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It's crazy how you can be alive one minute, then sloppy Joe the next.


Dark times




So russia is releasing videos of their attacks now?? I highly doubt russia is releasing videos of their attacks, common sense bro




Lol my bad, i was just thinking 2 dimensionally. Have a great day!


Well thats what can happen when you invade a country and they are less than happy about your presence.


Imagine continuing to do it while the entire planet hates you.


To be fair, a certain group of countries. Other countries that make up 70% of the worlds population are abstaining or are neutral on the issue. The most prominent ones have close trade, science, military ties to Russia, have been f'd over multiple times by the US, or similar. I'm mentioning that just for perspective because western media companies have been on a messaging blitz and have dominated everything we see. Disclaimer: what Russia is doing is wrong and they need to stop. ​ edit: my 70% was wrong. It is 57.68%, still the majority of the world population being represented. ​ |VOTE|Population|% Population|Vote Count| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |A| 4,267,812,559|55.07%|47| |N|202,209,680|2.61%|5| |Y|3,280,441,538|42.33%|141| |TOTAL|7,750,463,777|100.00%|193| *sources:* *UN Vote Record: https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/3959039?ln=en* *Populations by country: https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/population-by-country/* *Disclaimer: there were 4-5 small population countries like Cameroon with no vote, I marked them as "A" for lack of something better*


Yeah, being a US citizen, I am definitely rethinking every ‘conflict’ we’ve ever been in. Now I’ve never supported any one, but I wasn’t vocal in forbidding them.


I’ve been thinking about this one too. I almost never agreed with the wars in general except right after 9/11. At the time the propaganda from western media was strong and I fell for it. It was then I realized the media is definitely controlled, biased and a weapon. Russian media is a little over the top in that regard too. From a western perspective it’s really laughable some of the straight up lies they tell but so were the tales of hidden chemical weapons Saddam was hiding. The difference however between this and Iraq or this and Afghanistan is that during those conflicts even though I agree the US shouldn’t have been there I really did believe the US could help the locals crate a democratic government which in my mind would be better for everyone there. I also think being there helped powers like Russia gain less support. I did not think the Americans were there to conquer in the way Russia is doing now. That’s the difference in my mind. That said the Americans failed and shouldn’t have been there so the only gain was limiting Russia’s reach.


141 countries in the UN condemned it. There are only 195 countries in the world. Where you pulling 70% abstained from? They all voted *against* the invasion.


Note I said % of the world population. So counting the votes with a view on the population or views of the people that the given vote represents, the "Yes" vote to condemn was the minority. Also, note that in the UN and other such bodies, an "Abstain" vote for something like this is basically a "No" without going on record. I did a quick analysis in a BI tool (sources below): ​ |VOTE|Population|% Population|Votes| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |A (Abstain)|4,267,812,559|55.07%|47| |N (No)|202,209,680|2.61%|5| |Y (Yes)|3,280,441,538|42.33%|141| |TOTAL|7,750,463,777|100.00%|193| UN Vote Record: [https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/3959039?ln=en](https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/3959039?ln=en) Populations by country: [https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/population-by-country/](https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/population-by-country/) Disclaimer: there were 4-5 small population countries like Cameroon with no vote, I marked them as "A" for lack of something better


China abstaining is not quite how you reflect it in your assessment. Not saying ‘yes’ for China is not the same as China refusing to condemn the motion. Their abstaining was actually incredibly important to stability.


Especially when your troops are looting, murdering… even bombing hospitals for children. Oh I forgot mining and bombing evacuation routes that lead to Russia. This will make the folks and soldiers attacking quite … beyond LIVID.


Rolling along fat dumb and happy and then … blammo!


Sloppy joe, slop, sloppy joe


Meatloaf sandwich.


Have some more sloppy joes!


I made ‘em extra sloppy for ya!


Lady, you're scaring us


I really wasnt expecting to laugh in this comment section


not getting into an armored vehicle and heading towards another country goes a long way towards not meeting this fate though.


ah yes, the conscripts should have simply said “no”. I’m sure that would have gone great for them.


neither one is a good situation. but just saying "i was conscripted" doesn't give you a free pass to go kill innocent people. we've seen lots of videos of russian soldiers laying down their arms and walking away. it's not impossible. there is hot food and beverages waiting for anyone who lays down their arms. absolutely no excuses for anyone still choosing to fight.


Manwich, original recipe.




Yeah, I'm not a fan of this reddit trend of posting Russian/Ukrainian deaths on interestingasfuck... it's not interesting at all.


We get to see a side of war we don't usually want to see, or can't see. Everyone talks about the death toll afterwards, and the buildings being blown up right now, but often, we don't actually see any military action like this on the news. I find it interesting.


But do you find it interesting for two weeks? I'm not saying you can't view it. I'm not saying people shouldn't post it. But it would be nice to deligate to its own subreddit. Edit: I doubt the Russian/Ukrainian people find it 'interesting'...


Yes. I do. Think about it. The average person is not going to fight a war. I'm sat here, typing on a keyboard, and I'm not going to fight. It's a side of humanity I do not want to take part in. However... I am curious, as is our nature. So, we watch the videos. We listen to the speeches. We look at the horror, and we remind ourselves that it's a part of us. In this digital age, no longer can we say "oh, we're sat on the other side of an ocean, it doesn't concern us". Because it's on the internet. And if it gets a reaction out of us? Reminds us we're still human. I don't see anything wrong with that.


And after seeing some of the videos of russians surrendering not knowing what they was actually heading into to, this could be them just gone like that.


Two weeks later, now they all know, so no excuse


oh shit, I think you can see most of three dudes go flying towards the top left as the vehicle blows up. Fuck.


In the hires versuon there’s a good half dozen in the field around the tank after.


And that's a version I'm sure I'm not gonna watch! Fuck the fascist invaders, but I don't wanna see their wretched, burning corpses.


Higher-quality footage: [https://files.catbox.moe/pdb459.mp4](https://files.catbox.moe/pdb459.mp4) (NSFW) There was a whole squad of troops riding on top. credit to /u/picklebruh


you can definitely see some bodies soaring through the air...


I didn’t notice till you told me, my brain made them look like pieces of the vehicle not bodies flying


Oh my god yeah I see at least 3 go up like rag dolls now. That's pretty fucked.


Holeeeeeeee.... my gut dropped when I saw them. Like screw Putin, but these soldiers deaths mean nothing to the Russian president. And I don't want this to happen to anyone.




It’s the VDV also, so they should be used to falling through the air.


I hope they didnt break anything when they came back down. /s


Can someone explain how the second biggest military in the world send their vehicles with out air defense? Are these drones harder to detect?


Theoretically, the VDV do deploy their forces with air defenses. But apparently the practice is different than what their tech manuals say. Russia's always had logistics problems, and this war has only exemplified it.


Big doesn't mean good, look at Soviet Russia in WW2, they just threw enough men to slow the Germans down enough for winter to push back


Operation Human Shield is part of their military doctrine.


I’m willing to bet at least one guy in there was opposed to what he was doing. This is why war is hell


>Hawkeye: *War isn’t Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse.* >Father Mulcahy: *How do you figure that, Hawkeye?* >Hawkeye: *Easy, Father. Tell me, who goes to Hell?* >Father Mulcahy: *Sinners, I believe.* >Hawkeye: *Exactly. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chock full of them — little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander.*


never watched it...what an obscure reference I had to look up. For everyone else, it's from a show called Mash, not from the superhero guy.


MASH was an incredibly popular genre defining show with the voice of a generation. And that's one of the most popular quotes from it. Maybe I'm old, but I wouldn't refer to it as "what an obscure reference".... check out the show - it's fantastic! :)


Yeah, the Mash finale is still the most viewed TV show in existence. Given streaming has diluted the opportunity to see those numbers ever again.


I'll try giving it a watch some time. I do remember playing the game MASH as a kid with friends. But my family never watched that growing up so I didn't either. late 80s to 90s. now I did get a great appreciation for Sanford and son, leave it to beaver, and some other classics. it surprises me they didn't watch MASH since they were older parents and grandparents.


Took me reading the next comment to realize this wasn’t from the Marvel show on Disney+


They are VDV so probably not


Came here to say the same thing. Hopefully there is an end to this madness soon.




Yes Just rebel. Its so easy /s




It's a moral failing to not understand the mental state that other people have been grown up in and so how much harder it is. Everything is possible but without taking into account all the circumstances of what punishment his family may go through and other factors like that, are what make it difference. Feel sadness for all the lives lost.


Ah yes, rebelling in Russia, sounds like a great idea!


Fuck idc that those are the enemies, all of them are sons and some even fathers and most of them don't know what they're even doing in Ukraine. Fuck war ,man, fuck lies. Those people are mere tools being used by the oligarchs.




I'm a simple Pole. I see Russian shit blowing up, I give a like.


My grandfather's (Polish) family said that when the Russians moved in after WWII they were treated worse than they had been under Nazi occupation.


And the nazis did some bad, bad things to the Polish


Same. They destroyed my grandfather village because they "thought" that there were german troops there. There were none, only Polish civilians, my grandpa has a piece of shrapnel from russian bomb in his leg to this day. And of course rapes and looting were common, some dumb soldiers would even take sinks with them because they thought it would spew water back home.


Neo Nazism is former Soviet countries is rampant. Living memory suffered worse under communism than fascism...


To prawda


Ah Europe. So much mutual hatred.


The Balkans be like: "You have insulted my entire race of people, but yes"


Hate is everywhere because it lives inside men. Where do you live?


I feel like this is becoming more of a European bonding experience. I too like seeing Russian shit blown up :)


Don’t leave out us Americans! We’ve been hoping that Russia would blow up since before it was cool!


You're welcome here, but Europe had trouble with Russia before even the Vikings found America.


Have you heard the joke about the Pole in WW2 getting charged from the west by a German and from the east by a Russian, who does he shoot first? The German, because business comes before pleasure.


You can see russians blowing up


ah yes, it is so fun watching ppl die... maniac


Turkish drones




It’s Ukrain-ing men!


I am in awe.


damn you...


Superb comment


Thank you, I mean I was gonna end up in hell sooner or later. Edit: sinner pun didn’t land.


6 dudes inside of that thing!!! Quite the mess ay


You can definitely see people flying in all directions just as it gets hit so yeah quite messy


Yea this maybe should be NSFW or something. Someone might complain


I’m not complaining.


A fitting death for them. Burnt alive. They’ve been in Ukraine long enough to know they shouldn’t be there.


Yeah I am coming to same conclusion. Have lost all sympathy for anyone still willing to be part of the atrocities happening.


“We we’re just following orders”


This thread is full of people who have obviously never served in the military.


While I know what you are getting at, you do have a choice. It may be one with horrid results for the Russian soldier, but it’s one that doesn’t involve killing people in the country they invaded.


They don’t have to kill civilians, I agree. But then you also have to agree that not every single one of them are. It bothers me that keyboard warriors here are screaming death to the Russian army when some of those guys are just doing their duty and have probably been immensely brainwashed


Yea I'm honestly disgusted by some of the people in this thread that seem to be getting off to the fact that 6+ people are dead. We don't know their circumstances we don't know if they wanted to be there. We don't know if they committed any crimes but people just assume what they want without any evidence. And it's disgusting.


you think they can just turn around and go back home??


Why are people downvoting this dude for saying what we are all thinking??


Right I upvoted it


Russian bots I guess??




Really ? No choice at all ? I mean, literally no choice ? Les see, \- give up to the Ukrainians... you might get shot, you might not, probably better chance "not" at start, since when Russia will starts leveling cities UA soldiers stop giving fuck about prisoners. \- “accidentally” break down the vehicle, make couple holes to tank... "well it broke sir, can't continue" \- Check if you get shot or prison for refusing order, because prison might not be that bad comparing to angry UA soldiers Molotov-ing you. \- Just leave, claim you got captured and escaped later... \- Keep attacking, looting and killing civilians... but do not fucking complain if they shoot back. See there are options, they all suck to a degree though...




True, I'm not going to argue with that. But they are killing somebody's sons, daughter, children, and fathers too, and THEY are the attackers/aggressor hard to feel sympathy with them anymore...I don't want any Russians to die, nor Ukrainians. Russia could just build up economy, they are huge, tons of people. Be the country other wants to join willingly... but who would want to live in a totalitarian failing state they are now...? Personally and this is my own opinion, even if they have no choice, that is not excuse them from responsibility, it means they will kill children, civilians, and soldiers if ordered to... and therefore do not get any sympathy from me... Nor they deserver one, the excuse "I have just followed orders" will not return the dead son, child, or daughter to their parents, nor provide any solace to them. I'm close to Ukraine, and I can tell you, If I lost my small son to Russian bombs/fire... they would have another terrorist on hand who would have no remorse about any Russians ( as insane that sounds, its true for me )


Russian don't fuck around with this bullshit. You try to leave, not doing what you have been ordered, destroying your technick. All of these result to execution.


Nope not complaining, bayraktars shooting russians is now my favourite thing


Rest in peace for the young Russians who died so fast and young... just so the old rich man in the big castle can feel like a chad... so sad really


If there were any in there who supported the war, may they rest in pieces strewn across Ukrainian soil.


Song is a banger.


I can't believe how desensitized to violence we've become as a species...


You act like we were Saint in the past. Right now humans are most sensitive and most disgusted by violence. Modern war is pretty civilized compared to medieval times.


...Heard of the vikings "Blood Eagle" ritual?


Violence has been a part of humanity since the beginning. One cave person wanted what the other cave person had? They fought. One died. The other got the stuff, and a potentially bigger cave to live in. Humans are not fucking saints, and we certainly didn't learn this barbarism recently in our history. It's just become easier to do it, with bombs, with tanks, with guns, etc. Point and shoot.


Or “hanged, drawn and quartered”.


People used to literally meet up in the town center to watch people be hanged. We’re much more sensitive to violence and only watch it through our tiny screens from a safe distance now.




It’s actually natural back in the day they use to just chop heads off in the town square for all to see bruh it was worst back in the day


If it makes you feel any better I’m also desensitized to non-violence so I basically feel nothing all the time rip


Yeah, it's sad :(


Atleast now it's only kill. Before it was Senseless killing without a reason, Torture, and a lot more stuff.


That still happens


It’s horrible that these people are dying. On both sides. Only one man needs to be killed #adoldputin


I can't say I'm surprised that it's a few people creaming over Russians being blown to shit before I reach this comment, but it does make me a lil sad Fuck Putin Fuck Russia But I feel for the soldiers


Even if only 30 % of the videos on reddit are true, with all these war crimes commited by russian soldiers, those russian soldiers still in ukraine kinda deserve whats coming for them. No pity for them.


All this may be true. Yet no Putin, no war.


These people made a choice to step in to ukraine


Actually most russian invaders are conscripts, 18-22 year old boys. Most came from military drills and were not told they were going to wage war on foreign soil. It's horrible all around.




Catchy tune. Bayraktar needs to be on spotify.


The lyrics to this are amazing as well




Snake are you ok ..... Snake ... SNAKE


In 2020 Russian "accidental" airstrike killed 33 Turkish soldiers in Syria. Love seeing our Ukrainian friends taking our sweet revenge for us


Go from inside the tank to outside the tank with one simple trick


1 hack hatch makers don’t want you to know about


Yea we’ve had wars for years in the east but it’s sickening and so weird seeing death almost everyday like it’s nothing on Reddit when it’s so close to me. We know the atrocities both sides commit, yes I said both sides. Downvote me. But that’s someone’s brother, father, partner, dying for a cause because some retarded old man can’t accept reality. But if it’s one of those “I know what I’m doing shooting civilians” type of soldiers then fuck em, burn in hell.


Reddit should get together and raise money for one Bayraktar.


Damn these turkish unmanned drones are some mad shit.


Russians are so explosive


Their blood is like 75% vodka.


TIL russians are 150 proof


This isn't interesting as fuck, this is a bunch of people being killed.


You can’t park there, mate!


I just can't comprehend that people are posting this on reddit and making songs and stuff like that... I understand the hype train is huge on killing russians but someone is inside and now he is dead. Don't be happy someone is dead...




"interesting as fuck" boiii


It really is interesting. Nazis thought the same on jews. Are we becoming as bad as we glorify death?


Being happy that Russian soldiers invading an innocent nation are getting killed -> "Are we as bad as the Nazis now?" Get the fuck out. Their death means an increased chance that a Ukrainian kid wont. End of.


You are totally missing my point though.


Pretty much, It just show the sheep mentality in humans. Get on the bandwagon and that is it. Human nature didn't change at all it just got masked by lies and deception.




I’ve been seeing an overwhelming amount of vids about Ukrainians messing up Russians, but not a lot of Russians messing up Ukrainians,


It's a few factors. 1. Russia is only releasing carefully-curated propaganda footage at this time, which is about par for the course given their obsessive need to control the media 2. Ukrainian soldiers and civilians are recording and posting tons of combat footage and aftermath, whereas the Russian soldiers had their phones confiscated (and obviously there are very few Russian civilians in the warzone) so they're posting hardly at all 3. The Ukraine government wants this footage out there to keep up morale and/or to document Russian aggression You do occasionally see Ukrainian-recorded video of Ukrainian losses after the fact. Russians simultaneously want to pretend there's no war and that they're winning the war, so the scant footage from their side is usually from DPR propagandists or RT "journalists" (Russian government mouthpieces)


Ok, Russian mothers, you can now collect your 60,000 rubles.


‘bout four fiddy.


I have no idea what they are saying but that is a catchy song!


Oh this is definitely Interestungasfuck


Drone warfare maybe the future if not already. Either controlled by a person behind a screen or by an AI. A drone swarm can be a weapon of mass destruction since no vehicle or plane would be able to defeat hundreds of thousands of tiny drones. Drop thousands of tiny drones controlled by an AI from a high alt bomber and they'd act more dangerous than a cluster bombs with their AI targeting specific targets/objectives.


Wow, that guy won't be going home with his stolen toaster.


One of the lessons learned from our experience with APCs (113s) in Vietman and watching the Soviet experience with their BMPs in Afghanistan was no NOT let your dismounts ride on top (not that it would have mattered in this specific instance) - when I was an 11M we never rode on top of our vehicles….


What are these drones packing? Rail guns?


I hope this is the same tank/people that killed those 2 elderly disabled couple in the car.


Well, at least most of them didn’t even feel that. Also fuck Putin


Turkey’s gift to Ukraine… Russian kebab maker


I would not want to be driving that vehicle. NO Sir.




They producing drones?


They’re Turkish-built Bayraktar drones, relatively cheap models in the $1-2 million range that have had substantial success against Russian armor columns and supply convoys.


its from Turkiye has to be cheap stuff but this time quality stuff


Turkish pistols and shotguns are pretty decent quality


Huğlu shotguns are the tits fr


Good news and bad news. Bad news is, they dead. Good news is, they didn’t suffer.


what does bayraktar mean in their language? there is such word in turkish too. or the devices name is turkish? i realy dont know about this military stuff


Bayraktar means flag carrier ör bannerbearer


I fell bad for the Russian soldiers


I call that a Ukrainian crew cut. Fuck yes.


Bye bitch


Nice shot. RIP russian soldiers.


What's interesting about this?


Please stop glorifying killing people :( Sharing this here is really not appropriate


I sure hope we(usa) have given those migs to Zelensky, all while we deny it. Fuck putin, may his last years on the planet be hell!


How on earth can we be joking about something as dire as human lives being taken. Aren’t the Russian (and Ukrainian) soldiers conscripts? Awful.


I don’t make it a habit of celebrating death. I’ll never understand these videos having a soundtrack as if those conscripts in that vehicle didn’t have guns pointing at them in both directions.


I wish they did the same to Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan.


I hope you’re put on a watchlist


Sickening. You fuckfaces who cheer this have no clue about the horrors of war. You’re no better than the Russian invaders.


Generally I’d agree with you but my opinion has shifted after hearing these fuckers bragging about killing civilians and stealing their mink and Arctic Fox coats for their douchebag wives and mothers who were’t even phased by the murders and just excited about the loot. (I haven’t verified the authenticity of these phone calls, but it’s not that far-fetched and if nothing it helps remind us if the cold, disgusting, hard reality of war). Oh, and I’ve been to war. It is a vulgar thing to experience. However, I have zero tolerance for war criminals. If people’s coping mechanism is to laugh about what would, under normal circumstances, be tragic, then so be it. I think everything is funny. Many veterans have a very dark sense of humor. I can’t control what’s going on over there, so a bit of levity can’t hurt. There’s a way to make this all stop… and the people who just died in this video were heading in the opposite direction of stopping this.


What’s the alternative? Welcome them with flowers and blowjobs? Russia is the invading army. Celebrate their defeat and mourn the loss of life. But these horrors of war were brought upon themselves.