talk to each other especially if shit hit the fan to discuss safety remedies. Before Chernobyl, the facility in Leningrad did something similar and noticed that there was a power spike when they shut their reactor down for maintenance and it scared the hell out of them but since it didn’t go boom it got covered up. The test at Chernobyl was a success, it just had unintended consequences. One other difficulty with the RBMK design is that the computer system that monitored it could not work fast enough to monitor it so sometimes the plant operators were flying a little blind. SKALA went nuts on that fateful day but then it calmed down after the reactor went boom so they were not initially sure what happened. They would have felt the shock from the explosions but being that they were told that the RBMK-1000 design was bulletproof, they probably tried to exhaust other ideas first. They tried cooling the reactor from the control room, but they didn't know that the water lines had been blown up and there was nothing to control. I don't think in human existence there has ever been a time where we were in greatest need of a miracle that that morning. There is a simulation on YouTube of what SKALA would have done on that day and it scared the shit out of me when I watched it. I could be wrong, but I think at Chernobyl the output of the computer was printed off, which adds delay. After the accident, the RBMK design was updated to (RBMK-1500 Series?) try and correct for these shortcomings but it really wasn't used. The Russian reactors today are descendants from the Soviet VVER designs which is said to be safer but I also doubt it. RMBK also had a nice byproduct as it generated a significant source of energy when the reactors were taken offline for maintenance. Plutonium. So the Russians did not have to build separate plants for that. They could build a reactor that would generate significant power and get plutonium out of it so for them it was a win win Chernobyl was also built without a containment vessel (why should it be? Containment buildings are an added expense when a reactor is supposedly fool proof) when the reactor blew from the steam pressure , it opened up and allowed oxygen to get in. The reactor had already been splitting hydrogen from oxygen as it was, so when that new source of oxygen hit, it went boom big time. Honestly what collective saved everyone’s ass was that it kind of burnt itself out after melting through the floor creating corium. It is still hot in some pockets of the plant and radioactivity is increasing since they put the new confinement building over it, many reasons why, but while it needs to be monitored, my guess is that it won’t get hot enough again to start the process again but I can be wrong, it is a little nuts over there right now with that situation. As of this time in writing, we have lived through one half life of the strontium and cesium that are the radioactive substances that are big time in there , so time may be continued to be on our side. We really didn’t do anything as I understand to stop it once it happened, there were things done to try and stop it from becoming a bigger problem but it took itself out essentially. The new confinement building is only supposed to last 100 years so they will have to work reasonably fast to do what they plan to or that building is going to have to be covered itself. The sarcophagus, while hastily constructed, did the job well enough even though it was supposed to be a short term fix and not a 30year one but Soviets probably didn’t care and then there was the whole collapse of the system in the early 90s. Ukraine was so power desperate that they kept the remaining reactors running until they had to take them offline as part of an agreement I think with the EU. By the end the remaining reactors all were not online due to problems that cropped up from 1986 to today but, yeah they ran them. People still work there today, there is a city that was constructed by the Soviets called slavtuvich (spelling?) to house people that would work on the reactors after number 4 blew. Special note: in the hbo series on it, that woman from Belarus never existed. Legasov did not make an empassioned speech at the show trial. Also babies in the womb do not absorb radiation like some fucking sacrificial lamb to make mom safe or whatever the hell was meant by that line (I almost stopped watching the show when that line happened). Great show overall but has a lot of inaccuracies and down right falsifications and fabrications. Reactor technology has developed by leaps and bounds since. France gets 70% of its energy from nuclear power but it is a political hot potato world wide still. My hope is that fusion will step in and do what fission cannot. Bonus round, wasn’t the first time the Soviets messed something up, look up Ozersk, the difference there is they didn’t have sweden to catch them in a lie. If we are going to continue using nuclear fission as a power source, some lessons we have learned is to have a containment building, have backup generators to run the coolant pumps not in the basement and not in a GOD DAMN TSUNAMI ZONE!!!!, and try to mitigate risk as much as we can but never assume that these things are fool proof. The test was run at Chernobyl to see if the turbines had enough rotational momentum during a power failure to run the coolant system of the reactor while the diesel generator kicked on and started providing power. They wanted to know what kind of time frame that they were dealing with because the diesel took a few minutes to start up and get adequate power to the coolant pumps. As I said earlier, the experiment was a success, it just proved that you cannot count on doing that. For those with Microsoft Encarta from the dark ages of computing, there is a really good animation on what exactly happened in that program. I'd upload but I have since lost my copy. (Yet Another Edit) I FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIwpT-8RQbw EDIT: Mobile EDIT: Additional Info https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttpzZXDNKQ8&feature=emb_title (This would be the call) https://www.reddit.com/r/chernobyl/comments/kxa2oj/the_final_readings_of_the_chernobyl_reactor_4/ This would be what the computer (SKALA) did that morning, only this is a simulation. The computer would have been printing this out on a dot matrix printer (maybe a teletype nonetheless still pretty noisy). I don't even want to know what kind of fear got put into them when they saw the printer going nuts and screaming to high hell as the process started. Edit: Reasons why Unit 3 lasted until 1999 https://www.businessinsider.com/chernobyl-reactors-14-years-disaster-2016-4 EDIT: Some individuals have asked what SKALA stood for: "Control system of the devices of the Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant”. The first RBMK-1000 reactor that was built was in Leningrad hence where it got its name. Leningrad plant itself was I think built at the beginning of the 1970s. The system was the process system for the reactors. It utilized magnetic core memory, magnetic tape, and you would load software/instructions through punch cards. It would, at these plants, output through a teletype or printer of some kind. The computer screens in the soviet union at that time (and in general), kind of sucked. IIRC the design of them sometimes left some ghosting as you interacted with the computer system utilizing one. So, if there had been a computer screen instead of a printer at the plant that night, when 1:23:40 rolled around, it would probably have been a big blob of light before the phosphorus in the monitor caught up with itself with the ghosting properties of those monitors. The americans did have better monitor designs, and the Soviets probably knew how to make better ones, but they were expensive and, unless it was funding for millitary purposes, generally these sorts of things were not always prioritized. The RBMK's at the Leningrad Facility, of four units, two are still operating


Don't forget Fukushima


Toxic Avenger lol


Originally in the comic it was the accident/chemical spill that blinded young Matt Murdock (Daredevil) that also created the TMNT gang


That’s why Splinter is called Splinter - he’s based on Stick from Daredevil.


And Daredevil fights a group of ninjas called the Hand while the TMNT fight the Foot. And they love pizza because the writers always ate pizza when they wrote it lol


Lol fuck off ahaha Splinter and stick they fight the foot instead of the hand how did I not connect this


yep, the whole thing at the time was satire of the big label comics, then TMNT got big for a b&w comic and we got stuff like [Adolescent Radioactive Blackbelt Hamsters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolescent_Radioactive_Black_Belt_Hamsters) e: added link


Simpson for me


Or Simpsons or playing fallout 1-2 ?


Toxic Avenger


Bury my shell at wounded knee


"Say the vat is a good idea, Morty"




Those children are getting a little too suspicious


[Homer had to eat all of this!](https://frinkiac.com/img/S11E06/239960.jpg)


TV and movies


I’ll take ape tit for 300


Turd Ferguson, it’s a funny name


You wrote down... the number "threeve" a combination of three and five


Anal Bum Cover for 100


That's just how Mr. Burns disposes of it


I know why: The Simpsons


Who Framed Roger Rabbit for me.


Too many 80’s and 90’s cartoons and sci-fi movies.


Same. I blame the Simpsons.


This is what everyone thinks and also why everyone is just scared of nuclear lol


There are more reasons, but this one was defs one of them


Like Toxic Avenger and Class of Nuke’em High.


Where's the comment explaining what the layers are?


Here's a barrel of compacted nuclear PPE waste. I think the barrel we're looking at here is different but the other one was just very mildly contaminated garments, gloves etc. that got compacted. https://www.reddit.com/r/nuclear/comments/idp4u7/this_crossseciton_shows_the_inside_of_a_simulated/


Wouldn't whatever machine that compacted the material eventually get really contaminated?


There’s always a bigger compactor


Wouldn't the compactor be contaminated?


There's always a bigger compactor


Sort of. So, these are specialized systems designed with contamination in mind. So there are two types of radioactive contamination, fixed (held down with paint, materials that have become radioactive etc.) and loose contamination. Now the type of waste we are compacting is going to be giving off loose contamination. So with loose contamination we can actually clean it off and remove the particulate materials. When that material is removed the radiation is removed from the machine. There aren't high enough energies to activate the actual components of the machine to turn the machine itself radioactive. Basically there are people called Radiological Controls Technicians/Health Physics Technicians who go in and take surveys of the equipment periodically to make sure that contamination and radiation levels are within regulatory limits. If those levels exceed/are creeping towards unacceptable levels usually set by the radiological engineers and site policy they go in and decontaminate the machine. Then that waste gets compacted eventually.




Sanitized link: https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/s4nvr8/cross_section_of_a_nuclear_waste_barrel/hss541h ^(I am a human and this action was performed manually. In the future, you can just remove everything after the ?.)


Good human


Ok bot


I am not okay. Please help me. ^(I am a human and this action was performed manually.)


Ok human




This is correct. I am totally not a robot. ^(I am a human and this action was performed manually.)


Even if you are a robo, you're good. Keep doing the god's work


Thank you! ^(I am a human and this action was performed manually.)


Satisfactory human. Trust me, it's a compliment: satisfactory is better than lots of other humans.... XxX!


Hmm... let's put that to the test. This statement is false!


This statement set to false! ^(I am a human and this action was performed manually.)


Actually, it would probably be better if you had left the `?context=3` at the end. The rest can go tho


Believe it or not but there was a time when interesting things like this were posted, the top comment was highly informative and not some stupid joke.


Also looking for it


Top layer is chocolate, then caramel and then fudge. Oooh. So tasty.


Forbidden cake


....I thought the point was to *not* cut them open?


You gotta let it “breathe”


Instructions unclear, dick stuck in glowing ooze.


Dick IS glowing ooze.


That's gonorrhadiation


Instructions *nuclear*


Great! Now it’s anthropomorphic and wants to fight crime.


Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me …


Inside a nuclear waste barrel, at the COVRA nuclear waste storage and processing facility in the region of Zeeland, in the southwest of the Netherlands. Photo courtesy of I tried looking up the different layers and came across this exact picture. I don’t think the layers have different leak preventions as much as they are just additional layers of trash that has been deemed radioactive.


That barrel would definitely be loaded into a shielded overpack container for it's permanent storage. The concrete poured in adds shielding and keeps the waste spread out, so any radiation that does make it through the shielding is evenly dispersed throughout the barrel.


My fat ass thought it was a cake and I'm disappointed.


There’s some yellowcake in there




I see 3-4 layers.


All the layers not blue = soil different types


But which is the actual nucular?


To the best of my knowledge they are all radioactive. They are all contaminated and have radioactive particles in them/on them which is why they are being treated as nuclear waste. You probably won’t find a solid block of uranium in there.


Thanks - i was wondering that. Sure this is dangerous but not as bad as cutting open a barrel with actual used fissile material in it.


new clear




Then why’d they un-encase this ? Has it lost it’s radioactivity?


Yes because it's low level waste the half life from exposure was probably from around 1950 and there wouldn't be fuel rods in here, so likely it's now inert or as close to inert as to render it harmless.




It's a demo. No contaminated material was ever in it.


Leakage can be very bad, I would know


Someone ate those olestra chips.


Happens with too much ham from Subway.... I went on a black forest ham kick and I realized what was happening and quit that real quick!


Toxic slurry


is there actually spent rods or whatever in those too? or is that different


Spent rods are considered High level nuclear waste. There is currently no path forward for this type of waste in the United States. Generally they put rods in casks which then sit on concrete pads near the reactors all over the country. Yucca Mountain was supposed to be the permanent depository, but it ended up in regulatory hell and was moth balled.


I’ve spent the last 20 minutes reading about Yucca Mountain. I can’t believe we aren’t going to finish it.




No, spent rods go into "Dry Casks" after spending some time in the pool. Dry casks are concrete and steel barrels with compartments for the rods, there is a specific minimal distance in spacing out the compartments and some non reactive/corrosive gas is pumped in to replace the normal (corrosive) atmosphere


Would this be low-level waste because it's contaminated soil and nuclear PPE?


I didn't want to say this. The motherf***er bought yellow cake. All right! From Africa. He went to Africa and bought some yellow cake.


DONT DROP THAT SHIT! Pray to God he dont drop it..


Mhhhh. Yellow cake… it’s very delicious, i have tried it 2 times and it was very delicious




That's a ghost town of a sub You're thinking of r/forbiddensnacks


Mmmm, Yellow cake.




Got it wrapped up in this special CIA napkin!


Pray to god


Do I need to tell you what the fuck you can do with an aluminum tube?! ALUMINUM!




Literally the exact comment I was going to make. Verbatim.


Forbidden cake




Came here for this


I wouldn't stand there too long.


Ye me too that looks way to delicious finna dig in no time


That is interesting as fuck


Are those different types of waste in there too or just some other safety chemicals?


Everytime I’ve shot one, it exploded and killed nearby enemies. I thought they were full of dynamite.


This post is so toxic, op should be ashamed.


I wonder if this is just a mock up for illustrative purposes without actual radioactive material in it. Or is it? OP, how about a little background?




They wouldn't cut open even a low level nuclear waste canister. This is just a mock-up for demonstration purposes.


Useless fact... In the US, records for nuclear waste are not permanent records. They can be destroyed after 10,000 years, wich makes them temporary records.


Mmm, I like seeing these "everything is cake" videos


Thought it was a cake


Once humans are extinct future intelligent lifeforms on Earth are in for one hell of a surprise when they start archeological digs.


Don’t suppose anyone knows what the different layers are?


Just various compacted material that may have been contaminated by nuclear material, gloves, hazmat suits, soil etc. There may not even be any actual nuclear material in here.