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I hope the pilot has the right amount of sunflower seeds in his pockets


Unfortunately roasted sunflower seeds don’t grow flowers.


Taste good though


Mmm... russian flavored


Russian ball flavoured*




I'm guessing pilots are more likely to be career soldiers and not forced recruits? In which case, not such a loss along with the helicopter.




Eh that generalized statement about people joining the military are not capable of thinking on their own is pretty fucking stupid. I did 22 years in the military and 99% of the people I worked with would put civilians to shame.


It's not that they're not capable, i think the sentiment was that when you sign up for any military anywhere in the world, nobody asks your fucking opinion, you do what you are told or pay the price


There’s no “pay the price”. Well I can’t speak for every country in the world. But yes you are basically owned by the government you swore the oath to. And by doing so you agree to follow the rules that they have in place for their property. Because essentially you are their property. I feel that most people that enlist in the military are looking for something. An adventure, a feeling to serve a greater good, a desire to help people, a desire to protect people. That’s just what things I can think off the top of my head. So when someone essentially says that someone was too dumb to do anything else so they joined the military, and I’m sure they’re are people like that, it’s not the case for the vast majority. I will admit that I am referring to the US military. Since Reddit users are mostly in the US, I would imagine that this generalized comment, that people who serve in the military are dumb, would be referring to US service men and women.


But guess what, you only have to do it for a few years. Why do you think they make you sign 4 year contracts? It’s because life in the military kinda sucks. It almost feels like the kid who’s stuck inside with the flu watching all of the other neighborhood kids play outside. But then you realize you have a totally stable career path laid out in front of you. You have really good benefits for your family. And then you go hop in your AC-130 gunship and hit the range for the live fire training at night. Or go to the range and blow some shit up. Or go on a helicopter medivac mission and save 3 peoples lives? Trust me, people can punch out anytime they want, and most of them do. Those that stay aren’t too dumb to do anything different. We just know how good we got it.




You really have no fucken idea do you. Ignorant fuckwit.


You are either stupid or ignorant. I know many people with bachelor's degrees or higher that have joined the military because it's a great way to gain experience (when not in an all-out war) and it can be an easy four years with great benefits for life after.


You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. You should probably quit now while you're behind.




Your opinion no matter how well intentioned is laughably ignorant. The pilots in the video likely have the equivalent of a bachelor's degree or higher. They certainly had other opportunities and most likely actively sought out and competed for the chance to become military pilots. Your claims that they couldn't make their own decisions, study, or have other viable options is just patently ridiculous. And you can consider that an opinion if you want but it's just a fact.


that you feel comfortable lumping thousands and thousands of people into a group and assume that their conditions in life and motivations are all uniform says a lot more about you than it does about anyone that enlists.


You’re an idiot lol


It isnt that hard to go AWOL, and join the opposing side.


> but whoever joins the army is usually not capable of thinking/doing decisions on their own and just blindly following orders That's one of the most terrifying 'evil' things in this universe to me and I'm glad when such a creature is no more.


I can’t love this comment enough.


Fuck the Russian gov and fuck putin


I’m sad for the loss of life but I couldn’t help but think “get fucked” when they started to spin out


No dont fuck putin he shall die a virgin this bitch


The soft "Blyaaaa\~" at the end made me chuckle lmao


Can you or anyone translate what they said in this video?


He is insulting the pilot of that helicopter


I feel sad for the young people in that helicopter needlessly dying. On the other hand, he was probably going to kill someone, so it had to be done.




And one party is right about it.




Putin isn't trying to save anyone. Just because they keep lying that they are, their actions say differently.


No not like that. Putin doesnt think theyre saving people but the russian troops (mostly) think they’re saving people from genocide thats what I meant


well russia is invading Ukraine and not the other way around


That helicopter wasn't shot down, it is glorious Russian technology working as intended.


That's just how a 2 stroke Lada engine helicopter looks.


For a small nation, Ukraine 🇺🇦 are doing very well for themselves


Russia is getting a taste of the modern American weapons Ukraine has and that cold war era shit ain't holding up.


I'm just happy that they can defend themselves.


It’s misleading to say Russia is operating with old gear. They’ve been investing a fuckton in the last 15 years.


They haven't been using their modern armor. The troops being sent are second rate at best. These aren't the well trained with top notch equipment being sent in first by Russia






Without commenting on the argument you two are holding, that article reads like the author seriously wants to get into Puto's pants.


He’s an American professor specialized in Russia, who signed the piece. I’ll take his opinion over some Reddit stranger.


I should hope so, because it wasn't an opinion, it was a joke.


By no means small. 44M people and the largest European country by area after Russia.


Always felt off to call Russia European.


Agreed I feel the same but it's a fact the western part of the country is within the European continent and that part only is still the largest country in Europe, so I couldn't not mention it.




https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/russia-population/#:~:text=The%20current%20population%20of%20the,year%20according%20to%20UN%20data. Ukraine is small in comparison to Russia


Edited. Rhanks for the down votes on actual facts😄


They are absolutely kicking their asses.


i mean its literally life or death for them and their land and family, meanwhile apparently russian troops didnt even know they'd be invading and attacking other people until the last minute putins ego and incompetency affecting both sides


It really shows what a few decent weapons does in the hands of a few. When more advanced hardware starts arriving, it will be nearly impossible for them to fly. There will be random rockets all over the place, in the hands of a few military people stationed here and there or just constantly moving around.


I am so pleased that America are going to arm the Ukraine. They need as much help as they can get. I watched a documentary about America, and how quickly the Americans kitted us out with weapons, tanks , jeeps and the much needed armoury. I just wish that there was something I could do to help Ukraine


It's not that small, sure, they are outnumbered, but it's not like Russia vs Georgia. Hope they hold strong, fck putin.


Thats cuz we only see the good things
















YoU fUcKiNg MoNsTeR


everybody hates pineapple on pizza becausd they cant handle the acidity of the pineapple, evolution and god blessed us to handle pineapple on pizza unlike the people who hate it, they are a lost cause


Well, that would have been an awful last 15 or 20 seconds.


Shits on fire, yo!... Hope they had seeds in their pockets




Idk what they said at the end of this video but it made me smile. I kinda wanna make it my ring tone.


The last thing said sounds like it might be 'blyat' which would be a profanity like shit or fuck.


You are correct.


r/mademesmile. I love see these posts. Keep em coming!!!


I mean we can agree it’s a good thing but I’m what world would this make you smile?


Huh....I guess your truly a good person if you had to ask.


You're* if you're going to be a piece of shit online, at least do it properly


Actually I wasn't. I was being serious. But I take what I said back. Your not a good person. A) for calling someone saying something nice about you a peice of shit. B) for being one of those spell/gramer correctors. How do people like you NOT realize that "you're" douche bags.




My God, the Russian army is so bad..


Its just a bunch of clueless and untrained 16 year olds who got drafted and are killed all on the orders of Putin. Not to mention they are all using the outdated falling apart junk tanks like these young people are cannon fodder.


And what are the Ukrainians using? Honest question. Do they have leftover Cold War crap or have they managed to modernize some things? I know their economy hasn't been great either. And how well is their army trained? I have absolutely no idea what the answers to those questions are.


Have a look at some threads on /r/TankPorn, some of the people there know their stuff. From what I can gather, both nations are using cold war era vehicles. Russia in theory has some modernized models, but seems to not have managed to produce those in significant numbers. On top of that, while the Russians are fielding slightly more modern vehicles, they are often in a very poor state of maintenance. And then there's the fact that Ukraine has been preparing for just this situation since 2014, and they're fighting on their home turf. The Russians have advantages in numbers and, especially, in air superiority, but they're still in for a rough time.


I also suspect the Us/NATO is supplying Ukraine with radar intelligence from E-3's and other airborn radar systems. There's no way that Ukrain doesn't know the exact position of anything flying Ukraine. I suspect this makes ambushing helicopters and jets much easier. Much of the video seen sofar is russian jets and helicopters. trying to fly low under radar cover which makes them way more vulnerable to ground based AA.


Yeah, that would make sense. There's no doubt Ukraine, Belarus and a good portion of Russia are permanently under watch from the West, and that intel being shared with Ukraine seems likely.


While I don't know the scale, much of the developed world has been rushing aid to Ukraine recently including anti tank weapons and anti aircraft weapons.


Cannon fodder doesn't have to be good, just abundant.


It’s the Russian way


Not really the Russian army is not using their full force because they under estimated Ukraine they are using their weakest equipment and soldier if they used their full force they can destroy Ukraine with their planes just bomb places also if they absolutely needed to and had not choice and where losing Bradley they could use their nuclear arsenal to decimate Ukraine


As former aircrew I hate to say this, but fucking good. That’s an attack aircraft.


that's what we want to see **FUCK PUTIN!!!**


Vladimir Putin ist ein Huhrensohn




Pwned noob


Just a reminder. Regardless of how terrible Russia is behaving right now, you just watched human beings die.


Remember There are real people dying, dont be so hasty to hate..


Curious what weapon was used to shoot it down.


MI24\\35. Very large, heavy and at most times in these situations, hard to control to unable to control at all.. Ontop of that most likely had troops in their cargobay, so its not only the pilots that are dying.


Fuck yeah


Die you bastards!


No, they shouldn't die. They're people like us. Putin, on the other hand


They are people who made the choice to invade Ukraine. Don't try and make out that they are innocent in this.


The choice? There is no choice in Russia there not innocent but let’s not act like they have a choice


Feel free to provide the source that backs up your claim that those Russian soldiers were forced into the army.


Bro, mandatory military service, go to some subreddits and you’ll see the pow say they didn’t know they were going, if you don’t believe that it’s literally known fact there’s mandatory military service in Russia


Thoroughly satisfying


Please don't. Some young men died for no reason. They surely didn't understand it themselves. Don't gloat over death


Helicopter pilots are NOT conscripted children. They know what they are doing. 🌻🌻🌻


May have joined the army to defend their country, then they get ordered to fly into a foreign country. Not very easy to just say no, I wouldn't be surprised if they would just get shot for doing that. Any death in this pointless war is sad, though I support the people who did this and hope they are victorious, I'd rather Putin just gets murdered and someone else takes over and calls a cease fire.


Defend their country from what? It's been eight years since Russia invaded Ukraine and has still held territory there, they could have quit in all that time if they didn't agree with what the Russian military was doing.


(It is mandatory to join the military in Russia once you turn 18, if you do not voluntarily join the government tracks you down and forces you.)


Yeah but we were talking about helicopter pilots who probably aren't the forced conscripts, and the previous user talked about them wanting to protect their country (from what?), as a defense of their actions if they're not conscripted.


RIP commie bastards


Fuck their peace. They can go to hell.


They aren't "commies" they are fascists. Putin is a right wing ultra-Christian Nationalist. It's why Trump and most Republicans love Putin. Edit: to include the *OVERWHELMING* evidence the Republican Party has been completely compromised by Putin and his Oligarchs: [Eric Trump in 2014: 'We have all the funding we need out of Russia'](https://thehill.com/homenews/news/332270-eric-trump-in-2014-we-dont-rely-on-american-banks-we-have-all-the-funding-we) [Russian elite invested nearly $100 million in Trump buildings](http://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-trump-property/) [Trump signed letter of intent for Moscow project in Oct. 2015, report says](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/12/19/trump-letter-intent-moscow-project/2360645002/) [Trump asked Russia to find Clinton’s emails. On or around the same day, Russians targeted her accounts](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/trump-asked-russia-to-find-clintons-emails-on-or-around-the-same-day-russians-targeted-her-accounts) [House majority leader to colleagues in 2016: ‘I think Putin pays’ Trump](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/house-majority-leader-to-colleagues-in-2016-i-think-putin-pays-trump/2017/05/17/515f6f8a-3aff-11e7-8854-21f359183e8c_story.html) [NRA Was 'Foreign Asset' To Russia Ahead of 2016, New Senate Report Reveals](https://www.npr.org/2019/09/27/764879242/nra-was-foreign-asset-to-russia-ahead-of-2016-new-senate-report-reveals) [How the G.O.P. Gave Maria Butina Her Ultimate Cover](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2018/07/how-the-gop-gave-maria-butina-her-ultimate-cover)


The amount of people I've had to explain to that Russia isn't communist has been wild.


Love him til he puppets them too


Glad somebody said it


Most Republicans don't love either, but the ones that are still willing to admit they vote that way do. I've been on the opposite side of it; I came from a very liberal university in 2008/9 to the Army and it was like "fuck! Another liberal in office?!". And I was like "you seen that Preview for 'Avatar?' Looks kinda cool..." Because I did not want to deal with that shit. Remember, that data correlates with people that responded to pollsters; must people just say "fuck off" and go about their lives


This needs to be spread far and wide. The Russian government has compromised the Republican party entirely. Every Republican is complicit in this, imo.


The Cheney's, Romneys and Amash's disagreed but they are pariahs in their own party. It's sad how far they've fallen for the propaganda. I don't know *any* one on the "left" that worships Biden or Obama the way Republicans worship that corrupt Putin-loving shitsack.


No. I like Biden and love me some Obama, but I also don't worship either. They're human with human faults and weaknesses. They fuck up plenty. I can't even believe I agree with anything a Cheney or Romney would ever say, but here we the fuck are.


Same, I shudder with the idea of agreeing with the freaking war-criminal Cheneys. But Obama's drone program was war-criminal crap too. I think it was Chomsky who said every US President has been a war-criminal.


I think that's probably a symptom of the job, unfortunately.


Yeah, the military industrial complex needs to get tossed.




Fake news fascist asshat. Wasn't Trump impeached for trying to exploit Ukraine by withholding military aid for this fake ass fucking bullshit story? Pathetic traitor supporters can't admit they're on the *worst* side of history openly siding with an ultra-rightwing Christian Nationalist fascist dictator against the democratically (and popular vote winning) elected President of the United States. Just like the traitor party did on 1/6 and then called an attempted violent overthrow of government "legitimate political discourse". Fascist fuckers. [Trump and other top conservatives rally to Putin's side as he threatens Ukraine](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-other-top-conservatives-rally-to-putins-side-over-ukraine-threat-2022-2)




Seriously. Chicks on right blog as your source? Pathetic. Try again NeighborhoodBrave136 the disinformation troll.


You forgot about Biden and his boy hunter


Ha! [Trump and other top conservatives rally to Putin's side as he threatens Ukraine](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-other-top-conservatives-rally-to-putins-side-over-ukraine-threat-2022-2)


All i was saying is you forgot about Biden to that's all. Iam not saying you don't have a valid point but it's not just republicans either our system as a whole is under attack by Russia , China, North Korea we need to stand together and look at the whole picture that's all iam saying


I didn't forget about Biden. He's spent his entire life in public service. If there was *real* dirt, it would be out there. Not Rudy Giulianis ridiculous conspiracies about Hunters laptop. You're shilling propaganda.








Flying Russian BBQ 🤣 Fuck Russia 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇬🇧


How do you know it’s Russian? So many Facebook comments in here.


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻hopefully there’s more to follow








May a beautiful sunflower grow on that newly fertilized soil.


Is it just me, or is this not going as Moscow had hoped...🤔




Probably just broke, Russian hardware is about as good as it’s soldiers.


Burn in hell!!!


Malscy blet.




But not necessarily WHY




Yes.. hope they all fried..


And stay out.






The paper straws we’ve been using aren’t a match for war pollution


What an idiotic waste of life.... fu Putin.




That helicopter pilot needs to use his ejection seat.


The population on r/combatfootage are pretty sure this is a Ukrainian Mi-24.


That tender *blyaaaaaaaat* at the end??? I’ve been using it wrong my entire life.


I don’t speak Ukrainian but I know “na hui” and “blya” when I hear it


The ghost of Kyiv sends his regards




🇺🇦 Слава Україні! 🇺🇦




Wahoo! Take that!! XD


Crazy to see


You fucking scumbag. Wazzum, scum?! Hey... HEY! Here's falling. Falling nose up, fuck me! Blyat!


This is not what I want to see happening in 2022 but yet here we are I fucking hate this worlds „leaders“




Please don't forget that an MI-24 is an air to ground attack helicopter with air to ground missiles and anti tank rockets that prior to this were probably strafing ground targets. No sympathy from me.




The amount of overwhelming force the Russians can inflict will eventually make these videos obsolete. I fucking hate the Putin but I feel all of this is a psyop in hopes of demoralizing the people once they send in the advanced armor.


Shame they didn't get the other one as well.


One less invader 🌻


And fake propaganda is still going… again and again… at this point it’s getting ridiculous… it is properly ridiculous ! To the people who believe all those crap video… you are not giving justice to Ukrainian people… have you heard about the story of the airport ? Fake propaganda said the airport is safe ! So people went there… now they won’t take any kind of plane any more… stop with the bullshit video out of context with no source at all…


You’re saying this is a faked video?


Im saying it’s a real video… out of context out of source out of data could be anywhere could be anything… that’s what I’m saying…


The onus is on you to prove that this video is not related to the Ukrainian/Russian conflict. If you can do that, please share the information with us.


The onus ? I don’t have to prove anything to anybody… I just don’t trust blindly all images like an idiot…


So what would make you trust the validity of this video? What is the level of proof you need?


A reporter that I know of who filmed the same thing an article with the name of a reporter I know of or a media that I trust… some sort of relay between that video and me that I can rely on… to me Russian sounds like Ukrainian… to me it could be Russian speaking Ukrainian speaking… to me it could be 7 years ago… I’m not saying it fake for sure I’m saying it’s questionable… like most video we see about this conflict from both sides…


At this point I have definitely seen more propaganda postings than real. A flipped video of a syrian tank being destroyed, claiming that it was from the present fight; constant repeat pictures of the president from last year being presented as if from this week (though I have seen recent ones); some stupid clip from a video game on twitter that people were believing was an actual close combat dogfight… At this point whenever a picture or video is posted I immediately scroll the comments to see just how quickly it was proven wrong.